TERM 3 | 2018-2019
THE RAPTOR REPORTER From the Office of the Principal
FROM MR. IAIN Dear Parents, We have reached the end of another fabulous year at Raha and during these last few weeks I always enjoy reflecting on all the great things that have happened during the year and then taking a moment to look forward to next year. The 2019/20 academic year has been an excellent one for the Raha Community. We have had many successes and exciting things happen during this year a few of which I would like to highlight in this newsletter.
Orientation Day 2 Sept
First Day for all students
We remain the pride of Abu Dhabi schools. This was recognized when we were awarded the ‘Best IB school in the UAE’ by Schools Compared in March at their gala awards ceremony. We are also currently the only ‘Outstanding’ IB school in the country. This is a tremendous achievement for our whole community. We are one family and coming together as we do has many benefits for our incredible students. I am very proud to be leading such an exceptional school and look forward to another impressive year in 2020 as we embark on the biggest school expansion project in Abu Dhabi! Another thing I wanted to especially draw your attention to is the introduction of summer long internships for our older students. This is the first time Raha has ever embarked on such an initiative and the uptake from companies and students has been far greater than we all expected. For our students to gain experience in a high-quality Abu Dhabi based company during the summer break is a great advantage to them as they move into a competitive world. I am grateful to the work of Mr. George Scorgie and all our partner companies for their hard work getting these internships up and running. See more details below. I want to wish all a wonderful summer holiday and wish our departing students and families the very best for the future. We hope you stay in touch even as you move on and let us know your successes as you continue your journey beyond Raha.
- Mr. Iain