Grade5toGrade6/MYP1 TRANSITION
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IwouldliketotakethisopportunitytowelcomeyourchildtoMYP1(Grade6)at RahaKCC!TheirMYPJourneyisnowbeginning,andIwillbetheretomakesure itisasuccessfulone.
I am Ms Eileen, Learning and Teaching Lead for Grade 6/MYP 1, and the MYP Head of Inclusion. I have been teaching at Raha for three years but have beenintheUAEteachingsince2017.
IamfromIrelandwhereIalsotaughtforfiveyears.IhavebothaBachelorsof EducationandaMastersofEducation IcametoAbuDhabiin2017fromIreland, notknowingmanypeopleintheUAE,soIrememberwhatitfeelslikestartinga newexperience.Itisexcitingbutitcanalsobringnervesandfears.Bothmyself and the other teachers are confident that once your child steps inside our doors their nerves and fears will disappear as they become part of our Rahafamily.Ican’twaittohavefunandguideyourchildrenthroughMYP1with allthesupportandencouragementtheyneed.
In Grade 6, students will study the key features of biographies and autobiographiesinUnit1 Wewillexploreautobiographiesindetail,focusingon how to structure an anecdote in a way that is interesting for our reader. Studentswillhaveanopportunitytowritetheirownautobiographicalanecdote about a significant event in their life. In preparation for the launch into MYP 1, students are asked to read a minimum of two leisure books over the summer. While reading something of interest to them, they will also expose themselves tonewvocabularyandsentencestructures.
Grade 6 will study Number Skills, Angles in Architecture and data handling in reallifecontext.TheseskillsbuildsontheirPrimaryMathsknowledgeandtakes a look at investigating rules in Maths (Criteria B) and real-life applications of Maths in the real world (Criteria D). Students in Grade 5 have worked on number skills, and these are the foundation we build on in Grade 6 Maths Ensuring number practice over the summer will help prepare for an exciting yearahead!
Grade 6 will begin their journey of scientific discovery through a series of activities based on separating mixtures to build on their investigative and communication skills. They will then focus on using the scientific method to inquire into the three states of matter and their properties Students can prepare by watching science documentaries or Key Stage 3 states of matter, kinetictheoryandnatureofsciencevideos,orbyreadingscientificmagazines, suchasNewScientistorScientificAmerican
InGrade6, completebeginnerswillbeintroducedtokeyvocabularyincluding numbers,colors.
InUnit1,studentswilllearngreetings,howtointroducethemselves,theirfamily andfriends.Theywilllearnhowtodescribethemselves,theirfamilyandfriends and the hobbies they like. Students will learn through dialogues, and vocabulary games Students will investigate the function of greetings in theArabworldanddeveloptheirconfidenceandcommunicationskillsthrough regularpractice.
TheywillbeassessedontheirunderstandingskillsinObjectiveA,Listeningand in their ability to communicate information verbally in Objective C, Speaking Students can prepare themselves by practicing greetings and introducing themselvestoothers.
For Islamic studies, we advise students to work on their ability to recite Holy Quran. Grade 6 will be reciting and memorising Surat Al-Sajdah. Summer breakisagreatopportunitytoprepareforthat,aswellas,startlearningabout theProphetMohammadﷺlifeinMadinah,afterthemigrationfromMecca.
Get ready to put on your dancing shoes because our first unit is all about DanceDiversity!Throughoutthisunit,we'llbeexploringthevibrantanddiverse worldofdance,exploringvariousdancesfromdifferentcultures.
In terms of assessment, we'll be focusing on two criteria: Criteria A, which evaluates students' knowledge and understanding, and Criteria C, which assessestheirabilitytoapplyandperformdancemoves
Forthosewhomightbetravelingthissummer,ifyou'revisitinganothercountry, take some time to explore and learn about the traditional dances of that specific culture. On another note, later in the year, we'll be diving into a swimming unit. Knowing how to swim will be highly beneficial during this unit. So,ifyourchildisn'talreadyconfidentinthewater,nowmightbeaperfecttime toconsiderswimminglessonsorrefreshingtheirskills.
Ingrade6design,studentsbuildonthearrayofskillstheylearnedinPYPSTEAM classes and continue on their journey of design, innovation and creation. MYP designissplitintoDigitalDesignandProductDesign.InDigitalDesign,students will learn a collection of skills while they develop an educational game using either block coding or script coding. In product design, students will use an arrayofmaterialstodesignandcreateadeviceusedtostoreandorganiseall theirpersonalitems.
InGrade6,studentswillbegintheirintroductiontoLanguageBFrench/Spanish. Students will start to learn greetings, introductions, numbers and classroom language. Students will learn how to describe the subjects they study, their teachersandtheirschoolenvironment Inadditiontodevelopingtheirreading, writing,speakingandlisteningskills,studentswillfosterabetterunderstanding oftheculturesoftheFrench/Spanishspeakingworldandinvestigateschoollife and experiences of young people in these countries Students can prepare themselvesbypracticinggreetingsandothervocabularybyusingDuolingo.
Who are you as a learner? This program begins with an exploration of habits, interests, and preferences in the personal and academic spheres, and discoverhowtoleveragestrengthstobecomethebestyoupossible!
In grade 6, students will learn about new subjects such as history and geography.Toprepare,studentscanreadnon-fictionbooksoverthesummer to gain knowledge they can then bring into our class discussions and activities. We will explore topics such as ancient civilizations, mapping, cultures around the world and global citizenship Students can also interview their family members about their family history as this will be their first assessment in I&S in grade 6. Students will explore how our family history impactsourculture,traditionsandperspectives
In grade 6 Arts, students begin their MYP artistic journey. Students will explore theElementsandPrinciplesofDesignwithhands-onactivitieswhileanalyzing artists and their work They will experiment with different mediums and techniques like watercolor, collage, mix media and pencil. Students will also diveintotheworldoftheatreartswheretheywillinvestigatethetechniquesof non-verbal storytelling (Tableau & Pantomime) Students will then move into character creating skills through improv and monologue writing and performing. In Music they will explore different genres and technologies through singing and playing various instruments. Students will also develop techniquestocomposetheirownpieceofmusic.
Our MYP Ethics program is designed to help students understand and apply moral principles in their daily lives. Through engaging discussions, real-world scenarios, and reflective activities, students will explore important topics such as ATL SKills, honesty, responsibility, and digital citizenship This program aims to develop critical thinking, foster a sense of responsibility, and encourage students to become principled and caring global citizens. We are committed tonurturingwell-roundedindividualswhocannavigatethecomplexitiesofour modernworldwithintegrityandempathy.
Subjects A
Language&Literature Analysing Organizing ProducingText Usinglanguage
LanguageAcquisition Comprehendingspoken &visualtext Comprehendingwritten& visualtext Communicating Usinglanguage
Individuals&Societies Knowing&understanding Investigating Communicating Thinkingcritically
Sciences Knowing&understanding Inquiring&designing Processing&evaluating Reflectingontheimpacts ofscience
Mathematics Knowing&understanding Investigatingpatterns Communicating Applyingmathsinrealworldcontexts
Arts Knowing&understanding Developingskills Thinkingcreatively Responding
Education Knowing&understanding Planningforperformance Applying&performing Reflecting&improving performance
Design Inquiring&analysing Developingideas Creatingthesolution Evaluating
MYPhasthesameATLSkillsasPYPbutarefurthersplitinto10clusters: SkillCategories(PYP&DP) SkillCategories(MYP)
Social Collaboration
Self-Management Organisation AffectiveSkills Reflection
Research InformationLiteracy MediaLiteracy
Thinking CriticalThinking CreativeThinking Transfer
7:45-8am MentorGroup MentorGroup MentorGroup MentorGroup MentorGroup
8-8:30am Science PHE-Girls ArabicB Science ConnectEd
8:30-9am Science PHE-Girls ArabicB Science ConnectEd
9-9:30am English Spanish Ethics English ConnectEd
9:30-10am English Spanish Ethics English ConnectEd
10-10:15am Break Break Break Break Break
10:15-10:45am Spanish Mathematics Individuals& Societies Individuals& Societies ArabicB
10:45-11:15am Spanish Mathematics Individuals& Societies Individuals& Societies ArabicB
11:15-11:45am DigitalDesign Innovation Mathematics Mathematics UAESocial Studies
11:45am-12:15pm DigitalDesign Innovation Mathematics Mathematics UAESocial Studies
12:15-1:00pm Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch
1:00-1:30pm Ethics Science DigitalDesign VisualArts
1:30-2pm Ethics Science DigitalDesign VisualArts
2-2:30pm ArabicB English PHE-Girls VisualArts
2:30-3pm ArabicB English PHE-Girls Drama
In order to safeguard our students, parents must wear their lanyard at all times while on campus. Our security team and Raha staff will challenge any adult without a colouredlanyardclearlyondisplay.
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Buses are run by an external provider, Emirates Transport. Registration will go outthisweek
Contactinformation: Shameer,BusCoordinator 508173694
Weuseafewmethodsofcommunicatingwithparents.Forthenextacademic year,weaimtostreamline.
Class schedules/timetables are given on the first day of school Students will be guided and supported by Mentor teachers with reading and understanding their timetables A schedule of the first day of school will be sent to you before the start date.
Doyoutrytokeepchildrentogether,sotheyhavefriendsfrom Grade5intheirclass?
Secondary have been working closely with primary over the past number weeks to create mentor groups that gives every student a clean start and fresh opportunities, whilst aiming to ensure every child has at least one primary friend in their mentor group.Weknowthataschildrengrowintotheirteenageyears,friendshippreferences oftenchangedramatically
IsitdifficultforkidscomingfromadifferentcurriculumtotheIB curriculum?
The secondary department will prepare a comprehensive orientation program for all new students The intention of this program is to slowly integrate those students into thenuancesoftheMYPProgram.ItwillinvolveillustratingtostudentsIBLearnerProfile AttributesaswellasvariousApproachestoLearningSkills
Withrespecttotechequipment,arethereanyspecificationsthat areessential?
Our recommendation is to transition your child onto a laptop. It is essential that students can access all Microsoft 365 tools/apps [word, excel, ppt, OneDrive, teams, etc].Allstudentsneedtheirownlaptop.
Ultimately,wewantMYPstudentstodevelopintegralaffectiveandcollaborativeskills that will empower them to flourish. We have reviewed our Community Expectation policy and BYOD (Bring your own device policy) which will be shared with students at the beginning of the year School polices can be found on the Raha website
Howwillthestudentsbesupportedwiththetransitionto receivinghomeworkeachweek?
In order to best support Grade 6 students, we need to work in collaboration: Mentor teachers,subjectteachersandparents.Structureandconsistency,alongwithfriendly competition is important with supporting Grade 6 students organize themselves, prioritize tasks and complete assigned work. We encourage the use of organization tools, such as student planners or online planners such as the ‘TO DO” application on Microsoft
Open communication, reinforcing affective and collaborative skills and providing structure to help with organization. Students will develop their English skills at school. We encourage families to use their home languages with learners at home. UnderstandthattherewillbeashiftinresponsibilityexpectationsforGrade6students. It is important that Grade 6 students begin developing resilience, perseverance and ownership Creating routines, checking Toddle with your child and showing interest in what they are learning will be of the utmost importance. We will all work together to providesupport,guidanceandextraencouragementalongtheway
ThereareeightsubjectgroupsassessedintheIBMYPProgram(LanguageAcquisition, Language and Literature, Individuals and Societies, Sciences, Mathematics, Arts, PhysicalandHealthEducation,andDesign).Thesegroupsaresupplementedwiththe ArabicHeritagesubjectsthatarearequirementfromADEK
As a school that places an emphasis in multilingualism, all Grade 6 students do FrenchorSpanish.
MYPEnglishlessonsfocusonthedevelopmentoflanguageskillsthroughthestudyof literature. For example, we encourage the students to ‘read as a writer’ exploring the constructionoftextsastheyread,whichtheycanthenusetoguidetheirownwriting AreEnglishlessonssplitbetweenlanguageandliterature?
It varies by subject Innovation has 1 hour, most have 2 hours, core subjects have 3 hoursandUAEheritagesubjectsfollowMOErequirements.
Eachsubjecthasfourassessmentcriteria:A,B,CandD–eachcarryingamaximum score of 8. The total out of 32 is converted to a final grade out of 7 using grade boundaries Moredetailsofthegradingsystemandhowitworkswillbesharedduring Coffee and Connect sessions throughout the year as well as an attachment to the Mid-YearandEndofYearReports
Studentswillbeinaclasswithpeerswhogenerallywillbeoperatingatasimilarlevel (phase), and the teacher will differentiate the material to support students with a rangeofabilities
A case-by-case basis, determined by the Head of Multilingual Education Factors such as nationality and prior learning play a role in decision-making, and some aspectsaremandatedbytheeducationauthority.
ServiceasAction(SA)isanintegralpartoftheMYP ThisprovidesMYPStudentswitha unique opportunity to work outside of the classroom. We understand that we don't justlearnthingsintheclassroom,butwealsoputthoseideasintopracticebyhelping others.Thiscaninvolvevolunteering,organizingfundraisers,doingcommunityservice projects,orevenstartingourowninitiativestoaddressimportantissues.
Eachdayhas6one-hourteachingperiods.Wehavetwobreaks,one15-minutebreak andone45-minutebreak Fridayhas4one-hourteachingperiodsandone15-minute break.EachMYPlessonis60minutes.(Seeexamplebutitwillchangeslightly)
The mentor class consists of all students in the same Osrah [house]The ‘house’ system promotes community spirit across the MYP through collaborative events, competitions,andactivities.Teachersandstudentstakepartinthehousesystem. Challenges,eventsandactivitiesmayinclude
Thisyearweaimtocontinuewithourextra-curricularsportingactivitieswhichoffera widerangeofclubstoourstudents.ParentswillbenotifiedthroughSchoolsbuddyso pleaseensureyouhaveaccesstothiswhenthelinkissenttoyouremail
Howmuchhomeworkshouldweexpectourchildtohaveeach week?
BalanceisanimportantlearnerprofiletraitintheIBCurriculum.Therefore,atKCCwe encourage students to enjoy time out of school with family and friends and to participateinhobbies,sports,andleisureactivitiesoutsideofschool. Alongside this, however, the development of home learning skills is a necessary enhancementtoclassroomteaching,andallMYPstudentscanexpecttoreceivework todoathomeonaregularbasis.Homeworkwillbetargeted,witharotasetbyschool so that each subject has a set day when they can choose to give homework if appropriate.
At the beginning, a lot! PYP to MYP is largely defined by the organisation and selfmanagement skills which students will be focusing on and developing to succeed. Therefore, it would be beneficial for the students to have their parents check to see whatisdue,thelevelofworktheyareproducing,anddiscusstime-management
There are two MYP counselors for Grades 6-10. (Mr. Matt Frey, Ms. Carmen). Sessions will be held at lunchtime for the first month to help everyone to settle in, and ensure theyareadjustingtosecondarylife.
Long-haultripswillmainlybefortheoldergradesbuttherewillbeotherexcitingtrips forGrade6 Staytuned!
ParentscanpurchaseuniformsfromMagrudy’sinForsanCentralMallortheirwebsite. Alternatively,theParentTeam’sSecondHandUniformShopsellstwiceaweek.
Howmuchtrainingwillbegiventostudentsforsystemssuchas ToddleandMicrosoftTeams?
he first few weeks of term we dedicate a lot of time for systems training Throughout theyear,studentswillalsobeguidedonusingbothplatformsbytheirmentorteacher and subject teachers. In order to ensure this training runs as smooth as possible, students must have a laptop with office 365 downloaded For parents, it is advisable to make use of the built-in Toddle support where you can find tutorial videos for parents Familymembers–ToddleHelpCenter(toddleappcom)
Pencil case (pens, pencils, sharpener, rules, white board markers, eraser, highlighteretc.)
EileenMcCrea emccrea@risae
HeadofSecondary KieranBurgess kburgess@risae MYPSeniorLeaders
DeputyHeadofSecondary MonicaWoodward mwoodward@risae
AssistantHeadofSecondary-MYPCurriculumCoordinator KevinHolder Website
ParentArea https://wwwrisae/our-community/parents/parents-area