Grade 2 Curriculum Guide 2020-2021

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Grade 2 Curriculum Guide for Parents 2020-2021

Dear Parents This Guide has been created to provide you with an overview of the curriculum offered in the Primary School at Raha International School (RIS), with a particular focus on the learning that will be happening in Grade 2. At Raha International School we offer a balanced and academically challenging education which is designed to develop individuals who are both independent learners and international citizens. Our curriculum in the Primary School is based on the International Baccalaureate (IB) Primary Years Programme (PYP). The PYP is an international framework which focuses on the development of the whole child addressing social, physical, emotional, cultural and academic needs for learners. RIS offers the PYP from Early Years 1 (EY1) up to Grade 5. The focus of the PYP is on student learning and developing an internationally educated person. The framework offers a comprehensive, inquiry-based approach to teaching and learning, providing opportunities for learners to construct meaning, principally through concept-driven inquiry. At RIS we focus on the development of skills and attitudes we would hope to find in a balanced, self-motivated, caring and ethical individual. RIS was officially authorized in the PYP by the IB in 2010 and had its first post-authorization IB Evaluation visit in March 2014. The school is committed to following and further developing the Programme to ensure that learning is engaging, relevant, challenging and significant and meets the diverse needs of the student. At RIS we believe that strong partnerships between the school and parents provide an important foundation for our children’s learning. As parents you can best support your children when you have an understanding of the school’s curriculum and approach to teaching and learning. After reading this Curriculum Guide, please contact me at if you have any further questions. I wish you and your children all the best in the year ahead.

Vanessa Keenan Deputy Head of Primary & PYP Coordinator

RIS Grade 2 Curriculum Guide 2020-2021


Contents Developmental characteristics of a Grade 2 child ......................................................................................... 4 The IB Primary Years Programme (PYP) ........................................................................................................ 6 Learner Profile ........................................................................................................................................... 6 The Essential Elements of the PYP ............................................................................................................. 7 Knowledge: What do we want students to know? ............................................................................... 7 Concepts: What do we want students to understand? ......................................................................... 8 Skills: What do we want students to be able to do? ............................................................................. 9 Action: How do we want the students to act? ...................................................................................... 9 Assessment ................................................................................................................................................ 9 Programme of Inquiry (POI) .....................................................................................................................11 The Grade 2 Units of Inquiry ................................................................................................................11 Language (English) ...................................................................................................................................14 The Grade 2 Language Curriculum ..........................................................................................................15 Arabic B ....................................................................................................................................................28 Mother Tongue ........................................................................................................................................31 Islamic Studies .........................................................................................................................................32 Islamic A ...................................................................................................................................................33 Islamic Studies B ......................................................................................................................................34 Arabic Social Studies A .............................................................................................................................35 Arabic Social Studies B .............................................................................................................................37 Mathematics ............................................................................................................................................40 Grade 2 Mathematics Benchmarks .....................................................................................................49 Mathematics – Shape and Space Benchmarks ....................................................................................57 Social Studies and Science .......................................................................................................................59 Social Studies .......................................................................................................................................59 Science .................................................................................................................................................61 Visual Art ..................................................................................................................................................62 Music ........................................................................................................................................................64 RIS Grade 2 Curriculum Guide 2020-2021


Personal, Social and Physical Education ..................................................................................................66 Moral Education ......................................................................................................................................67 Physical Education ...................................................................................................................................68 Information Fluency .................................................................................................................................68

Developmental characteristics of a Grade 2 child An appreciation of the developmental characteristics that can be anticipated of children at particular ages helps us as adults to empathise with their needs and behaviours, set appropriate expectations, and support all-round development and wellbeing. The seven year old is pretty serious about their self, impressed with their own ability to imitate grown up behaviour, and likes to take responsibility. They need a very careful balance between adult guidance and independent action. Children do not want suggestions or answers that turn out to be lessons. Physical Growth • Growth slow and steady • Arms longer, and hands larger • Eyes ready for more close work • Developing eye-hand coordination • Permanent teeth begin appearing • Large and small muscles better developed • Poor posture may be noted Actions and Reactions • Greatly interested in groups. and teams • May be careless about how dirty they become • Sensitive to ridicule, failure and loss of prestige • Unable to maintain a long attention span • Interested in such games as ‘cops,” “robbers,” and “Indians” • Some tendency to use to use unacceptable language • Strong sense of justice as they see it • Increasing ability to evaluate self • Emotions may change many times a day • May become more dependent on mother, and less on teacher • Fear of imaginary things • Desires to make objects which are beyond their ability • High accident rate • Very little discrimination of social position, race, or religion • Alert, enthusiastic, friendly, interested in others • May be more interested in peer opinions than in parent opinions • Ready for simple organized dramatics • Quite good understanding of time and use of money • Enjoys teams, comics, television, adventure stories, and collecting RIS Grade 2 Curriculum Guide 2020-2021


Needs • Much encouragement from adults • Frequent reminders of their responsibilities • A best friend • Experience of belonging to groups of children their own age • Exercise of both large and small muscles • Ten to twelve hours of sleep • A well-organized day • Good diet • Inclusion in family and school planning • Sympathy with their tendency to grow away from adults • Friendly explanation of home and school methods of control How Adults Can Help • Establish regular habits for food and rest • Give thanks that are appropriate to their interest and ability • Teach them simple hygienic practices • Provide toys that will develop good basic • Provide a balance between freedom and guidance • Take time to talk, explain and reason with them • Praise good work or behaviour • Look for possible causes of unacceptable behaviour • Provide opportunities for them to earn money at home or in the neighbourhood

RIS Grade 2 Curriculum Guide 2020-2021


The IB Primary Years Programme (PYP) Learner Profile The IB learner profile promotes education of the whole person for a life of active, responsible citizenship emphasizing intellectual, personal, emotional and social growth. The attributes and descriptions of the learner profile define the type of learner RIS hopes to develop through its programmes. All members of the RIS Community including students, teachers, administration, support staff and parents strive to develop these qualities. Profile Inquirers

Knowledgeable Thinkers Communicators





Caring Reflective

Descriptor We nurture our curiosity, developing skills for inquiry and research. We know how to learn independently and with others. We learn with enthusiasm and sustain our love of learning throughout life. We develop and use conceptual understanding, exploring knowledge across a range of disciplines. We engage with issues and ideas that have local and global significance. We use critical and creative thinking skills to analyse and take responsible action on complex problems. We exercise initiative in making reasoned, ethical decisions. We express ourselves confidently and creatively in more than one language and in many ways. We collaborate effectively, listening carefully to the perspectives of other individuals and groups. We act with integrity and honesty, with a strong sense of fairness and justice, and with respect for the dignity and rights of people everywhere. We take responsibility for our actions and their consequences. We critically appreciate our own cultures and personal histories, as well as the values and traditions of others. We seek and evaluate a range of points of view, and we are willing to grow from the experience. We approach uncertainty with forethought and determination; we work independently and cooperatively to explore new ideas and innovative strategies. We are resourceful and resilient in the face of challenges and change. We understand the importance of balancing different aspects of our lives—intellectual, physical, (spiritual) and emotional—to achieve well-being for ourselves and others. We recognize our interdependence with other people and with the world in which we live. We show empathy, compassion and respect. We have a commitment to service, and we act to make a positive difference in the lives of others and in the world around us. We thoughtfully consider the world and our own ideas and experience. We work to understand our strengths and weaknesses in order to support our learning and personal development.

RIS Grade 2 Curriculum Guide 2020-2021


The Essential Elements of the PYP ‫العناصر الضرورية لبرنامج السنوات اإلبتدائية‬ The aim of the PYP, to create a curriculum that is engaging, relevant, challenging and significant, is achieved through structured inquiry and the development of five essential elements: knowledge, concepts, skills and action.

Knowledge: What do we want students to know? While the PYP acknowledges the importance of traditional subject areas (language, mathematics, social studies, science, personal, social and physical education, and arts), it also recognizes the importance of acquiring a set of skills in context and of exploring content which transcends the boundaries of the traditional subjects and is relevant to students. The PYP has six transdisciplinary themes that provide the framework for learning. These themes are globally significant and support the acquisition of knowledge, concepts and skills of the traditional subjects. They are revisited throughout the students’ time in the PYP. ‫ ما نريد من الطالب أن يعرفوه؟‬:‫المعرفة‬ ‫ وذلك من خالل اللغة والرياضيلت والعلوم والتقنيات والدراسات‬،‫المحتوى الذي يتضمن المفاهيم التي نرغب أن يكتشفها الطالب ويعرفون عنها مع مراعاة خبراتهم السابقة‬ .‫اإلجتماعية والفنون المرئية والموسيقى والتربية البدنية والتعليم الفردي والجماعي‬

Who we are ‫من نكون‬

Where we are in place and time ‫أين نحن من المكان والزمان‬

How we express ourselves ‫كيف نعبر عن أنفسنا‬

How the world works ‫كيف يعمل العالم‬

How we organize ourselves ‫كيف نقوم بتنظيم أنفسنا‬

Sharing the planet ‫المشاركة في الكوكب‬

An inquiry into the nature of the self; beliefs and values; personal, physical, mental, social and spiritual health, human relationships including families, friends, communities, and cultures; rights and responsibilities; what it means to be human. An inquiry into orientation in place and time; personal histories; homes and journeys; the discoveries, explorations and migrations of humankind; the relationships between and the interconnectedness of individuals and civilizations, from local and global perspectives. An inquiry into the ways in which we discover and express ideas, feelings, nature, culture, beliefs and values; the ways in which we reflect on, extend and enjoy our creativity; our appreciation of the aesthetic. An inquiry into the natural world and its laws; the interaction between the natural world (physical and biological) and human societies; how humans use their understanding of scientific principles; the impact of scientific and technological advances on society and on the environment. An inquiry into the interconnectedness of human-made systems and communities; the structure and function of organizations; societal decisionmaking; economic activities and their impact of humankind and the environment. An inquiry into rights and responsibilities in the struggle to share finite resources with other people and with other living things; communities and the relationship within and between them; access to equal opportunities; peace and conflict resolution.

RIS Grade 2 Curriculum Guide 2020-2021


The PYP is both a curriculum framework and a philosophy that facilitates structured inquiry. Through inquiry, the students are encouraged to question, wonder, doubt, speculate and generalize as part of their learning journey to construct meaning about the world around them. Students are also encouraged to consider situations from multiple viewpoints and have the opportunity to explore significant local and global issues .

Concepts: What do we want students to understand?

‫ ماذا نُريدُ من الطالب أن يفهموه؟‬:‫المفاهيم‬

In order to develop a holistic approach to learning the PYP identifies key concepts that have relevance within and across subjects. These concepts often form the basis of questions that are used to drive children’s inquiry and lead to a deeper understanding of what is being learned. These concepts include: • • • •

Form: What is it like? ‫ كيف يبدو؟‬:‫الشكل‬ Observing, identifying, describing and categorizing. Function: How does it work? ‫ كيف يعمل؟‬:‫الوظيفة‬ analyse the function, role, behaviour and the ways in which things work. Causation: Why is it like it is? ‫ لماذا يبدو هكذا؟‬:‫السبب‬ Prompting students to ask “Why?” and of helping them to recognize that actions and events have reasons and consequences. Change: How is it changing? ‫ كيف يتغير؟‬:‫التغيير‬ Realization that we are growing up in a world in which the pace of change, both local and global, is accelerating. Connection: How is it connected to other things? ‫ كيف يتصل بأشياء أخرى؟‬:‫الصلة‬ helps focus on the relationships within and among systems are often complex, and that changes in one aspect of a system will have consequences, even though these may not be immediately apparent; that we must consider the impact of our actions on others, whether at the immediate, personal level or at the level of farreaching decisions affecting environments and communities. Perspective: What are the points of view? ‫ ما هي وجهات النظر؟‬:‫المنظور‬ Helping students reject simplistic, biased interpretations, towards seeking and considering the points of view of others, and towards developing defensible interpretations. Responsibility: What is our responsibility? ‫ ما هي مسؤوليتنا؟‬:‫المسؤولية‬ This concept was selected because of the need to develop in students the disposition towards identifying and assuming responsibility, and towards taking socially responsible action. This concept is directly linked to the action component, one of the essential elements in the PYP curriculum.

In addition to the above key concepts, children will inquire into related concepts in all curriculum areas. Instead of simply gaining knowledge and skills in mathematics, for example, they will deepen their understanding of concepts such as pattern, multiplication, place value and bias.

RIS Grade 2 Curriculum Guide 2020-2021


Skills: What do we want students to be able to do? In order to conduct purposeful inquiry and be prepared for life-long learning, students need to master a whole range of skills. The PYP framework identifies some skills which transcend the disciplines and are therefore called trans-disciplinary skills. ‫ ماذا نريد من الطالب أن يكونوا قادرين على إدائه؟ وهناك خمس مجموعات من المهارات التنظيمية التي يجب على‬:‫مهارات الموضوعات التنظيمية‬ ‫الطالب تغطيتها من خالل وحدات التساؤل؟‬ Thinking ‫التفْكير‬

Research ‫البحث‬

Social ‫إجتماعي‬

Acquiring knowledge ‫اكتِساب المعرف ِة‬ Comprehension ‫الفهم‬ Application ‫التطبيق‬ Analysis ‫التحليل‬ Synthesis ‫التركيب‬ Evaluation ‫التقييم‬ Dialectical thinking ‫التفْكير الجدلي‬ Meta-cognition ‫اإلدراك‬

Formulating questions ‫صياْغة األسئلة‬ Observation ‫المالحظة‬ Planning ‫التخطيط‬ Collecting data ‫ت‬ ِ ‫جمع البيانا‬ Recording data ‫تسجيل البيانات‬ Organizing data ‫ت‬ ِ ‫تنظيم البيانا‬ Interpreting data ‫ت‬ ِ ‫ترجمة البيانا‬ Presenting research ‫ث‬ ِ ‫تقديم البح‬

Accepting responsibility ‫قُبُول المسؤولي ِة‬ Respecting others ‫إحتِرام اآلخرين‬ Cooperating ُ‫التعاون‬ Resolving conflict ‫النزاع‬ ‫حل‬ ِ Group decision making ‫إتخاذ القرارات الجماعية‬ Adopting a variety of group roles. ‫تبني وتبادل األدوار المختلفة‬ .‫ضمن المجموعة‬

Communication ‫اإلتصال‬ Listening ‫االستماع‬ Speaking ‫المحادثة‬ Reading ‫القراءة‬ Writing ‫الكتابة‬ Non-verbal communication .‫التواصل الالشفهي‬

Self-management ‫اإلدارة ذاتية‬ Gross motor skills ‫مهارات التحرك الشامل‬ Fine motor skills ‫مهارات التحرك الدقيق‬ Spatial awareness ‫اإلدراك المكاني‬ Organization ‫التنظيم‬ Time management ‫إدارة الوقت‬ Safety ‫السالمة واألمان‬ Healthy lifestyle ‫أسلوب الحياة الصحي‬ Codes of behaviour ‫أسلوب التصرف‬ Informed choices ‫االختيارات المنظمة‬

Action: How do we want the students to act? ‫ كيف نريد من الطالب أن يتصرفوا؟‬:‫التصرف‬ In the PYP program, the students are challenged to take action and reflect on how they can make a difference to the world. In the PYP such action is student initiated and results from a genuine concern for and commitment to others.

Assessment Beliefs/philosophy RIS believes that assessment is an integral tool that drives learning and teaching. Assessment allows us to identify what students understand, know, can do and where they are in the learning process. Both students and teachers are involved in assessing progress as part of the development of their wider critical thinking and self-evaluation skills as well as demonstration of Learner Profile. We identify desired results, determine acceptable evidence and plan learning experiences and instruction to ensure success. A wide range of strategies and tools are used for assessment. By understanding our learners, we can adapt and change our instruction to help students and teachers reach expectations set forth by our programme.

RIS Grade 2 Curriculum Guide 2020-2021


Purpose • • • • • • • • •

To collect data that drives planning, instruction and reflection To understand our learners To strengthen our learning process and practice as educators To identify students’ strengths and weaknesses To personalise/differentiate instruction To track progress and growth within a community of learners To evaluate teaching and student inquiry To provide information to all stakeholders To promote consistency in articulation of the written curriculum

Feedback Teachers at RIS are aware of the importance feedback plays in the learning process of a child. Feedback is given so children can reflect on their work and further refine and develop their skills. Teachers at RIS are aware of the importance feedback plays in the learning process of a child. Feedback is given so children can reflect on their work and further refine and develop their skills.

Learning Goals An important part of the PYP is the setting of personal goals by the students; these goals should be achievable and measurable. All children should have their goals in a prominent place both at home and at school. Written reports The written report is given twice during the academic calendar. The report follows a narrative format outlining the students’ academic progress and social development over the term. Parent- Teacher ‘First Impressions’ Conferences We hold a Parent Teacher Conferences after the first few weeks of the new school year. These provide an opportunity for the homeroom teacher and parents to discuss how the child is settling emotionally, socially and academically in their new class. Three Way Conferences In December we hold our Three Way Conferences (TWC). Three Way conferences involve the student, parents and teacher. Students discuss their learning and understanding with their parents and teacher, who are responsible for supporting the student through this process. Prior to the end of the conference new goals SMART goals are set, with all determining how they can support the achievement of the goals. Student Led Conferences On April 30th we will hold our Student Led Conferences (SLCs). All students participate and are responsible for leading the conference between themselves and their parents. The conferences enable parents to gain a clear insight into the work their child is doing through discussion with them.

RIS Grade 2 Curriculum Guide 2020-2021


Learning Journals at RIS Each PYP student at RIS develops an electronic Learning Journal using a platform called ‘Seesaw’. The Journal will contain transdisciplinary work that reflects the development of the Essential Elements of the PYP as well as the Learner Profile. The Learning Journals will represent elements of learning from the whole academic year and show evidence of student learning and reflection. Parents can see student learning as soon as it is posted, making it an effective real time reporting tool.

Programme of Inquiry (POI)

Inquiry is the primary pedagogical approach of the PYP. Inquiry learning means students are actively involved in their own learning and to take responsibility for that learning. The PYP curriculum model is built from a framework of Transdisciplinary Themes that help teachers and students to explore and acquire essential knowledge and skills and to take socially responsible action. The PYP sets out six themes to offer continuity and progression of learning. All grade levels from Kindergarten onwards study one Unit of Inquiry under each theme (Pre-K address four of the six themes). All the ‘Units of Inquiry’ in the primary school together constitute our ‘Programme of Inquiry’ (POI). A timeline for the ‘Programme of Inquiry’ is produced each year to show the order in which Units of Inquiry at each grade level will be taught. Below is an overview of the six Grade 2 Units of inquiry in the order they are to be taught.

The Grade 2 Units of Inquiry WHO WE ARE

Central Idea Body systems need to work together to stay healthy. Key Concepts Function, Connection, Causation

An inquiry into the nature of the self; beliefs and values; personal, physical, mental, social and spiritual health; human relationships including families, friends, communities, and cultures; rights and responsibilities; what it means to be human.

Related Concepts Systems, Health, Interdependence, observation, self-awareness Lines of Inquiry • Body systems and how they work • How body systems are connected • Ways to keep the body systems healthy RIS Grade 2 Curriculum Guide 2020-2021


Central Idea The natural world guides where humans settle


Key Concepts Form, Causation, Connection Related Concepts Geography, Settlement, Landforms, Mapping An inquiry into orientation in place and time; personal histories; homes and journeys; the discoveries, explorations and migrations of humankind; the relationships between and the interconnectedness of individuals and civilizations, from local and global perspectives.

Lines of Inquiry • Variety of physical geography • The relationship between location and settlement

Central Idea Patterns can be found in the world around us


Key Concepts Form, Function, Perspective

An inquiry into the ways in which we discover and express ideas, feelings, nature, culture, beliefs and values; the ways in which we reflect on, extend and enjoy our creativity; our appreciation of the aesthetic.

Related Concepts Aesthetics, Spiral, Meanders, Explosions, Packing, Branching, Rhythm, Rhyme, Number, Tradition Lines of Inquiry • • •

Patterns in nature How humans create and use patterns Pattern as a form of expression

Central Idea Matter behaves in predictable ways


Key Concepts Form, Change, Function

An inquiry into the natural world and its laws; the interaction between the natural world (physical and biological) and human societies; how humans use their understanding of scientific principles; the impact of scientific and technological advances on society and on the environment.

Related Concepts Prediction, Energy, Matter, Solids, Liquids, Gases, Scientific Method Lines of Inquiry • Properties of Matter • Changes in states of matter • How understanding matter affects our lives

RIS Grade 2 Curriculum Guide 2020-2021



Central Idea Relationships, attitudes, and behaviours strengthen teams. Key Concepts Connection, Function, Causation Related Concepts Interdependence, leadership, teamwork

An inquiry into the interconnectedness of human-made systems and communities; the structure and function of organizations; societal decision-making; economic activities and their impact on humankind and the environment


Lines of Inquiry • Factors that contribute to an effective team • Organising teams to use our strengths • Evaluating team performance Central Idea Living things are affected by their environment Key Concepts Change, Connection, Causation

An inquiry into rights and responsibilities in the struggle to share finite resources with other people and with other living things; communities and the relationships within and between them; access to equal opportunities; peace and conflict resolution.

Related Concepts Survival, Extinction, Urbanization Living and non-living, Adaptation, Ecosystems Lines of Inquiry • How living things are suited to their environment • Food chains

RIS Grade 2 Curriculum Guide 2020-2021


Language (English)

Introduction The learning process simultaneously involves learning language—as learners listen to and use language with others in their everyday lives; learning about language—as learners grow in their understanding of how language works; and learning through language—as learners use language as a tool to listen, think, discuss and reflect on information, ideas and issues (Halliday 1980). Effective language teaching and learning are social acts, dependent on relationships with others, with context, with the environment, with the world, and with the self. Such learning is relevant, engaging, challenging and significant. Exposure to and experience with languages, with all their richness and diversity, creates an inquisitiveness about life and learning, and a confidence about creating new social interactions. At RIS we believe that learners’ needs are best served when they have opportunities to engage in learning within meaningful contexts, rather than the learning of language as an isolated series of skills to be acquired. Fragmenting learning into the acquisition of isolated skill sets can create difficulties for learners—for example, learners may be able to read, write and spell words correctly in isolation but may not be able to read, write or spell those same words in other contexts. Our teachers plan learning experiences that enable learners to develop language within meaningful and enjoyable contexts, learners are able to make connections, apply and transfer their learning to different situations. The programme of inquiry provides an authentic context for learners to develop and use language.

PYP Language Strands The PYP has identified three strands—oral language, visual language, written language—that are learned across and throughout the curriculum, with each strand being an integral component of language learning. Each strand has been considered from both the receptive aspect—receiving and constructing meaning, and expressive aspect—creating and sharing meaning


Receptive – receiving and constructing meaning

Expressive – creating and sharing meaning

Oral Language



Visual Language



Written Language



RIS Grade 2 Curriculum Guide 2020-2021


The Grade 2 Language Curriculum Within the Grade 2 classroom, the language profile of every student is unique. This is typical in any school, but particularly so in an international school where students come with such varied experiences of English, many as second language English learners. At RIS the range of learning needs is recognised, and we differentiate our programme accordingly. Language in the Primary School is supported by the First Steps frameworks for reading and Writing and the IB PYP continuums for Oral Language and Visual Language. Both the First steps frameworks and the IB PYP continuums are designed as diagnostic tools to assist teachers in planning learning experiences for students, and in monitoring students’ development throughout the primary years. Overall expectations and outcome are therefore presented in developmental phases rather than by age range.

Oral Language – Listening and Speaking (In Grade 2 the majority of students will be working predominantly, but not exclusively, within Phase 3 for Listening and Speaking.)

Overall Expectations Phase 1 Learners show an understanding of the value of speaking and listening to communicate. They recognize that sounds are associated with objects or with symbolic representations of them. They are using language to name their environment, to get to know each other, to initiate and explore relationships, to question and inquire.

Phase 2 Learners show an understanding that sounds are associated with objects, events and ideas, or with symbolic representations of them. They are aware that an object or symbol may have different sounds or words associated with it in different languages. They are beginning to be cognizant about the high degree of variability of language and its uses. Phase 3 Learners show an understanding of the wide range of purposes of spoken language: that it instructs, informs, entertains, reassures; that each listener’s perception of what they hear is unique. They are compiling rules about the use of different aspects of language. Phase 4 Learners show an understanding of the conventions associated with speaking and listening and the value of adhering to those conventions. They are aware that language is a vehicle for becoming knowledgeable, for negotiating understanding and for negotiating the social dimension. Phase 5 Learners are able to understand the difference between literal and figurative language and how to use language differently for different purposes. They are aware that they are building on their previous experiences and using language to construct new meaning.

RIS Grade 2 Curriculum Guide 2020-2021


Visual Language – Viewing and Presenting (In Grade 2 the majority of students will be working predominantly, but not exclusively, within Phase 3 for Viewing and Presenting)

Overall expectations Phase 1 Learners show an understanding that the world around them is full of visual language that conveys meaning. They are able to interpret and respond to visual texts. Although much of their own visual language is spontaneous, they are extending and using visual language in more purposeful ways.

Phase 2 Learners identify, interpret and respond to a range of visual text prompts and show an understanding that different types of visual texts serve different purposes. They use this knowledge to create their own visual texts for particular purposes.

Phase 3 Learners show an understanding that visual text may represent reality or fantasy. They recognize that visual text resources can provide factual information and increase understanding. They use visual text in a reflective way to enrich their storytelling or presentations, and to organize and represent information.

Phase 4 Learners show an open-mindedness about the use of a range of visual text resources to access information. They think critically and are articulate about the use of visual text to influence the viewer. They are able to use visual imagery to present factual information, or to tell a story.

Phase 5 Through inquiry, learners engage with an increasing range of visual text resources. As well as exploring the viewing and presenting strategies that are a part of the planned learning environment, they select and use strategies that suit their learning styles. They are able to make connections between visual imagery and social commentary. They show more discernment in selecting information they consider reliable. They are able to use visual imagery to support a position.

Written Language – Reading and Writing For reading and writing the First Steps Maps of Development provide the developmental continuums used by teachers to determine appropriate learning outcomes and track student progress. The most relevant phases for Grade 2 are detailed below.

Reading The majority of students in Grade 2 will be working within Phase 3 ‘Early’. As a benchmark, a student who has demonstrated all of the key indicators for Phase 3 ‘Early’ at the end of Grade 2 is considered to be ‘meeting’ Grade level standard.

RIS Grade 2 Curriculum Guide 2020-2021


Overview of Reading Phase 2: ‘Experimental’ GLOBAL STATEMENT In this phase, readers use memory of familiar, predictable texts and their developing sound-symbol knowledge to match some spoken words with written words. Experimental readers are focused on understanding and conveying the meaning of these texts rather than reading all words accurately. They read and comprehend texts with repetitive, limited and known vocabulary and supportive illustrations. CONCEPTUAL UNDERSTANDINGS - (incorporated from PYP Scope and Sequence, IB, 2009) • The sounds of spoken language can be represented visually. • Written language works differently from spoken language. • Consistent ways of recording words or ideas enable members of a language community to communicate. • People read to learn. • The words we see and hear enable us to create pictures in our minds. USE OF TEXTS CONTEXTUAL UNDERSTANDING • Reads and demonstrates comprehension of texts by: • Expresses an opinion about a text but may not always be – recalling some ideas explicit in a text able to justify it. – identifying the topic of a text • Identifies the role of the author and illustrator of a text. – selecting a limited number of explicit • Talks about the ways different people or characters are events to retell a text represented in texts, e.g. “The girl in this story plays – linking two ideas explicit in a text, e.g. an football.” action and its result. • Demonstrates that print remains constant, e.g. transfers knowledge of familiar words from one context to another. • Maintains the storyline when ‘reading’ familiar texts although a limited number of words are read accurately. • With assistance, locates and selects texts appropriate to purpose or interest. CONVENTIONS PROCESSES AND STRATEGIES • Recognises a small bank of known words in different • Draws upon a limited knowledge base to comprehend, contexts, e.g. personally significant words. e.g. topic knowledge, sentence patterns and sound-symbol • Identifies the letters of the alphabet by name or relationships. sound. • Uses a limited range of strategies to comprehend, e.g. • Demonstrates understanding of the concepts and predicting, comparing. conventions of print, e.g. left to • Determines unknown words by using word-identification • right, top to bottom, capital letters. strategies, e.g. predicting using beginning letters and/or pictures.

RIS Grade 2 Curriculum Guide 2020-2021


Overview of Reading Phase 3: ‘Early’ GLOBAL STATEMENT Early readers recognise a bank of frequently used words and use a small range of strategies to comprehend texts. These include short literary texts and structured informational texts that have familiar vocabulary and are supported by illustrations. Reading of unfamiliar texts is often slow and deliberate as they focus on reading exactly what is on the page, using sounding out as a primary word-identification strategy. CONCEPTUAL UNDERSTANDINGS • Different types of texts serve different purposes. • What we already know enables us to understand what we read. • Applying a range of strategies helps us to read and understand new texts. • Wondering about texts and asking questions helps us to understand the meaning. • The structure and organization of written language influences and conveys meaning. USE OF TEXTS CONTEXTUAL UNDERSTANDING • Reads and demonstrates comprehension of texts • Expresses and justifies personal responses to by: texts, e.g. “I didn’t like … because…” - recalling key information explicit in a text • Understands that authors and illustrators select - identifying the main idea explicit in a text information to suit a purpose and audience. - selecting events to retell a text, sometimes • Recognises how characters, people and events are including unnecessary events or information represented and offers suggestions for - linking explicit ideas in a text, e.g. comparing a alternatives. character at different points in the text. • Locates and selects texts appropriate to purpose, interest and readability, e.g. uses library systems, skims contents page. CONVENTIONS PROCESSES AND STRATEGIES • Recognises a bank of frequently used words in • Draws upon a small knowledge base to different contexts, e.g. high frequency words, comprehend, e.g. sight vocabulary, concept and personally significant words. text structure knowledge. • Recognises all letters by name and their regular • Uses a small range of strategies to comprehend, sound. e.g. self questioning, adjusting reading rate. • Explains how known text forms vary by stating: • Determines unknown words by using word- purpose, e.g. procedures instruct identification strategies, e.g. decoding using - some elements of organisation, e.g. procedures phonemes, onset and rime. have headings • Focuses on decoding words accurately when - some elements of structure, e.g. procedures reading an unfamiliar text, which may result in list materials and steps. limited fluency, expression and loss of meaning.

RIS Grade 2 Curriculum Guide 2020-2021


Overview of Reading Phase 4: ‘Transitional’ Global Statement In this phase readers are beginning to integrate strategies to identify unknown words and to comprehend text. These strategies, combined with an increasing bank of sight words, enable readers to read texts such as novels, newspapers and websites with familiar content, fluently and with expression. Transitional readers reflect on strategies used and are beginning to discuss their effectiveness. CONCEPTUAL UNDERSTANDINGS • Reading and thinking work together to enable us to make meaning. • Checking, rereading and correcting our own reading as we go enable us to read new and more complex texts. • Identifying the main ideas in the text helps us to understand what is important. • Knowing what we aim to achieve helps us to select useful reference material to conduct research. USE OF TEXTS CONTEXTUAL UNDERSTANDING • Reads and demonstrates comprehension of texts • Recognises own interpretation may differ from by: that of other readers or the author/s. - identifying the main idea(s) citing supporting • Recognises devices that authors and illustrators detail use to influence construction of meaning, e.g. - selecting events from a text to suit a specific visual clues, omissions. purpose • Recognises that authors and illustrators attempt - linking ideas, both explicit and implicit, in a text, to position readers. e.g. cause and effect. • Recognises how characters or people, facts and • Locates and selects texts appropriate to purpose events are represented and can speculate about and audience, e.g. uses search engines, checks the author’s choices. currency of information. CONVENTIONS • Recognises an increasing bank of words in different contexts, e.g. subject specific words, less common words. • Explains how known text forms vary by using knowledge of: - purpose, e.g. to persuade - text structure, e.g. problem and solution - text organisation, e.g. headings, subheadings, an index, glossary - language features, e.g. conjunctions.

PROCESSES AND STRATEGIES • Draws upon an increasing knowledge base to comprehend, e.g. text structure and organisation, grammar, vocabulary. • Uses an increasing range of strategies to comprehend, e.g. creating images, determining importance. • Determines unknown words by using wordidentification strategies, e.g. reading on, rereading

RIS Grade 2 Curriculum Guide 2020-2021


Writing The majority of students in Grade 2 will be working within Phase 3 ‘Early’. As a benchmark, a student who has demonstrated some of the key indicators for Phase 3 at the end of Grade 2 is considered to be ‘meeting’ Grade level standard.

Samples of independent student writing - within Phase 3 ‘Early’

Sample of independent student writing - still within Phase 2 ‘Experimental’

Sample of independent student writing - beginning Phase 4 ‘Transitional’

RIS Grade 2 Curriculum Guide 2020-2021


Overview of Writing Phase 2: ‘Experimental’ GLOBAL STATEMENT In this phase, writers are aware that speech can be written down. Experimental writers rely on familiar topics to generate a variety of texts such as greeting cards, lists and letters. They demonstrate an understanding of one-toone correspondence by representing most spoken words in their written texts. These words may consist of one, two or three letters, and reflect their developing understanding of sound-symbol relationships. CONCEPTUAL UNDERSTANDINGS • People write to communicate. • The sounds of spoken language can be represented visually (letters, symbols, characters). • Consistent ways of recording words or ideas enable members of a language community to understand each other’s writing. Written language works differently from spoken language. USE OF TEXTS CONTEXTUAL UNDERSTANDING • Experiments with familiar forms of writing, e.g. • Provides reasons why people write, e.g. to lists, captions, retells. remember, to say thank you. • Uses writing with the intention of communicating • States the purpose and audience of own writing, a message. e.g. I am going to write to grandma to say… • Demonstrates awareness that print contains a • Talks about how characters and events are constant message, e.g. recalls the ‘gist’ of the represented in literary texts. message over time. • Talks about how people and ideas are represented • With assistance, finds information in texts in informational texts. appropriate to purpose or interest. CONVENTIONS PROCESSES AND STRATEGIES • Writes using simple language structures, e.g. I • Draws upon semantic, graphophonic and syntactic like…, I see… knowledge when writing, e.g. topic knowledge, sound-symbol relationships. • Demonstrates one-to-one correspondence between written and spoken word, e.g. word- • Uses a limited range of strategies throughout the pointing when reading back own writing. writing process, e.g. connecting. • Begins to demonstrate understanding of the • Uses a limited range of strategies to spell, e.g. conventions of print. Identifies the letters of the sounding out. alphabet by name or by common sounds. • Decides how own text will be presented.

RIS Grade 2 Curriculum Guide 2020-2021


Overview of Writing Phase 3: ‘Early’ GLOBAL STATEMENT Early writers produce a small range of texts that exhibit some of the conventions of writing. Texts such as retells, reports and emails are composed to share experiences, information or feelings. Early writers have a small bank of frequently used words they spell correctly. When writing unknown words, they choose letters on the basis of sound, without regard for conventional spelling patterns. CONCEPTUAL UNDERSTANDINGS • We write in different ways for different purposes. • The structure of different types of texts includes identifiable features. • Applying a range of strategies helps us to express ourselves so that others can enjoy our writing. • Thinking about storybook characters and people in real life helps us to develop characters in our own stories. • When writing, the words we choose and how we choose to use them enable us to share our imaginings and ideas. USE OF TEXTS CONTEXTUAL UNDERSTANDING • Attempts a small range of familiar texts, either • Explains the purpose of a small range of familiar text teacher-directed or self-selected. forms, e.g. jokes are to entertain. • With assistance, finds information in texts and • Talks about the purpose of a piece of writing and the records through drawing or writing key words. ideas that need to be included. • Explains why characters or events are represented in a particular way when composing literary texts. • Explains why people or ideas are represented in a particular way when composing informational texts. • Imitates the use of simple devices used in texts, e.g. print size, colour. CONVENTIONS PROCESSES AND STRATEGIES • Experiments with words drawn from a variety of • Draws upon semantic, graphophonic and syntactic sources, e.g. literature, media, oral language of knowledge when writing, e.g. text organisation, word peers. order. • Spells and uses a small bank of known words • Uses a small range of strategies throughout the writing correctly. process, e.g. self-questioning. • Knows all letters by name and their common • Uses a small range of strategies to spell unknown sounds. words, e.g. chunking, sounding out. • Knows simple letter patterns and the sounds they • Talks or draws as a means of planning before writing. represent, e.g. sh, ch, ee. • Begins to proofread and edit own writing when • Writes simple sentences using correct punctuation. directed, e.g. deleting words, adding punctuation. • Creates a published text that is beginning to reflect the intended purpose.

For more information please find a copy of the Raha Writing Scope and Sequence learning outcomes and the Raha Reading Scope and Sequence learning outcomes on the RIS website.

RIS Grade 2 Curriculum Guide 2020-2021


‫رؤية تعليم المواد العربية‬ ‫تحرص مناهج المواد العربية على توفر الفرص لتطوير قدراتنا كأفراد وطالبين للعلم مدى الحياة‪ .‬فاللغة‬ ‫هي صلة الوصل بين الطالب والمدرسين والمجتمع بأجمعه‪ ،‬وكل فرد من أفراد مجتمعنا يعتبر طالب علم‬ ‫و معلم في آن واحد‪ ،‬فاللغة متداخلة في جميع المجاالت وتشجع على التفكير بعقلية منفتحة على العالم‪،‬‬ ‫وتسهم في التطور العقلي واالجتماعي والعاطفي‪.‬‬ ‫وتؤكد مناهج المواد العربية على تعزيز الهوية العربي ة واالنتماء الوطني من خالل توظيف اللغة للتعرف‬ ‫على المفاهيم االجتماعية ودراسة المجتمع اإلماراتي بوصفه مجتم ًعا عرب ًّيا مسل ًما‪ ،‬باإلضافة إلى الشعور‬ ‫بحب الوطن والدفاع عنه وتمثل الطالب لصفات المواطن الصالح وربطها بصفات المتعلم في برنامج‬ ‫السنوات االبتدائية‪.‬‬ ‫ويعتبر تعزيز القيم األخالقية الحميدة وكيفية اكتسابها وممارستها لتصبح أسلوب حياة لدى المتعلم‪،‬‬ ‫وبناء شخصية متماسكة أخالقيًّا ومتزنة سلوكيًّا تسعى لخدمة مجتمعها ووطنها‪ ،‬وتحرص على احترام‬ ‫اآلخرين والتسامح واالعتدال ومحاسبة الذات والثبات على المبدأ وتحمل المسؤولية من أهم المبادئ التي‬ ‫تقوم عليها هذه المناهج‪ ،‬باإلضافة إلى غرس القناعة والرضى والقدرة عى التحكم بالنفس‪ ،‬وإتقان إدارة‬ ‫الوقت واالنضباط في العمل‪ ،‬والمبادرة بالتطوع المسؤول تجاه المجتمع واالستفادة من الفرص المتاحة‬ ‫واالنفتاح على العالم من منطلق اإليمان بأننا جميعًا بشر متساوون في هذا الكون الذي يسعنا كلنا‪ ،‬وأن‬ ‫علينا أن نتقبل بعضنا دون تعصب‪ ،‬كما أن لكل منا دور في عمارة األرض بما يحقق التنمية المستدامة‬ ‫ورخاء البشرية‪.‬‬

‫‪RIS Grade 2 Curriculum Guide 2020-2021‬‬


‫محتوى برنامج اللغة العربية‬ ‫المادة المقررة من وزارة التربية والتعليم‪.‬‬ ‫وحدات التساؤل (‪.)UOI‬‬ ‫خالل تعاملنا مع المادة المقررة من وزارة التربية والتعليم فإننا نركز على الكيف وليس على الكم بمعنى أننا‬ ‫نحرص على تغطية جميع المهارات اللغوية المتوقع تغطيتها في كل مرحلة والتي تؤهل الطالب لالنتقال للمرحلة‬ ‫التالية مع التصرف في المادة بالتقديم والتأخير‪.‬‬

‫مـ ـح ــاور مهـ ـ ــارات اللغـ ـ ـ ــة الع ـ ـ ـ ــربية‬ ‫االستماع‬ ‫‬‫‬‫‬‫‪-‬‬

‫اداب اإلستماع‬ ‫اإلنتباه للرسائل‬ ‫السمعية‬ ‫فهم المسموع‬ ‫وتحليله‬ ‫تذوق المسموع‬ ‫ونقده‬

‫المحادثة‬ ‫‬‫‬‫‬‫‪-‬‬

‫القراءة‬ ‫‪-‬‬

‫اداب المحادثة‬ ‫التحدث بما يناسب‬ ‫المقام‬ ‫تنظيم الحديث‬ ‫التعبير عن‬ ‫المشاهدات‬ ‫والوحدات‬



‫تعرف الرموز‬ ‫المكتوبة ونطقها‬ ‫أداء الرموز‬ ‫المكتوبة وتمثل‬ ‫المعنى‬ ‫فهم المقروء‬ ‫وتحليله‬ ‫اإلستراتيجيات‬ ‫القرائية‬ ‫تذوق المقروء‬ ‫ونقده‬ ‫استراتيجيات البحث‬


‫الرسوم والنسوخ‬ ‫الكتابة من الذاكرة‬ ‫القريبة‬ ‫الكتابة من الذاكرة‬ ‫البعيدة‬ ‫التعبير الكتابي‬ ‫استراتيجيات بناء‬ ‫المكتوب‬

‫اجملال والتسلسل للغات‬ ‫الشكل‬ ‫اللغة الشفهية‬ ‫اللغة المرئية‬ ‫اللغة المكتوبة‬

‫المتلقي – تلقي المعنى وتركيبه‬

‫التعبير‪-‬إنشاء المعنى ومشاركته‬

‫اإلستماع – التحدث‬ ‫المشاهدة – العرض‬ ‫القراءة‬

‫كيف نعلم اللغة؟‬ ‫ تعلم اللغة عبر االستماع اليها والتحدث بها‬‫ التعلم عن اللغة عبر فهم كيفية عملها‬‫‪ -‬التعلم من خالل اللغة عبر استخدامها كأدة لالستماع والتفكير والمناقشة والتأمل‬

‫‪RIS Grade 2 Curriculum Guide 2020-2021‬‬



‫مهارات مادة اللغة العربية للناطقين بها ‪ -‬الصـــف الثاني‬ ‫ما يتـــوقع من الطــالب إنجــازه في الصـــف الثاني ( المستوى المتقدم) في مادة اللغة العربية‬ ‫التهيئة اللغوية‪:‬‬ ‫‬‫‪-‬‬


‫التحية ( تواصل شفوي)‪.‬‬ ‫التعريف بالنفس‪ :‬االسم –العمر – الجنسية – الهواية ( قراءة وكتابة)‪.‬‬ ‫الطلب المهذب واالعتذار ( تواصل شفوي)‪.‬‬ ‫مراجعة المهارات اللغوية األساسية التي تضمنها منهج الصف األول‪.‬‬

‫سيتم تناول الدروس المقررة والمهارات اللغوية الخاصة بالمادة بأساليب متنوعة مراعاة لفروقهم الفردية‪ ،‬وتصميم أنشطة‬ ‫مختلفة تضمن االرتقاء بمستوى الطالب بالتواصل مع أولياء األمور‪.‬‬ ‫االستماع‬ ‫ يستمع للتعليمات ويستجيب لها استجابة صحيحة‪.‬‬‫ يبدى فهما ً للكلمات والجمل المسموعة أو المقروءة‪.‬‬‫ اإلصغاء لآلخرين بانتباه‪.‬‬‫ االستفادة من خبرات اآلخرين أثناء وبعد االستماع‪.‬‬‫ احترام األدوار‪ ،‬وتقبل آراء اآلخرين‪.‬‬‫ االستمتاع بما يتم االستماع إلية من مختارات من األدب العربي ( القصص – األناشيد)‪.‬‬‫ تحديد الفكرة العامة من النص المسموع‪.‬‬‫‪ -‬استنتاج القيم والمبادئ الواردة في النص المسموع أو من خالل المحادثات الثنائية أو الجماعية‪.‬‬

‫المحادثة‬ ‫ التحدث بصوت واضح‪.‬‬‫ استخدام اللغة العربية في المحادثة بطالقة رائعة‪.‬‬‫ التعبير شفهيا ً عن الصور أو القصص المصورة بلغة سليمة وبجمل تامة‪.‬‬‫ التعبير عن حدث أو موقف بجمل واضحة وتامة‪.‬‬‫ التعلم من األخطاء وعدم تكرارها‪.‬‬‫ احترام األدوار‪ ،‬وتقبل آراء اآلخرين‪.‬‬‫ توظيف ا الساليب اللغوية اإلنشائية في المحادثة‪.‬‬‫ القدرة على طرح األسئلة بطرق مختلفة للوصول للحقائق‪.‬‬‫ التحدث عن العناصر المكونة للقصص‪.‬‬‫ وضع نهايات متوقعة للقصص‪.‬‬‫ توظيف المفردات الجديدة في المحادثة‪.‬‬‫ توظيف أدوات الربط في المحادثة‪.‬‬‫ التحدث في موضوع معين لمدة ‪ 3‬دقائق وعدم الخروج عنه‪.‬‬‫‪ -‬القدرة على تمثيل األدوار وتقمص الشخصيات‪.‬‬

‫القراءة‬ ‫‪-‬‬

‫قـراءة جمل الدروس بصوت واضح‪.‬‬ ‫‪RIS Grade 2 Curriculum Guide 2020-2021‬‬



‫القراءة بطالقة مع مراعاة الضبط السليم‪.‬‬ ‫القراءة بسرعة مناسبة مع مراعاة عالمات الترقيم‪.‬‬ ‫الوصل في مواضع الوصل والقراءة جملة جملة ال كلمة كلمة‪.‬‬ ‫فهم المادة المقروؤة من خالل فهم معاني المفردات الجديدة‪.‬‬ ‫التعرف على مرادفات وأضداد الكلمات الواردة في الدروس‪.‬‬ ‫حسن اإلنشاد وتلوين النطق بحسب ما يتطلب‬ ‫نطق الحروف الهجائية لفظا ً سليما ً من مخارجها الصحيحة‪.‬‬ ‫التمييز بين الحروف لفظا ً‪.‬‬ ‫التمييز بين الحروف المتشابهة لفظا‪ً.‬‬ ‫التمييز بين أصوات الحروف القصيرة (الحركات)‪.‬‬ ‫التمييز بين أصوات الحروف الطويلة (المدود)‪.‬‬ ‫الموازنة بين الحركات والمدود‪.‬‬ ‫التحليل اللفظي للكلمات الثالثية إلى الحروف المكونة لها‪.‬‬ ‫تمييز المقطع الساكن‪.‬‬ ‫قراءة الصور والتعبير عن محتوياتها‪.‬‬ ‫ربط األشياء بأسمائها وصفاتها‪.‬‬ ‫تحديد الغزى من النصوص القرائية وتحديد الفكرة الرئيسة‪.‬‬‫القدرة على التمييز بين المفاهيم التالية‪ :‬الكلمة – الجملة – الفقرة – العنوان – الصفحة – الفهرس‪.‬‬ ‫التمييز بين القراءة الصامتة والقراءة الجهرية‪.‬‬ ‫االستمتاع بقراءة القصص والكتب المناسبة‪.‬‬ ‫تحديد عناصر القصة‪.‬‬ ‫التمييز بين النص القرائي والقصة والنشيد‪.‬‬

‫الكتابة ( الخط واإلمالء)‬ ‫‬‫‬‫‬‫‬‫‬‫‬‫‬‫‬‫‬‫‬‫‬‫‬‫‬‫‬‫‬‫‪-‬‬


‫التعرف على أشكال الحرف‪.‬‬ ‫رسم الحروف والكلمات بشكل صحيح‪.‬‬ ‫التمييز بين الحروف المتصلة والمنفصلة‪.‬‬ ‫نسخ الكلمات والجمل بطريقة صحيحة بخط النسخ‪.‬‬ ‫التمييز بين الحروف المتشابهة رسما ً‪.‬‬ ‫تمييز رسم الكلمات من خالل تحليلها وتجريد الحروف المكونة لها‪.‬‬ ‫كتابة االسم الثالثي‪ ،‬والصف الدراسي‪ ،‬واسم المدرسة‪.‬‬ ‫كتابة بعض البيانات الشخصية بدقة إمالئية عالية‪.‬‬ ‫تحديد األفكار بوضوح قبل البدء في الكتابة‪.‬‬ ‫التمكن من خطوات الكتابة‪ ( :‬التخطيط – كتابة المسودة – التنفيذ – العرض)‪.‬‬ ‫كتابة الكلمات الشائعة في اللغة العربية بدقة إمالئية كبيرة‪.‬‬ ‫توظيف التحليل الصوتي والكتابي عند كتابة الكلمات‪.‬‬ ‫القدرة على تكوين الجمل الوصفية ( جملتين – ثالث جمل)‪.‬‬ ‫توظيف األساليب اإلنشائية في كتابة ( األمر – التعجب – النهي – االستفهام)‪.‬‬ ‫توظيف عالمات الترقيم‪ - . - ،( :‬؟ ‪ ) ! - )( - : -‬عند كتابة الجمل‪.‬‬ ‫الكتابة بطريقة اإلمالء المنقول والمنظور واالختباري‪.‬‬ ‫توظيف الحاسوب في كتابة الكلمات وتحديد مواقع الحروف العربية على لوحة المفاتيح‪.‬‬ ‫كتابة فقرة تتكون من (‪ )30 – 20‬كلمة‪.‬‬

‫‪RIS Grade 2 Curriculum Guide 2020-2021‬‬


‫القواعد اللغوية‬ ‫‬‫‬‫‬‫‬‫‬‫‬‫‬‫‬‫‬‫‬‫‬‫‬‫‬‫‪-‬‬


‫تمييز الحروف لفظا ً ورسما ً‬ ‫التمييز لفظا ً ورسما ً بين الحروف المتقاربة في الشكل أو الصوت‪.‬‬ ‫التمييز بين الحركات والمدود‪.‬‬ ‫التعرف على المقطع الساكن‪.‬‬ ‫التعرف على الحرف المضعف‪.‬‬ ‫التمييز بين صيغة المذكر والمؤنث‪.‬‬ ‫التمييز بين صيغة المفرد والمثنى والجمع‪.‬‬ ‫التعرف على بعض ظروف المكان ودالالتها‪.‬‬ ‫التعرف على بعض أدوات االستفهام ودالالتها وكيفية استخدامها‪.‬‬ ‫التعرف على األفعال األساسية وتمثيلها وصياغتها للمذكر والمؤنث‪.‬‬ ‫التعرف على بعض الصفات وصياغتها للمذكر والمؤنث‪.‬‬ ‫التعرف على الالم القمرية والالم الشمسية‪.‬‬ ‫التعرف على أنواع التاء‪.‬‬ ‫التعرف على أنواع التنوين‪.‬‬ ‫التعرف على اسم الفاعل واسم المفعول والمضاف إليه‪.‬‬ ‫حروف الجر واالسم المجرور‪.‬‬

‫نظام التقييم في قسم المواد العربية‬ ‫ماهية التقييم في المرحلة االبتدائية‬ ‫•‬ ‫•‬ ‫•‬ ‫•‬ ‫•‬ ‫•‬ ‫•‬ ‫•‬ ‫•‬ ‫‬‫‪-‬‬


‫التركيز على إكساب الطالب المهارات والمعارف والخبرات األساسية في كل مادة دراسية‪.‬‬ ‫تقييم أساليب التدريس التي تؤدي إلى تجسيد الفهم الحقيقي لمحتوى المادة دراسيًّا ‪.‬‬ ‫العناية بالجانب التطبيقي باعتماد أسلوب تقييم األداء الذي يتم فيه التأكد من تمكن الطالب من المهارة أو المعرفة‪.‬‬ ‫تجنــب اآلثــار النفســية الســلبية التــي قــد يتعــرض لهــا الطالــب وارتباطهــا بتجربتــه الدراســية مثل‪:‬الشــعور بــالقلق‬ ‫والخوف‪.‬‬ ‫غرس العادات والمواقف اإليجابية في نفوس الطالب تجاه التعليم‪.‬‬ ‫إيجاد الحافز اإليجابي للنجاح والتقدم بحيــث يكــون الــدافع للتعلــيم والــذهاب إلــى المدرســة هــو الرغبــة فــي النجــاح‬ ‫وليس الخوف من اإلخفاق‪.‬‬ ‫تجنيب األطفال اآلثار النفسية الناتجة عن التركيز على التنافس والشعور بأن درجات أدوات التقويم هي الهدف مــن‬ ‫التعليم‪.‬‬ ‫إشراك ولي أمر الطالب في التقويم وذلــك بتزويــده بمعلومــات وافيــة ومحــددة عــن الصــعوبات التــي تعتــرض ابنــه‬ ‫وطلب معونته في التغلب عليها‪.‬‬ ‫مبكرا والعمل على عالجها والتعامل معها بطريقة تربوية صحيحة‪.‬‬ ‫اكتشاف حاالت صعوبات التعلم لدى الطالب‬ ‫ً‬ ‫أنواع التقييم‪:‬‬ ‫نظام التقييم الفصلي‪:‬‬ ‫ج‪ -‬اختبار نهاية العام‬ ‫ب‪ -‬اختبار منتصف العام‬ ‫أ‪ -‬اختبار بداية العام‬ ‫ج‪ -‬اختبارات مستمرة خاصة بالوحدات المقررة ومهارات المادة وتتضمن‪:‬‬ ‫ النحو‬‫ األساليب اللغوية‬‫ الكتابة‬‫ القراءة‬‫االستماع‬ ‫مشروع الوحدة‬ ‫‪RIS Grade 2 Curriculum Guide 2020-2021‬‬


:‫أدوات التقييم‬ - ‫ لوائح التدقيق‬- ‫ السالسل المتصلة‬- ‫ ساللم التقييم‬- ‫ سجل المالحظات‬- ‫ االختبارات الشفوية والكتابية‬‫النماذج‬ .) ‫ ملف أعمال الطالب ( ملف اإلنجاز‬:)‫االختبارات التشخيصية ( تحديد المستوى‬ ‫يخضع جميع الطالب في بداية العام الدراسي الختبار تحديد المستوى ويتم إعداد االختبار استنادًا على ما هو متوقع‬ .‫من الطالب إنجازه في كل صف دراسي‬ :‫** الخروج عن النمط التقليدي للتقييم باستخدام أساليب متنوعة وحديثة كــــ‬ ‫ – تقييم مهارات‬.‫ – استخدام أسلوب حل المشكالت‬.‫توظيف الحاسوب والتقنيات الحديثة عند تقييم مهارات اللغة‬ .‫ التقييم عن طريق الزمالء‬- ‫ التقييم الذاتي‬- ‫التفكير العليا كالتحليل والتقييم‬




Arabic B

Within Grade 2 there are students who have joined the school with no prior experience of learning Arabic and students who have been learning Arabic for several years. Our Arabic B programme offers two levels of classes enabling us to provide instruction at a suitable level for each child. Arabic B PYP Phase 1 classes: for students learning Arabic for the first time and students needing consolidation of basics. Arabic B PYP Phase 2 classes: for students with previous experience learning Arabic who have demonstrated proficiency in Phase 1 Students will be assigned Arabic classes at the start of the academic year. There may also be movement between classes during the year based on the changing needs of the student. . Arabic B Scope and Sequence The school’s Arabic B scope and sequence provides a developmental continuum of phases for each strand.

RIS Grade 2 Curriculum Guide 2020-2021



Receptive – receiving and constructing meaning

Expressive – creating and sharing meaning

Oral Language



Visual Language



Written Language



Overall Expectations by phase Phase 1 Learners demonstrate an understanding of short simple sentences spoken texts and vocabulary. They are able to pronounce the letters correctly with the short and long sounds. They are able to use common greetings, give and follow basic instructions in Arabic. They are able to use oral language for short period of time. Phase 2 Learners demonstrate a higher level of understanding of short simple spoken texts and vocabulary. Students are able to pronounce studied words correctly and clearly. They start to use simple phrases to express their needs. They start to arrange in order the ideas they want to communicate about. Phase 3 Learners start to communicate confidently with peers using a variety of phrases and sentences structures. They can ask and answer questions about familiar and new topics with confidence. In this phase they are able to prepare and deliver short presentations and topics of interests to peers. Learners can identify materials they can use to support a spoken presentation and give reasons for choices.

Viewing and presenting Phase 1 The students view and react to simple messages or factual information and start to describe what they see. They can make connections between the real and the imaginary. They can understand that signs and symbols carry meaning and begin to read a range of signs in the environment. They are able to search for, record and present information using a variety of media as well as make choices about what is useful to them. The students can use body language in mime and role play to communicate ideas and feelings visually.

RIS Grade 2 Curriculum Guide 2020-2021


Phase 2 The students are able to view and respond to media verbally and nonverbally. They start using a variety of media to plan and create projects including use of the internet (with guidance). The students are able to select and use suitable shapes, colours and layout for presentations and develop writing different styles of Arabic Calligraphy. They start developing their presentation skills and use body language to add meaning to oral presentation. Phase 3 The students respond to viewing experiences orally and in writing, using specific vocabulary and terminology. They are able to use a variety of media to plan and create projects. They can present oral reports on familiar and unfamiliar topics in target language. They can provide more detailed presentations (2-3 minutes) on topics to inform, presentation skills, addressing an audience.

Written language—Reading Phase 1 Learners can recognise basic aspect of format and style of the language. They can differentiate between the long and the short sounds of the letters. They can read their own writing or words written by the teacher. They can identify repetitive words and letter patterns in sentences when reading familiar texts. They demonstrate understanding of simple sentences. Phase 2 Learners can read a range of new words related to the topics. They begin to read simple sentences with some support. They respond to simple written directions. The students are able to retell main events in sequence with guidance. Phase 3 Learners can use a range of different strategies to decode texts. They demonstrate understanding of meaning and relationships between sentences in a paragraph. They start to follow ideas in and between paragraphs making use of a range of conjunction. In this phase, learners can recall and summarize main ideas from fiction and non- fiction texts.

Written language—Writing Phase 1 Learners understand that written texts convey meaning. They start demonstrating understanding of letter/sound relationships. They begin to use studied vocabulary to form meaningful words and simple sentences. They can generate own ideas for writing and make use of grammar with guidance. The students in this phase begin to form sentences with the right structure. Phase 2 Learners begin to write more independently and develop criteria for effective writing with guidance. They begin to use short paragraphs with details to support their ideas. They start to use a mixture of tenses within one text. They can provide detail to a written text. They learn how to translate literally from first language to Arabic language. They begin to use punctuation with different tenses.

RIS Grade 2 Curriculum Guide 2020-2021


Phase 3 In this phase, learners begin to set goals and identify strategies to improve their writing. They begin to spell some complex words and increase the use of visual strategies, spelling rules and knowledge of word parts to spell correctly. They can use complex punctuation correctly.

Mother Tongue The language profiles of students at Raha may be complex and diverse; however, the influence of mother-tongue development is significant for all learners. It is acknowledged that development of mother tongue language is crucial for cognitive development, and in maintaining cultural identity. Success in mother-tongue development is a strong predictor of long-term academic achievement, including acquisition of other languages. We encourage parents to regularly read, write and speak with their child in their mother tongue. At RIS we currently host mother tongue schools for: - French - Spanish - Arabic - Finnish - Swedish - Greek We are actively looking to extend our provision to other languages and cultures. Contact Vanessa Keenan, for further details.

RIS Grade 2 Curriculum Guide 2020-2021


Islamic Studies

The Islamic Studies programme is based on a scheme of work produced by the Ministry of Education and is integrated into the PYP curriculum. The Islamic Studies curriculum is a sequential programme from Grade 1 to Grade 12. At Raha International School the Muslim students from Grade 1 onwards attend Islamic Studies. The programme aims to enrich the learner with a strong foundation of knowledge and values. At every Grade level the curriculum draws on the seven cornerstones: the values and goals of Islam, Islamic teachings and laws, direct divine teachings (from the holy Qur'an and the teachings of Prophet Mohammed), religious intuition, Islamic characters, identity, belonging and the universe. The students will work towards developing their understandings about what it means to be a Muslim citizen and to live in the complexities and hardships of our modern age with a strong system of belief that draws upon the true teachings of Islam, Islamic doctrine, belief, and characters aimed at spreading good and peace all over the world. Learning in Islamic Studies also happens outside the classroom through the library, researching on the Internet and possible excursions into the local community. Assessment in the Islamic Studies programme continues throughout the year and includes diagnostic, formative and summative tasks. This may include oral and written presentations, investigations and tests. At RIS we provide: Islamic Studies A classes: for first language Arabic speakers (instruction is in Arabic) Islamic Studies B classes: for non-Arabic speaking students (instruction is in English)

RIS Grade 2 Curriculum Guide 2020-2021


‫‪Islamic A‬‬ ‫التربية اإلسالمية للناطقين باللغة العربية ‪ -‬الصف الثاني‬

‫المحور‬ ‫القرآن الكريم وعلومه‬ ‫(الوحي اإللهي)‬ ‫الحديث الشريف وعلومه‬

‫يظهر الطالب وعيًا وإيمانًا بأسس اإليمان باهلل تعالى‬ ‫وصفاته ومالئكته وكتبه ورسله‪.‬‬ ‫يظهر الطالب قدرة مالئمة على االستدالل على‬ ‫وجود هللا تعالى واإليمان به مستخد ًما أدوات البحث‬ ‫والتفكير‪.‬‬ ‫ً‬ ‫وتمثال لقيم اإلسالم الفردية‬ ‫يظهر الطالب فه ًما‬ ‫والجماعية في سلوكه‪.‬‬ ‫يظهر الطالب فه ًما وتطبيقًا آلداب اإلسالم‪.‬‬ ‫يظهر الطالب معرفة بأحكام العبادات ويؤديها‬ ‫بطريقة صحيحة‪.‬‬ ‫يظهر الطالب معرفة بسيرة النبي صل هللا عليه‬ ‫سيَّا‬ ‫وسلم من مولده وحتى هجرته‪،‬ويظهر تأ ّ‬ ‫بمواطن االقتداء من شخصيته‪.‬‬ ‫يظهر الطالب معرفة واقتدا ًء بشخصيات إسالمية‬ ‫بارزة لها دورها في خدمة اإلسالم والمسلمين‪.‬‬ ‫يظهر الطالب اعتزازه بشخصيته وهويته‬ ‫ووطنه‪،‬وتقديره لتراثه وثقافته‪،‬والتزامه بثوابته‬ ‫وعاداته وتقاليده‪.‬‬ ‫يظهر الطالب فه ًما للقضايا والتحديات‬ ‫المعاصرة‪،‬وقدرة على تحليلها‪،‬وإيجاد حلول‬ ‫لها‪،‬معتمدًا على المبادىء واألحكام اإلسالمية‪.‬‬

‫العقيدة اإليمانية‬ ‫(العقيدة اإلسالمية)‬ ‫العقلية اإليمانية‬ ‫(قيم اإلسالم وآدابه)‬

‫قيم اإلسالم‬ ‫آداب اإلسالم‬

‫( أحكام اإلسالم ومقاصدها)‬

‫أحكام العبادات‬ ‫السيرة النبوية‬

‫(السيرة النبوية‬ ‫والشخصيات)‬ ‫الشخصيات اإلسالمية‬ ‫(الهويه والقضايا‬ ‫المعاصرة)‬

‫المعيار‬ ‫سورا من جزء عم‪،‬ويظهر فه ًما عا ًما‬ ‫يسمع الطالب‬ ‫ً‬ ‫لمعاني سوره وأحكامها‪،‬وتطبيقًا آلداب تالوته‪.‬‬ ‫يظهر الطالب حف ً‬ ‫ظا لألحاديث النبوية الشريقة‪،‬‬ ‫وفه ًما لمعانيها‪،‬وتطبيقًا ألحكامها‪.‬‬

‫الهوية واالنتماء‬ ‫القضايا المعاصرة‬

‫‪RIS Grade 2 Curriculum Guide 2020-2021‬‬


Islamic Studies B Islamic Studies B - Overview of Grade 2 Units Unit 1

• • • • •

Allah, the most kind( Al – Lateef); (The All- Aware One) Surat Al-‘Asr Belief in the Messengers, peace be upon them Surat Al- Kafirun )the Disbelievers) l love good things for my brother

Unit 2

• • • • •

purity and Nullifiers of Ablution ) Wudoo’) Surat Al- Sharh (Solace) The prophet, peace be upon him, loves work performing Good Ablution )Wudoo’) Ali bin Abi Talib,may Allah be pleased with him

Unit 3

• • • • • •

I pray(1) Excellence of prayer Muhammad ,the truthful, the Honest Surat Quraysh Honesty I pray(2)

Unit 4

• • • • • •

The Virtue of Reciting the Holy Quran Surat Al-Qadar Fatimah ‫رضي هللا عنها‬ Surat Ad-Dohan Dining Etiquette The Best Acts in Islam

Unit 5

• • • • • •

Allah, the Almighty Creator Some Islamic Manners Some of the Prophet’s Manners ‫صلى هللا عليه وسلم‬ Surat Ash- Shams Respect for others Prayer for Blessings on the Prophet ‫صلى هللا عليه وسلم‬

Unit 6

• • • • •

Surat At-Takathur The Grace of Plants All my nation Enter Paradise I love my Neighbours Surat Al-Adiyat

RIS Grade 2 Curriculum Guide 2020-2021


‫‪Arabic Social Studies A‬‬ ‫منهج مادة التربية الوطنية‬ ‫الرؤيا العامة لتعلم الدراسات االجتماعية‬ ‫تعد رؤية مادة الدراسات االجتماعية والتربية الوطنية مجاالً تكامليا ً الغنى عنه في تكوين المتعلم معرفيا ً‬ ‫وعقليا ً ووجدانياً‪ ،‬والجدير بالذكر أن المحور الرئيس لمادة الدراسات االجتماعية والتربية الوطنية هو‪:‬‬ ‫( اإلنسان – األرض ) التي يعيش عليها وما يتصل بحياته من تاريخ واقتصاد ومجتمع وثقافة وتفاعالت‬ ‫مع الجوار‪ ،‬ومع اإلنسان المسلح بقيم اإلسالم والتسامح والتعاون والمحبة والحوار والسالم‪ ،‬هي الدعامة‬ ‫األساسية الستخالف هللا اإلنسان في األرض‪ ،‬كما تسعى هذه المادة لترسيخ والء المتعلم وانتمائه ‪،‬‬ ‫وعالقته بمجتمعه وبدستوره وحكومته‪ ،‬وبالعالم المتغير‪.‬‬ ‫مرفق نموذد أدوات التقييم السنوية من قبل وزارة التعليم‪.‬‬

‫الصف األول الى الخامس‬ ‫مهـــــــمات أداء ‪60‬‬

‫مجموع االختبارات‬ ‫‪40‬‬

‫‪RIS Grade 2 Curriculum Guide 2020-2021‬‬


‫مجموع‬ ‫مهمات األداء‬ ‫‪60‬‬

‫اسماء الطالب‬ ‫اختبار‬ ‫الصف‬ ‫اختبار ‪1‬‬ ‫‪2‬‬ ‫والشعبة‪......................:‬‬ ‫‪20‬‬ ‫‪20‬‬

‫األنشط‬ ‫التعليمية‬ ‫األنشطة‬ ‫( الكتابية التعليمية‬ ‫– القرائية ( األدائية )‬ ‫‪30‬‬ ‫)‬ ‫‪30‬‬

‫المجموع الكلي‬ ‫‪100‬‬

‫سجل تقييم مادة الدراسات االجتماعية من‬ ‫أول لخامس‬

‫أدوات التقييم‬

‫ماهية التقييم في المرحلة االبتدائية في مادة الدراسات االجتماعية من األول الخامس إلى الخامس‬ ‫•‬ ‫•‬ ‫•‬ ‫•‬ ‫•‬ ‫•‬

‫التركيز على إكساب الطالب المهارات والمعارف والخبرات األساسية في كل مادة دراسية‪.‬‬ ‫تقييم أساليب التدريس وتعزيز التي تؤدي إلى تجسيد الفهم الحقيقي لمحتوى المادة دراسيًّا ‪.‬‬ ‫العناية بالجانب التطبيقي باعتماد أسلوب تقييم األداء الذي يتم فيه التأكد من تمكن الطالب من المهارة أو المعرفة‪.‬‬ ‫تجنــب اآلثــار النفســية الســلبية التــي قــد يتعــرض لهــا الطالــب وارتباطهــا بتجربتــه الدراســية مثل‪:‬الشــعور بــالقلق‬ ‫والخوف‪.‬‬ ‫غرس العادات والمواقف اإليجابية في نفوس الطالب تجاه التعليم‪.‬‬ ‫إشراك ولي أمر الطالب في التقويم وذلــك بتزويــده بمعلومــات وافيــة ومحــددة عــن الصــعوبات التــي تعتــرض ابنــه‬ ‫وطلب معونته في التغلب عليها‪.‬‬


‫أنواع التقييم‪:‬‬


‫نظام التقييم الفصلي‪:‬‬ ‫ج‪ -‬اختبار نهاية العام‬ ‫ب‪ -‬اختبار منتصف العام‬ ‫ب‪ -‬اختبار بداية العام‬ ‫ج‪ -‬اختبارات مستمرة خاصة بالوحدات المقررة ومهارات المادة وتتضمن‪:‬‬ ‫أدوات التقييم‬ ‫الصف األول الى الخامس‬


‫مجموع االختبارات‬

‫اختبار‬ ‫‪1‬‬

‫اختبار‬ ‫‪2‬‬

‫مهـــــــمات أداء ‪6‬‬ ‫األنشط التعليمية‬ ‫( الكتابية – القرائية )‬

‫األنشطة التعليمية‬ ‫( األدائية )‬

‫أدوات التقييم‪:‬‬ ‫ االختبارات الشفوية والكتابية ‪ -‬سجل مالحظة الطالب ‪ -‬لوائح التدقيق – النماذج>‬‫‪ -‬ملف أعمال الطالب ( ملف اإلنجاز )‪.‬‬


‫** الخروج عن النمط التقليدي للتقييم باستخدام أساليب متنوعة وحديثة كــــ‪:‬‬ ‫توظيف الحاسوب والتقنيات الحديثة عند تقييم مهارات الفهم واالستيعاب – تقييم مهارات التفكير العليا كالتحليل‬ ‫والتقييم ‪ -‬التقييم الذاتي ‪ -‬التقييم عن طريق الزمالء‪.‬‬


‫مهارات مادة الدراسات االجتماعية‬

‫مهارة قراءة الجداول وتحليلها – مهارة قراءة الخريطة والصور والرسوم البيانية وتحليلها – مهارة قراءة النص وتحليله‬ ‫– مهارة تلخيص المعلومات على شكل الخريطة الذهنية – مهارة حل المشكالت وإيجاد األسباب والحلول – مهارة‬ ‫التصنيف والمقارنة – مهارة استخالص الحقائق التاريخية – مهارة إبداء الرأي واتخاذ القرار المناسب – تفسير المفاهيم‬ ‫واستخدام المصطلحات التاريخية‪.‬‬

‫‪RIS Grade 2 Curriculum Guide 2020-2021‬‬


Arabic Social Studies B Unit Unit 1: The Emirates throughout History Main Ideas: - The rise of the United Arab Emirates was declared on the second of December 1971 thanks to the efforts of the late Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan and his brother Sheikh Rashid bib Saeed Al Maktom.

Concepts - Union - Sheikh - Seih Al-Sidira - Capital - Island - Tourist attractions - Emirate - Ruler

- Abu Dhabi is the capital of the United Arab Emirates and the main headquarters for his highness, the president, ministries, embassies and foundation. Abu Dhabi is known for its landmarks and touristic attractions. - The UAE is different from other counties in that it consists of seven emirates that are unites in one country. Unit 2: Emirati Figures Main Ideas:


Achievements Formal education Kuttab Formal Education

- Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan ‘’ mercy be upon him ‘’ the first president of the United Arab Emirates and the ruler of Abu Dhabi. He is credited for the foundation and progress of the union. He passed away in 2004. - Sheikh Rashid ‘’ mercy be upon him ‘’ played an important role in the establishment of the United Arab Emirates through his wise policy and sound approach.

Learning Outcomes - Express appreciation for the role Sheikh Zayed and Rashid, in the foundation and the development of the United Arab Emirates. - Follow stages of founding the union. - Locate Abu Dhabi on the map - Identify landmarks and tourist attractions of Abu Dhabi. - Appreciate the efforts done by the country to develop Abu Dhabi. - To locate the seven emirates in the map. - To figure out the characteristics of each emirate. - To have the sense of responsibility of protecting the achievements of the union. - To list the most important characteristics of Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan ‘’ mercy be upon him ‘’. - To figure out the achievements of Sheikh Zayed ‘’ mercy be upon him ‘’. - To be proud of Sheikh Zayed ‘’ mercy be upon him ‘’. - To identify the characteristics of Sheikh Rashid bin Saeed Al Maktoum ‘’ mercy be upon him ‘’. - To figure out the achievements of Sheikh Rashid ‘’ mercy be upon

RIS Grade 2 Curriculum Guide 2020-2021



Unit 3: Geographical Areas Main Ideas: - The political map of the UAE consists of seven united Emirates whose leaders unites them in a modern federal country.


Political map Water body East Coast Gulf West Coast City

- Inhabitants of the UAE live in different areas. 70% of the population live in the coastal areas and practice different economic activities.




- Most of the cities of the country are situated in the western coastal plain and the coast of the Arabian Gulf where sic main cities are located.

Main Ideas:



- There are number of cities in the east coast plain which overlooks the Gulf of Oman. The east coast stretches from Kalba in the south to Diba in the north, it is 90km long and it has lots of tourist attractions.

Unit 4: Residential Areas





Coastal Areas Khors Islands Economic Activities Khor Fakkan Mountains Trade Port Folk houses Heritage




- People settled in Khor Fakkan long time ago. It is located in the east coast plain which overlooks the Gulf of Oman. The city has historical, commercial and touristic importance.


- Houses in the UAE were of different shapes and building materials.

RIS Grade 2 Curriculum Guide 2020-2021


him ‘’. To appreciate Sheikh Rashid’s efforts in founding the union. Identify the seven Emirates. Locate the neighbouring countries and water bodies. Appreciate the achievements of the country and its leaders. Name the east coast cities. Locate the east coast cities in the map. Identify the most important features of the east coast cities. Name the west coast cities. Locate the west coast cities on the map. Classify the west coast cities by their geographical location. Appreciate the efforts done by the county to develop its cities and provide services to its inhabitant. Locate the geographical distribution of the coastal areas on the UAE map. Identify the activities practiced be residents of coastal areas. Save the environment where she/he lives. Locate the city of Khor Fakkan on the UAE map. Recognize the activities of the inhabitants of Khor Fakkan. Identify types of houses in the coastal areas. Differentiate between shapes of old and modern houses in the coastal areas of the Emirates. Appreciate the country’s efforts for protecting the

Unit 5: Culture and Heritage Main Ideas: - Inhabitants of the cities used to build summer houses called AlAreesh in cities outskirts. - There are many types of traditional foods in the emirates, and they are part of our heritage.


Yado’o Da’an Rayeh Areesh Chbab Pancake Khuwwar Burqaa Silver Egal Isama




- The Emirati traditional clothing are symbol of originality and sense of belonging to the land. The colours and threads are mixed to form unique clothing embodied with beautiful designs.




RIS Grade 2 Curriculum Guide 2020-2021


heritage. Give reasons for building the Areesh. Identify the parts of the palm tree that are used in building the Areesh. Appreciate values of intercommunication In the Emirati society. Recognize the traditional food (Al-Chbab). List other Emirati traditional foods. Make (Chabab) with his/her parents. Compare between the Emirati (Chbab) and the pancake. Recognize the UAE traditional clothes. Respect the UAE traditional clothes. Classify the UAE traditional clothes.


At RIS we see mathematics as a way of thinking rather than simply a body of knowledge to be delivered. ‘An exemplary mathematics classroom consists of a very active and busy community of learners’ )IB, 2003). Our approach to teaching and learning reflects this. • • •

• • • •

The teacher inquires with the students. Tasks set are purposeful and engaging. Teachers facilitate the developmental stages of learning through appropriate learning experiences. Opportunities are provided for: i) constructing meaning, ii) transferring meaning to signs and symbols and iii) understanding and applying knowledge and skills to different situations. Learning is an interactive process, where discussion of processes and different approaches are a regular part of daily lessons. Students have opportunities to work individually, with partners, in small groups and as a whole class. Throughout the year teachers make meaningful conceptual links to Units of Inquiry. A range of accessible resources provide students opportunities to record their mathematical thinking and understanding. White boards, ICT programmes, plain paper and a range of dotted and squared papers supplement the mathematics exercise books. Also, children have access to a range of mathematical dictionaries, encyclopaedias, literature and textbooks. ICT plays an integral role in the teaching and learning of mathematics. Through computers and netbooks, students have access to a range of mathematical programmes covering the full breadth of the curriculum. Teachers make use of interactive teaching programmes via classroom projectors to explore and model skills and concepts with students.

RIS Grade 2 Curriculum Guide 2020-2021


Mathematics Strands There are five strands in the PYP mathematics programme: • •

Data handling Measurement

• • •

Shape and space Pattern and function Number

Mathematics in Grade 2 The Number and Pattern and function strands of mathematics are taught daily at RIS. This is to ensure children have sufficient time to develop strong conceptual understanding of the number system, number operations, and acquire key number knowledge and skills. Shape and Space, Measurement and Data-Handling are taught primarily through the meaningful contexts of the units of inquiry. As a school, we have identified a core of key visual models, manipulative tools and mental calculation strategies that will best support our Grade 2 students learning in number.

Key models and strategies to teach number concepts in Grade 2 Bead strings and abaci

In Grade 2 most students will be consolidating their understanding of numbers to 100 and building understanding of numbers to 1000. Manipulatives such as beadstrings and abaci, provide visual models of 100, organized in divisions of ten lots of ten. They reinforce the concept of ‘cardinal’ number – the understanding that a number represents how many in a set and also build understanding of the ‘ordinal’ concept of number – numbers used to denote the position in an ordered sequence.

RIS Grade 2 Curriculum Guide 2020-2021


Hundred Squares 100 squares reinforce the visual model of the abacus )representing 100 as ten rows of tens) and introduce students to the symbols for each of these numbers.

Students can practice finding numbers on a 100 square by reading down the number of tens and reading across to the units. E.g. 64

Partially completed hundred square help reinforce number order

Numberlines Numberlines represent numbers in a linear order. They can be given to students with all or some of the numbers already on, but students will also learn to create their own numberlines when calculating.

On a numberline the numbers increase from left to right. Ordering several numbers on an empty or partially completed numberline requires students to consider the proximity of the numbers they are comparing as well as the order.

RIS Grade 2 Curriculum Guide 2020-2021


In the example below the multiples of ten have been marked and the numberline has been used to place and help order three numbers 68, 71 and 75.

In this next example a numberline has been used to order six numbers between 0-1000.

Base 10 Equipment By the end of Grade 2 most children will consolidate their understanding of place value - the understanding that the value of each numeral in a written number is dependent on its position. E.g. the numeral 7 in the number 571 is worth seven tens (seventy). Base ten equipment allows students to see that ten units is equal to one ten; ten tens are equal to a hundred; and ten hundreds are equal to one thousand.

RIS Grade 2 Curriculum Guide 2020-2021


Students will practice expressing numbers in standard form and ‘partition them into their expanded form. e.g. standard 736

expanded =

700 + 30 + 6

Place value arrow cards provide an excellent tool to support this task. Students can practice making and partitioning 3 digit numbers, reinforcing that the digit in the tens column is a multiple of ten. E.g. To make 564 students select and hold together the 4 and the 60 and 500 cards.

A challenging concept for students to understand when working with three digit numbers is the use of zeros as placeholders in our place value number systems. Place holders can also be modelled with arrow cards. E.g. the 5 and the 700 cards are held together to make 705. No tens card is required.

Mental Strategies for Addition and Subtraction At RIS we explicitly teach and practice different mental calculation strategies. As our students progress through the school they develop their own preferred strategies and recognize that many problems can be efficiently solved without pencil and paper. There is not one right way to solve a problem however for each calculation some strategies are likely to be more efficient than others. We ask students to think about which is the best strategy for solving their problem. The Key addition and subtraction strategies developed in Grade 2 are explained below.

Strategy Reordering Sometimes a calculation can be more easily worked out by changing the order of the numbers. The way in which children rearrange numbers in a particular calculation will depend on which number facts they can recall or derive quickly.

Examples It is important for children to know when numbers can be reordered: e.g. 2 + 5 + 8 = 8 + 2 + 5 or 15 + 8 – 5 = 15 – 5 + 8 or 23 – 9 – 3 = 23 – 3 – 9 and when they can’t be reordered: e.g. 8 – 5 and 5 – 8

RIS Grade 2 Curriculum Guide 2020-2021


Partitioning It is important for children to know that numbers can be partitioned into, for example, hundreds, tens and ones, so that 326 = 300 + 20 + 6. In this way, numbers are seen as wholes, rather than as a collection of single digits in columns. This way of partitioning numbers can be a useful strategy for adding and subtracting pairs of numbers

Addition e.g.

In addition numbers are partitioned )or ‘split’) into tens and units, or hundreds, tens and units etc to make them easier to work with. Then the numbers are added together. Both numbers can be partitioned, although it is often helpful to keep the first number as it is and to partition just the second number. In subtraction the second number is partitioned )or ‘split’) before subtracting from the larger number.

Subtraction e.g.

Partitioning: bridging through multiples of 10 An important aspect of having an appreciation of number is to know how close a number is to the next or the previous multiple of 10: to recognise, for example, that 47 is 3 away from 50, or that 47 is 7 away from 40. In mental addition or subtraction, it is often useful to count on or back in two steps, ‘bridging’ at a multiple of 10.

Students learn to model using a number line e.g. 6 + 7

The empty number line, with multiples of 10 as ‘landmarks’, is helpful, since children can visualise jumping to them. For example, 6 + 7 is worked out in two jumps, first to 10, then to 13. The answer is the last point marked on the line, 13.

For subtraction count back or count on e.g. 43 – 6

Subtraction, the inverse of addition, can be worked out by counting back from the larger number. But it can also be represented as the difference or ‘distance’ between two numbers. The distance is often found by counting up from the smaller to the larger number, again bridging through multiples of 10 or 100. The empty number line can give an image for this method.


Strategy Compensating This strategy is useful for adding and subtracting numbers that are close to a multiple of 10, such as numbers that end in 1 or 2, or 8 or 9. The number to be added or subtracted is rounded to a multiple of 10 plus or minus a small number. For example, adding 9 is carried out by adding 10, then subtracting 1; subtracting 18 is carried out by






-3 40


or count on to find the difference 24-19

+1 19

+4 20


e.g. 56 + 29 = 56 + 30 – 1, + 30 -1 56

RIS Grade 2 Curriculum Guide 2020-2021



85 86


subtracting 20, then adding 2.

or 86–38 = 86–40 + 2 -40 +2 Partitioning: using ‘near’ doubles If children have instant recall of doubles, they can use this information when adding two numbers that are very close to each other. So, knowing that 6 + 6 = 12, they can be encouraged to use this to help them find 7 + 6, rather than use a counting on strategy or bridging through 10.

46 48 86 e.g. 12 + 13 = 12 + 12 + 1 + 12 12

+1 24


similarly 50 + 49 = 50+50 - 1 60+70 = 60+60+10 or 70+70-10

Modeling Multiplication and Division In grade 2 students consolidate their conceptual understanding of multiplication and division. A child might be able to tell you that 4 x 6 is 24, but a much more revealing question to ask is – ‘how do you know that 4 x 6 is 24?’. Arrays Arrays are a key visual model we use at RIS for building conceptual understanding of multiplication and division. Multiplication is effectively repeated addition, e.g. 4 x 6 means six lots of four, or 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4. Arrays show this by setting out repeated rows of a particular number Students can make arrays using counters, cubes and squared paper. e.g.

The above arrays can all be seen as four rows of six or six columns of four demonstrating the commutative property of multiplication (4 x 6 = 6 x 4) The array model also demonstrates the inverse relationship between multiplication and division. The same 4 by 6 array can be used to explain that:

RIS Grade 2 Curriculum Guide 2020-2021


24 ÷ 4 = 6

24 ÷ 6 = 4

Doubling and Halving The ability to double numbers is also useful for multiplication. Historically, multiplication was carried out by a process of doubling and adding. Most people find doubles the easiest multiplication facts to remember, E.g. we can find 4 x a number by doubling it twice 4 x 5 = is ‘double’ 2 x 5 This can be clearly demonstrated with an array

Memorizing Multiplication and Division Facts Once students fully understand multiplication, they learn to memorize times table facts and derive corresponding division facts. By the end of Grade 2 most children should have committed all 2, 3, 4, 5 and 10 times table facts to memory. It is crucial that students have regular opportunities in class and at home for practice, and that practice involves as wide a variety of activities, situations, questions and language as possible. In Grade 2 students will also begin to explore 2 digit by one digit multiplication using examples where the two digit number has one 10. A problem such as 13 x 5 can be solved by partitioning the calculation into 10 x 5 and 3 x 5. Students may jot down the steps to their thinking e.g. 13 10 + 3 ↓ ↓ x5 50 + 15 = 65 or...

Modelling these calculations with arrays helps students visualize how partitioning a multiplication works.

14  3 = (10 + 4)  3 = (10  3) + (4  3) = 30 + 12 = 42

RIS Grade 2 Curriculum Guide 2020-2021


Modeling with Fractions In Grade 2 students consolidate their understanding that Fractions are a system for representing whole-part relationships. As well as identifying a variety of proper fractions, students are introduced to the concept of equivalent fractions by identifying fractions that are greater than, less than and equal to a half. They also investigate the addition and subtraction of fractions with like denominators. Students develop their understanding through modeling concepts with manipulatives and visual models. Two key manipulative tools we use to support fractions learning at RIS are Cuisenaire Rods and Fraction blocks. Cuisenaire Rods

Pattern Blocks

Both cuisenaire rods and pattern blocks can be used to model all of the conceptual understandings involving fractions explored in Grade 2 E.g. pattern blocks can be used to model addition and subtraction of fractions with the same denominator. Helping students to appreciate why only the numerator changes. (One-sixth add three-sixths makes four-sixths) E.g. cuiinaiire rods can be used to model equivalent fractions. In this example the brown rod represents one whole and the purple rod represents a half students can show that two-quarters and four-eighths are equivalent to a half

Similarly, with subtraction (Two thirds subtract one third leaves one third)

Double numberlines The double numberline provides a powerful tool to indicate where fractions live amongst whole Numbers. The scale on top represents the whole numbers. The scale on the bottom shows the build-up of fractional parts

RIS Grade 2 Curriculum Guide 2020-2021


Grade 2 Mathematics Benchmarks The school’s Grade level benchmarks provide an indicator or attainment in line with international standards. However, in the PYP it is understood that students learn at different rates and so these indicators may not represent an appropriate level of expectation for all. Students will be given the opportunity to work beyond the Grade 1 benchmarks if ready to do so, or work towards the Grade 2 level if they do not yet have the foundations in place to achieve the Grade level benchmark.

Mathematics – Number Benchmarks

Reading and writing number


Grade 1

Grade 2 –

Grade 3

)Working towards)

(Working within)

)Working beyond)

Read, and write whole numbers to at least 100 and know what each digit represents

Read, and write whole numbers to at least 1000 and know what each digit represents

Read, and write whole numbers up to 10,000. and know what each digit represents

Count on and back from Count on and back a given number to 100. from a given number to 1000

Count on and back from a given number to 10,000 Count on by tenths from a whole number

Compare and order numbers to 100

Compare and order numbers to 1000

Compare and order


Compare, order and estimate quantities up to 10,000 Understand the value of tenths

Round any positive integer less than 100 to the nearest 10

RIS Grade 2 Curriculum Guide 2020-2021


Round any positive integer less than 1000 to the nearest 10 or 100

Mathematics – Number Benchmarks continued Grade 1

Grade 2 –

Grade 3

)Working towards)

(Working within)

)Working beyond)

Recall addition and subtraction facts for all numbers up to at least 10, e.g. 3 + 4, 8 – 5 Recall number pairs with totals to 20

Recall addition and subtraction facts for all numbers to 20, e.g. 9 + 8, 17 – 9, drawing on knowledge of inverse operations

Recall sums and differences of pairs of multiples of 10, 100 or 1000

Addition doubles of numbers 1 to 100, e.g. 38 + 38, and the corresponding halves

Recall sums and differences Recall all pairs of multiples of of multiples of 10, e.g. 50 + 10 with totals up to 100, e.g. Pairs of fractions that total 1. 80, 120 – 90 30 + 70, or 60 + ?? = 100 Mental Addition and Subtraction (recall)

Recall what must be added to any two-digit number to make the next multiple of 10, e.g. 52 + ? = 60

Recall pairs of two-digit numbers with a total of 100, e.g. 32 + 68, or 32 +__ = 100

Recall addition doubles for all Recall addition doubles for numbers to 20, e.g. 17 + 17 multiples of 10 to 100, e.g. and multiples of 10 to 50, e.g. 90 + 90 40 + 40

RIS Grade 2 Curriculum Guide 2020-2021


Mathematics – Number Benchmarks continued Grade 1

Grade 2 –

Grade 3

)Working towards)

(Working within)

)Working beyond)

Calculation Calculation Add or subtract a pair of single- Add and subtract groups of digit numbers, including small numbers, e.g. 5 – 3 + 2 crossing 10, e.g. 5 + 8, 12 – 7 Add or subtract a two-digit number to or from a multiple Add any single-digit number to of 10, e.g. 50 + 38, 90 – 27 or from a multiple of 10, e.g. 60 + 5 Add and subtract two-digit numbers e.g. 34 + 65, 68 – 35 Subtract any single-digit number from a multiple of 10, e.g. 80 – 7 Mental Addition and Subtraction (Calculation)

Calculation Add or subtract any pair of two-digit numbers, including crossing the tens and 100 boundary, e.g. 47 + 58, 91 – 35 Add or subtract a near multiple of 10, e.g. 56 + 29, 86 – 38

Add near doubles, e.g. 18 + 16, Add near doubles of two-digit 60 + 70 numbers, e.g. 38 + 37 Add or subtract two-digit or three-digit multiples of 10, e.g. 120 – 40, 140 + 150, 370 – 180 what must be added to any three digit number to make the next multiple of 100, e.g. 521+??=600

Add or subtract a single-digit number to or from a two-digit number, including crossing the tens boundary, e.g. 23 + 5, 57 – 3, then 28 + 5, 52 – 7 Add or subtract a multiple of 10 to or from any two-digit number, e.g. 27 + 60, 72 – 50 Add numbers close to multiples of 10 )9, 19, 29, … or 11, 21, 31, …) Add near doubles, e.g. 13 + 14, 39 + 40

RIS Grade 2 Curriculum Guide 2020-2021


Mathematics – Number Benchmarks continued Grade 1

Grade 2 –

Grade 3

)Working towards)

(Working within)

)Working beyond)

Recall multiplication facts for the 2, 5 and 10 times-tables, and corresponding division facts )using the language of “groups of”) Multiplication and division fact to 10X10

Recognise odd and even numbers to 100 Recognise multiples of 2, 5 and 10 facts )using the language of “groups of”)

Recall multiplication facts for the 2, 5 and 10 timestables, and corresponding division facts

Recognise multiples of 2, 3, Recognise multiples of 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 up to 4, 5, 6 and 10 up to the the tenth multiple tenth multiple Recall factor pairs for known multiplication facts e.g. identify that if 7 x 4 = 28 then 28 has the factor pair 7 and 4

Find the total number of objects when they are organised into groups of 2, 5, or 10 )using the language of “groups of”)

Doubling and Halving

Recall multiplication facts to 10 × 10 and the corresponding division facts

Identify the remainder when dividing by 2, 5 or 10

Recall doubles of all numbers Recall doubles of multiples Double any two-digit to 20, e.g. double 13, and find of 10 to 100, e.g. double 90, number and find the the corresponding halves and corresponding halves corresponding halves, e.g. double 47, half of 94 Recall doubles of multiples of Calculate the double of any 10 to 50, e.g. double 40, and multiple of 5 up to 100 and Double multiples of 10 and find the corresponding find the corresponding 100 and find the halves halves , e.g. double 85, corresponding halves, e.g. halve 170 double 800, double 340, Calculate the double of any half of 1600, half of 680 multiple of 5 up to 50, e.g. double 35

Mathematics – Number Benchmarks continued RIS Grade 2 Curriculum Guide 2020-2021


Multiplying and dividing by multiples of 10

Grade 1

Grade 2 –

Grade 3

)Working towards)

(Working within)

)Working beyond)

Multiplication and division fact families for the 10 times table, e.g. 7 x10, 60 ÷ 10 )using the language of “groups of”)

Multiply one-digit or twodigit numbers by 10 or 100, e.g. 7 × 100, 46 × 10, 54 x 100

Multiply and divide numbers to 1000 by 10 and then 100 )whole-number answers), e.g. 325 × 10, 42 × 100, 120 ÷ 10, 600 ÷ 100, 850 ÷ 10 Multiply a multiple of 10 to 100 by a single-digit number, e.g. 40 × 3

Written Addition and Subtraction

Written Multiplication and Division

Develop and use written methods to record, support or explain addition and subtraction of two-digit numbers

Refine and use efficient written methods to add and subtract two-digit and three-digit whole numbers )and decimals in the context of money)

Calculate 2 by 1 digit multiplication problems with 1 ten e.g. 16 x 4

Calculate 2 by 1 digit multiplication problems e.g. 36 x 4 Calculate 2 by 1 digit division problems (without remainders) e.g. 69 ÷ 3

Use the vocabulary of halves and quarters in context

Identify and estimate Model improper fractions fractions of shapes (halves, and mixed numbers thirds, quarters and Find one-half and quarters of eighths) Representing fractions shapes as a part of a whole: Read and write proper Finding a fraction of a Understand fractions as equal fractions understanding the single unit parts of a whole numerator and denominator (halves, Recognise that a fraction thirds, quarters and divides a whole into equal eighths) parts

RIS Grade 2 Curriculum Guide 2020-2021


Mathematics – Number Benchmarks continued

Representing fractions as a part of a whole: Finding fractions of quantities

Comparing fractions

Grade 1

Grade 2 –

Grade 3

)Working towards)

(Working within)

)Working beyond)

Find one half of a set of objects

Find unit fractions of numbers and quantities

Use mental strategies to find fractions of numbers Find unit fractions of numbers and quantities including and quantities (one half, one several parts of a whole third, one quarter and one e.g. 3/5 of 30 eighth)

Use diagrams and manipulatives to compare fractions that are ‘more than’, ‘less than’, or ‘equivalent’ to a half (halves, thirds, quarters and eighths)

Use diagrams and manipulatives to compare fractions and establish equivalence

Model addition and subtraction of fractions with the same denominator (halves and quarters)

Use representations to combine fractions involving related denominators e.g. (halves-quarters-eighths; thirds-sixths; fifths-tenths)

Calculating with fractions

Order fractions with like denominators

Find combinations of fractions that are equal to 1 and other fractions e.g. 3/6 + ½ = 1; 1/6 + 1/6 = 1/3

RIS Grade 2 Curriculum Guide 2020-2021


Mathematics – Pattern and Function Benchmarks Grade 1

Grade 2 –

Grade 3

)Working towards)

(Working within)

)Working beyond)

Create, describe and extend patterns using two or more attributes

Identify, create and describe repeating patterns using two or more attributes, growing and shrinking patterns

Identify patterns and rules for multiplication and division e.g. Fact families

Skip counting using patterns in 1,2,5,10

Analyse, recognise, describe and extend more complex patterns in numbers i.e. beyond skip counting.

Understand and use the relationship between addition and subtraction number facts.

Identify patterns and rules for addition greater than 10 less than 20

Understand and use the relationship between repeated addition and subtraction and multiplication and Identify and describe patterns in the division (with manipulatives)

Model with manipulatives the relationship between multiplication and division )repeated addition)

environment. Model with manipulatives the relationship between division and Understand and use number patterns to subtraction. )repeated subtraction) solve problems

Model multiplication as an array Model multiplication and division as an array

RIS Grade 2 Curriculum Guide 2020-2021


Mathematics – Measurement Benchmarks Grade 1

Grade 2 –

Grade 3

)Working towards)

(Working within)

)Working beyond)

Estimate, measure, label and compare using non-standard units of measurement capacity and mass

Understand the relationship between days, weeks, months and years

Estimate, measure and compare using non-standard and standard unit of measurement; length, time, capacity and temperature

Estimate, measure and compare using standard units of measurement (length, time)

Estimate, measure and compare standard units of length measurement up to 30cm.

Estimate, measure and compare using non-standard units of measurement (mass, capacity, perimeter, temperature)

Use a calendar to determine the date, and to identify and sequence days of the week and months of the Single step word problems using year money (simple addition and subtraction) Estimate, identify and compare lengths of time; second, minute, hour, week, month and year

Read and write analogue time to the hour and half hour and quarter hour

Independently identify, sort and order coins and notes

Estimate, measure, label and compare using formal methods and standard units of measurement: capacity, length, mass, time and temperature Know the meaning of “kilo”, “centi” and “milli” Select appropriate tools and units of measurement Describe measures that fall between numbers on a measure scale Estimate, measure, label and compare perimeter and area using standard units Model addition and subtraction using money Identify coins and notes and compare their values. Read and write time to the minute using intervals of 10 minutes, 5 minutes and 1 minute.

Read and write analogue and digital Find elapsed time using seconds, minutes time to the nearest quarter hour, or hours. half-hour, hour Read and comprehend calendars.

Explore addition and subtraction using money.

RIS Grade 2 Curriculum Guide 2020-2021


Mathematics – Shape and Space Benchmarks Grade 1

Grade 2 –

Grade 3

)Working towards)

(Working within)

)Working beyond)

Sort, describe and model regular and irregular 2-d polygons and 3-d figures by geometric properties (number of sides, vertices, edges, number and shape of faces)

Identify and describe the attributes of 2-D shapes

Identify, describe and model congruency in 2-D shapes and combine and transform 2-d shapes to make another shape

Identify right angles and angles greater than and less than

Sort and label 2-D and 3-D shapes using appropriate mathematical vocabulary, sides, corners, circle, sphere, square and cube

Classifying 3-D shapes

Create 2-D shapes

Use what they know about 3-D shapes to see and describe 2-D shapes e.g. hexagon, pentagon, square, circle, rectangle, triangle

Recognise and use whole, half and quarter turns

Create and explain simple symmetrical designs

Identify reflective symmetry in patterns and 2-D shapes and draw lines of symmetry in shapes

Recognise and use whole, half and quarter turns (clockwise and anti-clockwise)

Understand an angle as a measure of rotation by comparing and describing rotations: whole turn, half turn, quarter turn, north, south, east and west on a compass

Identify and create symmetrical patterns

Create symmetrical patterns, including tessellation

Locate features on a grid using coordinates

Identify lines and axes of reflective and rotational symmetry

Locate and plot features on a grid using coordinates

Give and follow simple instructions involving position, direction and movement; left, right, forwards, backwards, diagonally forward and diagonally backwards

Understand and use the vocabulary of the types of angle: right, obtuse, acute and straight

RIS Grade 2 Curriculum Guide 2020-2021


Mathematics – Data Handling Benchmarks Grade 1

Grade 2 –

Grade 3

)Working towards)

(Working within)

)Working beyond)

Sort and label objects into sets of Discuss compare and create Sort and label objects into sets of two or more attributes two or more attributes and sets from data that has subsets records this using using Venn and tree diagrams pictures/symbols/ numbers.

Discuss and compare data represented in teacher generated Venn and tree diagrams.

Create and label a bar graph. Begin to use everyday comparative language (more, fewer, equal, less than, greater than) and number to describe data (teacher generated, or student generated) Discuss, identify, predict and place outcomes in order of likelihood; impossible, unlikely, likely and certain. Begin to use IT to organise and present data.

Collect and display data in bar

Discuss and compare data graphs, frequency tables and represented in teacher generated frequency tables and single line single line graphs and interpret results graphs. Create a Venn diagram and tree diagram.

Use probability to determine mathematically fair games and to explain possible outcomes

Use everyday comparative language and number to describe self-generated data (more, fewer, equal, less than, greater Design a survey process and than, most, least) interpret the data

Determine fair and unfair games. Compare two related sets of

data To recognise situations where outcomes are certain, impossible Use IT to create simple graphs or unpredictable.

Record data using tally charts Describe possible outcomes for particular events and use everyday language to describe the likelihood of the outcomes occurring. RIS Grade 2 Curriculum Guide 2020-2021


Social Studies and Science

Science and social studies are relevant to all the transdisciplinary themes and all planned science and social studies learning take place within this framework of the programme of inquiry

Social Studies In the Primary Years Programme, social studies learning guides students towards a deeper understanding of themselves and others, and of their place in an increasingly global society. It provides opportunities for students to look at and think about human behaviour and activity realistically, objectively, and with sensitivity. Exposure to and experience with social studies therefore opens doors to key questions about life and learning. Raha International School has developed its Programme of Inquiry to meet the needs of its students growing up in Abu Dhabi. Key themes have been identified from the Arabic Social Studies curriculum and integrated into our Programme of Inquiry. Many of our units of inquiry start from a local perspective, enabling students at RIS to develop their knowledge and understanding of their host country and gain an appreciation of Arab culture and perspectives. By teaching Arabic Social Studies within the Units of Inquiry students learn about Arabic culture and traditions within meaningful and significant contexts and use their knowledge and understanding to consider important conceptual ideas and local and global issues. Whenever possible we look to utilize resources available in the local community in order to provide a meaningful context for inquiry (e.g. field trips, artefacts and visiting speakers). Social Studies Strands The social studies component of the PYP is characterized by concepts and skills rather than by content, however a breadth and balance of social studies content is covered through the units of inquiry. The knowledge component of social studies in the PYP is arranged into five strands: human systems and economic activities, social organization and culture, continuity and change through time, human and natural environments, and resources and the environment.

RIS Grade 2 Curriculum Guide 2020-2021


SOCIAL STUDIES STRANDS Human systems and economic activities

Social organization and culture Continuity and change through time

Human and natural environments

Resources and the environment

DESCRIPTION The study of how and why people construct organizations and systems; the ways in which people connect locally and globally; the distribution of power and authority. The study of people, communities, cultures and societies; the ways in which individuals, groups and societies interact with each other. The study of the relationships between people and events through time; the past, its influences on the present and its implications for the future; people who have shaped the future through their actions. The study of the distinctive features that give a place its identity; how people adapt to and alter their environment; how people experience and represent place; the impact of natural disasters on people and the built environment. The interaction between people and the environment; the study of how humans allocate and manage resources; the positive and negative effects of this management; the impact of scientific and technological developments on the environment.

Social studies skills The social studies component of the curriculum also provides opportunities for students to develop a range of social studies skills and processes. The PYP identifies five key social studies skills to be developed and built on throughout the primary years.

a. Formulate and ask questions about the past, the future, places and society b. Use and analyse evidence from a variety of historical, geographical and societal sources c. Orientate in relation to place and time d. Identify roles, rights and responsibilities in society e. Assess the accuracy, validity and possible bias of sources

Overall Expectations for the 7-9 year old age range Students will extend their understanding of human society, focusing on themselves and others within their own community as well as other communities that are distant in time and place. They will investigate how and why groups are organized within communities, and the ways in which communities reflect the cultures and customs of their people. They will recognize the interdependency of systems and their function within local and national communities. They will increase their awareness of how people influence, and are influenced by, the places in their environment. Students will explore the relationship between valuing the environment and protecting it. They will extend their understanding of time, recognizing important events in people’s lives, and how the past is recorded and remembered in different ways. They will broaden their understanding of the impact of advances in technology over time, on individuals, society and the environment.

RIS Grade 2 Curriculum Guide 2020-2021


Science In the PYP science is viewed as the exploration of the biological, chemical and physical aspects of the natural world, and the relationships between them. Our understanding of science is constantly changing and evolving. The inclusion of science within the PYP leads learners to an appreciation and awareness of the world as it is viewed from a scientific perspective. It encourages curiosity and ingenuity and enables the student to develop an understanding of the world. Reflection on scientific knowledge also helps students to develop a sense of responsibility regarding the impact of their actions on themselves, others and their world. The science component of the PYP is characterized by concepts and skills rather than by content, however we do ensure that a breadth and balance of science content is covered through the units of inquiry. The knowledge component of science in the PYP is arranged into four strands: living things, Earth and space, materials and matter, and forces and energy.

SCIENCE STRAND Living things

Earth and space

Materials and matter

Forces and energy

DESCRIPTION The study of the characteristics, systems and behaviours of humans and other animals, and of plants; the interactions and relationships between and among them, and with their environment. The study of planet Earth and its position in the universe, particularly its relationship with the sun; the natural phenomena and systems that shape the planet and the distinctive features that identify it; the infinite and finite resources of the planet. The study of the properties, behaviours and uses of materials, both natural and humanmade; the origins of human-made materials and how they are manipulated to suit a purpose. The study of energy, its origins, storage and transfer, and the work it can do; the study of forces; the application of scientific understanding through inventions and machines.

The science component of the curriculum also provides opportunities for students to develop a range of science skills and processes. The PYP identifies eight key science skills to be developed and built on throughout the primary years.

Science skills a. Observe carefully in order to gather data b. Use a variety of instruments and tools to measure data accurately c. Use scientific vocabulary to explain their observations and experiences d. Identify or generate a question or problem to be explored e. Plan and carry out systematic investigations, manipulating variables as necessary f. Make and test predictions g. Interpret and evaluate data gathered in order to draw conclusions h. Consider scientific models and applications of these models

RIS Grade 2 Curriculum Guide 2020-2021


Overall Expectations for the 7-9 year old age range Students will develop their observational skills by using their senses and selected observational tools. They will gather and record observed information in a number of ways, and they will reflect on these findings to identify patterns or connections, make predictions, and test and refine their ideas with increasing accuracy. Students will explore the way objects and phenomena function, identify parts of a system, and gain an understanding of increasingly complex cause and effect relationships. They will examine change over time and will recognize that change may be affected by one or more variables. They will examine how products and tools have been developed through the application of science concepts. They will be aware of different perspectives and ways of organizing the world, and they will be able to consider how these views and customs may have been formulated. Students will consider ethical issues in science-related contexts and use their learning in science to plan thoughtful and realistic action in order to improve their welfare and that of other living things and the environment. Students will communicate their ideas or provide explanations using their own scientific experience and that of others.

Visual Art

At Raha International School we value the creativity and imagination. In the PYP Visual Arts programme students see themselves as the makers and viewers in the creative process. Students will explore the relationship between the elements of art and design and investigate the properties of materials and media and use tools and technologies to develop skills in a range of techniques. Students will reflect on, test, clarify, and regenerate ideas, as well as solve problems, individually and collaboratively, while making objects and images. Assessment in Visual Arts will be ongoing and may include observations, portfolios, self-evaluation and peer assessments. Our transdisciplinary programme will provide students with opportunities to inquire into Art and inquire through Art. PYP VISUAL ART STRANDS Responding The process of responding provides students with opportunities to respond to their own and other artists’ works and processes, and in so doing develop the skills of critical analysis, interpretation, evaluation, reflection and communication. By responding to their own artwork and that of others, students become more mindful of their own artistic development and the role that arts play in the world around them. Creating The process of creating provides students with opportunities to communicate distinctive forms of meaning, develop their technical skills, take creative risks, solve problems and visualize consequences. Students are encouraged to draw on their imagination, experiences and knowledge of materials and processes as starting points for creative exploration.

RIS Grade 2 Curriculum Guide 2020-2021


Grade 2 Visual Art Learning Outcomes Responding


Conceptual Understandings • We reflect on our artwork and the work of others. • We can reflect on and learn from the different stages of creating. • People communicate ideas, feelings and experiences through the arts.

Conceptual Understandings • We are receptive to the value of working individually and collaboratively to create art. • Artists communicate ideas through artworks by selecting and applying media techniques and processes, subject matter, and themes. • Applying a range of strategies helps us to express ourselves.

Outcomes • Use appropriate terminology to discuss artwork. • Identify the materials and processes used in the creation of an artwork. • Make personal connections to artworks. • Sharpen their powers of observation. • Investigate the purposes of artwork from different times, places, and a range of cultures including their own. • Express opinions about an artwork. • Identify the formal elements of an artwork.

Show curiosity and ask questions about artworks.

Outcomes • Take responsibility for the care of tools and materials. • Identify the stages of their own and others’ creative processes. • Sharpen their powers of observation. • Make predictions, experiment, anticipate possible outcome. • Create artwork in response to a range of stimuli. • Identify, plan and make specific choices of materials, tools and processes. • Demonstrate control of tools, materials and processes.

Art Skills • Recognise and name the secondary colours of pigment ( purple, orange, green) • Describe how the secondary colours can be created by mixing the primary colours. • Identify the characteristics of symmetrical shapes and forms. • Identify types of lines in artworks and in the environment (ex. Horizontal, vertical, diagonal) • Identify and describe a variety of textures. • Identify the elements of design in a variety of familiar objects and in works of art.

RIS Grade 2 Curriculum Guide 2020-2021



Music at RIS enables students to communicate in ways that go beyond their oral language abilities. Music delights and stimulates, soothes and comforts us; music allows students to communicate in a unique way. Musical experiences and learning begin with the voice. It is important that students are given opportunities to discover a broad range of music experiences including classifying and analysing sounds, composing, exploring body music, harmonizing, listening, playing instruments, singing, notation, reading music, song-writing and recording. The PYP Music Scope and Sequence is organized under two strands: Creating and Responding. In creating, students use their imagination and musical experiences to organize sounds—natural and technological—into various forms that communicate specific ideas or moods. In responding, students are given the opportunity to respond to different styles of music, as well as to music from different times and cultures. Individually and collaboratively, students will have the opportunity to create and respond to music ideas. By exposing students to a wide and varied repertoire of musical styles, they can begin to construct an understanding of their environment, their surroundings and structures, and begin to develop personal connections with them. Music is a part of everyday life. Listening to and performing music can be a social activity. The development of listening skills, an important aspect of all learning, is constantly reinforced. Music also plays an important part in the language learning process. Through songs and rhymes, students can hear patterns and develop a sense of the rhythm that applies to languages. This can be especially apparent when learning a new language because the meaning of the words is not necessarily understood, and so students concentrate on the rhythms and patterns they hear. Music is both an active and reflective process when making and listening to it. Students will draw on a wide range of sources in their music learning: music composed by themselves and other students; music composed by musicians; literature; paintings; dance; their own imagination; real-life experiences; feelings; values and beliefs. They will be exposed to live performances as well as recordings. Additionally, opportunities to participate in live performances—informal as well as formal— will allow students to work collaboratively and gain awareness of the audience. At RIS our PYP music classrooms provide an environment that stimulates and challenges students. They are well resourced with an extensive range of music recordings, videos and instruments. Students have the opportunity to explore home-made as well as manufactured instruments from a variety of countries and cultures.

RIS Grade 2 Curriculum Guide 2020-2021


Grade 2 Music Learning Outcomes The school’s Grade level learning outcomes provide an indicator of attainment in line with international standards. However, in the PYP it is understood that students learn at different rates and so these indicators may not represent an appropriate level of expectation for all. Students will be given the opportunity to work beyond the Grade learning outcomes if ready to do so, or work towards the Grade 2 levels if they do not yet have the foundations in place to achieve the Grade level benchmark. STRANDS with LEARNING OUTCOMES

Responding • • • • • • • •

• • • • •

Creating •

Sing individually and in unison Recognize music from a basic range of cultures and styles Express responses to music from different cultures and styles Move bodies to express the mood of music Create a musical composition to match the mood of an image Distinguish the sounds of different instruments in music Explore individually or collectively a musical response to a narrated story Reflect on and communicate personal reactions to music using musical vocabulary Explore body and untuned percussion instrument sounds Recognize different sources of music in daily life Recognize that sound can be notated in a variety of ways Record and share the stages of the process of creating a composition Share performances with other performers and give constructive criticism

• • • • • • • • •

Explore vocal sounds, rhythms, instruments, timbres to communicate ideas and feelings Express one or more moods/feelings in a musical composition Create and accompany music using a variety of sounds and instruments Play untuned percussion instruments in time with a beat Use the voice and body to create musical patterns Explore sound as a means of expressing imaginative ideas Recreate sounds from familiar experiences Participate in performing and creating music both individually and collectively Record personal, visual interpretation of elements of sound Create own basic musical instruments

RIS Grade 2 Curriculum Guide 2020-2021


Personal, Social and Physical Education In the PYP, personal, social and physical education )PSPE) is concerned with the individual’s well-being through the promotion and development of concepts, knowledge, attitudes and skills that contribute to this well-being. Wellbeing is intrinsically linked to all aspects of a student’s experience at school and beyond. It encompasses physical, emotional, cognitive, spiritual and social health and development, and contributes to an understanding of self, to developing and maintaining relationships with others, and to participation in an active, healthy lifestyle. PSPE is integral to teaching and learning in the PYP and is embodied in the IB learner profile that permeates the programme and represents the qualities of internationally minded students and effective lifelong learners. The development of a student’s well-being is addressed through all areas of the PYP curriculum. Therefore, all teachers at RIS take on a shared responsibility for support each student’s personal, social and physical development. The development of overall well-being in the PYP is defined through three common strands that have relevance to all teachers: identity, active living and interactions) These strands are concept driven and have been designed to interact with each other, working together to support the overall development of students


Active Living


An understanding of our own beliefs, values, attitudes, experiences and feelings and how they shape us; the impact of cultural influences; the recognition of strengths, limitations and challenges as well as the ability to cope successfully with situations of change and adversity; how the learner’s concept of self and feelings of self-worth affect his or her approach to learning and how he or she interacts with others. An understanding of the factors that contribute to developing and maintaining a balanced, healthy lifestyle; the importance of regular physical activity; the body’s response to exercise; the importance of developing basic motor skills; understanding and developing the body’s potential for movement and expression; the importance of nutrition; understanding the causes and possible prevention of ill health; the promotion of safety; rights and the responsibilities we have to ourselves and others to promote well-being; making informed choices and evaluating consequences, and taking action for healthy living now and in the future. An understanding of how an individual interacts with other people, other living things and the wider world; behaviours, rights and responsibilities of individuals in their relationships with others, communities, society and the world around them; the awareness and understanding of similarities and differences; an appreciation of the environment and an understanding of, and commitment to, humankind’s responsibility as custodians of the Earth for future generations.

PSPE in Grade 2 Personal and Social Education will be integrated into all aspects of the Grade 2 programme. As students develop a greater awareness of self-identity, they will be able to analyse their strengths and weaknesses. They will then be able to set personal achievable goals that can be met throughout the year. Through group discussion and interactive activities students will learn to recognize, communicate and manage their own feelings. Through continual group activities, students will develop social skills, learning to appreciate the differences in others as well as recognizing and dealing appropriately with conflict situations when they arise. In all areas of the programme, students will show initiative and self-direction with increasing independence, approaching learning with flexibility, creativity and commitment. Assessment in personal and social education will take many forms but will focus greatly on student self-assessment and peer assessment and personal reflection.

RIS Grade 2 Curriculum Guide 2020-2021


Moral Education

The UAE’s Moral Education Programme )MEP) has been introduced to all schools in Abu Dhabi this year. The programme covers four pillars of teaching and learning: character and morality, the individual and the community, civic studies and cultural studies. The topics and outcomes complement the goals and approach of our PSPE programme and have been integrated into our Units of inquiry. Grade 2 Topics and Outcomes: The topics and outcomes of the (MEP)

Individual and the Community

Character and Morality

Cultural Studies

Self-identity and working with others Self-worth: me and my school Community awareness: working together and teamwork; helping, supporting and looking after one another

Tolerance, respect for difference What it means to be tolerant and respectful of difference.

What objects and symbols can tell us: similarities and differences Similarities and differences between heritages

Being healthy and staying well Self-worth: looking after yourself, being healthy and staying well (personal health, diet and fitness) Community awareness: managing change and feelings

Resilience, perseverance Why being resilient and brave helps us in different contexts. The importance of hard work and perseverance.

Discovering our heritage through artefacts

Individual moral responsibilities, duties and obligations The difference between duties and responsibilities and their justification; the difference between duty-based and consequentialist ethics Human needs Hierarchy of human needs and development; individual responsibilities and basic rights

RIS Grade 2 Curriculum Guide 2020-2021


Physical Education

As part of our PSPE curriculum at RIS we have develop an ongoing, balanced physical education programme, drawing on the conceptual understandings and learning outcomes from all three strands of PSPE to provide meaningful, connected learning experiences for students. Strands Individual Pursuits

Movement Composition


Adventure Challenge

Health Related Fitness

Essential Understandings The development of basic motor skills and the body’s capacity for movement through locomotor and manipulative skills and/or experiences; the techniques, rules and purpose of a range of athletic activities. Recognizing that movements can be linked together and refined to create a sequence of aesthetic movements. Movements can be in response to stimuli or performance elements and/or criteria and can communicate feelings, emotions and ideas. Recognizing the challenges presented by games; the importance of manipulating space; the categorizing of games; identifying and developing appropriate skills and strategies; recognizing the importance of rules and how they define the nature of a game; modifying existing games and creating new games; teamwork. A variety of tasks requiring the use of physical and critical-thinking skills by individuals and/or groups; challenges that require groups to work together collaboratively in order to solve problems and accomplish a common goal; recognizing the role of the individual in group problem solving. Recognizing and appreciating the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle; the body’s response to exercise including the interaction of body systems and the development of physical fitness.

RIS Grade 2 Curriculum Guide 2020-2021


During Grade 2 students will engage in a variety of different physical activities for Individual Pursuits, Movement Composition Health Related Fitness and Games.

PE Strand Individual Pursuits

G2 PE Outcomes (Note - some outcomes are revisited and built on in multiple units) • Use and adapt basic movement skills (gross and fine motor) in a variety of activities • Understand the need to act responsibly to help ensure the safety of themselves and others


Invasion Games • Identify rules and fair play when participating in physical activities • Use and adapt basic movement skills (gross and fine motor) in a variety of activities • Understand the need to act responsibly to help ensure the safety of themselves and others • Are aware of their emotions and begin to regulate their emotional responses and behaviour • Assume responsibility for a role in a group

Movement Composition

Health Related Fitness

Target Games • Identify rules and fair play when participating in physical activities • Use and adapt basic movement skills (gross and fine motor) in a variety of activities • Demonstrate a positive belief in their abilities and believe they can reach their goals by persevering • Value interacting, playing and learning with others • Use and adapt basic movement skills (gross and fine motor) in a variety of activities • Display creative movements that can be linked to create sequences • Display creative movements in response to stimuli and express different feelings, emotions and ideas • Understand the need to act responsibly to help ensure the safety of themselves and others • Reflect upon and aesthetic value of movement and movement sequences • Reflect on the interaction between body systems during exercise • Recognize the importance of regular exercise in the development of wellbeing • Exploring how eating healthy foods can influence health and wellbeing

RIS Grade 2 Curriculum Guide 2020-2021


Information Fluency

In Grade 2, Students are entrusted and guided through the responsibility of managing their own devices. They will sign a contract where they agree to follow the guidelines of our BYOD (bring your own device) policy. Students are given digital citizenship education to help them develop the attitudes needed to engage in the digital world. Learning what personal information is appropriate to share and how to maintain a healthy digital environment are the key elements at this stage of their digital learning. Seesaw is used as the main digital platform from which work is allocated by teachers, submitted back by students and shared to parents. They also have student agency to share any work they may wish to celebrate with their peers, teachers and parents. Students will experience teachers using Loom to record lessons that they will have access to in assisting them through activities that they have been assigned. Teachers in grade 2 will utilise Zoom, a video conference application to communicate in realtime with their students. In library lessons, students will be given Information Literacy lessons to help them find, organise, evaluate, use and communicate information with a focus on decision making, problem-solving and the acquisition of knowledge. Grade 2 students will begin to be exposed to arrange presentation applications like PowerPoint, Keynote and iMovie as they begin their digital journey towards being a digital creator.

RIS Grade 2 Curriculum Guide 2020-2021


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