8am-10am or 11am-1pm
Families are invited to an Open House where childrenandparentscandropintomeettheirnew teacher and see their new classrooms. Feel free to stayforaslongoraslittleasyou'dlike.
Parents will be able to sign up for the session time of their choice, which will remain the same for week.
Parentsshouldstaywiththeirchildrenandexplore theenvironmentstogether.
Our service providers and key staff including nurses,financeandadmissionswillbeavailablein the canteen and administration block to answer any parent queries and to sign up students for services.
Ifyouareareturningfamilyyouareinvited to an Open House where you can drop in to meet your new teachers and see your new classrooms. Usual school hours will continueonTuesday.
The link will be sent out with the class placement letter on Wednesday 21st August.
Studentsshouldwearschooluniform. EY1parentscanusethecarparkatGate2. Ourcommunitycafé,theCobraCafewillbeopenforparents.

Meetthemost mportantgroup inschool!
Completeany requiredoutstanding requirements Admissions

Settleanyaccounts, orrequestdocuments orinvoices