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Welcome from Mr Andy
Welcome Students, Parents and Raha Community to the first ToKtober special edition of the DP Newsletter!
It is a very exciting time for our Grade 12 students who are our first cohort to put on a Theory of Knowledge Exhibition! In the exhibition, students identify three objects which have special significance for them, and to the world around us. I’ve given my own example here, and I’m sure you can think of many of your own!
Mr Elliot, our ToK Coordinator explains the subject far better than I could hope to; suffice to say that ToK makes us think about how we think, and why we think the way we think, and also how me may think about how others think too. Something like that anyway! Hopefully this special edition of the newsletter gives you some understanding of the subject!
Our usual contributors are also all here, with important information for both Grade 11 and Grade 12 students.
Aside from the exhibition, we also have the Grade 12 3-Way Conferences on 5 th October, and further ahead, an exciting trip to the Louvre for Grade 11 early in November. A reminder for Grade 11 – there will be no subject changes permitted after 14 th October. This is not negotiable!
Please enjoy this ToK Special newsletter, Mr Andy
My ToK Object – The Beatles
The Beatles were my first introduction to music, via my parents. I spent hours listening to their songs and doing my best to learn all the lyrics. As I’ve grown older and wiser, I appreciate the importance of the band in crossing boundaries and setting standards, transcending the pop industry to become a key part of the history of the 20 th Century. Their music is full of messages of love and hope, which is all we need, surely?