Ripon Magazine Summer 2012

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Messitte Brings Experience,Youth to One Merriman Lane COMMENCEMENT: CLASS OF 2012 n









Ripon College prepares students of diverse interests for lives of productive, socially responsible citizenship. Our liberal arts curriculum and residential campus create an intimate learning community in which students experience a richly personalized education. 2


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Ripon Magazine (ISSN 1058-1855) is published twice annually by Ripon College, 300 Seward St., Ripon, WI 54971-0248. Postage paid at Ripon, WI. Copyright © 2012 Ripon College POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Ripon Magazine, PO Box 248, Ripon, WI 54971-0248 Editor: Jaye Alderson e-mail: Editorial Assistants: Ric Damm, Cody Pinkston Student Assistants: Lori Schroeder ’13 Sam Poullette ’13

Design: Ric Damm

On the Cover: Ripon’s 13th President Zach Messitte; his wife, Julia; and sons, Sam and Jules. Photo by Jim Koepnick

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Messitte Ready to Lead

Zach P. Messitte took office as Ripon College’s 13th president July 1. Ripon Magazine is pleased to introduce the College’s new leader.


Class of 2012: Facing New Horizons Under near perfect conditions — low 70s and clear skies — Interim President Jerry Seaman kicked off Commencement 2012 with the theme of “Liberal Arts Colleges: Tradition and Change.”


Video Games and Language Story-telling and narrative are as old as human origins. But Robin Woods, professor of English, is fascinated by the ever-evolving forms of narrative. In the spring of 2011, she took a sabbatical to explore how role-playing video games function as narrative and how that impacts players.


Favorite Ripon Hangouts Earlier this year, Ripon Magazine sent alumni an e-mail asking about their favorite “hangouts” during their undergraduate years at Ripon. We received an overwhelming response from alumni about favorite places to socialize and special memories of those spots.

Photo: David Janssen ’81 and Kristin Kohles Janssen ’82 of Oshkosh, Wis., are shown with the ceiling decoration of The Renaissance Center in Oshkosh. David has been a plastic surgeon for more than 15 years and is president and coowner of Fox Valley Plastic Surgery, S.C., at the center. Kristin is the event coordinator for the center. The painting replicates Michelangelo’s “Creation of Adam” from the Sistine Chapel in Italy. Photo by Jim Koepnick

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Sports Campus Notes Class Notes In Memoriam






Roads Go Ever Ever On Twelve and a half. David Joyce was 12th. Zach Messitte is 13th. I am, and will remain, 12½. There is a lot of joy in that. Here’s a little of it. At Commencement, more than 200 students shook my right hand and took the Ripon College diploma in their left. Sam Mutschelknaus walked across the stage and hugged me. Everyone, and I mean everyone, knows that hugging the President is against Ripon ceremonial protocol. But it was a good thing at the right moment. Sometimes people and circumstances truly are exceptional. That day, I wore the chain of office over my robes, and it was heavy. But it was an honor. When President Messitte wears it next year, I will feel that honor even more deeply. Ripon has every reason to be proud of its past leadership and confident about its future with Zach. I look forward to the adventure. Spud Hannaford told stories. I cannot do them justice. The most memorable for me was about the student who, many decades ago, said something like, “I didn’t come here to ask questions. I came here to learn.” Spud, as you know, taught (and still teaches) philosophy. The student changed. Judith Shapiro, our Commencement speaker, observed that the real world seems sadly fact-deprived. We need to change that. I need to change that. You need to change that. Ripon College and colleges generally need to remember that our fundamental



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Gerald Seaman, Interim President

purpose is not to teach you slogans or to make false promises. It is to do our part to prepare you for citizenship and a life of choices that are real and hard, consequential and enduring. The National Forensics Honorary Society Pi Kappa Delta honored me with the E.R. Nichols Campus Communicator Award. I had the pleasure to receive this prize from Robert Kirkland, chair of the board of trustees, at the Awards Convocation. This is always a special evening for me; this year was the best of all, and I am grateful. Is there anything better than being surprised by joy? Little things may surprise us. Like the sight of Commencement from the stage. Like the view of campus from the prairie. Like music in Rodman, cheers in Storzer, the silence of

snowfall and the crack of billiard balls in the Pub. “Walking on Sunshine” ( really did make me feel good. What else does this for me? I like the quiet beauty of the renovated Heritage Room. I am thrilled by its resonance. I love the photographs. It is a place of memories where more memories will be made. I like stories, especially those that remind us of how important Ripon has been in so many people’s lives. And, along with their stories, I really like the people. “Roads go ever ever on” is the first line of Bilbo’s walking song, which he chants upon his return to the Shire at the end of “The Hobbit.” He reprises the song, in slightly modified form, when he leaves home for the last time, at the beginning of “The Fellowship of the Ring.” Just before singing, Bilbo says: “Don’t you worry about me! I am as happy now as I have ever been, and that is saying a great deal.” We should all have such joy in leaving and in returning, in going, as Bilbo did, there and back again: Roads go ever ever on Under cloud and under star Yet feet that wandering have gone Turn at last to home afar. ~ J.R.R. Tolkien, “The Hobbit” Enjoy Ripon Magazine and everywhere it leads you. n

LETTERS to the E D I T O R MORE FACULTY NEWS WANTED The new look of the magazine is simply superb. However, I was disappointed to see that the old faculty news and notes section has been removed. While I think the new “spotlight” sections that give extended coverage to individual student and faculty projects is wonderful, I miss those brief notes that update readers on the many and diverse accomplishments of our unique scholarly community. I know I often turn first to that section when I receive my own alma mater’s magazine — the faculty names spark many fond memories, and I find charting the changing interests and activities of my old professors one great way to feel connected to a distant but still beloved community. BRIAN BOCKELMAN ASSISTANT PROFESSOR OF HISTORY (Editor’s note: We are introducing a new “Campus Notes” section in this issue to supplement the alumni news in the “Class Notes” section. “Campus Notes” will include some of the recent major faculty/student/organizational news items. A complete listing of faculty news and notes will continue to be available on the Ripon College website:

IT’s a trade secret Kudos on the new format. You’re now Thoroughly Modern Millie. There was a surreal moment as I paged through the Winter 2012 magazine. I opened the page to the Alumni Profile with the heading “Make them laugh.” My wife walked into the room at the exact same moment and turned on the local classical radio station. And the host was playing the musical version of “Make Them Laugh” — apparently a one-time movie-themed program. How could you have planned that? STEVE JOHNSON ’58 SHOREWOOD, MINN.

GEORGE MILLER TOUCHED LIVES My only thoughts to add to the beautiful letter and memories captured by Terry Capes related to the life of Dr. George Miller, professor of history, are simple. Dr. Miller really enjoyed the story, adventure and lessons of history. He was thorough and interesting while making sure we gained an appreciation of the wisdom and courage demanded of those who came before us. Like so many of the professors, administrators, coaches and workers at Ripon, we were blessed to be educated and matured by some of the best and brightest Ripon College had to offer. Dr. Miller was one of those special professionals who genuinely touched our lives. Thanks, Dr. Miller, for your outstanding teaching and warm memories we who were your students are fortunate to hold in our hearts and minds. JACK BENNETT ’71 PLOVER, WIS.

Ripon Magazine a welcome arrival The Winter 2012 Ripon Magazine was a welcome item to our house. There were 15 items of great interest to me, even though I attended Ripon College for only one year, 1948-49. Of course, I have enjoyed all the other issues of the magazine, also. I’m so grateful that Ripon does such a great job of publishing to the alumni. Bob Hess ’52 Plymouth, Mich. SUBMIT YOUR LETTER TO: Letters to the Editor, Ripon Magazine, PO Box 248, Ripon WI 54971-0248 or email

From the A R C H I V E S

Textbooks: Tradition & Change Ripon celebrated its 146th Commencement May 13 with the theme of “Liberal Arts Colleges: Tradition and Change.” Just a week earlier, most students took part in an ageold tradition of selling their textbooks back to the bookstore, usually with disappointing results. This was because of their memories of spending far more on the very same books just four months earlier. Even though most of these same students have never Clark Graham, professor of English and speech bought a new car, they already (1916-45), with a group of students in Lane Library now are prepared for the major devaluation experience once they drive that new car off the lot. Although griping about the cost of books is a longheld tradition among college students, there are changes to this tradition on the very near horizon. In the past few years, students have been able to rent their textbooks at a cost far less than what they would have spent had they bought and resold the same books. In the next few years, many of those same textbooks likely will be read instead on laptop computers, iPads and other tablets. Additionally, there is another movement in academia to make textbooks available for free via open source projects like the one at the University of Minnesota. The program is still in its infancy, and work is being done on methods to peer-review the texts and to improve their quality. Because the cost of textbooks is becoming increasingly challenging for students to financially shoulder, the importance of this project likely will grow. In 1864, textbooks were a much different affair. Rather than visiting a college bookstore to see which books were required for each course, the entire curriculum and titles of the required books were printed in the college catalog for students to see. This was, of course, possible because every college student took the exact same courses as the other men or women in the program. There was a separate curriculum for men and women, although women had the choice of taking the more comprehensive full collegiate course. The curriculum included significant coursework in the classics, but also in the sciences and mathematics. A selection of these texts is available on the College’s archives website, thanks to digitization projects run by HathiTrust. n By Andrew Prellwitz Librarian, Archivist and German Instructor

Archive exhibit: 1864textbooks SUMMER 2012





Ripon names Zach P. Messitte 13th president


ach Messitte is a man of carefully chosen words. Messitte, who began his new position as Ripon College’s 13th president July 1, describes himself as a “fierce” Scrabble player. “I’m someone who reads and likes words,” Messitte says. “I love the way you make words, connect words, build bridges off of them and learn new words. “I’m always ready for a game. My grandmother is in her mid-90s and still an avid Scrabble player. She used to let me win and be generous with the tiles.” In graduate school, Messitte developed a close friendship with students from Belgium, Great Britain and Israel. They took their love of the game to almost an obsession, Messitte says. They played together every Sunday afternoon and attended tournaments and Scrabble retreats. While most people in his life no longer will play against him, the four still maintain their competitiveness. “Now we’re in different corners of the world, but we still play each other online,” Messitte says. “In the morning, I play a few moves with my friends. It’s a way for the four of us to stay close and remain friends. It’s my



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vice, but if that’s my only vice, that’s OK.” Messitte’s global perspective has deep roots. He was born in Sao Paulo, Brazil, to Peace Corps volunteer parents, has the middle name of “Paulo” and carries dual citizenship in the United States and Brazil. He grew up outside of Washington, D.C., in Chevy Chase, Md., where his parents were involved in state, local and national politics. Messitte and his younger sister were always included in the discussions, he says. “Our next-door neighbors were diplomats, journalists and members of Congress,” he says. “I got interested in those kinds of issues at a very young age. We did a lot of international travel growing up. There was a real emphasis on studying languages and understanding world events.” He maintains strong ties with his childhood roots. “Many of my oldest and closest friends are people I grew up with,” he says. “My high school buddies and I get together every fall for a mean fantasy football game

online. Via football, I keep up with these friends.” Another tie he made in his high school years continues to impact his life. At age 17, as editor of the newspaper at Bethesda Chevy Chase High School, Messitte asked for an interview with David L. Boren, then a United States Senator from Oklahoma. Decades earlier, Boren also had edited the school newspaper and was one of the school’s most prominent alumni. They hit it off, and Boren suggested that Messitte do an internship in his office after Messitte finished college. He did so, then returned for a job with Boren who by then was chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, which oversees the Central Intelligence Agency and the rest of the intelligence community.

“I was the person who talked to the media on behalf of the committee,” Messitte says. “I had top secret code word clearance. I got to travel around the world and talk to intelligence in the field. But I couldn’t talk about what I learned to anyone!” After leaving the Committee in 1993, Messitte started graduate school in Bologna, Italy, and finished with a second year in Washington, D.C. He took a job as producer and researcher for Cable News Network (CNN), where he worked for senior Washington correspondent Judy Woodruff. “It was phenomenal working for her,” Messitte says. “There is an unfortunate stereotype of news anchors — particularly blonde, attractive news anchors — that they don’t know anything. That’s not who she is at all. She’s so smart and funny, targeted and an outstanding journalist. She raised my game. She taught me to make the extra phone call, care about the way words mattered and how to be dedicated to the craft.”








Messitte did background research for her, off-camera interviews and sound bites from all manner of world leaders. “Words were this common thread,” he says. “I learned how to ask questions and edit video tape to accentuate the most important words.” When Messitte’s girlfriend — now wife — Julia took a job on Wall Street in New York City, Messitte followed. He worked for the United Nations, writing speeches for the Italian undersecretary general, while he finished coursework for his doctorate in political science from New York University. He also did free-lance work for ABC news, including “World News Tonight” with Peter Jennings. “All these jobs relate very much to words and the use of words,” he says. Messitte’s broad interests led him to consider careers such as being a lawyer or a foreign correspondent, but his focus on teaching and writing led him to education. “I had seen the best of my professors in college and graduate school who didn’t just stand up and preach but motivated people to do things outside of class and spurred me in new directions,” he says. “I thought I could be that kind of motivator for students.” In addition to teaching, Messitte has held administration positions. He was the first director of the Center for the Study of Democracy and held a tenure-track position in the political science department at St. Mary’s



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College of Maryland. In 2007, he was recruited to come to the University of Oklahoma by his longtime mentor, Boren, who now was president of that university. Messitte became dean of the College

of International Studies, served as vice provost for international programs and held the William J. Crowe Chair in geopolitics as a faculty member. He taught classes on American foreign policy and hosted an award-winning radio show, “World Views,” syndicated on National Public Radio (NPR). “In college, I’d been a disc jockey on Bowdoin College (Maine) radio,” he says. “I spun records and talked about stuff with my roommates. It was fun.” At Oklahoma, he proposed an international affairs program where he interviewed prominent personalities as they came through the area. “I just loved it,” he says. “I could sit down with policy makers and diplomats.” He interviewed the guest for 20 minutes, then had

faculty colleagues comment on the subject for 10 minutes. He says this provided publicity for the university and instructional material for the classroom. “It’s pure fun,” he says. “It’s something I would like to explore replicating in some form at Ripon.” Messitte also has written numerous articles and coedited the forthcoming book “Understanding the Global Community.” All these experiences add breadth and uniqueness to his ability to lead an institution, Messitte says. “A liberal arts college is this great place where people can project all their hopes, ambitions and ideas,”

Messitte and his wife, Julia, with their sons: Sam, 10, and Jules, 8.

Messitte says. “You can like the sciences and the bassoon and also be a really good softball player. ‘If the president is a basketball player who loves Italy, American politics and radio, there’s a place for me, too, at Ripon,’ ” he says. “I can use all these skills to help people achieve more and do more. Colleges and universities are great places for people who have broad interests. A liberal arts college allows the opportunities and space to develop those kinds of diverse passions.” In his early days at Ripon, Messitte plans to learn about Ripon’s culture and focus on several priorities. “In the first couple of years at Ripon, I want to be out there publicly as much as possible,” he says. “Branding is important. I’d like to be able to tell the world more about what the College is about and doing things that draw attention to the College nationally.” A second priority will be fundraising. “I don’t have a problem with asking people for money if it’s something I believe in,” Messitte says. “Scholarships provide access to the American dream — getting a high-

quality college education. Everyone should be able to afford that. Liberal arts colleges play a unique role in preparing young people for careers, for life and for all the various curveballs that people are thrown. In a liberal arts education, you are exposed to all sorts of concepts and ideas and getting to know people very well. There is no substitute for these kinds of experiences.” He also wants to secure money to move things forward at the College, including renovation of buildings, faculty research and new faculty positions or chairs. Another focus is to continue to foster relations between the College and the Ripon community. “It’s part of the College in so many ways,” he says. He also is thinking about several smaller initiatives, such as making Ripon part of the circuit for political candidates when they visit Wisconsin. “I do hope at some point I’ll be back in the classroom,” Messitte says, “but probably not my first year. I enjoy it. It energizes me because I learn from students. You go off notes and think about things you might not

otherwise because you’re interacting with students. I like that intellectual exchange. “Additionally, I like the idea and perception that people see teaching as such an integral part of what the College is about that even the president teaches.” Messitte’s wife, Julia, is a lawyer who worked with the University of Oklahoma’s Office of Legal Counsel. “Whether she practices law or becomes involved in the community, she’ll be in the middle of something,” Messitte says. “That’s who she is.” Their older son, Sam, 10, plays piano and basketball and enjoys books such as the “The Hunger Games” and the “Harry Potter” series. Jules, who turns 8 this summer, practices tae kwon do and plays viola and soccer. They will vacation together this summer at Glacier National Park in Montana, where Julia worked for four summers during college. As the family settles into life in Ripon, Messitte will establish lines of open communication. “I hope to make myself completely approachable,” he says. “I’m not big on formality. I’m a bit young to be a college president (he turned 44 on June 24), and I’m not that far removed from being a newly minted Ph.D. and an assistant professor. “I believe you cannot be isolated in a position. You have to be in the middle of things. I’m open to ideas and debate. I want to be easy to talk to.” n




Class of 2012:

Facing New Horizons

Aimee Kaczmarek “reflects” upon the scene prior to the ceremony.


nder near perfect conditions — low 70s and clear skies — Interim President Jerry Seaman kicked off Commencement 2012 with the theme of “Liberal Arts Colleges: Tradition and Change.” “Graduates, carry with you and honor the potency of what you have accomplished here and what we have given you,” he said. “What you have done and what you will do are yours alone, but you remain a

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part of something larger.” The Distinguished Educator Award was presented to Nancy Ribbeck for her encouraging teaching style and her work in establishing singlegender classrooms in Beloit, Wis. Bryanne Tudor ’12 nominated her fourth-grade teacher for the award.

Professor of Philosophy Emeritus Robert “Spud” Hannaford received an honorary doctorate degree for his “unparalleled contributions to the intellectual and moral growth of students and colleagues.” Hannaford joined Ripon’s philosophy department in 1956 and continues to teach. The second honorary degree recipient and keynote speaker was Judith R. Shapiro, former president of Barnard College. She was chosen to speak because of her contributions and influence in the field of higher education. “Your Ripon experience is a gift that will go on giving to you in more ways than you can now imagine,” she said. “For one thing, your liberal arts education will make the inside of your head an interesting place to spend the rest of your life.”

The Medal of Merit was awarded to Dena G. Willmore ’67, the immediate past chair of the Ripon College Board of Trustees. She was recognized for her contributions to the College as well as her professional career as a partner with Wellington Management Co. Jeremy Johnson ’12, a communication and politics and government double major from Colorado Springs, Colo., was chosen as the senior class speaker. His address to the class seemingly enveloped his classmates’ collective Ripon experience. Johnson recalled the extreme range of emotions they experienced during their time at Ripon College, from the fun times sledding down Sadoff Hill to the hardships of a classmate losing her life. “We will always fondly recall our friendships, our relationships, our professors and this place we’ve been lucky enough to call home,” he concluded. In all, 210 students crossed the stage to the applause of family and friends before beginning their next journeys and facing new horizons. n

By Sam Poullette ’13 Plymouth, Wis.

These three young ladies paid tribute to “Mom” on Mother’s Day.

Professor of Anthropology Paul Axelrod and Professor of Spanish Michelle Fuerch hug their daughter, Sonia Axelrod, after presenting her with her diploma.

Jeremy Johnson, James Honaker and Sam Mutschelknaus SUMMER 2012 SUMMER 2012

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Two-decade journey ends with diploma It was a long road home for Aleksandar Dragin of Oak Park, Ill. He started coming to Ripon to visit his brother, Misko ’86, and sister, Vera Dragin Vlajkovic ’91, more than 30 years ago. “It’s been like a second home to me all my life,” Dragin says. He entered Ripon in 1991 but left 36 credits shy of his degree. Four years ago, he married his wife, Alexandra, a professor in Illinois. She encouraged him to complete his degree. He credits Registrar Michele Wittler in getting him back into Ripon and reconnecting with his adviser, Brian Smith. “He had my senior seminar on his desk for 15 years thinking I would come back to finish it!” Dragin says. Through credit transfers and additional coursework, he was awarded his degree in religion in September 2011 and participated in Commencement in May. “It’s something I always wanted to finish,” he says. “It lifted the weight off my shoulders. It’s opening other doors for me now, hopefully getting into graduate school to study elementary education.”

Professor of Philosophy Emeritus Spud Hannaford is all smiles at brunch.

Megan Heath shares a tender moment with her mother, Rita McGee, before the ceremony.

Dena Willmore ’67 received the Medal of Merit, the College’s highest alumni honor. Renee DeBruin



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Silvia Aragon with family after the ceremony.

Lauren Bowman receives a hug from Professor Diane Beres.

Faculty Advice: Commencement Commencement is the grandest of ceremonies and celebrations at Ripon. The event and the pomp and circumstance leading up to it can be a bit overwhelming for graduates and their families. Newer faculty, too, can find themselves a bit unprepared for the big day. We asked a few veteran faculty members to share some advice with their younger colleagues that future graduates and their families may do well to heed, also.

Alumni Board President Nick Spaeth ’04, at right, congratulates 2012 Alumni Senior Award winners Aris Wurtz, Brandon Taylor and Breena Brockman

“I absolutely have to have tissues in the sleeve of my gown — I totally lose it when the students march up the hill at the end and we all exchange hugs and good wishes. I’m really going to lose it this year as my son will be one of those graduates marching up the hill!” Diane Mockridge (pictured above with son, William Lindquist) Professor of History

“I store Kleenex and hard candy in my hat.” Jody Roy Professor of Communication/Assistant Dean of Faculty

“If commencement is outside and there is any hint of rain, take a cheap plastic poncho with you.” Robert Wallace Professor of Biology Professor of Exercise Science and Head Football Coach Ron Ernst presents the diploma to his son, John. James DeCleene

“Pre-plan where pictures will be taken or you will end up chasing each other around the upper campus, parents in tow, with cameras in one hand and a glass of lemonade in the other wondering where you went. Also, hard candy and sunglasses are a must!” Deano Pape Director of Forensics/Assistant Professor of Communication

“Wear lots of sun screen on hot Commencement days.” Michelle Fuerch Professor of Spanish and Portuguese

Ripon Extra: For more photos, Commencement speeches and video of the ceremony, visit

“Always wear sunglasses!” Jacqueline Clark

Cezar Muñoz

Associate Professor of Sociology




Educational opportunity opens world to Jamaican student

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Midya McPherson first came to Ripon in the fall of 2008. She is from Hagley Gap, a poor rural community in Jamaica, was already 22 years old and had been in the working world since receiving an associate’s degree from Excelsior Community College in Kingston, Jamaica. She had dreams of more education, she says, but finances were always an issue. “People are poor where I am from,” she says. “They go to high school, and they stop. It’s always about money. [Further education] is something everybody thinks about, but the motivation after high school falls apart if you don’t have support.”

Ripon college professors — including Joe Hatcher, Mary Avery, Geoff Guevara-Geer and Jack Christ — have taken students there for several years. “During the third trip or so, I was talking to the students about the trip and about how, despite our hard work there in the community, we were still getting more out of the experience than we were giving,” Hatcher says. “We decided that … we should supplement our contribution to the people of Hagley Gap area by bringing two students from that area to the College.” Then-President David Joyce came on board immediately. Out of 20 applications, McPherson and

There was support in McPherson’s close-knit family. She is the second-youngest of seven siblings. Her mother is a pre-school teacher, and her father is a farmer. Two cousins and an aunt have received higher education. One cousin has a master’s degree in accounting, and one has a medical degree. An aunt is a registered nurse. But further schooling remained elusive for McPherson until the Blue Mountain Project facilitated an opening. The Blue Mountain Project is a service-learning organization that serves the St. Thomas parish area, about 40 miles inland from Kingston.

Sandra Campbell were selected to be the first Jamaican students sponsored by Ripon College. “David Joyce simply said, ‘Yes,’ and moved levers and gears behind the scenes to get them money for books,” Hatcher says. “The Blue Mountain project paid their health insurance while they were here. And Midya and Sandra kept up their end by being very serious about their studies.” It was McPherson’s mother who first signed her up for the application. McPherson was living on her own and working in Kingston. “You hear about things like this and you don’t really

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expect it to happen,” McPherson says. “I was skeptical. I am so grateful people would put their money toward helping others get an education. I would never have studied any way else.” Coming to Ripon was a difficult adjustment, McPherson says. “When I came here, I had never traveled before,” she says. “I couldn’t relate to certain social situations.” Her aunt in Florida called her every single day, and “Ripon opened my mind to a lot of things and [taught me] to take a more objective look at the world from that lens. With everything around me, I try to put a theory to it. It’s a different environment in a small setting.” She participated in Black Student Union and Cultural Diversity Club events. “That was where I felt comfortable, with people who look like me,” she says. “I could be myself and explore my cultural ideas.” In her junior year, she was a resident assistant for firstyear girls in Johnson Hall. She earned a spot on the Dean’s List. And she worked for Sodexo Food Service. She also learned where her ambitions lie — in communication. “It’s how [Communication Professor] Jody Roy taught,” McPherson says. “She made me want to learn more. It was fascinating, and I realized that’s what I wanted.” McPherson turned 26 in June, and she is working an entry-level position in sales and marketing for a company in Illinois. She hopes to earn her master’s degree in communication and return to Jamaica in four to five years to teach. “If given the opportunity, I’d love to travel the world,” she says. n

Also graduating in May was Sandra Campbell. Campbell, who completed majors in global studies and history, joined McPherson in 2008 as one of the first two students from the impoverished Hagley Gap area of Jamaica to study at Ripon College.

Ripon Extra: For a video about the work Ripon College students are doing in Jamaica, visit:


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Video games: Advancing the future of narrative S

tory-telling and narrative are as old as human origins. But Robin Woods, professor of English, is fascinated by the ever-evolving forms of narrative. “Narrative is an old-fashioned thing,” she says. “Stories are how we construct and communicate our experiences. They’re what make us human. Humans are the storytelling animal in making sense of our experiences.” Woods enjoys many forms of narrative structure, including traditional oral literature, Victorian literature and popular literature such as crime novels. An outside interest is role-playing video games. In the spring of 2011, she took a sabbatical to explore how such games function as narrative and how that impacts players. “Most young people play video games,” Woods says. “This is where this generation gets a lot of its stories. Electronic entertainment is taking up more of our time. It’s important to me to see what that means in terms of stories since this really is a modern, electronic version of narrative.” She examined both the scholarly aspects of gaming, its impact on narrative and game theories; and how games can be used to teach narrative theory. She chose to examine just one game and its story, the way the story works and what it means to play this



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game. “Planescape: Torment” is a roleplaying game in which players control a first-person character avatar. The avatar searches for his identity and tries to figure out his place in the Planescape universe. This includes exploring the landscape, fighting monsters and interacting with nonplayer characters or other players. “But the game is really structured around a linear quest in which the player must confront his identity and the past choices he has made,” Woods says. “Through these choices, the character develops a moral sensibility that determines his ethical stance towards the world around him. “This is a plot you encounter in a number of different stories, but the effect is different when you play it as a game. You inhabit the consciousness of every character you play. This forces you to be all of these people. You can’t go forward until you experience what every character is experiencing.” Woods says this game, in particular, forces the player to consciously take on other people’s frames of reference. “That adds a significant dimension to the story-telling experience,” she says. “Nothing happens in a video game unless you make it happen.” Woods says her sabbatical work on this game “was exploratory surgery. I would like to see a lot more narrative

analyses of games. In particular, I’d like to see more analyses of the breakdown between story and discourse. Story is what happens. Discourse is how we learn about what happens. In ‘Planescape: Torment,’ the player has a hand in shaping the discourse and sometimes the story. The way we learn about the story can make a difference in how we see it and how we interact with it.”

She likes to examine ways stories can change when they move into different media, such as what happens to oral tradition ballads when they are written down. With video games, the story changes constantly and the games, themselves, are rapidly evolving. “A lot of work has yet to be done in this area,” Woods says. “It’s interesting to see academia respond

to a new discipline. It’s become a really broad field. It’s probably the future of narrative, and that’s why it’s important to understand it. “Video games — at their best -— can broaden the experience of the narrative, but for me nothing takes the place of books. I recommend a healthy regime of different kinds of media.” Woods has presented two papers

on “Planescape: Torment” and also has used what she’s learned in her narrative senior seminar at Ripon. “Narrative functions in a lot of different ways,” Woods says. “Ideally, games can help people think about their reaction to narrative and story. Story is part me and part you. A good video game can focus attention on what it means to be both self and other.” n






Pitching in Rieuwpassa does her part to lead red hawks


he Ripon College softball team is in the midst of its best run in history. The team has qualified for the Midwest Conference Tournament in seven of the last eight seasons. Ripon has won the MWC championship twice in that span (2009, 2011) and earned a trip to the NCAA Division-III Regional Tournament in both of those years. A big reason for their recent success has been the play of pitcher Stephanie Rieuwpassa. She has won

30 games during the last three years, including a 3-2 record in last year’s Regional Tournament (Ripon’s only NCAA playoff wins ever). “It was a privilege to pitch at Regionals,” says Rieuwpassa, a rising senior. “We were just glad to win the first game, with everything after that being a bonus. As a team, last season’s success provided experience at the highest level and it brought us together as a team, which has made us stronger.”

The Red Hawks won 27 games in 2011. Rieuwpassa received MWC North Pitcher of the Year and Second Team All-Region honors. The Waukegan, Ill., native finished 2011 with more than half of the team’s wins (14), while also setting a new single-season school record with 158 strikeouts, the secondhighest total in MWC history. With 134 strikeouts in 2012, Rieuwpassa now has 361 for her career. She’s just the second player in school history to record more than 100 strikeouts in multiple seasons. She also is the second player in school history to record more than 300 strikeouts in a career and is 87 shy of the school record with one full year to play. “Leaving Ripon as the all-time leader in strikeouts would definitely mean a lot because it shows how much work I’ve put into becoming a better player, but my team is a huge reason for my success,” Rieuwpassa says. “I wouldn’t be approaching any records if it weren’t for my teammates and coaches.” As exceptional as she is on the mound, Rieuwpassa is just as exceptional at the plate, where she ranks ninth in school history with a .337 career batting average. An exercise science major, Rieuwpassa is also in Ripon’s career record book in several other batting categories, including second in doubles (29) and fourth in home runs (10).

“I enjoy hitting, but when I’m pitching I can control the pace of the game and get into a rhythm,” Rieuwpassa says. “The strikeout record probably means the most to me because I’m a pitcher first, and that’s the number one thing that is expected of me.” Those expectations have been met so far, as she has recorded seven of the top 14 single-game strikeout performances in school history, including a school record 14 punchouts in a game earlier this season. Last year, against Carroll University, Rieuwpassa reached the ultimate individual goal for a pitcher, tossing a nohitter in a 2-0 victory. “It’s a nice accomplishment,” Rieuwpassa says. “But I don’t try to break records or throw shutouts or no-hitters. I go out on the field and try to stay focused and achieve the goal — to help my team win.” In her three years with the Red Hawks, Rieuwpassa has accomplished that goal more times than not. Ripon is 57-43 in that span, including a 22-12 conference record. She will have a chance to add to her legacy with a big senior season in 2013. Even without that final season, Rieuwpassa already has left her mark on Ripon, while the school also has left its mark on her. “My experience at Ripon College has been outstanding,” Rieuwpassa said. “The campus and atmosphere reminds me of home, which is what I was looking for in a school. I’ve met some really great people here — both on and off the field.” n

By Mike Westemeier Sports Information Director

Ripon Extra: For fall sports schedules, results and more, visit:

J O S TE NS R E C O G NI ZE S W U R TZ F O R all - around achievement Aris Wurtz ’12 doesn’t seem to have many problems on the basketball court. He finished his Red Hawks career ranked eighth in Division III in scoring with 25 points per game and third in Ripon history with 1,821 career points. His biggest problem off the court may be finding a room large enough to house all of his trophies. A Preseason Third Team All-American entering the 2011-12 season, Wurtz became just the fifth player in program history to be named to the All-American team at season’s end. For most players, that would be recognition enough, but Wurtz received more. He also became the first Ripon and second Midwest Conference player ever to earn the prestigious Jostens Trophy, given to a single D-III player based on basketball ability, academic prowess and community service. “The Jostens Trophy means a lot to me because it’s not just a basketball award,” Wurtz says. “It shows that I made a difference in the community and in my academic areas and represents a well-rounded individual.” Wurtz’s academic awards are on par with, if not exceeding, his athletic achievements. A triple major in economics, business management and philosophy, Wurtz maintained a cumulative grade point average of 4.0. As a result, the Waupun High School graduate was named Academic AllAmerican Player of the Year, and also to the Academic AllAmerican First Team for the second consecutive season. “I’m glad that I came to Ripon because it helped me achieve that distinction,” Wurtz says. “Ripon allowed me the opportunity to be heavily involved in campus activities along with athletics, and I was able to build a close connection with the faculty and staff. The College allows a person to become a well-rounded individual, which helps get you prepared for the ‘real world.’ ” That is a world that Wurtz is ready to step into. He hasn’t nailed down the specific job title he would like just yet, but he does know exactly what that job should entail. “I want to make a difference in people’s lives,” Wurtz says. “There is no documented profession that particularly represents that, but there are plenty of professions that can bring you in that direction. It’s just a matter of finding one thing and having a passion for it.” SUMMER 2012




Where did you hang out? Earlier this year, Ripon Magazine sent alumni an e-mail asking about their favorite “hangouts” during their undergraduate years at Ripon. We received an overwhelming response from alumni about favorite on-campus and off-campus places to socialize and special memories of those spots. Apparently, many of our alumni had very good times around town as students!

The Spot Friday nights. A pitcher of draft beer (12 glasses) was one dollar. A glass was a dime. Those of us from the less affluent backgrounds would buy one glass and tablehop all night, getting refills along the way. Then walk (escort for safety) the society gals home and get a quick kiss at the door. The bartender (Ray Schiefelbein ’60), our classmate, is now a retired pastor. Karl Piotrowski ’60 Aiea, Oahu, Hawaii I am fairly confident that during our freshman year, my beloved and un-Googleable roommate Danny Kimling and I set a record by going to The Spot every night from orientation through well into the second semester. It was no hangout. It was home. James Harris ’71 Great Barrington, Mass. The Spot was the off-campus spot where most of the college students hung out. And, while I can remember going downstairs to the beer bar and having been seen by Darrel, the bartender, who had my beer poured for me before I ever got to the bar, my personal favorite memory of The Spot has to do with a homework assignment I talked one of my professors into giving. I was taking a class titled “Voice and Diction.” The class had been working on the phonetic alphabet. The assignment: go downtown to The Spot and practice our knowledge of the phonetic alphabet by

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[phonetically transcribing] conversations of patrons who had overindulged! I don’t think anyone ever turned in homework from that assignment, but it sure was fun. Steve Illich ’73 Crystal Lake, Ill.

Feeling high-spirited on pledge night of our sophomore year, Bill “Topper” Haljun (my fellow Armenian) and I managed to get ourselves kicked out of The Spot. Our crime? We were doing the latest dance, “the twist,” on top of a table. Marilyn Briese (the owner) was not amused, so she hustled us right out of there, banished for the evening. In my mind’s eye, I can still see us twisting the night away; I know just where that table was — just left of the stairs that led up to the bathrooms. Sylvia Ashton ’64 Bayside, Wis. The Spot was the place to be. It was never empty as where else would you go for 10cent beer, conversation, flirting, dancing and great pizza. Who knew who you would find when you went down those stairs — as you tried to peer through all the smoke? There were no worries about calories, cigarette effects or drinking too much. A special place, a special time. Deb Johnson Van Slyke ’60 Scottsdale, Ariz.

Ripon Extra: For more favorite hangout stories visit:

In the 1970s, the east side of the 100 block of Watson Street, “The Square,” was home to such estblishments as Flat-Tops Tap, Peanuts Tap, The Grill and the Campus Cinema.

My memory is not too sharp, but I recall a nonalcoholic place, Tubby’s, on the square — a soda shop; and a bar called The Office. The Spot also was a favorite. The water tower might have been a gathering place for guys and their gals. H. Dale Balliett ’39 Bradenton, Fla. For a ’60s student, The Spot was the hangout, due to the then-18-year-old beer bar law. For seniors, there was the Friendly Tavern. Ideally situated with a rear door facing the campus, it was physically possible to sprint to the rear door during the 10-minute break in the two-hour Historiography class, down a “Blue Blazer” and sprint back to class. There was also the “4 o’clock Friendly” gathering on Fridays, and Red’s Tavern was helpfully located near the Laundromat. Jim Thorsen ’65 Idaho Falls, Idaho

From 1962 to 1966, The Spot was the place to be on the weekends in the evening. A lot of time spent dancing, socializing, eating pizza and drinking beer with Bud (the owner). The Water Tower was the late afternoon, early evening (Saturday) spot before going to The Spot. There were many rounds of “gotcha avalanche” played at The Water Tower in early spring, especially after a snowfall. Greeker’s was the place for Greeker sausages and beer anytime during the week. Moxie’s Supper Club on the way to Green Lake was our “upscale” night with great herring, cheese and crackers. And finally, the arrival of Dog and Suds was the place for burgers, hot dogs and shakes on Sunday. Steve Finley ’66 Franklin, Tenn.



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Gothic Mill Pond

Davis Hotel When we were without “the girls,” we went to Peanuts where they had 10-cent beers and free shuck-your-own peanuts, shucks tossed on the floor. For fancier stuff, we liked the bar at The Davis Hotel. This photo (above) was taken there in the late ’40s. It shows my future wife, Carol “Pat” Patterson ’51 and me. Could have been before a dance or maybe before the Thursday “dress-up” night dinner at the commons. Carol passed away in 1997, and I have since remarried. My wife likes the picture and says that I look like I was “really in love.” We did have some good times! Robert B. Clarke ’50 Neptune Beach, Fla. We returning veterans (aged 21+) went to the Davis Hotel Bar. Marcus A. McCorison ’50 Worcester, Mass. When I had the luxury of hanging out, it was at The T — the bar in the Davis Hotel. I still remember the bartenders, Spike and Shorty. A draft beer was a dime, and a bottle of Old Style Export was a quarter. We played Liar’s Dice and listened to some great tunes on the juke box. Afterwards, we frequently adjourned to the Greek’s for bean soup or hot dogs. Kenn Jacobs ’53 Wilmington, N.C. We hung out mostly at The T bar at the bottom of the hill and across the street at The Spot. Dave Runkel ’54 Palm Beach Gardens, Fla.



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Somewhere between 1975 and 1979, a small group of Ripon College students became good friends with Gothic Mill Pond (although I don’t remember it was called that back then). There were four of us, all were on the Ripon College hockey team, which was started in 1971 as a club team. By the time we were playing, in the later 1970s, there were 15 or more of us on the team, although, sadly, we were no better than when the team was first founded. I do not recall ever winning a game. During the winter, at night when we were not playing against Lawrence or St. Norbert, we would head down to the mill pond to skate. Although we were sophomores or juniors by that time, it felt more like we were 12 or 13, hitting the local pond for a late night skate on the local pond. One of our crew, Matthew Leisure ’79, would yell out as we skated into the dark, “Adventure People!” We would all respond with the same “Adventure People!” and laugh wildly as we flew across the black ice. Every so often, the ice would crack and boom as it was expanding, sending us hurtling toward shore, thinking we were all going to fall through. We never did. It has been more than 30 years since then, and I have gone on to live in five different countries, traveling extensively for work and pleasure. And, despite the novelty and interest I find in many of the places I visit, I still remember feeling as adventurous and full of life as at any point since while skating across the mill pond yelling “Adventure People!” into the dark. David M. Spencer ’79 Budapest, Hungary

Greeker’s We hung out at The Spot a lot, but my favorite hangout was The Greeker’s. The owner called it something else, but “The Greeker’s” hung on because the former owner was Greek. It was a 21 bar, so we all told them we were 21. I think they knew that wasn’t true, but let us get away with it, anyway. Nobody ever checked. Al would serve a “Greeker with the works,” which was a hot dog steamed to perfection in a bun with freshly chopped onions, a special hot beef sauce, topped with a pickle slice and served on a piece of waxed paper. The thing got pretty sloppy, so you had to nurse it up to your mouth, but man, they were addictive. And you had to wash it down with a glass of beer. Or two. I tried transporting Greeker’s to Madison, but they didn’t travel well. No flavor left by the time they got there, and it took two weeks to get the smell out of my car. Tim Merker ’65 Presque Isle, Wis. It’s gotta be the Greeker’s! Wonderful dogs with great, great sauce and mustard, and, of course, a draft! Donald Duncan ’52 Kansas City, Mo.


There was also a totally “townie” bar called Les & Bunny’s. There was always a late-night challenge: “I dare you to go get a pickled egg.” Keith Grant ’84 Highland Park, Ill.

Bender’s Bender’s! And The Beckening actually topped Bender’s. Molly Northrup Mickel ’87 Durango, Colo. Freshman year it was The Beckoning, a dance place. Sophomore through senior years, it was Bender’s Bar. Most Beta Sigs hung out there when not having huge parties in our frat, the end of Bovay Hall. Bob Buth ’85 Menomonee Falls, Wis.

Jim Swenson ’78 takes a bite of a Greeker’s hot dog at Alumni Weekend 2003. Sodexo Food Service did its best to recreate the fabled entrée for the event using a provided recipe.

Definitely Bender’s for my crowd. Countless nights spent living the college dream with Mr. Bill at Bender’s. The entire memory makes me miss Lori “Jojo” Kometer Basaldu ’91 and Michelle “Lips” Ryan Bartlett ’91. Karen “County Trunk KK” Kaull Weiss ’91 Salt Lake City, Utah

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FACULTY & STAFF ROBERT AMSDEN, professor of theatre, is one of 20 scholar-artists selected nationally to participate in a seminar on Greek theatre sponsored by the Council of Independent Colleges. The week-long 2012 summer seminar, “Song Culture of Athenian Drama,” will be held in Washington, D.C., on the grounds of the Center for Hellenic Studies. JACK CHRIST, professor of leadership studies and chair of the department, was honored in March 2012 for much earlier achievements. He was inducted into the Collingswood High School (N.J.) Athletic Hall of Fame. He was part of the 1960-61 undefeated wrestling team (12-0), and Christ competed unbeaten during the regular season. The 1961-62 team posted an 11-0-1 record and won another Group Four championship. JACKIE CLARK, associate professor of sociology, is president of the Wisconsin Sociological Association. RICK COLES, associate professor of exercise science and offensive coordinator of the Ripon College Red Hawks football team, presented five sessions on different topics at the Glazier Clinic, a football coaches clinic held in Chicago, Jan. 4, 2012. LAMONT COLUCCI, associate professor of politics and government, served as Fulbright-Diplomatic Academy of Vienna Visiting Professor of International Relations during the Academic Year 2011-12. He presented “The National Security Doctrines and Strategy of the United States – A Legacy of Three Centuries” at the Annual Conference on Terrorism and Global Security in September 2011 in Washington, D.C. ERIC CRUISE has been named head coach of the Ripon baseball team. He served for 11 years as an assistant coach and the last two years as associate head coach for the Red Hawks. He also worked for the Oshkosh Giants in a semi-pro league and at Oshkosh West High School. He replaces Bob Gillespie, who retired after 23 years as head coach of the program. SEONG GRAHAM, instructor of music, is the music director of the Youth Orchestra for the Fox Valley Symphony. KEN HILL, professor of theatre, will present “Shakespeare Unplugged,” Sept. 7, 2012, at the Worlds Together Conference at the Tate Modern Museum in London. Worlds Together is a collaborative conference between the Tate Modern, the British Museum, the National Theatre and the Royal Shakespeare Company (RSC). Hill’s presentation will demonstrate a method for teaching Shakespeare in increments, having student explore and play with the sounds and word combinations in short speeches as a way of linking to understanding, memory, and individual learning experience.



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After 37 years in Ripon’s physics department, Mary E. Williams-Norton retired at the end of the spring semester with some clear goals for the future. She is looking forward to spending time on her 45-acre rural home in the town of Dekorra, Wis., and to not driving the 120-mile commute five to seven days a week. She also wants to continue her outreach work such as that she advised for the Physics Fun Force, a group of Ripon physics students who visit elementary school classrooms to do science activities with children. “That’s the sort of thing I really like to do,” Williams-Norton says. “Research shows that if children’s attention isn’t caught by science by the fourth-grade level, they won’t go in that direction. I like to open that pipeline and keep that as wide as possible. For example, girls are still under-represented in the physical sciences, as are boys and girls from a number of ethnic minorities. The more diversity in science the better; the more we’ll discover and the better our nation will be.” Williams-Norton retired as a professor of physics and chair of the department, and the Harrison E. Farnsworth 1918 Chair in Physics. PAUL JEFFRIES, associate professor of philosophy, attended the fifth annual conference of the International Society of MacIntyrean Enquiry at Providence College in Providence, R.I. He presented a paper, “Philosophical Autobiography: Method and Pedagogy for a ‘StoryTelling Animal.’ ” He also recently became the Ripon College representative on the Executive Council of the Wisconsin Institute of Peace and Conflict Studies.

She advocates more support for the sciences, both monetarily and in early and continued education. “It’s in our national interest since technology drives the economic system to a great extent,” she says. “STEM courses – science, technology, engineering and mathematics – are vital to keeping our country productive.” She says scientific concepts of investigation, asking questions, forming hypotheses and gathering data can be done on a very simple level in kindergarten or even before. “I try to make science as fun and realistic as possible, rather than memorization of vocabulary,” she says. Williams-Norton also has a great interest in Welsh-American culture, heritage and Cymraeg (Welsh language). She has led two Ripon Maymester groups to Wales. “I would describe teaching as a vocation for me,” Williams-Norton says. “I have to do it. It’s not just for the money. I want to try to introduce as many students as possible to the sciences.”

RYAN KANE has been named the 26th head basketball coach in the program’s 114-year history. He is a Green Bay native and 1999 graduate of St. Norbert College. He was an assistant coach at Lawrence University for one year; served a five-year stint at Dominican University in River Forest, Ill.; and for the past four years, he was the top assistant coach at Loras College in Dubuque, Iowa.

KRISTINE KOVACK-LESH, assistant professor of psychology, co-wrote “Contributions of attentional style and previous experience to 4-month-old infants’ categorization,” which was scheduled to appear in the journal “Infancy.” MOLLY MARGARETTEN, assistant professor of anthropology, has been selected to be the Associated Colleges of the Midwest Faculty Director for the Tanzania: Ecology and Human Origins Study Abroad Program during the fall semester of 2012. She will teach a research methods course at the University of Dar es Salaam and oversee all aspects of the program, including a six-week field stay in Tarangire National Park in Northern Tanzania. Margaretten recently published “Standing (K) in: Street Youth and Street Relatedness” in the anthropology journal “City and Society.”

The 2012-13 school year will be the first time in 34 years that Bob Gillespie won’t be roaming the sidelines as a head coach at Ripon College. The Red Hawks’ longtime men’s basketball and baseball head coach announced his retirement this spring at the conclusion of the 2012 baseball season. In his 32 years as a head coach, Gillespie has compiled a combined coaching record of 866527-3 in basketball and baseball. As Ripon’s men’s basketball coach, Gillespie took the Red Hawks to new heights, winning six Midwest Conference championships and taking the team to 10 NCAA Tournaments. Gillespie experienced just four losing seasons on the hardwood, while recording a schoolrecord 22 consecutive winning campaigns from 1983-2004. He finishes his career as the school’s all-time winningest basketball coach, and his 510-248 career record gives him a winning percentage of .673, which is among the top 40 in Division-III history.

MCKENZIE LAMB, assistant professor of mathematics, presented the results of his paper, “The Poisson Geometry of SU” (1,1), with Philip Foth, to the Joint Mathematics Meeting in Boston in January 2012.

JEN MUELLER, head softball coach, and RYAN KONITZER, assistant coach, received the National Fastpitch Coaches Association Regional Coaching Staff of the Year Award for softball.

STEVEN MARTIN, associate professor of communication, published the article, “Governor Scott Walker’s Strategies for Taking on Public Unions,” in the “Journal of Contemporary Rhetoric.” A peer-reviewed publication, JCR is designed to make scholarly rhetorical criticism accessible to the public. Martin also has agreed to serve on the JCR editorial board.

Deano Pape, assistant professor of communication and director of forensics, was a workshop instructor at Harvard University July 1 through 15. Sponsored by the Harvard Debate Council, the Summer Workshops provide opportunities for high school students from across the country to develop expertise in a debate or speech event. Pape was curriculum director for students participating in United States and International Extemporaneous Speaking. He also provided instruction for students participating in Congressional Debate and mentored new coaches who attended the workshops with students.

DIANE MOCKRIDGE, professor of history, was one of the planners for the Associated Colleges of the Midwest conference, “The Power of Place: Facing the Challenges of On-Site Teaching and Researching,” held at Ripon College in March. She has advised and taught on-site in the ACM London-Florence Program.

On the baseball diamond, Gillespie has led Ripon to six conference championships and three NCAA DivisionIII playoff appearances, while compiling a 342-269-3 (.559) record in 23 years as the head coach. He was a part of seven more MWC baseball championships as an assistant coach under his father, Gordie, from 1995 to 2005. Gillespie has earned several distinguished honors during his storied career, including his induction into the

Ripon College Athletic Hall of Fame in 1996 and into the Wisconsin Basketball Coaches Association Hall of Fame in 2008. Possibly his greatest honor came in 2010 when Ripon College announced that the basketball court in Wyman Gymnasium at Storzer Center shall be named Bob Gillespie Court. “I know I will never be able to accurately describe my feelings for Ripon College and the many great players I have had the privilege to coach,” Gillespie says. “I have been very fortunate to have worked at such a great institution with excellent coaches, and the faculty and staff have been very supportive during my time at Ripon College.” On May 29, Gillespie was honored with throwing out the ceremonial first pitch prior to the Championship Game of the NCAA Division III World Series. Ryan Kane will replace Gillespie as Ripon’s basketball coach, and Eric Cruise will be the new baseball coach.






British naval policy and foreign policy in the early Victorian period of the British empire are examined in “Deterrence through Strength: British Naval Power and Foreign Policy under Pax Britannica.” This is the first book by Rebecca Berens Matzke, associate professor and chair of the history department. It was published by the University of Nebraska Press in the summer of 2011 and has been receiving favorable reviews. Britain’s power in the early Victorian period was not circumstantial but rather based on real economic and naval strength as well as resolute political leadership, Matzke says. “The Royal Navy’s main role in the 19th century was to be a deterrent force, a role it skillfully played,” she says. “Britain was basically the closest thing the world had to a super power at the time. The book looks at how Britain used its navy to get what it wanted and accomplish foreign policy goals without going to war. “The navy was really important for deterrence. The British used it to signal their power to other countries in the hope of getting what they wanted so they didn’t have to use force.” In the case studies she examined, Matzke



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found that the signal worked against the United States and France. When it did not work — against China — Britain went to war. Matzke says previous books have focused on British foreign policy or on the British navy but made few connections between the two. Her book has interested military history scholars and has been reviewed in military historical and professional journals, she says. She now is working on a different sort of book, focusing more on social and cultural history. She is from Nebraska, where a missile base was built right outside of her hometown during the Cold War. “Nobody has written any comprehensive coverage of how local communities reacted to the fact that you have these nuclear weapons right in your backyard,” she says. “Suddenly, you’re part of the Cold War deterrent policy and possibly a target.” She says she is doing research through personal interviews and reading through local newspapers and Air Force records. “It’s about deterrence in a completely different way,” she says.

JODY ROY, professor of communication, and Shawn Karsten ’09 collaborated with a group of nearly three dozen medium-security inmates to produce “Breaking Through to Boys in Crisis: Insights from Inmates,” a resource guide for those trying to help critically at-risk youths. The document is available free of charge from the National Association of Students Against Violence Everywhere at RAFAEL SALAS, assistant professor of art, had exhibits of his work in several locations this spring. His painting, “Lucid Dreams,” appeared at Portrait Society Gallery in Milwaukee’s Third Ward in January. Other works of his appeared in two group exhibitions at EFFJAY Projekts in Sheboygan, Wis. Salas’ paintings are represented at Circa Gallery in Minneapolis. Salas also designed the cover for Margaret Rozga’s book, “Though I Haven’t Been to Baghdad” (Benu Press, 2012) and the album cover for Brian Seymour’s recording, “Speak to Me of Young Love.” BRIAN SMITH, professor of religion, presented a paper at the annual Midwest Academy of Religion conference at Augustana College, Rock Island, Ill., in March. This is one of the five regional organizations of the American Academy of Religion, the national professional association for religious studies scholars in the United States. The paper, “Religion and Violence in Hinduism and Buddhism: Past and Present” was presented on the Asian Religions panel. Smith was joined by two students who also gave presentations at the conference. Abby Haak ’12 (psychology major/religion minor) presented “Hindu, Buddhist and Christian Demons and Demonic Figures: A Comparative Analysis of Animated Figures in Contemporary Film,” on the Asian Religions panel. Samuel Mutschelknaus ’12 (religion) presented “The Chaplaincy: History, Scripture and Modern-Day Relevance” on the Practice and the PostModern Community panel. Smith also took six Ripon students to Panama for 10 days in January to help Fr. Wally Kasuboski complete a dam in the mountains to bring fresh water to hundreds of those in his mission territory. Kasuboski (a native of Ripon) received an honorary degree from Ripon in 2010 for his 25 years of humanitarian work in Panama. This is the second college trip Smith has led to help Kasuboski. The first was in 2008. TOUOROUOUZOU HERVE SOMÈ, assistant professor of educational studies, published “In Search of Sources Other than Governmental in the Financing of Higher Education in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Word of Caution beyond the Gains” in the Sept. 16, 2011, issue of “Journal of Higher Education in Africa.” Somè also gave the presentation, “Community-Driven Alternatives to Education in the Neoliberal Context of Burkina Faso,” at the First Critical Pedagogy Conference, University of West Chester, Pa., in November 2011. He also published “The Magnificent Elephant That Was Promised Showed Up Lame: The Ten-Year Development Plan of Basic Education and Education

for All (EFA) in Burkina Faso,” as a chapter in Curry Stephenson Malott & Bradley Porfilio (eds), Critical Pedagogy in the Twenty-First Century: A New Generation of Scholars. His paper, “Hip hop intellectuals critiquing Western hegemony and Neoliberalism in Burkina Faso: A Youth Counterculture Movement” was presented at the American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting in New Orleans. LORNA SOPCAK, associate professor of German, presented the paper “Memory Contests: Erinnerung vs. Gedächtnis,” at the European Studies Conference in Omaha, Neb., in October 2011. Sopcak also conducted an interactive session, “Kunst auf Deutsch,” at the Minnesota Council on the Teaching of Languages and Cultures Conference in Brooklyn Center, Minn., in October 2011, and the interactive session, “Stilleben beleben: More Strategies for Using Art to Teach Language,” with Mark Wagner, Nicolet High School, Glendale, Wis., at the Wisconsin Association for Language Teachers conference in Appleton, Wis., in November 2011. She also chaired the session “Enriching Interdisciplianry Initiatives in Small Undergraduate German Programs” at the National American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages convention in Denver, Colo., in November 2011. KYLE SZABO, assistant professor of music, was invited to participate in the conductor’s workshop at the Conductors Guild 2012 Annual Conference in Chicago. Szabo is one of only 10 applicants invited to conduct the Midwest Young Artists Symphony Orchestra and receive feedback from a panel of master faculty. MARTY WAHLE has been named the head men’s and women’s swim coach. He comes to Ripon from Misericordia University in Dallas, Pa., where he served as the assistant men’s and women’s swim coach and men’s team recruiter. ROBERT WALLACE, professor of biology, cowrote (with Segers, H., W. H. De Smet, C. Fischer, D. Fontaneto, E. Michaloudi and C. D. Jersabek) “Towards a list of available names in zoology, partim phylum Rotifera,” which appeared in a recent issue of “Zootaxa.”

STUDENTS JEREMY JOHNSON ’12 (politics and government/ communication), highlighted in the Winter 2012 issue of Ripon Magazine, was named an Academic All-American at the American Forensic Association’s National Tournament at Texas State University, one of only 12 students from across the nation to be so honored. This is regarded as one of the highest achievements a student can earn in college forensics, and includes rigorous assessment of academic transcripts, record of competition, recommendations, and service to his community. Johnson also won the national championship in Forensics Criticism at the National Forensic Association (NFA) tournament, hosted this year by Ohio University.

Jackie Goeden, shown here helping a senior at the Cap and Gown Party in 2009, was a welcoming face in the bookstore from 1990 to her retirement May 25. She was born and brought up in Oshkosh, Wis. She was working in a retail store in Ripon when she was invited to work in the College’s bookstore, and she had remained there ever since. “My parents always said the greatest attire is a smile,” she says. “I’ve liked everyone here – the students, faculty, staff. I got to meet everybody new, see them graduate and stay in touch afterwards. It’s family.” He also made it to the national quarterfinals in persuasion and extemporaneous speaking. Ripon College ranked seventh in the nation as a team in Division III – and Johnson’s events represented Ripon College’s entire entry. At the Interstate Oratory in Boston, Mass., Johnson was named a national semi-finalist. After serving as the first Ripon College student to qualify to Interstate Oratory (2010) in nearly two decades, he ended his college career having qualified three consecutive years. MC NAIR SCHOLARS SELECTED: New and continuing 2012 McNair Scholars from Ripon have been selected. They have committed to undertake a rigorous academic and personal journey to graduate school with the ultimate goal of earning a doctorate degree. Ripon’s McNair Scholars are: LISA AGUILAR ’13 (psychology), SAMANTHA ANGELL ’14 (psychology), ELIZABETH BROWN ’13 (English), AMANDA GESIORSKI ’14 (history), ANDREA SLOSSER ’13 (psychology), KYLUN STEGGALL ’14 (chemistry), ALI MARTIN ’13 (global studies), COURTNEY KEMNITZ ’13 (anthropology), RACHEL BORZICK ’13 (religion), PAUL HAUSCH ’13 (physics/art) and SHELBY SWIGGUM ’13 (psychology). Graduating McNair Scholars are: MARIANA CELIS (biology), who will attend the ChicagoRush University College of Nursing to begin her master’s of science; JEREMY JOHNSON (politics

and government/communication), who will study for his doctorate at Penn State University; JOSIE ULLSPERGER (psychology), who will study for her doctorate in clinical psychology at the University of Iowa; BRYANT VANDE KOLK (physics), who will study for his doctorate at the University of Notre Dame; CORY WATZIG (political science/national security), who will study in the Bush School of Government and Public Service at Texas A&M University; and VICTORIA WEBER (communication), who will study communication studies at Colorado State University. ROTC COMMISSIONING: The Ripon College ROTC Department held its 2012 spring Commissioning Ceremony May 11. Newly commissioned officers are: BRANDON KASUBASKI (psychology/military leadership minor), ANDREW MANS (politics and government) and JOHNATHON SUCHY (history). ETHICS BOWL: Ripon competed in its first national contest of the Association for Practical and Professional Ethics’ Intercollegiate Ethics Bowl, held in Cincinnati, Ohio. Ripon scored a win against Dartmouth College, champions of the Northeast Regionals. Ripon’s team included: BRYANT VANDE KOLK ’12 (physics), KYLE RUEDINGER ’13 (biology/chemistry), MATTHEW ROHRBECK ’13 (politics and government/communication), PAUL MEUER ’13 (environmental studies) and SOPHIA KAOUNAS ’14 (politics and government/communication).






The 1940s

JOHN JAMRICH ’43 of Jacksonville, Fla., writes

that as of April 25, 2012, he has performed 1,187 one-hour piano recitals in the patient lounge of Mayo Clinic: Florida as the pianist in residence. The photo was taken when he played his 1,000th hour at the piano in 2010. He is a member of the clinic’s volunteer group. Jamrich is president emeritus of Northern Michigan University. “My years at Ripon were significant, career-determining years, beginning with my acceptance as an Air Force cadet in the meteorology program in 1942,” he writes. “My Air Force assignment (because I could speak Russian) was as the weather liaison officer for the Soviet flight squadron stationed at Fairbanks, Alaska; I provided the flight forecasts for them for their flight from Fairbanks to Siberia as part of the Lend Lease arrangement President Roosevelt made with Stalin. They decided on the route from Great Falls to Fairbanks, then to Siberia and finally to the European front. Over this route, we sent a total of more than 8,000 aircraft to Russia.” RAYMOND H. MC LEOD ’44 of Lincoln, Neb.,

BARBARA LLOYD NICKELS ’54 of Evanston, Ill., was back from Tucson, Ariz., where she had lived for 20 years, and spent the winter at Westminster Presbyterian Home in Illinois. She hopes to spend the summer in Green Lake, Wis. “I miss Ray (’54, who died in 2011),” she writes. “We were married for 59 years.” ARTHUR ABT ’55 lives in a condo in Bonita

Springs, Fla., from November through April, and in Northbrook, Ill., from April through November. RICHARD L. SCHULZE ’58 of Baraboo, Wis., is

the retired president/owner of Best Ex Inc. He sold the business in 2005 and retired completely, Jan. 1, 2008. He now enjoys hunting, reading and being active in three nonprofits and also a for-profit. He is a partner in a real-estate holding firm. ROBERT J. GRESENZ ’59 of Orange, Calif.,

The 1950s THOMAS HARTNETT ’50 of Oconomowoc,

The 1960s

Wis., and his wife, Bunny, will celebrate their 64th wedding anniversary in August. They were married for his last 11/2 years at Ripon. They have eight children, 18 grandchildren and eight greatgrandchildren, and they enjoy family gatherings and school events. Hartnett writes that on Oct. 8, 2011, “I had the privilege to be on the Stars and Stripes Honor flight to visit the World War II Memorial in Washington, D.C. It was a very tremendous and humbling experience as two large planes carried more than 200 veterans and their individual guardians to Washington. Almost half of the veterans needed wheelchairs! When we returned to Milwaukee at 9:30 p.m., about 3,000 people were at the airport to welcome and thank us for our service with signs, flags, cheers, high-fives and hugs. That tremendous welcome really brought tears to our eyes.”


ROBERT D. HOVEY ’52 of Mission Hills, Kan., writes: “Retired March 24, 2006, after 50 years to the day in the practice of intellectual property law with the firm of Hovey Williams LLP in Overland Park, Kan.”

writes: “We are enjoying the softball career of our 13-year-old granddaughter, Kacie Taylor. She is pitching more than 60 miles an hour and has pitched numerous no-hitters for her travel ball team in southern California. We are looking forward to our annual July vacation in Waupaca and plan on visiting Ripon College at that time.”

writes: “Retired. Lost my wife of 46 years in February 1991. Remarried 1994. Second wife died December 2006. Been at Eastmont Towers, Lincoln, since 1992 to date. Have four grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren.”


VILMA BUTCHER CARLSON ’51 of Tekonsha, Mich., writes: “I spent two weeks in gorgeous New Zealand last September and loved the scenery, ‘Kiwis’ and found the Maori culture fascinating. After a few days in beautiful Sydney, Australia, I went up north to snorkel at three different sites at the Great Barrier Reef. What a fantastic display of such varied sea life that few people ever get to experience! I am a very fortunate 82-year-old!”

RIPON College

LEE JESS ’61 of Grand Rapids,

Minn., was selected as the 2012 Minnesota Dental Association Guest of Honor at the association’s annual convention. He was honored by nearly 9,000 dental professionals in attendance at the convention. Jess has been actively engaged in the dental profession and important causes for more than 40 years. He has been involved with organized dentistry at the district, state and national levels.

DAN BEHRING ’62 of Manistee,

Mich., has been named the 2012 Significant Sig by the Sigma Chi Fraternity. It is the fraternity’s highest honor for achievements in their professional careers and service in their communities. It will be presented Aug. 3. He is the second member from Ripon to receive this honor, joining JIM LAUFENBURG ’79. More information is available at http://www.sigmachi. org/2012significantsigs.html PETER BOCK ’62 of Washington,

D.C., gave a Technology, Entertainment, Design (TED) presentation, “Emergence of Creativity in Artificial Intelligence,” in October 2011 in Washington, D.C. Bock will visit Ripon to present a seminar in September. He now is retired from teaching computer science at George Washington University. His talk can be viewed on YouTube: JUVENNA CHANG CHANG ’64 of Honolulu Oahu, Hawaii, writes: “Lost my husband to Alzheimer’s in May 2011. Returned to work as interim director, program services, Kamehameha Schools. Tennis, jazzercise and six grandchildren keep me busy.” BOB FLECK ’65 of Columbus,

Ga., is a retired distinguished professor and chair at Columbus State University’s D. Abbott Turner College of Business. He currently is employed by Northcentral University as a fulltime professor of business in the School of Business and Technology Management. Northcentral is 100 percent online and fully accredited. Fleck’s duties include curriculum and assessment/accreditation. He has presented, written or co-written more than 200 scholarly papers during his academic career. SANDRA FOERSTER BROOKE ’66 of Reno, Nev., writes: “I retired from teaching for the Department of Defense Education Activity in Germany after 31 years. I have moved to Reno, Nev.” MELISSA KEYES ’66 of Madison, Wis., has

retired after a lifetime in educational roles. She received a master’s degree and a Ph.D. in educational administration from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. She taught high school French, then worked at the Department of Public Instruction as a sex equity consultant, helping Wisconsin K-12 schools provide equal education opportunity for girls and boys. She then had her own business doing the same work. She now is volunteering in Madison and traveling.

ALUMNI RYAN CUSTER AMACHER ’67 of Lake Shore, Minn., has

a new book, “A Baby Boomer’s Guide to Their Second Sixties” (Sunstone). “While this book was written for male Baby Boomers and their significant others, it also includes Boomer history and what lies ahead as we experience the decade of our own 60s,” Amacher writes. The book covers Boomer issues, all in the context of our Boomer culture, and Amacher finds humor in all of the aging experiences. It is available on Amacher is an economist and has been a professor at the University of Oklahoma, economics department chair at Arizona State, business dean at Clemson University, and president of the University of Texas at Arlington where he is now a professor of economics. He has worked at the Pentagon, writing a market plan for the All-Volunteer Army; the Federal Trade Commission as a consultant; and the U.S. Treasury on the Law of The Sea negotiations. BERNADETTE “BUNNY” NIHLSON LONGDEN ’67 and her husband, Tim, have moved to Vero

Beach, Fla. They plan to spend their summers in Wisconsin with their children, and their grandchildren: eight girls and one boy, who range in age from 9 months to 12 years old. MARTHA “MARTY” STENDE ’67 of Hot

Springs, S.D., married Richard Knutson, Feb. 23, 2012. MIKE CLAREY ’68 of Birchgrove, Australia, writes: “I’ve been living in Sydney for 25 of the last 35 years. I have three children and four grandchildren. Two of the children live overseas (as do all the grandchildren) with one child in England and one in Chapel Hill, N.C. I’ve spent last seven years since leaving full-time work as a non-executive director of three companies listed on the Australian Stock Exchange. Looking forward to full retirement this year or next.” WILLIAM B. CRAMER ’68 of Stroudsburg, Pa., was inducted into the East Stroudsburg School District Meritorious Hall of Fame. An attorney, businessman and philanthropist, Cramer ran his family’s business as president/chairman of the board of directors of what was then known as Cramer’s Cashway Inc. In 1979, he founded the law office of Cramer, Swetz and McManus. He also is involved in numerous community organizations. PATRICIA E. NEVERS ’68 of Hamburg, Germany, retired in October 2010 and is spending more time in the United States. PETER UHRIG ’68 of Austin, Texas, retired in

July 2011 as the insurance programs manager of the Independent Insurance Agents of Texas. He had worked with the trade association for 18 years. He now is doing more reading, volunteering and golfing.


Trickey ’71 promotes life skills through football camps


lifelong love of sports has led Jeff Trickey ’71 of Pewaukee, Wis., to offer quarterback camps for high school and youth quarterbacks around the country. Now in its 23rd year, the organization has a new owner — former Wisconsin Badger and Green Bay Packers quarterback Randy Wright. Trickey is the founder/director. The Jeff Trickey/ Randy Wright Quarterback Camps ( are held at 32 camps in 13 states around the country. “I played quarterback at Ripon College,” Trickey says. “I had a wonderful experience with Coach John Storzer. I taught physical education and health for 34 years. My son, Matt Trickey ’04, also played quarterback at Ripon. We all have fond memories.” Trickey started the quarterback camps in Waukesha where he was head football coach at Waukesha South High School. The program is aimed at training high school and youth quarterbacks to develop sports and leadership skills. “We focus on development of the unique and demanding individual skills of the quarterback position both on and off the field,” Trickey says. “We attempt to teach character through sports and leadership skills that will carry on and affect other people. The motto of our camp is to accept the risk of leadership.” There are two programs: a youth camp for players in third through eighth grades; and a high school camp. “In some parts of the country, they start very, very young in their football experience,” Trickey says. “Initially, if a young boy has some aptitude toward being a throwing athlete, he comes to our camps. He will get the experience, and then grow with it.” The camps have grown to the point where 2,000 to 2,400 students each year attend from more than 40 states, Canada and some European countries. For the full story, see the website at: SUMMER 2012 SUMMER 2012



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Tenn., has closed her remodeling company and retired after 23 years in business. JOHN ERICH ’69 of Milwaukee, Wis., writes: “Recently opened an office for my law firm, Reinhart Boerner, in Scottsdale, Ariz., so no plans to retire until they boot me out. Also busy as an officer and director of two nonprofits which provide affordable housing to low-income individuals and finance community economic development.”

The 1970s HENRY KNUEPPEL ’70 of Beloit,

Wis., served as interim chairman and CEO of Harsco Corp. during its recent search for a permanent successor. Knueppel is a member of the board of directors of the worldwide industrial solutions company. He recently retired as the chairman and CEO of Regal Beloit Corp. GEORGE C. CLAM ’71 of Woodridge, Ill, retired

March 9, 2012, after 38 years in the banking business. He writes: “At a certain point in life, you realize that time and good health are your most precious resources, and that realization prompted my decision. I intend to use my time enjoying full-time family life with my wife, daughter and grandchildren. Also, part time, I’m starting a financial planning practice office in Oak Brook, Ill. My current good health will facilitate some travel I’ve postponed and, hopefully, I will continue playing baseball and softball in suburban Chicago. Retirement is off to an auspicious start with unseasonably warm March weather. I might actually have to take up golf!” BRUCE HAFFNER ’72 of Wilmette, Ill., teaches chess to 340 K-8 students in five schools in Glenview, Ill. He is looking for friends to motorcycle with this summer. His son, Will, graduated in June from the University of Chicago, and his daughter, Claire, will be a junior there this fall. He married Mary Moran, July 7, 2005. NOEL DALTON ’73 of Woodstock, Vt., writes

that his family is busy with athletics. He is enjoying skiing and loves living in Vermont. MICHAEL MIZEN ’73 and MARGARET “PEGGI” SEELBACH MIZEN ’75 have moved

to Lakewood, Ohio, to be near family. “We have a lovely home right on Lake Erie – visitors welcome,” they write. BILL STARKE ’73 of Vail, Ariz., is a loan officer

for People’s Mortgage Co. in Tucson, Ariz. ELIZABETH HENDERSON BARRATT ’74 of

Carmel Valley, Calif., has published three books in three years. “Images of America: Carmel Valley, California” was published by Arcadia Press in 2010; a biography of her great-grandfather, “A



RIPON College

Country Doctor in the Valley of Heart’s Delight: The Life and Times of Gilroy Pioneer Physician and Mayor Heverland R. Chesbro, M.D.,” by Walsworth Publishers in 2011; and “The Centennial History of All Saints Episcopal Church in Carmel, Calif.” this year. STEVEN JOHNSON ’74 of North Oaks, Minn., retired in August 2011 from his position as CPA/ shareholder/director at Olsen Thielen & Co. Ltd. He had been with the firm for 35 years. JAN PETROVSKI MAC LEOD ’74 of Clarendon Hills, Ill., has been elected president of the Clarendon Hills Library Board. She is in her second four-year term as a library trustee and previously served three years as treasurer. VIRGIL STUCKER ’74 of Mill Spring, N.C., is the founding chairman/president of the Foundation for Excellence in Mental Health Care and founding executive director/president of CooperRiis Healing Community, therapeutic communities. He previously spent 14 years working at Gould Farm, America’s oldest therapeutic community for individuals recovering from mental illness. Gould Farm, founded in 1913 in Massachusetts, is one of the models CooperRiis has followed. BARBARA COLEOPY ’75 of Queretaro,

Mexico, married Lord John Porter, March 19, 2011. “When we married, I became Lady Barbara Porter,” she says. They married in Las Vegas but were living in Vancouver, BC, Canada. She retired from teaching special education in June 2011. They now are living in Queretaro, Mexico, which she describes as “a beautiful, safe, prosperous and affordable city of about 2 million. The weather is perfect!” RUTH FRECHMAN ’75 of North

Hollywood, Calif., has published a book, “The Food is My Friend Diet,” published by Gales Publishing in January 2012. Ruth is a registered dietitian, certified personal trainer, and owner of On the Weigh in Burbank, and she has helped clients lose weight and feel energized for more than 20 years. The book details how to eat healthily and stop emotional eating. It is available at;; and The book trailer video can be viewed at JONDI GUMZ ’75 of Scotts

Valley, Calif., received the 2011 Ruby Award for Women Helping Women from Soroptimist International of Capitola-by-theSea. The award recognizes her work as a journalist with the Santa Cruz Sentinel.


Rochelle, N.Y., just completed 23 years as controller of Siwanoy Country Club. DICK O’CONNOR ’75 of Olympia, Wash., teaches high school science at Pope John Paul II High School in Lacey, Wash. LAURIE HAYNES CURTIS ’77 of Kingwood, Texas, is a school counselor at Willow Creek Elementary School.

The late DICK REHBEIN ’77 was profiled in Yahoo! Sports about his career and his efforts as the first quarterback coach for Tom Brady of the New England Patriots. Rehbein was inducted into the Ripon College Hall of Fame in 1997 as a football and track athlete. He had been an assistant coach with the Green Bay Packers and then worked with the Minnesota Vikings, New York Giants and New England Patriots. The story can be accessed at SUSAN LENNON SOLBERG ’77 of Greenville,

Wis., retired in June 2010 after teaching for 34 years in the field of early childhood education. “I am relishing this new season of life and the opportunity to pursue new interests, including furniture refinishing and knitting,” she says. GINNY MC GEHEE CONDON ’78 of Colchester, Vt., won a

Distinguished Service Award in November from the Vermont Association of Broadcasters. Condon was honored as the longest-serving female disc jockey in Vermont history and for her involvement in many local charitable causes. She started at WJOY-AM in Burlington in 1983 and today hosts the morning “Breakfast Table” program. She is a board member of the VermontNew Hampshire Red Cross and a former board member of Champlain Valley Crime Stoppers and other local organizations. She frequently mentions Ripon College on the air and proudly displays a Ripon bumper sticker on her car. While at Ripon, she was the first female member of the Ripon men’s lacrosse team. ROBERT MEYER ’78 of Moscow, Idaho, writes: “I am relocating from the Kettle Falls/Colville/ Chewelah, Wash., metroplex to the Pullman, Wash./Moscow, Idaho, metroplex.” PATTI KRUG MORRELL ’78 of Northfield, Ill.,

owns an interior design firm. DR. JONATHAN MURASKAS ’78

of Palos Park, Ill., was the lead author of an article in the journal “Pediatrics” about the world’s two smallest preemies, whom he cared for at Loyola University Medical School. A story about the girls appears on http://

Muraskas also was named a Top Doctor by U.S. News and World Report. He ranked in the top 1 percent in his specialty, neonatology. Muraskas is co-medical director of Loyola’s Neonatal ICU, and a professor in the Departments of Pediatrics and Obstetrics & Gynecology, Divisions of Neonatology and Maternal/Fetal Medicine, of Loyola University Chicago Stritch School of Medicine. Muraskas received an honorary degree from Ripon in 2007. JUSTIN NIEBANK ’78 of Franklin, Tenn., won a 2012 Academy of Country Music award for Audio Engineer of the Year. It is his fourth award in the category. More information can be found at MIKE RAINEY ’78 of Northwood, N.H., was

promoted last year to administrator of the waste water residuals management section of the New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services, a long-time career goal. He also is an avid cyclist, covering thousands of miles a year on his recumbent bicycle. JIM EVANS ’79 of Miami, Fla., is the chief

executive officer for Africair Inc. SUSAN MEIER ’79 of Chevy

Chase, Md., has started her own consulting firm. She is now principle of Meier and Associates. Meier consults with nonprofit executives and board leadership to identify governance challenges and opportunities and to implement proven strategies to address a broad array of governance issues.

The 1980s ALAN KLAPMEIER ’80 of

Cloquet, Minn., the CEO of Kestrel Aircraft Co., was featured in a Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel newspaper article about the moving of the business’ offices from Duluth, Minn., to Superior, Wis. Klapmeier helped found Cirrus Aircraft with his brother, Dale, in 1984. He left Cirrus in early 2009. The article can be viewed here: ANDREW SCHMIDT ’81 of Wausau, Wis.,

writes: “I’ve been a busy person this past year. I missed the 2011 reunion due to a two-week cruise/tour to Alaska; missed the Delta Upsilon dinner in November due to court; and missed my last newsletter — I guess I recycled it! SUSAN (ANGELL ’80) and I have a Norwegian exchange student this year.” MICHELE BATTLE ’81 of Charlotte, N.C., is a

GEORGE MARCUS ’82 of Madison, Wis., is the program director at Today’s Q106 MidWest Family Broadcasting, and he is the principal at Keyes Creative LLC. JERRY HARDACRE ’81 of Racine, Wis., was elected chief of staff at Wheaton Franciscan Healthcare-All Saints. He took office Jan. 1, 2012, for an initial four-year term. He also continues to be the chairman of the department of surgery. JAMES HOYNES ’82 of Carlsbad, Calif., has

signed an acquisition agreement with the American West Baseball League for the San Diego, Calif., territory. He has served in the United States Marine Corps and for Lockheed Martin at Camp Pendleton, Calif. His personal and professional passion is minor league baseball. DIANNE PACOLT ’82 of Menasha, Wis., teaches human biology and advanced placement biology at Neenah High School. She also is a Wisconsin Interscholastic Athletics Association volleyball official and an area director for the People to People Student Ambassador Program, a national organization that offers cultural experiences for students overseas. LINDA BROWN ’83 and her husband, Tim

Papienski, of Sherman Oaks, Calif., have adopted a daughter, Lily Marie Wenhui Brown, from China. She was 17 months old at the time of her adoption in late 2011. STEVE HOPP ’83 of Akron, Ohio, has been vice

president of Gallagher Benefit Services, Hudson, Ohio, since January 2011. The company provides health insurance for corporations. Hopp was inducted into Ripon’s Athletic Hall of Fame June 22 for his achievements in football. LAWRENCE WALL ’83 of Greenfield, Mass., has

taken over Qwaruba Sheepskin Slipper, which supplies slippers wholesale nationwide and retail at a store in western Massachusetts. The company also is developing a website. “I enjoy three working trips to Hong Kong and China every year,” Wall says. K. PATRICK YARBROUGH ’83

of Rockford, Ill., has received the 2012 Whitney M. Young Jr. Service Award and a 2012 Diversity Award from the Blackhawk Area Council of Boy Scouts of America. He is involved with Big Brothers Big Sisters of the YMCA of Rock River Valley, the Blackhawk Area Council of Boy Scouts of America, and the Children and Court Courts Foundation (The Kids’ Place). He is an associate judge in the Office of the Winnebago County State’s Attorney.

ERIC NIKOLAI ’86 of Saint Jacob, Ill., a retired

lieutenant colonel in the U.S. Army, is the Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear (CBRN) staff officer for Centra Technology Inc. at the United States Transportation Command, Scott Air Force Base, Ill. DAVID PRESUHN ’86 of Fridley, Minn., is an information technology contractor with TekSystems, currently at Boston Scientific. DARRYL WOOD ’87 of Vancouver, Wash.,

is an associate professor of criminal justice/ political science at Washington State UniversityVancouver. BETH LAUFENBURG BARTON ’88 of Stella, N.C., is the personal

and professional development program manager at the Marine Corps Base Lejeune, Jacksonville, N.C. This program consists of four branches of service: career assistance, education assistance, libraries and referral resources for relocation. She is helping to revamp the current Transition Readiness program to better prepare Marines and sailors for life after service. “I really do love my job,” Barton says. “You can’t ask for a job with more relevance nor one that is more rewarding.” SCOTT GUSTAFSON ’88 of Naperville, Ill.,

is enjoying his newest position as the 416th Theater Engineer Command in Darien, Ill., as the Deputy G3. “Enjoying the four seasons once again,” he writes. He still is serving in the Army Reserves (on an active duty status since 1997) as a lieutenant colonel with more than 26 years of service and three deployments in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom. CAROLYN AGACINSKI CLARK ’89 of Renton, Wash., writes: “Life continues to be fun and adventuresome in the Northwest with my husband, Brad, and pets Norton (dog) and Mamacita (cat). I am busy as a registered nurse in three adult family homes for medically intensive clients.” BARBARA PAMPERIN ’89 of West Bend, Wis., has been promoted to lead Web developer at the International Foundation of Employee Benefit Plans.

The 1990s CRAIG GRONINGER ’90 of Janesville, Wis., is

the customer service manager at Harder Corp., a distributor of janitorial and packaging supplies.

technical writer for Octapharma Plasma Inc.






The Mickel family (from left): Trudy, 11; Alex; Molly, holding their dog; Charlie, 7; Freddie, 5; and Benji, 13.

MIKE SPALDING ’90 of Schofield, Wis., has been promoted to personal trust manager for private client services at Associated Bank. He is responsible for providing customized investment, estate planning and financial solutions for business owners, professionals and other high-net-worth individuals, foundations and endowments in central and northern Wisconsin. KARL FELD ’91 of Clayton, N.C., was

interviewed by UNC-TV, North Carolina’s statewide television network. Feld is vice president of international research at Abt SRBI, a full-service global research and strategy organization providing research and analysis for business, government and research institutions. The interview can be accessed at http://video. ERIN KINNEY LUEDKE ’91 and her

husband, Kevin, of Oshkosh, Wis., have a son, Ethan David Luedke, born Oct. 5, 2011. He was born 11 weeks early and spent eight weeks in the Children’s Hospital Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) in Neenah, Wis., but is now a “happy little guy,” according to Erin. BRENDA BILLERBECK BAUSKE ’92 of Tomball, Texas, is an adjunct instructor of German at Lone Star College-Tomball. She also is the faculty adviser for the college’s Deutschklub (German Club). In April, the club was awarded Best Emerging Club for the second year in a row, and Bauske was named club adviser of the year by the college’s student life office. DEAN KOWALSKI ’92 of Waukesha, Wis., recently published two books, his fourth and fifth overall. “The Philosophy of Joss Whedon” (University Press of Kentucky) is an anthology of newly commissioned essays exploring the philosophical underpinnings of the creator of “Buffy the Vampire Slayer,” “Angel,” “Firefly/ Serenity,” “Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog” and “Dollhouse.” Dean was co-editor of the book, wrote a chapter and co-wrote another. The second book, “Moral Theory at the Movies: An Introduction to Ethics” (Rowman & Littlefield Publishing) is a 350-page textbook using 36 contemporary films to help students learn about the nature of ethical truth, venerable moral theories from the history of philosophy, and how ethics is related to leading the good life. Kowalski is an associate professor and chair of the philosophy department at the University of Wisconsin Colleges.



RIPON College

A wild family adventure


everal years ago, Molly Northrup Mickel ’87 was working in a good business job with Ford Motor Co. She had received a master’s of business administration degree after graduating from Ripon, but after three years in the corporate world, “I realized I wasn’t cut out for nylons and a business suit,” she says. “This was not how I wanted to spend the rest of my life.” When her family attended a wedding in Colorado, she arranged a family rafting trip. “I just fell in love with the rivers,” she says. “I went back to the corporate world and started planning my departure.” She took a job with a rafting outfit in Durango, in southwest Colorado, and met her future husband, Alex, who worked for a competing company across the street. They started their own business, Mild to Wild Rafting and Jeep Trail Tours Inc. ( in 1996, and the business quickly grew. The Mickels and their team of 80 employees now serve about 20,000 guests each year with 77 different trip options in Colorado, Arizona and Utah. Trips range in length from two hours to four days. The river rafting trips are for ages 4 to seniors, ranging from mild to the toughest commercially run trip in the United Sates, Mickel says. “The Upper Animas River is a unique river, classified whitewater,” Mickel says. “In two days, there are more than 100 rapids, which is really a lot. These are class 3, 4 and 5 rapids — wet and fun, big drops and violent rapids, respectively.” For the full story, see the website at:


Minn., writes: “I’m celebrating 16 years with Ameriprise Financial in downtown Minneapolis, Minn. My current role is a senior business analyst in the annuity project management office working on new product development and system enhancements.”

JENN POSTERICK ’96 married

Kristopher Hawkins, March 26, 2012. They live near Boulder, Colo., and Jean owns and operates Intent Bodywork LLC. She is a massage therapist and yoga instructor. She also teaches Thai yoga bodywork and produces a product line inspired by traditional Thai medicine.

JENNY WHITE KUPCHO ’00 of Eagan, Minn., is the director of activities and the volunteer coordinator at Highview Hills, a senior living community. CHARLIE LARSON ’00 and KERSTEN HOLM LARSON ’00 of Menomonee Falls, Wis., have

STACEY VENTURA ’93 of Glen Ellyn, Ill.,

GREGORY YOWELL ’96 of Colorado Springs,

a daughter, Rachel Rose Larson, born Dec. 25, 2011.

married Joseph Koszela, Aug. 16, 2008. They have a son, Samuel Joseph Koszela, born July 12, 2010.

Colo., is a part-time substitute teacher for the Falcon School District.

TIM REICHWALD ’00 of Scottsdale, Ariz.,

FREDRICK H. SANDERS ’97 of Chicago is an

is the divisional manager for bodily injury at Ameriprise Auto and Home Insurance.

account manager at Medtronic (AF Solutions). ERIC ATKISSON ’94 of

Alexandria, Va., started a new job in November as a public affairs specialist at the U.S. Patent & Trademark office and is studying public relations and corporate communications at Georgetown University. He and his wife, Jianying, have a daughter, Sophie, who is in first grade at Browne Academy in Alexandria. KATHERINE BRADY ’94 of Irvine, Calif., is a senior environmental scientist at URS Corp. she is working on her engineer-in-training exam, pursuing a professional engineer license.


husband, Robert Knotts, of Alexandria, Va., have a daughter, Anna Joy Knotts, born March 17, 2012. DANIEL “D.J.” CURRAN ’98 of Madison,

Wis., married Kim Gmur, Sept. 17, 2005. They have a son, Parker Dominick Curran, born Jan. 18, 2012. Curran also is now the telehealth program manager for Dean Clinic/St. Mary’s Hospital in Madison. Telehealth uses technology like video conferencing to provide healthcare more conveniently and timely. BRIAN DES PLAINES ’98 of Milwaukee, Wis., has been named vice president-private banking for the Milwaukee area at Johnson Bank. He has more than 13 years of banking experience, most recently as assistant vice president of M&I Wealth Management in Milwaukee.

TODD “T.J.” JOHNSON ’94 is a

lieutenant colonel and recently returned from a deployment to Afghanistan. He has assumed command of Headquarters and Headquarters Battalion, 25th Infantry Division, of Schofield Barracks, Hawaii. A ceremony was held May 15. His wife, AMY CRAIG JOHNSON ’96, trained for and recently completed the Disney World Marathon.


Phoenix, Ariz., has been named vice president of staffing for Honeywell. He most recently served as vice president of staffing for Aerospace and regional staffing leader for Honeywell North America.

ANDREW “DREW” PETERSEN ’94 of Verona, Wis., has been

appointed to the Wisconsin Technical College (WTCS) Board by Gov. Scott Walker as a public member. Petersen, vice president of external affairs and corporate communications for TDS Telecommunications Corp., will serve a six-year term. VINCE PADILLA ’95 of Sun Prairie, Wis., was

invited by the television program “Good Morning, America,” to submit photos for a February story about the growing popularity of boudoir photography across the country. Vince owns Vibrance Photography (vibrancephotography. com). RANDY JOHNSON ’96 of Kamuela, Hawaii,

graduated from the Traditional Chinese College of Hawaii in acupuncture. He also takes people out swimming with dolphins part time.

JEFFREY KOCH ’99 and his wife, Amy, of

Poynette, Wis., have a son, Sawyer Jeffrey Koch, born April 19, 2010. JEANNE NORTON SHERA ’99 of Wamego, Kan., is a research associate at the Kansas Polymer Research Center at Pittsburg State University in Pittsburg, Kan.

The 2000s SARA MOLINSKI GALLEGOS ’00 and her

husband, Dustin, of Denver, Colo., adopted their 5-month old daughter, Ella Mujinga Gallegos, in January 2012 from the Democratic Republic of Congo.

GAIL GITCHO ’01 of Boston, Mass., is communications director for Gov. Mitt Romney’s presidential campaign. For a sampling of Gitcho’s recent national news appearances for Romney, visit DANTE HOUSTON ’01 of Milwaukee, Wis., is a talent acquisition consultant for Miller-Coors Brewing Co. KRISTI SIGURSLID PASKEY ’01 and her

husband, Christopher, of Lodi, Wis., have a son, Daniel Haak Paskey, born April 12, 2012. ADAM MALSACK ’02 of Montello, Wis., is the co-owner of Lake Arrowhead Campground. LAYNE SAMPSON BURKETTE ’03 and her

husband, Blair, of Jackson, Wis., have a son, Brek Sampson Burkette, born Feb. 1, 2012. GINA COMPITELLO ’03 of Tucson, Ariz., is the marketing assistant/events coordinator at the Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum. Her duties include planning special events for the museum, coordinating social media and developing a concert series. Thus far, the job also has allowed her to feed an otter, visit with baby hummingbirds and get up close and personal with hawks, snakes and bighorn sheep. MEGHANN MORRISSEY JARCHOW ’03 of

Boone, Iowa, plans to receive her doctorate in sustainable agriculture and ecology and evolutionary biology from Iowa State University this summer and will begin at the University of South Dakota as an assistant professor directing its new sustainability major. She and her husband, Nate, have a son, Emerson Russell Jarchow, born Feb. 27, 2011. RYAN JOHANEK ’03 and TARA RABIDEAUX ’07 were married Sept. 17,

2011. They live in De Pere, Wis. Ryan is a loan officer at Denmark State Bank in Green Bay, Wis. Tara graduated from the University of WisconsinMadison School of Veterinary Medicine in May 2011. She is a veterinarian at Apple Valley Veterinary Clinic in Appleton, Wis.






CARISSA RIVARA ’03 of Ripon, Wis., married Justin Sorensen, June 26, 2011. Carissa owns Yellow Horse LLC, where she is a professional horse trainer.

MIMI KRUEGER PONTARELLI ’04 and her husband, Michael, of Aurora, Colo., have a son, Michael James Pontarelli, born May 27, 2011.

ADAM FIELD ’04 of Portage, Wis., is the chief of

NICK SPAETH ’04 and his wife, Briana, of

staff for State Representative Dean Kaufert from Neenah. He also was re-elected to his second term as a county board supervisor in Columbia County in April 2012.

Plymouth, Wis., have a daughter, Harper Ann Spaeth, born Feb. 10, 2012.

JESSIE JARECKI ’04 of Sunnyvale, Calif., is completing her post doctorate work in developmental neuroscience at San Jose State University. She also is doing research in synapse formation. DIANE KEELING ’04 of Grand Terrace, Calif., graduated with her Ph.D in communication from the University of Colorado May 2012. She has accepted a position as assistant professor in rhetoric and media studies with the University of Maine beginning this fall. MAX KELLN ’04 of Indianapolis, Ind., has joined the environmental group at Faegre Baker Daniels LLP. As an associate, he practices from the firm’s downtown Indianapolis office, representing clients in brownfields matters, environmental litigation and environmental permitting. TYLER LUNDT ’04 and MELISSA LUND ’04 of Schaumburg, Ill., were married July

21, 2007. They have a son, Trey Lundt, born Feb. 10, 2012. Melissa graduated with a master’s of arts degree in early intervention in deaf education from Fontbonne University in May 2004. She teaches deaf students at Child’s Voice School in Wood Dale, Ill. Tyler is a corporate sales representative at E.A. Langenfeld and Associates in Mount Prospect, Ill. LINDSEY GORSKE MICHELS ’04 of Ripon, Wis., graduated in May 2011 with a master’s degree in criminal justice from the University of Wisconsin-Platteville. CANDICE NORTH ’04 of Jacksonville, Fla., graduated with a doctorate from the University of Arizona College of Medicine in May 2012. She started a family medicine residency at the Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville, Fla., in June 2012. DEE PETTACK-LYONS ’04 of Sun Prairie,

Wis., is the Chief of Staff for State Senator Luther Olsen (R), who serves Ripon and neighboring communities from Waushara to Dane counties. She and her husband, Terry Lyons, have a son, Collin Michael Lyons, born Oct. 4, 2011.

JESSICA REED BOCCIA ’05 and her husband, Mark, of Mokena, Ill., have a son, Reed Brian Boccia, born Oct. 1, 2011. He spent 81 days in the neonatal intensive care unit before coming home. CHRISTOPHER A. LISOWE ’05 of New Holstein, Wis., married Amie Bauer, June 17, 2011. CHRISTINE THRASHER ’05 of Chicago

married Russ Bilbrey, Oct. 14, 2011. Christine works in the claims practice for Marsh, a global leader in insurance broking and risk management.


RIPON College

e-commerce strategist at Heartland Advisors. GUY MCHENDRY ’06 of Salt Lake

City, Utah, received the 2012 Ramona W. Cannon Award for Graduate Teaching Excellence in the Humanities from the University of Utah. He teaches in the department of communication in the areas of rhetoric and critical/cultural studies. He also has had an essay, “Fascism and the Classroom” accepted for publication in the journal “Liminalities: A Journal of Performance Studies.” He also received the Steffensen Cannon Scholarship for Graduate Study at the University of Utah 2012-13. WILLIAM ABBS ’07 of Philadelphia, Pa., is an associate attorney with a law firm in Philadelphia. He also has his own practice, Abbs & Console, LLP.

ANNE ACKERMAN ’06 of Oshkosh, Wis., is a

special education teacher at Oshkosh North High School and an assistant women’s basketball coach at the University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh. KYLE BJORN ’06 and SARAH STEFFEN BJORN ’08 of Sheboygan, Wis., have a

daughter, Abigail Elizabeth Bjorn, born Jan. 1, 2012. KSENIA VLADIMIROVNA BORISOVA ’06

of New Berlin, Wis., is a pediatric ICU nurse at Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin. She and her husband, Omer Inegol, have a daughter, Lina Ayshe Inegol, born Aug, 22, 2011. KHAATIM BOYD ’06 of

Memphis, Tenn., earned a master’s degree in higher education student affairs from Indiana University-Bloomington in May 2010. He is currently a phonathon coordinator with the University of Memphis. RACHEL BRUMMER ’06 of Chanhassen, Minn., is a senior account manager at SPS Commerce in Minneapolis. HAYLEY DOYLE ’06 of Minneapolis, Minn., has been a major gifts development assistant at Minnesota Public Radio since March 2011. She is also in the Prairie Fire Lady Choir for fun. NICOLE ERIKSON ’06 and Peter Calhoun of Lake Mills, Wis., have a son, Travis Daniel Calhoun, born April 26, 2011. KATE GILES ’06 of St. Paul, Minn., is completing

her master’s degree in education at the University of Minnesota. She expects to graduate in the spring of 2013.


NICOLE KLAAS ’06 of Milwaukee, Wis., is an

BRYANT BEDNAREK ’07 and JESSICA CHATMON ’08 of Berlin, Wis., were

married Oct. 29, 2011, in Great Hall at Ripon College. Bryant teaches eighth-grade science at Berlin Middle School and is also the varsity baseball coach and varsity assistant football coach. Jessica teaches kindergarten at Clay Lamberton School in Berlin and is also the freshman volleyball coach at Berlin High School and the Riptide volleyball coach. KATIE BRAUN JOHNSTON ’07 of Racine,

Wis., completed her master’s degree in health psychology in November 2011 from Walden University, an online program. TYLOR LOEST ’07 of Brandon, Wis., writes: “Just completed a directing theatre season, ‘Words and Language,’ at Ripon High School with the fall one-acts, ‘Neither Rhyme Nor Reason’ and the winter musical, ‘The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee.’ Also acted in the acclaimed 2011 Ripon Summer Players production of ‘Leaving Iowa.’ ” HILARY SMITH ’07 of Atlanta,

Ga., passed her thesis defense, “Evolution of reproduction and stress tolerance in brachionid rotifers” in April. She will receive her doctorate in biology later this summer from the Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta. She is scheduled to start a postdoctoral research position at the University of Notre Dame on mosquito functional genomics and ecology.

ALAYNE ZABEL ’07 of Waupun, Wis., graduated

in May 2010 from Regent University in Virginia Beach, Va., with a master’s degree in counseling. She is doing in-home family therapy with Lutheran Social Services in Beaver Dam, Wis. LAUREN HUBBARD ’08 married Curtis Calnin, May 22, 2010. They live in Montello, Wis., where Lauren is the youth mobilizer for the Healthy Communities Healthy Youth Coalition of Marquette County, working in prevention of substance abuse among youths.

CHRIS LARSEN ’09 of Wauwatosa, Wis., graduated with a master’s of business administration degree from the University of Rochester-William E. Simon Graduate School of Business Administration, June 15, 2011. He now is an investment banking financial analyst for Robert W. Baird & Co. He married MELINDA SCHWERM ’08, Nov. 12, 2011. MARK LEUPOLD ’09 of Wrightstown, Wis., is an account manager for TotalMed Staffing. EMILY MEYER ’09 of St. Paul,


Minn., is a graduate student employee for campus and residence life at the University of St. Thomas. She is pursuing a master’s degree in leadership in student affairs.

Westfield, Wis., married Jacob Wilson, Aug. 21, 2010. She is an executive assistant for Marquette County EMS, is licensed to instruct CPR/AED/first aid, and is working toward the EMT-I license. JULIE NELSON KUKOWSKI ’08 and BRUCE KUKOWSKI ’10 are living at Eglin Air Force

Base in Florida. Bruce serves as part of the 832nd Ordnance Batallion as an EOD technician. Julie is an assistant manager at Walgreens in Fort Walton Beach, Fla. ADAM MIELKE ’08 of Ripon, Wis., is the

program director at Pluribus Inc., which offers team-learning and leadership development programming. He also is an independent leadership facilitator for various organizations throughout Wisconsin. He is working on a master of science degree in organizational leadership and quality at Marian University in Fond du Lac.

ELIZA CHERRY STEPHENSON ’09 of Ripon, Wis., is an admission counselor for Ripon College. AMELIA STERNITZKY ’09 of Columbus, Ohio, is a customer service representative for Nationwide Insurance Enterprise. ANGELA TWAROSKI ’09 of Wausau, Wis., is a

wireless consultant for Best Buy.

The 2010s MARIA BAATZ ’10 of Sussex, Wis., is a

production specialist for Kohl’s Department Store.

in Milwaukee as well as Lakefront Brewery. BRUCE KUKOWSKI ’10 is stationed at Eglin Air Force Base, Fla., as a member of 832nd Ordnance Detachment. LINDSAY KUEHL ’10 married Ryan Lamb, June 25, 2011. They live in Stoughton, Wis., where Lindsay operates her own photography business, Lindsay Lamb Photography. She also works as a substitute teacher in the Madison area. MEGAN WUSKE PRELLWITZ ’10 and her husband, Sam, of Ripon, Wis., have a son, Ramsey William Prellwitz, born April 5, 2012. ALICIA RHYNER ’10 of Ripon, Wis., has

established a private piano-teaching studio in the Oshkosh/Ripon area. LEEANNA M. SHULTZ ’10 and Rudy

Moreno of Beloit, Wis., have a son, Julian James Moreno Shultz, born March 11, 2012. Leeanna is a customer service representative/CAD drafter at American Aluminum Extrusion. VANCE VLASAK ’10 of Waunakee, Wis., works in sales for CSS Power in Verona, Wis. KYLIE AINSLIE ’11 of Decatur, Ga., is studying

for her doctorate in biostatistics at Emory University. CRAIG BEDNAREK ’11 of Berlin, Wis., is a loan specialist at Farmers & Merchants Bank.

RYAN NEWMAN ’08 of Chicago is head of college relations for the National Collegiate Scouting Association’s Athletic Recruiting Network.

NICK BAKER ’10 of Clarksville, Tenn., is a life skills educational assistant with the ClarksvilleMontgomery County School System, and a staff member at the YMCA of Middle Tennessee.

KELLY OSANTOWSKI ’08 of Milwaukee, Wis., received a bachelor’s degree in radiologic technology from Concordia University Wisconsin and in radiologic technology from Froedtert Hospital School of Radiologic Technology, both in June 2011. She is employed as a radiologic technologist in the Milwaukee area.

STEPHANIE A. BEERS ’10 of Downers Grove, Ill., worked as an in-home assistant in Libertyville, Ill., for five months; operations manager at LA Fitness in Lansing, Ill., for seven months; and currently is working as a rehab technician at Adventist Bolingbrook Hospital in Downers Grove, Ill.

DARREN FAZZINO ’11 of Wallingford, Conn., is attending graduate school in national security at The Institute of World Politics in Washington D.C.

CADY CUMMINGS ’10 of Elkhorn, Wis., has been accepted to Newcastle University in the United Kingdom to pursue a master’s degree in cross-cultural communication and education.

MATT NELSON ’11 of Glen Ellyn, Ill., is a special

husband, Corey, of West Bend, Wis., have a daughter, Grace Kathleen Petzold, born May 14, 2012. ALEX ROYZEN ’08 of Evanston, Ill, is a

KELSEY DONNER ’10 of Columbus, Wis., is

SEAN SIPPEL ’11 of Burlington, Wis., is a carpenter for Herda Construction.

senior coordinator, Event and Affiliated Store Management Team, at OpticsPlanet Inc.

the lead teacher in the toddler room for Red Bud Daycare.

LESLIE M. SULLIVAN ’11 of Saint Louis, Mo.,

BENJAMIN SWEENEY ’08 of Milwaukee, Wis.,

KRISTINE JANSEN ’10 of Lafayette, Ind., is


teaches K-4 bilingual at Rogers St. Academy. He is enrolled in the teaching fellowship program Milwaukee Teaching Fellows. He also is studying for a master’s degree in urban education with a bilingual certificate at Cardinal Stritch University in Milwaukee.

MELISA DEL PONTE ’11 of Campbellsport, Wis., is a crisis intervention counselor for Friends of Abused Families.

ASHLEY KIRST ’11 of West Bend, Wis., is a substitute teacher for the West Bend Schools.

education aide at West Chicago Community High School.

is a supervisor at a contact center for Enterprise Holdings Inc.

a program coordinator for Food Finders Food Bank. THERESA KEDINGER ’10 of Fond du Lac, Wis.,

graduated in May from Marquette University with a master’s degree in public service nonprofit management. She works at Warshafsky Law Firm




In Memoriam


MABEL PELLS MARSHALL ’39, formerly of

Hancock, Wis., died March 18, 2012. At Ripon, she studied English and German. She taught at Hancock High School and later became the librarian at Tri-County Schools. She lived for more than 50 years on the family farm in rural Hancock. She was a member of the United Church of Christ in Hancock and served as clerk for the North Deerfield Cemetery. Survivors include one daughter. MYRA SAGER ’40 of Wheaton,

Ill., died Jan. 28, 2012. At Ripon, she studied English and classics. She received her master’s degree from the University of Michigan. For more than 40 years, she taught in North Fond du Lac, Wilmot and Burlington, Wis., and for the last 32 years at Goodrich High School in Fond du Lac. She was a member of the Church of the Presentation in North Fond du Lac.

and was a member of Partners in the Legacy. Survivors include one son and two daughters. Her husband, ERVIN “ZIP” ZIPPEL ’43, died in 2005. WILLIAM EVANS JR. ’43, a longtime resident

of Menomonee Falls, Wis., died at home in California, Dec. 29, 2011. He attended Ripon College and the University of WisconsinMadison. He served in the 516th Army Air Corps Band from 1942-45. He worked in the Menomonee Falls public school system from 1950-86 as a high school history teacher, principal of Lincoln School and assistant superintendent of schools. He sang in the choir of St. Paul’s United Church of Christ for many years. He was active in Kiwanis and performed in the Patio Players Community Theater Group. He enjoyed playing golf, sheepshead and bridge. Survivors include his wife, Marcella “Chell” Evans, 24903 Moulton Parkway, Apt. 462, Laguna Hills, CA 92653; one son; and a brother, JOSEPH EVANS SR. ’43.


Creek, Colo., and Venice, Fla., died Aug. 29, 2011.She studied educational studies at Ripon. She was a retired second-grade teacher in the Benjamin School District. Survivors include one son. MATTHEW G. BUSHNER ’42

of Sheboygan, Wis., died Jan. 23, 2012. At Ripon, he studied physics and mathematics. He did advanced studies at the University of Minnesota and the University of Michigan. He worked for many years at the GM plant in Oak Creek and retired as a professor of physics at the Milwaukee School of Engineering. He enjoyed traveling, camping and the Green Bay Packers. Survivors include his wife, Nora, 630 N. Sixth St., No. 201, Sheboygan, WI 53081. GEORGE LARSON ’42 of Salt Lake City, Utah, died May 29, 2012. At Ripon, he studied biology and was commissioned as a lieutenant in the U.S. Army Reserve. He served in the 5th Infantry Division during World War II, serving in Iceland, Ireland, England and France. He later rose to the rank of lieutenant colonel in Reserves and retired in 1966. In 1951, he joined the FBI in the U.S. Department of Justice and was a special agent in offices in Louisville, South Bend, Detroit, Kalamazoo, San Francisco and Salt Lake City. He retired in 1975. Survivors include his wife, Jane, 4194 Diana Way, Salt Lake City, UT 84124; and two sons. His first wife, ANNELLE MOORE LARSON ’41, died in 2003. HELEN FOSSLAND ZIPPEL ’42 of Mequon,

Wis., formerly of Whitefish Bay, Wis., died May 22, 2012. She studied math and physics at Ripon



RIPON College

ANNE OLSON GUENTER ’44 of Rhinelander, Wis., died March 14, 2012. At Ripon, she studied psychology and history. She was a talented pianist and organist. She was a teacher’s aide in the Title I program from 1971-81 with the Rhinelander School District. She also volunteered as a reading tutor. She was a lifelong member of First Congregational United Church of Christ and was active in numerous church activities, including the handbell choir. She served the church for many years as an organist and accompanied the church choirs. She was a former member of the American Association of University Women and enjoyed playing bridge and Yahtzee games. Survivors include two sons and one daughter. Her husband, KERMIT GUENTHER ’44, preceded her in death, Feb. 26, 2012. KERMIT GUENTHER ’44 of Rhinelander, Wis., died Feb. 26, 2012. At Ripon, he participated in ROTC and majored in economics. He served as a second lieutenant in the U.S. Army in Europe during World War II. He joined his father in managing the family’s wholesale lumber business, Oneida Cedar and Lumber Co., for many years. He later worked in the business office at Coca-Cola Bottling in Rhinelander and as business administrator at Headwaters Regional Achievement Center. He attended Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church. He enjoyed golf, downhill and cross country skiing, bridge, playing Yahtzee, and watching the Green Bay Packers, Milwaukee Bucks, Milwaukee Brewers and University of Wisconsin athletic teams. Survivors include two sons and one daughter. His wife, ANNE OLSON GUENTHER ’44, followed him in death March 14, 2012. DONALD YOUNG ’44 of Downers Grove, Ill., died March 30, 2012. He was a communications officer in the infantry during World War II. At Ripon, he studied physics and mathematics, and

he received his doctorate from the University of Minnesota. His work involved understanding the physical world through research into high energy physics, including work at MURA Laboratory; as the first hire in Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory; leading the fabrication of the 50 MeV linac; and serving as deputy director of the Accelerator Division. He also had been a university professor, president of PAC, consultant and national adviser to U.S. Congressional committees. Survivors include his wife, BILLIE HOOPER YOUNG ’46, 4513 Cornell Ave., Downers Grove, IL 60515; one son and two daughters; and a sister-in-law, PAT HOOPER POATE ’43. FRED BEDFORD ’45 of Sequim, Wash., died

Feb. 29, 2012. He attended Ripon College for three years until called to duty by the Army Air Force (AAF) in the summer of 1944. He became a second lieutenant flight control officer specializing in meteorology. He earned bachelor’s and medical degrees from the University of Minnesota. He worked as a general practitioner before training in anesthesiology. He went on several mission trips including Mercy Ships, Honduras, and Oaxaca, Mexico, and he helped make parts for Personal Energy Transportation (PET) bicycles for amputees. He was on the board of the Sequim Habitat for Humanity. He also loved sailing. Survivors include two sons and one daughter; and grandchildren, including SARAH JANE LANDRETH ’11. EDWARD BIELEFELDT ’45 of Stuart, Fla., died Dec. 1, 2011. He was a decorated veteran of the U.S. Navy during World War II. He graduated from Michigan State University and received his master’s of business administration degree from the State University of New York at Binghamton. He worked as a director of dietetics and a nutritional consultant. He enjoyed his lake house in Michigan and the simplicity of country life and rural America. Survivors include two sons and one daughter. LORETTA “BUBBLES” HINZ SCHROEDER ’46 of Plymouth,

Wis., died Feb. 1, 2012. At Ripon, she studied physics and biology. She interned in medical technology and worked at Milwaukee Hospital. She also lived in Sheboygan and Plymouth. She was the first woman on the consistory of Zion United Church of Christ; was Sheboygan County Girl Scout Association chair; a founding board member of Hearthside, a group home for girls; and a Cub Scout and Girl Scout leader. She helped open the gift and coffee shops of the hospital, volunteered at Bridgeway and church; served on the Habitat for Humanity Lakeside board and committees; and belonged to the

Women’s Civic Club of Plymouth. She enjoyed traveling and playing bridge and mahjong. Survivors include two sons and two daughters; and a niece, ANNELLE YOUELL ANDERSON ’63. RUTH WILCOX VAN HOLTEN ’48 of Waterloo, Wis., died Dec. 22, 2011. She was a member of Waterloo United Methodist Church, the Waterloo Women’s Club, Lions Club and the Chamber of Commerce. She also delivered Meals on Wheels and helped operate the Carousel. Survivors include her husband, E. Jerry Van Holten, 460 Streator Lane, Waterloo, WI 53594; one son and one daughter. HERBERT BARNES ’49 of Peachtree City,

Ga., died Jan. 31, 2009. At Ripon, he majored in economics. He was a decorated lieutenant colonel in the U.S. Army, with which he served during World War II. He was a member of American Legion Post 140 where he was the post commander. He also was a Green Bay Packers fan. Survivors include his wife, Sandy Barnes, 637 North Fairfield Drive, Peachtree City, GA 30269; one son and one daughter. LORETTA “LORRY” PAGNI GIUFFRE ’49

of Largo, Fla., died Jan. 14, 2012. At Ripon, she studied psychology. She was a retired secretary/bookkeeper for Guiffre Builders and a receptionist for Weight Watchers for 28 years. She lived in Lake Geneva, Wis., from 1978-85. In Florida, she served as treasurer and president of the Altar and Rosary Society of St. Mary of the Woods Church. She was secretary and president of the Island Garden Club of Belleair Beach and a member of the Belleair Beach Ladies’ Luncheon Club. She enjoyed exercise, country line dancing, traveling, movies and theatre. Survivors include her husband, Joseph J. Guiffre, 13300 Indian Rocks Road No. 704, Largo, FL 33774; two sons and two daughters. DONOVAN WACHLIN ’50 of Arlington Heights, Ill., died Feb. 3, 2012. At Ripon, he studied biology. He served as a Navy PT boater during World War II. He was a lifetime educator who taught at Prospect High School and retired as a professor of microbiology at Harper Community College. Survivors include his wife, Harriett, 1534 N. Haddow Ave., Arlington Heights, IL 60004; three sons and one daughter. GEORGE RUSSELL ’51 of Merrill,

Wis., died April 8, 2012. He served in the U.S. Navy during World War II. He attended Ripon and the University of WisconsinMadison law school. He had a law office in Merrill for more than 50 years. He served as city attorney for Merrill, on the Lincoln County Bank

Board of Directors, as attorney for Holy Cross Hospital, court commissioner for the Lincoln County Circuit Court and the Board of Governors for the State Bar of Wisconsin. He enjoyed the outdoors, watching the Packers, Badgers and Blue Jays, being a private pilot and showing Brittany spaniels. Survivors include his wife, Nancy Russell, 2414 Cotter Court, Merrill, WI 54452; three sons and two daughters. MARIAN NELSON HALSTED ’51 of Buffalo, N.Y., died Dec. 5,

2011. She earned her master’s degree in French from the University of Wisconsin. She taught French and English at Kenmore High School before leaving to raise her family. She volunteered for Young Audiences of Western New York, Snyder Public Library and the League of Women Voters. In 1985, she received the Young Audiences Arts in Education Award. She was a substitute organist at area churches and sang in church choirs. She enjoyed skiing, tennis, ice skating and walking. Survivors include her husband, George Halsted, 735 Renaissance Drive, Apt. 220, Buffalo, NY 14221; two daughters; a cousin ANNE OLSON GUENTHER ’44; and a niece, LESLIE NELSON JARROW ’75. RALFS “RALPH” EGLITIS ’52

of Roseville, Minn., died March 23, 2012. He was a refugee during World War II and came to the United States in 1947. He majored in German at Ripon and also graduated from the Wharton School of Business. He served in the U.S. Army from 1952-54 and pursued a career in computers in the very early days of that technology. He worked for UNIVAC and Control Data Corp. He loved photography, nature, World War II history and cooking. Survivors include his wife, Gudrun Eglitis, 925 Highway 36W, Roseville, MN 55113; and two daughters. ARTHUR HAYES ’53 of

Greendale, Wis., died Feb. 10, 2012. At Ripon, he studied mathematics. He completed a degree from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He worked for 38 years as a metallurgical engineer for the Ladish Company, most recently as a research and development manager. Survivors include his wife, Karen Hayes, 8772 Westlake Drive, Greendale, WI 53129; five sons and one daughter. DOROTHY “DOTTIE” WIGDAHL HASKEN ’55

of Gainesville, Fla., died Aug. 18, 2011. She volunteered in her children’s schools and for the Salvation Army. She was a member of Trinity United Methodist Church in Sarasota since 1967. Survivors include her husband, Joseph Hasken,

8015 NW 28th Place, No. B302, Gainesville, FL 32606; one son and two daughters. BARBARA WILLIAMS JAMES ’55 of Atlanta, Ga., died Feb. 7, 2012. At Ripon, she majored in English. She moved to Atlanta, Ga., in 1954. Survivors include one son and four daughters. PATRICIA JACOB CALDWELL ’57 of Glendale,

Wis., died April 9, 2011. She studied music at Ripon. Survivors include her husband, Keith Caldwell, 5920 N. Sunny Point Road, Glendale, WI 53209; three sons and one daughter. ANDREW SCHULTZ ’57 of Pinehurst, N.C.,

died Sept. 29, 2011. At Ripon, he studied chemistry. He earned an undergraduate degree from Princeton University and a doctorate in polyelectrolytes and polymer science from Rutgers University. He had a long and successful career with SC Johnson Wax, retiring after more than 34 years as vice president of Worldwide Innochem Research and Development. During his time with SC Johnson Wax, he lived in Racine, Wis., and Ascot, Berkshire, England. He was an Army veteran and a past member of the Southern Pines Elks. Survivors include his wife, Darlene, 16 Glenbarr Court, Pinehurst, NC 28374. MIRIAM “BETSY” ROSS HOSSZU ’59 of

Rockville, Md., died Jan. 23, 2012. At Ripon, she studied history and English. She had lived in the Washington area for 40 years. She was an administrative assistant for 20 years at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Parklawn Computer Center in Rockville, retiring three years ago. Survivors include two daughters. BARBARA MOE ’60 of Putnam, Ill., died March 27, 2012, while on a trip in Nelspruit, South Africa. At Ripon, she studied psychology. She received a master’s degree from George Williams University. She was a retired organization consultant from B.L. Moe & Associates in the Chicago area. She enjoyed traveling. DON ALLAN ’61 of Okatie, S.C., died March 21,

2012. At Ripon, he majored in economics. He had worked as a consultant. Survivors include his wife, KAREN KONRAD ALLAN ’62, 219 Callawassie Drive, Okatie, SC 29909; one son and two daughters. TERRY BURKOTH ’63 of Palo Alto, Calif., died April 3, 2012. He studied chemistry at Ripon. He earned a doctorate in organic chemistry at Stanford University, followed by a post-doctoral fellowship at Columbia University. His work in pharmaceutical development included 42 patents, 30




In Memoriam


publications and development of products ranging from pesticides to needleless injections. He was an influential leader at Zoecon and Alza. Prior to his retirement, he was a founding member of Powderject Pharmaceuticals and a visiting scholar at Oxford University. Survivors include his wife, Sharolyn Burkoth, 711 Torreya Court, Palo Alto, CA 94303; two sons and one daughter. JAMES KOHNEN ’64 of

Dublin, Calif., died May 29, 2012. At Ripon, he studied biology. He earned five other degrees, including a doctorate in education from the University of San Francisco. He retired from the U.S. Army as a colonel after serving 30 years as a reserve officer. He retired as a quality manager for five food companies and the defense contractor FMC, and he completed his career as a high school science teacher. He served with numerous community organizations and was an Eagle Scout and Little League manager. He was an avid cyclist and rode 100 miles a week. He and his wife enjoyed traveling and attending theater and music performances. Survivors include his wife, PATRICIA OSTROM KOHNEN ’64, 7303 Ione Court, Dublin, CA 94568; and two sons. CAROL PATRICK DEISO ’65 of

Owings, Md., died June 2, 2011. She was a retired co-owner of Beltway Transportation Service. Survivors include her husband, James Dieso, 9065 Cabin Court, Owings, MD 20736; one son and one daughter. STEVEN E. SCHARBACH ’66 of Cranbury,

N.J., died Dec. 5, 2011. At Ripon, he studied English. He was a retired database manager for Kraft General Foods. Survivors include his wife, Vivian, 4 Copernicus Court, Cranbury, NJ 08512; and a brother, THOMAS W. SCHARBACH ’69. DIANA DIETZ HILLARD ’67 of Vandalia, Ohio, died April 29, 2012. She studied history at Ripon. As the wife of a career serviceman, she lived in Germany; Fort Benning, Ga.; Fort Campbell, Tenn.; and Fort Lewis, Wash., before settling in Alaska in 1982. She enjoyed gardening, needlepoint and crafts, and decorating her home. She pursued a degree in Russian language at the University of Alaska Fairbanks and hosted Russian émigrés in Fairbanks after the fall of the Iron Curtain. Survivors include one son and two daughters, including ELIZABETH ANN HILLARD ’93. Her husband, DAVID F. HILLARD ’64, died in 2011.



RIPON College

WILLIAM “BILL” McGOWAN ’67 of Ramsey, Minn., died Feb.

28, 2012. At Ripon, he majored in economics. He worked in Madison, Wis., Chicago and Minneapolis for many years with General Mills, from which he retired as an operations manager. He loved being outdoors, taking walks, working on his lawn and garden, and watching and identifying birds. He enjoyed golf, poker, traveling and taking annual fishing trips to northern Canada. Survivors include one son and one daughter. JAMES REED ’67 of Brookline,

Mass., died April 5, 2012, in Pakistan while serving as a Fulbright Senior Specialist to promote educational and cultural exchange programs. He studied history at Ripon, received a doctorate in American and international history from Harvard in 1976 and a degree in religious studies at Harvard Divinity School. He was a historian, consultant, educator, widely published authority on America’s role in world affairs and scholar on Northwest cultural and intellectual history. With the Fulbright Program, he held appointments in Canada, Albania and repeatedly in the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. Quaid-i-Azam University in Islamabad intends to dedicate an international exchange program in his name. Survivors include his wife, Deborah Jane Addis, 25 Holly Lane, Chestnut Hill, MA 02467. ALAN BLOUNT ’68 of Palos

Park, Ill., died Jan. 12, 2012. At Ripon, he studied English. He had worked as a broker with Prudential L.T. Blount Realtors. He was a longtime competitor in hot air ballooning and was the 1993 World Hot Air Balloon champion. He, his wife, and their two children worked as a team. He was active in all aspects of ballooning, serving on committees, subcommittees and as president of the Balloon Federation of America. Survivors include his wife, Charlene Leverenz Blount, 10 Old Creek Road, Palos Park, IL 60464; one son and one daughter. FREDERICK W. POETSCH JR. ’68 of Eau

Claire, Wis., died March 14, 2012. At Ripon, he studied psychology. He served in the U.S. Army during the Vietnam War, then received a master’s of business administration degree from Mankato State University. He enjoyed woodworking, reading, computer programming, doing puzzles and mind benders, playing his electric keyboard and being with his family. Survivors include one son and two daughters.

DALE WILLIAMS ’71 of Fortine, Mont., died Nov. 11, 2011. At Ripon, he studied history and pre-law. He worked in the consumer finance industry from 1972-86, receiving numerous state and national awards. In 1986, he went into business for himself under Williams Tax Consultants. He served on the Kalispell City Council from 1974-78; as a Flathead County commissioner from 1997-2002; on the board of directors for Montanans for Multiple Use; vice chair and later chair for the National Organization to Save Flathead Lake; and life member of the National Rifle Association. He loved the outdoors, hunting and gardening. Dale is survived by his wife, Brenda Williams, PO Box 448, Fortine, MT 59918; and one son. BRUCE “GRIFF” HASKIN ’73

of Cincinnati, Ohio, died March 20, 2012. He studied biology at Ripon and received his master’s degree from the University of Minnesota. His lifetime career was in hospital administration. Survivors include his wife, ANNE EDWARDS HASKIN ’74, 650 Tournament Drive, Cincinnati, OH 45244; two sons and one daughter. DAVID NIMMER ’75 of Kenosha, Wis., died

March 26, 2012. He attended Ripon College, graduated from the University of WisconsinParkside and worked on his doctorate at UWMilwaukee. He worked at Petrifying Springs in Kenosha for 10 years, and last worked for the City of Racine in the wastewater department. He played tennis in college and taught tennis after playing competitively. He was active with the Case “C” Club. Survivors include two daughters; and a brother, ALAN M. NIMMER ’76. CHRISTOPHER BROWN ’76 of Fort Myers, Fla., died Feb. 10, 2012. At Ripon, he studied biology and economics. He worked for the National Park Service, living and working in national parks in Pennsylvania, Georgia, Utah and Alaska. He moved to Fort Myers in 1987 and began his career as a special agent with the United States Department of Homeland Security until his retirement in September 2011. He approached his profession with integrity and respect, receiving many commendations recognizing his outstanding work. Survivors include his wife, Vicki Brown, 1380 Plumosa Drive, Fort Myers, FL 33901; and two stepdaughters. JAN TOM WONG ’76 of the Chicago area died May 21, 2011. At Ripon, he studied economics and history. He was president of Mah Chena Corp. of Chicago; a member of the St. John’s Military Academy Board of Trustees, Illinois

Arts Council and Art Institute of Chicago; a master freemason; and former president of The Adventurers’ Club. Survivors include his wife, Janice; and two sons. SUSAN AFELTRA ROBINSON ’77 of Napa Valley, Calif., died

March 18, 2012. She studied German at Ripon and in Germany before earning a bachelor’s degree in German from San Diego State University. She also studied interior design at Parson’s University in New York. Survivors include one daughter. ROBERT BREYER ’83 of Salem, Ore., died May 14, 2012. At Ripon, he studied history. His career included writing, editing and sales. He enjoyed music, Scrabble and cribbage. NICHOLAS ABENDROTH ’05

of Appleton, Wis., died April 4, 2012. At Ripon, he studied political science and business administration. He had worked for Les Stumpf Ford, Lou’s Straight Shot in Menasha, and most recently for West Business Services. He enjoyed writing, playing golf, piano, shooting pool, playing dominoes, reading, cooking and entertaining. Survivors include his parents, Dan and Sachy Abendroth of Appleton, Wis.; and his fiancée, Stacey Schnetzer of Appleton, Wis. L. VICTOR “VIC” ATCHISON,

vice president of development from 1970-75, died Jan. 9, 2012. He served at seven academic institutions, retiring in 1997 as vice president of college relations from Lewis and Clark College. He then was a consultant in fundraising and marketing for nonprofit institutions. Survivors include his wife, Christine, 4672 Auburn Lane, Lake Oswego, OR 97035; three sons and one daughter. CLARENCE BOURLAND of

Fond du Lac, Wis., who worked in the Ripon College physical plant/maintenance department from 1975-92, died Feb. 22, 2012. He loved to travel and at age 63 fulfilled a lifelong dream of visiting Paris, France. He also enjoyed history, including Civil War re-enactments and mountain man rendezvous. He was an avid buckskinner, black powder gun hunter, artist, model ship builder, volunteer and cook. He was active in the Ripon Rifle and Pistol Club and was a member of the Eagles Club of

Fond du Lac. Survivors include his wife, Delores; one son and three daughters, including DANA BOURLAND KNEBEL ’86, who worked in Ripon’s advancement office from 2003-05. KENNETH CARTIER of Ripon, Wis., died May 24, 2012. He was vice president of finance for Ripon College for 32 years before retiring. He served in the U.S. Navy; and was on many local boards, including the Ripon Hospital Board, Ripon Savings and Loan Board and Ripon School Board. He enjoyed fishing, downhill skiing, playing bridge, caring for his lawn and flowers, spending time at the family cottage on Little St. Germain, the Masonic Lodge and wintering in Florida. Survivors include his wife, Barbara “Bobbie” Cartier, 1025 Newbury St., Ripon, WI 54971; and two sons. ALEXANDER C. HOOKER JR., a professor of romance languages emeritus, died Feb. 15, 2012. He was a Dartmouth, Harvard and Middlebury alumnus. He was at Ripon from 195083, and was a member of the Wisconsin Mayflower Society, the Elizabeth Tilley Group and the Power Squadron Organization of Venice. Survivors include two daughters, including JEAN HOOKER, academic support staff specialist at Rodman Center for the Arts, Ripon College. RAYMOND STAHURA of St. Paul, Minn., professor of music emeritus, died April 26, 2012. While serving in the U.S. Air Force, he played in the Air Force Jazz Band and sang in the Singing Sergeants, at bases around the world, and at Eisenhower’s first inauguration in 1952. He earned master’s and doctorate degrees in music theory from Indiana University, and had a 35-year teaching career at Ripon College. At Ripon, he founded the Chamber Music Series, conducted the orchestra, and taught woodwind instruments and numerous classroom subjects. He was named an outstanding teacher on more than one occasion, and chaired the department for many years. Survivors include two sons. BARBARA SCOTT NELSON of Sedona, Ariz., a former Ripon College trustee, died May 26, 2012. She also had served as a trustee of the Orme School, Mayer, Ariz., was a past president of the Milwaukee Junior League, and enjoyed cooking, sailing, and doing needlepoint and crochet. Survivors include one son and two daughters.

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A Merrell Family Legacy This Commencement photo from 1886 possibly shows then-President Edward H. Merrell (18761891), Ripon’s second president. Among the graduates were two of his children, Edward Tracy Merrell and Maud Lincoln Merrell. Edward later attended Hartford Theological Seminary, was associate editor of the Advance in Chicago and a furniture manufacturer in La Grange, Ill. Maud taught in Reedsburg and Milwaukee, Wis., Hartford, Conn., and Ripon College (1890-97) before marrying and moving to Walla Walla, Wash. A few years ago, Lyn Corder, formerly vice president for Advancement at Ripon, visited a friend of a friend in a nursing home in Eugene, Ore. He was a retired political science professor from the University of Oregon. “He asked me what I did and for what college, and when I mentioned Ripon, he burst out laughing and made sure he had heard me correctly,” Corder says. The man, James Davies, was President Merrell’s grandson. Davies was born after his grandfather died, but he said he grew up hearing stories of his grandfather and Ripon College.

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