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The Core - Extended Essay and CAS
Extended Essay
MS. MUGE OKUR mokur@ris.ae Extended Essay Coordinator
Grade 11 students will have an Extended Essay introduction session in October. This will be their start of this core task of the Diploma Program. At Raha, we expect our students to complete the Extended Essays by the November of Grade 12, which gives them a calendar year to complete it. In the introduction session, starting strategies, timelines and resources will be shared with the students, but the RIS EE Student Booklet is already shared in the files of the EE channel on Teams. Please contact me if you have any questions regarding the extended Essay.
Grade 12 students should have submitted their draft Extended Essays to their supervisors by now, I have emailed a few students who have not submitted their draft EEs. It is time for the supervisors to return those drafts with feedback. Once students receive the feedback, they should aim to make the necessary edits in time for the November 28 final deadline. Looking forward to celebrating the completion of this huge task!
MS. TANIA TUFT ttufft@ris.ae CAS Coordinator
Our Grade 11 students are now familiar with the requirements of CAS. They should understand the three CAS strands (creativity, activity and service) and how to develop SMART goals and meaningful CAS proposals using the CAS stages.
Grade 11 Students should now start adding experiences to their portfolio on Managebac. In October, the Grade 11 students will complete their first CAS interview. This is an opportunity for students to reflect upon their understanding of CAS, their personal interests, their plans for CAS, the learning outcomes and how they will evidence CAS. They will also be looking deeper into the reflection process and will begin uploading evidence of their CAS experiences.
Our Grade 12 students continue to engage with their planned experiences and build their portfolios and reflections. Interview 2 should be completed and uploaded to Managebac by the 30 th September.