Ripon Magazine : Early Winter 2009

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From the President The ’00s: Better to Ripon than they were to most TIME magazine ran an article recently contending that the ’00s were the worst decade ever, and they made a strong case. There was the botched 2000 presidential election, 9/11, the tsunami, Katrina, Madoff, the bailout, Abu Gharib, Guantanamo and wars on two fronts. Millions of jobs went overseas, homes were lost and nest eggs were crushed. You may not agree it was the single worst decade ever, but you probably weren’t a big fan.


ipon College, by contrast, actually enjoyed something of a renaissance in the ’00s. Of course, I’ve only been here since 2003 so for some additional perspective on what kind of decade we had, I talked to Barbara McGowan from the history department, Jack Christ from the leadership studies department and Doug Northrop from English — three of our “superannuated” (to borrow a term from Barbara) professors here: “For Ripon, the experience has been mainly positive,” Barbara said. “Every member of the College community is aware of the fact that in 2001, long-term financial problems forced the layoff of staff and faculty and a significant reduction in programs and course offerings. But almost immediately, key college figures — particularly interim President David Williams, Dean of Faculty Bill Schang, and committed faculty and staff — rededicated themselves to the College’s core mission of serving students and providing an excellent liberal-arts education. The administration began to communicate calm, and students demonstrated pride rather than President David C. Joyce resentment. I do believe the nature of the student body helped us here, as most come from backgrounds in which temporary financial setbacks are accepted as part of life, and not a cause for panic or shame. “Since 2004, there have been many positive developments starting with balanced budgets, restored retirement funding, small-but-real raises … and increases in both faculty and staff. The admission staff has done a fantastic job of bringing good students to campus and enough of them. Of course, the most visible change has been in the physical appearance of campus. While education may be a spiritual exercise, appearances, comfort and convenience do matter. The renovation of Todd Wehr Hall, improvements to Great Hall and the reconfiguration of the campus have gone a long way toward making Ripon look as goo d as it is. Ripon in the last decade has continued to be a goo d place to work and learn, but it has also become more of a place that feels and looks like a progressive community.” Jack Christ believes the Ethical Leadership Program (ELP) was a positive development. He admits to some bias here. “When Ripon began addressing leadership behavior as an academic subject in 1980, we were literally the first undergraduate liberal-arts college to offer a minor in

leadership studies. We were responding to the challenge of widespread calls for new leadership in the wake of a general decline in confidence within the American public over the previous three decades and to a range of opportunities afforded by new insights about leadership behavior within the academic community, especially within the social sciences. Twenty-five years later, the ELP expanded Ripon’s commitment to the academic study of leadership behavior to include an all-campus, all-department, all-studentorganization approach to leadership development. At roughly the same time, Ripon adopted a far -reaching mission statement which included a strong commitment to leadership and citizenship in all walks of life.” Doug Northrop agrees it was a goo d decade to be at Ripon on a few other fronts. “So much has happened in the first decade of the new century … beginning with a balanced budget (indeed some surpluses to help in harder times) and the increased and increasingly diversified student and faculty bo dies,” he said. “The upgraded facilities include a Todd Wehr Hall that is enhanced aesthetically as well as functionally. The center of campus is closed to cars and has a usable green space, which also feeds into our bicycle-friendly campus. All of these things lead to our new 10-year accreditation approval. “But the thing I notice most is the quality of student engagement. This energy and enthusiasm for Ripon and for the total educational program are shown in many ways: the vitality of the College Days, the occasion of our third Rho des Scholar, the establishment of the Honor Co de, the McNair scholars extending the possibilities for student-faculty research. All of these items show how learning is not a passive but an active quality on campus. The Collaborative Research Center with its cadre of mentors has stimulated student-tostudent learning and made the center not a remedial facility but a kind of honors college where our best students gather to work with each other. The community involvement of our students has taken many forms, including the work done in the ELP. And what is most exciting about these developments is that they are just beginning and hold great promise for expansion in the future.”


hile Ripon and the higher education market, in general, is going to hit some roadblocks and see interesting new trends develop, such has always been the case. As we close the books on the past decade, I hope all of you agree that we took many more steps forward than back and that we’re ready to face the challenges of those yet to come. As Professor Northrop noted, “We’re in a good place, and it is getting better.” With warm Holiday tidings to you and yours,

Dr. David C. Joyce President




The Year in Review The College continued to receive accolades and grants from various sources and welcomed one of the largest incoming classes in more than 25 years. Students found a much more pedestrian-friendly campus with the removal of campus portions of Seward and Elm streets and the addition of more green space. These were just a few of the highlights of the 2008-09 year. We share several more on the following pages.

On the Cover Students walk to and from class during the first blizzard of 2009. While the heavy snow makes for challenging travel, it also makes campus especially picturesque. Ric Damm photo

Ripon College prepares students of diverse interests for lives of productive, socially responsible citizenship. Our liberal arts curriculum and residential campus create an intimate learning community in which students experience a richly personalized education. Ripon Magazine (ISSN 1058-1855) is published quarterly by Ripon College, 300 Seward St., Ripon, WI 54971-0248. Periodical postage paid at Ripon, Wis. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Ripon Magazine, PO Box 248, Ripon, WI 54971-0248. Editor: Ric Damm e-mail: Editorial Assistants: Jaye Alderson, Cody Pinkston Student Assistants: George Infantado ’10, Katie Mead ’11, Alyssa Paulsen ’10, Erin Schaick ’12. Layout design by the graphics factory – Deba Horn-Prochno ’74 Print Production by Ripon Printers Ripon on the Web: Visit Ripon’s online community at:


THANK YOU: The Honor Roll of Donors Few of the wonderful student achievements or campus improvements would be possible without the generosity of Ripon College’s friends and alumni. These thoughtful groups and individuals make the Ripon educational experience a reality through their gifts and contributions. For the fifth consecutive year, Ripon exceeded its $2.2-million-dollar annual fund goal. Listed here are the individuals, families, businesses and foundations who supported Ripon during the last year. Thank you.


VOL. 42, NO. 4

The 2008-09 Year in Review Ripon College must be doing something right. As you read through the highlights of the 2008-09 academic year that we’ve summarized here, you will see that things are going well for the “college on the hill.” Student enrollment continues to be strong. To support it, Ripon once again met its annual fund-raising goal despite a questionable economy and in great thanks to the generosity of the donors listed within the later pages of this publication. Fund-raising, Student-recruitment Efforts Successful The 2008-09 fiscal year was a banner one on many levels despite the sagging economy. From the very beginning of the economic crisis, President David Joyce was quick to point out the “opportunity” it presented for Ripon. “Our relatively small endowment draw has buffered us somewhat from the same magnitude of budget woes that many peer institutions now face,” he said. “Our belts are tight already. We don’t need to blow our goals out of the water — we need only to meet them.” Ripon did meet its annual fund goal for the fifth consecutive year. In fact, the College exceeded its $2.2 million dollar target by nearly $55,000. The College also exceeded its student-recruitment goals, welcoming the largest class in more than a quarter century. The class consisted of 284 first-time, first-year students, the largest incoming class since 1982. At a total of 316 students, Ripon’s new student population included 32 transfer students and augmented the institution’s total enrollment of 1,057 students — the largest since 1972. Much of the year’s recruiting success was owed to the 1,081 applications received by the office of admission, which shattered the all-time record of 1,029 applications set in 1965. The national attention from the Ripon Velorution Project may have helped contribute to the num ber of quality applicants. In fact, 2 RIPON MAGAZINE

more than 160 of the first-year students took the Velorution pledge. In a year when alumni giving did drop slightly, giving from those closest to the institution — its faculty and staff — increased. Employee participation in the annual fund reached 85 percent, a 38-percent increase from and more than $10,000 greater than the year prior. “Our faculty and staff realized the importance and responded positively to the necessity of reaching the annual fund goal this year,” said Joyce. “It is a strong show of conviction in the mission of this College. I recognize and greatly appreciate how much our faculty and staff do and how well they do it for Ripon College.” The continued success of the annual fund-raising program and consistent student-recruitment efforts have played a significant role in the College’s ability to balance the budg-

et in each of the past six years. While the market tumble affected the College’s bottom line, Joyce was quick to point out that “All things considered, the College is in goo d health.”

Publications Recognize Ripon Ripon College once again has been recognized for its outstanding liberalarts education. Ripon ranked among the top three colleges and universities in Wisconsin and 109th in the nation, according to a new “America’s Best Colleges” ranking by Forbes magazine. The rankings’ unique methodology placed Ripon well ahead of larger and betterknown institutions such as the University of Wisconsin-Madison, UCLA, Cornell and the University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, just to name a few. The Princeton Review also recognized Ripon among the nation’s best institutions for undergraduate education. The New York-based education services company known for its testprep courses featured Ripon in the 2009 edition of its annual book, The

Students enjoy a sunny day at a table on the new pedestrian plaza just outside Pickard Commons.

Best 368 Colleges. Only about 15 percent of America’s 2,500 four-year colleges and two Canadian colleges are in the book. It has two-page profiles of the schools and student survey-based ranking lists of top 20 colleges in more than 60 categories.

President’s Honor Roll for Ripon The corporation for National and Community Service honored Ripon with a place on the President’s Higher Education Community Service Honor Roll for exemplary service efforts and service to America’s communities. “Ripon College counts civic engagement and service among its most cherished values,” said President David Joyce. “This honor is a validation of how our students, faculty and staff put those values to work every day for the betterment of the community.” Launched in 2006, the Community Service Honor Roll is the highest federal recognition a school can achieve for commitment to service-learning and civic engagement. Honorees for the award were chosen based on a series of selection factors, including scope and innovation of service projects, percentage of student participation in service activities, incentive for service, and the extent to which the school offers academic servicelearning courses. Ripon’s the Office of Community Engagement helps bring together continuing student placements, onetime volunteer opportunities, service learning and the Bonner Leadership program. Deano Pape, director of community engagement, said the office fills a vital role. “The office of community engagement is a centralized place where community partners can get the help they need,” said Pape. “Our students, faculty and staff can also use the services of our office to grow, learn and serve the community at the same time.”

Streets No Longer Intersect Heart of Campus Where Seward and Elm streets previously intersected just outside the Great Hall of the Harwoo d Memorial Union there is now a pedestrian walkway and additional green space. The makeover also includes new trees and plantings as well as outdoor seating venues near the Pub and Pickard Commons. The $1 million project was financed as part of the numerous capital improvements — including the Campus Apartments, the new physical plant building and renovations to Pickard Commons — begun in 2006.

Ripon Participates in Wabash Study Ripon was one of 27 United States colleges and universities to be invited to participate in the Wabash National Study of Liberal Arts Education. Twenty-six of those institutions participated in the first two rounds of the study based at the Center of Inquiry in the Liberal Arts at Wabash College in Crawfordsville, Ind. Ripon is the newcomer. The Wabash National Study focuses on understanding the conditions and practices that promote the development of seven liberal arts outcomes: Effective reasoning and problem-solving, inclination to inquire and lifelong learning, integration of learning, intercultural effectiveness, leadership, moral reasoning and well-being. Gerald Seaman, vice president and dean of faculty at Ripon, said that participation in the Wabash National Study “builds on current efforts at the College to assess student learning and understand how the curriculum and programs affect students’ skill development, critical thinking and attitudes towards lifelong learning. As a liberal arts col lege, we want to know that an education here helps students develop both a robust knowledge base and curiosity about the world.”

CIC Awards $100,000 Wal-Mart Grant Ripon was selected by the Council of Independent Colleges (CIC) to receive the Wal-Mart College Success Award — a $100,000 grant to help build on Ripon’s demonstrated successes in enrolling, retaining and graduating first-generation college students. Ripon was one of only 20 colleges selected through a highly competitive application process to receive the award, which is intended to help institutions that already are deeply committed to the education of first-generation students. “We are honored that the CIC and Wal-Mart have selected Ripon as one of the 20 private institutions of higher education in the country to receive this grant,” said Dan Krhin, director of Student Support Services at Ripon. “It is impressive that WalMart has dedicated funding for this important national educational initiative, which will bolster our ongoing efforts in retention and graduation, and provide exciting additional support for our students in areas linking liberal arts and career opportunities.”

Kharbush ’09 Awarded NSF Jenan Kharbush, a 2009 graduate of Ripon, was awarded a National Science Foundation (NSF) graduate fellowship to pursue a doctorate in marine chemistry at the University of California-San Diego’s Scripps Institution of Oceanography. Only one in 10 applicants receive the award, which provides support for three years of graduate study, including an Jenan annual stipend, Kharbush ’09 annual tuition allowance, funds for foreign travel and access to the NSF’s supercomputing resources. It is awarded based on student’s intellectual merit and potential to conduct and contribute EARLY WINTER 2009 3

Robin B. Tessereau received the 2009 Distinguished Educator Award. She is a German teacher at Hamilton High School in Sussex, Wis., and was instrumental in starting the school’s German club.

Going Green: You and Your Business Robert Sean Wilentz addresses the Ripon College Class of 2009.

meaningful research in science and engineering. “The proposal Jenan wrote and submitted for the NSF was the best I have read written by an undergraduate student,” said Professor of Chemistry Masanori Iimura. Rachel Resop ’08, who is now studying microbiology at UCLA, was one of the honorable mentions for the 2009 NSF graduate fellowship.

Pulitzer Prize Finalist Speaks at Commencement Robert Sean Wilentz, the Sidney and Ruth Lapidus Professor of History in the American Revolutionary Era at Princeton University, spoke at the 143rd Commencement ceremony at Ripon and was an honorary degree recipient. The theme for the 2009 Commencement was “Democracy and the Presidency.” Wilentz’s book The Rise of American Democracy: Jefferson to Lincoln (2005) was awarded the Bancroft prize and was a finalist for the Pulitzer Prize. “It’s a special thrill being at Ripon, not only as an extraordinary college but as a historical place in precisely that era of American history that fas cinates me the most,” said Wilentz. Also receiving an honorary degree was Gwendolynne Moore, who has been a Representative of Wisconsin’s Fourth Congressional District since January 2005. She serves on both the House Committee on Financial Services and the House Budget Committee. 4 RIPON MAGAZINE

The Ethical Leadership Program (ELP) held its fourth annual leadership conference in April with support from the College’s Students in Free Enterprise (SIFE) organization. This year’s theme was, “Going Green: How it Can Benefit You, Your Business and Yourself.” The conference was an informative, fun-packed day directed toward helping both small and large businesses become environmentally responsible. Participants learned about the pressing needs of the environment and how everyday decisions affect it. Training about steps and practices to make businesses both more sustainable and cost-effective was offered. Bill Shireman provided the keynote address for the conference. Shireman has helped many corporate leaders adapt their business to become more environmentally friendly. He has worked with Fortune 500 companies to form the Future 500, a nonFuture 500 founder profit organiBill Shireman provides the keynote address at zation that helps busithe fourth annual nesses Ethical Leadership improve their Conference. bottom line through sustainable business practices.

Chuck Downs on Foreign Policy The Ripon College International Relations Club brought speaker Chuck Downs to speak with the

Ripon community. Downs is executive director of the United States Committee for Human Rights in North Korea. He was on the board of the committee for human rights in the Pentagon’s East Asia Office from 2001-2008, and acted as treasurer from 2004-2008. While visiting Ripon, Downs addressed issues of foreign policy and human rights present in North Korea.

Holmes ’57 Honored with 2009 Founders’ Award The late Sam Holmes ’57 was honored with the 2009 Founders’ Day award. The College recognized Holmes, who died in October 2008, for embo dying the spirit of its founders. “[Sam] was known for a moral and ethical compass that always pointed due north,” said President David Joyce. Holmes regularly performed quiet, random acts of kindness for friends, neighbors and even strangers. His friends recognized that it was appro priate that he received this award posthumously, because the recognition would have made him uncom fortable. His wife, Yvonne, and his grandson, Nick Revello ’10, accepted the award on his behalf. After graduating from Ripon College, Holmes became an insurance agent, a job he held for more than 40 years. His venture into out door furniture later in life earned him the title of “Sam the Patio Man.”

Theatre Students Finalists in Kennedy Center Competition The theatre department boasted seven students competing for recognition in performance, design and stage management at the annual Kennedy Center American College Theater Festival (KCACTF) at Saginaw Valley State University in Michigan. Jessica Mann ’10 reached the finals competition in lighting design and finished with an honorable mention, which equates to a third place. She also, along with Nick Osenberg ’11, reached the finals in the stage

management competition. Cady Cummings ’10, Brandi Gaspard ’10, Ashley Retzlaff ’11 and Paul Steffens ’10 were nominated for the Irene Ryan Audition Competition. A nomination suggests that the contestant is in the top 10 percent of college actors in Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana, Michigan and Ohio. Robyn Zajac ’11 received a third place in the Critic’s competition. She was one of 14 students accepted as part of the Critics Institute for the festival.

Thompson Returns for MLK Week Ripon College’s week of events commemorating the work of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. culminated by honoring the Rev. Jerome “Jerry” H. Thompson. Thompson served as the College’s chaplain and professor of religion from 1961 until his retirement in 1983. In February 1965, Thompson led a group of Ripon students to Selma, Ala., to march with Dr. The Rev. Jerry King during the Thompson civil-rights struggle in America. Several of his students returned with him, including Dave Minor ’68, Gary Yerkey ’66, Larry Tice ’65 and Dick Grimsrud ’65, to honor Thompson and to rec ognize him as their mentor in social justice. Thompson spoke of his experiences in a panel discussion with his previous students, and also led a peace vigil through Ripon to commemorate Dr. King’s support for nonviolent solutions to war.

Brittany “McKey” Sullivan and Tyra Banks

Photo courtesy of The CW © 2008 The CW Network, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

Sullivan, from Lake Forest, Ill., bested two young women from California to take the 2008 title. “America’s Next Top Model,” hosted by Tyra Banks, is a series that follows 14 young women as they try to prove they have what it takes to make it in the high-stress world of modeling. As winner, McKey received a professional modeling contract with Elite Model Management and a $100,000 contract with cosmetics giant CoverGirl. She appeared on the cover and in a six-page fashion spread in Seventeen magazine.

Haney ’76 Highlights Youth Summit The Forum Scholar for Ripon’s 2009 Forum on Ethics and Oratory Youth

Ripon Home to America’s Next Top Model Brittany Sullivan ’11, or “McKey” as she was known on the hit reality television series, was announced the winner of CW’s 11th season of “America’s Next Top Model.”

Summit was one of Ripon’s own — Jim Haney ’76. The topic of the summit was ethical issues related to communication about crime in American culture. Haney, a communication professor at the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, shared his insights as a professor and as a former director of research and information for the Wisconsin Department of Justice. The Youth Summit, which marked its third year in 2009, not only offers an educational experience for students in Ripon’s communication department, but also allows those students to share the topic with high school students through workshops.

Jim Haney ’76 speaks to Ripon students during the Forum on Ethics and Oratory.

Forensics Team Boasts National Champions Ripon sent three students to nationals at the American Forensics Association District IV tournament hosted by Gustavus Adolphus College in March. Garrison McMurtrey ’11 of Canton, Miss., was named tournament champion in After Dinner Speaking for his speech about the commercialization of President Barack Obama. McMurtrey also took second place in extemporaneous speaking and fifth place in impromptu speaking. He also brought his duo with Jeff M. Davis ’10 of Rockton, Ill. Luke Lockhart ’10 from Richland Center, Wis., was tournament champion in extemporaneous speaking and competed in impromptu speaking. Director of Forensics Deano Pape was honored with the Larry Schnoor Distinguished Service Award, the highest coaching honor bestowed at the district level, for his service to the forensics community. “To say that we have grown new wings and taken flight in the past two years is an understatement,” said Pape. “I could not be more proud of this team and this College. We are, indeed, very fortunate to have such quality students representing our institution.”


The 2008-09 Red Hawks women’s basketball team poses for a photo with the Midwest Conference Championship trophy.

Women’s Basketball Captures MWC Crown The women’s basketball team finished its season with a 17-9 record and won its fourth Midwest Conference Championship. In doing so, the Red Hawks earned a bid to the 2009 NCAA Tournament. Their wins were more than the previous two seasons combined. The Red Hawks Julie Johnson finished with a 12-4 record in the MWC, a tie for second place in the regular-season standings. In the MWC Tournament, Ripon defeated Beloit College and won an upset against top seed St. Norbert College in the championship game. Ripon then lost in the first round of the NCAA Tournament to the College of St. Benedict, 55-42. Head Coach Julie Johnson reached the 250-win plateau in her career and also earned the MWC Coach of the Year award for the fourth time in her 19-year career.


SIFE Takes Second at Nationals After securing a regional championship in Chicago, the Ripon College Students in Free Enterprise (SIFE) team headed to Philadelphia for national competition. There, Ripon took second place in the Entrepreneurial Topic Competition for the formation of the Creative Enterprise Center, a student-led consulting business that assists community businesses and organizations. Ripon was represented by Chris Larsen ’09 and Paul Williams ’10. The team consisted of 31 active members and completed more than 1,500 total hours, 15 total projects and impacted more than 2,200 people, according to Associate Professor of Business Management Mary Avery, the team’s adviser. “We have 19 different majors in SIFE, and I know that the diversity of interests and abilities is what sets us apart,” said Avery. “There’s a lot of collaboration. SIFE service opportunities take what students are doing in the classroom and apply those lessons directly to community problems.”

2009 May Bumby Severy Award Assistant Professor of History Rebecca Berens Matzke was awarded the 2009 May Bumby Severy Award, which recognizes excellence in undergraduate teaching. Matzke was

born and raised in Seward, Neb. — “a little college town amazingly like Ripon,” according to Matzke — which is where her interests in education and Rebecca Matzke history began. Her parents were elementary and junior high school teachers, and her love of history stemmed from the auctions she went to with her father. In nominating Matzke for this award, one of her colleagues wrote: “Her energy and enthusiasm fill the classroom.” “That seems to make a big difference to students, when they see that you really love the subject and that you’re not just going through the motions,” Matzke said.

Baerenwald ’12 takes third at Nationals As a first-year student at Ripon, Heidi Baerenwald was the Red Hawks sole representative at the 2009 NCAA National Outdoor Track & Field Championships. She finished third in the shot put with a school-record throw of 4606.75. The distance was only five feet off the mark of the 2009 champion and eight inches fewer the secondplace finisher. Baerenwald’s throw was the Heidi longest of any Baerenwald ’12 Wisconsin athlete and was also the best in the Midwest Conference. Baerenwald earned 2009 All-American honors and was also the only first-year student to qualify for nationals. R

Board of Trustees 2008-2009 OFFICERS

Dena G. Willmore ’67, Chair Retired Partner/Senior Vice President Wellington Management Company Buckland, Mass.

Robert J. Kirkland ’81, Vice Chair President Taylor Asset Management, Inc. Chicago, Ill.

Thomas W. Abendroth ’81, Treasurer Partner/Attorney Schiff Hardin LLP Evanston, Ill.

Jane Runkel Frederick ’74, Secretary Consultant - Higher Education Shorewood, Wis.

James R. Clark ’68 Attorney and Partner Foley & Lardner LLP Mequon, Wis.

Thomas A. Domencich ’55 President Thomas Domencich Enterprises Hobe Sound, Fla.


Victoria L. Bleise ’73 Retired Client Business Manager AT&T Edina, Minn.

Doreen Conforti Chemerow ’73 Portland, Ore.

James P. Connelly Attorney and Senior Partner, Health Care Practice Foley & Lardner LLP River Hills, Wis.

Dorian A. Des Lauriers ’82 President Des Lauriers Municipal Solutions, Inc. Franklin, Mass.

Scott L. Dicks ’74 Senior Manager, America’s Sales amd Management Development EMC Corporation Middleton, Wis.

Dennis G. Frahmann ’74 Executive Vice President, Marketing Sage Software Los Angeles, Calif.

Stephanie Greene ’72 Retired Vice President, Retail Change Management JPMorganChase & Cos. New York, N.Y.


Claire Santeralli Gregoire ’77 President KAMDEN Strategy Group Chicago, Ill.

David A. Janssen ’81 Plastic Surgeon Fox Valley Plastic Surgery, S.C. Oshkosh, Wis.

William C. MacLeod ’73 Partner Kelley Drye Collier Shannon Falls Church, Va.

Ronald R. Peterson ’70 Partner/Corporate Restructuring Jenner & Block Lake Forest, Ill.

David G. Hartman ’64 Retired Senior Vice President & Chief Actuary Chubb Group of Insurance Companies New Providence, N.J.

William C. Jordan ’69 Dayton-Stockton Professor of History Princeton University Princeton, N.J.

Philip K. McCullough ’69 Physician Philip K. McCullough, M.D., S.C. Woodstock, Ill.

John C. Porter Co-CEO Tracy Porter, Inc. Ripon, Wis.

David C. Joyce President Ripon College Ripon, Wis.

Elizabeth Palmbach Nemecek ’79 Co-President/Owner AmeriPrint Graphics Inc. Neenah, Wis.

Guy R. Henshaw ’68 Managing Director/Partner Henshaw & Vierra Danville, Calif.

Marcus D. Hoffman ’70 Director of Business Applications Ametek Philadelphia, Pa.


Alan L. Klapmeier ’80 CEO Cirrus Design Corporation Duluth, Minn.

Gary R. Page ’8 4 President SDA, Inc. Atlanta, Ga.

Michael R. Reese ’65 Appleton, Wis.

Kent W. Robinson ’74 Lawyer/Partner Andrews & Kurth, L.L.P. Houston, Texas


Cheryl K. Rofer ’63 National Security Blogger WhirledView Santa Fe, N.M.

Joann Selleck ’73 Attorney/Partner Cozen O’Connor San Diego, Calif.

Katherine Stewart CUNA Mutual Group Madison, Wis. Adam Krueger ’07 Production Associate Huntington Theatre Company Brookline, Mass.

Mark J. Wright ’75 Acadia Windows & Doors Perry Hall, Md.

Robert V. Abendroth ’51 Donald W. Anderson ’42 Thomas E. Caestecker Patricia P. Francis Robert L. Hanley Thomas W. Kimen, Jr.* Robert G. Lambert ’52 Audrey Lyke Alice Burns Mijanovich ’43 Samuel W. Pickard ’55 John A. Sturm ’58 Charles A. Van Zoeren ’53 K. G. Weiske ’50 Thomas R. Wyman ’50 J. Gibbons Zeratsky R. Douglas Ziegler

ADMINISTRATION/ FACULTY Ryan W. Manis ’08 Management Trainee Landmark Credit Union Ixonia, Wis.

Pamela Price Smith ’68 President/Owner Mathtyme Educational Services Fox Point, Wis.


David C. Joyce President Linda J. Corder Vice President for Advancement Mary M. deRegnier Vice President for Finance

Robert J. Zimmerman ’70 Partner Foley & Lardner LLP River Forest, Ill.

Christophor M. Ogle ’80 Vice President and Dean of Students Gerald E. Seaman Vice President and Dean of Faculty Steven M. Schuetz Dean of Admission and Financial Aid

Richard J. Srednicki ’73 Retired Chief Executive Officer Chase Card Services, JPMorganChase Steamboat Springs, Colo.

* Deceased


Alumni Association Board 2008-09 OFFICERS John C. Ryberg ’67 President Pension Consultant Standard Insurance Company Atlanta, Ga.

Steven C. Sparks ’75 Vice President Senior Technologist Laboratory Corporation of America Geneva, Ill.

Amy Gabriel Gerretsen ’04, Executive Secretary Assistant Director of Alumni Relations Ripon College Fond du Lac, Wis.

BOARD MEMBERS Alexander R. Arifianto ’99 Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Political Science Arizona State University Tempe, Ariz. Katherine J. Babcock ’80 English Teacher Waukegan High School Waukegan, Ill.


Timothy T. Babcock ’82 Social Studies Teacher Jefferson Senior High School Jefferson, Wis.

Kristin Kohles Janssen ’82 Yearbook Designer and Publisher/Parent Tennis Representative Carl Traeger Middle School/Oshkosh Lourdes High School Oshkosh, Wis.

Khaatim J. Boyd ’06 Master’s Degree Student, Higher Education Student Affairs Indiana University, Bloomington Bloomington, Ind.

Andrew P. Kitslaar ’06 Associate Director of Major Gifts Haverford College Ardmore, Pa.

Kenneth R. Carlson ’85 Vice President, Planning and Business Development Sauk Prairie Memorial Hospital Sauk City, Wis.

D. Janice Hume Konstans ’58 Retired Coordinator of Special Education School District #301 St. Charles, Ill.

Camille Carlson Clemons ’00 Global Fund Services Business Development Northern Trust Company Fox River Grove, Ill.

Julia Lynch Kummer ’85 Sarasota, Fla.

Joanne Klawiter Cochrane ’51 Retired Choral Department Assistant/Accompanist Lake Forest High School Lake Geneva, Wis.

Peter W. Lenz ’89 Lecturer/Research Associate Mount Mary College/ University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Fredonia, Wis.

Dante A. Houston ’01 Recruiter, North America Talent Acquisition Rockwell Automation Milwaukee, Wis.

Kristen M. McCullough ’04 Graduate Student, Social Work Loyola University, Chicago Chicago, Ill.

Susan S. Meier ’79 Vice President of Consulting & Training BoardSource Chevy Chase, Md.

Robert R. Meyer ’78 Freelance Writer Lexington, Ky.

William S. Miller ’92 Assistant Professor of Sports Management University of Wisconsin-Parkside Cudahy, Wis.

Paul M. Neuberger ’05 Vice President for Advancement St. Thomas More High School Oak Creek, Wis.

Amy DeKeyser Padilla ’95 Human Resources Coordinator Fairway Independent Mortgage Corp. Sun Prairie, Wis.

Nicholas A. Spaeth ’04 Director of Admissions Lakeland College Glendale, Wis.

W. Andrew Voigt ’97 Attorney Miller and Miller LLC Portage, Wis.

Kevin L. Warmack ’79 Vice President, Compliance Blaylock Robert Van, LLC Chicago, Ill.

John L. Woodard ’84 Associate Professor of Psychology Wayne State University Northville, Mich.

STUDENT REPRESENTATIVES Erin E. Bavery ’11 Oregon, Wis.

Andrew A. Bean ’10 Chelsea, Mich.

Tomissa S. Porath ’10 Shawano, Wis.

ALUMNI TRUSTEES Dennis G. Frahmann ’74 Executive Vice President, Marketing Sage Software Los Angeles, Calif. Elizabeth Palmbach Nemecek ’79 Co-President/Owner AmeriPrint Graphics Inc. Neenah, Wis. Joann Selleck ’73 Attorney/Partner Cozen O’Connor San Diego, Calif.

Whom to contact about Alumni matters: Board President Dante A. Houston ’01 414-378-4937 Vice President Nicholas A. Spaeth ’04 920-207-0439 Executive Secretary & Assistant Director of Alumni Relations Amy Gabriel Gerretsen ’04 920-748-8353 Advancement Committee Kristen M. McCullough ’04 301-466-0127 College Operations Committee William S. Miller ’92 414-766-0342 Ripon Person Committee Julia Lynch Kummer ’85 941-355-2586 Admission Subcommittee of the Ripon Person Committee Timothy T. Babcock ’82 920-674-2775 Alumni Relations Subcommittee of the Ripon Person Committee Peter W. Lenz ’89 414-469-0038

Dustin R. Zuelke ’09 Gainesville, Ga.

Career Development Subcommittee of the Ripon Person Committee Susan S. Meier ’79 312-523-7388 See Alumni Board Annual report on page 14.


Class Agents Class Year Frances Sischo Altheimer* 1943 Florissant, Mo. Agent for all classes up to and including 1949 Samuel W. Dougan 1948 Tucson, Ariz. Agent for all classes up to and including 1949 Marcus A. McCorison 1950 Worcester, Mass. Joanne Klawiter Cochrane 1951 Lake Geneva, Wis. James F. Cochrane 1952 Lake Geneva, Wis. Robert J. Henry 1953 Pleasant Prairie, Wis. Sydney Rouse 1954 Green Lake, Wis. Christina Diamantes 1954 Slavens* Wilmette, Ill. Arthur R. Lundeberg 1955 Tucson, Ariz. James B. Landwehr 1956 Glendale, Wis. Paul L. Kegel 1957 De Pere, Wis. Robert P. Humke 1958 Middleton, Wis. Roger D. Venden 1959 Hampton Falls. N.H. W. John Hammer Jr. 1960 Reston, Va. Deborah Johnson Van Slyke 1960 Scottsdale, Ariz. Mara Latsons Warren 1961 Morrison, Colo. Carol Pickhardt Fancher 1962 Naperville, Ill. Marcia MacLeish Higgins 1963 Green Lake, Wis. James B. Kohnen 1964 Dublin, Calif. Patricia Ostrom Kohnen 1964 Dublin, Calif. 12 RIPON MAGAZINE

Agent Since 2003



2002 2006 1991 2009 2004

2006 2001 1980 2008 1984 2009

2004 2005 2005 2001 1980 1980

Class Agent Year Since 1965 1989

John C. Hyde Conover, Wis. Helen E. Hansen 1966 Saint Paul, Minn. Kathryn Santimays Dunn 1967 Salisbury, N.C. Robert P. Martin 1968 Havertown,, Pa. Cynthia Sanborn Nyquist 1969 Burr Ridge, Ill. Scott A. Nyquist 1969 Burr Ridge, Ill. Bruce Elliott 1970 Timonium, Md. Kay Ingerski Kempner 1970 East Amherst, N.Y. James W. Beisner 1971 Griffin, Ga. Susan A. Frederick 1972 Clarkson San Ramon, Calif. Stephanie Greene 1972 New York, N.Y. Jean Kirkpatrick Lederer 1973 Zurich, Switzerland Janice Petrovski MacLeod 1974 Clarendon Hills, Ill. Jolande K. Gumz 1975 Scotts Valley, Calif. Julie B. Carlson 1976 Greenfield, Wis. Nancy Berry Tolleson 1977 Wakefield, Mass. Gregg E. Petersen 1978 Columbia, Md. Susan Rigler Palmer 1979 El Dorado Hills, Calif. Margaret Gero DaValt 1980 Columbus, Wis. Joan Pendergast Sangl 1981 Harwich Port, Ma. Catherine Lothrop Hager 1982 San Ramon, Calif. Peter E. Hintz 1982 Ripon, Wis. Barbara Williams Clay 1983 Eden Prairie, Minn.

2004 1991 2004 2004 2004 2005 2005 2004 1996

1996 1998

1999 1991 1998 2003 2007 2005 2003 2006 2005 2008 2001

Eric L. Lusty Grafton, Wis. Jeanne Tomlin Lawson Noblesville, Ind. Kristine Schultz Iida Glenview, Ill. Rosemarie Bell Behlke Fond du Lac, Wis. Christina C. Boydston Fremont, Neb. Jannan A. Roesch Ripon, Wis. David L. Jonas Washington, D.C. Katherine S. Wade Glendale, Wis. James E. Brown Oswego, Ill. Andrew E. Peterson Jacksonville, Fla. Robert Edward Corkery, Jr. Saunderstown, R.I. Christina L. Maggio Elmhurst, Ill. Samantha L. Bailey Kent, Ohio Tracy A. Maher West New York, N.J. JuDee Stojsavljevic Fischer Racine, Wis. Bonni Dembroski Frederick New Berlin, Wis. Erin M. McCormack Raleigh, N.C. Marka K. May Madison, Wis. W. Colin Dickerson Everett, Wash. Kimberly Woolley San Carlos, Calif. Angela L. Keith Flagstaff, Ariz. Amy DeKeyser Padilla Sun Prairie, Wis. * Deceased

Class Agent Year Since 1984 1995 1985










































Vincent P. Padilla Sun Prairie, Wis. Jason L. Wood Hoboken, N.J. Stephanie Bosman Fernhaber Bloomfield, Ind. Kristin Bazzoli Piotrowski Shorewood, Wis. Trevor J. Durham Pullman, Wash. Michael J. Berens Montgomery, Ala. Trista L. Moffat Larco Neenah, Wis. Andre Miksha Fishers, Ind. Nicole L. BaumannBlackmore Madison, Wis. Dante A. Houston Milwaukee, Wis.

Class Agent Year Since 1995 1995 1996














2001 2001

2006 2001

Corryn Siegel Greenwood Cincinnati, Ohio Leigh D. Mlodzik Princeton, Wis. Jill M. Weber Roanoke, Va. Emily A. Hanson Wauwatosa, Wis. Elizabeth M. Matelski Chicago, Ill. Elayne M. Monnens New York, N.Y. Sara Matzdorf Dassow Racine, Wis. Nicholas A. Spaeth Glendale, Wis. Amber L. Kind-Keppel Grafton, Wis. Amanda Zahn Przybyl Ripon, Wis.

Class Agent Year Since 2002 2008



















Zachary R. Chitwood Princeton, N.J. Andrew P. Kitslaar Ardmore, Pa. Lindsey M. Kreye Appleton, Wis. Adam R. Krueger Brookline, Mass. Stacy L. Krusa Waupun, Wis. Elizabeth H. Leach Honolulu, Hawaii Leah T. Hover White Lake, Wis. Zachary A. Schwandt Green Lake, Wis. Stephanie S. Sommer Cottage Grove, Wis. Emily A. Meyer Minneapolis, Minn. Angela C. Olivas Malone, Wis.

Class Agent Year Since 2006 2006 2006




















Parents’ Advisory Committee William ’77 and Debra Scholfield President Wausau, Wis. Todd and Dawn Henrickson Vice President, Admission Menasha, Wis. Ann Lindberg Vice President, Advancement Fond du Lac, Wis. Tom and Laura Anderson Fox River Grove, Ill. Steven and Janice Born Green Bay, Wis. Kris and Nancy Boucher Beaver Dam, Wis. Ted and Lisa Bruce Whitefish Bay, Wis. Daniel and Patricia Carpenter Oshkosh, Wis. Chris and Mary Christensen Neenah, Wis. Gerard Hying Waterford, Wis.

Jeanine Hying Waterford, Wis.

Randall and Tracy Rabata Beaver Dam, Wis.

Roger Jenisch and Carol Hart Bloomingdale, Ill.

Louise Ransom Fond du Lac, Wis.

Jeffrey and Katherine Kaufman Eland, Wis.

Chris and Nancy Ryhner Oshkosh, Wis.

Anthony and Kathleen Probst ’85 Kesler Hilbert, Wis.

James and Wendy Robinson Rhinelander, Wis.

Richard and Margaret Kordek Elgin, Ill. Frank and Lori Kratky Cambria, Wis. Rita McGee-Heath Downing, Wis. John and Joan Mutschelknaus Hartland, Wis. Robert II ’83 and Beth Patterson Odessa, Fla. David and Karen Peterson Menasha, Wis. Jeffrey and Cheryl Poole Waunakee, Wis.

Tony and Kristin Roy Fredonia, Wis. Arthur III and Ann Rumpf Oconomowoc, Wis. Kurtis and Ann-Josette Sauer Ripon, Wis. Annette Schatz Le Sueur, Minn. Stuart Sisco and Deborah Sundmacher Carlsbad, Calif. Andrew and Kimberly Weyker Appleton, Wis. Gary and Elaine Worcester Chicago, Ill. EARLY WINTER 2009 13

Ripon College Alumni Association Annual Report 2008-2009


he dedication of the more than 10,000 living alumni of Ripon College never seems to amaze me. The pride I feel when I look at the many accomplishments over the past year should also resonate with each and every one of you. It is because of your time, commitment, ideas and financial Dante A. C. contributions that Houston ’01 we are able to continue the legacy of a top-notch liberal arts institution. As the newly elected president of the Ripon College Alumni Board of Directors, I, along my vice president, Nick Spaeth ’04, want to ensure there is engagement of all eras of the alumni family; more experienced as well as young alumni. Each year, we are fortunate to welcome a new group of alumni. The Class of 2009 graduated in May and officially joined our ranks. Their senior class gift provided trees to continue with campus beautification and sustainability. While you — members of the graduating class — have stepped outside the walls of our noble alma mater during very troubling economic times, we know you will be successful in your chosen careers and graduate schools. We wish you well in all your endeavors.


key goal of the Alumni Board of Directors is supporting the college in meeting its Annual Fund goal. The Ripon College Unrestricted Annual Fund for current college operations finished the fiscal year on June 30 with 14 RIPON MAGAZINE

$2,254,977 in total revenue, exceeding the college’s $2.2 million dollar goal. This marks the fifth consecutive year Ripon has been able to exceed its goal. Meeting the Annual Fund goal during the challenging economic times of fiscal year 2009 is a testament to the deep commitment of our alumni, parents, friends and employees. Thank you! Those of you who haven’t returned to campus in awhile should give yourself the gift of doing so. You’ll be greeted by familiar faces like that of Associate Dean of Faculty and Registrar Michele Baran Wittler ’76, who always says to me, “Welcome home!” Those two words summarize the experience of connecting with classmates and breathing in the educated air that resonates on campus. Alumni Weekend, hosted each year in June, is a great opportunity to do so. Walk through the newly erected welcome pillars, take in the renovated Pub, venture past the new green space or visit some older, more familiar spaces. I’m positive you’ll find a space or face that will make you feel at home. A Different Kind of College Ranking named Ripon College one of the Top 30 Liberal Arts colleges in the country. This ranking represents what students and alumni are doing in the community and how those with a Ripon education excel at extending the helping hand. My many thanks to the 30 members of the Alumni Board of Directors and the 95 class agents. It is because of their many contributions that prospective students are distributed information about Ripon through the Alumni/Parent Admission Alliance (AAA) program; current students were able to take advantage of the third annual speaker series “Ripon’s Return on

Investment,” utilize an alumni biography database and enjoy their cap and gown celebration; while alumni were able to come back to a renewed energy during Alumni Weekend with new activities and continue to gain insight into our Alma Mater. None of these things would be possible without the continued efforts and commitment of dedicated alumni.


s with past administrations of the Alumni Association, we will continue as an action board. Your dedicated group of volunteers are poised to move forward with purposeful expansion of actions. We have heard your suggestions and will be providing Consistent and Constant Communication (CCC) through regular articles in the Alumni Quarterly Magazine, an “Alumni Corner” on the MyRipon Web site ( as well as updated information delivered through online social media and networking. I am excited to see the outcomes of the planned initiatives for the next year. You will be proud of the accomplishments. There will be representation by alumni on panel discussions at all admissionsponsored on-campus events, involvement in international student recruitment, a Ripon Alumni Teacher Summit, an integrated focus on philanthropy, and an effort to promote the spirit of Ripon College. I welcome your thoughts and insights, along with your continued contributions. My thanks, again, for another great year!

Dante A. C. Houston, ’01 Alumni Board President

Benefactors A Lifetime of Philanthropy


ipon College names these alumni and friends as Ripon College Benefactors in recognition of their lifetime philanthropy and significant gifts. Their philanthropic efforts have played a pivotal role in the life of the College since its founding in 1851. The generosity of these Benefactors continues to assist generations of students and to enhance the liberal arts mission and financial stability of Ripon College. We gratefully acknowledge and thank them for their altruism and tradition of caring for the college community . It also is appropriate to acknowledge the role of the founders of the Lyceum and Brockway College, the predecessors of Ripon College. Through the foresight of the founders, Ripon College evolved. W e honor them for their commitment and determination. These founders, including David P. Mapes, who gave the first acre of land, and Alvan E. Bovay, who helped him stake the site, had a dedication to education that is the essence of all Ripon College Benefactors. Alvan E. Bovay Jehdeiah Bowen Warren Chase John Scott Horner

Edwin Lockwood David P. Mapes Ezra L. Northrup Almon Osborne

Asa Kinney Established 1995

The Benefactors Marilyn Dixon Anderson 1945 and Donald W. Anderson 1942 Lois Ripley Arnegard Blanche Bartizal Babcock 1953 and Thomas C. Babcock 1951 The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation Sherlock Bristol William S. Brockway Thomas E. Caestecker Barbara Baldwin De Frees 1930 Densmore R. Dickinson 1933 Cornelieus B. Erwin Catherine A. Falconer and Kenneth B. Falconer 1932 Harrison E. Farnsworth 1918 Shirley Farr Harold D. Foulkes 1924 and Cora “Coco” Trautman Foulkes 1924 The Ford Foundation Patricia Parker Francis Roxanne S. Gleason and Owen P. Gleason 1973 Viola S. Hale and Chauncey C. Hale 1928

Frank J. Harwood Edward D. Holton Orrin H. Ingram Irene Parcell Johnson and Herbert F. Johnson Curt and Cora Kanow Dr. Harry William Knop Jr. 1942 Robert G. Lambert 1952 and Margaret M. Lambert Rollin B. Lane 1872 Mildred C. Schwiesow and Mabel E. Schwiesow Lent 1940 A. Douglas Lyke and Audrey Reichert Lyke George H. Miller Sir Francis Neilson and Helen Swift Neilson OshKosh B’Gosh Foundation Edgar E. Peters 1924 and Elizabeth Lyon Peters 1924 Gretchen “Mitzi” S. Pickard and James C. Pickard 1949 Samuel N. Pickard and Dorothea W. Pickard

Samuel W. Pickard 1955 and Carmen K. Pickard Ralph Hale Ruppert and M. Leonor Ruppert May Bumby Severy 1908 and Harold A. Severy Frank C. Shattuck Clarence A. Shaler S. Frank Shattuck and Ruth Harwood Shattuck Valeria G. Stone Marie Zarwell Uihlein Charles A. Van Zoeren 1953 and Joan Hurley Van Zoeren 1953 Jeremiah W. Walcott The Todd Wehr Foundation Inc. Delmar D. Wensink 1916 and Stolper-Wensink Foundation Dena G. Willmore 1967 Rachel A. Woods Thomas R. Wyman 1950 and Shirley F. Wyman R. Douglas Ziegler The Ziegler Foundation Inc.

Partners in the Legacy Ripon College’s Planned Gift Associates


artners in the Legacy was established in 1995 to recognize alumni and friends whose concern for the long-term future of Ripon College is manifested through making estate plans which include the College. Partners in the Legacy move the College toward greater fiscal stability through endowments and other gifts their estate plans provide. These individuals have made their commitment to enhancing Ripon’s outstanding liberal arts educational experience for future generations of Ripon College students. The more than 500 individuals listed here have remembered the College in the form of a bequest or a planned gift and have a special place in the college’ s history. They also have supported ongoing programs and, in many cases, have endowed the College in specific areas, creating a personal legacy and a permanent record of their affection for Ripon. We are grateful for this far-sighted planning by such dedicated alumni and friends.

1909 Helen Hughes* 1911 Ruth F. Gower* Cora M. Manaton* 1916 Jean Talbot* 1918 Harrison E. Farnsworth* 1919 Lola Schultz Castner* 1920 Margaret Griffiths Maitland* Meta Schmudlach Williams* 1921 Frances L. Christison* 1923 Mildred Hotchkiss Banville* Guthrie B. Boon*

1924 Klara E. Dahlke* Cora Trautman Foulkes* Georgia Campbell Gebhardt* Eunice S. Lovejoy* Sylvia Rhyner McCumber* Elizabeth Lyon Peters* Bradford A. Williams* 1925 Pearl Pierce Dopp* Harold A. Engel* Chester K. Rosenbaum* 1926 Helen Klitzke Berndt* Elmer M. Burns* Dorothy Griffith Crist* Harley S. Jones* Jane Shaw Jones* Carolyn Parsons Kay* Marian Millard Sullivan* 1927 Ruth Pilger Andrews* Arthur W. Jorgensen* Arthur D. Lohr* Margaret Lambert Neumann*

1928 Alice Carter Brown* Chauncey C. Hale* Nila Schwartz Henry* Norman J. McCurdie* Grace Westenborg Oliver* 1929 Katharine Reuther Campbell* Fred V. Hein* Nina M. McCandless* Cora Gunderson Podell* W. Oscar Wilkinson* 1930 Marjorie Nielsen Gehner* Reinhold F. Gehner* Ellen Lowe Gormley* Neil F. Hein* Loren Oliver* Thelma Collins Rule* Verona Peters Van Ess* Lewis A. Walter* Dorothy Chesak Wiley* 1931 Lawrence A. Buckland* C. B. Wegner* Grant A. Wheeler* 1932 James H. Barbour* Gordon M. Bly* Kenneth B. Falconer* Robert J. Farris* Carleton W. Schwiesow* Helen I. Wahoski* Margaret E. Wernecke* Hazel Sherwood Williams* Lester H. Williams* 1933 Henry L. Brooks* Helen Wells Cooke Ralph W. Cooke* Densmore R. Dickinson* Paul A. Freye* Justin H. Hazen* Russell Jackson* Milo W. Lindow* Ethel Hamburg Weaver* 1934 Victoria E. Hargrave*


*Indicates deceased member

1935 Charlotte Williams Freye* Daniel D. O’Connell* Harry C. Washkoske* 1936 Roberta Stuart Boismenue* George S. Hoban* Margaret Chittenden Ruhoff * Frank W. Ryhlick* Raymond C. Westphal* 1937 R. E. McDonald* John B. Murray* Nellie Weiss Murray* Esther Jean Humphreys Page* 1938 Berdyne Butcher Eddy* R. Harry Evans* Lester H. Page* Elfriede Stobbe Ryhlick* Gilbert E. Strickler* Beth Hoveland Younggren* 1939 Thomas Alderson* Anonymous George H. Bechtel Claire Klein* Jean Thiele Stevens* 1940 William T. Gilkey* Herbert M. Haseltine* Mabel Schwiesow Lent* Verna Mace Zander 1941 Ann E. Ewing Howard J. Gould* Dorothy Bertschinger Hoslett John D. Roberts* John W. Roberts* 1942 Donald W. Anderson Anonymous Mary Jane Gordon* Charles E. Hoffman* Harry W. Knop, Jr.* Robert S. Wilson* Helen Fossland Zippel

1943 Frances Sischo Altheimer* Albert S. Brodeur* James D. Cowan* Leonard G. Dahm, Jr. Mary Ann Livingston Jenneke* Alice Burns Mijanovich Doris Damon Miller* Daniel F. Muehlstein* A. N. Renner* Ervin A. Zippel* 1944 Lottie Kucher Bierman* Robert V. Cadieu Frank G. Hess* Barbara Elert Kate* 1945 Marilyn Dixon Anderson* Barbara Doehling Doran* Dean A. Emanuel Dean S. Johnston Phyllis Lindsley Purnell* DeVere L. Vandervort 1946 Dorothy M. Evans 1947 William C. Holter* Jack T. Sneesby James C. Vebeck* 1948 Samuel W. Dougan John R. Hoffmann* Jean Hammond Otto 1949 Anonymous Jerome R. Blackstone Edward F. Deren* James C. Pickard Phyllis Havens Van De Mark John C. Weiner Norma Palmer Weiner 1950 Leonard T. Keith* James E. Maley* James M. Reed Diane Fairbrother Syme Michael Tinkham Beth Millhouse Weisberger* K. G. Weiske Thomas R. Wyman Earl R. Zamzow*

Partners: Cochranes: ‘It’s our duty’ Jim ’52 and Jo Klawiter Cochrane ’51 of Lake Geneva, Wis., are Partners in the Legacy because they have great love for and confidence in the institution that helped shape their futures. After graduating from Ripon, Jim worked for Illinois Bell for his entire career, in the commercial, traffic and plant departments, retiring as district manager in 1990. Jo worked at Northwestern University as director of teacher placement, then at New Trier High School in Winnetka, Ill., before retiring to raise their family of four children. Both are ordained elders in the Presbyterian Church USA, and for more than 30 years they have helped organize and lead senior high school mission work trips throughout the United States for First Presbyterian Church in Lake Forest, Ill. Jo also directed the children’s choirs at the church for more than 15 years. Jim recently retired as a member of the board of directors of Wonderland Camp, a camp for handicapped children and adults, in Rocky Mount, Mo. He still serves on the board of directors of the Boggs

1951 Robert V. Abendroth Thomas C. Babcock* Richard J. Bailar Joanne Klawiter Cochrane Ann Irwin Hines Lois Hoeft Perrine 1952 Rosemary Klement Best Evelyn Bernahl Black Mary Jane Bumby James F. Cochrane Jack Dekker Robert G. Lambert Barbara Young Males A. Paul Nancarrow

Jim ’52 and Jo Klawiter Cochrane ’51

Rural Life Center located in southern Georgia. The couple spends summers with their families at their Gilbert Lake, Wis., cottage. This summer, Jim and Jo celebrated their 80th birthdays with a special surprise that incorporated their continuing love of Ripon College. Their children arranged a driving trip through the Green Lake area, including a stop on the Ripon campus to see “our tree, in a perfect spot on Ingram Hill,” Jo says. The tree had been donated in 2003 by their families to honor their 50th wedding anniversary. “After taking some pictures,” Jo continues, “we stopped at the Commons for a rest break before moving on

1953 Blanche Bartizal Babcock Thomas E. Bastis* E. Wayne Black* Gloria Philippi Churchill* Faye Backus Herbst H. W. Herbst* Andy M. Palm Charles A. Van Zoeren Joan Hurley Van Zoeren Arthur Wong Bernice Gardner Zamzow* 1954 Verne B. Churchill, Jr. James T. Cunningham Joyce L. Kiefer Rene H. Males

— or so we thought. The door was open, and we walked into the lower level. Here was this big ‘Happy Birthday, Jim and Jo’ poster — courtesy of the College — and tables with hors d’oeuvres and martini glasses. Later, we all went upstairs to the President’s Dining Room for an elegant dinner. The sharing of a beautifully decorated birthday cake — with ‘Happy 80th, Mom and Dad’ — topped off an unforgettable evening. The fact that our kids arranged it all and that it took place on campus was especially meaningful to us.” Jim adds, “Seeing that we both hailed from small Wisconsin towns, our Ripon College experiences certainly opened our eyes to new possibilities for our lives and broadened our horizons more than we could ever have imagined. We’re grateful for what those four years gave us and feel it’s our responsibility — actually our duty — to help ensure that our alma mater continues to excel and to impact others’ lives, as it did ours. Being Partners in the Legacy is an expression of our confidence in the future of Ripon College.”

1955 Thomas A. Domencich Roxi-ann Parker Donovan Kent O. Olin Samuel W. Pickard Robert W. Tagge 1956 James P. Brost R. Keith Guise A. Dickson Hause* Patricia Underkofler Kegel* John A. Stoler


1957 Bruce P. Anderson Ray G. Besing Catherine Adamski Gant Samuel D. Holmes* Mary Anne Ryan Johnson* Judith Pallett Kaestner Paul L. Kegel Herrick S. Lauson* Barbara Zimay Riel* Lowell A. Weber 1958 Richard C. Barber John K. Clark Carol Diedrich Cooley Thomas E. Cooley J. Peter Jensen Steven J. Johnson Robert G. Laabs* John A. Sturm Jon P. Wilcox 1959 Ann Di John Anderson Plato D. Kinias Michael A. Messenger* 1960 Georgene Klaner Koblenz Raymond H. Laub Barbara A. Lueck* Lynne Scherbarth Penicnak Marilynn Deplewski Tykal Michael O. Willson 1961 Anonymous Robert C. Burress Werner W. Knuth Edwin A. Pfeiffer* Robert W. Tykal 1962 John C. Diedrich Henry A. Holzkamper Judy Hughes Phillips Barbara Holt Wilson* 1963 Stephen K. Astmann Paul R. Berens Patricia L. Hayes John Kirchgeorg Cheryl K. Rofer Frank L. Smoll Margaret Bisson Wheatley


1964 George C. Elliott III* Judy A. Fortmeier* William R. Haljun David G. Hartman David P. Schenck Donald L. Schober David C. Van Singel

1971 Anonymous

1965 Jeff C. Bumby James R. Christopher Craig T. Ferris Thomas A. Fischer Jane A. Person Michael R. Reese

1973 Suellen Reigle Altholz Victoria L. Bleise Edward W. Bumby Doreen Conforti Chemerow John P. Frederick Owen P. Gleason* William C. MacLeod Michael R. Mizen, Jr. David P. Titus

1966 Peter R. Bird P. Devers Weaver II* Gary G. Yerkey 1967 Ryan C. Amacher William J. Bohnen* Kathryn Santimays Dunn Pamela Hendricks Gazaway Diane Vaughan Longcore Bruce M. McDonald* William A. Neill James E. Reed John C. Ryberg Dena G. Willmore 1968 Susan Smith Amacher Linda Jensen Bohnen Mary LeFevre Chavez James R. Clark R. Gregory Dunn, Jr. Guy R. Henshaw Susan Siegel Henshaw David M. Minor Judith Wilkinson Neill Jason Parker Pamela Price Smith Vicky Porth Tobias 1969 Anonymous Andrew E. Cook II Fred C. Kiekhaefer Philip K. McCullough Cynthia Sanborn Nyquist Scott A. Nyquist Peter G. Porikos* Nicholas P. Retson John H. Wolfe 1970 Marcus D. Hoffman Sally Hand Mauson Robert W. Roth

1972 Thomas I. Altholz Anonymous Joan M. Finsilver Susan Frederick-Clarkson

1974 Anonymous Douglas M. Cassell Linda Mohr Dicks Scott L. Dicks Thomas A. Fiedler Dennis G. Frahmann Jane Runkel Frederick Herbert P. Holcli* Mary Breese Ray David B. Wheeler Margaret E. Zellmer 1975 James M. Curtis Ann W. Devenish-Cassell Margaret Seelbach Mizen Susan Schreyer Stander Marcia Wilson Wahoske Mark J. Wright 1976 Jeffrey P. Clark Richard A. Deck Gail L. Dobish Kelly G. O’Brien Sandy L. Ogden Hugh W. Whipple Margaret E. Wiff 1977 Anonymous Howard C. Draft Jack M. Heck Larry Malchow Richard Morrill* Kim Hinds O’Brien Birgit Abromaitis Retson Marsha J. Toll

1978 Anonymous Robert R. Meyer 1979 Anonymous Mary C. Gavin Donald L. Mac Gregor Carla Drecktrah Nielsen Perry H. Robinson 1980 Katherine Pine Avery Margaret Gero DaValt Kathy E. Goodbout Mark A. Greene James D. Greenebaum David J. Remondini Susan Angell Schmidt Lynn Frisvold Williams 1981 Thomas A. Abendroth Debora Border Arnold Mark B. Jacobs David A. Janssen Robert J. Kirkland Andrew W. Schmidt Kent E. Timm Seth F. Williams 1982 T. Ashley Cooper Dorian A. Des Lauriers Kevin R. Hall Linda A. Hall Kristin Kohles Janssen Paul J. Weeks 1984 Eric L. Lusty Gary R. Page 1985 Julia Lynch Kummer Elaine Adkins Wilcox Jay P. Wilcox 1986 Anonymous Robyn Hardt Schultz 1987 Anonymous 1989 Anonymous Andrew E. Peterson Sarah Hemstock Robinson

Key *Indicates deceased member

1991 Laura M. Kreofsky 1992 Bret T. Reese Stephen D. Woolley 1993 Thomas C. Clapp 1994 Jesse M. Estevez Sara E. Kleckner 1998 Joshua M. Satzer 2000 Andre Miksha 2003 Paul B. Ranslow Stephanie W. Ranslow Daniel T. Trost David K. Williams 2006 Andrew P. Kitslaar Parents and Friends Ann Abshier Anonymous Francis* and Georgia* Ariens Lois L. Arnegard* Barbara J. Arnold* Jeffrey D. Arnold Jane Shea Barclay Ruth-Alison Birch Bastis* Horace M. Benstead* Donald L. and Anne A. Bentley Todd I. and Betty J. Berens Carol E. Bly* Eloise F. Breitengross* Norma Cadieu Edward and Mary Carbon Virginia L. Cassidy* James F.* and Gloria J. Clark Bill E. Clarkson Philip B. Clarkson Lyn Corder Leone Damon* Doris Dekker Florence H. Dick* Nephele Wing Domencich Louis I.* and Helga C.* Drecktrah Russell* and Dorothy* Duket John Ebenreiter* Lorrie Emanuel

J. Thomas* and Patricia Emerson Helen D. Engel* Nancy B. Ferris Deborah M. Fiedler Mary Chappel Fischer* Theodore H. Fortmeier* Patricia Parker Francis Yvonne A. Gardiol* William S. Gazaway Robert K.* and Patricia* Gerling Edna Jordan Gilkey Marjorie Gould Vergene A. Graham* Nancy E. Hale Viola Hale* Robert and Heidi Hanley David L.* and Elizabeth W.* Harris Kitty Hartman JoAnn Ellen Haseltine Louise R. Hayes* Louise Hielsberg Hazen* Vera Baum Hein* Carol Sears Hess Yvonne Gatzke Holmes Karen N. Hoyem Cornelia Loomis Hull* Roy W. Johnson* David C. and Lynne C. Joyce Erwin J. Kaiser* Curt* and Cora* Kanow Peter P. and Laurie Kasuboski Jean S. Keith Burton C. Kilbourne* Jason Kleckner Wayne Larson Coye Allen Lindow* Nancy W. Livingston* A. Douglas* and Audrey Reichert Lyke Doris B. Mackay* Edna Joyner Martin* Arline* and Philip K.* McCullough, Sr. Gertrude McDonald* Elizabeth Yates McGreal* Don and Ruth Miksha George H. Miller Deborah A. Nancarrow Francis Neilson* Vince and Ellie Palmer Clementine L. Peterson* Mitzi S. Pickard Susan R. Pierson* Harvey F. Podell* Paula Reed* Hanna Roberts* Helen A. Roberts Everett J. Rule*

Ralph H. Ruppert* A. J. Ryberg Mary Jane Schenck Alex O. Schmidt* Lester O. Schwartz* Frank C. Shattuck* Melvin F.* and Hazel Haase* Siewert Robert L. Smith Harold Spelman William R. Stott, Jr. Georgia Lurene Strickler* Lucille Swoboda* James F. and Linda Tator Don F. Thomann* Bess A. Thomas* William E. Tyree Kenneth H. Vanderford* Jean A. van Hengel* Bill and Paula Van Wie Maria A. Vittone Annie Washkoske*

A family enjoys a quiet and scenic moment during Alumni Weekend 2009.

Carol A. Weber Theresa Weeks Elizabeth J. Wegner Lois Weiske Arloine A. Wernecke* Barbara M. Wheeler* Jane Ann Wilcox Evelyn L. Wilkinson* Claricy W. Williams* Virginia Harris Williams* E. C. Winkenwerder* Rachel A. Woods* William J. and Jean G. Woolley John W. Wright* Newell A. Younggren EARLY WINTER 2009 19

Scholarships & Endowed Funds


eading a list of endowed funds is a bit like looking at a snapshot in the history of an institution. We see names that have become intertwined with the progress of this College, names of individuals, couples and families who have made that progress possible. W e see classes that have chosen to be remembered collectively by contributing to the future of their beloved alma mater through an endowed fund — unrestricted or for some ongoing commitment such as the purchase of library materials or for a scholarship for future generations of students. There are funds for endowed chairs and professorships; equally as important are endowments for the maintenance of the College’s physical plant or a designated portion therein. As you read through this year’s endowment list, you will notice some funds are in bold print. These endowments received new gifts during the 2008-09 fiscal year. Some fund names are in italics. These are new endowments for which an endowment agreement was signed and an account established during this fiscal year. Some have both designations, having been initiated and at least partially funded during the year. You may see an endowment you would like to augment — perhaps one honoring a favorite professor, a friend or a relative. Your class may have a fund. You may be inspired to initiate an endowment of your own. Each type of endowed fund has a specified minimum amount, based on the purpose for which the annual disbursements are designated. Agreements may be developed and signed for endowments that will be funded in the future through any type of estate gift. After an endowment is established, gifts of any amount may be added to that fund. If you have any questions about these endowments or wish to make a gift to an established fund, please contact the Advancement Office toll-free at 877-231-0455 or send an e-mail to Bill Neill (

Abendroth Family Endowed Scholarship William and Marilyn Alberts Endowed Scholarship Rodney C. Alder 1925 Memorial Scholarship William A. Alexander, Jr. Endowed Scholarship Harris G. Allen Endowed Scholarship Alumni Association Library Fund Alumni Association Special Trust Anderson Center-Communicating Plus Endowment Donald W. and Marilyn Dixon Anderson 1942, 1945 Endowed Scholarship Ruth Pilger Andrews 1927 Endowed Scholarship Francis and Georgia Ariens Memorial Endowed Scholarship Lois Ripley Arnegard Endowed Scholarship Ann and Charles Atwood 1912 Scholarship Thomas C. and Blanche Bartizal Babcock 1951, 1953 Endowed Scholarship Jeffrey Dayle Balliett 1967 Endowed Scholarship BG James Harold Banville 1923 Endowed Scholarship Banville Family Endowed Lectureship for Ethics in American Politics


William Harley Barber Endowed Physics Award Larry Barker 1961 Chemistry Prize Sumner T. Bartlett Fund B. Kent Bauman Scholarship Endowment Philo Sherman Bennett Fund Benstead Theatre Endowment Paul R. Berens 1963 Scholarship Endowment Helen Klitzke Berndt 1926 Endowed Scholarship MG and Mrs. William Blakefield 1939, 1941 Endowed Scholarship Professor and Mrs. H. Phillips Boo dy Fund Jesse Blockman Breese Fund Henry L. Brooks 1933 Endowed Scholarship Benjamin H. and Maude Merrell Brown Student Loan Fund William Jennings Bryon Trustee Endowment Bumby Memorial Endowment Earl John Bush Scholarship Fund The Caestecker Series Endowment Sadie G. Calmerton Fund Campbell Unrestricted Endowed Scholarship Grace Wilkes Campen 1921 Memorial Fund Campus Community Endowed Library Fund

Carnegie Library Endowment Fund Ceresco Prairie Conservancy Endowment Harold M. Chamberlain Memorial Fund Chase Endowment-Physical Plant Doreen Conforti Chemerow 1973 Endowed Scholarship Chemistry Department Endowment Kirk John Christopher Scholarship Endowment Harry D. Clark 1898 Library Fund Class of 1896 Memorial Prize Fund Class of 1911 Endowed Library Fund Class of 1916 Unrestricted Endowment Class of 1922 Endowed Scholarship Class of 1923 Endowed Scholarship Class of 1924 Endowed Scholarship Class of 1925 Unrestricted Endowment Class of 1926 Unrestricted Endowment Class of 1927 Unrestricted Endowment Class of 1928 Unrestricted Endowment Class of 1929 Funds Functioning as Endowment Class of 1930 Physical Plant Endowment Class of 1931 Unrestricted Endowment Class of 1932 Endowed Library Fund Class of 1933 Endowed Scholarship Class of 1934 President’s Discretionary Fund Class of 1942 Endowed Scholarship Fund Class of 1943 Library Endowment Class of 1949 Fund Class of 1950 Endowed Scholarship Fund Class of 1957 Endowed Scholarship Fund Class of 1958 Endowed Scholarship Fund Henry Charles Cleereman 1954 Scholarship Endowment Harry A. Cody Jr. 1933 Endowed Award Evelyn and James L. Cole 1927 Endowed Scholarship Edwin Comfort-Wayne Larson Math/Computer Science Endowment Communicating Plus Endowment Gordon R. Connor Endowed Scholarship Reverend E. W. Cook Scholarship Endowment Crump Faculty Salary Fund Clifford C. Crump Phi Beta Kappa Award Klara E. Dahlke 1924 Unrestricted Endowment Irving Dawes Endowed Scholarship Barbara Baldwin DeFrees 1930 Endowed Chair Barbara Baldwin DeFrees 1930 Endowed Scholarship Barbara Baldwin DeFrees 1930 Endowment Barbara Baldwin DeFrees 1930 Library Fund Barbara Baldwin DeFrees 1930 Unrestricted Endowment Dekker Family Endowed Scholarship Edward Dempsey Loan Fund John Pierpont Denison 1899 Library Endowment Department of Communication Endowment Fund

Edward F. Deren 1949 Endowed Scholarship Joseph and Carol Rummel Dingman 1964 Family Endowed Scholarship Robert and Jayne Blumenshine Dittberner 1943, 1945 Endowed Scholarship Rufus Dodge Fund Coach Carl H. Doehling Endowed Scholarship Pearl Pierce Dopp 1925 Physical Plant Endowment George M. and Pearl Pierce Dopp 1917, 1925 Unrestricted Endowment East/West/Memorial Maintenance Endowment Berdyne Butcher Eddy 1938 Endowed Scholarship Education and General Fund Endowment Ellis-Kennedy-Baldwin Visiting Lecturer Helen and Harold Engel 1925 Endowment President and Mrs. Silas Evans 1898 Endowed Scholarship Edward S. Evans 1936 Endowed Scholarship Everhard Trust Loan Fund Faculty and Staff Benefits Endowment Faculty Salary Endowment Lila Farnham Memorial Scholarship Harrison E. Farnsworth 1918 Endowed Chair in Physics Farr Fund A. F. Fehlandt Scholarship Fine Arts Endowment Fund First National Bank of Fond du Lac Endowment William L. Fisher Endowed Scholarship Edith Fleming Scholarship Fund Ford Foundation Fund William and Florence Foster Endowed Scholarship Patricia Parker Francis Distinguished Professorship in Economics Endowment William Matherson French Loan Fund Emilie S. Friedman Memorial Fund Friends of the Arts Endowment Friends of Lane Library Endowment Funds Functioning as Endowment B. C. Gamble Foundation Scholarship Fund Judge Catherine Hall Adamski Gant 1957 Endowed Scholarship Robert Gibson 1911 Scholarship Fund John F. Glaser Prize Fund for History John F. Glaser Endowed Library Fund Roxanne and Owen P. Gleason 1973 Family Presidential Scholarship Grace Gertrude Goodrich 1906 Endowed Classics Award L. P. Goodrich 1913 Memorial Fund Eugene S. Graham 1927 Endowed Scholarship

Key New Endowments are displayed in italics Endowments that received new gifts are displayed in bold print Endowments that were both initiated and at least partially funded have both designations

Lucile M. Grams Endowed Music Award Pierre Guiet Scholarship Donald E. Hacker 1934 Endowed Scholarship Richard O. and Elizabeth Poulsen Hader Endowed Scholarship Robert V. “Spud” & Neola Hannaford Scholarship Endowment Howard C. Hansen 1937, Helen E. Hansen Kilbourne 1936, and Marjorie T. Kilbourne Endowed Scholarship David L. and Elizabeth W. Harris Endowed Scholarship Karl and Ermine Hausmann Endowed Scholarship Stanley M. Herlin Scholarship W. H. J. Hewitt Fund Willard W. Hodge 1909 Endowed Scholarship Charles E. Hoffman 1942 Endowed Scholarship Adolf and Ethel Hoffman Music Scholarship Herbert P. Holcli 1974 Scholarship Endowment Clara and Forrest Horsford Endowed Library Fund Humanities 2001 Funds Functioning as Endowment Howell H. Humphrey Memorial Fund Instructional Equipment Endowment John James English Prize Fund Al Jarreau 1962 Scholarship in the Arts Endowment Ellen M. Judson Memorial Library Fund Curt Kanow Scholarship Fund Paul L. and Patricia Underkofler Kegel 1957, 1956 Endowed Peace Scholarship for International Students Patricia Underkofler Kegel 1956 Endowed Scholarship Jean S. and Leonard T. Keith 1950 Endowed Scholarship Kiln Project Endowment Harry W. Knop, Jr. 1942 Physics Endowed Scholarship Knowles Endowed President’s Chair Fund Kohler Foundation Endowed Scholarship R. Kraus Endowed Scholarship Fund Geraldine Schmidt Krumwiede 1953 Endowed Scholarship Clark G. Kuebler Memorial Scholarship Lady of Lourdes Charitable Trust Lambert Family Endowed Scholarship Lauson Unrestricted Endowment Leadership Studies Endowment Mabel E. Lent 1940 Endowed Scholarship Patricia S. Lewis 1974 Endowed Scholarship J.T. Lewis Prize Fund Leyhe Humanities Endowment Ted Lehye Unrestricted Endowment Library Endowment Mildred Little Loan Fund John Livingston 1949 and Nancy Livingston Endowed Economics Scholarship Doris Spencer Lohr 1926 Endowed Scholarship

Clemens E. Lueck 1923 Fund Erna Zobel Luetscher 1910 Scholarship Fund Joan and Ned Lufrano 1954 Scholarship Endowment Ethel Lyon 1912 Scholarship in English Curtis D. MacDougall 1923 Freedom of the Press Fund Marcus Guest Professorship Endowment Debra K. Martin Endowed Scholarship Frank H. Martin 1939 Endowed Scholarship Martz Family Scholarship Endowment Bruce Martz Endowed Music Award Nedra and Bill Martz Endowed Scholarship in English William J. Martz Professorship in English Maud M. Mathews Scholarship Fund R. E. McDonald 1937 Family Endowed Scholarship George L. McDuffie 1912 Endowed Library Fund Edward Parker McFetridge Memorial Scholarship Brian G. McKay 1973 Endowed Scholarship Lillian Metter McKay Memorial Library Fund Edward Huntington Merrell Fund Virginia Rogers Mickel 1932 Library Endowment Clifford Mignerey 1966 ROTC Prize Award Mihaly Family Scholarship Endowment Mladen (Jim) and Alice Burns Mijanovich 1943 Endowed Scholarship Doris Damon Miller 1943 Endowed Scholarship George H. Miller Endowed Scholarship Larry and Betsey Miller Endowed Scholarship Robert R. and Doris Riggs Miller 1932, 1932 Endowed Scholarship Gordon C. 1950 and Hazel Minch Endowed Scholarship Leo James Moriarty 1918 Scholarship Fund Lucy Smith Morris Endowment Fund L. M. Mosher Fund Forrest S. “Woody” Moy 1956 Endowed Scholarship William B. Murphy Endowed Lectureship in Economics John B. and Nellie Weiss Murray 1937 Family Endowed Scholarship William J. and Rose A. Mutch Endowed Scholarship National Endowment for the Humanities Fund Helen Swift Neilson Endowed Chair of Cultural Studies Charles Nichols Endowed Award in Biology Dr. John Nickless Library Endowment Lynn Post Northrop Endowed Fund for Women Speakers Daniel D. O’Connell 1935 Endowed Scholarship


Students in Assistant Professor of Biology Memuna Khan’s ornithology class have been studying bluebirds that reside in houses located on campus, including this one near the Storzer Center. L. Leone Oyster 1919 Chemistry Scholarship and Prize Carrie Denison Palmer 1896 Endowed Scholarship Victor and Carrie Denison Palmer 1897, 1896 Endowed Chair for Leadership Values “Sarge” Peters Endowed Award Clementine and Duane Peterson 1914 Library Endowment Clementine and Duane Peterson 1914 Unrestricted Endowment Clementine and Duane Peterson 1914 Endowed Scholarship Pickard Faculty Development Endowment Dorothea Wilgus Pickard Prize Endowment Dorothea Pickard Endowed Scholarship S. N. Pickard Award Endowment Jasper Gould Pickett Scholarship Fund Flora Piekarski 1924 Memorial Scholarship Fund Susan R. Pierson Endowed Scholarship Pinkerton 1868 Alumni Association Fund Pinkham Memorial Fund Robert G. Rashid 1936 Endowed Music Award Ripon College Math and Computer Science Endowed Award Reader’s Digest Scholarship Fund Eldridge Reiff Memorial Fund George A. Reilly Memorial Endowment Fund Edward S. Roberts 1916 Endowed Scholarship


Ruth Will and John D. Roberts 1943, 1941 Endowed Scholarship Victor A. and Georgia Maxwell Robertson Educational Fund Clark M. Robertson Memorial Fund 1901 Rowlands Memorial Art Fund Ralph Hale Ruppert and Lenore M. Ruppert Distinguished Professorship in Early American History and Traditions Maud M. Russell 1917 Scholarship Endowment Frank and Elfriede Stobbe Ryhlick 1936, 1938 Endowed Scholarship Sabbatical Leave Program Endowment Schang Family Visiting Writers’ Fund Endowment Schaupp Family Scholarship Scholarship Endowment Scott Hall Maintenance Endowment Earle S. Scott Endowed Student/Faculty Research Fund Helen Scott Fund Kathleen Potts Searl 1942 Endowed Scholarship Harold and May Bumby Severy 1908 Fund C.A. Shaler Fund Marian Shaw Class of 1916 Fund Elva A. Smith 1922 Memorial Fund Tillie Buckman Sorge 1927 Endowed Scholarship Burton J. Stallard 1926 Prize in Educational Studies George M. Steele 1869 Unrestricted Fund William A. Steiger Memorial Library Fund Franklin L. Stone Award James L. Stone Endowed Scholarship Stott Unrestricted Endowment Strickler Unrestricted Endowment Swoboda Unrestricted Endowment Jesse Fox Taintor Scholarship Fund Alice Tracy Thayer Fund Gerda I. K. Thiele Endowed Fine Arts Scholarship

Clayton H. and Laverna Krause Tinkham 1920, 1920 Fund Cordelia Truax Loan Fund William E. Tyree Philosophy Endowed Scholarship Uihlein Classics Endowment United Church of Christ Library Fund Unrestricted Endowment Kenneth Vanderford Scholarship Fund Ruby Vandervelde Scholarship Fund Jean A. van Hengel Endowed Scholarship W.D. and Edna Van Metre Endowed Scholarship Deborah Hands Van Singel 1965 Endowed Scholarship Van Vechtin Loan Fund Van Zoeren Family Endowed Chair in Religion, Ethics, and Values Van Zoeren Library Endowment Joyce W. and Jacob F. Wagner 1932 Endowed Honors Scholarship Edwin W. Webster 1919 Endowed Scholarship Mary Eva Webster AAUW Awards Endowment Delmar D. Wensink 1916 Professorship of Political Economy Maria Mayer Wentzel 1955 Student Travel Fund Endowment Milton H. Westhagen Endowed Scholarship Wilcox Professorship in Greek Wiley Unrestricted Endowment W. Oscar Wilkinson 1929 Endowed Scholarship Virginia M. and Bradford A. Williams 1924 Endowed Scholarship Lyal D. and Bernice Haase Williams 1928, 1930 Endowed Scholarship W. Bernard and Meta Schmudlach Williams 1918, 1920 Endowed Scholarship Willmore Unrestricted Endowment Robert S. and Barbara Holt Wilson 1942, 1962 Unrestricted Endowment E.C. Winkenwerder Unrestricted Endowment David Whitcomb Fund Jean G. Woolley Endowed WIDS Learning Design Professional Development Scholarship William J. Woolley Endowed Scholarship Worthington Loan Fund Wrisley Foundation Library Book Fund Thomas R. Wyman 1950 Family Scholarship Earl W. Wyman 1917 Memorial Fund Zamzow Family Endowed Scholarship Herman and Pauline Zobel Scholarship Endowment

Key New Endowments are displayed in italics Endowments that received new gifts are displayed in bold print Endowments that were both initiated and at least partially funded have both designations

The Honor Roll

Thank you for supporting Ripon College with your time, talents and gifts. Your commitment strengthens Ripon’s programs, and your investment assists talented students in their pursuit of the liberal arts. Donors listed made contributions that were received between July 1, 2008, and June 30, 2009. We have made every effort to be accurate.

Thank you again for your support. Please notify the Office of Advancement if there is an omission or correction.

The Leadership Alliance


ipon College launched the Leadership Alliance in 2005 to recognize alumni and friends who make five-year pledges of $1,000 or more, annually, in support of the College’s mission and vision for the future. We extend heartfelt thanks and congratulations to the following members of Ripon College’s Leadership Alliance. These individuals and couples understand that stable unrestricted funding over time makes a tremendous difference in long-range planning and budgeting. Their ongoing commitment makes it possible for Ripon to continue to provide an outstanding liberal arts education — regardless of students’ ability to pay — and allows College staff and volunteers to increase Ripon’s circle of friends and supporters through community outreach, additional attention to donor acquisition and special fund-raising activities.


$1,000 or more annually ensures that Ripon College will have the resources for speakers, materials, supplies and equipment to provide the personalized learning environment in which our students thrive and grow .

Blanche Bartizal Babcock 1953 Robert J. Bechard 1984 Todd I. Berens Betty Berens Camille A. Burke Julie B. Carlson 1976 Richard A. Christensen 1958 Linda J. Corder Gregory M. deRegnier Mary M. deRegnier

R. Gregory Dunn, Jr. 1968 Kathryn Santimays Dunn 1967 Patricia M. Emerson Joseph M. Endrizzi, Jr. 1987 Tracy Larkin Endrizzi Michael W. Farrell 1972 John P. Frederick 1973 Jane Runkel Frederick 1974 Harold Gant Catherine Adamski Gant 1957 Todd Goheen Tamera Goheen Mark A. Greene 1980

Joseph A. Gregoire Clarice Santeralli Gregoire 1977 Boyd W. Holmes 1952 Dayle Dunham Holmes 1952 David C. Joyce Lynne C. Joyce Nancy W. Livingston* Eric L. Lusty 1984 H. Andersen Lyke Jeanne Lyke Timothy D. Lyke Mary Lyke Larry P. Malchow 1977

Jack T. Sneesby 1947 Charles P. Stathas 1955

Rene H. Males 1954 Barbara Young Males 1952

Kent E. Timm 1981

Julien L. McCall, Jr. 1979

Joseph M. Tolan 1981 Anne Ullman Tolan 1983

George H. Miller William A. Neill 1967 Judith Wilkinson Neill 1968 Andy M. Palm 1953 Gregg E. Petersen 1978 Judy Hughes Phillips 1962

Robert W. Tykal 1961 Marilynn Deplewski Tykal 1960 Matthew J. Umhoefer 1995 Kevin L. Warmack 1979 Robert N. Webster 1973

Ralph D. Quinney Lois Quinney

Dirk A. Wilken 1981 Karen Johnson Wilken 1984

Christopher J. Rauch 1980 Jane Rufener Rauch

William J. Woolley Jean G. Woolley

John C. Ryberg 1967

Steven G. Yeomans Brigid Yeomans

Shirley B. Sather

Margaret E. Zellmer 1974

Donald L. Schober 1964 Gerald E. Seaman Patricia E. Vilches

Key New Members are displayed in italics


*Now Deceased


$5,000 or more, annually, provides scholarship assistance to enrich the academic experience of deserving young people.

Victoria L. Bleise 1973 Thomas J. Boldt Renee Boldt Jeff C. Bumby 1965 James F. Cochrane 1952 Joanne Klawiter Cochrane 1951

Alice Burns Mijanovich 1943 William H. Popko 1958 Bret T. Reese 1992 Jennifer Hanson Reese 1994 Cheryl K. Rofer 1963


$10,000 or more, annually, impacts the overall quality in enhancing the academic programs, upgrading technology used in the classrooms and increasing internships and study-abroad opportunities.

Thomas W. Abendroth 1981 Oscar C. Boldt Patricia H. Boldt Doreen Conforti Chemerow 1973 James R. Clark 1968 James P. Connelly Thomas A. Domencich 1955 Nephele Wing Domencich Roxanne Sortino Gleason Stephanie Greene 1972 David G. Hartman 1964 Kitty Hartman

Robert J. Kirkland 1981 Robert G. Lambert 1952 Audrey Lyke Gary R. Page 1984 Ronald R. Peterson 1970 Samuel W. Pickard 1955 Michael R. Reese 1965 Kaye Reese Robert L. Smith Pamela Price Smith 1968 Dena G. Willmore 1967 Mark J. Wright 1975 Gary J. Ziegelbauer Martha Spittell Ziegelbauer 1982


Annual Giving Societies

Ripon College’s annual giving societies recognize individuals and couples who make their commitments year by year . The College community relies on these generous people whose contributions fund scholarships; enhance Lane Library; support academic, student-life and athletic programs; and, in a variety of other ways, keep the fires of achievement burning. Ripon College is proud to honor all those whose gifts during the 2007-2008 fiscal year place them in one of the following annual giving societies:


$25,000 or more

Wilfrid of Ripon

$1,000 - $2,499

The founders of Ripon College demonstrated their commitment to an excellent liberal arts education with leadership gifts. Members of the Founders’ Society confirm their dedication and continue the tradition of excellence.

Seventh-century prelate Wilfrid of Ripon was one of the first to articulate the concept of the liberal arts. The College recognizes individuals who show their support of Ripon’s liberal arts mission with membership in the W ilfrid of Ripon Society.


William S. Brockway

$18,000 - $24,999

The presidents of Ripon College have maintained a consistent focus on the students. By making a minimum gift of $18,000, members of the Presidents’ Society show their support for today’s students.

Without William S. Brockway’s initial investment, Ripon College would not exist today. Members of the William S. Brockway Society invest in the future of Ripon, confirming their commitment to a quality, personal liberal arts education.

Jeremiah W. Walcott$10,000 - $17,999 Heritage In 1853, the Rev. Jeremiah W. Walcott provided the funds which made possible the first classes at Brockway College. Gifts from members of the Jeremiah W. Walcott Society provide the means to enhance and expand the programs offered at Ripon College today.


larissa Tucker Tracy $5,000 - $9,999

Known to many as the “mother of Ripon College,” Clarissa Tucker Tracy served as teacher and mentor to students from 1859 to 1905. Contributions from members of the Clarissa Tucker Tracy Society allow future students to grow and learn under the tutelage of today’s dedicated faculty.

Orrin H. Ingram

$2,500 - $4,999

Board of Trustees member Orrin H. Ingram challenged alumni, faculty and friends to join him in making leadership gifts to the College to ensure greater financial stability . Orrin H. Ingram Society members continue to heed his challenge and strengthen Ripon’s financial foundation.

$500 - $999

$150 - $499

The Ripon College heritage is a proud tradition of excellence and growth. Heritage Society members make possible the continuation of Ripon’s reputation as an institution of the highest order.

T he 833 Club

The 833 Club, established in 2005, is a fast, easy and convenient way for new donors and those who currently give less than $100 per year to financially support Ripon College. By contributing just $8.33 per month — roughly $100 annually — by automatic fund transfer or credit card deduction, the members of this club are doing their part to make Ripon a better place for current students. A complete listing of 833 Club members for 2007-2008 appears on page 63.


William S. Brockway Society Victor M. Salter 45 Don O. Schueler 26


Years of giving – number located after name. Class years displayed in red met or surpassed 40% participation, the goal for the 2008-09 Annual Fund. Class years displayed in black attained less than 40% participation. *Now Deceased



$25,760.01 Members: 17 Donors: 14 (82%)

$3,650.00 Members: 8 Donors: 3 (38%)

Presidents’ Society H. Dayle Balliett ’39 44

Orrin H. Ingram Society Dorothy Bertschinger Hoslett 19

Wilfrid of Ripon Society *Bernice Wells Carlson ’32 54

Wilfrid of Ripon Society Philip E. Biege 29

William S. Brockway Society Howard R. Kratz ’38 39

Donors Irene Gelhar Hochrein 24

Heritage Society John E. Jung ’34 40 Walter E. Lehmann ’39 45 Lois Taylor Radtke ’37 33 Donors Mary Jane Lorimer Baucom ’38 39 Richard L. Higby ’38 19 Erwin G. Klatt ’33 7 Barbara Kinsley Koehler ’39 43 Henrietta McAfee Korth ’34 8 David C. Miller ’39 33 Elodice Patchett Reuss ’39 54 *Lewis A. Walter ’30 52

1942 $33,570.00 Members: 25 Donors: 11 (44%) Presidents’ Society Helen Fossland Zippel 59 Jeremiah W. Walcott Society Donald W. Anderson 29 Wilfrid of Ripon Society Kathleen Potts Searl 44


William S. Brockway Society Eugene J. Zepp 36

$3,500.00 Members: 13 Donors: 10 (77%)

Heritage Society Sylvester Sijan 47 Donald A. Williams 38

Wilfrid of Ripon Society Emily Genge Kolb 35 Verna Mace Zander 25

Donors Jane Baker Dumdei 20 John LaPotka 23 Enid Lewis Thuermer 5 Lawrence M. Vandervelde 24 Jane Allen Waters 27

Heritage Society Robert L. Dauterman 25 William R. Larson 46 Donors Doris Fry Clark 30 Robert H. Giertsen 31 Roland C. Lewis 44 LaVerne Wilson Pray 26 Myra Vivian Sager 34 Mary Lou Spink Spindt 35

1943 $19,044.20 Members: 22 Donors: 13 (59%) Jeremiah W. Walcott Society Leonard G. Dahm, Jr. 23 Clarissa Tucker Tracy Society Alice Burns Mijanovich 50 Patricia Hooper Poate 21

Heritage Society Ruth Konow Birge 46 Marilyn Fortnum Briese 57 Jacqueline Brown Gerth 26 John X. Jamrich 40 Donald W. Polzin 28 Donors Orville L. Erdmann 36 William J. Evans, Jr. 36 Patricia Peck Perry 31

1944 $4,255.00 Members: 29 Donors: 18 (62%) William S. Brockway Society Warren I. Peterson 43 Mary Michie Udall 29 Donald E. Young 42 Robert J. Zentner 41 Heritage Society Robert P. Boardman, Jr. 40 Robert V. Cadieu 52 Jack E. Dycus 30 John B. Ellis 30 Jane Brown Everard 51 Edward H. Levi 43 Donors Carl H. Cerull 55 George F. Erdman 41 Joseph R. Evans 47 Carol Maas Galginaitis 24 Anne Olson Guenther 29 Kermit C. Guenther 29 Raymond H. McLeod 26 Robert F. Williams 34

1945 $6,310.00 Members: 22 Donors: 13 (59%) Wilfrid of Ripon Society Frederick W. Allen 24 Jayne Blumenshine Dittberner 25 Doris Caballero Van Aken 55 William S. Brockway Society Dean A. Emanuel 39 *Marjorie Johnston Peterson 43 DeVere L. Vandervort 39 Barbara Case Zentner 41 Heritage Society Frederick D. Cook 40 Miriam Beilke Huth 40 Dean S. Johnston 45 Mary Hockenhull Keedy 48 Donors John W. Stephenson 38 Mary Egerman Trembour 45

1946 $2,160.00 Members: 26 Donors: 13 (50%) William S. Brockway Society Bille Hooper Young 42 Heritage Society Annette Solway Dhein 35 Dorothy Neese Evans 31 Harold J. Lisberg 7 Dorothy Doman Robl 28 Donors Lois Ohnstad Anderson 14 Marilyn Batterson Burchsted 42 Donald P. Buteyn 24 Virginia Rock Crawford 15 Jane Barber Emerson 48 Grace Hoag Scott 21 Geraldine Konkle Wallace 41 Richard K. Wells 22

1947 $4,870.00 Members: 23 Donors: 13 (57%) Wilfrid of Ripon Society Geraldine A. Birkholz 15 Kathryn J. Philipp 28 Jack T. Sneesby 46 Heritage Society Shirley Barnard Brandt 34 Marjorie Forster Gardner 57 Patricia Felske Hammett 28 David R. Hargrave 23 Sally Dunn Staflin 15 Donors Barbara Larsen Arata 46 Betty Long Callen 23 Mary Pappas Krueger 28 Donald F. Lueck 39 Richard E. Thrumston 29

1948 $8,260.00 Members: 33 Donors: 18 (55%) Orrin H. Ingram Society Samuel W. Dougan 26 Robert G. Keeley 44 William S. Brockway Society Harold H. Erdman 19 Joy Cullen Holperin 56 Jane Fleming McLean 59 Roger C. McLean 59 Florence Zick Tinkham 53 Heritage Society Gordon O. Jensen 31


Lucia Lay Maxson 30 James C. Walworth 22 Donors Lawrence E. Bray 34 Betsy Gruber Conrad 34 Carrol Maynard Falberg 3 Barbara Cress Grandy 22 Howard C. Hornig 30 Doris Alford Jahnke 36 Gretchen Widell Podhora 21 Lewis R. Wallace 41

1949 $11,460.00 Members: 68 Donors: 40 (59%) Clarissa Tucker Tracy Society James C. Pickard 54 William S. Brockway Society Allen K. Hall 37 Mary Lou Becker Hall 37 Richard L. Starkel 33 Clayton C. Tinkham 53 Eugene D. Wallschlaeger 44 Heritage Society Jerome R. Blackstone 34 Robert L. Brandt 34 Willard H. Dhein 35 James D. Helf 24 Mary Holmquist Ingham 46 Elizabeth Carman Lanzer 48 Louis F. Lanzer 48 Robert M. Laske 49 Peggy Doolin Martin 28 Wilfred A. Pagel 30 Richard H. Rance 26 Elizabeth Wilke Schutz 46 George M. Thoman 39 Phyllis Havens Van De Mark 38 Edwin C. Webster 38 Donors Severa Laufenberg Bauman 21 Elizabeth Tilden Beattie 43 Robert J. Bednarek 34 Nancy Bock Black 28 Loretta Pagni Giuffre 29 Marilyn Isett Grebey 5 Phyllis Floody Jensen 12 Alan H. Jespersen 18 Beverly Lloyd Kaap 41 Marion Peters Livingstone 20 Anna McLean Mathy 34 Wilbur A. Nimmer, Sr. 53 Donald B. Olsen 16 Frances Hockenhull Ralff 21 Richard G. Ricker 24 Phyllis Fortier Sines 34 Harold E. St. Arnauld 14 Jacqueline Gilbert Wittman 5 John H. Wyllie 50


Jeremiah W. Walcott Society Joanne Klawiter Cochrane 35

$26,755.86 Members: 83 Donors: 48 (58%)

William S. Brockway Society Richard C. Froede 40 Arthur G. Hall, Jr. 53 James R. King 39 Charlotte Stibbe Olsen 34

Jeremiah W. Walcott Society Thomas R. Wyman 41 Wilfrid of Ripon Society John W. Pinch 31 James M. Reed 45 Donovan C. Wachlin 39 K. G. Weiske 49 William S. Brockway Society Marvin L. Conney 27 Marcus A. McCorison 45 Mary Jane Werner Roberts 49 Corinne Mueller Spaulding 39 Diane Fairbrother Syme 40 Patricia Keeley Winter 25 *Earl R. Zamzow 57 Heritage Society Selby V. I. Brown, Jr. 6 Frank W. Carlborg 32 Robert B. Clarke 38 Lynn Willis Herman 30 Dean H. Lemke 37 Ann Resch Litten 35 Constance Jones Malone 28 Gordon C. Minch 39 Marietta Morgan Paynter 43 Erika Preu Rasmussen 28 Henry T. Schintz 44 William C. Steaffens 31 Carol Thrumston Webster 38 Donors Lois Erickson Altmeyer 34 Don M. Clelland 30 William E. Doll 34 Donald J. Goodrich 12 G. Robert Gray, Jr. 27 Jane Sizer Grota 41 Beverly Paul Hanson 17 James M. Hanson 17 Thomas P. Hartnett 16 Bradley B. Hoffmann 19 Donald A. Johnston 27 Andrew A. Kandutsch 34 Nancy Thulin Kandutsch 34 Dawn Nottmeyer Larsen 2 Dorothy Westgor Marks 36 Edward E. Mulhall 35 Evan E. Olson 40 Charles H. Pearce 21 Elsie Hargrave Sakiotis 34 Sue Moran Schram 6 Ann Jones Stajich 55 Patricia Scherin Tremper 24 Leroy A. Yeomans 49

1951 $45,885.00 Members: 62 Donors: 44 (71%) Founders’ Society Robert V. Abendroth 59


Heritage Society Richard J. Bailar 37 Deane Houlahan Carlborg 32 Vilma Butcher Carlson 26 Mary Wernecke Goeks 30 James J. Herman 30 Lois Horn Holm 41 Robert B. Martin 28 Joseph E. Mazza 45 Mary Ann Sandberg McParland 9 Grace Klehm Rossmann 35 Pat Miller Thorpe 10 Donors Marsha King Aalbregtse 35 Ronald G. Albury 18 Elizabeth Robins Alex 26 Carlton L. Blochwitz 25 Theodore N. Burtness 19 Lois Ihlenfeldt Buttke 29 John C. Growt 49 Robert G. Gysbers 44 Leonard A. Hoffman 47 Jeanne De Hart Humpal 32 Barbara Schaefer Jespersen 18 Jeanne M. Jones 52 Nan Weimar Keenan 14 Joann Orcutt Marshall 44 Patricia Kane McCosker 23 Richard R. McCourt 41 Laurence T. Morand, Jr. 19 Donald J. Pemberton 6 Lois Hoeft Perrine 44 R. Ramona Fisher Potter 37 Kenneth H. Schermacher 40 John E. Schneider 16 Betty Killenberger Stillwell 17 Ellen Freitag Stone 25 Joan Ioas Varellas 24 Hannah Frankenstein Zacher 39 Donald J. Zutter 21

1952 $58,495.50 Members: 79 Donors: 52 (66%)

William S. Brockway Society Carol Kahnert Andersen 35 Mary Jane Bumby 56 Donald M. Duncan 35 Lee J. Harrer 47 John R. Thorson 11 Heritage Society Dorothy Whitner Backes 40 Frank H. Backes 40 William F. Brennan 36 John P. Costello 29 Richard J. Crowell 36 Elizabeth Colvin Davis 35 Chadwick B. Gibbons 41 Philo W. Goodrich, Jr. 24 Gretchen Riepma Hewitt 34 Dale R. Hinz 10 Robert D. Hovey 27 Tenho R. Hukkala 39 Robert O. Lieber 23 Wilma Heim Lieber 23 Ralph T. Martin 33 Richard T. Martin 4 Douglas L. Meyer 45 A. Paul Nancarrow 38 Helen Hoag Pfafflin 44 Jerry W. Pfafflin 44 Fanny Mathers Steward 40 William B. Stewart 19 Carl T. Syburg 16 Douglas E. Toll 37 Donors Patricia Jordan Beich 23 S. Marshall Cushman, Jr. 45 Mildred Dose Gottlieb 10 Robert G. Hess 3 Margaret Hoyt Larsen 21 Bernadine Johnson McClements 34 Kenneth D. Milius 34 Richard K. Neller, Jr. 49 Patricia R. Porter 24 Mariann Cherry Powell 32 Francis A. Rodeo 27 Paul J. Spheeris 13 Marjorie Miller Swartz 34 Duncan W. Wiedemann 37

1953 $75,086.04 Members: 92 Donors: 60 (65%)

Presidents’ Society Robert G. Lambert 54

Founders’ Society Charles A. Van Zoeren 55 Joan Hurley Van Zoeren 55

Jeremiah W. Walcott Society James F. Cochrane 35

Clarissa Tucker Tracy Society Blanche Bartizal Babcock 55

Clarissa Tucker Tracy Society Robert W. Steffes 53 Wilfrid of Ripon Society D. C. Anderson, Jr. 52 Jack Dekker 57 Boyd W. Holmes 51 Dayle Dunham Holmes 24 Barbara Young Males 51 Janet Anderson Warrick

Key Years of giving – number located after name. Class years displayed in red met or surpassed 40% participation. Class years displayed in black attained less than 40% participation. *Now Deceased


Wilfrid of Ripon Society Ned Lufrano 54 Rene H. Males 51 Helen Matteson Schotanus 45

‘To help ensure that others benefit in the same way,’ says Greene ’80 His Ripon education has served him well, so Mark Greene ’80 of Laramie, Wyo., has been giving to the College for more than three decades. “Somehow, pretty quickly after I graduated, I accepted the development office’s argument that it didn’t matter how much you gave — it mattered that you gave,” he says. “I began by donating very small amounts. It was either just before or during graduate school, and heaven knows I didn’t have much disposable income. As my career has progressed, and I’ve evolved into a position where I have more disposable income, I’ve tried to increase my giving proportionally.” Mark came to Ripon after looking at college literature and liking the look of small colleges. After a presentation about Ripon was given at his high school in Colorado, he visited the Ripon campus and one in his home state. “The experiences I had during those visits are what absolutely convinced me I wanted to go to Ripon,” Mark Arthur Wong 52 Orrin H. Ingram Society Andy M. Palm 53 Wilfrid of Ripon Society Barbara Gidlof Coynes 46 Thomas P. Coynes 46 Geraldine Schmidt Krumwiede 36 Merle W. Schotanus 45 William S. Brockway Society Paul B. Cors 50 Richard E. Cozad 27 Ronald W. Everson 13 William W. Griswold, Jr. 34 Dorothea Wichmann Henry 53 James A. Niederer 48 Kokki Shindo 23 Heritage Society Ronald J. Balej 32 John O. Frisvold 44 Anne Barber Hallock 34 Richard G. Hallock 34 Kenneth W. Jacobs 49

says. “It was Conference in made very clear to 1995-97. me that Ripon His Ripon really wanted me education “meant there. Fortunately, everything to my Ripon had offered career,” Mark me a pretty genersays. “It permitted ous scholarship so me to go to a firstthat my dad could, rate graduate in fact, afford to school and send me.” equipped me with Mark doublethe breadth, Mark Greene ’80 majored in history knowledge and the and politics and government. capacity to gather and analyze He did graduate work in hisknowledge that I have relied tory and archives administraon to one degree or another tion at the University of every day of my working life.” Michigan; and served as an He supports Ripon, he archivist at Carleton College, says, because of the desire to curator of manuscripts at the give back to an institution he Minnesota Historical Society feels has given him a great and head of research center deal, plus the fact that he benprograms for the Henry Ford efited from a scholarship. Museum in Dearborn, Mich. “The College needs supSince 2002, he has been port,” he says. “It is a private director of the American institution, and it relies most Heritage Center at the heavily on private gifts. University of Wyoming, one Virtually all of us who attendof the largest non-governmen- ed benefited from our attental libraries in the country. He dance there, and it is a good served as president of the thing to help ensure that othSociety of American ers are able to benefit in the Archivists in 2007-08 and of same way that we were able the Midwest Archives to benefit.”

Nathan Kittleson 48 Suzanne Lambert Marvin 54 Carol Simpelaar Mathis 49 Edith Thompson Penick 37 Marvin W. Prellberg 52 Charles R. Schwartz 43 Patricia Jenkins Steaffens 31 Donors Joan Prahl Arnold 31 Francis J. Blaise 31 Russell C. Bremner 35 Glen A. Buchholz 43 Robert H. Danielsen 6 William B. Easter 32 James N. Edinger 36 Richard L. Edwards 24 Jirina Hrazdilova Emerson 29 Kenneth E. Fenske 41 Elizabeth Butcher Fox 41 John E. Fuchs 51 Mary Holyoke Fuchs 51 Gerald R. Grout 31 Robert J. Henry 55 Joanne Knott Hoag 2 Betterae Elleson Ihssen 46

Alice Simpelaar Jensen 39 Richard L. Kay 23 Bette Jane Parliament Kohn 41 James C. Ryan 29 Jane S. Sabin 49 Arthur V. Schlesinger, Jr. 13 Barbara Perrett Skubic 46 James A. Stelter 7 Ronald M. Sterr 37 Louise Chamberlain Stevens 48 Beverly Olsen Taylor 7 John P. Tester 16 Arlan J. Welch 38 Marjorie Sullivan Wilson 6 James G. Wright 13

1954 $17,291.50 Members: 82 Donors: 51 (62%) Clarissa Tucker Tracy Society Beverley Johnson Steffes 53

William S. Brockway Society Barbara Bagemihl Anderson 48 Danny Booras 3 Verne B. Churchill, Jr. 48 James T. Cunningham 32 Lois Zimmerman Kieser 40 Gerald P. Stelter 54 Jane Furzland Stelter 54 Heritage Society M. R. Anderson 47 Robert J. C. Brown 25 William R. Cadwell 49 Patricia Goodrich Christensen 9 William R. Donaldson 15 Martin J. Dwyer 25 Graham Foster, Jr. 9 Virginia Foertsch Glenn 13 Elizabeth Thomas Henson 32 Joyce L. Kiefer 36 Philip I. C. Livingston 19 Joan Dunham McCombs 49 George I. Middleton 35 Duane E. Pepke 30 David M. Runkel 28 James C. Sund 21 Helen Billett Warren 32 Donors David G. Cochrane 21 R. L. Daugherty 3 Jean Spikings Davis 29 Jane Cappell Dovenbarger 9 Jay N. Fues 48 Daniel D. Harmon III 28 Patricia Spiczenski Head 7 Walter S. Hofman 55 Kay Gebhardt Kittell 20 Genevieve Hipke Leibham 44 Constance Smith Linde 50 Richard P. Linde 50 Carolyn Krueger Mangold 50 William J. Moran 21 Carolyn C. Ohnstad 2 Myron W. Peterson 31 Patricia McCullagh Pyburn 47 Katherine Frye Richardson 41 Calvin L. Schieler 40 Peggy Jess Schieler 40 James H. Thayer 47 Virginia Bruns Traeder 3 Robert W. Williams 18

1955 $81,145.01 Members: 63 Donors: 43 (68%) Founders’ Society Samuel W. Pickard 53 Jeremiah W. Walcott Society Robert G. Cruickshank 38 Thomas A. Domencich 37


Orrin H. Ingram Society Richard A. Johnson 40 Robert W. Tagge 50 Wilfrid of Ripon Society Robert L. Brothers 36 Kent O. Olin 25 Gerald J. Rosen 28 Everett L. Schwalbe, Jr. 29 Charles P. Stathas 48 William S. Brockway Society Lyle L. Heide 38 Andrew M. Obara 36 Sophia Ogawa Obara 36 Heritage Society Ralph J. Alfidi 20 Mary Alice Miller Balej 32 Helen Kuhn Brennan 36 Jerry K. James 12 Carolyn Callahan Landwehr 37 Arthur R. Lundeberg 49 Barbara King McIntyre 48 Lois W. Reed 45 Joan Sampson Runkel 28 *Allen K. Sparks, Jr. 53 Nina Bade Sparks 53 Wallace E. Voeks 16 Donors Arthur Abt 49 Norma Clausen Buchholz 43 Roxi-ann Parker Donovan 54 Helen Healy Edinger 36 Andrea Purdy Geisreiter 38 Gordon E. Grant 32 Frederick A. Hibbert III 30 John R. Howland, Jr. 12 William F. Ihssen 46 Russell T. Kittleson 39 John H. Peot 27 Fredric E. Roeming 28 Lyle E. Sager 18 Henry L. Schmitz, Jr. 18 William F. Smith 53 Vernon W. Tank 48 Thomas L. Teschner Sr. 28 Robert E. Witt 42

1956 $11,545.01 Members: 53 Donors: 38 (72%) Wilfrid of Ripon Society R. Keith Guise 32 Kermit N. Klingbail 20 William S. Brockway Society Richard C. Diedrich 26 Karen Keyser Heuser 48 Lois Panetti House 36 Sherwood G. House 37 David F. Minne 27 Forrest S. Moy 40 Jane Stauffacher Moy 40 William C. Reed 25 Harriet Bruckman Roop 39 Charmaine Weyer Schieler 25 Robert D. Schieler 25


Centa Schloesser Schilcher 19 Heritage Society Neil L. Barber 42 James P. Brost 48 Neil A. Daetz 17 Don A. Deike 26 Robert S. Felton 36 Demetrios P. Georgides 17 Frank S. Hyer II 32 Geraldine Jensen James 12 James B. Landwehr 37 Dorothy Dennee Lutz 38 Patrick A. Shannon 46 John D. Stiles 37 Lee Hussey Witt 37 Donors Karen Krogh Blaise 31 Norman C. Burke 22 Edwin H. Cromey 20 James W. Howard 4 Barbara Bauman Lacy 6 Rita Rafajko Lazarus 31 Richard J. Nelson 4 Barbara Berndt Richardson 27 John A. Stoler 41 S. Thomas Stubbs 19 John M. Wemple 16

1957 $22,738.01 Members: 85 Donors: 53 (62%) Wilfrid of Ripon Society Bruce P. Anderson 46 Judith Rackow Anderson 38 Neil O. Anderson 38 Catherine Adamski Gant 21 W. Mack Goldsmith 24 Janet Nelson Grant 25 Judith Pallett Kaestner 47 Paul L. Kegel 52 Joyce Brownworth Klingbail 20 Dr. Robert E. Reinert 23 Noel B. Taylor 39 John H. Thorngate 48 William S. Brockway Society Ray G. Besing 27 Frank N. Brockway 43 Bruce A. Bursack 31 John T. Fehlandt 38 Siegfried H. Heuser 48 Elizabeth Langer Quackenboss 31 Heritage Society Robert L. Ainsworth 39 Roberta Niess Ainsworth 39 Dorothy Walsh Aylward 45 Betty Trinrud Babb 27 Gerald H. Bethke 44 Frederick D. Blake 13 Catherine Farley Cavanaugh 9 Eileen Leander Cook 33 Vanessa D. Dehne 40 J. Patrick Houlihan 9 Joseph T. Larscheid, Sr. 47 Kenneth R. Stair 37 John M. Steenport 32 Barbara Mathews Tischer 26 Lowell A. Weber 38 Nancy Jessen Winkels 6

Class of 1959

Representing the Class of 1959, Roger Venden presents President David C. Joyce with a check for nearly $24,000. Donors Gary A. Alexander 39 Joan Anderson Bachus 28 Janet M. Bottiglia 4 Anthony C. Cremerius, Jr. 22 Xavier C. Fendt 32 Leonard W. Harsel 31 Byung C. Kim 17 Edward E. Kirkbride 34 Duane L. Koplien 35 Robert E. McPherson 4 Kim Kenney Moran 21 Susan Kreuser Redhed 39 Richard Roeming 15 Kathleen Dopp Schaefer 42 Anne Youngquist Stentiford 14 Geraldine Heal Stewart 37 Kenneth C. Suhr 3 Anne McLendon Sulzbach 13 Susan Pond Wojtasik 28

1958 $38,522.87 Members: 77 Donors: 45 (58%) Jeremiah W. Walcott Society John A. Sturm 30 Clarissa Tucker Tracy Society William H. Popko 49 Wilfrid of Ripon Society Richard C. Barber 35 David D. Chase 37 Richard A. Christensen 47 Ronald C. Gillard 35 D. Janice Hume Konstans 40 James E. Webster 46 William S. Brockway Society John K. Clark 10 Carol Diedrich Cooley 32 Thomas E. Cooley 32 Ada Brown Diedrich 26 Charles J. Fisher 11 Peter A. Mattiacci 41 Frank J. Sotosek 30

Heritage Society Richard D. Bartel 46 Hugh G. Daubek 14 Donald P. Giegler 24 Carolyn Scott Hudson 41 Thomas F. Lange 46 JoAnn K. Nelson 34 Jack W. Schloesser 8 Jon P. Wilcox 31 Donors Arlene Ford Burke 22 Barbara Burmeister Burtch 27 Jane Goodman Clajus 21 Nancy Conner 2 David W. Griffiths, Sr. 51 Patricia Van Lanen Hausner 28 Weimer K. Hicks, Jr. 42 James M. Higgins 38 Susan Richardson Hooker 4 Robert P. Humke 18 Edith Tull Jendal 19 J. Peter Jensen 29 Bonnie Porath Kontos 6 Barbara Cottrell Larsen 50 Donna McKinney Lummus 14 Theodore A. Peterson 16 Russell A. Roeber 26 Betty Liska Schweitzer 31 William E. Shelton, Jr. 33 Kenneth A. Stuessi 9 Jerry V. Whitford 23 Kenneth V. Wolters 30

1959 $47,152.35 Members: 68 Donors: 44 (65%) Founders’ Society Nathan F. Brand Orrin H. Ingram Society Burton D. Jay 44 Roger D. Venden 35 Wilfrid of Ripon Society Ann Di John Anderson 46

Marion Murner Harten 24 Peter L. Kasson 25 Larry K. Larson 50 Norbert W. Thieme 23 V. Gerald Woeste 32 William S. Brockway Society Daniel G. Anderson 43 Ronell Bradbeer Anderson 43 Howard L. Dahlke 4 Plato D. Kinias 23 Flora Toms O’Hagan 34 Allen M. Peters 23 Donna Haubrich Reichle 22 Janet Albrecht Schiager 28 Richard D. Threlkeld 28 Thomas J. Troestler 24 Jon R. Walterscheit 28 Donald S. Zutter 16 Heritage Society Harriet Glidden Blakemore 7 Neal M. Cason 49 Carolyn Malueg Consie 2 John C. Cooley, Jr. 13 Thomas W. DeSwarte 39 John B. Fawcett 29 Bruce Gebhardt 37 Robert J. Gresenz 26 Jane Graeber Hyer 32 John M. Kubitz 46 Daniel C. Rajewski 28 June Eggert Schuett 14 Donors B. Clifford Eimon 24 Patience M. Falcon 28 Miriam Ross Hosszu 17 Ellen Luebke Humke 18 Hazel Smith Madigan 38 Robert J. Madigan, Jr. 38 Molly McLendon Schubert 27 Thomas E. Sharp 9 Inez Weber Strelow 47 Kenneth R. Tucker 27 Raymond A. Vande Moore 10

1960 $16,035.00 Members: 84 Donors: 47 (56%) Orrin H. Ingram Society David A. Fellingham 47 Eva Eudy Jay 44 Wilfrid of Ripon Society Patricia Carroll Carson 35 Georgene Klaner Koblenz 31 Leland R. Schroeder 20 Robert L. Spangler 24

Key Years of giving – number located after name. Class years displayed in red met or surpassed 40% participation. Class years displayed in black attained less than 40% participation. *Now Deceased

Marilynn Deplewski Tykal 46 Jim Wolff 10 William S. Brockway Society Robert G. Borger 23 Carol Grant Troestler 24 Heritage Society John T. Benka 39 Bonnie Meyer Brooks 27 Judith Stibbe De Leeuw 40 Patricia Wagner DeWald 25 M. Robert Humphrey 21 Barbara Spalding Keller 48 John R. Korbel 29 Verne C. Lewellen, Jr. 21 Charles H. Morgan 24 Eric P. Petersen 19 James W. Pierce 26 Ray Schiefelbein 42 Norman H. Schroeder 48 Harry G. Snyder 25 Michael O. Willson 40 Donors Patricia Baron Bressner 11 Richard J. Celichowski 23 Bruce C. Duffy 33 Francine Gross Grenlie 40 John K. Gruhlke 12 Richard R. Hefling 22 David U. Jennings 22 Thomas C. Kilgore 6 Raymond H. Laub 47 Donna Severance Lesker 34 Jane Stallard Lorton 28 Nancy Reno Meinel 44 Barbara L. Moe 33 John E. Moffatt 38 Lynne Scherbarth Penicnak 48 Karl P. Piotrowski 32 David H. Redemann 26 Robert P. Ridpath Sr. 33 Orson L. St. John, Jr. 40 Georgia Alcher Tillema 50 *Michael L. Watson 10 Karen Soderstrom Zollar 30

1961 $13,715.00 Members: 79 Donors: 53 (67%) Wilfrid of Ripon Society Joyce Prout Kasson 25 Martin A. Latsons 42 Kathleen Ewers Schroeder 20 Robert W. Tykal 46 William S. Brockway Society Don L. Allan 37 John T. Burr 30 Peter R. Jochimsen 36 James G. Kalanges 36 Robb W. Rowe 30 Jerome H. Semrad 25 Everett R. Wood 10 Heritage Society George E. Alotrico 10 Michael J. Berg 33 Robert C. Burress 36 Tena Schultz Franzen 28 Darrell L. Johnson 28

Werner W. Knuth 27 Thomas F. Kuehl 43 Melissa Sward LeCann 24 Tomas M. Magdich 34 Howard N. Myers 40 Richard W. Schiefelbein 33 William G. Tontsch, Jr. 29 Mara Latsons Warren 42 Jon W. Weise 31 Donors Thomas Craig Anderson 4 Jerome A. Barr 36 Anina Raddant Bearrood 38 Daniel L. Benka 15 James L. Burdon 19 Karen A. Carlson 5 Marilyn Krenek Douros 4 Lee D. Jess 30 Mary Ann Clauder Jesse 34 Norman W. Jesse 34 Kenneth L. Kahl 25 Janice Nelson Karp 22 Gary J. Kazmier 27 Richard T. Kreuser 30 Karen Van Epps Krueger 24 Terry Hall Kuehlwein 31 Barbara Krieps Laskin 3 Ann Pribnow Louis 26 Richard A. Louis 26 David W. Mawdsley 45 Kenneth M. Mitchell 11 Jackson V. Parker III 16 Norbert A. Steinbach 24 James C. Suomi 17 Sharon Adams Threlkeld 21 Judith Zinda Trudeau 27 Phillip A. Waitkus 25 Hock H. Yeoh 39

1962 $32,517.50 Members: 104 Donors: 62 (60%) Clarissa Tucker Tracy Society Anonymous Dee Moore Mahuna 44 Orrin H. Ingram Society William C. Stege 41 Wilfrid of Ripon Society Ronald M. Case 38 John C. Diedrich 36 Thomas J. Oyster 26 Judy Hughes Phillips 44 William D. Tichy 18 Darlene Etchingham White 19 William S. Brockway Society Karen Konrad Allan 37 Dennis J. Conta 35 Roger F. Farleigh 28 Gene D. Hartfelder 5 Robert Z. Haugom 39 John Hubbard 14 C. Richard Johnson 46 Heritage Society John M. Ackley, Sr. 30 Daniel W. Behring 27 Nancy Steeno Behring 27 Joseph R. Comfort 31

Robert D. Dieringer 41 Elise Werner Enk 46 Gordon A. Enk 46 Carol Pickhardt Fancher 34 Andrea Walters Fritz 42 Susan K. Hansen 12 Judson C. Higgins, Jr. 37 Judith Jenz Houlihan 9 John T. Howe 37 Betty Burmeister Johnson 28 Elizabeth Black Kramer Joseph W. Kushner 47 Judith Lawson Magdich 34 John K. Rogers 34 Robert P. Roll 33 Gail Klein Schiefelbein 33 Douglas S. Seator 40 Schuyler H. Van Gorden, Jr. 20 George F. Vesley 26 David E. Weaver III 9 Donors Robert M. Anderson 11 Arthur D. Bates 2 Arlene Macht Belletire 4 James J. Cowley 6 Gary D. Davis 3 Pamela Pankey Drymiller 15 Theodora Lee Gregg 23 Reese E. Griffiths 34 Henry A. Holzkamper 31 Paul J. Jakstas 31 Mary Jo Piehl Jess 30 Geoffrey D. Johnson 34 Carolyn Francke Kahl 25 Dale A. LaVallee 17 David S. Myers 42 Margaret Rossman Panagos 37 Richard S. Papke 22 Beth McMillan Ridpath 33 Tim F. Stone 18 James W. Vibert 11 Tim H. Williams 29 Gail Gillette Zahn 5

1963 $20,445.00 Members: 91 Donors: 40 (44%) Clarissa Tucker Tracy Society Terry L. Burkoth 39 Orrin H. Ingram Society Timothy B. Mahoney 31 Cheryl K. Rofer 45 Wilfrid of Ripon Society Susan Keller Matthes 32 Philip R. Nack 42 William S. Brockway Society Julie Brockel Baum 15 Susan Ritter Kalanges 36 Alexander H. Levis 42 Rudolph Ostovich III 15 Heritage Society Helen Steinman Ackley 30 William B. Drake 47 Jim Falkenrath 19


Marjorie George Williams 38 Richard M. Zuengler 9

1965 $74,143.69 Members: 108 Donors: 68 (63%) Founders’ Society Michael R. Reese 35 Clarissa Tucker Tracy Society Jeff C. Bumby 34 James R. Christopher 38 Ellen Robishaw Otis 31

Class of 1964

President David C. Joyce receives a contribution of more than $82,000 from the Class of 1964 from Patricia Ostrom Kohnen, James Kohnen and David Hartman. Sid J. Frame 23 Lawrence E. Hamilton, Jr. 36 Marcia MacLeish Higgins 37 Sandra Steiner Karkossa 16 John Kirchgeorg 30 Robert L. Nelson 38 David F. Neubauer 24 Judith Gruber Schrader 42 Daniel E. Schultz 38 Edward A. Tomczyk 31 Raymond F. Tutton 41 Thomas L. H. Wing 30 Wayne W. Wolfgram 42 John C. Zore 31 Donors Stephen K. Astmann 31 Norman S. Behn 40 Edison C. Dessain 15 Andrew Feinstein 23 Jack L. Flaker 20 Alan L. Grant 44 Kathleen Johnston Grossman 23 Patricia L. Hayes 42 Judy Wagner Lax 3 Sandra Andresen Mann 5 Suzanne E. Shade 43 Anthony N. Stephanie 5 Lynn Siebel Sundelius 43 Roger E. Wheeler 36

1964 $82,198.00 Members: 118 Donors: 49 (42%) Founders’ Society David G. Hartman 44 Jeremiah W. Walcott Society James B. Kohnen 45 Patricia Ostrom Kohnen 45 Orrin H. Ingram Society A. Richard Konrad 29


Donald L. Schober 42 Wilfrid of Ripon Society Carol Rummel Dingman 38 Joan Howard Maclachlan 28 Duane A. Thornton 35 David C. Van Singel 44 William S. Brockway Society Clifford Gould 30 Heritage Society William K. Andrew 37 John M. Ankerson 33 Sylvia L. Ashton 26 David A. Babler 34 Kay Labisky Bolick 41 Bruce M. Dale 16 Ronald Scott Heiderich 34 David F. Hillard 32 J. Michael Jerry 13 Karen Troester Jerry 13 Barbara Blank Lueck 18 John C. Lueck 18 James F. Matthes 35 Mary Lee Franke Matthes 35 Robert C. Schneider 34 Mary A. Walter 26 William R. Winter, Jr. 44 Donors Juvenna Chang 25 William J. Dussling 12 Jo-Anne Fields 34 Janice Nelson Geibel 4 Marnee Johnson Grefe 29 James J. Haag 35 Pope Hoffman 42 Marilyn Kaiser Indermuehle 22 William K. Johnston, Jr. 23 Stephanie Schmahl Loehr 17 Lorna L. MacLeish 23 James B. Martin 21 Carole Bennett McClure 3 Richard L. Moschel 35 Russell M. Naiman Barbara L. O’Pray 19 Charles F. Osgood 24 David C. Robinson 26 Daniel L. Siculan 34 Mary Ann Sims Trombetta 22

Orrin H. Ingram Society Diane L. Beres 30 Karl A. Beres 30 Wilfrid of Ripon Society Mary Stake Hawker 36 Charles L. Larson 38 Richard L. Menson 28 Jane A. Person 34 Rudolf A. von Watzdorf 21 William S. Brockway Society Jacqueline Eady Alcorn 40 Franklin C. Brewster, Jr. 24 Peter B. Cooper 33 Craig T. Ferris 41 Thomas J. Hamilton 29 Philip C. Holm 40 John C. Hyde 33 Shari Tremberth Hyde 33 Mary Ellen Sherman Papara 28 Stephen H. Peters 39 D. Winslow Ryder 39 David W. Worden 36 Heritage Society Carole Coop Atherton 39 Ruth Cottrell Bain 20 Charles P. Barber 34 Thomas A. Buesch 5 Frederick S. Callender 28 Sheila Stangel Christiansen 36 Robert A. Collins 28 Robert A. Fleck, Jr. 30 David W. Hertel 15 Dorothy Liska Hunter 21 Mary Shirer Kroening 41 Larry C. Lascody 44 Jennifer Lloyd Maxson 36 Phil Nancarrow 33 John F. Newhard, Jr. 41 Ruth Carwithen Satterthwaite 38 James A. Sebben 41 Barbara Bradford Sewall 33 Phillip M. Steans 35 Gregory S. Thompson 25 Lawrence C. Tice 20 Charles T. Wallschlaeger 35 Donors Sherie Kirshner Barnes 29 David A. Bengtson 43 John T. Burrows 40 James W. Cahoon 34 Patricia Innes Dussling 12 Thomas A. Fischer 31 Roger L. Gereau 12 Richard M. Grimsrud III 24

William C. Knudson 36 Mark T. Ledger 31 Frank S. Lockwood 10 David C. Meissner 27 Gary E. Nei 23 Chadwick R. Nelson 31 Melody Sher Nichols 30 Margaret Kuney Plaskas 38 Carol Beverly Pouros 34 Douglas E. Powell Stephen C. Rogers 34 Cheryl Kolb Roht 24 David G. Stankow 23 James H. Thorsen 37 Marjorie Hill Truschke 26

1966 $34,433.49 Members: 138 Donors: 72 (52%) Clarissa Tucker Tracy Society William E. Moore 43 Robert E. Nied, Jr. 28 Orrin H. Ingram Society Frances L. McCain 3 Wilfrid of Ripon Society Nancy A. Davlantes 9 David H. Gebhardt, Jr. 40 Helen E. Hansen 34 William S. Brockway Society Jeffrey J. Crabbe 33 Linda Masson Kastendiek 40 John W. Murray 42 Robert F. Rice 36 Elliot M. Samuels 35 George R. Schneider 31 Virginia Krikorian Worden 36 Gary G. Yerkey 3 Heritage Society Steven J. Adolphson 36 Martha Emerson Bowman 19 Patricia Gass Braidwood 21 Susan Sycle Callender 28 Susan Kreuser Davis 33 Patricia Olson Descher 30 William H. Descher 30 Ruth Potts Fleck 30 David T. Fukuda 33 Pam Kurz Goode 30 Terry M. Goode 30 Howard L. Heinisch, Jr. 30 Janet K. Hollatz 43 Abby Carlstrom Humphrey 42 Cheryl L. Iverson 28 John P. Kleiner 36 Gary E. Long 32

Key Years of giving – number located after name. Class years displayed in red met or surpassed 40% participation. Class years displayed in black attained less than 40% participation. *Now Deceased

1967 $120,324.36 Members: 146 Donors: 91 (62%) Founders’ Society Dena G. Willmore 33 Orrin H. Ingram Society William M. Banks 35 Peter H. Engelking 34 William A. Neill 42 John C. Ryberg 29 Christopher M. Small 42 Colleen Durkin Small 42 Wilfrid of Ripon Society Kathryn Santimays Dunn 40 Richard A. Hansen, Jr. 35 Robert A. Lennox, Jr. 40 Suzanne Baldwin Lennox 40 Philip A. Metcalf 18 Gordon H. Steinbach 31 William S. Brockway Society Susan Boothroyd Loomer 37 Dennis L. Riley 39 Wayne L. Stevenson 31 Richard T. Todd 41




90% 80%





20% 10% 0%

24.6 *

9.9* *

*Contributions **Other Income

Heritage Society Ryan C. Amacher 41 Charles E. Amelotte 26 Penny Over Amelotte 26 William A. Bennett 17 John M. Bishop 35 Jeffrey J. Booth 20 Marcella Christensen 36 Allen P. Cook 18 Deborah Jacobson Freeman 41 Patricia Andrews Gander 34 Anna Jones Haines 26 G. John Heyer 35 Diana Dietz Hillard 32 Andrew F. Jackson II 42 Norman D. Jefferson 22 David B. Johnson 16 Kenneth L. Kaliher 42 Martha Stende Kloehn 14 Richard D. Kuehl 37 Barbara Berger Lascody 44 B. Craig LeVee 5 Diane Vaughan Longcore 34 Nancy Fletcher Morgan 39 Robert R. Rowan 16 Thomas J. Schmidt 37 F. Kevin Shea 18 Peter J. Somers 29 Catherine M. Wagner 38 Christopher S. Wenckus 30 Elaine Light Wenckus 30 Lucy Brooks Wright 39 Richard L. Wright 39 Donors Gail Altman Pamela A. Beinar 14 David P. Bienfang 28 Frederick P. Boehm 4 Noel F. Carota 13 Robert J. Celichowski 17 Frederick Coppo 15 Mary O’Brien Forbess 26 Patricia Lefler Fuksa 30





$105,447.18 Members: 176 Donors: 94 (53%) Founders’ Society James R. Clark 37



3.4 2.0 * **

Residence Halls, Food Service, Bookstore

*Academic Support (Library, Computer Center) **Public Services (Plays, Public Lectures, Athletic Contests)

Pamela Hendricks Gazaway 33 George N. Gitcho 29 Robert A. Immoor 28 Peter F. Jones 23 Peter Julius 20 Kathleen Kranbuehl Krahnke 39 Robert C. Kreiling 21 Thomas P. Kreuser 35 David A. Leifheit 25 Bernadette Nihlson Longden 11 Paul D. Lyons 17 Lana Fraser Mahoney 21 Lawrence J. Mahoney 16 William O. McGowan 28 William A. Metcalf 14 Walter M. Mortlock 35 H. James Mowrey 27 Michael P. Nichols 30 Marianne Meiners Noonan 6 Barbara Hughes Price 31 Thomas E. Price 33 James E. Reed 30 Catherine Chapman Reynolds 32 *Michael A. Sloan 18 James S. Steinberg 15 Susan Bell Stephens 31 Roberta Thompson 12 Susan J. Trempe 31 Margot Goslin Walker 29 James P. Weifenbach 2 Frank M. Wheeler 16 Lois A. Wilhelm 35 Hugh A. Woltzen 20


17.8 Auxiliary Enterprises+ Student Services



Institutional Support




Investments -62.6%



Auxiliary Enterprises

Donors Kathleen LaBrot Angus 32 Scott D. Barnes 29 Lezlie Heard Bishop 10 Robert B. Blair 42 Douglas W. Bradley 18 Nancy Ostermeier Burrows 40 Philip M. Chase 29 Claudia Sellon Connor 17 Robert J. Gehrke, Jr. 20 Craig A. Gieler 40 Susan Mudge Gieler 40 Roger M. Greiling 36 Nanette Macknick Johnson 31 Karen Spark Kreiling 21 J. Mark Lashly 41 Susan Scott Lashly 41 Paul J. Noel 24 Martha Bliss Novak 11 William F. Platz 14 Neil G. Rogers 28 Pamela Beekman Rogers 34 William H. Schuler, Jr. 26 Mary Raschka Sikora 33 Delana Singer Stanfield 23 Carol Longley Stephenson 41 Karen Reimer Sturtevant 2 Richard B. Wilson 12 B. Harton Wolf 17 Dennis M. Wusler 21 Marcia Homann Zaborsky 29

Revenues & Expenditures in 2008-2009

Student Tuition & Fees

James A. Loudon 14 Patricia Clemick Marquardt 25 Sharon Vizanko Miller 36 Walter L. Morgan 39 Suzan Helgerson Pruiett 35 Thomas E. Sewall 33 Barry E. Simon 32 Randi Solberg Steans 35 Jerry J. Thornbery 38 Charles C. Walden 11 Thomas E. Wulling 43

Pamela Price Smith 29 Jeremiah W. Walcott Society Guy R. Henshaw 41 Susan Siegel Henshaw 41 Clarissa Tucker Tracy Society Peter G. Roehl 34 Donna Veto Schulz 37 Orrin H. Ingram Society Judith Wilkinson Neill 42 Keith E. Schroeder 27 Wilfrid of Ripon Society Linda Jensen Bohnen 40 Barbara Paine Cramer 34 William B. Cramer 34 Richard A. Domanik 29 R. Gregory Dunn, Jr. 40 Donald B. McNeil 26 William S. Brockway Society Richard G. Barry 41 Richard M. Borchers 33 Susan Geyler Colletti 33 Alice McKeon Crabbe 33 John N. Hermes 37 Susan Robinson Hermes 37 Barbara Lewis Johnson 19 Richard Kammen 35 John M. Kristy 36 Robert P. Martin 37 Bonnie Binkoff Riley 39 Mary Kijeski Ryder 39 Thomas A. Selsor 32 Vicky Porth Tobias 41 Kathleen Kroll Todd 41 Heritage Society Susan Smith Amacher 41 Jill Williams Bishop 35


Donald A. Nunemaker 33 Marilee Hoffmeyer Shore 38 Jacquelyn Stuit Steinbach 31 Daniel R. Wolfgram 39 Joan Knutson Wolfgram 39

Class of 1969

Cynthia Klingel Spring, Scott Nyquist and John Brennan present their class’ gift of nearly $83,000 to President David C. Joyce. Richard R. Brockhaus 24 Terry R. Broderick 34 Suzanne McKean Chamberlain 35 Dennis B. Collins 41 Paul H. Decot 18 Ronald L. Dieck 14 Elwood K. Ginkel 17 Gordon C. Hannaford, Jr. 33 John B. Henderson 32 Norman L. Hull 28 George A. Julin III 36 Donna E. Kantner 22 Galen H. Kawamoto 29 Carol Harrison Kleiner 36 Alana Keyes Koutantzis 30 Scott C. Mathot 36 Diane King Mikolyzk 38 William B. Mikolyzk 38 David M. Minor 22 William C. North 36 John F. Pickerel, Jr. 30 Gregory Potegal 30 John W. Robertson 33 Jean Ovitz Schick 38 Peter M. Uhrig 36 Diane Thorsen Whiteley 32 Douglas E. Whiteley 32 Richard Williams 22 David G. Zerfoss 9 Donors Susan Nussdorfer Berg 28 Charles P. Burton 14 Gerald E. Campbell 31 John C. Corso 22 Carl W. Dean 30 Arthur J. Foley, Jr. 17 Elizabeth Follett 28 Christopher Galton 32 Sladen W. Hall 30 Robert G. Hering 11 James E. Hughes 28 David L. Kennicott 18 Eugene A. Klann 9 Kathy Critchett Klann 9 Nancy Allen Kreuser 35 Jane Fryman Laird 32 Ann Follett Liebert 36 Kristine Korsan Little 27


Kip C. Lubcke 36 Michael V. Maurer 34 Carol Marbet Nero 27 Elizabeth Champion O’Scanlon 29 Robert E. Pellegrino 29 C. Preston Poore, Jr. 30 Marcia Johnson Randall 25 Thomas L. Reinecke 30 Merrilee Robinson-Fontaine 10 Charles W. Roderus, Jr. 30 Connie Mraz Schuler 26 David C. Smith 40 Cynthia Lambie Telage 27 Ruth Gumm Waukau 11 Stephen R. Wente 17 Thomas G. Willard 29

1969 $83,448.10 Members: 186 Donors: 103 (55%) Presidents’ Society William C. Jordan 37 Jeremiah W. Walcott Society Philip K. McCullough 36 Clarissa Tucker Tracy Society Andrew E. Cook II 34 Orrin H. Ingram Society Barbara Suess Anders 39 Franklin H. Anders 39 Michael J. Boyd 35 Susan Garrett Boyd 35 Cynthia Sanborn Nyquist 39 Scott A. Nyquist 39 Scott T. Oliver 28 John H. Wolfe 32 Wilfrid of Ripon Society Terrence L. Brown 34 Nancy Gerathy Cole 33 R. Christian Dolloff 18 James E. Kneser 26 Sally Bolln Kneser 26 Susan J. Larson 38

William S. Brockway Society John D. Brennan 35 John A. Erich 35 Cris G. Johnson 18 Linda Jones Kammen 35 David R. Lee 39 Susan Steger Lee 39 Holly Kursar Pietrucha 29 Nicholas P. Retson 39 John K. Rodgers 35 Gary E. Scheuermann 36 Nancy Quick Scheuermann 36 Carolyn Calandra Selsor 32 Timothy P. Soliday 26 Jane Burge Terry 18 Steven J. Thompson 40 Heritage Society Calvin D. Allen III 23 Carol Tinker Bainbridge 30 John M. Billinsky, Jr. 12 Edgar H. Case III 34 Richard L. Dalton, Jr. 28 Paul M. D’Amico 33 Marjorie E. Davis 37 Robert Fernbach 38 William L. Gebhardt 38 Alice Hall Hayes 23 Frederick B. Hussey 37 Randall K. Kawamoto 28 John H. Lorfeld 6 Michael S. Maloney 27 A. J. Martin 35 Margaret Castle Martin 35 Clinton P. McCully 24 Barry D. Morton 13 Robert J. Nichols 28 Lawrence E. Osborn 37 Barbara Knights Porter 40 Kenneth L. Porter III 40 R. John Ricciardi 31 Cynthia Klingel Spring 39 Donors Vincent C. Aye 27 Elizabeth Winter Boschetto 33 Frederic T. Brandt III 23 Perry L. Brewer 16 Sandra Phelps Brophy 9 Linda M. Bryson 13 Katherine Waldo Bubar 13 Linda Houston Cannizzo 37 John E. Casey 40 Jane Crews Conway 23 Judith H. Drabant 6 Daniel J. Dykstra, Jr. Elizabeth Willoughby Fitzsimmons 31 Rick N. Fitzsimmons 31 Gary R. Forbess 26 Paul A. Gelb 35 Victoria Specian Griswold 31 Beverly Rechtoris Hobbs 13 W. Charles Jackson 21 Coburn Randak Johnson 31 Kipp A. Johnson 30 Joan Carol Lebenbaum 7 Nancy Oliver Leifheit 25 Steven B. Leitschuh 21 Rita Rudi Loyacono 15 Thomas H. Mace 2

Gordon I. Miller, Jr. 24 Jean Lenz Mosher 7 Janice Fuchs Nielsen 32 Donald R. Park II 34 David G. Richardson 4 Steven C. Ruoff 23 Arthur C. Scarlett, Jr. 34 Thomas W. Scharbach 20 Diane Fornwalt Smith 11 Thomas Q. Smith 11 J. Timothy Trier 25 Robert O. Wachholtz 34 John A. Wiechmann 26 Jill Alexander Williams 17 Michael Q. Williams 10 Rick J. Zucchero 31

1970 $82,988.10 Members: 134 Donors: 63 (47%) Presidents’ Society Christine Hershey Jordan 37 Ronald R. Peterson 29 Jeremiah W. Walcott Society Marcus D. Hoffman 33 Clarissa Tucker Tracy Society Robert J. Zimmerman 26 Orrin H. Ingram Society William K. Grieb 37 William P. Tong 20 Richard W. Zuehl 32 Wilfrid of Ripon Society Ruby Ibaraki Mizue 26 Barbara Volk Rivera 14 Joan Reinke Ziegler 38 William S. Brockway Society Roberta G. Austring 24 Jack N. Hays 31 Colleen Burr Kamin 30 Henry W. Knueppel 29 Susan Thomson Knueppel 29 Linda Wohlschlaeger Larson 36 Mark A. Larson 36 Heritage Society Linda Brattebo Cutler 28 James P. Danky 20 Homer H. Dary III 25 Mary Meyer Davis 26 Bruce L. Elliott 17 Susan Hecht Gebhardt 32 Christine Acker Haight 38 John M. Haight III 38 Connie Jaye Harris 22

Key Years of giving – number located after name. Class years displayed in red met or surpassed 40% participation. Class years displayed in black attained less than 40% participation. *Now Deceased

Christine Lydon Jones 37 John N. Leonard II 5 Andrew H. Loeb 18 Sally Hand Mauson 34 Michael P. McCarthy 30 Robert P. Oda 20 Doreen Nakahara Olseon 10 Dayle Miyamoto Osborn 37 David A. Read 17 Theodore W. Schaffnit 37 Craig F. Splinter 35 Mary Geiger Van Dyke 39 James M. Walsh 39 Donors Mary Macgill Agre 28 David A. Buhner 25 Bruce R. Chorba 18 Frederick B. Dinkel II 8 Richard E. Economou 19 Kent M. Fangboner 17 Bruce A. Hamilton 25 Randall P. Jefferson 39 Dennis L. Kempner 33 Kay Ingerski Kempner 33 Christine Beltz Maas 35 Jon E. Meyer 36 Doretta M. Miller 30 James J. Murfey 17 Fred D. Peckitt 10 Karen Woerthwein Peckitt 10 Kenneth J. Reinecke 27 Robert W. Roth 23 Thomas M. Salzer 15 Sheryl Swennes Scarlett 34 Crispin A. Schamp 21 Gerald V. Seidl 13 Peggy Wittenberg Thompson 38 Robert H. Uehling 34

1971 $18,481.70 Members: 128 Donors: 54 (42%) Orrin H. Ingram Society Dale E. Abrams 37 Wilfrid of Ripon Society Robert C. Arfman 34 Linda Dickinson Tase 13 Michael K. Vernier 20 Peter D. Ziegler 38 William S. Brockway Society James W. Beisner 35 George C. Clam 32 Karl R. Wilhelm 30 Heritage Society Christopher M. Ayer 14 Joseph E. Bares 27 Philip V. Billinsky 7 Terence L. Capes 23 Dan D. Diedrich 18 Jeanne LaGrille Ernst 38 Roberta Freund Evans 29 Robert A. Hingston 36 Michael J. Julka 31 Joseph J. Lack 32 Mark J. McNally 7 Gregory L. D. Mercier 30 Margaret Allen Milligan 33 Joseph P. O’Connor, Jr. 28

Karen C. Oishi 25 Thomas C. Peters 15 Jeffrey M. Pomerantz 35 Julie D. Rasmussen 10 Susan Bradley Sorenson 28 Jeffrey R. Stang 30 William E. Taege 29 Jeffrey W. Trickey 19 Alice C. Walter 27 John D. Williams 27 Richard A. Wueste 32 Donors Robert E. Algrin 34 Leslie Smith Bachhuber 34 Thomas D. Bachhuber 34 Charles C. Bate 5 John J. Bennett, Jr. 33 Susan Wege Brown 33 Rebecca L. Caldwell 35 John T. Clark 30 Gail J. Connelly 27 Calvin W. Coquillette 24 Marc N. Crichton 15 Kevin H. DeCramer 17 Marcus L. Disbrow 8 Alan R. Eggert 22 Sam E. Hanna 20 Peter B. Harris 12 Gustav G. Kaufmann 33 Mark L. Tannenbaum 32 John W. Thompson 16 Robert P. Thompson 38 Gretchen Zick Titus 14

1972 $48,945.00 Members: 141 Donors: 72 (51%) Jeremiah W. Walcott Society Stephanie Greene 24 Steven P. Kent 34

Top Ten Classes PARTICIPATION Class


1956 1951 1955 1961 1952 1953 1959 1965 1957 1967 1954 1944

72% 71% 68% 67% 66% 65% 65% 63% 62% 62% 62% 62%



1973 1967 1968 1981 1975 1969 1970 1964 1955 1953

$152,505 $120,324 $105,447 $98,265 $87,769 $83,448 $82,988 $82,198 $81,145 $75,086

20 Classmates or more

Clarissa Tucker Tracy Society Gary L. Lederer 35 Orrin H. Ingram Society Susan A. Frederick-Clarkson 34 Wilfrid of Ripon Society Thomas I. Altholz 33 Peggy Johnson Arfman 34 Michael W. Farrell 36 Walter W. Polley 24 Ellen Mower Spittell 27 John A. Spittell III 27 Bruce A. Tammi 26 William S. Brockway Society Anita Morland Arms 23 Jeannette T. L. Fisher-Garber 27 Nancy Burrell Hays 31 Sandra Lee Heckman 34 Jean Miller Maddrell 26 Millicent Mann 25 Lynne Limpus Norbery 33 Lynn M. Spicer-Tucker 34 Theologos E. Thanos 21 Heritage Society David A. Bardwick 36 Matthew R. Cottler 15 Richard W. Diemer 33

Karen Stoddard Duehring 4 Michael L. Eagan 12 Lynne Handler Farmer 33 Patricia Shireman Fernbach 38 James M. Hintz 29 Susan Mijanovich Key 28 Peter R. Kolakowski 37 Nancy Nebel Lack 32 Regis M. Lopata 32 J. Scott Mayer 13 Jane Russon McCarthy 30 Pamela French Mercier 30 Elenita Jackson Parker 37 Leonard S. Rice 36 David H. Sherer 20 *Nancy Frink Sherer 20 Rodney V. Thieleke 31 Donors Neil M. Chisholm 27 Linda Brassington Daniels 35 Peter L. de Rosa 28 Christopher A. Dich 8 Karen Teschner Dorn 36 Sara Foudriat Eggert 22 Lawrence G. Fahrenkrug 20 Glen R. Gasiorek 7

Aziz Goksel 4 Sally Gronert Goodwin 22 Bruce W. Haffner 18 Nancy Adams Hayden 26 Donald A. Hayner 3 Beverly Moschel Hirsekorn 34 William B. Hitch 14 Alan H. Ho 9 W. Hayward Hulick 37 Anne Sivright Jefferson 37 Lynn R. Kaeding 20 Mark A. Knoebel 13 Michael D. Lee-Chun 23 Kevin L. Lovell 35 Lani E. Makholm 9 Lee A. Mensinger 4 Louis E. Nickell 23 Judy Hurd Penticoff 24 William H. Pooley 36 Lynn Benson Schenck 30 Robert W. Schenck 30 Gail Riddell Schneider 37 Dianna Washington-Williams Samuel S. Whyte 25



Total Gifts in 2008-2009 by Source

$152,505.07 Members: 174 Donors: 82 (47%) Founders’ Society Richard J. Srednicki 32 Presidents’ Society Doreen Conforti Chemerow 36 William C. MacLeod 32 Jeremiah W. Walcott Society Ruth Cape Kent 34 Joann Selleck 22 Clarissa Tucker Tracy Society Victoria L. Bleise 32 John P. Frederick 33 Jean Kirkpatrick Lederer 35 Orrin H. Ingram Society Anonymous Robin Mathews Cox 35 Jack Meyer 33 Wilfrid of Ripon Society Suellen Reigle Altholz 33 Edward W. Bumby 33 Michael J. De Lany 17 Donald H. Dew 35 Steven W. Dorman 36 Richard C. Grossman 35 Thomas G. Jayne 35 Donald A. Tase, Jr. 13 Robert N. Webster 22 William S. Brockway Society Robert G. Brennan 15 Jill Jollie Fox 32 William H. Lake, Jr. 28 Evelyn Colucci Suzdak 32 Sharon A. Walton 18 Jane S. Welch 27 Heritage Society Wayne L. Bartholomew 27 Mark R. Conrad 28 Cynthia Hayes Diemer 33 Bruce G. Haskin 35 Jane Steffen Kolakowski 37 Christine C. Kopec 30 Julie Fenwick Magrath 27 Kenneth H. Magrath 27 Babette Vancil O’Connor 28 Michael E. Puckett 7 Elizabeth Olsen Schaffnit 37 Donna Jensen Sweet 6 Deborah A. Williams 13 Katherine Luhman Williams 25 Donors Sarah Lillard Adams 28 Robert F. Andritsch 19 K. Jane Benson 3 William B. Brucato 25 Nancy L. Buffinton-Kelm 2 David A. Bunten 28 Marilyn Baxter Carver 4 Gerald J. Cianciolo 2 Bruce A. Clauter 31 Noel W. Dalton 10


Unrestricted Alumni $901,845.85 Friends & Parents $171,511.10 Trustees $797,005.94 Corporations & Foundations $274,613.68 Estates $110,000.00 Gifts In Kind

Restricted $119,692.11 $161,537.37 $246,983.35 $285,372.80 $475,788.92 $57,175.51

Total $1,021,537.96 $333,048.47 $1,043,989.29 $559,986.48 $585,788.92 $57,175.51




TOTAL Kenneth S. Elliott 33 Kathleen E. Graunke 21 James T. Hawes 10 John V. Heflebower 8 John W. Henneberger 15 Kim Quackenbush Kubit 31 Catherine Masson Lewis 29 Karen A. Lowery 31 Kathryn Robertson McCord 14 James B. Meeker 21 Rich J. Miesfeld 27 Paul R. Nakao 5 N. Frank Neer III 6 Blair Northwood 9 J. Timothy Petersik 10 Philip W. Reid 12 James L. Reiter 4 Robert J. Rodday 2 Marcia Felker Sarnowski 22 Robert L. Schmaus, Jr. 25 Stefan K. Schmidt 5 Jane M. Schore 32 Gary R. Sharpe 18 William H. Starke 24 James M. Stone 36 Gerald L. Trochinski 24 Carol Parkhurst Tullio 32 Peter A. Tullio, Jr. 32 Roberta Reiff Werneske 4 Craig W. Whiting 2 Jody Dewey Williams 34 Donald E. Wolf 26

1974 $64,124.40 Members: 175 Donors: 82 (47%) Jeremiah W. Walcott Society Linda Mohr Dicks 35 Scott L. Dicks 35 Dennis G. Frahmann 34 Kent W. Robinson 26 Clarissa Tucker Tracy Society Jane Runkel Frederick 35 Frederick M. Strader 35 Wilfrid of Ripon Society Anonymous Douglas M. Cassell 32 Christopher S. Doherty 23 Vicki Hofbauer Dorman 36 Richard W. Glad 10 William W. Leiner, Jr. 34 Mary Munro 34 Margaret E. Zellmer 34 William S. Brockway Society Deborah Sather Haufler 28 R. Christian Haufler, Jr. 28 Robyn Mackiewicz Lake 28 Louise Wood Liao 35 Mary Breese Ray 32

Heritage Society Jill Anderson Azaria 14 Bruce A. Barker 21 Virginia A. Bell 21 George H. Boothby, Sr. 29 Karen Wendland Dix 33 Janice Lynn Griffin 20 Anne Edwards Haskin 35 William M. Hopkins 36 Debra Lee Horn-Prochno 28 Steven J. Johnson 25 Frances Piazza Kahler 26 Beth Kalman Karon 11 Bil Lewis 23 Janice Petrovski MacLeod 23 Patricia Chandler Mayer 13 James J. Nault 32 Lorie Merrick O’Flaherty 3 Timothy M. Reich 35 Bradford E. Seaman 8 Christine Overly Wallace 34 Joseph J. Wallace III 34 Ainsley Brook Wonderling 32 Donors Elizabeth Henderson Barratt 30 Gretchen Petersen Breitzman 11 Janet Lindow Callear 21 Susan Delvalle Carr 21 Cynthia Glass Chase 9 Theodore W. Chase, Jr. 9 Mark S. Chevalier 15 Deborah Evans Clem 35

Jennifer Lovejoy Craddock 21 William H. Denison 30 Kristine Swanson Duros 9 Marcia Fruhman Elliott 33 Katharine Vredenburgh Ellis 5 Joyce Wallace Fahrenkrug 17 Mary McPherson Fitzpatrick 20 Ann Gunderson Freese 33 Thomas H. Freese 33 Philip B. Hanson, Jr. 10 Walter L. Henry 23 Frederic S. Hoffer III 36 Katherine Williams Hoffer 36 Cornelia Green Juleff 5 Carolyn E. Kramer 10 Robert M. Merritt 23 Daniel J. Minnema 26 Jane Overkamp Nakken 10 Kathryn A. Norris 8 Xavier M. Polanski 35 Dennis S. Pordon 28 Scott B. Reynolds 21 Mary Hughes Seger 9 Christopher D. Snell 5 Eric K. Sorensen 23 George Stevens, Jr. 22 Dean A. Stone 24 Patricia Theisen Stone 36 Virgil R. Stucker 17 Rodney J. True 14 Arleen A. Vallejo 19 Susan M. Vonder Heide 35 David B. Wheeler 23

1975 $87,269.45 Members: 151 Donors: 62 (41%) Presidents’ Society Mark J. Wright 24 Jeremiah W. Walcott Society Stephen T. H. Ng 22 Marcia Wilson Wahoske 32 Bruce L. Wickert 24 Orrin H. Ingram Society Thomas J. Ebert 34 Wilfrid of Ripon Society Joseph P. Belanger 33 Phillip J. Bolda 34 Ann W. Devenish-Cassell 32 Mary Ellen Weis Doll 30 Larry B. Hollmaier 31 Judith C. Roberts 21 William S. Brockway Society Martha Robbins Anderson 25 James M. Curtis 27

Key Years of giving – number located after name. Class years displayed in red met or surpassed 40% participation. Class years displayed in black attained less than 40% participation. *Now Deceased

Charles E. Estberg 32 Jolande K. Gumz 35 Nancy Laws Kern 32 Gregg D. Samelson 31 Steven C. Sparks 18 Susan Schreyer Stander 19 Sue Rewolinski Wiff 33 Heritage Society Anonymous Louise Renier Boothby 29 Susan Chapman Carlton 32 Linda Mochalski Carpenter 34 Douglas N. Duncan 31 Margaret E. Hill 33 Christopher E. Jamieson 31 Leonard D. Kachinsky 28 Lita Weislow Katz 34 James M. Lukanich 33 Gail Wiecki Moore 33 Michael D. Rees 33 Steven A. Rugo 23 Janet D. Russell 33 F. Paul Russo 23 Craig R. Safford 5 Lesley Aull Slepian 4 Donors Anonymous Robert F. Bartingale 26 Mary Schulz Bartkowiak 20 Beverly Grosskrueger Berry 25 Georgianne M. Bravick 12 Edward B. Campbell 29 Richard D. DeCock 31 Kay Roberts Finch 20 Carol Van Wagner Friedman 34 Rebecca A. Hadley 22 Karen Benthien Kammer 7 Ruth R. Keazirian 30 Sarah A. Kuriakos 2 Kathy Ann Kurke 30 Molly C. Niven 27 Michael A. Petersen 5 Suzanne Monroe Poulos 25 Kenneth P. Pray 11 Daniel J. Rak 33 Julie L. Reis 22 Marguerite H. Roberts 17 Sarah E. Schlesinger 24 Lori A. Sisson 9 Roger L. Thums 23 Jean Marnocha Wroblewski 28

1976 $37,889.30 Members: 145 Donors: 75 (52%) Jeremiah W. Walcott Society Lynne DeBeck Cummins 32 Orrin H. Ingram Society Daniel W. Sherman 33 Joanne Long Sherman 33 Wilfrid of Ripon Society Julie B. Carlson 34 Jeffrey P. Clark 27 Gail L. Dobish 34

G. Jeffrey Gillis 20 Richard K. Russo, Sr. 30 Timothy J. Wepner 22 Hugh W. Whipple 34 Margaret E. Wiff 32 William S. Brockway Society Elizabeth Carlson Krizenesky 17 Robert H. Malte 11 James R. Pierce 31 Matthew C. Riesz 19 Mary Jamieson Samelson 31 Maynard C. Wiff 33 Heritage Society George C. Anastos 13 Ann Hodgson Bernton 21 Elizabeth Tobin Brown 31 Kenneth C. Burbick 28 Catherine Rafel Edelman 14 John B. Ferris 25 James M. Haney 29 Charles J. Hanson 35 Jean K. Janes 22 Thomas W. Klewin 32 Barbara J. Kuter 28 Andrew R. MacLeod 23 Andrea Topetzes Mann 29 Allen W. McCue 24 Sandy L. Ogden 26 Stephen R. Pugh 29 Gerald D. Rothrock Peter W. Tuz 6 John A. Wallen 34 Michele Baran Wittler 34 Jean A. Zachariasen 27 Donors Robert C. Benson 8 Daniel V. Burk 34 Jane Goodrich Christensen 18 Thomas E. Cmejla 26 Craig F. Cook 8 Judith Reisinger Davis 32 Sally A. Drew 18 Karen Vowels Earle 20 Patrick T. Earle 22 Lisa Manthey Ehr 10 John K. Floros 12 Sarah Works Freeman 21 Tony R. Fuller 17 Gary S. Giesel 33 Sharon L. Griggins 24 Donna A. Hickstein-Foley 8 Joshua E. Jelinek 9 Jan Merza 18 Mary Ohlinger-Pray 12 Dwight R. Ristow 20 Eric B. Sandberg 2 Linda M. Seaverson 20 Andrew D. Singleton, Jr. 31 Scott E. Skolnick 29 Ellen Cole Smith 30 Kerry Ann Solie Mary Robinson Sorensen 5 Debra A. Steaffens 28 Ruth Ann Stodola 5 Mark A. Teslik 13 Wendy Welke Topping 25 Nancy Dorst Truesdell 31 Lynn Kamitaki Ushijima 9 Susann Paul Valasek 30 Thomas J. Van Den Boom 11 Patricia A. Whitlock 7 Micheal H. Zehfus 20

1977 $41,207.49 Members: 149 Donors: 84 (56%) Jeremiah W. Walcott Society Clarice Santeralli Gregoire 25 Orrin H. Ingram Society Brian P. Downey 31 Mary Jo MacSwain 32 Betty Lange Strader 32 Wilfrid of Ripon Society David I. Cisar 21 David A. Eggert 29 Virginia Newton Jacobi 27 Larry P. Malchow 24 Mark J. Porubcansky 27 Sarah Jenks Porubcansky 27 George W. Potter 24 James J. Weishan 21 William S. Brockway Society Harry A. Beck 25 Jean E. Black 32 John C. Colwell 27 Andrea C. Morris 33 Richard A. Rowe 14 Nancy Berry Tolleson 32 Heritage Society Bernard S. Adams 41 Natalie S. Adams 41 Dorothy Runge Asboth 33 Betsy Baer 17 Lawrence A. Champion 28 Laird S. DeCramer 18 W. Dirk Hausmann 28 Susan Higby Hodkiewicz 31 Larry J. Hoff 14 Richard T. Jones 33 Timothy K. Kingston 29 Carol Shikoski Lawrence 33 Patricia L. Mayes 23 Kelan J. McCann 25 Edward L. Morrell 15 Bryan E. Nelson 13 Janice M. Norimoto 25 David B. Olson 24 Dean L. Olson 32 Robert G. Post 32 Anne Templeton Romano 28 Dave W. Schwier 20 Edward B. Smith, Jr. 27 Marsha J. Toll 31 Janice Winemiller Turner 16 Nina J. Wulff 18 Connie Jess Zolkoske 31 Donors Patricia Bauer 4 Rici Guild Conger 17 Jane Sturtevant Cope 16 Cheryl Schneiter De Corso 23 John W. Dresely, Jr. 26 Martha Dorzweiler Finnegan 27 Elizabeth Steward Garner 30 Sally A. Gartman 14 Julie Lasee Gridley 3 Lewis L. Herndon, Jr. 21 William H. Holtham, Jr. 8


Dr. George F. Howell 3 Thomas B. Kloosterboer 18 Alan N. Lawrence 31 Andrew Marvel, Jr. 22 Christopher J. Mehoke 5 Michael A. Ottenberg 31 Sara Wenzel Ottenberg 29 Jean Uetzmann Pordon 27 Michael D. Poulos 25 Harry M. Quinn 33 Ann Iberle Rak 33 Edward J. Rak 29 Janet B. Rex 18 Cary W. Schmies 24 Peter W. Shafroth 20 Michael J. Sievert 11 Susan Lennon Solberg 16 Charles S. Southgate 24 Marcy Billington Southgate 24 Ann Schuessler Sparrey 28 Timothy P. Sullivan 26 Corey Coquillette Thompson 23 Valerie K. Veneziano 10 Diane Bina Vetter 13 Jennifer Stambaugh Voorhees 30 Peter P. Wickman 29 Virginia L. Wilcox-Gok 6 William S. Yin 18

1978 $21,011.64 Members: 161 Donors: 81 (50%) Orrin H. Ingram Society Elizabeth Pecha-Poelker 27 Wilfrid of Ripon Society Beth Galler Gillis 20 James P. Martin 29 Kathleen Gibson Martin 29 Justin W. Niebank 13 Gregg E. Petersen 32 Lisa M. Wollan 20 William S. Brockway Society James W. Anderson 24 Timothy D. Foster 15 Timothy R. Hale 18 Jeffrey G. Nelson 29 Jeffrey W. Orear 17 Heritage Society Christian T. Andersen 6 Danni L. Caldwell 31 Cyril K. Daddieh 2 Patricia A. Gardner 30 Anne Ernser Hanson 34 Thomas M. Harrison 16 Mark A. Hebda 22 Alan P. Hodkiewicz 31 Barbara Tsai Jones 32 Terry L. Jones 27 Richard A. Kime 28 Sharon Raupp Langley 19 Lawrence N. Laux 20 Patricia Krug Morrell 15 Paul S. Nancarrow 22 Joseph C. O’Sullivan 31 Barbara Janssen Pugh 29 Thomas E. Ritsch 19


Thomas M. Vaubel 27 Bonnie Buell Wang 25 Edward P. Zimmerman 22

Class of 1979

Classmates Beth Palmbach Nemecek and Kevin Warmack present President David C. Joyce with a check for more than $25,000 on behalf of the Class of 1979. Nancy L. Schneiders-Krejci 16 Gary H. Schuberth 24 James W. Swensen 17 Kathryn Young Vermoch 24 Joan Balauskas Verson 18 Jonathan M. Verson 18 James A. Wilkes 5 Ludwig L. Wurtz 29 Donors Anonymous Kent R. Blackmer 9 Danny H. Davis 31 Barbara D. Doerrer-Peacock 22 Barbara Educate Dolan 16 John G. Ehrhardt 13 Joan Mucci Esposito 28 Bryan D. Habeck 13 David J. Hanus 31 Roderick S. Haynes 22 William R. Higgins III 21 Debra Bedford Hoffman 10 Jeffrey H. Hoffman 9 Helen K. Holter 31 Meredith Valentine Johnson 31 Joan L. Schuberth Jones 17 Louisa Gebelein Jones 32 Joseph K. Keegan 20 Melanie Civin Kenion 17 Karen Andresen Leahy 30 Kevin J. Leavitt 27 Karl A. Loucks 19 W. Jacob Megowen 22 Linda Secor Mehoke 7 Robert R. Meyer 29 Anne Jeffries Miller 25 Howard H. Moffet 28 Jonathan K. Muraskas 32 William E. Otto 29 Gayle A. Owens 5 Greta Gluek Porter 25 Michael W. Rainey 16 Richard J. Reiter 24 Jay W. Schiele 8 Trudi Weis Schmies 24 Donna Hansen Scymanski 23 Susan Feith Shannon 21 Beverly A. Spittell-Lehman 29 Thomas Tracy Stevens 12

Judith L. Stodola 16 Laurie Meyer Wagner 9 Jerry L. Waukau 4 Karen Rogers Young 28

1979 $25,800.81 Members: 151 Donors: 63 (42%) Orrin H. Ingram Society Andrew T. Dickson 21 Royce A. Dunbar 17 Elizabeth Palmbach Nemecek 28 Wilfrid of Ripon Society Elvy Leake Draft 21 Julien L. McCall, Jr. 21 Susan S. Meier 25 Susan E. Palmer 29 William S. Brockway Society Stanley J. Cieslewicz 21 Mary C. Gavin 27 Carla Drecktrah Nielsen 20 Susan Rigler Palmer 22 Margaret Schaupp Siebert 25 Kevin L. Warmack 6 Heritage Society William B. Ainslie 16 Richard J. Bell 6 Sandra Vahle Bestul 27 Karen Simenstad Catena 24 Jane Huibregtse Cotter 11 James C. Evans 23 Michael H. Gibbs 26 Kurt W. Hansen 27 Thomas J. Hinrichsen 17 Roger B. Johnson 29 James F. Laufenburg 5 Sandra Lundeen Meyer 20 D. Thomas Oakley 17 Perry H. Robinson 28 Gail Goodrich Tracy 31 Michael E. Tracy 31

Donors Sharon Kasper Adams 24 Anonymous Helen Lippke Beer 17 Adele M. Binning 11 Lisa A. Brunette 24 Grace Redman Calhoon 26 E. Jay Coldwell 24 Mary Leahey Conner 7 Caryn M. Davis 18 Debora Edwards Davis 25 Jennifer Davis Desloges 8 Storrs W. Downey 20 Karen Steffes Driscoll 16 Jeanette Jahnke Dunkerley 16 William K. Eddy 15 Sandra K. Gehler 28 Joan-Marie Zech Gerth 23 Jennifer Brengle Giedd 30 James F. Goodrich 6 Jon O. Helland 9 Kim Gosso Laue 30 Anne Millon Leonatti 29 Barbara Horne Long 11 Debra A. Marnocha 30 Geralyn Heinz McKelvey 24 Alice Anthony Moy 22 Amy C. Niemann 9 Ruth Hollinger Peters 30 Susan Lambert Quinn 32 Steven F. Rashid 20 Thomas E. Schaller 5

1980 $34,207.96 Members: 163 Donors: 75 (46%) Clarissa Tucker Tracy Society Brian L. Davis 21 Rudy Mladenovic 2 Orrin H. Ingram Society Jeff W. Bantle 27 Lori Knaak Dickson 21 Wilfrid of Ripon Society Katherine Pine Avery 24 Robert E. Fines 10 Christophor M. Ogle 30 Susan Angell Schmidt 30 Charlotte Pohanka Sparrow 26 Peter R. Sparrow 25 William S. Brockway Society Lori Michels Adams 30 Katherine J. Babcock 30

Key Years of giving – number located after name. Class years displayed in red met or surpassed 40% participation. Class years displayed in black attained less than 40% participation. *Now Deceased

Mark A. Greene 30 Lisa M. Heimler 21 William P. Huebner 29 David J. Remondini 30 Catherine Galica Scott 18 Michael A. Scott 18 Mary Churinoff Zerjav 28 Heritage Society Ellen J. Barth 30 Daniel P. Bestul 27 Karen Mendrek Bick 30 Douglas R. Bomberg 26 Kathryn E. Culley 27 Margaret Gero DaValt 18 Robert H. Furniss III 30 Kathy E. Goodbout 30 John J. Gormican 29 Teresa Karl Hinrichsen 17 Lynne Wakefield Jansen 26 Michael D. Mayes 5 Patrick G. McCarthy 28 Phillip C. Ouellette 30 Jeffrey W. Pfeifer 19 William C. Quistorf 30 Janet Gillespie Seno 26 Jonathan C. Sterling 28 William G. Stuart 32 Lynn Frisvold Williams 23 Richard P. Worthington 15 Donors Jeffrey G. Adams 4 Kathryn Awalt Aichele 29 Tracy Ellsworth Alpern 27 Andrew A. Armour 27 Paul C. Bernheimer 9 Denise S. Bohon 22 Jeannette A. Boudry 12 Mary D. Brockmiller 29 Scott W. Campbell 14 Colleen McLean Crawford 17 Frank G. Dixon 10 Steven J. Foelker 7 Deborah Clark Glenn 29 James D. Greenebaum 29 Todd B. Hicks 23 Thomas C. Jackson 28 Brett B. King 19 Richard J. Krueger, Jr. 17 Guy W. Lenardo 30 Martha M. Makholm 17 Jeanne Servais Menzel 14 George L. Mort 5 Kathleen A. Myers 23 Kathryn Bakshy Peele 5 Arthur C. Peters 30 Christopher J. Rauch Susan Hutchison Rimmel 18 Annette Buder Sanburn 16 Peter N. Sanburn 15 Ann Willette Seifried 29 Elizabeth Kottke Stich 11 Jeffrey K. Viken 25 Robin D. Wagstrom-Arnone 24 Debra L. Wilcox 16 Henry J. Zalman 20

Reunion Giving The Tradition Continues… Classes celebrating reunions in 2009 continued the tradition of making a special effort to focus classmates on increased Annual Fund contributions. Annual Fund Participation Unrestricted Total Class Donors Percentage Contributions Contributions

1954 1959 1964 1969 1979 1984 1989 1994 1999 2004

51 44 49 103 63 44 63 44 29 65

1981 $98,515.38 Members: 148 Donors: 76 (51%) Founders’ Society Thomas W. Abendroth 29 Robert J. Kirkland 29 Jeremiah W. Walcott Society David A. Janssen 28 Orrin H. Ingram Society Michele Jarosz Battle 25 Wilfrid of Ripon Society Gregory D. Gerboth 27 Margaret Pickard Harmon 29 Richard J. M. Rorem 23 Andrew W. Schmidt 29 Kent E. Timm 28 Joseph M. Tolan 26 Dirk A. Wilken 27 William S. Brockway Society Edith Hersey Bolin 19 Daniel Finkelstein 26 Katherine Lewis Hale 16 Kathy L. Holm 25 Susan Forrest-Lobb Jeffreys 25 Amy Hollinger McAdams 23 Nikos C. Nakos 9 Lawrence D. Neumann 29 Lorraine Charlson Neumann 29 Mary Beth Redman Smith 29 Robert T. Tuftee 17 Heritage Society Lynda C. Appino 20 Scott A. Bildsten 11 William J. Clark 4 R. Michael Diles 26 Randall J. Garrity 25 Joseph H. Goodrich, Jr. 26 Pieter F. Graaskamp 27

62% 65% 42% 55% 42% 32% 36% 22% 20% 24%

$11,399.00 $45,752.34 $73,298.00 $80,711.93 $22,611.16 $29,537.75 $23,320.79 $16,236.64 $2,414.99 $7,227.91

Jody J. Henderson-Sykes 29 Mark B. Jacobs 27 Elizabeth A. O’Donnell 29 David W. Roberts 26 Joan Pendergast Sangl 25 Jennifer K. Spoon 25 Pamela Kempf Sterling 28 Cynthia D. Traynor 29 Mark W. Unger 14 Seth F. Williams 22 Paula A. Wood 13 Mary Rose A. Zingale 24 Donors Deborah Q. Arey 11 Debora Border Arnold 29 James K. Bokern 4 Anthony O. Charielle 6 Kathryn Berry Colombat 4 Bradley J. Dimond 26 Dianne Orndorff Dimond 28 Gina E. Fernandez 7 Jane Martin Fox 28 Blaine E. Gibson 9 Jerry M. Hardacre II 27 Kirk L. Hatherly 12 Pamela Hinds Heinrich 26 Sheila Y. Hollis 8 Susan E. Jensen 23 Peter K. Johnson 4 Pamela Goodden Keeton 17 Elizabeth Osterman Kimberly 26 James H. Kimberly 25 Lori S. Koepke 15 Ann E. Lieb 11 Jack W. Maegli 17 Kent E. Menzel 12 Robert O. Meyer 5 Katherine Harbut Nikolaus 18 Lawrence J. Nikolaus 22 Janet K. Perkins 27 Matthew H. Perry 27 Nancy Walter Ritzman 17 Julius J. Rutili 9 Heidi A. Schwoch 14 Kenneth N. Simon 10 Richard J. Uhlemann 18

$17,291.50 $47,152.35 $82,198.00 $83,448.10 $25,800.81 $30,451.51 $23,789.89 $17,236.64 $2,800.07 $7,607.91

Cynthia M. Wynn 14 Matthew C. Yelle 17

1982 $42,460.17 Members: 143 Donors: 68 (48%) Jeremiah W. Walcott Society Dorian A. Des Lauriers 24 Kristin Kohles Janssen 28 Orrin H. Ingram Society Janet E. Nelson 27 Wilfrid of Ripon Society Timothy T. Babcock 28 T. Ashley Cooper 23 Pamela Roe Durham 28 William F. Fiedler 21 Christopher S. Giampapa 17 Debora A. Morrissey 22 William S. Brockway Society Elizabeth Helgeson Hauser 23 Nancy Buck Hintz 19 Peter E. Hintz 19 Petra H. Jones 23 Dawn Benning LaBarbera 28 Walter G. Page 20 Gregory T. Rieder 28 Steven G. Woods 27 Heritage Society Ermone Hussissian Adam 20 Judith Gilbert Border 25 Susan J. Bundock 8 David W. Caldwell 12 Kenneth P. Campbell 27 Paul F. Gero 3 Leslie Abrams Goodrich 26


Class of 1984

David Shogren, John Woodard and Eric Lusty present President David C. Joyce with a check from the Class of 1984 for more than $30,000. John N. Gregg 20 Catherine Lothrop Hager 28 Kevin R. Hall 22 Linda Jensen Hall 22 John P. Jansen 25 Matthew W. Johnson 6 Kelly T. Keiderling 22 George D. Marcus 26 John G. McGehee 20 Gregory A. McKee 12 Elizabeth C. Melchert 24 Richard A. Sheppard 25 Chris Bender Stargardt 28 Laurel E. Stewart 28 Robert J. Sullivan II 4 Martha Spittell Ziegelbauer 9 Donors Brenda Wisotzke Armour 27 Cynthia Kearsley Calzolari 7 Siobhan M. Champ-Blackwell 19 Christopher M. Connell 2 Gregory E. Cox 23 Theresa Svitavsky Cox 23 Thomas G. Dorscheid 14 Donald R. Gardner 20 Frederic D. Hersom 11 Mary Lee Montoure Johnson 12 Reed B. Johnson 13 Michael G. Karl 19 Lisa A. Krchak 16 Nancy E. Lofdahl 20 Amy Gillstrom McCarthy 18 Marianne Hey McGinn 24 Allan G. Murrant 19 Dawn Luebbers Neal 18 Laura M. Norris 23 Eric S. Olsen 5 Kevin A. Sheridan 26 Kathleen Schauer Siegrist 10 Tobin J. Storzer 20 Debora A. Thompson-Widmer 21 Paul J. Weeks 17 Alan F. Weir 14 Joel D. Wells 17 Colleen A. Zuro-White 9


1983 $37,216.00 Members: 146 Donors: 62 (42%) Presidents’ Society Janice Heinz Franzen 23 Mark J. Franzen 23 Orrin H. Ingram Society Mark J. Kortebein 15 Wilfrid of Ripon Society Sara Oberhauser Babcock 25 Dale E. Bikowski 18 Elinor Peterson Guzniczak 14 Michael J. Guzniczak 13 William A. Jahn 24 Ann M. Rawding 20 Anne Ullman Tolan 23 William S. Brockway Society Gregory A. Bolin 20 Todd C. Duval 23 James J. Okray 27 Heritage Society Bruce A. Buchholz 27 Leigh Joy Carson 24 Barbara Williams Clay 26 John H. Clay 25 Ludovico A. D’Angelo 18 Daniel K. Husnick 20 Ellen Knuteson Keller 19 Jeanne M. Lukanich 20 Lyn Rosenberg McCarthy 27 Roland M. Miller, Jr. 27 Kai Helland Mulford 21 Robert L. Patterson II 23 Dawn Smith Rudnik 26 Lee R. Sharpe 18 Ann Megowen Stevens 22 Lawrence J. Teeling 15 Margaret Bayer Walker 25 Lawrence J. Wall 2 Mary E. Wiernasz 25 Donors Jean Walecka Abel 19 Theresa Larzelere Artig 5

Mary Tillmann Baas 27 Kari Jo Wenzel Beder 15 Linda S. Brown 6 Douglas L. Christensen 23 David Mataczynski Clanaugh 4 Bonnie Chandler Conant 13 Andrew P. Drymalski 13 David S. Fleming 17 Thomas G. Frank 26 Margaret O’Brien Goorsky 19 Steven D. Hitzeman 8 Teresa Gonzales Hitzeman 6 Diane C. Hron 27 Lawrence D. Huebner 25 Julie Schmude Jahr 8 David S. Koskinen 20 Edward K. Leahy 12 Joseph F. McCarthy 16 Lisa Wickstrom O’Dell Judy Koehler Peoples 26 Christopher M. Poch 24 Kristan Verbrick Pramuk 16 Alan G. Rice 14 Bakewell Shaffer 12 Paul S. Shlien 22 John T. Welke 10 K. Patrick Yarbrough 5 Margaret Krueger Yost 16

1984 $30,451.51 Members: 139 Donors: 44 (32%) Jeremiah W. Walcott Society Gary R. Page 25 Orrin H. Ingram Society Keith C. Grant 19 Wilfrid of Ripon Society Robert J. Bechard 20 Eric L. Lusty 23 Connie Herbon Moser 26 Sharon Rejman Ogle 25 David E. Shogren 22 Karen Johnson Wilken 25 William S. Brockway Society Rebecca Linsky De Lisle 24 Lawrence T. Fahnoe 23 John L. Woodard 24 Heritage Society Marsha Jones Burzynski 13 Carolyn E. Jordan 12 Kimberly R. Kalli 26 Mary Kaestner Marcus 26 D. C. Ramsay McLauchlan 23 John W. McNair 7 James R. Mensching 26 Michael W. Mulford 21 Daniel E. Rock 14 Jeffrey W. Sauer 26 Michael F. Schulz 4 Susan Hejna Sheppard 22 Desiree Swenson Strom 21 Jeffrey S. Szymczak 20 Donors Jennifer Cayer 13 Sandra Hillman Czerniak 3 Lindi Momchilovich Doherty 19 Judith Oscislowski Dugas 13

Christopher M. Enstrom 17 Melissa Balbach Foley 3 Kathleen Strazzante Gachino 10 Michael D. Galvan 20 Bret K. Jaeger 16 Jean M. Kaziak 14 Amy Holman Ludeman 19 Scott H. Ludeman 19 Ann Williams Lundberg 6 Christopher J. Lundberg 7 Kathleen A. McKenzie Lon P. Michels 2 John F. Morck 11 Brenda Duwe Mueller 2 Jeffrey T. Sickinger 12

1985 $21,401.00 Members: 146 Donors: 51 (35%) Jeremiah W. Walcott Society Robert J. Gary 10 Wilfrid of Ripon Society Jean Kellogg Clark 22 Julia Lynch Kummer 22 William S. Brockway Society Thomas E. Burgess 24 John B. Ebens 25 Suzanne T. Tsuchiya 15 Kara Zartner Woods 24 Heritage Society Ruth Anne Gero Adams 25 Karen L. Anderson 16 Amy McGuine Armstrong 25 Christopher M. Bednarek 18 Cynthia D. Behnke 25 Douglas A. Borer 6 Kenneth R. Carlson 10 William A. Dickens, Jr. 19 William E. Doran 15 Michael B. Dunlap 17 James M. Garden III 19 Lawrence S. Larson, Jr. 15 Stacy Heinrich Layne 22 Pamela J. Loveless 21 Michou Braun Reichelsdorfer 7 John R. Short 11 Michael D. Simmons 21 Elaine Adkins Wilcox 25 Jay P. Wilcox 25 Donors Kimberly S. Adams-Plehal 14 Michael E. Ballwanz 13 Mackenzie A. Brown 3 Wiley S. Buck 13 William F. Burgess 17

Key Years of giving – number located after name. Class years displayed in red met or surpassed 40% participation. Class years displayed in black attained less than 40% participation. *Now Deceased

Robert A. Buth 15 Marcus W. Cronk 12 James D. Esten 19 Paul R. Gardetto 19 Keith H. Hersey 4 Christopher A. Jensen 19 Juli Welk Jensen 20 Jean Dancy Jones 6 Jeanne Tomlin Lawson 23 Sarah A. Meehan 13 Linda K. Naegeli 24 Connie Kasson Negaard 10 Lisa Ulmen Roach 16 Elizabeth A. Rochon 13 Daniel J. Rupar 16 Timothy J. Taylor 5 Paul E. Touchette Sheryl Handt Traficano 24 Michael R. Witas 18 Susan Beth Woods 21

1986 $11,750.00 Members: 155 Donors: 52 (34%) Wilfrid of Ripon Society Ramzi B. Baydoun 21 Elizabeth Cummings Flaherty 21 Kelly Sallee Jahn 22 Daniel T. McNaughton 7 William S. Brockway Society Joseph M. Cullen 24 Dana L. Dickinsen 15 Robert S. Needham 8 Eric P. Nikolai 15 Michelle Wagner Nikolai 15 Heritage Society Craig A. Benzel 6 Connie Kempen Cady 23 Alicia Howland Corvino 24 Alan M. Daus 13 Catherine Grogan Daus 11 Patrick T. Ehren 18 Elizabeth Hart Hanson 17 Kristine Schultz Iida 23 Katherine Zech Kioshi 23 Jon K. Kostelic 12 H. Alan Leonard 14 Cynthia Biese Morton 16 David E. Presuhn 20 Kristin Zabel Presuhn 19 Scott A. Strazzante 17 Donors Clifford G. Anderson III 10 Mary Mannebach Clegg 4 Christopher J. Doona 7 Jay R. Erdman 6 Steven A. Feyrer-Melk 19 David P. Forgione 16 Amy M. Geroso 23 Myles P. Gibbons 12 Lynn F. Guelzow 4 Jeffry S. Higgins 7 Janet Detato Ierardi 20 Connie Redmann Jarvis 21 Todd J.A. Kleinhans 4 Dana Bourland Knebel 19 Joan Baumgartner Koenig 20 Lori Vinger MacFayden 20 Mary Runnels Manifold 4

Maura-Ann H. Matthews 20 Maryann Mason Norton 6 Eric A. Olson 17 Robert W. Ott 17 Robyn Hardt Schultz 14 William E. Sommers 15 Patrick J. Tharp 12 John R. Thomas 8 Frederick W. Von Ruden 4 Sarah Leondedis Wellhausen 19 William L. Westen, Jr. 9

1987 $27,132.00 Members: 163 Donors: 48 (29%) Jeremiah W. Walcott Society Heidi Walker Lindsay 19 Martin M. Lindsay 19 Orrin H. Ingram Society Joseph M. Endrizzi, Jr. 12 Wilfrid of Ripon Society Margaret Latocha Baydoun 19 Daniel P. Clark 20 Michael J. Flaherty 21 James A. Harper 11 George J. Zornada 22 William S. Brockway Society Rosemarie Bell Behlke 20 Michael J. McKay 8 Heritage Society Sally M. Beaumont 19 Michael J. Brose 21 Terese Lappen Doran 15 Sheryl Thompson Friedel 22 Kathleen Kostelic Gutgsell 19 Gwendoline J. Jones 4 John C. LaBracke 23 Kiersten Kjensrud LaBracke 23 Laura Hannes Ness 23 Davide R. Ruocco 13 Barbara Tincher Stack 21 Holly Holz Steinkraus 23 Donors Thomas J. Allen 9 Kathleen Schaus Arts 21 Christina C. Boydston 6 Linda Dorman Frei 14 Marlene K. Gohsman 2 Alice Lightner Johnson 20 Thomas W. Kimen III 14 Mike W. Klauke 4 Kim McIntyre Kleinhans 5 Elizabeth Meyers Knight 19 Robin Cellars Kupernik 10 David L. Mahler 9 Todd D. Marcks 12 Michelle L. Martin 21 Angela G. Mertig 12 Scott R. Mullin 11 David G. Olenchek Dean E. Pedretti 5 Renee A. Pfeifer-Luckett 11 Robert R. Reilly 8 Anne Rasske Riegert 21 Craig P. Schaefer 3 Raymond A. Scolavino 4 Kerry A. Stoltz-Klismith 11

Class of 1989

President David C. Joyce accepts a check for more than $21,000 from Tonya Alling and Andrew Peterson on behalf of the Class of 1983. James E. Toney 6 Laura Goeden Zobrack 8

1988 $7,810.28 Members: 161 Donors: 38 (24%) Wilfrid of Ripon Society John F. Archabal, Sr. 16 Michael R. Pierson 19 William S. Brockway Society Kurt W. Abendroth 17 F. James Hawley, Jr. 13 Kristen Diemer Hawley 16 Cynthia Kasten Rodkin 22 Gary A. Rodkin 9 Christopher White 17 Heritage Society Valerie A. Cohn-Gehrke 17 Mario A. Friedel 20 Stephanie Alfano Gould 8 Kirsten Knoll-Carlson Holles 12 David L. Jonas 16 Michael T. Lahti 20 Gregory P. Miller 8 Scott D. Rolfs 20 Geoffrey M. Seymour 20 Katherine S. Wade 13 Donors Kristine Mahler Allen 8 Beth Laufenburg Barton 15 Janet L. Bentley 21 Debra Westfahl Bluhm 13 Shannon L. Bye 9 Christine Volpe Carrigan 13 Jennifer A. Dewey-Pereira 4 Michael F. Gondar 3 Deborah S. Hanni Damrow 7 Diana Roell Jacobson 7 Thomas J. Jacobson 8 Scott M. Koepnick 11 Renee Duescher Krause 11

Julie Wiberg Kross 17 Robert A. Letsch 6 John T. Maruska 3 Bradley A. McDonald Jay A. Sinclair 5 Phillip J. Trobaugh 14 Scott R. Warmka 3

1989 $23,789.89 Members: 173 Donors: 63 (36%) Clarissa Tucker Tracy Society Kelly Sedlachek Norris 2 Wilfrid of Ripon Society Alice Gallagher Archabal 17 Therese May Jennings 3 John F. O’Toole 11 Kathryn R. Schultz 20 Mary Jo Lindgren Wiedey 10 Timothy R. Wiedmeyer 21 William S. Brockway Society Kristin Larson Besler 21 Catherine McGinley Cullen 20 Jodi M. Gibson 7 Colleen M. Townsend 12 Stephanie Gehring Wilkening 14 Heritage Society Tonya Barnett Alling 11 Jon C. Anderson 13 Calvin J. Bergman 20 Rebecca S. Brogan 10 Robert A. Carpenter 18 Charles L. Chaffin 8 James E. Czarnik 21 Linda Glaubitz DeCramer 15 Susan Lapp Ehren 17 Francie B. Feeney 19 Patrick S. Florence 16


Kerry R. Gable 21 Elizabeth Nichols Girouard 10 James M. Girouard 11 Pamela Nohr Harwood 21 Marc A. Healy 16 Tammy Liska Jahns 19 Louise Boerschinger Kallaak 18 Donald E. Koch, Jr. 6 Peter W. Lenz 12 Erik M. Lindberg 17 Nicole Zens Lindberg 17 John H. Mathews 4 Jacqueline Flanigan Miron 17 Brett R. Roecker 17 Belinda Thornton Ruelle 20 Patrick K. Schmidt 14 David J. Stapelfeldt 11 Johnny J. Vernon 7 Wendy Gour Vernon 8 Donors Steven G. Banasiewicz 19 Christopher B. Barstow 2 Scott M. Chambers 10 Bridget E. Clymore Gayle Wedow Daniel 16 Darlene Loyer Gerick 20 Julie Taylor Gondar 3 Kris Pehle Grasse 20 Christopher A. Hannes 10 Ted S. Harwood 10 David T. Hillman 17 Sandra Secor Koresch 16 Kara LuCarelli Mahler 8 Donald R. McCreath Kristin Adomeit Moore 13 Barbara Thompson Pamperin 11 Andrew E. Peterson 9 Rodney D. Schulz 18 Gary T. Steele 5 Laura Storzer 13 Barbara J. Whitstone 3

1990 $10,955.01 Members: 163 Donors: 47 (29%)

Rebecca Colburn Mueller 18 Kimberly Jacobson Stapelfeldt 13 Donors Tricia Darow Baltzersen 15 Daniel G. Bergman 9 Trina R. Chernos 10 Thomas E. Dott 17 Molly S. Drebes 14 Richard T. Elrod 5 Jodie J. Faust-Jacomet 9 Susan E. Frikken 10 Jessica Thomas Hannes 12 Jennifer L. Hayashi 10 Sara Lawson Henry 11 Lila Disi Hillman 8 W. John Kross 14 Henry G. Lapham, Jr. 2 Steven E. Lavin 15 D. J. Lilly 16 Stacey A. Mechales 5 Anne Schachtschneider Morello 20 Susan E. Morgan-Lappe 13 John D. Nagel 17 Mason C. Powers 9 Tracy Sanford Qualey 11 Robert F. Reynolds 8 June M. Stuebs-Prochaska 7 David A. Troy 19 Brenda Euclide Weitermann 3 Craig A. Weitermann 2

1991 $10,015.00 Members: 181 Donors: 65 (36%) Wilfrid of Ripon Society Karen Kaull Weiss 9 William S. Brockway Society Brian L. Besler 19 Richard J. Kasson 12 Thaddeus A. Uczen III 19 Heather Lasco Willis 14

Heritage Society Anonymous Laura Wohlfarth Graham 15 Todd A. Graham 15 Craig R. Groninger 6 Tamara Thronson Hrasky 14 Katherine Bolz Korovets 20 Kristin Semrad Lieberman 9 R. Todd Lieberman 7 Christina L. Maggio 20 Kelly F. Millenbah 14

Heritage Society Anonymous Julie A. Armatoski 19 Samantha L. Bailey 18 Scott M. Boback 18 Brian W. Curtin 18 Dee W. Dailey 8 Brian L. Frey 18 Kristen N. Gray 15 Heidi Zwart Healy 14 Becky J. Hustad 17 Richard A. Jahns 18 Rachel A. Kemper 19 Joan M. Knorre 9 Amy Stapelfeldt Kruk 18 Tracy A. Maher 8 Meaghan Mahony Mathews 6 Charles P. Merwin 19 Tamara A. Palash 4 Eric A. Peterson 19 Clarence L. Searles 16 Willard J. Steinberg 19 Karin Suesser 18 Richard A. Whipple 12


Donors Shelley A. Adriance 4

Wilfrid of Ripon Society Robert E. Corkery, Jr. 9 Elizabeth Cheetham O’Toole 12 Michael J. Spalding 9 Christopher R. Wiedey 10 William S. Brockway Society Patricia O’Rourke Abendroth 12 Jennifer Doyle Brinkman 3 Leslie A. Paulsen 4 Richard A. Staehler 6

Anonymous Moinuddin M. Aref 4 Greg R. Atkinson 4 Lance V. Bestland 16 Lisa Indermuehle Bohovsky 10 Andrew W. Braman-Wanek 10 Knute O. Brye 4 Amy Armstrong Coborn 4 Michael D. Daus 16 Erika Davison-Aviles Evensen 8 Kelly Weis Ficker 12 Todd R. Gardner 5 Eric Goldberg 10 Thomas G. Greve 3 Christine Roberts Hammer 14 Amy Anderson Kessler 2 Lori J. Kometer 7 Laura M. Kreofsky 17 Elizabeth A. Lake 14 Erin Kinney Luedke 13 William M. McCormick, Jr. 12 Sasha Philips 13 Robert S. Reese 14 Lionel R. Remillard 17 Nancy Hoffmann Reuter 11 Jennifer K. Rogers 13 Julie Schreiber Schnell 14 Alfred R. Sorenson 4 Lori J. Stich 18 Heather A. Thieme 10 David W. Thomas 18 Dirk P. Tischer 10 Krystin Burrall Trustman 15 Michele Bauer Vaughan 14 Heather Klitzke Wiseman 9 Thomas J. Wolf

1992 $17,254.53 Members: 186 Donors: 51 (27%) Clarissa Tucker Tracy Society Bret T. Reese 18 Orrin H. Ingram Society Joanna Malenfant Fischer 17 Wilfrid of Ripon Society Andrea Caballero Dilweg 16 Stephen D. Woolley 18 William S. Brockway Society Bradley W. Alberts 17 William T. Baker 18 Julie K. Streich 13 Kristina M. Voros 14 Heritage Society Claire Schulz Bergman 16 Amie A. Doughty 17 JuDee Stojsavljevic Fischer 16 Scott M. Fortune 9 Vincent A. Hrasky 9 Kathleen Burrall Justic 14 Jennifer Galinski Kildee 15 Marnie A. Krainik 5 Christopher J. Kruk 17 Sarah C. Lehmann 16 Elizabeth Kruse McCrary 18 Steven B. McCrary 17 Deana Hapke McNamer 13 Daniel J. Miron 13

Amy Ecker Reisdorf 18 Katherine Gatchell Searles 18 Donors Brenda Billerbeck Bauske 12 Charles A. Beyer 8 Karen McCulloch Chilstrom 12 Kara Klinger Clark 5 Cynthia Gunderson Cox 4 Michael R. DeFrank 3 Anthony W. Dieckhoff 3 Sean A. Dotzauer 6 Claudine M. Kube 7 Scott A. Horning 11 Renee Metzger Jacobson 4 Todd A. Jahnke 7 Dean A. Kowalski 15 Kenneth A. Larsen 6 Jeffrey D. LeCount 15 Erik S. Lee 3 Lisa A. Mahnke 3 Carol L. Manahan 13 Erin M. McCormack 18 William S. Miller 13 Kevin W. Neuenfeldt 9 Edward J. O’Sullivan 8 Penny J. Precour-Berry 13 Ryan R. Rupe 7 Jennifer Jacobs Schiller 16 Bridget M. Swanke 12 Victoria Haas Symonds 14

1993 $9,933.26 Members: 207 Donors: 34 (16%) Clarissa Tucker Tracy Society Jeffrey A. Schleusner 17 Wilfrid of Ripon Society Deborah Jensen Lahteine 12 William S. Brockway Society William J. Brinkman 2 Christopher M. Graham 11 Jeffrey Hodoff Streich 13 Heritage Society Melinda Trainor Hutchinson 17 Christopher A. Lizak 10 Megan Youngerman Manternach 5 Martha Jacobs Peterson 17 Scott A. Young 12 Michael R. Zagorski 11 Donors Judy M. Bartolett 17 Jennifer Feimer Bestland 14 Maura McHenry Beyer 8

Key Years of giving – number located after name. Class years displayed in red met or surpassed 40% participation. Class years displayed in black attained less than 40% participation. *Now Deceased

Robert I. Neuman 8 Michelle R. Sirinek 13 Heritage Society Justin R. Anderson 13 Michelle L. Buss 10 Stacey Traxler Davis Ann E. Dingman 10 Amy DeKeyser Padilla 15 Vincent P. Padilla 15 Stacy Tate Paleen 14 Vicki Zimmerman Ramus 12 Shelly Hein Schaefer 15 Sarah Larson Sippel 13 Todd J. Sippel 12 Jennifer Luepke Young 13

Class of 1994

Representing the Class of 1994, Carrie Roca-Dawson and Don Roca-Dawson present President David C. Joyce with their classmates’ contribution of nearly $17,000. Tara J. Bilcik 3 Rebecca L. Birkholz 3 Heidi J. Bunk 10 Micheal D. Gerber Sarah Mullally Gerber 2 Julie Tillema Hernandez 17 Christine Phillips Heskett 5 Brian S. Hutchinson 6 Lisa Pokorny Hutchinson 7 James E. Johnson, Jr. 16 Lori Weisflog Kaari 9 Stephanie Hinz Kirkland 11 Patricia Legawiec Kowalski 13 Kristin E. Lee 16 Stephanie Hoon Lyncheski 14 Marla K. May 5 Steven A. Plato 10 Laura M. Schultz 15 Mr. John J. Segvich 5 Kimberly R. Skerven 6

1994 $17,236.64 Members: 196 Donors: 44 (22%) Clarissa Tucker Tracy Society Jennifer Hanson Reese 16 Joy Bortz Schleusner 16 Wilfrid of Ripon Society Andrew D. Limouris 2

Brooke Tireman Konopacki 13 Raymond J. Larson 16 Gebriel Miller Lefeber 12 Elizabeth A. Mahoney 14 Lori T. Raetzman-Davies 13 Robert J. Schaefer 14 Kimberly Woolley 12 Donors W. Nicole Albrecht 8 Eric N. Atkisson 12 Chad J. Bertling 3 Jennifer K. Dunn 15 William L. Gembala 2 H. Victor Grob 14 Todd J. Johnson 13 Robb B. Kahl 9 Sara Holbach Kleckner 7 Jodi Piotrowski Larsen 10 R. Scott Liegl 4 Penne S. MacNee 16 Angela Rupnow Meier 10 J. Nicholas Miller 12 Dana Marschall Neuenfeldt 6 Todd R. Novitske 10 Christopher C. Paquet 11 Andrew S. Petersen 4 Jason C. Pihlstrom 9 Tracy Schmidt Plato 10 Amy Bader Rachuba 15 Lisa Sproston Sutter 8 Trevor J. Vernier 11 Regina T. Wayne 6 Suzanne Seefeldt Zellmann 15

William S. Brockway Society Penny Larson Graham 11 Todd M. Zarwell 9


Heritage Society Michelle L. Benedict 11 Julie Soeldner Bernier 10 Paula Souik Bizot 14 W. Colin Dickerson 7 Amber Brunner Fortune 11 Jennifer K. Grenie 13 Cindy A. Koch 12

Wilfrid of Ripon Society Matthew J. Umhoefer 15

$7,084.98 Members: 152 Donors: 38 (25%)

William S. Brockway Society Steven G. Kultgen 15

Donors Brent R. Alberts 9 Michael J. Bender 4 Ryan R. Cox 6 Christopher C. Curione 12 Jamie Smith Dieckhoff 3 Adolfo Felix 3 Carrie Zangl Finch 4 Gregory L. Flegel 10 Megan Hannes Gossett 11 Amy L. Hackenmiller 13 Amy DeFord Jahnke 7 Jennifer A. Kitslaar-Kahl 8 Angela L. Keith 14 Christine A. Kersting 13 David M. Lueck 2 Brett P. Maday 4 Tonya Ewers Maikish 9 Denise Ramstack McGlone 11 Kenneth J. McGlone 11 Gregory K. Sewall 6 John K. Shea 12 Jack M. Vilett III 12

1996 $5,222.51 Members: 154 Donors: 36 (23%) Wilfrid of Ripon Society Sejal V. Shah 6 William S. Brockway Society Christopher C. Piotrowski 9 Heritage Society Beverly S. Christ 21 Patricia Paulsen Fortune 12 Todd R. Fortune 12 Greta E. Grittinger 11 Rebecca Steponkus Kron 14 Jason J. Lefeber 11 Mary Roberts Pluta 10 Jerome R. Ramus 12 Amy L. Tincher-Durik 7 Jesse J. Watzka 10 Andrea M. Wille 14 Donors Joseph A. Caltagerone 11 Holly Grellier 6 John S. Hinds 12 Daven R. Howard 2 Amy Craig Johnson 11 Karin I. Johnson 4 Kari DeChaney Maday 7 Ann M. Mannino 10

Heidi J. Marks 11 Steven E. Martin 9 Courtney A. Nugent 8 Kristen Walker Overman 8 Kirsten Anderson Pankau 13 Elaine Witkowski Pihlstrom 7 Stephanie Golen Riley Nicole Pinkerton Scharfenberg 6 Sarah Botsford Sewall 6 Andrew D. Vande Hey 10 Eric D. Wightman 14 Jason L. Wood 10 Amy Millan Wysocki 8 Troy M. Youngbauer 8 Ryan J. Zukowski 6

1997 $11,022.13 Members: 202 Donors: 42 (21%) Wilfrid of Ripon Society Kristin Jablecki Hawksworth 5 Rebecca S. Larson 13 William S. Brockway Society Rachel A. Berk 13 Brian S. Cahoon 13 Catherine Mattson Cahoon 10 Christine Domanik Dudzinski 4 Kristin M. Patey-Wagner 13 Kristin Bazzoli Piotrowski 12 Christina A. Schwengel 13 Andrew W. Wardinski 7 Heritage Society Paul W. Barribeau 11 Andrew H. Drechsler 13 Stephanie Bosman Fernhaber 11 Jon A. Granberg 11 Mrs. Jill A. Hempen Anthony 7 Nicole J. Prodoehl 12 Micah A. Puls 13 Donors Jennifer M. Amaral-Jenks 3 Rebecca Parsons Baird 11 Andrew M. Ball 10 Carla A. De Lucca 7 Stephanie Jean Basel Goldapske 12 Ryan W. Grubbs 6 Dawn Stollfus Hart 10 Chad A. Hendee 13 Brooke E. Husbands 10 Britton S. Kauffman 5 Todd R. Kopecki Joseph J. Kroncke 7 Sonja K. Lee 13 David F. McIntosh 4 Joshua W. Neill 13 Ellen M. Onsrud 11 Jeffery J. Pankau 12 Claire Hansen Robinson 13 Therese Johnson Schrieber 7 Neal S. Shera 7 William A. Voigt 7 Laurie B. Wallace 25 Carey A. Witt-Roben 8 Melissa Ritter Worthington 5 Emily Folk Zukowski 6


W. Andrew Van Wie 7 Meredith Goldston Weinand 3

2000 $12,793.00 Members: 154 Donors: 27 (18%) Clarissa Tucker Tracy Society Charles L. Larson III 9 Kersten Holm Larson 10

Class of 1999

Alexander Arifianto presents a donation of $2,800 to President David C. Joyce on behalf of the Class of 1999.

1998 $6,422.12 Members: 191 Donors: 36 (19%) Wilfrid of Ripon Society Daniel R. Hawksworth 4 William S. Brockway Society Marci J. Bailey 10 Ryan D. Ferchoff 12 Nicholas J. Salm 4 Torii T. Swader 3 Heritage Society Daniel J. Curran 12 Megan Wolgamot Malvey 12 Joshua M. Satzer 12 Nathan G. Wilson 11 Donors Christopher D. Abichandani 2 Trisha Schmitt Anderson 8 Melanie Romme Beahm 5 Gail Halsey Bertram 12 Joshua R. Bohnen 7 JuliAnna Tamraz Cimaglio 5 Matthew J. Denure 9 William C. Deppiesse 10 Tek-Hui Sarah Eng 12 Mitchell A. Gross 4 Garrett W. Jenks 3 Erica Smith Kroncke 11 V. Leilani Kupo 8 Melissa Pischke LeBlanc 3 Tamara Mertins Maier 11 Michelle Toutloff Martin 8 Rhonda K. Nicholson-Disimile 6 Benjamin C. Nummerdor 4 Lynne M. Phillips 12 Mary C. Schaper 12 Gail L. Seefeldt 9


Sara E. Tiner 5 Jennie Kramer Todd 5 Natasha L. Torry-Morgan 11 Adam R. Vande Slunt 9 Steven J. Wiechmann 10 Jason B. Wittgraf 9

1999 $2,800.07 Members: 148 Donors: 29 (20%)

Heritage Society Whitney B. Bildsten 9 Camille Carlson Clemons 10 Julie A. Kaiserling 10 Andre Miksha 8 Erin Gatzke Miller 7 Vicki Pape 9 Brandon J. Santoro 7 Brett J. Schroeder 6 Teresa E. Starry 9 Amanda R. Voight 5 Donors Timothy M. Barber 6 Brooke Niles Brusky 4 Karl G. Dahlstrom 8 Sara Molinski Gallegos 9 Benjamin M. Joas 10 Jay M. Kerrigan 2 Joshua J. Kindkeppel 10 Jenny White Kupcho 6 Kathleen Voigt Mapes 10 Timothy J. Reichwald 4 Amanda Miltenberger Shepard 6 Dmitri S. Smirenski 8 Marina Antipova Smirenski 8 Rebecca Smith Thom Anton D. Thurmond

William S. Brockway Society Alexander R. Arifianto 13


Heritage Society Matthew R. Adler 10 Michael J. Berens 10 Julie Mathers Hogan 7 Christopher V. Larco 3 Heather L. Menne 11 Trista L. Moffat-Larco 7 Aurora A. Nelson 9 Johnna Varner Spence 8 Christine Guy Winget 10

$2,825.00 Members: 120 Donors: 13 (11%)

Donors Kayla Nguyen Anderson 7 Ross and Kayla Anderson 3 Matthew D. Becker 2 Stephanie Tobolski Caltagerone 9 Elizabeth M. Duarte 5 Christopher J. Fischer 2 Lori J. Fischer 2 Brian H. Hannemann 3 Kelly Johnson-Becker 5 Jeffrey A. Koch 5 Jennifer Spang Kouba Zachary D. Kouba Amy M. Letcher 8 Erin Callies Mayrand 10 Ryan A. Mayrand 9 Adam M. Schrieber 4 Jeanne Norton Shera 9

Wilfrid of Ripon Society Andrea L. Johnson 8 William S. Brockway Society Nickolas J. Araya 7 Heritage Society Nicole L. Baumann-Blackmore 9 Derek J. Blackmore 9 Lisa Sharpe Elles 9 Dante A. Houston 9 Howard C. Jablecki 7 Kathryn Donnelly Jablecki 8 Donors Megan M. Draper 4 Patrick A. Kelly 8 Victoria L. Nytes 9 Sean T. Riesenberg 8 Matthew P. Shattuck 6

2002 $3,578.64 Members: 154 Donors: 26 (17%) Wilfrid of Ripon Society Daniel A. Henken 4 Heritage Society Jeffrey F. Bouzek 8 Troy M. DeVoe Peggy J. First 6 Viola Martin Lenz 4 Jessica Rosen Lively 8 Joshua A. Mason-Barkin 4 Leigh D. Mlodzik 7 Tiffany R. Sneden 6 Emmylou Hoeft Wilson 8 Donors Andrew J. Attwood 8 Erica L. Barry 7 John W. Bitter 3 Noah M. Brusky 2 Joshua J. De War 8 Kenneth R. Dillon Amanda McDonald Gierach 4 Corryn Siegel Greenwood 6 Julie A. Hansen 7 Katherine E. Kraynek 5 Zachary S. Morris 8 Emily Kastenschmidt Powers 2 James S. Redmer 2 Benjamin P. Thompson Julie A. Waldvogel 7 Jill M. Weber 8

2003 $5162.99 Members: 270 Donors: 47 (17%) Wilfrid of Ripon Society Emily A. Hanson 7 William S. Brockway Society Bryan W. Gerretsen 5 David K. Williams 27 Karen M. Berg Williams 19 Heritage Society Emily K. Bach 7 Jennifer Nee Hagel 2 Luke S. Hagel 5 Patricia G. Rincon 5 Anthony D. Veneziano 5 Margaret Kastein Wolfgram 7

Key Years of giving – number located after name. Class years displayed in red met or surpassed 40% participation. Class years displayed in black attained less than 40% participation. *Now Deceased

Donors LeRoy R. Berndt 5 Scott J. Bicknell 6 Stephanie Smith Bicknell 6 Adam E. Crawford 2 Michael I. David 4 Andrew S. DeKeyser 5 Michael S. Fitzgerald, Jr. 6 Matthew A. Gehring 7 Jared M. Goerlitz 3 Nicholas P. Greenwood 3 Timothy J. Haney 5 Denise Gustin Hanson 2 Meghann Morrissey Jarchow 4 Toni Dahlin Knorr 6 Timothy J. Krueger Shawna L. Kurz 4 Karl A. Leistikow 7 Jeremy P. Martinson 4 Curtis S. Maurer 6 Molly Jo Kneip Maurer 4 Elayne M. Monnens 6 Erin A. Murphy 7 Karina M. Nordbak 6 Richard W. Pell, Jr. 2 Amiee M. Pierstorff 4 James R. Piotrowski 7 Mitchell C. Powell 6 Amanda Luttenberger Riesenberg 7 HeLayne H. Sampson 4 Mark S. Schwartz 2 Mitchell C. Smith 5 Rebecca L. Stapleton-Kelly 4 Britt K. Steiger 7 Brie B. Terrell 4 Erin A. Trader 6 Tiffany M. Winter 4 Elizabeth A. Zirk 6

2004 $7,607.91 Members: 272 Donors: 65 (24%) Wilfrid of Ripon Society Jeremy E. Hyllberg 5 William S. Brockway Society Amy Gabriel Gerretsen 6 Christopher S. Klimp 5 Kristen M. McCullough 10 Heritage Society Adam R. Field 6 Elizabeth M. Huber 5 Beth A. Hunter 6 H. Maxwell Kelln 6 Elizabeth Williams Koehler 5 Matt J. Mangerson 3 Marie Krueger Pontarelli 7 Nicholas A. Spaeth 6 Donors Joana H. Aggrey 5 Melissa S. Barribeau 5 Melinda A. Baur 3 Amanda K. Boyle 4 Laura J. Brodie 5 Adam M. Carpenter Sara Matzdorf Dassow 6 Mary D. Dean Carolyn J. Duven 6 Jennifer L. Fitzgerald 6

Elizabeth R. Frederick 4 Alice M. Friend 5 Gregory S. Furdek 3 Michael J. Gast 3 Melissa Orth Goerlitz 3 Amanda Phillips Gross 6 Sara Wichlacz Haney 5 Mercedes Hernandez 5 Jamin L. Homan 4 John W. Jacobson 5 Diane M. Keeling 6 Kristina M. Kemp 4 Benjamin W. Klandrud 6 Kira Corsten Klimek 2 Elizabeth J. Koepnick 2 Diane Broske Kopping 4 Jenifer M. Koser 5 Noah R. Leigh 5 Paul R. Lentz 4 Lindsay Hutchison Loewe Philip L. Lubinski 2 Suzanne M. Macak 2 Christine F. Machroli 3 Rita N. Medina 3 Jessica Kinzel Meulendyke 4 John A. Meulendyke 4 Erin M. O’Connell 4 Dana M. Olson 4 Kristine M. Plato 3 Katie A. Plier 5 John J. Price 2 Paula K. Richardson 2 Rachel A. Schmidt 4 Jessica Pankratz Schrage 3 Etta Hilligoss Schwirtz 3 Tyler W. Schwirtz 6 Amelia A. Seitz 2 Paul R. Stinson 2 Jill E. Sunderland 3 Michael A. Timm 5 Katrina Grasley Van Gompel 3 Robert M. Weber 2 Rachel K. Yates 3

2005 $2,017.83 Members: 214 Donors: 32 (15%) Heritage Society Calah M. Goehring 6 Paul M. Neuberger 5 Donors Thomas R. Becker Michael J. Bickler, Jr. 5 Jessica Reed Boccia 4 Sarah A. Brewster 4 Grayson T. Brooke 3 Michelle M. Burton 4 Kelly J. Crombie 3 Salomon De Los Angeles 5 Michelle L. Erickson 3 Emily M. Heck 4 Amber L. Kind-Keppel 5 Eric M. Klaes 3 Jonathan R. Knott 4 Michael D. Lamm 2 Daphne Meyers Leigh 5 Christopher A. Lisowe 2 Leah Sievert Lubinski 2 Carly Corsun Machanovitch 3 Jacqueline Weiss Magnus 2 Lisa M. Maisonneuve 5

Class of 2004

President David C. Joyce accepts a check to the College worth more than $7,000 from Nick Spaeth and Kristen McCullough on behalf of the Class of 2004. Cory J. McEwen 4 Sarah E. McGill 4 Brandon J. Mumm 4 Natalia G. Rincon 4 Mackenzie C. Royal 3 Natalie A. Schnick 3 Nicholas W. Smith Andrea Breitkreutz Wilcox 5 Kevin S. Wopat 5 Amanda M. Zahn 2

2006 $3,276.00 Members: 250 Donors: 48 (19%) William S. Brockway Society Andrew P. Kitslaar 5 Heritage Society Julian D. Becker 5 Eric A. Eguina 4 Joseph J. Fontaine 4 Kaelin Butch Fontaine 4 Eric M. Gallagher 5 Jonathan C. Gausewitz 3 Thomas E. Hanlon 3 Nicole M. Klaas 3 Donors Michele R. Bergman 4 Andrew J. Beswick 4 Khaatim J. Boyd 3 W. Christopher Burwick 3 Michelle A. Calder 5 Alejandro Castillo-Terriquez 3 Stephanie H. Chacharon 3 Zachary R. Chitwood 4 Benjamin S. Cruz Hayley A. Doyle 4 Christina M. Forster 4 Krista Cage Gallagher 4 Alisha S. Gard 2 Elizabeth A. Giedd 4 Katherine E. Giles 2 Emily L. Giovanni 3 Tyler M. Haddock

Edward J. Hansen 4 Stephen J. Huebscher 4 Nikita A. Kibardin Christopher A. Klimek 3 Brian J. Macak 3 Victor R. Magnus Scott D. McClenahan Courtney L. McNeal 4 Roselyn B. McNulty 4 Jennifer A. Millen 4 Elizabeth D. Miller 4 Rebecca L. Nowak 4 Christy L. Olson 3 Leslie A. Rivers 4 Andrew M. Ross 3 Jennifer Baker Schilling Melinda M. Seaman 2 Andrew R. Shilt 3 Kerry H. Stoehr 3 Toni-Lee Scarano Viney 3 Amanda Breitenfeldt Wery 3 Craig R. Worden 4

2007 $3,307.50 Members: 274 Donors: 53 (19%) Heritage Society Drew B. C. Davis 2 Michelle E. Ebert 3 Benjamin R. Konecny 3 Adam R. Krueger 3 Steven A. Miller 3 Christopher R. Rydz Donors Jessica Fuoco Beswick 3 Taylor J. Bogdanske 2 Katrina A. Braun 3 Lacey M. Chier 2 Alexia D. Clayborne Cory A. Draeger 3 Shane M. Ebel 2


Mara G. Evans 3 Robert B. Faulds 3 Elliot C. First 3 Deanna C. Frankowski 3 Kevin A. Goyert 3 Kathryn G. Griffiths 4 Samantha N. Ho Daniel D. Hobson 3 Brandy J. Jager 3 Kali L. Jankovich 2 Kari B. Joas 3 Jeffrey J. Johnson Matthew R. Kenny 3 Patrick C. Kerstein 3 Kelli J. Klein 3 Lindsey M. Kreye 3 David Z. Lane Elizabeth H. Leach 3 Josef A. Leistikow 3 Amanda R. Liethen 3 Kacie M. Louis 3 Cas W. Moelling 2 Ross L. Oberschlake 2 Christina J. O’Reilly Danielle E. Paiz 2 Robert C. Perkins II Emily F. Piette 2 Megan M. Piotrowski 3 Jodi B. Rabas 3 Christopher Reed-Waddell 3 Francisco J. Rodriguez 3 Lacy T. Rourke 4 Jolene A. Rueden 3 Benjamin J. Ruetten 3 Jordyn E. Rush 4 Adam T. Schmitz Hilary A. Smith 3 Jonathan M. Steplyk 3 Jason Q. Tang 3 Mark P. Wery 3

2008 $1,235.02 Members: 184 Donors: 40 (22%) Heritage Society Matthew B. Bush 3 Donors Patricia J. Barker Amanda J. Beers 2 Reuben B. Berman 2 Arthur W. Bratton 2 Megan R. Calder 2 Jessica L. Chatmon 2 Parissa S. DJangi 2 Amy J. Dorman Skylar C. Druba Jennifer M. Duren Alysha L. Ebert 2 Joanna B. Fischer 2 Mary E. Friend Karl G. Griffiths 2 Kendall L. Guimond 2 Karen E. Hanadel 2 Gina L. Heckl 2 Adam R. Hetz 2 Leah T. Hover 2 Megan M. Krueger 2 Kimberly M. Larson 3


Ruth A. Lawrence 2 Amie Kelley Leistikow Kenneth R. Leiviska 2 Ryan W. Manis 2 Patricia A. Mazur 2 Ryan M. Newman 2 Lauren A. Nygren 2 Kelly A. Osantowski 2 Cynthia A. Pinkus 2 Duane J. Rodel Pamela K. Schumacher 2 Zachary A. Schwandt 2 Harrison J. Smith 2 Stephanie S. Sommer 2 Taiyi Sun Colette M. Unger 2 Kyle S. Unger Mitchell T. Winn 2

2009 Upon graduation, the class of 2009 presented the College with a gift of trees for the new green space. Donors Ray S. Anderson Christine M. Anhalt Eli J. Annis Anonymous Cameron R. Arndt Brian F. Arquette Peter A. Azmani Claire Spydell Baide-Castillo Matthew J. Barrile Theodore E. Bartels, Jr. Nathan K. Bauer Samantha Beard Ben A. Becker Charles A. Belt III Robert J. Bergfeld Hannah L. Bober Theresa M. Braga 2 Lindsay E. Breviu Jared J. Brown Sarah J. Brown Tyler Brunette Melissa A. Burgos Pa D. Camara Megan M. Captaine Spike D. Carpenter Richard P. Cloeter Genevieve A. Covert Nicholas J. Damico Mona L. Delsman Arielle J. Denis Emily C. DeVillers Perfecto F. Diaz III Morgan M. Douvris Kate L. Dricken Alexander E. Duros Heather M. Duzynski Hannah R. Emanuel Grant A. Erickson Ashley L. Ewig Bradley D. Fehly Amanda K. Fehring Brian O. Felix Morgan O. Flom Nicole R. Franz Joshua D. Frey Erin B. Gebhardt Michael A. Giedd Will F. Gillis Blanca A. Gomez-Bogdanske

Dresden R. Goodwin Myer G. Gresham Mariah D. Griffin Amy M. Hansen Kristopher A. Hanson Parker F. Heaps Ian T. Hill Whitney K. Hill Amanda M. Hoefner Justin D. Hoke Lee G. Homan Erika L. Johnson Jeremy Johnson Amy E. Jones Brittany A. Kaufman Jenan J. Kharbush Amanda J. Knutson Gail A. Kopperud Paula A. Kordek Katie L. Krueger Nicholas R. Krueger Elizabeth A. Kunde Rebecca M. LaClair Jordan E. Lander Jennifer E. Lanser Erika L. LaPoint Christopher J. Larsen Jon D. Larsen Mark C. Leupold Shane H. Leverenz Tanya S. Lisko Ryan M. Loomis Reesha M. Lopez Robert P. Ludwin 2 Zakary S. Mackin Haley Moerer Madson Margaret P. Mahoney Molly A. Maillette Ryan F. Maritote Emily L. Mathews Kevin L. McGuire Melinda S. McNett Stephanie A. Metcalf Emily A. Meyer

Jessica E. Mitchelly Jeffrey D. Morrell Bryan P. Nell Angela C. Olivas Tyler D. Otts Jonathan D. Paretsky Amy E. Patton Diana Perez Megan M. Petri 2 Danielle L. Reimer Timothy J. Reyburn Christopher R. Rhode Christina M. Ross 2 Arthur H. Rumpf IV Steven J. Schilly Curtis J. Schmitt Catherine M. Schult Claire E. Schultz Kelly K. Schweiss Venessa S. Siebers Ashley A. Skoczynski Christina M. Skodachek Vincent J. Spratte Matthew C. Stensberg Bruce J. Stephenson Eliza Cherry Stephenson Amelia E. Sternitzky Elizabeth L. Stoudt Daniel A. Sturgill Daniel S. Syens Rachael L. Thiel Stephanie R. Troemel Angela J. Twaroski Korine M. Vierthaler Tiffany J. Walker Tygh J. Walters Brett M. Wegner Daniel H. Weiler Melissa A. Will Andrea K. Worden Alyssa A. Wright Jeni A. Yaeger Benjamin T. Yust Dustin R. Zuelke

The 833 Club Ms Joana H. Aggrey ’04 Mr Nickolas J. Araya ’01 Ms Melinda A. Baur ’04 Mr Michael J. Bender ’95 2LT Sarah A. Brewster ’05 Ms Laura J. Brodie ’04 Mr Michael D. Daus ’91 Mr Andrew S. DeKeyser ’03 Mr Matthew J. Denure ’98 M/M Eric M. Gallagher ’06, ’06 M/M Michael M. Gawlik M/M Roderick S. Haynes ’78 M/M Christopher A. Jensen ’85, ’85 Ms Kelly T. Keiderling ’82 Mr Christopher S. Klimp ’04 Mr Jonathan R. Knott ’05

Ms Kristin E. Lee ’93 Ms Amy M. Letcher ’99 Ms Sarah E. McGill ’05 Dr/M Kent E. Menzel ’81, ’80 Ms Erin A. Murphy ’03 Dr Timothy P. Reed M/M Robert W. Sonier M/M Nicholas A. Spaeth ’04 Ms Jill E. Sunderland ’04 Mr Trevor J. Vernier ’94

Key Years of giving – number located after name. Class years displayed in red met or surpassed 40% participation. Class years displayed in black attained less than 40% participation. *Now Deceased

Parents Founders’ Society M/M Robert V. Abendroth 14 *M/M Thomas W. Kimen, Jr. 22 M/M Michael R. Reese 35 Presidents’ Society M/M Richard J. Srednicki 32 Jeremiah W. Walcott Society Dr/M Philip K. McCullough 35 M/M Stephen T. H. Ng 22 Clarissa Tucker Tracy Society M/M William J. Koch 20 Orrin H. Ingram Society M/M John J. Bruce Wilfrid of Ripon Society Anonymous Ms Mary E. Avery 9 M/M Donald L. Bentley 25 M/M C. R. Charlson, Jr. 31 Mrs James F. Clark 37 M/M Jeffrey P. Clark 26 M/M Gregory M. deRegnier 12 M/M Joseph W. Dingman 38 Drs Richard A. and Janice Y. Domanik 29 M/M Jon R. Domencich 4 M/M F. Scott Frey 4 Evelyn and Eugene Kain 22 M/M Michaeil Kenseth M/M Joseph M. Koenig 2 Mrs Robert V. Krikorian 44 M/M Charles L. Larson 38 *Mrs Nancy W. Livingston 49 M/M John K. Mann 3 Mrs William J. Neill 34 M/M Ralph D. Quinney 4 Mrs Kenneth L. Sather 23 M/M Robert J. Schaupp 32 Mrs Nick J. Topetzes 43 *Mrs Taggart Whipple 24 M/M J. Gibbons Zeratsky 54 William S. Brockway Society Mr Thomas A. Avery 9 M/M Richard G. Barry 41 M/M Mark G. Biallas 2 M/M Allen E. Grasley 9 Mr William J. Gresham/Ms Ellen L. Cope 4 Mrs Anna B. Johnson 27 Dr/M John H. Kastendiek, Jr. 40 M/M Jeffrey G. Nelson 29 Mrs Suzanne D. Parish 39 M/M Wayne A. Ramus 12 M/M Gerald M. Rogers 18 M/M Robert W. Rosenberg 27 M/M Robert C. Royce 25 Mr Charles E. Szurszewski/Ms Christina Meserve 3 M/M Norbert W. Thieme 23 M/M Steven J. Thompson 40 M/M Everett R. Wood 10

Key Years of giving – number located after name. *Now Deceased

Heritage Society M/M Richard L. Adler 6 M/M William B. Ainslie 16 Mr Albert V. Appino 27 Dr/M Philip A. Bain 20 M/M Gary F. Barber 12 M/M Donald E. Beers 4 Dr/M Scott A. Bildsten 11 M/M Joseph E. Bjorn 7 M/M Geoffrey P. Bratton 5 Ms Cathy Brooke 7 Dr/M Ted T. Bruce 2 M/M Jose J. Carbajal Dr/M Jack M. Christ 26 M/M Thomas R. Cooper M/M Peter C. Dane 4 M/M Robert C. Dearborn 7 M/M James A. Demas 20 Drs William R. Dove and Rebecca A. Baldwin 2 Dr/M James T. Duncan, Jr. 34 M/M Richard F. Ebert 6 M/M Donald G. Engelbert 21 M/M James B. First 6 M/M Brian D. Fontaine 7 Mr James A. Futransky 12 M/M Edward Gabriel 9 Dr Anthony D. George 3 M/M Thom Gerretsen 5 Mrs Louise P. Googins 13 M/M Michael A. Handeland 2 M/M Michael E. Hanscom 18 Mr Weston Hanscom/Ms Cheryl Weissman 2 Drs Joe W. Hatcher, Jr. and Karin Suesser 19 Dr/M Allen L. Hauer 9 Mr Mark O. Holte/Ms Patricia E. Harty 3 M/M Michael J. Horkan 2 M/M John L. Huber 8 Mrs Mary Ann Johnsen 32 M/M Donald A. Johnson 12 Ms Frances A. Johnson 10 M/M James E. Johnson, Sr. 12 Mr Richard G. Johnson 3 Dr/M Terry L. Jones 27 Dr/M David P.N. Jordahl 12 Mr David T. Keeling, Sr. 9 Mr Donald W. Kellogg 18 M/M Jeffrey J. Keough 3 M/M John L. Kitslaar III 8 M/M James A. Klinger 17 Mrs Bernice E. Koglin 42 M/M Harold S. Kopperud 4 Mr William R. Krueger, Sr. 4 M/M Edward J. Kuehn 8 Mrs Kerstin E. Lanser 4 Mrs Linda K. LaPoint 4 Mr Thomas LaViolette/Dr Elizabeth C. Melchert 12 Mrs Theresa A. Lee 17 M/M Henry S. Leonard, Jr. 23 Mrs Ann C. Lindberg 3 Ms Kerri J. Lintott 5 M/M James M. Lukanich 33 M/M Mark A. Malkowski 5 M/M Loren H. Matzdorf 9 M/M Donald McCartney, Jr. 3 Sarah McGowan 28 M/M Matthew W. Meidl 2 Mrs Adela P. Melchert 28 M/M George I. Middleton 35

M/M Hugh E. Morgan 8 M/M William R. Mulford 16 M/M Robert J. Nichols 28 M/M William C. North 36 M/M Daniel D. Oakes 3 M/M D. Thomas Oakley 17 M/M Kurt L. Olson 27 M/M Christopher R. Owen 5 M/M Vincent A. Palmer 24 Dr/M Daniel P. Paretsky 4 M/M Robert L. Patterson II 23 M/M Michael L. Patton 4 M/M Cort O. Plummer 9 M/M Ray T. Rabacal 12 Mr Thomas C. Rigler 27 Mrs W. Kent Robinson 26 M/M Christopher J. Rodel 3 M/M Gerald D. Rothrock M/M Mark H. Sabel 16 M/M Michael R. Schick 3 Dr/M James W. Schwengel 16 Mrs Earle S. Scott 36 M/M Kim M. Shady 5 M/M Steven L. Shifflett Mr Walter H. Sievert 36 M/M Thomas J. Sitter 2 M/M Dale H. Smith 5 M/M Leonard L. Smith 8 Dr Robb V. Smith 29 M/M Scott D. Sondalle 2 M/M Leonhard Staerk 15 Dr Fredric A. Steiger 5 Dr/M Stephen C. Sternitzky 4 M/M Bill G. Stotis 3 Mrs Tracey M. Sullivan-Covert 4 M/M Stanley L. Sweet 6 Mr Richard R. Sykes/Mrs Jo dy J. Henderson-Sykes 28 M/M Lawrence J. Teeling, Sr. 15 Dr/M David C. Thies 2 Rev H. Jerome Thompson 39 M/M Jeffrey W. Trickey 19 M/M John K. Triller 4 M/M Mark W. Unger 14 Dr/M Schuyler H. Van Gorden, Jr. 20 M/M Jim Van Groll M/M David A. Veneziano 9 M/M David S. Wedding 16 M/M Carl D. Wege 31 M/M Fred J. Wiest, Jr. 37 Mr Richard D. Wiley 5 Mr Ian K. Williams 19 M/M Jonathan L. Woods 4 M/M Lawrence J. Young 3 M/M Thomas Youngberg 3 M/M M. George Zornada 23 Donors Drs James H. Abbs and Roxanne DePaul 5 M/M James R. Abert Mrs Deb Adamski M/M Richard Agamaite 2 Mrs Elwood M. Anderson 17 M/M Darwin G. Anderson 2 M/M O. F. Anderson 16 Dr/M Kevin P. Andrasko M/M Donald L. Armstrong 3 M/M Brad L. Audley 2 Mr Michael A. Ayers M/M Donald T. Baker, Jr. 2 M/M Lyle E. Bangart 2 Mrs Theresa Bankenbush 2 M/M Mitchell S. Banks 5 M/M Robert J. Barker 4

Mr Scott J. Baron/Dr Marilyn J. Baron M/M Michael J. Barrile, Sr. 4 Ms Bette Bastian 7 M/M Bruce E. Bauer 6 Mrs Lois M. Bauernfeind 2 M/M Michael F. Baumann 3 M/M Dean P. Bavery 2 M/M Michael D. Bean 3 Mr Jack B. Beard 3 Dr/M James W. Beatty 44 Mrs Janice J. Becker 6 M/M Robert L. Becker 3 Mrs Brenda Behringer 5 M/M Dale Beine 2 M/M Robert L. Benson 11 Ms Susan L. Benson 2 M/M Roman W. Berdes 19 Ms Marilyn Berens 8 M/M Bruce Berman 4 M/M Gerald P. Berndt 2 Mrs Barbara Carrier Best 35 Mrs Nancy J. Bestland 22 Rev Victoria L. Bethel Mrs Kathleen A. Beuttenmueller 4 M/M John H. Beyer 13 Mrs Julie A. Beyreis 2 M/M Roderick N. Bickert, Jr. 2 M/M Charles L. Bilionis 6 M/M Daniel R. Billings 8 M/M Dale P. Birschbach 3 M/M Milorad Bjelos 3 M/M Leslie Block 4 Ms Dawn Blodgett M/M Eugene D. Blomfelt 2 M/M Bernard Bober Mr Mark Boedecker 2 M/M Donald L. Bogdanske 3 M/M Theadore Bombinski Mr Daniel R. Boness Mrs Herman G. Borchers 40 M/M Peter M. Borgo 5 M/M Jefferey A. Bornemann 2 Mr Scott M. Borowsky M/M Robert J. Bortz 16 Mrs Julie A. Bosquez 3 M/M Kris G. Boucher 2 Mr Frank Bowman Dr Kenneth R. Bradbury/Ms Kari J. Sherman 2 Mrs Wayne S. Bradley 29 M/M Douglas W. Bradley 18 M/M Fred O. Brandenburg 25 Ms Lisa Braun 2 Mr Terry J. Breister 3 M/M Paul D. Breuer M/M Bruce Brewster 7 M/M Brian A. Brockmann M/M Robert A. Brodie 6 M/M Steven D. Brooks, Sr. 9 Mrs James E. Brophy 9 Mr Mark Brouse/Ms Lynn Hoffman-Brouse Ms Barbara Brown 4 M/M James A. Brown Mrs Terri Brown 2 M/M Thomas C. Bruce 2 Ms Janice M. Bruehl 2 M/M Mark J. Brum 2 M/M Randall J. Brungardt M/M Steven D. Brunner Mr Elmer N. Buchholz 25 Rev/M Norman P. Bude 2 M/M John L. Burgart 6


Parents: This couple believes in giving back Ripon parents Larry Sisco and Deborah Sundmacher of Carlsbad, Calif., are enthusiastic participants on the Parents’ Advisory Committee and find it helps keep them close to their daughter, Sara Sisco ’11. “I wanted to be part of the discussion of programs that affect the quality of life and student education at the College, and I wanted to contribute my voice,” Deborah says. “There’s so much you learn when you’re on the advisory board that you wouldn’t normally know — especially with us in California and her so far away. To be able to be in a meeting and listen to what the president, the vice president and deans have to say helps us to understand what she’s experiencing and how we can help.” Deborah grew up in Wisconsin and graduated from Hartford High School. She wanted to go to Ripon but

M/M Oliver L. Burton 6 Drs Frederick L. and Roswitha Burwick 3 M/M Mark J. Bushman M/M John D. Butterbaugh 2 Dr Charles A. Byler/Ms Kimberli J. Wilson M/M William M. Cage 3 M/M James W. Cahoon 34 Dr/M Todd G. Calder Mr Patrick L. Campbell 22 M/M Daniel Carney 2 M/M Daniel J. Carpenter 5 M/M Donald M. Carpenter 4 Ms Cheryl M. Carr M/M Leonard L. Cederholm 2 M/M Chris J. Christensen 3 M/M Richard L. Cloeter 2 M/M John F. Cluka M/M Thomas N. Cochran 19 M/M Richard H. Coles 6 M/M Nicolas C. Compra, Jr. 3 M/M John M. Considine 3 Mr Glenn D. Covert II 4 Mrs Patricia Woods Cram 16 M/M Allan Cummings 3 Dr/M S. Marshall Cushman, Jr. 45 M/M Charles A. Dahl 8 M/M Dominic Damico, Jr. 3 M/M Jeffery D. Davey 2 M/M Bradley F. Davis 2 M/M Gary M. Davis


ended up attending the University of Michigan-Ann Arbor. After receiving her master’s degree from the University of San Diego, she now is a professor of English there. Larry attended Montgomery College in Maryland and is a semiretired businessman. “When Sara was looking for a school, I took her to Ripon,” Deborah says. “Sara had always been in small schools from the time she was in kindergarten. She was used to a smaller environment, and she liked that about Ripon. “When we visited, we saw that everyone there truly believes — from the faculty to the students — that this is the right place for them and they’re just in love with the place.” Larry adds that Sara also really liked the politics and

M/M Neil R. Davis M/M Lance P. Dawson M/M Vincent P. DeCleene M/M Darryl W. Deets 3 M/M Mark J. Dehn 3 M/M Aucencio DeLosAngeles 2 M/M Martin K. Denis 4 Mr Leonard J. de Rosa 34 Mrs Augustus Detato 18 M/M Lyle J. DeVillers 4 Mr Ross E. Dick 2 Mrs Georganna D. Dickson 28 M/M Robert H. Diebboll 20 Mr Christopher R. Dillon Mrs Thomas A. DiMarco 21 M/M David J. Disterhaft 7 M/M Brian F. Donner 4 M/M Douglas W. Downey 29 M/M Arthur J. Doyle 7 Mr James T. Doyle 18 M/M Kevin P. Doyle M/M Allen G. Draeger 5 Mrs Marie Kaminski Driver 13 M/M Dennis Drozd M/M Charles W. Druba 5 M/M Donald J. Dunphy 3 M/M John S. Duros, Jr. 9 Mrs Raymond W. Duwel 31 M/M Frank T. Dwyer 2 M/M Gregory D. Ebert 5 M/M Steven C. Eichman 2 M/M Allen J. Emmer 5 M/M Jeffery Engelmann 5 M/M Dean A. Erickson 2 M/M Ronald L. Ernst 9

Larry Sisco and Deborah Sundmacher

government program at Ripon. Larry and Deborah are pleased with the whole Ripon experience for Sara. Deborah says they have many friends with children attending other schools, but not all of them are having good experiences. “Ripon has been such a phenomenal experience for Sara,” Deborah says. “She loves it there. She thinks it’s the place that she was meant to be and it offers something

M/M Mark P. Evans Mr Thom R. Evans 6 M/M Gerald A. Ewig 4 Ms Diane M. Falk 4 Mrs Dorothy M. Farley 2 M/M Wayne F. Fazzino 2 M/M Brian Fehly 3 Dr/M Peter P. Feimer 15 M/M Robert T. Felten 2 Dr Michael Fendrich/Ms Leslie A. Whitaker 3 M/M William G. Fenrich Mrs Lynne G. Ferriera 6 M/M James Field 3 Mrs Ruth Fingerson 2 M/M Richard Fink 2 M/M Manuel Finkelstein 27 M/M Roger Firgens M/M Randall L. Fischer 4 M/M Daniel Fladhammer 3 M/M Perry M. Flannery 2 M/M Raymond E. Fleegal 7 Mrs Catherine A. Forrest 4 M/M Robert M. Forster 6 M/M Frederick R. Foster 3 M/M Timothy Franz M/M Robert Franzen 2 Mr Ronald E. Fredrick 29 Dr/M Timothy J. Freeman 3 M/M William E. Freisleben 6 M/M Kevin E. Frome Mrs Teruo Fujikawa 13 Mr Stephen P. Fusfeld Mr David P. Gaie Ms Patricia A. Gain 7

big schools don’t. Sara’s been able to get involved in a wide range of activities. One night she had eight meetings! A small environment is great for a kid who really wants to participate. The staff and professors are so supportive in ways that make education more than just going to school. It’s a whole experience. As a professor myself, I know what it’s like for kids to be in an environment where they can connect to teachers and staff. That makes all the difference in the world when it comes to education — which is much more than learning from books.” Larry adds that their support for Ripon is natural because of what they are receiving in return. “We think you have to give back to those places in some way, and so we try to do what we can to help other kids who want to go there,” he says.

Ms Lyn M. Gamerdinger M/M Thomas G. Gardiner Mr David G. Garland Mrs Creighton E. Gatchell, Jr. 21 M/M Michael M. Gawlik M/M Timothy D. George 2 Mrs Suzanne B. Geroso 21 Ms Marcia K. Geyer 2 M/M James E. Giedd 30 M/M Richard W. Gigot 2 Ms Barbara R. Giles 5 M/M Robert G. Gillespie 17 Mrs John E. Gillstrom 22 M/M Harold C. Ginke 2 M/M George N. Gitcho 29 M/M John W. Glueckert 12 M/M James G. Gonio, Jr. 6 M/M Christopher Gonyo M/M Dennis D. Goodwin 3 Rev/M James L. Goodwin II 4 Ms Winola Goodwin 3 M/M Randall R. Gorske 4 M/M John W. Gosselin 17 M/M James P. Gosso 23 Ms Susan Greenwood 4 M/M Peter J. Gregor 3 M/M Rollin E. Gridley 3 M/M Ronnie Griffin 3 M/M Jeff G. Grothman 7 Dr/M Kirk E. Gustafson 5 M/M Steven Gustafson M/M Thomas Hack 6 Mrs Amy S. Hajduk M/M Tim A. Haldiman 4 M/M Tom J. Hall 2

M/M Charles H. Halsey, Jr. 15 M/M Stephen E. Hanadel 5 M/M James G. Haney 6 M/M Scott E. Hanna Ms Sheila Hansen Dr/M Jerry M. Hardacre II 27 M/M James A. Hass M/M David R. Hathaway Ms Debra Hauser 2 M/M Tim Hayes Mrs Kathleen A. Hazy M/M G. Robert Heaps 4 Mrs Cynthia L. Heim 3 M/M Thomas G. Heinrich 25 Mr Hans O. Helland 26 M/M Donald H. Hemstock 18 M/M Stephen D. Heng M/M Todd W. Henrickson 2 Ms Mary E. Hentz 4 M/M Robert Hepp M/M Dennis P. Herald 2 M/M Keith H. Hersey 4 Ms Judith L. Hesemann 2 M/M David P. Hietpas Ms Dawn M. Higgins 2 M/M David E. Hill 10 Ms Willie Mae Hill 2 M/M David E. Hilligoss 4 Ms Lynn L. Hills 2 Mrs Lucille Hinkfuss 12 Mrs Kathleen A. Hinkle M/M Randol C. Hoefner 3 M/M Paul M. Hoel 7 Mr Roger W. Hoeschen 5 M/M Charles R. Hoffman 13 M/M Steven Hollenback 4 M/M Rick Hollmaier 3 M/M James S. Holwerda 2 M/M Leonard E. Hornung 9 Mr Lance D. Hover/Mrs Karen Jakel-Hover 5 M/M Lawrence A. Hoying 4 M/M Wayne Huberty M/M John A. Huebscher 7 Mr Kevin B. Huff/ Mrs Merilis Harrington-Huff 6 M/M Edward C. Hultquist Mr Gerard J. Hying Ms Jeanine M. Hying Mrs Fern-Aileen Imse 27 M/M David L. Indermuehle 22 M/M Chris G. Ingemann M/M Robert Ingish 2 M/M W. Charles Jackson 21 M/M Brian G. Jacobs M/M Daniel T. Jacobson 6 M/M Alan Jager 5 M/M James Jansen M/M Gerald L. Jansky 8 M/M Daniel Jarecki 4 M/M Jack E. Jayne 36 Mrs Jody A. Jenkins M/M Robert A. Jenkins 3 M/M Robin L. Jenkins M/M John J. Jenniges 11 M/M Stephen G. Jensen Mrs Eugene W. Jess 17 M/M John H. Johannes 3 M/M Douglas Johnson 2 M/M Roy H. Johnson

Key Years of giving – number located after name. *Now Deceased

M/M Leighton R. Johnson, Jr. 14 Mrs Robert B. Johnson 28 M/M Roy H. Johnson M/M Russell G. Johnson Mrs Cynthia Prokash Jones 2 M/M Thomas R. Jones 6 M/M Robert L. Jordan M/M Robert L. Kammer, Jr. 7 M/M Patrick E. Kane 6 Mr Michael J. Karijolich 8 M/M David Karsten 2 M/M John P. Kastner 2 Mrs Jean Kedinger 3 M/M Bruce A. Kedrowski 9 M/M Cherif Keita 2 M/M Robert P. Kemppainen 3 Mr James F. Keppel/Mrs Kathleen D. Kind-Keppel 6 Mr Jamal O. Kharbush/Ms Barbara J. Olson 4 M/M George W. Kiernicki 2 Mrs Ann M. King 10 Mr Daniel S. King 32 M/M Ronald J. Kirschling 3 M/M Brian L. Kissack M/M Anthony M. Kiszonas 4 M/M John R. Klaes 4 M/M Kenneth M. Klein M/M Dean D. Kloehn M/M Kurt G. Klomberg M/M Russell P. Knorr 4 M/M Stephen T. Kochanski 2 Mr John M. Kochel 2 Ms Nancy C. Koehnke 2 M/M William H. Kollaszar Mrs Carrie M. Kollatz 3 M/M Tom Konecny 3 M/M Jozef Konopko 2 Mr Thomas C. Kordas M/M Richard Kordek 4 M/M Ron Korth Mr John D. Kotek 4 M/M Robert W. Kozaczuk 4 Ms Kirsten N. Kraemer 4 Mrs Elizabeth A. Krajewski 4 M/M Gregory G. Kraynek 11 M/M David A. Krehoff 2 M/M Daniel L. Kreye 5 M/M James A. Krueger 7 M/M Jeffrey G. Krueger 3 M/M Thomas H. Krueger 2 Mrs Karen Kuenzi 3 M/M Gerald J. Kultgen 8 M/M Mark J. Kunde 2 Mrs Judith A. Laflin 4 M/M James R. Larson 19 M/M Danny A. Lee 4 M/M Thomas J. Lehocky M/M Timothy A. Leistikow 12 M/M Craig A. Leiviska 5 M/M Dale R. Lentz 6 M/M Fred LeSavage 2 Mrs Clare E. Leslie 21 M/M George E. Letcher 14 M/M Steven J. Leverenz 2 Mr Stephen R. Lewis 2 M/M Roman W. Lichon 4 Mrs Tracy A. Liedtke M/M David Lind M/M Mark S. Lind 3 M/M Steve C. Lindberg M/M James R. Liska 8 M/M Arthur C. Lisowe 7 Mr Jeffrey L. Lockhart/Dr Margaret A. Armstrong 3 M/M Richard A. Lodle 15 Mrs Donna M. Loest 2

M/M William Logan M/M Douglas W. Longlais M/M David L. Longsine M/M Jimmy G. Looker 3 Mrs Geraldine S. Loomis 3 M/M David H. Louis 3 Mrs Louise A. Lowery 19 M/M David D. Ludwin 4 M/M Ernie Lukacs M/M John M. Lukanich 36 M/M Robert G. Lukoski 8 Dr/M Dale A. Lyon 3 M/M James Madsen M/M Joseph C. Mahoney 14 M/M David Mann M/M James Marach 2 Ms Marsha R. Marquardt M/M Wesley L. Marquart 3 M/M Richard Marshall 5 Mr Kenneth B. Martin Ms Jane E. Martinson 4 Mr Gregory A. Martzahl 2 M/M Kenton L. Massen 4 M/M James W. Mathers 9 Mrs Diane McCarthy M/M Charles L. McClenahan 5 M/M John J. McCluskey 2 Mrs William M. McCormick 17 Dr/M John P. McCullough 6 M/M Leland J. McDonald 2 Mrs Barbara J. McElderry 6 M/M Craig J. McEwen 4 M/M Charles K. McGee 21 M/M Bruce M. McMaster 20 M/M Scott E. McMurray 2 M/M R. Bruce McMurry 9 M/M John R. McNaughton 25 M/M Donald E. McNeal 3 M/M John P. Mead 2 Mrs Thomas E. Meehan 21 M/M Alan Meister 3 Ms Leslie Melton Mrs John L. Menson 29 Mr Kevin L. Metcalf M/M Joey M. Meyer 2 M/M Michael R. Meyer 2 M/M Michael D. Mielke 2 M/M Rich J. Miesfeld 27 M/M Todd Mihalko 2 M/M Daniel J. Miller 20 M/M David M. Miller 6 M/M Timothy R. Miller 6 Mrs Jill M. Montgomery Mrs Mary Helen Montoure 24 M/M Harold D. Morgan 6 M/M Gregory E. Morrissey 9 M/M William J. Morrissey 31 M/M Robert A. Mott 4 M/M Henry Murphy 2 M/M John A. Mutschelknaus M/M Craig E. Myers 9 M/M Allen C. Navarro M/M Darrell Nell M/M Sidney Nennig M/M Randy Nesbitt M/M Michael A. Neuberger 5 Ms Carol R. Newhouse 2 M/M Forest Nichols 3 Ms Kathleen Nickel 6 M/M Paul J. Noel 24 M/M Daniel M. Nolan 8 M/M William C. Nolte Dr/M Ned G. Nordin 2 M/M Edmund Nordman 4 M/M C. K. Norris 17 Ms Dorothy E. Norris 7 M/M Daniel N. Novak 2

M/M Richard Novak 4 Mrs Lisa A. Nuttall M/M Manuel G. Olivas 2 M/M Jon Olson 2 M/M Martin G. Ondrus 12 Ms Kay Oninski 2 M/M Jose S. Ortega M/M Richard Osantowski 5 Ms Sally Osten 2 Mr Hans P. Overgaard/Ms Kathleen Caldwell 2 M/M Dale R. Palecek 3 M/M Richard W. Palmer 11 M/M Richard S. Papke 22 Mr John Pariso M/M Charles K. Parsons 16 M/M Anthony M. Paterno M/M Gregory R. Patten 2 Mrs Lovice H. Paul 17 M/M Martin A. Paulsen 3 M/M Jeffrey Paulson 4 M/M John M. Paxson Ms Linda L. Pelon 2 M/M Richard D. Penrod 2 M/M Victor Perez 2 M/M Martin C. Perkins 6 M/M Scott R. Perrine 3 M/M Steven E. Pesik 2 M/M Jay Peterson Mr Vincent J. Petrovski 5 Rev Frederick W. Phinney, Sr. 29 Mrs Beth Piasecki Mrs Cynthia R. Pierstorff 6 M/M Richard J. Piette 2 Mrs Michelle Pike M/M Richard Pinkus 5 M/M Dennis Plagenz 9 M/M James L. Plato 4 M/M Peter J. Polga 8 M/M Darin G. Pollei M/M Lynn Pollesch 2 M/M Jeffrey Poole 3 M/M Thomas L. Porath 3 M/M Lance S. Prager 2 M/M Will J. Preischel M/M Paul G. Prostinak M/M William J. Provencher, Jr. 8 M/M Steven C. Puckett M/M David W. Pugh 32 Mrs Kim M. Pujanauski 2 Mr Philip J. Pujanauski M/M Joel V. Purpur M/M Randall G. Rabata Mrs Shirley Rank 2 M/M Alan M. Ravitz 15 M/M Duane C. Rebek 12 M/M Paul E. Reese 2 M/M Dale J. Reichhart 4 M/M George J. Rejman 23 M/M Jon Reuling 2 Mr Jeffrey Rhein/Ms Kathleen Travanty-Rhein M/M Chris Rhyner 2 M/M Scott D. Rice 2 Mr Kerry L. Richards 2 Ms Kristine L. Richards Ms Stacie W. Richards LT Robert Rico M/M Gary A. Riesing Dr/M Francisco I. Rincon 10 Ms Lori L. Roach M/M Richard W. Roberts 15 Ms Pamela M. Robertson 3 M/M James J. Robinson


M/M John G. Rocco M/M Keith Roeber 2 M/M James R. Romme 11 M/M Charles A. Rourke 3 M/M Harry R. Rouse 8 M/M Tony A. Roy 2 M/M Arthur H. Rumpf III M/M Russell G. Runge M/M Eugene C. Ruppert 3 M/M David E. Rye 6 M/M James M. Salentine 10 Mr Russell Salzer 2 Dr/M Sam M. Sasamoto 28 M/M Robbin M. Sauer 8 Rev/M Bob Saunders 3 Mr Gerald J. Sawyer M/M Luis A. Sayavedra 2 Mrs Rose Schaalma M/M Alan Schaefer 2 M/M James J. Schaick M/M Douglas M. Schalla 3 M/M Gerald L. Schaper 14 M/M William J. Schatz M/M Forrest Schimler 2 M/M Hubert A. Schlegel M/M Larry W. Schleusner 17 M/M David P. Schmitt 2 M/M David L. Schmitting 3 M/M Steven M. Schoofs 4 M/M Louis C. Schubert, Jr. 21 Ms John J. Schuberth 33 M/M Dennis Schuh 3 M/M Dale R. Schultz M/M Edmund E. Schultz 4 M/M Jeffrey R. Schultz 5 M/M Paul Schultz 3 M/M Dale R. Schultz M/M David G. Schumacher Ms Shelley K. Schwandt 4 M/M Steven J. Schweiss 2 M/M Brad D. Schwirtz 5 Mrs Gerald Secor 34 Mrs Sharon J. Secord Mrs Carolyn P. Seelbach 33 M/M Carl Sefrhans 4 M/M Michael J. Seidel Mr Harold F. Shade 15 Ms Cynthia M. Shadle 2 M/M George Shaw 15 Mr James Shear/Dr MaryBeth Shear 2 M/M Steven H. Sheeks M/M Warren H. Sherman 27 Mr Douglas W. Sherman/Ms Claire E. Taylor-Sherman M/M Warren H. Sherman 27 Dr/M Kenneth E. Sherry 3 Mr Ronald C. Shilt 3 M/M C. Thomas Shoemaker 16 M/M Leslie Shultz 2 M/M Charles L. Shunk 2 Mrs Ann M. Sicilia-Thompson 7 Ms Jacquelyn M. Sierlecki 11 M/M Daniel Sigurslid 12 M/M Lawrence J. Sikowski 4 Mrs Marilyn L. Simpson 18 M/M L. Alan Sinnwell 4 M/M Kevin J. Sippel, Sr. Mr Stuart L. Sisco/Ms Deborah S. Sundmacher 2 M/M Claude F. Sitton Ms Sandra J. Sjolin 9 M/M Mark Skoczynski Mrs Kim L. Slota 4 Mr Patrick W. Small 6


M/M George Smedema 7 M/M Andrew P. Smith 7 M/M Gordon G. Smith 13 M/M James M. Smith 2 Mrs Karen L. Smith 7 Mr Lee A. Smith M/M Michael D. Smith 2 M/M Robert J. Smith 18 M/M Jay A. Sockness M/M Steven J. Soda M/M John E. Solari 14 M/M Curtis H. Solberg 16 M/M Robert W. Sonier M/M Andrew W. Sorensen 9 M/M George F. Souik 12 M/M Todd Spratte 2 Ms Mary Jane Spudeas 18 M/M Terrence J. Srnka Ms Lauren L. Stanley 4 M/M John W. Starry 11 M/M Gerald R. Statza 3 M/M Thomas J. Stelmack Ms Diane D. Sterba 4 Mr Glen R. Sterr 12 Mr Paul R. Sterrett/Rev Marguerite J. Sterrett 4 M/M R. Scot Stewart 3 M/M Randy Storlie 3 Mrs Harriet E. Storzer 31 M/M James R. Strelow 9 Mrs Alan M. Struthers 38 Mrs Lillie Sullivan 2 M/M Tom A. Sullivan 3 M/M James M. Sumner 8 M/M David M. Sumnicht 5 M/M William D. Sutter 4 Mr Michael A. Swanson 2 M/M William M. Swartz 13 M/M Jay D. Swenson Mr Thomas B. Swoboda 2 Ms Elaine N. Symons Mrs Linda Szocik 11 Mr Dennis Tande/Ms Mary C. Manering Mrs Jane C. Taylor 28 Mr Jerry T. Teigen Dr/M M. Dale Terrell 7 M/M Timothy A. Thiel 2 Dr/M Thom Thomassen 2 Mrs Lloyd E. Thompson 13 Mrs Patricia L. Thurmond 11

M/M John M. Tillema 50 Mr Donald D. Tincher 4 M/M Randall P. Tobolski 5 M/M Richard F. Topping, Sr. 14 M/M Jerry G. Torborg 2 M/M Mark Trenier 4 M/M Gregory S. Trinka 2 M/M Thomas H. Trost 6 Dr/M Goro Tsuchiya 8 M/M Mark A. Tudor M/M Charles K. Unger 5 Mrs Dorothy Usiak 33 M/M Bradley J. Vande Kolk M/M Dennis G. Vanden Berg 2 M/M Dennis Vande Slunt 8 Mr Nhia C. Vang/Ms Ka Y. Yang M/M Dennis VanHandel 2 M/M Jan Van Rens 18 M/M Todd G. Van Schyndel Ms Julie L. VanSteenbergen 6 M/M Robert L. Vasconcelles 6 Mr Anthony Vieceli 36 M/M Roger Volkman 17 M/M Jeff Von Arx 2 Ms Janet Vossekuil 2 Dr Frederick T. Waddell/Ms Kathryn E. Reed 5 Mrs Carol P. Wagner 5 M/M Thomas K. Wagner 9 Judge/M Robert W. Wakefield 33 M/M Thomas J. Walker 4 Mr Lynn S. Wallace/Ms Karen M. Kedrowski M/M Douglas Wallick M/M Richard Walton, Sr. 24 M/M Andrew Warfield M/M Charles R. Weber 10 M/M Frederick Weber 4 Mr Robert W. Weinert M/M Daniel K. Weingarten M/M Gary M. Weisenbeck 2 M/M Rodney J. Weiss 6 Ms Jane Welke 19 Ms Patricia Y. Wells-Belt 4 Mrs Barbara Lynn Wenzlaff 18 M/M Daniel L. Wetzel 10 Mrs Sandra R. Weyer Mrs Joanne Wickstrom 4 M/M Thomas Widlake M/M John A. Wiechmann 26 M/M Randall R. Wierschke 2

The new lounge area in the lower level of Pickard Commons, often referred to as the campus living room, is a popular place for students to gather or study quietly between classes. Mrs G. Robert Wilkinson 27 M/M Fred P. Will 3 Ms Nancy E. Wille 17 M/M Gerald Williams 3 M/M James R. Williams 2 M/M Ronald B. Williams, Jr. 5 Dr Mary E. Williams-Norton 12 M/M James L. Winterle 3 M/M Jeffrey P. Wishau 3 M/M Michael R. Wood 3 M/M Tim Woods M/M Dennis W. Wopat 5 Mr Gary N. Worcester/Dr Elaine M. Worcester 2 M/M Timothy G. Wright 4 M/M William Wuske Jr. 2 M/M Dennis M. Wusler 21 M/M Todd W. Yaeger 3 M/M Richard Yake 3 Mrs Susan DeKeyser Yell 9 M/M Glen J. York 8 Dr/M Robert H. Young 19 M/M Kurt J. Yust 4 Dr/M Ronald A. Zagorski 9 Ms Jackie Otto Zander 5 Mr Lawrence E. Zarnott 11 M/M Mark A. Zastrow 3 Dr/M Ralph K. Zech 25 M/M Micheal H. Zehfus 20 Dr/M Thomas J. Zehren 9 M/M Steven A. Zimmerman 11 Rev/M John H. Zimmermann 25 M/M Thomas R. Zirk 10 M/M Richard L. Zommers M/M William J. ZumMallen

Key Years of giving – number located after name. *Now Deceased

Friends Founders’ Society M/M James P. Connelly 8 M/M Robert E. Francis 29 Mrs Roxanne Sortino Gleason 26 Mrs Kitty Hartman 44 Mrs Audrey Lyke 22 Mr Robert L. Smith 29 M/M Juris K. Ubans 4 Presidents’ Society M/M Oscar C. Boldt 37 Ms Clare Villari Jeremiah W. Walcott Society M/M Thomas J. Boldt 7 Mrs Nephele Wing Domencich 37 Mr Joseph A. Gregoire 6 M/M Duncan M. McFarland 2 Ms Schuyler Riley 8 Ms Barbara J. Schutz 3 Mr Robert A. Schutz 3 Ms Julie E. Sgambelluri 2 Mr Robert S. Tieman 11 Mrs Shirley Friedrich Wyman 7 Mr R. Douglas Ziegler 29 Clarissa Tucker Tracy Society Mrs Sharolyn Howard Burkoth 39 Mr Thomas E. Caestecker 26 Mr David I. Chemerow 35 Mrs Karen K. Cook 25 M/M John Lauer 3 Mr Michael L. Otis 31 M/M J. Michael Phillips 3 Ms Katherine Stewart 2 Orrin H. Ingram Society Dr Joel W. Cler/Ms Marjorie A. Kenyon-Cler 14 Mrs Tracy Larkin Endrizzi 12 Ms Lisa D. Finkel Mrs Peggy Fossett M/M John C. Porter 5 Dr/M William J Woolley 37 Wilfrid of Ripon Society Ms Anne B. Abernethy 21 Mrs Elizabeth M. Behrend 14 M/M Todd I. Berens 17 Mrs Camille Burke 6 Mrs Linda Krummrow Cooper 19 Mrs Patricia M. Emerson 17 Mr Harold Gant 21 Mr Wyndham F. Gary 3 M/M Todd Goheen 2 Mrs Carl H. Griffin 48 Mrs Judith Larsen Larson 50 Mr H. Andersen Lyke/Dr Jeanne Lyke 14 M/M Timothy D. Lyke 8 Mrs Lynne P. Menson 28 Dr Shirley E. Reddoch 23 Mrs Arlene Jaffee Rosen 28 Mrs Linda F. Tichy 9 Mr John R. Vansusteren Ms Maria A. Vittone 14 Mrs Karlyn Reath Webster 46 Mrs Wilda G. Webster 42 Dr/M Steven G. Yeomans 25 Mrs Doretha Van Slyke Zornada 22

William S. Brockway Society Ms Betsy Aaron 27 Mrs Joan Ballweg 2 Mr Ronald S. Behlke 10 Ms Katharine L. Bensen 13 Mrs Kenneth C. Cink 39 Mr James W. Colletti 33 Mrs Mary Dozzi Finkelstein 25 M/M Robert L. Hanley 32 Mrs Reba H. Harrer 47 Ms Kathryn M. Kittiko 10 Mr Robert Knotts 2 Ms Priscilla Ruth MacDougall 16 Mrs Barbara S. Nelson 30 Mr Jon E. Palmer 22 Dr David E. Reichle 22 M/M John R. Roesch, Sr. 19 Mrs Elizabeth M. Wardinski 7 Dr Newell A. Younggren 38 M/M Richard N. Zimman 4 Heritage Society Ms Ann Abshier 10 Dr Jean L. Arrasmith 20 Mrs Albert S. Brodeur 49 Rev/M David A. Busker 3 CPT Neal Davis Mrs Ross H. Dean 12 Mr Richard V. Dietrich 18 Mr David Duehring 5 Dr Christopher G. Elles 2 Mr Michael P. Gehrke 17 Drs Michael C. and Paula A. Giudici 3 Mrs Judith Matheny Herrick 32 Mr C. Hadlai Hull 24 Mrs James A. Hynes 40 Mr Pat Kioshi Mrs Christine Koch 6 Mrs Lea Ann Henderson Kuehl 37 Mrs Marion D. Leonard Mr Jerry Lueth 31 M/M Richard E. Mueller 3 Dr/M Barry L. Rogers 12 Ms Doreen E. Sakamoto 27 Dr Albert Somit 5 Mrs Briana Rank Spaeth 2 Eric C. Tammes 14 M/M Curtis A. Thompson 37 Mrs Franklin E. Von der Sump 21 Mr William A. Wallace, Sr. 3 Mrs Dorothy C. Walworth 22 Mrs C. B. Wegner 27 Mr Donat G. Wentzel 46 Mrs Nancy M. Whipple Mr Billy D. Wood 4 Mr Gary J. Ziegelbauer 6 Mr Charles J. Zolkoske 28 Donors Judge Shirley S. Abrahamson 27 M/M Deane O. Andrews Ms Emmy J. August Ms Helen K. Austin Mr Ryan T. Avery Ms Tanja Bacic Ms Anne S. Bailey Ms Natalie Basil 2

Ms Erin E. Bavery M/M Bernie Beaman Ms Mary Beaumont 10 Mr Joseph R. Berecz M/M E. F. Biedron 7 Mr Eric P. Black/Ms Jennifer L. Woolley 6 Ms Kali A. Block MM/M William A. Boesch 3 Mr Daniel R. Bomberg 3 Ms Andrea L. Bornemann Mr Ellis A. Bosveld M/M Nicholas Bracco Mrs Elizabeth M. Bradley Ms Sierra D. Bussey Ms Betty A. Christ 18 Dr Philip B. Clarkson 44 Ms Kirsten M. Collins M/M Ralph J. Colonna 3 Mrs Roger B. Conant 15 COL (Ret)/M John E. Corbett 10 Mr Robert M. Cornwall 8 Ms Louise Crumpacker Judge/M Richard D. Cudahy 20 Dr Jessica L. Davis Ms Patricia M. Determan Ms Holly A. DeVore M/M J. Drew Diedrich 3 Ms Patricia Dobrinska 2 Ms Kelsey J. Donner Ms Sarah E. Ellefson Mrs Robert C. Esser 37 Mrs Caryn B. Esten 11 Mr Willie A. Flores III Ms Alyssa R. Franzen Mr Colin J. Freeman Mr Daniel B. Friedman 9 Ms Ashley A. From M/M Gordon A. Gillespie 6 M/M David A. Ginder 2 Mr Neil J. Goldberg M/M David N. Gray 8 Mrs Lynn Shohoney Grout 31 Ms Nancy E. Hale 4 Ms Joan J. Hardy Dr H. Michael Hartoonian 8 Ms JoAnn Ellen Haseltine 16 Mrs Amelia Passi Haynes 22 Ms Margaret Dalton Herzberger 3 Mrs Anita Hoffman 3 Mr William H. Hollinger 12 Ms Karen N. Hoyem 23 Mrs Maria Jacobson Mr Jody James Mrs Michelle Ley Johnson 13 M/M Timothy C. Kachinske 15 Ms Avril C. Kaiser M/M Peter P. Kasuboski 3 Mrs Sherri Lynn Kelly 3 Ms Kristi E. Kendall Ms Carolyn P. King 8 Ms Heather L. Koeller Ms Rachel E. Koenig Mr James R. Koepnick 5 Mr Robert B. Kohn 41 Mr Joshua J. Kraemer M/M Clarence Krentz, Jr. 7 M/M James Kreston 4 Ms Lindsay A. Kuehl Ms Stephanie L. Lassen Mr Joshua A. LeGreve

Mr Michael R. Lufrano/Ms Elizabeth J. Bodner 2 Mr Richard S. Lufrano/Ms Gina N. Clemmer 2 Ms Emily C. Lukacs Mr Michael D. Maedke Mr Zachary M. Mans Mrs Alice B. Megowen 22 Mrs Mariah Leutz Michas 7 Ms Shareen K. Miles 3 Ms Hannah J. Miller Ms Samantha A. Miller Mr Preston M. Nelson Mr James Newton 4 Ms Emily R. Nichols Mrs Jill M. Nimmer-Beres 11 Mrs Sarah Gray Novitske 10 Mr Grant D. Oleson M/M Raymond W. Orr M/M Richard M. Orr Mrs Milton A. Patchett 36 Ms Brittnee A. Peotter M/M William Peters Ms Korinne L. Petersik Ms Talya M. Petersik Ms Elissa J. Peterson Ms Erika G. Pineda Mrs Jack C. Plano 30 Mrs James H. Pohlman 10 Ms Stephanie R. Potts Ms Jessica A. Powell Mrs Sharon M. Ramos 10 Ms Ashley M. Retzlaff Ms Michelle L. Roach Mrs Barbara Hansen Roeming 28 Ms Elizabeth N. Russo Ms Jordan E. Salzer Mr John M. Sarnowski 22 Mrs Judy Pape Schaller Mr Paul Scherger M/M Thomas Schmidt Mrs Mildred Tyree Schrader 8 Ms Gail A. Schroeder Mr Paul A. Schultz 8 Ms Patricia J. Scott 16 Mrs Lois C. Stanton 2 Mr Daniel W. Sterba Mr Terry G. Stewart 7 Ms Stephanie L. Sumner Ms Jordyn E. Sweet Dr Curtis W. Tarr 22 Ms Teri H. Tomaszkiewicz 11 Dr Leonard Torres 40 Mrs Joyce L. Utroske Mr Daniel D. Viney 2 Mr Vance B. Vlasak Ms Kayla E. Wallick M/M David Weinberg Mrs Lois S. Weiske 49 Mr Gary L. Wetzel 3 Ms Margaret C. Wiener Mr John Worthington 4 Ms Megan L. Wuske Mr Allan Yannow M/M Floyd K. Yeomans 19 Mr Raymond L. Zabrowski M/M Joseph M. Zack, Jr. 2 M/M Andrew A. Zeratsky 3


Faculty & Staff Giving by faculty and staff reached a high-water mark in 2008-09 with 85 percent of current benefit-eligible employees contributing. Total gifts from current faculty and staff reached nearly $50,000.

Presidents’ Society Dr George H. Miller 45 Clarissa Tucker Tracy Society Anonymous Mrs Mary A. Brandt 40 Drs S. Mark Bullard and Karen M. Gremminger 2 Rev Dr/M David C. Joyce 7 Orrin H. Ingram Society Diane L. and Karl A. Beres 30 William A. and Judith W. Neill 42 William H. and Karin Rost Dr/M William J. Woolley 37 Wilfrid of Ripon Society Mary E. Avery 9 Dr Linda J. Corder 6 Mary M. and Gregory M. deRegnier 12 Evelyn and Eugene Kain 22 Dr Dean A. Katahira 15 Mrs Jean S. Keith 46 Chuck and Karen Larson 38 *Mrs Nancy W. Livingston 49 Mr Larry P. Malchow 24 Christophor M. and Sharon K. Ogle 30 Mr Thomas J. Oyster 26 Dr Jody Dalton Roy 10 Dr/M William J. Schang 30 Drs Gerald Seaman and Patricia Vilches 4 William S. Brockway Society Dr Robert D. Baird 5 M/M Bryan W. Gerretsen 6 M/M Christopher M. Graham 11 Mr Peter E. Hintz/Ms Nancy Buck Hintz 19 Dr/M Cris G. Johnson 19 Susan and Norman Loomer 37 Eddie Lowry, Jr. and Astride Lowry 18 Doug and Lynn Northrop 42 Dr/M Brian H. Smith 21 Dr William E. Tyree 41 Mrs Patti R. Worm 12 Heritage Society Drs Russell L. Blake and Barbara A. McGowan 22 Donna M. Bukowski 26 Ms Stacy Chapin 2 Dr/M Jack M. Christ 21 Dr Linda M. Clemente 20 Dr Gary Coll/Mrs Elaine M. Coll 25 Richard and Christine Damm 13 Kurt and Maria Kaiser Dietrich 22 COL (Ret) Leo H. Eberhardt 24 Mr Martin F. Farrell 28 Mrs Victoria S. Gack 2 M/M Eric M. Gallagher 5 Mr Ronald Haefner 3


Drs Joe W. Hatcher, Jr. and Karin Suesser 19 Mrs Julie H. Johnson 11 M/M Thomas E. Jones 11 Pamela R. and Jim A. Klinger 17 Daniel J. Krhin and Myra MislesKrhin 24 M/M Alan H. Lambert 8 Mr Wayne Larson 42 Mrs Lyn Rosenberg McCarthy 27 Sarah McGowan 28 M/M David M. Minor 22 Mr Leigh D. Mlodzik 7 M/M Dean A. Pape 8 Joanne and John Rockwood 15 Drs Gary S. Rodman and Colleen M. Byron 16 M/M Mark H. Sabel 16 Dr/M Richard G. Scamehorn 28 M/M Richard Schneider 6 Dr Paul J. Schoofs 35 M/M Steven M. Schuetz 3 M/M Bob Schulze 6 Mrs Earle S. Scott 36 M/M Peter Sensenbrenner 5 M/M Steven R. Sorenson 29 Dr Raymond Stahura 34 Dr Margaret E. Stevens 20 Rev H. Jerome Thompson 39 M/M Thomas M. Vaubel 27 Mr Phillip P. Wepner 18 Dr George H. and Michele A. Wittler 34 Margaret Kastein Wolfgram 7 Donors Ms Jaye M. Alderson 2 Drs Robert L. Amsden and Jeanne F. Williams 8 Anonymous Drs Paul Axelrod and Michelle A. Fuerch 23 Dr/M James W. Beatty 44 Ms Melissa L. Bemus Ms Lindsay A. Blumer Miss Linda K. Brown 4 Rabbi David F. Brusin 7 M/M Jason Carriveau 3 M/M Kenneth Cartier 44 M/M Richard H. Coles 6 Dr Lamont C. Colucci 3 Dr/M Vance R. Cope-Kasten 31 Mr Eric W. Cruise Mr Joshua J. De War 8 Dr Sarah J. Desotell Mr Brian M. Disterhaft Ms Amy J. Dorman M/M Robert L. Duley 7 Mr Ryan Dwyer Mrs Lisa M. Ellis M/M Ron Ernst 9 Mrs Janie T. Failor 3 Ms Diane M. Falk 4 M/M Timothy Franz Patricia Fredrick 5 Bob and Penny Gillespie 17 Mrs Lucille Gloyd 3

Mr David M. Graham/Ms Lee A. Shippey 11 Dr Seong-Kyung Graham Dr Soren Hauge/Ms Katherine Griffith Mrs Amanda P. Henke Ms Dawn M. Higgins 2 M/M Kenneth L. Hill M/M Steven Hollenback 4 Ms Jean C. Hooker 2 Dr Peng Huang Dr Masanori Iimura Ms Judith A. Jackowski 10 Dr/M Paul F. Jeffries 3 Ms Jessica L. Joanis Ms Emmalyna F. Joseph Dr Mark S. Kainz Mr Thomas M. Keuler 5 Mr Robert Lesh/Dr Kristine Kovack-Lesh Dr Sarah and Rev Jack Kraaz 5 Katy Kussrow Timothy and Claudia M. Leistikow 12 Ms Ferne I. Maki 6 M/M Wesley L. Marquart 3 Dr/M Steven E. Martin 9 Mrs Nedra Linville Martz 30 Dr Rebecca R. Berens Matzke Rev Dr Thomas H. McAlpine MSG/M Mario R. Meza Dr/M Larry H. Miller 36 Drs Mark A. Lindquist and Diane L. Mockridge 15 Mr Marcus J. Neeld Dorothy E. Norris 7 Elizabeth A. Parker 3 M/M Jeffrey Paulson 3 Ms Kristine J. Peters 6 Dr J. Timothy Petersik 10 Mr Cody Pinkston 2

Mrs Ellen A. Plantz Mr Andrew R. Prellwitz Mr Kumar Puttaswamy 2 Dr Timothy P. Reed Ms Jolene A. Rueden 3 Christopher J. Rauch and Jayne Rufener Rauch Mr Rafael F. Salas Dr Joseph D. Scanlon M/M Dale R. Schultz M/M Bruce A. Schwemmer 7 M/M Allan Seeliger 16 Dr David Seligman/Ms Katherine Sontag 14 Mr Layne D. Sessions 7 M/M Warren H. Sherman 27 Mrs Karen L. Smith 7 Ms Mary E. Snyder Dr Lorna J. Sopcak 5 Mrs Jessica A. Spanbauer 2 Mrs Harriet E. Storzer 31 Mrs Tammy L. Thiem Dr Thomas Truesdell/Ms Nancy Truesdell 9 M/M Marty Valasek 28 Dennis and Vida Vande Slunt 8 Mrs Cynthia S. Viertel 7 Dr/M Robert L. Wallace 25 Mrs Lucinda R. West Mr Michael Westemeier Drs William T. Whitehead and Emily M. Stovel 4 M/M Philip J. Wianecki 5 Dr Mary E. Williams-Norton 12 Dr Robin Woods/Mr James Tronoff 16 Dr/M Robert H. Young 20 Ms Amanda M. Zahn 2 Mr Carl R. Ziebell 2 Lynda and Steve Zimmerman 11


Many alumni and friends extend their support to Ripon College through estate planning. During 2008-09, the College received gifts by bequest or matured/realized planned gifts. We are grateful for the estate support of:

Thomas Alderson ’39 Francis Sischo Altheimer ’43 Alice Carter Brown ’28 Ellen Lowe Gormley ’30 Victoria E. Hargrave ’34 Samuel D. Holmes ’57 Roy W. Johnson

Milo W. ’33 and Coye Allen Lindow Barbara A. Lueck ’60 Alex O. Schmidt Melvin F. and Hazel Haase Siewert Lewis A. Walter ’30

Businesses & Foundations Asterisk behind the name indicates that Ripon received a matching gift from the corporation or foundation. A matching gift organization also may have made a direct contribution to Ripon during the year .

Founders’ Society The Corella and Bertram F. Bonner Foundation 3 Council of Independent Colleges Kalamazoo Community Foundation 20 The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation 4 Wisconsin Foundation for Independent Colleges, Inc. 56 American Family Insurance Scholarship College Readiness 21 Scholarship Fred J. Peterson Foundation Scholarship Rath Distinguished Scholarship Sentry Insurance Scholarship Thrivent Financial for Lutherans Scholarship UPS Foundation Scholarship Presidents’ Society The Boldt Company 12 Mead Witter Foundation, Inc. 53 Jeremiah W. Walcott Society Donald W. and Margaret M. Anderson Foundation 7 Aylward Family Foundation, Inc. 12 The Bromley Charitable Trust 2 Thomas and Nephele Wing Domencich Foundation, Inc. 12 ExxonMobil Foundation* 39 Kohler Co. 61 The O. L. Moore Foundation 43 National Philanthropic Trust 6 Oshkosh Area Community Foundation 16 Karen Gremminger and Mark Bullard Donor Advised Fund Thomas and Shirley Wyman Fund The Teagle Foundation, Inc.* 4 Wells Fargo Foundation* 28 Clarissa Tucker Tracy Society Abbott Laboratories Fund* 40 Anonymous CenturyTel 9 Chubb & Son Inc.* 29 General Federation of Women’s Clubs-Wisconsin Sixth District Greater Milwaukee Foundation 53 Rudolf and Helga Kaden Memorial Fund Dr. Nick J. and Fay K. Topetzes Education Fund Trepte Family Fund IBM International Foundation* 44 Knox Family Foundation 14 Ladish Co. Foundation 32 The Pfizer Foundation* 31 Roehl Foundation, Inc. 10 Dr. Scholl Foundation 15 Sentry Insurance Foundation, Inc.* 38 Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program 9 Orrin H. Ingram Society AT&T/SBC Foundation* 17 Peggy and Steve Fossett Foundation Max Kade Foundation, Inc. 2 Lockheed Martin Corporation* 11 Madison Community Foundation 4 John A. Johnson Scholarship Fund

Key Years of giving – number located after name.

Pick ’n Save 16 Schwab Charitable Fund 5 The J. M. Smucker Company 14 Standard Insurance Company* 4 Textron Inc.* 11 Tracy Porter, Inc. 3 UBS Foundation USA* 5 Wilfrid of Ripon Society AmeriPrint Graphics Inc. 3 Applera Corporation* 5 Archer Daniels Midland Company* 11 The Black & Decker Corporation* 16 Butzin-Marchant Funeral Home, Inc. 17 ChevronTexaco Corporation* 28 Comfort Suites at Royal Ridges 4 Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund 11 Gap Foundation* 3 The Harley-Davidson Foundation, Inc.* 17 Hewitt Associates LLC* 25 Hometown Broadcasting (WAUH-FM/ WISS-AM) Honeywell Hometown Solutions 34 International Paper Foundation* 25 Jewish Community Foundation 9 Arlene and Gerald J. Rosen Fund R. V. Krikorian Foundation, Inc. 11 Mach Schnell Cycling Club Marsh & McLennan Companies* 21 Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company* 35 McKesson Foundation, Inc.* 11 Microsoft Corporation* 13 National City Bank* 2 Northwestern Mutual Foundation* 46 Pecha Family Foundation 7 Penford Corporation* 9 The Procter & Gamble Fund* 19 Quad/Graphics 18 Royal Ridges 12 State Street Bank and Trust Company* 17 Wyeth* 18 William S. Brockway Society Accenture Foundation, Inc.* 36 Accurate Controls, Inc. 3 American Express Foundation* 40 Ariens Foundation Ltd. 32 The Baxter International Foundation* 16 Benjamin Moore & Co.* 27 The Boeing Company* 26 Brewer Heating, Inc. Chicago Mercantile Exchange Foundation* 5 Churchill Family Foundation, Inc. 7 ConocoPhillips* 7 Foundation For The Carolinas 6 GE Foundation* 48 General Mills Foundation* 38 Green Lake Area Chamber of Commerce 2 Green Lake Lions Club Haufler Associates HSBC - North America* 3 Jewish Chautauqua Society 16 SC Johnson Fund, Inc.* 42 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.* 15 Merck Company Foundation* 26 The Pentair Foundation* 20 Securian Foundation*

State Farm Companies Foundation* 25 A. Sturm & Sons Foundation, Inc. 17 Time Warner Inc.* 25 West Bend Mutual Insurance Company* 13 Willis Lease Finance Corporation* 6 Heritage Society Aetna Foundation, Inc.* 45 Alcan Packaging* 13 Alliance Laundry Systems LLC 3 Alliant Energy Foundation* 65 Alliant Techsystems Inc.* 8 The Allstate Foundation* 28 American Electric Power* 26 Ameriprise Financial, Inc.* 15 Antiquarian Society of Wisconsin AptarGroup Charitable Foundation* 6 Aurora Health Care 5 Babb Enterprises, Inc. Bank of America Charitable Foundation, Inc.* 9 The Bank of New York Mellon* Cardinal Health Foundation* 2 Caterpillar Foundation* 21 CUNA Mutual Group Foundation, Inc.* 24 DPG/LAG, Inc. Fidelity Foundation* 16 Final Touch Construction “Golden Rule” Community Credit Union 17 Goldman, Sachs & Co.* 7 W. W. Grainger, Inc.* 6 Graphics Factory 24 Green Lake Bank 28 The Guardian Life Insurance Company of America* 12 IKON Office Solutions, Inc.* 8 Impact Sports, Inc. 5 Dennis G. Jaeger Building Contractor, Inc. Jahns Law Office J. Michael Jerry, LLC Jewish Community Foundation of the Milwaukee Jewish Federation, Inc. 19 Johnson Controls Foundation* 33 Johnson Insurance 2 Key Foundation* 15 Laboratory Corporation of America TM Holdings* 11 Lipman Hearne Inc.* Macy’s Foundation* 30 Menasha Corporation Foundation* 47 Meredith Corporation Foundation* 4 Merrill Lynch & Co. Foundation, Inc.* 37 MetLife Foundation* 26 Motorola Foundation* 41 Robert J. Nichols, LTD The Northern Trust Company* 33 Northrop Grumman Foundation* 7 Red’s Bar of Ripon, Inc. 12 Ripon Area Builders, Inc. 13 Rugo/Raff Architects, LTD The Charles Schwab Foundation* 2 Sodexo Campus Services 12 Starbucks Foundation* SUPERVALU Inc.* 13 Takeda Pharmaceuticals North America, Inc.* 6 Thanos Real Estate Interest, LLC James W. Thornton Family Foundation 20 3M Foundation* 37


Foundations: Bonner seeks to make college affordable for all When President David Joyce came to Ripon in 2003, he came from a college that was a Bonner Scholars School, in partnership with the Corella and Bertram F. Bonner Foundation of Princeton, N.J. The Bonner Foundation works through sustained partnerships with colleges and congregations who they believe have vital roles to play in society. Support from the Foundation nurtures and mobilizes thoughtful, caring and diverse leadership dedicated to community service. “It’s an honor for an organization like us to be affiliated with a school like Ripon,” says Bonner Foundation president Wayne Meisel. “We understand the relationship to be one of privilege and hospital ity. We do not import a mission to an institution like Ripon. It’s the mission of the institution that inspires us to join ranks. I knew about Ripon College because I grew up in Minnesota.” Because of his dedication to

service, Joyce encouraged Ripon to apply to become part of the Bonner program. For five years, Ripon has been a Bonner Leader School — one of only two in the state of Wisconsin and one of 80 Bonner schools across the country. “It’s an organization that promotes service,” says Deano Pape, Bonner director at Ripon. “We offer a Bonner scholarship of up to $2,000 a year, and we also — through Bonner — provide access to AmeriCorps education awards. Education awards mean a student who puts in 300 hours of service can receive a $1,000 education award.” Meisel says the Bonner Foundation seeks to help make college affordable for all students and connect that with opportunities to serve. “Having something like a Bonner Leadership Program creates opportunities for individual students to grow and develop; transition in their

Jeff Trickey Quarterback Camps, Inc. Unilever United States Foundation, Inc.* 3 UnitedHealth Group WellPoint Foundation* 2 Wurtz Law Office 3 Donors ADSAM, Inc. AI Albany International Corporation* 4 Alibi’s Dining and Spirits 5 AAUW, Ripon Branch 14 The Amgen Foundation* 2 Amica Companies Foundation* Anonymous Apostolic Tabernacle of the Golden Book Aramark Corporation* Baird, Inc. 33 Burdon & Merlitti The Church of the Holy Faith Community Health Network 4 Countrywide Financial Corporation* 5 Culligan Water Conditioning 11 Diedrich Jewelry Co., Inc. 33 Art Doyle’s Spokes & Pedals, Inc. Electroline Data Communications Inc. Fat Bruce’s Bakery & Eating Kitchen 2 First Weber Group Foundation, Inc.* Follett Corporation* 2


campus, we have personal and acaBonner retreats for demic journeys,” our students, go offMeisel says. “It campus and engage also is designed to in service issues and support and build training for our an infrastructure Bonners. We have that can lift up about 35 students in and maintain the the Bonner program campus mission right now.” statement for citiThe enrichment zenship and grant helps support engagement. The work-study activikind of impact Wayne Meisel ties, community students and facofferings in the Ripon area, ulty can have on a town and region is a powerful investment fall break trips, spring break trips and retreat costs. in terms of trying to bring “It’s all dedicated to about positive change in the students and their ability to do community.” service,” Pape says. Pape says the Foundation “Once you have students also provides Ripon with a lot and campuses involved, the of resources, including conferdepth and breadth of interest is ences; the National Bonner unique and powerful,” Meisel Congress where student represays. “We want to figure how sentatives can debate, talk and vote on issues related to nation - to tap and channel that in the most effective way. We’re al service; and a wealth of looking at engaging students materials on their Web site. “We receive an enrichment and faculty in a way that’s worthy of the high ideal of grant each year from Bonner higher education.” which has been about $25,000,” Pape says. “On

Follett Higher Education Group 9 Gannett Foundation* 7 Glacier Medical Services, Inc. GMAC Financial Services* 2 Hair Today 6 Hanson Sales and Marketing, LTD IMS Health Corporation* 2 Kimberly-Clark Foundation* 36 Kobussen Buses, Ltd. 8 L. B. Leasing, Inc. 16 LIFE Corporation 23 Eli Lilly and Company Foundation, Inc.* 7 Markel Corporation* Marvel Construction Corporation Robert McPherson Marine Repair, LLC J.P. Morgan Chase Foundation* 28 The New York Times Company Foundation* 5 P.E.N.N. Travel Services, LLC 11 Pastimes Pub & Grille 6 Philips Electronics North America Corporation* 13 Phillips Chiropractic Prairie Lakes Unitarian Universalist Fellowship 3 The Prudential Foundation* 39 Ripon Athletics 12 Ripon College Bookstore 7

Ripon College Community 4 Ripon Drug 36 Ripon Medical Center 11 Rockwell Collins* 2 St. Paul Travelers Foundation* 2 Gordon Smith Painting, LLC Suki’s Fur Sure 2 Thomson West* 7 The UPS Foundation* 11 USG Foundation, Inc.* 21 Wachovia Foundation* 15 Washington Mutual Foundation* 8 Wisconsin Energy Corporation Foundation, Inc.* 27 Wisconsin School Public Relations Association Wolverine World Wide Foundation* 10 Xerox Corporation* 36

Memorial Gifts

Gifts in memory of alumni, faculty, parents and friends of Ripon College have been received from the following:

Kathleen M. Alderman ’62 M/M Don L. Allan ’61, ’62

Ronald C. Berger ’57 MG (Ret) Gerald H. Bethke ’57

Paul Aldus Mrs Harriet Glidden Blakemore ’59

Scott W. Biederwolf ’88 Anonymous

Frances Sischo Altheimer ’43 Mrs Dorothy Bertschinger Hoslett ’41 Ms Beverly Ann Johnson Ms Frances A. Johnson M/M William A. Neill ’67, ’68 Mrs Patricia Peck Perry ’43 Mrs Patricia Hooper Poate ’43 M/M Charles L. Shunk

Scott W. Biederwolf ’88 & others no longer with us Mrs Therese May Jennings ’89 Robert A. Biedron Mrs Debra Lee Horn-Prochno ’74

Mr David C. Van Singel ’64 Daniel F. Carson ’61 Mrs Patricia Carroll Carson ’60 Paul J. Cassidy ’89 Mr John D. Nagel ’90 Jill Cartier Chatterson M/M John P. Frederick ’74, ’73

Vito Dentico M/M Martin K. Denis Wallace L. Dicks P’74 M/M John P. Frederick ’74, ’73 Harry F. “Rick” Diedrich, Jr. ’65 Mr Philip C. Holm ’65 M/M William A. Neill ’67, ’68 Carl H. Doehling Mr Dan Booras ’54 Mr William H. Hollinger COL (Ret)/M James G. Kalanges ’61, ’63

Leo W. Amend, Jr. M/M Robert E. Van Metre

William H. & Doris Fairweather Blakefield ’39, ’41 M/M Willard H. Dhein ’49, ’46

Rhoda Rodeghier Christensen ’58 Dr Richard D. Bartel ’58 Mrs William R. Brandt Mr Richard A. Christensen ’58 Friends of Rhoda Rodeghier Christensen Mrs Marion Murner Harten ’59 Ms Susan Pond Wojtasik ’57

Ruth Anderson ’51 Mrs Elizabeth Robins Alex ’51

Harold Block M/M John D. Butterbaugh

Kirk John Christopher Mr James R. Christopher ’65

Elmer A. Duerst ’51 Mrs Joan Ioas Varellas ’51

Laila C. Appino P’81 Mr Albert V. Appino

William J. Bohnen ’67 M/M William A. Neill ’67, ’68

Gloria Philippi Churchill ’53 Mr Ned Lufrano ’54

Pearle Brownlow Dycus ’46 Mr Jack E. Dycus ’44

Robert P. Ashley, Jr. Dr/M Bernard S. Adams ’77, ’77 Mr Joshua J. Kindkeppel ’00

William F. Bottiglia Ms Janet M. Bottiglia ’57

Kenneth C. Cink ’57 Mrs Kenneth C. Cink

Henry & Ann Aull P’75 Mrs Lesley Aull Slepian ’75

William R. Brandt Mrs Jane Burge Terry ’69 Dr/M William J. Woolley

James F. Clark P’68, P’71, P’76 Mr John T. Clark ’71

Lorraine (Lee) Ehlers P’74 Graphics Factory Mrs Debra Lee Horn-Prochno ’74

Thomas C. Babcock ’51 Mrs Blanche Bartizal Babcock ’53

Erwin M. Breithaupt, Jr. Mr Aziz Goksel ’72

Laurence B. Bagley ’73 Mrs Susan Schreyer Stander ’75

Robert E. Burk ’51 Mr Daniel V. Burk ’76

Elaine Walters Baker ’65 Ms Andrea Walters Fritz ’62

Pamela Prullage Burrall P’91, P’92 Mrs Kathleen Burrall Justic ’92

William A. Baker ’69 Mr Thomas W. Scharbach ’69

Glenn R. Butters ’53 Mr Ned Lufrano ’54 Mr Duane E. Pepke ’54

Jeffrey Dayle Balliett ’67 LTC (Ret)/M Richard D. Kuehl ’67 Mr Phil Nancarrow ’65 Marilynn Bruns Balliett ’41 COL (Ret) H. Dayle Balliett ’39 Nellie M. Baran P’76 Ms Jane A. Brattain M/M John P. Frederick ’74, ’73 Ms Elizabeth Muir Marilyn Jones Baur ’64 Mrs Marnee Johnson Grefe ’64 Kenneth W. Behrend ’45 Mrs Elizabeth M. Behrend

Key P = Parent Years of giving – number located after name.

Gerald A. Birkholz ’47 Miss Geraldine A. Birkholz ’47

Fred R. Calmes, Jr. ’57 Mrs Marion Murner Harten ’59 DeLores K. Campbell P’82 Mr Patrick L. Campbell Neil J. Canter ’60 Mr Charles H. Morgan ’60 Mr Harry G. Snyder ’60

Harry A. Cody, Jr. ’33 Mrs James A. Hynes Jane Kuebler Colwell P’77 Mr John C. Colwell ’77 Edwin H. Comfort Ms Mary Beaumont Mr Donald P. Giegler ’58 Mr Ronald Scott Heiderich ’64 Roberta M. Comfort P’62, P’78 Dr Karl A. Beres/Dr Diane L. Beres ’65, ’65 Misty A. Cooper 2003 Mrs Toni Dahlin Knorr ’03 Robert E. Corkery, Sr. P’90 Mr Robert E. Corkery, Jr. ’90 Janet Jones Cornwall Mr Robert M. Cornwall

Bernice Wells Carlson ’32 Ms Margaret L. Hart Ms Mildred Hart M/M Jeffrey Jamieson Dr Millicent H. Kellner M/M Robert D. Little M/M Chad Roper M/M John D. Roper Ms Kathleen Wells Cooke Tisdale and Family Mrs Phyllis Carlson Wigg Ms Ristiina M. Wigg

Karen Crawford P’2003 Mr Adam E. Crawford ’03

Robert D. Carrier ’64 Mrs Barbara Carrier Best

Sandra Bond Deabler ’67 M/M William A. Neill ’67, ’68

Clifford C. Crump Mr Donald P. Giegler ’58 Mr Edward E. Kirkbride ’57 Belen Maria Dahm Mr Leonard G. Dahm, Jr. ’43 Lois Guenther Dane ’42 M/M Peter C. Dane

Sandra Doyle P’90 Dr/M William J. Brinkman ’93, ’90

Kathryn E. Ellis Mrs Lisa M. Ellis J. Thomas Emerson, Jr. Mrs Patricia M. Emerson Myra Middleton Becker Erdman ’47 Ms Myra Borshoff Cook Mr George F. Erdman ’44 Mrs Marjorie Forster Gardner ’47 Mrs Patricia Felske Hammett ’47 Mrs Mary Pappas Krueger ’47 Ms Virginia M. Mayer Ms Geraldine J. Morgan M/M Keith Smith Ms Patricia Ann Snell Ann Franklyn Forest ’53 Mr Ned Lufrano ’54 Mr Richard J. M. Rorem ’81 Donald E. Forest ’54 Mr Ned Lufrano ’54 Bryon N. Forrest P’2009 Mrs Catherine A. Forrest Mary Fortune P’92, P’96 M/M Todd R. Fortune ’96, ’96 Margaret McElwee Fredrick ’62 Mr Ronald E. Fredrick Friskey Mr Paul R. Nakao ’73 Kathryn M. Garlid M/M William H. Rost


Arden W. Gatzke P’86, GP’2007 M/M Charles J. Zolkoske ’77

Herbert M. Haseltine ’40 Ms JoAnn Ellen Haseltine

Donald F. Kloehn ’63 Mrs Martha Stende Kloehn ’67

William H. Gerhauser II ’74 Mrs Katharine Vredenburgh Ellis ’74

Laird W. Heal ’55 Mrs Geraldine Heal Stewart ’57

John R. Knutson, Sr. ’76 Mr Robert R. Meyer ’78

Robert L. Henry P’74 Mr Donald P. Giegler ’58

John A. Korth ’35 Mrs Henrietta McAfee Korth ’34

Thomas M. Herrick ’62 Mrs Judith Matheny Herrick

Mary Bunsa Kratz ’39 Dr Howard R. Kratz ’38

Samuel D. Holmes ’57 M/M William A. Neill ’67, ’68

Robert E. Kuehlwein ’58 Mrs Terry Hall Kuehlwein ’61

David R. Horn P’74 Graphics Factory Mrs Debra Lee Horn-Prochno ’74

Richard R. Larsen ’53 Mrs Dawn Nottmeyer Larsen ’50

Angelo & Italia Giordani Mrs Lesley Aull Slepian ’75 John F. Glaser M/M Roderick S. Haynes ’78 Owen P. Gleason ’73 Mrs Roxanne Sortino Gleason M/M William A. Neill ’67, ’68 Mr Stephen D. Woolley/Ms Maria A. Vittone ’92 Dr/M William J. Woolley Charles E. & Helen M. Gohsman P’87 Ms Marlene K. Gohsman ’87 Barry J. Goldman ’54 Mr Ned Lufrano ’54 Mr Robert W. Tagge ’55

Khoren L. Hussissian ’18 Mrs Ermone Hussissian Adam ’82 Vahan A. Hussissian ’54 Mrs Ermone Hussissian Adam ’82 G. Evelyn Hutchinson Ms Hilary A. Smith ’07

Kelly Carlson Gosse ’94 Mrs Angela Rupnow Meier ’94

Bruno E. Jacob ’22 Mr Robert H. Danielsen ’53

Carl H. Griffin ’35 Mrs Carl H. Griffin

Robert B. Johnson P’79 Mrs Robert B. Johnson

Ben A. Grota, Jr. ’49 Mrs Jane Sizer Grota ’50

Harley S. & Jane Shaw Jones ’26, ’26 Mrs Constance Jones Malone ’50

Chauncey C. Hale ’28 Ms Nancy E. Hale Harry & Gracie Hall P’69 Mrs Alice Hall Hayes ’69 Harold B. & Doris Tucker Hamley ’28, ’27 Ms Sheila Hansen Howard C. Hansen ’37 & Helen Exner Kilbourne ’36 Dr Helen E. Hansen ’66 Victoria E. Hargrave ’34 Mrs William R. Brandt Raymond H. Harms GP’2006 M/M Mark J. Dehn Family of Raymond H. Harms David L. Harris Anonymous Dr/M Thomas D. Bachhuber ’71, ’71 M/M Roderick S. Haynes ’78 Mr Ronald Scott Heiderich ’64 Mr Timothy B. Mahoney ’63 Judge K. Patrick Yarbrough ’83 David L. & Elizabeth (Bette) Harris M/M William A. Neill ’67, ’68 Elizabeth M. Hart ’74 Mrs Karen Wendland Dix ’74


Ian G. Jones Anonymous Lenore Kalanges COL (Ret)/M James G. Kalanges ’61, ’63 Mary A. Kane ’74 Mrs William R. Brandt M/M John P. Frederick ’74, ’73 M/M William A. Neill ’67, ’68 Dr/M William J. Schang Ms Ruth Ann Stodola ’76

Gideon Laurent, Sr. P’2012 Ms Stacie W. Richards

Linder Ruth Martin Mr Richard H. T. Martin ’52

Margaret Maxwell Lay ’20 Mrs Lucia Lay Maxson ’48

William Merritt P’74 Dr Robert M. Merritt ’74

Harry C. Layne Mrs Stacy Heinrich Layne ’85

Netha M. Meyer M/M Richard L. Cloeter

Patricia S. Lewis ’74 Rev David B. Wheeler ’74

Eugene J. & Judith B. Meyers P’92 Mr Jesse J. Watzka ’96

John Livingston ’49 Dr/M Gordon A. Enk ’62, ’62 Dr Joseph W. Kushner ’62 Mrs Nancy W. Livingston* M/M William A. Neill ’67, ’68 Mr Stephen D. Woolley/Ms Maria A. Vittone ’92 Dr/M William J. Woolley

Peter A. Mihaly M/M William A. Neill ’67, ’68 Mr Stephen D. Woolley/Ms Maria A. Vittone ’92 Dr/M William J. Woolley

Barbara A. Lueck ’60 Mrs William R. Brandt Ms Gail L. Dobish ’76 M/M J. Michael Jerry ’64, ’64 M/M Douglas A. Northrop Dr/M William J. Schang

James W. Mitchell ’42 Mr John LaPotka ’42

A. Douglas Lyke Dr/M William J. Woolley

Muriel R. Keipe Dr Barbara J. Kuter ’76

Sumit Mallik Ms Kristen M. McCullough ’04

Leonard T. Keith ’50 Mrs Jean S. Keith

Mary Mann M/M David W. Baraniak Ms Mary Bauhs M/M Kenneth Checky Ms Janet R. Cook Mrs Christine Domanik Dudzinski ’97 Ms Carla Giordana M/M Gregory D. Grams Ms Jennifer L. Grams M/M Denis R. Heise M/M Gene E. Jelinek M/M Harold Kaye, Jr. Ms Janice L. Kirkel M/M Michael J. Kowalski Ms Josephine A. Nowak Mr Frank J. Seiy M/M John J. Wielichowski Mrs Clarence Wienke

Mitchell A. Klein ’73 Mrs Susan Schreyer Stander ’75

Debra K. Martin Mr Stephen D. Woolley/Ms Maria A. Vittone ’92

William J. Martz Mrs Nedra Linville Martz Dr/M William J. Woolley

Curtis D. MacDougall ’23 Ms Priscilla Ruth MacDougall

Andrew F. Kirchmeier Ms Michelle L. Erickson ’05 Mr Michael S. Fitzgerald, Jr. ’03 Ms Courtney L. McNeal ’06 M/M William A. Neill ’67, ’68 Ms Christina J. O’Reilly ’07 Dr Jody Dalton Roy Mrs Patti R. Worm

Melissa A. Mann ’97 Mrs Stephanie Jean Basel Goldapske ’97 Mr Robert Knotts/Ms Christina A. Schwengel ’97 M/M John K. Mann Dr/M Lawrence D. Neumann ’81, ’81 Ms Ellen M. Onsrud ’97 Ms Nicole J. Prodoehl ’97

John H. & Marjorie B. Laws P’75 Mrs Nancy Laws Kern ’75

Patricia Underkofler Kegel ’56 Dr Paul L. Kegel ’57

Corinna Kirchgeorg ’12 Clemens G. Kirchgeorg ’28 Mr John Kirchgeorg ’63 LIFE Corporation

Ms Arlene M. Wilson

Mladen (Jim) Mijanovich Mrs Susan Mijanovich Key ’72

Marilyn Monte Dr Linda J. Corder M/M John P. Frederick ’74, ’73 Dr Albert Somit Lucy Smith Morris General Federation of Women’s Clubs-Wisconsin Sixth District Samuel Moss ’57 Mr Robert W. Tagge ’55 Steven R. Mucci ’80 Ability Metal Co. Mrs Kathleen Schaus Arts ’87 M/M Daniel Barabolak M/M Andrew T. Dickson ’79, ’80 Erie Industrial Products Company M/M Steven Eshelman M/M John M. Esposito M/M David S. Evely M/M Richard A. Foster Mr Timothy D. Foster ’78 M/M David A. Frymire M/M William Gooch, Jr.

Key P = Parent GP = Grandparent *Now Deceased

Ms Barbara Greenwald Harris N.A. Mr Wallace H. Hastings, Jr. Ms Judith M. Kerr Ms Virginia M. Knuepfer and Family M/M Thomas Kraft M/M John Kwit Mrs Kim Gosso Laue ’79 M&R Precision Machining, Inc. Ms Christina L. Maggio ’90 Magnetic Inspection Laboratory, Inc. Mr Michael D. Mayes ’80 M/M Michael W. Mulford ’84, ’83 M/M Arthur C. Peters ’80, ’79 Mr Noah Poe M/M Thomas E. Schaller ’79 Mr David E. Smith/Mrs Laura K. Prescott-Smith Spencer Stuart Knowledge Management Team M/M John P. Wilton William B. Murphy Mrs Lyn Rosenberg McCarthy ’83 John B. & Nellie Weiss Murray ’37, ’37 Mr John W. Murray ’66 Charles Nichols M/M Scott A. Nyquist ’69, ’69 Dennis K. Nimmer Mrs Jill M. Nimmer-Beres David M. Ogden P’76 Ms Sandy L. Ogden ’76 Richard T. Olenchek P’87 Mr David G. Olenchek ’87 William Robert Henry Osantowski Ms Kelly A. Osantowski ’08 M/M Richard Osantowski Irvin J. Ott ’63 M/M Douglas W. Bradley ’66 M/M John P. Frederick ’74, ’73 Sarah McGowan M/M William A. Neill ’67, ’68 L. Leone Oyster ’19 Thomas Alderson Estate ’39 Dr Jean L. Arrasmith Dr Bradley A. McDonald ’88 Dr/M David E. Reichle ’59 Scott A. Palmer M/M Vincent A. Palmer Dean G. Pape ’65 Mr James H. Thorsen ’65 Patrice E. Patterson ’82 M/M Robert L. Patterson II ’83 J. Robert Peters ’53 Mr James C. Ryan ’53 Robert E. Peters ’51 Mr Laurence T. Morand, Jr. ’51 Mrs Joan Ioas Varellas ’51 Wendy Leibfried Peters ’89 Mrs Kristin Adomeit Moore ’89

Richard E. Pistole ’53 M/M Andrew M. Obara ’55, ’55 Jack C. Plano ’49 Mrs Jack C. Plano Robert J. Pluta, Jr. ’95 Mrs Mary Roberts Pluta ’96 Ms Michelle R. Sirinek ’95 Henry F. & Bessie Pommer Mr David Mataczynski Clanaugh ’83 Colonel R. J. Potts Mrs Kathleen Potts Searl ’42 Sterling B. Price P’68 M/M John P. Frederick ’74, ’73 Everett E. Proctor ’91 Anonymous Kurt G. Radtke ’37 Mrs Lois Taylor Radtke ’37 Jodi Rank P’2011 Mrs Shirley Rank Ronald W. Rank GP’2011 Mrs Shirley Rank Ruthann Krueger Rauth ’51 Ms Diane Fairbrother Syme ’50 Thomas Rhoads P’2000 M/M Gordon A. Gillespie Lawrence R. Richardson ’54 Mrs Barbara Berndt Richardson ’56 Roger A. Rieckman GP’2011 Mr James Shear/Dr MaryBeth Shear Clarence E. Rinehard ’21 Mr William R. Larson ’40 Anne Ricel Rost M/M William H. Rost Eustache A. Roundtree ’92 Dr Justin R. Anderson ’95 Jean Runkel P’74 Dr/M William J. Woolley Paul D. Runkel P’74 Mrs Doreen Conforti Chemerow ’73 M/M Dave Frederick, Caroline, Tony and Andy M/M David G. Frederick and Sam M/M George B. Frederick, Raymond and Phillippe M/M John P. Frederick ’74, ’73 and Sarah Ms Marjorie E. Frederick Mr Richard Frederick M/M Steve Frederick and Ryan M/M Tom Frederick M/M Robert Fuller Houseman & Feind, LLP M/M Charles Hoyer Mrs Ellen Knuteson Keller ’83 M/M Hans R. Kull

Ms Helen Maechtle Mrs Lyn Rosenberg McCarthy ’83 M/M William A. Neill ’67, ’68 Mr Scott B. Reynolds ’74 M/M Mark D. Roepke Ms Cheryl K. Rofer ’63 M/M John W. Toutenhoofd M/M Joseph J. Wallace III ’74, ’74 Ms Dena G. Willmore ’67 Dr/M George H. Wittler ’76 John Sappington ’67 Mrs Ann Follett Liebert ’68 Mr Gregory S. Thompson ’65 Linda Sasaki Scanlon ’73 Mrs Robin Mathews Cox ’73 Ernest J. Schneider ’23 Ms Patricia R. Porter ’52 Mr John E. Schneider ’51 Louis C. Schubert III ’91 Broydrick & Associates, Inc. Anonymous M/M Jerome P. Clauer MAJ Francis L. Dymond II/Ms Karen Dymond ’90, ’91 Mr Adam R. Field ’04 Ms Elizabeth A. Giedd ’06 M/M Brian L. Hass M/M William C. Hass Mr Andrew P. Kitslaar ’06 Dr Jody Dalton Roy M/M Louis C. Schubert, Jr. M/M Clarence L. Searles ’91, ’92 Mr Fred K. Shultz Ms Michelle R. Sirinek ’95 M/M Lanny R. Stanfield Sr. Mr Phillip Trobaugh/Ms Elizabeth Lake ’88, ’91 John H. Schutz ’50 Mrs Elizabeth Wilke Schutz ’49 Walter J. Schutz ’51 & Janice Aldridge Schutz ’51 Ms Barbara J. Schutz Mr Robert A. Schutz Earle S. Scott Dr Karen L. Anderson ’85 Mr Brian M. Scott Mrs Earle S. Scott Dr/M Michael A. Scott ’80, ’80 Mr William P. Tong ’70 Dr/M William J. Woolley Lance P. Sijan Mr Sylvester Sijan ’42 Frances A. Sive ’71 Ms Julie D. Rasmussen ’71 Christina Diamantes Slavens ’54 Ms Patricia Goodrich Christensen ’54 Mr Verne B. Churchill, Jr. ’54 Mr Ned Lufrano ’54 Mrs Joan Dunham McCombs ’54 M/M David M. Runkel ’54, ’55 Michael A. Sloan ’67 M/M William A. Neill ’67, ’68 Colin S. Smith ’65 M/M William A. Neill ’67, ’68

James B. Smoley ’73 Mrs Sarah Lillard Adams ’73 Allen K. Sparks, Jr. ’55 Mr Arthur R. Lundeberg ’55 LTC (Ret)/M Fredric E. Roeming ’55 Mr Robert W. Tagge ’55 William E. Spaulding ’50 Mrs Corinne Mueller Spaulding ’50 Bonnie K. Spheeris Mr Paul J. Spheeris ’52 Donald G. Spies Mrs Lyn Rosenberg McCarthy ’83 Ms Kathryn R. Schultz ’89 Bert Stajich ’48 Mrs Ann Jones Stajich ’50 Robert C. Stallman ’55 Mr Robert W. Tagge ’55 Mary Patterson Stevenson ’69 Mr J. Timothy Trier ’69 Donald A. Stewart ’39 Mr Terry G. Stewart John M. Storzer Mr Ronald Scott Heiderich ’64 LTC (Ret)/M Richard D. Kuehl ’67 Dr Tim H. Williams ’62 Earle H. Swanson ’51 Mrs Jane Cappell Dovenbarger ’54 Frances Kelly Tester ’53 Mr John P. Tester ’53 Jeff A. Thompson ’87 Mrs Debora A. ThompsonWidmer ’82 Marguerite A. Thompson P’69 M/M Steven J. Thompson ’69 Mr Michael L. Watson ’60* John H. Thorngate P’57 Dr John H. Thorngate ’57 Carter F. Thurk ’49 Mr Wilfred A. Pagel ’49 Nick J. Topetzes ’42 Mrs Andrea Topetzes Mann ’76 Mrs Nick J. Topetzes Gerene Verheyden Torres ’40 Dr Leonard Torres Barrie C. Tremper ’49 Mrs Patricia Scherin Tremper ’50 Nancy Barbour Vandervelde ’41 M/M Robert V. Abendroth ’51 Mrs Helen Fossland Zippel ’42 Jean A. van Hengel Dr/M David E. Reichle ’59


Deborah Hands Van Singel ’65 Mr David C. Van Singel ’64 Franklin E. Von der Sump, Sr. ’37 Mrs Franklin E. Von der Sump Samuel Walker, Jr. ’79 Mr Kevin L. Warmack ’79 Roger F. Wallace Miss Linda K. Brown Mrs Lucille Gloyd M/M Steven Hollenback Ms Judith A. Jackowski M/M William A. Neill ’67, ’68 Dr Jody Dalton Roy M/M Bruce A. Schwemmer Mrs Patti R. Worm M/M Steven A. Zimmerman Lewis A. Walter ’30 Ms Alice C. Walter ’71 Anna George Frye Dennard Washington P’72 Ms Dianna WashingtonWilliams ’72 Harry C. Washkoske ’35 Mrs Grace Redman Calhoon ’79 James F. Waugh ’73 Mr Bruce A. Clauter ’73 M/M Lawrence G. Fahrenkrug ’72, ’74 Edwin W. Webster ’19 Dr Richard L. Kay ’53 M/M James E. Webster ’58 John T. Webster ’51 Mrs Wilda G. Webster Mary Eva Webster M/M James E. Webster ’58 Maryetta Chewe Wegener ’58 Mrs Flora Toms O’Hagan ’59 Margaret E. Wernecke ’32 M/M Larry K. Larson ’59 Angeline Werzinske Dr Holly Holz Steinkraus ’87 Milton H. Westhagen Mr D. C. Anderson, Jr. ’52 M/M Robert W. Steffes ’52, ’54 Christian M. Weyer Dr/M Ted T. Bruce Warren & Virginia Wheeler P’63 Mr Roger E. Wheeler ’63 Joseph G. White ’59 Mrs Darlene Etchingham White ’62

Walter E. Wittman ’49 Mrs Jacqueline Gilbert Wittman ’49 Family of Jim Wolff ’60 Jim Wolff ’60

Gifts in honor of alumni, faculty, parents and friends of Ripon College have been received from the following:

Beth Hoveland Younggren ’38 Dr Newell A. Younggren

Frances Sischo Altheimer ’43 M/M Charles L. Shunk

Amy J. Dorman 2008 Ms Kerri J. Lintott

Bernice Gardner Zamzow ’53 Mr D. C. Anderson, Jr. ’52 Ms Mary Jane Bumby ’52 Mr Earl R. Zamzow ’50*

Donald W. Anderson ’42 Rev Donald A. Williams ’42

Alexander E. Duros 2009 Mrs Jane Cappell Dovenbarger ’54

Biology Department M/M William B. Ainslie ’79

Kristine Swanson Duros ’74 Mrs Jane Cappell Dovenbarger ’54

Nikola Bjelos 2005 M/M Milorad Bjelos

Mara G. Evans 2007 Mr Thom R. Evans

Arthur W. Bratton 2008 M/M Geoffrey P. Bratton

Martin F. Farrell Mr Eric A. Eguina ’06

Molly E. Breitbach 2010 Ms Debra Hauser

Anne C. Franzene 2010 Ms Patricia R. Porter ’52

Sarah J. Brown 2009 M/M James A. Brown

David E. Freisleben 2007 M/M William E. Freisleben

Andrew J. Bruce 2012 M/M John J. Bruce

Sheryl Thompson Friedel ’87 Mrs Lloyd E. Thompson

Misty C.-M. Brum 2010 M/M Mark J. Brum

Ashley A. From 2012 M/M Kevin E. Frome

Michelle M. Burton 2005 M/M Oliver L. Burton

Andrew P. Fusfeld 2010 Mr Stephen P. Fusfeld

Chemistry Department Dr George F. Vesley ’62

Eric M. & Krista Cage Gallagher 2006, 2006 M/M William M. Cage

Earl R. Zamzow ’50 Mr John Albers/Mrs Jean SchaferAlbers M/M Robert Albers M/M Steven C. Albers Mr D. C. Anderson, Jr. ’52 Dr/M William R. Baggott Mrs Adele Barg M/M Bernie Beaman Bellezza Nails M/M Daniel G. Benson Mr Homer Bliss M/M Robert J. Bollweg M/M Ralph W. Boyden M/M William P. Burbach M/M W. Morgan Byers Ms Doris L. Eaton Mr Thomas R. Ellis/Ms Maureen E. Beaman Mrs Elizabeth Butcher Fox ’53 M/M Philip A. Hardacre Ms Virginia Huljak Ms Lorrie Kelly M/M Robert C. Kempke Mr Donald Knuth Mr Thomas J. Kubiak, Sr. Mr Dean H. Lemke ’50 Ms Sandra A. Lepage Ms Jean A. Miller M/M William A. Neill ’67, ’68 M/M Antonie H. Paap Dr Kelton J. Reitz/Mr Todd D. Trimberger Ms Marisa Awodey Roberts Mr Scott D. Rolfs ’88 Mr Daniel J. Sapiro/Ms Suzanne Lafleur M/M Robert Sargent M/M Kevin Sulley M/M Michael J. Sweeney M/M Herbert R. Thierfelder M/M Richard M. Trawicki M/M David E. Umhoefer M/M Charles A. Van Zoeren ’53, ’53 Mr K. G. Weiske ’50 Whitefish Bay School District M/M Leonard A. Widen M/M Warren P. Wiegratz Ms Lorraine A. Winkler M/M Terry L. Young M/M Scott D. Zamzow

Chester J. Winter ’49 Mrs Patricia Keeley Winter ’50

Earl R. & Bernice Gardner Zamzow ’50, ’53 Mr Carlton L. Blochwitz ’51 COL (Ret)/M Richard G. Hallock ’53, ’53 M/M Thomas G. Kamasky


Lena H. Zimmerman Mrs Lois Zimmerman Kieser ’54

G. Robert Wilkinson P’68 Dr/M William J. Woolley

Tribute Gifts

David J. Christensen 2010 M/M Chris J. Christensen Class of 1957 Mr Leonard W. Harsel ’57 Class of 1959 - 50th Reunion Mr Nathan F. Brand ’59 Mr Thomas W. DeSwarte ’59 Mrs June Eggert Schuett ’59 Mr Roger D. Venden ’59 Class of 1962 Ms Elizabeth Black Kramer ’62 Class of 1969 - 40th Reunion Mr Terrence L. Brown ’69 Class of 1999 Mr Alexander R. Arifianto ’99 M/M Zachary D. Kouba ’99, ’99 Class of 2004 Ms Kristine M. Plato ’04 Genevieve A. Covert 2009 Mr Glenn D. Covert II Drew B. C. Davis 2007 M/M Bradley F. Davis Joshua J. De War 2002 Ms Bette Bastian Thomas M. DiMarco ’80 Mrs Thomas A. DiMarco

Barbara Johnson Graham ’61 Mrs Karen Van Epps Krueger ’61 Victoria Dahl Gries 2002 M/M Charles A. Dahl Sarah M. Gustafson 2010 M/M Steven Gustafson Alan & Wendy Haines Mrs Anna Jones Haines ’67 Robert V. & Neola Hannaford Ms Katherine J. Babcock ’80 Ms Nancy A. Davlantes ’66 Dr A. Richard Konrad ’64 Ms Frances L. McCain ’66 Mr Philip A. Metcalf ’67 M/M William A. Neill ’67, ’68 Ms Dena G. Willmore ’67 Lily D. Hanscom 2010 Mr Weston Hanscom/Ms Cheryl Weissman Joe W. Hatcher, Jr. Mr Eric A. Eguina ’06 Amanda M. Hoefner 2009 M/M Randol C. Hoefner

Key P = Parent *Now Deceased

William H. Hollinger Mr James M. Higgins ’58

Janelle Otto Midlikowski 2002 Ms Jackie Otto Zander

Katherine E. Huff 2002 Mr Kevin B. Huff/Mrs Merilis Harrington-Huff

George H. Miller Mr Peter M. Uhrig ’68

Abigail C. Hultquist 2012 M/M Edward C. Hultquist Jennifer A. Johannes 2008 M/M John H. Johannes Aaron R. Kammer 2007 M/M Robert L. Kammer, Jr. ’75 Lindsey R. Keough 2010 M/M Jeffrey J. Keough Robert J. Kirkland ’81 Ms Teri H. Tomaszkiewicz Adam J. Kirschling 2005 M/M Ronald J. Kirschling Christopher A. & Kira Corsten Klimek 2006, 2004 Ms Carolyn J. Duven ’04 Andrew D. Kloehn 2012 M/M Dean D. Kloehn Gail A. Kopperud 2009 M/M Harold S. Kopperud Kevin C. Kordas 2012 Mr Thomas C. Kordas Stephanie M. Kotek-Mundro 2008 Mr John D. Kotek Katherine E. Kraynek 2002 M/M Gregory G. Kraynek Katie L. Krueger 2009 Mr William R. Krueger, Sr. Jacqulyn M. Laffitte 2008 Ms Pamela M. Robertson Kimberley Gosso Laue ’79 M/M James P. Gosso Alexandra J. Liska 2002 M/M James R. Liska Billie Jeanne Lowe 2008 M/M Claude F. Sitton Ms Lauren L. Stanley Ned ’54 & Joan Lufrano Mr Michael R. Lufrano/Ms Elizabeth J. Bodner Mr Richard S. Lufrano/Ms Gina N. Clemmer

Michael R. & Margaret Seelbach Mizen ’73, ’75 Mrs Carolyn P. Seelbach Forrest S. Moy ’56 M/M Ronald J. Balej ’53, ’55 Mr D. C. Anderson, Jr. ’52 Mr Duncan W. Wiedemann ’52 Brett A. Mueller ’99 M/M Rich J. Miesfeld ’73 Connie Kasson Negaard ’85 Mr Richard J. Kasson ’91 William A. & Judith Wilkinson Neill ’67, ’68 Dr/M William J. Woolley Lauren B. Nickel 2006 Ms Kathleen Nickel Stephanie L. Nuttall 2012 Mrs Lisa A. Nuttall Sharon Rejman Ogle ’84 M/M George J. Rejman Robert E. Otis Mrs Barbara J. McElderry Edward J. Palmer 2000 M/M Richard W. Palmer Kirsten Anderson Pankau ’96 M/M O. F. Anderson Michael G. Paul ’89 Mrs Lovice H. Paul J. Timothy Petersik ’73 Ms Korinne L. Petersik Phi Delta Theta Fraternity 2LT Kyle S. Unger ’08 Lynne M. Phillips ’98 Mrs Judy Hughes Phillips ’62 Christopher Reed-Waddell 2007 Dr Frederick T. Waddell/Ms Kathryn E. Reed Jaclyn B. Reichhart 2010 M/M Dale J. Reichhart Rose M. Reichhart 2006 M/M Dale J. Reichhart

Jessica L. Martzahl 2011 Mr Gregory A. Martzahl

Ripon College Faculty & Administration M/M Francis J. Blaise ’53, ’56

Rachel A. Martzahl 2011 Mr Gregory A. Martzahl

Ripon College Football M/M Brian Fehly

Blake R. McClanahan 2003 Mrs Kim L. Slota

Ripon College Women’s Golf Ms Gina L. Heckl ’08

Roselyn B. McNulty 2006 Mr Shane M. Ebel ’07

Connie R. Rivers P’2006 Ms Leslie A. Rivers ’06

Dietrich Roben Mrs Carey W. Witt-Roben ’97 Alexander R. Roberts ’97 M/M Richard W. Roberts Jennifer K. Rogers ’91 M/M Gerald M. Rogers William J. Schang Mrs Barbara Tincher Stack ’87 Hans K. Schultz 2005 M/M Edmund E. Schultz Andrew R. Shilt 2006 Mr Ronald C. Shilt Christina Diamantes Slavens ’54 Ms Carolyn C. Ohnstad ’54 Brian H. Smith Mrs Bonnie Meyer Brooks ’60 Rev/M David A. Busker Mr Drew B. C. Davis ’07 Scott A. Horning ’92 Mr Benjamin R. Konecny ’07 M/M Tom Konecny Mr Steven A. Miller ’07 Mr Christopher R. Rydz ’07

A winter snow always accentuates the beauty of the Ripon campus. Alex M. Tande 2012 Mr Dennis Tande/Ms Mary C. Manering H. Jerome Thompson P’69 Mrs Bonnie Meyer Brooks ’60 William E. Tyree Mr Robert P. Martin ’68 M/M William A. Neill ’67, ’68 Rev Dr/M Robert D. Schieler ’56, ’56 Mrs Mildred Tyree Schrader Dr John A. Stoler ’56 Erin B. Vasconcelles 2000 M/M Robert L. Vasconcelles Lewis A. Walter ’30 Ms Alice C. Walter ’71 Zoe S. Weingarten 2012 M/M Daniel K. Weingarten Steven G. Woods ’82 Mrs Patricia Woods Cram

Pamela Price Smith ’68 M/M Robert A. Lennox, Jr. ’67, ’67

Jean G. Woolley Mr Stephen D. Woolley/Ms Maria A. Vittone ’92

William E. Sommers ’86 Ms Dorothy E. Norris Marriage of Steven Sparks ’75 & Nancy Andrews ’75 M/M Deane O. Andrews M/M Raymond W. Orr M/M Richard M. Orr M/M David Weinberg

William J. Woolley Mr Eric P. Black/Ms Jennifer L. Woolley Ms Patricia A. Fredrick M/M John H. Mathews ’89, ’91 M/M William A. Neill ’67, ’68 Ms Michelle R. Sirinek ’95 Mr Stephen D. Woolley/Ms Maria A. Vittone ’92

Britt K. Steiger 2003 Dr Fredric A. Steiger

Dino Zei Dr Carolyn E. Jordan ’84


Friends of Ripon Athletics Ripon College has enjoyed a rich athletic tradition for more than 100 years, during which time countless men and women have graced its courts and playing fields with their talent, competitive spirit and enthusiasm. Countless others — alumni, parents and friends of the College — have graced the athletic program with their support. Members of the Friends of Ripon Athletics believe that athletics play a huge role in the extracurricular experiences of our students. Accordingly, Friends are dedicated to the main-

M/M James R. Abert Accurate Controls, Inc. Mr Bradley W. Alberts/Ms Kathryn M. Kittiko ’92 Alibi’s Dining and Spirits Alliance Laundry Systems LLC Mr Donald W. Anderson ’42 Donald W. and Margaret M. Anderson Foundation Baird, Inc. COL (Ret) H. Dayle Balliett ’39 Ms Sally M. Beaumont ’87 Mr Dan Booras ’54 Brewer Heating, Inc. M/M Kenneth Cartier Mrs Doreen Conforti Chemerow ’73 M/M Daniel P. Clark ’87, ’85 Mr James R. Clark ’68 Dr Gary Coll/Mrs Elaine M. Coll Comfort Suites at Royal Ridges Community Health Network Mr Eric W. Cruise Culligan Water Conditioning Dr Jessica L. Davis Mr Michael J. De Lany ’73 Ms Dana L. Dickinsen ’86 Diedrich Jewelry Co., Inc. Mrs Jane Cappell Dovenbarger ’54 Mr Andrew H. Drechsler ’97 M/M Robert L. Duley M/M Ronald L. Ernst Family of Raymond H. Harms Dr Steven A. Feyrer-Melk ’86 Follett Higher Education Group M/M Gordon A. Gillespie Mr G. Jeffrey Gillis/Dr Beth Galler Gillis ’76, ’78 Drs Michael C. and Paula A. Giudici “Golden Rule” Community Credit Union M/M Randall R. Gorske Green Lake Bank Mr Thomas E. Hanlon ’06 Mr Philip C. Holm ’65 Hometown Broadcasting (WAUHFM/WISS-AM) Mr M. Robert Humphrey ’60 Impact Sports, Inc. Johnson Insurance Mr Michael J. Julka ’71 COL (Ret)/M James G. Kalanges ’61, ’63 Mr Robert J. Kirkland ’81 Kobussen Buses, Ltd. M/M Scott M. Koepnick ’88 Mr William R. Krueger, Sr.


tenance and improvement of Ripon’s athletic facilities and equipment. Key goals of the Friends include providing coaches and students with the resources needed to uphold Ripon’s rich athletic tradition and offering student-athletes the best possible extracurricular experiences. For more information, or to become a Friend, contact Mike Westemeier (, 920-748-8770), sports information director. If you are already a donor to athletics, please consider becoming an official “Friend.”

Friends of Ripon Athletics: Weiske ’50 has been involved for more than half a century Athletics have been a part of life for Kermit George “Doc” Weiske ’50, Ripon, ever since grade school in Berlin, Wis. Now, he is a proud supporter of Friends of Ripon Athletics. After graduating from high school at age 16, Weiske came to Ripon College in 1946 because “the admission people enticed me, plus I had a girlfriend who lived in Ripon,” he says. At Ripon, he majored in physical education and played football, basketball and track. “It was a good experience,” says Weiske. “I made all-conference four years in a row and set the school individual scoring record in basketball for 28 years — later to be busted by a kid that I coached.” He earned a master’s degree in physical education from the University of Wisconsin and played semipro and pro basketball before teaching and coaching basketball in Fort Atkinson (Wis.) High School for a year. He then served in the Army and

M/M Christopher J. Kruk ’92, ’91 L. B. Leasing, Inc. M/M Alan H. Lambert Mr John LaPotka ’42 M/M Charles L. Larson ’65 M/M Larry K. Larson ’59 Mr Lawrence S. Larson, Jr. ’85 M/M James R. Liska Dr Andrew H. Loeb ’70 Mrs Barbara Horne Long ’79 M/M Robert G. Lukoski Mach Schnell Cycling Club

played basketball Honorary Life for them for two Trustee. He conyears. tinues to support Weiske Ripon athletics. returned to Fort “When you Atkinson until coach there and 1958. He then you have been in came to Ripon sports and athletics College as an all your life, you assistant professor lean that way and of physical educatry to do everytion, head basket- “Doc” Weiske ’50 thing you can ball and golf coach afford to do and and assistant football coach still help the College with the through 1966, and again from budget,” he says. “I know 1972 until retiring in 1980. what the strain on the budget He led his teams to five is and the job that Bob Midwest Conference titles and Gillespie does as athletic directwo NCAA Division III play- tor, trying to create equal offs. opportunities for both men He worked full time in the and women and coordinating insurance business from 1966 the timing with activities and to 1997. He now sells practices.” Medicare policies. “I’m still He says participation in doing that, and I’m 80 years athletics serves Ripon graduold,” he says. “I have four ates well. “They know how children, and we’ve (he and important it is to lend to a his wife, Lois) been married team whatever pursuit they’re 57 years.” taking,” he says. “They know He also has served Ripon they have to do their part in a College in myriad ways, team effort” in whatever field including as a Ripon Trustee they go into. for 21 years and now as an

Mr Peter A. Mattiacci ’58 Dr /M Philip K. McCullough ’69 M/M Richard L. Menson ’65 Ms Jennifer A. Millen ’06 Mrs Erin Gatzke Miller ’00 M/M William A. Neill ’67, ’68 P.E.N.N. Travel Services, LLC Pastimes Pub & Grille Mr Duane E. Pepke ’54 M/M William Peters Pick ’n Save Mr Samuel W. Pickard ’55

Mr Cody Pinkston M/M John C. Porter Mrs Lois Taylor Radtke ’37 M/M Michael R. Reese ’65 M/M Dale J. Reichhart Ripon Area Builders, Inc. Ripon Athletics Ripon College Bookstore Ripon Drug Ripon Medical Center Kent W. Robinson ’74

Drs Gary S. Rodman and Colleen M. Byron M/M Robert W. Rosenberg Mrs Rose Schaalma Mr Tyler W. Schwirtz/Ms Etta B. Hilligoss ’04, ’04 Mr Andrew R. Shilt ’06 M/M Todd J. Sippel ’95, ’95

M/M Gordon G. Smith Sodexo Campus Services Dr Richard A. Staehler ’90 Mr Jeffrey R. Stang ’71 Mrs Harriet E. Storzer M/M William D. Sutter M/M Steven J. Thompson ’69 Mrs Patricia L. Thurmond

M/M William D. Tichy ’62 Tracy Porter, Inc. Mr John R. Vansusteren Mr Roger D. Venden ’59 Mr Lynn S. Wallace/Ms Karen M. Kedrowski Mr Jon R. Walterscheit ’59 Mr K. G. Weiske ’50

Mr Michael Westemeier M/M Randall R. Wierschke Dr/M George H. Wittler ’76 Mr James G. Wright ’53 M/M Richard L. Wright ’67, ’67 Wurtz Law Office

Friends of the Arts Friends of the Arts was launched in 2007. This organization comprises individuals, couples and families — Ripon community members as well as alumni — who support the performing and visual arts programs at the College. The group formed with a challenge from four longtime and constant Friends who have been committed to the arts at Ripon for many years: Professor Emeritus George Miller, Mary Brandt and John and Celia Roesch. Goals of the group are to provide quality training in the arts for students, including opportunities off campus to attend productions, concerts and art exhibits; to improve facilities and equipment in Rodman Center; and to promote the achievements of students and faculty in the arts throughout the greater Ripon community. Current friends encourage all who thrive on cultural enrichment to join them as Friends of the Arts. For more information, contact Lyn Corder, major gifts officer (

LIFE MEMBERS Benefactors Mrs William R. Brandt Mr Thomas E. Caestecker M/M David I. Chemerow ’73 M/M David G. Hartman ’64 Dr George H. Miller Individuals Mrs Jane Shea Barclay Mrs Bonnie Meyer Brooks ’60 Mrs John E. Bumby Dr Linda J. Corder Mrs Fay R. Marchant Mrs Nedra Linville Martz Mrs Lyn Rosenberg McCarthy ’83 Mrs Elizabeth Ringstad Ms Margaret E. Zellmer ’74 Families M/M Todd I. Berens M/M James F. Cochrane ’52, ’51 M/M Norman J. Loomer ’67 The E. R. Lowry Family Mr H. Andersen Lyke/Dr Jeanne Lyke

M/M William A. Neill ’67, ’68 M/M Douglas A. Northrop Dr Christopher J. Rauch/Mrs Jayne Rufener Rauch ’80 M/M Michael R. Reese ’65 M/M John R. Roesch, Sr. M/M Robert E. Van Metre Dr/M Steven G. Yeomans

ANNUAL MEMBERS Individuals Mr Robert V. Abendroth ’51 Mrs James E. Brophy Mrs Roger B. Conant Mrs Jean S. Keith Sarah McGowan Mr Andy M. Palm ’53 Families Drs Robert L. Amsden and Jeanne F. Williams M/M Ralph J. Colonna Dr/M Richard G. Scamehorn Rev/M James C. Walworth ’48 M/M Andrew A. Zeratsky


Key New Life Members are displayed in italics. *Now Deceased

Friends of the Arts: ‘A reasonable thing to do,’ says Scamehorn Professor of been giving Chemistry Emeritus money to the Richard Scamehorn Chamber came to Ripon 41 Music at years ago directly Ripon Series from graduate school for some at Northwestern time, and this University in was an extenEvanston, Ill. He sion of that. taught here for 37 It’s an imporyears, and his work tant compolife was focused on nent of the science and liberal arts Rich Scamehorn chemistry. curriculum But the fine arts have and of cultural events in the been a big part of his life, area. It’s important to the and that of his wife, Sandra. College and the community So they now support Friends that these kinds of events of the Arts. continue.” “I’ve always been active Scamehorn says the in music,” Scamehorn says. couple always have enjoyed “I’ve been singing in the being involved in and attendChoral Union for a number ing various events at the of years. I like to sing. It’s a College. In their retirement, chance to get out and have they continue to enjoy more contact with college supporting those events. students and other people “The College is a good from the community who place to teach, and I enjoyed like to sing. It gives me a the interaction with the chance to improve my college students,” he says. singing.” “It’s a chance to make an He says he and his wife impact on people’s lives, do also have been attending fine some research and be active arts events at the College for in science and chemistry. as long as they’ve been here. We’ve always enjoyed Ripon Joining Friends of the as a community, as well. Arts “seemed a reasonable Ripon is a very special thing to do,” he says. “I’ve place.”

M/M E. F. Biedron


Friends of Lane Library

The Friends of Lane Library endowment was at $57,000 as of June 30, 2009, thanks in large part to the members listed here. The Friends annual meeting was highlighted by a poetry reading by Ron W allace, author of For A Limited Time Only and Long For This World: New and Selected Poems. Annual memberships in the Friends of Lane Library may be individuals ($50) or families ($100). Life membership categories include generous Founders ($2,500+) and Benefactors ($5,000), as well as individuals ($500) and families ($1,000). Life membership gifts go directly into the Friends’ endowment and provide ongoing support for Lane Library in perpetuity . As an added benefit for those who are 60 years of age or older , memberships in life member categories are discounted 30 percent. For membership materials and questions, contact Ane Carriveau, Lane librarian, 920-748-8750 or

LIFE MEMBERS Benefactors M/M Todd I. Berens Dr George H. Miller Ms Julie E. Sgambelluri Mr Mark J. Wright ’75/Ms Marcia Wilson Wahoske ’75 Founders Mr Jeffrey A. Liddicoat Mrs Helen Fossland Zippel ’42 Individuals Mrs Mary A. Brandt Ms Mary Jane Bumby ’52 Mr Gerald E. Campbell ’68 Mrs Doreen Conforti Chemerow ’73 Mr Richard A. Christensen ’58 Dr Linda J. Corder Ms Kathy L. Holm ’81 Dr Richard L. Kay ’53 Dr Paul L. Kegel ’57 COL (Ret) Merline Thoma Lovelace ’68 Mr Ned Lufrano ’54 Ms Mary Jo MacSwain ’77 Mrs Nedra Linville Martz Sarah McGowan Mrs Nancy Reno Meinel ’60 Mr Douglas A. Northrop Mrs Lynn P. Northrop Mr Samuel W. Pickard ’55 Mrs Kenneth L. Sather Mrs Louise F. Schang Mr Richard L. Starkel ’49 Ms Katherine V. Stotis ’10 Mr Carl R. Ziebell Families Ms Margaret Catlin Brandt/Mr Albert W. Lyons Dr/M Robert V. Hannaford The E. R. Lowry Family Dr/M Larry H. Miller

Key New Life Members are displayed in italics. *Now Deceased


The Family of Jack C. Plano ’49* M/M Michael R. Reese ’65 M/M Charles A. Van Zoeren ’53, ’53

ANNUAL MEMBERS Individuals Ms Katherine J. Babcock ’80 Ms Emily K. Bach ’03 Mrs Patricia D. Biallas Mrs Andrea V. Carriveau Dr Linda M. Clemente Ms Calah M. Goehring ’05 Mr Marcus A. McCorison ’50 Mr David M. Minor ’68 Mr Gary R. Page ’84 COL (Ret) Gregg E. Petersen ’78

Ms Gail A. Schroeder Mr Steven C. Sparks ’75 Mrs Enid Lewis Thuermer ’42 Mr Kevin L. Warmack ’79 Families Mrs Blanche Bartizal Babcock ’53 M/M Thomas E. Jones ’87 Rev Dr/M David C. Joyce Mrs Ann Resch Litten ’50 Mrs Lois C. Stanton The Walter F. Utroske Family M/M David K. Williams ’03, ’03

DONORS M/M John C. LaBracke ’87, ’87 M/M William A. Neill ’67, ’68

Poet Ron Wallace reads from his works during the third annual meeting of the Friends of Lane Library. Wallace has written two books of his poet ry: For a Limited Time Only and Long for This World: New and Selected Poems. He presented a poetry reading of his most recent works. His thought-provoking poetry was well-received by those who attended.

Arts & All That Jazz

The Arts & All That Jazz scholarship benefit dinner and auction was first held in 2006 to under write the direct costs of Al Jarreau’s benefit concert held that year. It has since become an annual College/community gala to celebrate the arts. Net proceeds from the event are added to the Al Jarreau 1962 Scholarship in the Arts Endowment. As of June 30, 2009, the endowed scholarship totaled more than $58,460. The success of this fund-raising effort rests with the artists and other individuals who contributed art, services, dinners or special events, as well as a dedicated volunteer committee composed of both community members and College staff. We thank the following who made the August 2008 Arts and All That Jazz event a success.

Individuals Ms Mary E. Avery Ms Katherine J. Babcock ’80 COL (Ret) H. Dayle Balliett ’39 Ms Melissa L. Bemus Ms Stacy Chapin Dr/M Jack M. Christ ’96 Mrs Kara Klinger Clark ’92 Dr Gary Coll/Mrs Elaine M. Coll M/M Ralph J. Colonna M/M James P. Connelly M/M T. Ashley Cooper ’82 M/M Richard T. Damm Mr Tom Detwyler M/M J. Drew Diedrich Dr/M Kurt R. Dietrich Ms Patricia Dobrinska

M/M David A. Ginder Mr David M. Graham/Ms Lee A. Shippey M/M Gerald R. Grout ’53 Ms Jessica L. Joanis Rev Dr/M David C. Joyce Evelyn and Eugene Kain M/M Peter P. Kasuboski Mrs Jean S. Keith M/M James A. Klinger Ms Katherine E. Kraynek ’02 M/M James Kreston Mr H. Andersen Lyke/Dr Jeanne Lyke Mr Larry P. Malchow ’77 M/M Wesley L. Marquart Sarah M. McGowan

M/M David M. Minor ’68 M/M Kim Pahlas Ms Laura Pahlas M/M Dean A. Pape ’00 Mr Cody Pinkston Ms Carla Pommering M/M John C. Porter Mr Kumar Puttaswamy M/M Michael R. Reese ’65 M/M Dennis L. Riley ’67, ’68 Mr Rafael F. Salas M/M Bruce A. Schwemmer M/M Peter Sensenbrenner Dr Raymond Stahura Mr Leslie Trewyn M/M Thomas K. Wagner ’78 Dr/M Robert L. Wallace ’97

M/M Robert N. Webster ’73 M/M K. G. Weiske ’50 Dr/M William J. Woolley M/M Timothy Wuest Businesses A & W Restaurant Adeva Anytime Fitness Baird, Inc. Bloch’s Farm The Boldt Company The Carley House Diedrich Jewelry Co., Inc. Farrell’s Fine Furnishings, LLC Fat Bruce’s Bakery & Eating Kitchen Flowers by David The Fox Note Georgie’s Goosebeary’s Coffee & Quilt Shop Hamilton’s of Ripon Heidel House Resort Lakeside Motel Golf Courses of Lawsonia Maisyknits Yarn Shop Mascoutin Country Club N Gallery Once in a Blue Moon Only Her Pastimes Pub & Grille Pizza Hut Quacker Factory Reflections Ripon Area Builders, Inc. Ripon Drug/Ben Franklin Ripon Medical Center Ripon Restaurant Group Shedd Aquarium A Simpler Time, LLC Tango Thrasher Opera House Tracy Porter, Inc. Tuscumbia Country Club Twister Ultimart Wallenfang’s of Green Lake WaterFront Grill Watson Street Hair Designers 2008 Committee Members: Stacy Chapin, Co-chair Margaret Kastein Wolfgram ’03, Co-chair Melissa Bemus Sarah A. Colonna Ralph J. Colonna Linda J. Corder Lisa A. Diedrich Maria K. Dietrich Lynne C. Joyce Laurie Kasuboski Pamela R. Klinger Judith Wilkinson Neill ’68 William A. Neill ’67

Key *Now Deceased

Other Volunteers

Volunteers play a vitally important role at Ripon College, performing a wide variety of essential functions both here on campus and in their own cities throughout the country . We honor Ripon College’s volunteers for their service as Trustees, Alumni Board and Parent Committee members, class agents and reunion committee members, Alumni Weekend volunteers, off-campus event hosts, Alumni/Parent Admission Alliance members and as guest speakers in our classrooms. W e are grateful for ongoing volunteer involvement by emeriti faculty and staff, for student volunteer engagement, for parents who go the extra mile, and for those who answer the call for one-time special projects. We thank these additional volunteers (not listed in other Annual Report sections) for their outstanding support of Ripon College:

Alumni Adam R. Albrecht’04 Tonya Barnett Alling ’89 Daniel G. Anderson ’59 Ronell Bradbeer Anderson ’59 Christine M. Anhalt ’09 Brian F. Arquette ’09 Katie E. Babe ’03 Jane Wieser Baker ’69 Robert J. Bechard ’84 Matthew W. Belling ’98 Craig A. Benzel ’86 John W. Bitter ’02 Kevin O. Blackburn ’04 Shawn M. Blessing ’94 Steven J. Bousley ’95 Mark D. Bradley ’96 John D. Brennan ’69 Christine Kulinski Brown ’79 Megan M. Captaine ’09 Susan Chapman Carlton ’75 Adam M. Carpenter ’04 Ronald M. Case ’62 Jennifer Cayer ’84 John C. Cooley, Jr. ’59 Deronis V. Cooper ’97 Shelby C. Deering ’05 Andrew S. DeKeyser ’03 Matthew J. Denure ’98 William K. Dernbach, Jr. ’05 Andrew T. Dickson ’79 Joyce Watry Dieck ’84 Shannon A. Doran ’04 Christopher A. Dumke ’04 Alexander E. Duros ’09 Carolyn J. Duven ’04 Shane M. Ebel ’07 Helen Healy Edinger ’55 Robyn Edisis ’84 Oussama El-Hilali ’89 Todd R. Fortune ’96 Nicole R. Franz ’09 Alisha S. Gard ’06 Darlene Loyer Gerick ’89 Bryan W. Gerretsen ’03 Jennifer Brengle Giedd ’79 Will F. Gillis ’09 Lisa Stein Goldman ’89 Blanca A. Gomez-Bogdanske ’09 Scott A. Gosse ’91 Amanda L. Guay ’05 Ryan B. Gustafson ’07 Luke S. Hagel ’03 Michael S. Hansen ’00 Alice Hall Hayes ’69 Donald A. Hayner ’72 Chad A. Hendee ’97 D. Tod Henderson ’84 Todd J. Hepler ’90 Kristin R. Hereid ’90

Ian T. Hill ’09 Amanda M. Hoefner ’09 Lindsey A. Hoel-Neds ’03 Rita Reiffers Huffman ’02 Terrell J. Hyde ’94 Marilyn Kaiser Indermuehle ’64 Kathryn Donnelly Jablecki ’01 Burton D. Jay ’59 Aaron B. Johnson ’03 Kelly Johnson-Becker ’99 David G. Jones ’67 Louisa Gebelein Jones ’78 Timothy J. Kachur ’01 Julie A. Kaiserling ’00 Shawn F. Karsten ’09 Peter L. Kasson ’59 Christopher R. Kellett ’08 H. Maxwell Kelln ’04 Alexandra Shepard Kermani ’83 Masoud F. Kermani ’83 Todd J.A. Kleinhans ’86 Jacob D. Knaapen ’10 Elizabeth Williams Koehler ’04 Andrew D. Kohn ’98 Stephanie M. Kotek-Mundro ’08 Erica Smith Kroncke ’98 Darrin S. Kuehn ’96 Christopher J. Larsen ’09 Jon D. Larsen ’09 Charles L. Larson III ’00 Kersten Holm Larson ’00 David R. Lee ’69 Daphne Meyers Leigh ’05 Amy M. Letcher ’99 Andrew D. Limouris ’94 Tanya S. Lisko ’09 Michael K. Maahs ’90 Andrew R. MacLeod ’76 Mary Jo MacSwain ’77 Debra A. Marnocha ’79 Tisha Nurkala Marston ’94 Chad E. Mateske ’97 John H. Mathews ’89 Molly Jo Kneip Maurer ’03 Jay B. McDonald ’79 Benjamin J. Metzler ’07 Ryan H. Morgan ’02 Zachary S. Morris ’02 Michael W. Mulford ’84 Phil Nancarrow ’65 Judith Wilkinson Neill ’68 Jeffrey G. Nelson ’78 Justin G. Nelson ’07 Daniel A. Newyear ’79 Todd R. Novitske ’94 Victoria L. Nytes ’01 Ellen M. Onsrud ’97 Dianne P. Pacolt ’82 Stacy Tate Paleen ’95 Edward J. Palmer ’00

Philip M. Peluso ’72 Allen M. Peters ’59 Holly Kursar Pietrucha ’69 Tracy Schmidt Plato ’94 Andrew A. Polk ’97 William H. Popko ’58 Jennifer Przekurat ’93 Weston W. Radford ’07 Shelley Vivoda Raebel ’80 Daniel C. Rajewski ’59 Donna Haubrich Reichle ’59 Nicholas P. Retson ’69 Leslie A. Rivers ’06 Christina Lewis Robokoff ’75 Ckeotre A. Roca-Dawson ’94 Donald E. Roca-Dawson ’94 Timothy D. Roehrig ’04 Stephen C. Rogers ’65 Andrew M. Ross ’06 Mackenzie C. Royal ’05 Stuart M. Russ ’07 Eric R. Saari ’07 Nicholas J. Salm ’98 Patrick C. Saunders ’76 Christoph A. Schattschneider ’93 Rachel A. Schmidt ’04 Joyce Libby Schneider ’90 Donald L. Schober ’64 Catherine M. Schult ’09 Carolyn Calandra Selsor ’69 Sarah Botsford Sewall ’96 David E. Shogren ’84 Samuel G. Smith ’09 William E. Sommers ’86 Ellen C. Sorensen ’00 Vincent J. Spratte ’09 Cynthia Klingel Spring ’69 Steven J. Stellmacher ’76 Bruce J. Stephenson ’09 Laura Storzer ’89 Desiree Swenson Strom ’84 Jill E. Sunderland ’04 Nicole Gorske Sutter ’01 Rachael L. Thiel ’09 Gail Goodrich Tracy ’79 Michael E. Tracy ’79 Michael A. Treder ’07 Beverly Rice Trier ’71 J. Timothy Trier ’69 Matthew J. Umhoefer ’95 Benjamin J. Vance ’07 Jonathan M. Verson ’78 Toni-Lee Scarano Viney ’06 Robert O. Wachholtz ’69 Marcia Wilson Wahoske ’75 Brian F. Wegener ’86 James J. Weishan ’77 Arthur W. Wenzel ’67 Timothy D. White ’84


Bridget L. Whitehouse ’03 Karen Johnson Wilken ’84 Deborah A. Williams ’73 V. Gerald Woeste ’59 Lee W. Zarnott ’87 Martha Spittell Ziegelbauer ’82 Ryan J. Zukowski ’96 Anthony J. Zydzik ’02 Parents Thomas A. Avery Thomas and Jennifer Hedberg Scott D. Bolstad Edward and Adele Gabriel Rosemary Hansen Robert and Carol Rosenberg Kim and Diane Shady Natalie Sondalle William J. Woolley Students April A. Agamaite ’11 Sarah M. Anderson ’10

C. Vanessa Arboleda ’10 Joshua A. Bailen ’10 Molly E. Breitbach ’10 Misty C. Brum ’10 Sarah W. Cummings ’12 JoAnn L. Deibele ’11 Kelsey J. Donner ’09 Melissa D. Fladhammer ’10 Willie A. Flores III ’09 Elizabeth A. Fontaine ’12 Timothy G. Fulton ’10 Scott R. Gillespie ’11 Kurtis J. Hardy ’12 Sarah E. Hopkins ’10 Meagan M. Kochel ’10 Karen Kriz ’11 Joshua A. LeGreve ’09 Zachary M. Mans ’10 Garrison O. McMurtrey ’11 Alexander T. Momich ’11 Christine E. Pariso ’12 Colleen M. Pariso ’12 Andrew R. Peck ’10

Talya M. Petersik ’10 Laura F. Reuling ’11 Amber B. Rico ’11 Leeanna M. Shultz ’10 Samuel B. Sondalle ’11 Olivia Swodzinski ’10 Alex J. Tessman ’10 Matthew Thies ’11 Bryanne M. Tudor ’12 Elizabeth A. Weigler ’10 Paul G. Williams ’10 Friends Katie Amidon Denise Cagley-Jefferson Raymond C. Carlton Ralph J. Colonna Sarah A. Colonna Lisa A. Diedrich Jack W. Frank Collette Gallegos Scott Gaster Salim Hawi

Ripon now has a very physical entrance with the addition of the stone sign and two stone pillars at the corner of Seward Street and Woodside Avenue. Doug Jorgensen Lynne C. Joyce Laurie Kasuboski Kelly Krause H. Andersen Lyke Timothy D. Lyke Lori A. McEathron Tracy Porter Paula T. Price Allen Schraeder Craig Tebon Julie Woodard


*Now Deceased

Thank you.

The Annual Fund Three Ways to Give: Write to us at PO Box 248, Ripon, WI 54971 Call us toll-free at 1-877-231-0455 Visit us online at

Happy New Year! From top to bottom, Rusty Schultz ’11, Cady Cummings ’10, Sam Mutschelknaus ’12, Hannah Miller ’11 and Sneha Thapa ’12, along with the entire Ripon College campus community wish you a blessed holiday season and a very happy and prosperous 2010.

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