KCC Staff Handbook 2024-25

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Staff Handbook





Raha KCC was founded in 2020 when it opened Phase One of the building to 280learnersfromEY1toGrade3 In2021,PhaseTwoopenedtoaccommodate 725learnersfromEY1toGrade8.Nowmovinginto2024/25academicyearour studentbodyhasgrownto1700+learnersandhasopenedtotheDP.


Taaleem was founded in 2004 in Dubai and is one of the largest education providers in the United Arab Emirates The Taaleem group offers top international curricula including British, American, and the International Baccalaureate. Taaleem, which means 'education' in Arabic, is committed to inspiringstudentsandhelpingthemtoidentifyanddeveloptheirpassionsand talents.



Thisyear,aswebuildonthestrongfoundationsNicolaandheramazingteam have laid down, our focus will be to continue to develop our community of globallearners,bothyoungandold,toexceedallexpectations.



In this exciting world of change, the importance of education remains at the forefrontofdevelopment,anditisourprivilegetobepartofit.Assuch,ourduty of care is to develop ourselves and our students as inquiring, knowledgeable andcaringpeoplewhowillhelptocreateabetterandmorepeacefulworldfor all.



Throughout the year, I hope you will embrace every opportunity to work alongside colleagues, students, families and the wider community to develop yourself and learn new skills whilst delivering an outstanding IB educational offering.



Iamlookingforwardtoworking,learningandgrowingalongsideyouthisyear. Please, grab me as I walk around the school or take advantage of my open door to pop in, share your ideas, opinions or just enjoy a chat and a cup of coffee.




AbigailFishbourne Principal

AnnaLacey Vice-Principal HeadofEarlyYears


AnnaLacey Vice-Principal HeadofEarlyYears

KieranBurgess HeadofSecondary

RachelHarlen AssistantHeadof EarlyYears


BeckyTurner AssistantHeadof EarlyYears

AnneWatkins HeadofPrimary

MelissaCasale DeputyHeadofPrimary Safeguarding& PastoralLead

KieranBurgess HeadofSecondary

SaeedSmith HeadofLearning Teaching&Innovation

AnneWatkins HeadofPrimary

MichaelBrady AssistantHeadof Primary


MonicaWoodward DeputyHeadof Secondary

FatimaMiller Headof Multilingualism

AnjaliTyagi AssistantHead, DPCoordinator

EileenMcCrea Headof Inclusion

KevinHolder AssistantHead MYPCoordinator

RaquelPessoa Headof StudentSupport

DrMohamedSalamah DirectorofArabicand Islamic



Jen Siham Carolina
Diana Lynsey Lina Kriscelle
Reshma Geetha
Limuel Ahlam Fionah
Pradeesh Matthew
Shah Ruan
Khaled Rajesh
Sajid Manoj Anil Gangadhara
Deepak Sunil Elizabeth Rupindra


OurCore Commitment Toopendoors.


OurMissionistocultivate Knowledge,Courageand Connectiontounlockthe potentialinall.


OurVisionisacommunityof globallearnersexceeding expectations.


We are an IB continuum school and currently offer three IB programmes; the Primary Years Programme, Middle Years Programme and the Diploma Programme. We open our doors to our first Diploma Programme cohort in August2024.

As an IB school, our students practice developing mindsets and attributes called the Learner Profile. A person who has strength with all 10 attributes is said to be internationally minded. Students are explicitly taught the skills of beingacaring,globalcitizen.


TheschoolcalendarhasbeenapprovedbyADEK.Pleasenotethatthereareanumber ofpublicholidaydatesthatareprovisionaldates.


TheUAEisanIslamiccountrywhichimplementsSharialaw Itisexpectedthat teacherswillactinasensitiveandrespectfulmannerbothinschoolandwithin thecommunity.Ifyouareunsureofwhatmay/maynotbeacceptable,youare encouragedtoaskforadvicefromourLeadershipTeamandreadtheTaaleem ProfessionalCodeofConduct,theADEKCodeofConductandtheADEKCultural ConsiderationPolicy,inadditiontothebelow.


Praying is a religious duty, and it is the basis of Islam; therefore, the Muslim students may go for afternoon prayer during lunch hour. Changing Clothes Modestyisveryimportant.Malesandfemalesofanyageshouldneverchange anywherewherethereisthepossibilitythattheymaybeseenbytheopposite gender.Therefore,changingshouldtakeplaceindesignatedchangingrooms.


Teachers should always check textbooks, novels, films and other resources before use with students to make sure that these do not include components that may be deemed inappropriate or offensive to UAE culture or norms. Resources covering topics such as suicide, self-harm and the topics outlined below are to be avoided Please speak to your Head of School, or Arabic & IslamicLeadersforguidance.

“Books and school curricula should be free of texts, names, illustrations and data that conflict with UAE laws, Emirati culture or religious or social values. Amongthetopicsthatmustbeavoidedarealcohol,drugsandhomosexuality. Schools should be careful not to include anything in the curriculum that could be perceived as offensive, obviously anything to do with Middle East conflicts, particularly 20th century ones to do with Palestine and the state of Israel” QuotedfromtheNationalNewspaperundertheheading,“Schoolswarnedon taboosubjects.”


Ramadan is a holy month and lasts a full lunar cycle During this month all Muslimsabstainfromfood,drinkandtobaccobetweensunriseandsunset.As Ramadan is a holy month people are expected to take extra care to act sensitively and respectfully during this time Working hours in all sectors are affected and the school will operate on a shortened workday and timetable. WeaskthattheconsumptionoffoodremaininStaffRooms,theDiningHallor designatedareas.


Many of these holidays are subject to change because they are based on the lunar cycle. ADEK will inform the school of these dates, and thereafter the school will inform staff Many public holidays are based around the moon sighting, so can be called last minute. Due to this, staff are advised to book flexibleticketsortowaituntiltheschoolhassentnotificationoftheseholidays beforemakingtravelarrangements.



Staff must sign in and out of school each day using the fingerprint or ID scanner.






The primary purpose for this time is to support collaborative planning meetings.Whenthesemeetingsarenottakingplaceadditionalactivitiessuch as assessments, feedback, classroom observations, classroom set-up, professional research or activities directly related to improving teaching and learning at KCC will be taking place. Learning and Teaching Leads have a responsibility to ensure consistency across the grade level and that requirementsarebeingmetforplanningandassessment.


ConnectionandCommunitysitattheheartofKCCandassuchitisexpected that staff contribute to the wider school community For large school community events it is expected that staff will work together and make a contributionintheleaduptoandonthedayoftheevent.Thismaybeoutside ofschoolhoursorattheweekends

AsaminimumallStaffareexpectedtoattend; NationalDay




As an IB school there are significant exhibitions across the year These events provide the opportunity to present learning, demonstration action and showcase progress. All staff are required to mentor students to support with the exhibition process. Attendance at the exhibition is expected and is dependentonthesectionoftheschoolyouworkin.




TeachersarerequiredtorunthreeECPsayear(oneperterm) Attendanceisto be taken on Schools Buddy and teachers are required to communicate with parents regarding the ECP. If teachers are absent, they are responsible for ensuringthattheirECPiscoveredbyanothercolleague

EachECPisonedayaweekandrunsfor1hourpersession.SportsECPinvolve multipledaysduetoadditionalmatchdays.ThesecountastwoECPs.

PE Teachers are expected to run a sports ECP each term Performing Arts Teachers (Music and Drama) are expected to lead performances during the schoolyear.





Staff across the school will be expected to supervise break times. This is an active supervision duty where you will be expected to watch for any unsafe situations,incidentsofbullying,roughplayorchildrenisolatedfromtheirpeers. It is your responsibility to report any concerns to LTLs Please make yourself familiarwiththelocationofthedesignatedareasandtheHealthandSafetyin placeforthese.














Professional development is vital to develop as teachers Each member of the community is seen as a lifelong learner. We aim to build professional development into our ethos in as many ways as we can. Formal training will take place during the week prior to the beginning of each academic year, on designated calendar days and at other times according to the needs of the school.

In school professional development will take place during induction week and on a weekly basis throughout the year Tuesday afternoons from 315pm until 4:30pm are dedicated to professional development as well staff and team meetings. On occasion staff will be expected to take part in compulsory IB training This is likely to occur in your first year with us It takes place at the weekend,approximatelyonceevery2years.

Many of our school staff are trained to deliver IB workshops, CIS reviews, IB accreditation visits and/or NEASC Inspections, this adds value to our school and is good professional development. SLT members may take part in two of the above per school year. Teaching staff may take part in one of the above perschoolyear.ThesemustbeapprovedbythePrincipalandmustaligntothe needs of the school Requests must be taken to the Principal 3 weeks in advance otherwise will not be considered. Once approved these must be uploadedtoOracle.


StaffDressCodeiscoveredinStandard10oftheProfessionalTaaleemCodeof Conduct.Employeeswilldressinaprofessionalmanner,consistentwithformal business attire and UAE customs and traditions. Due to the nature of activities on international residential trips staff may need to wear other clothing, this muststillberespectfuloftheUAEcustomsandattire.

Pleasenote,inadditiontoStandard10: GreenstaffRahaLanyardsmustbewornwhenoncampus.


Clothingmustcovertheknees(whenstandingandseated) Whenswimming,shortsandt-shirtsshouldbewornoverswimwear.

Staff should model Raha sun-safe behaviour by wearing a hat at all times whentheyareoutsideonduty.

PE staff and swimming coaches wear the Raha PE kit. Shorts should cover the knee and cycling shorts or leggings should be worn underneath shorts thatarenotthislength.


Staff should familiarise themselves with the School Uniform Policy and School Uniform Guide on the school website. Whilst it is the responsibility of all members of the school community to ensure that students are in correct school uniform, homeroom and mentor teachers should be the point of contactwithparentsregardingnon-complianceofuniform.

Onnon-schooluniformdays,includingschooltrips,studentsshouldmatchthe expectations of the school uniform, e.g. if shorts are allowed in the uniform (ignoringPE),theycanbewornonnon-schooluniformdays Duetothenature of activities on international residential trips students may need to wear other clothing,thismuststillberespectfuloftheUAEcustomsandattire.


Each teacher is to abide by the 12 Standards outlined in the Taaleem Professional Code of Conduct and the UAE Code of Conduct for Education ProfessionalsinGeneralEducation.


Bepunctual Meetdeadlines



Switch mobile phones to silent and avoid using during teaching and supervisiontimes.


Partner with parents. Respond to any parents within 24 hours, by phone preferablyifitisaparentconcern.


The reputation of the school and its students must always be honoured. Disciplinary action will be taken if a staff member is found to exhibit unprofessional behaviour, both in and out of school. Teachers that are concerned about the practice or behaviour of a staff member should only directsuchcommentstoamemberoftheSMTorthePrincipal.


Smoking, including e-cigarettes and vaping, is not permitted on school premises. This includes any time spent during the school day off campus (excursions,events,trips)


To keep the community safe, and to follow safeguarding requirements, staff childrenmustbesupervisedbeforeandafterschoolintheirparent’sclassroom or office. Children must not be left alone in classrooms, pitch, gyms or playgrounds

AtkeytimesacrosstheschoolyearsuchasTuesdayPDsessionsandTeacherParent Meetings it is important that staff can fully connect with the work and tasks that have been assigned. Therefore, these are child-free times as staff will not be able to supervise their children Alternative arrangements must be madeforchildreninallgrades.





Contact must be made as soon as possible and must before 6.30am on the day of absence. You will also need to upload the request via Oracle. You must notify the school using the numbers below and email of a copy of your lesson plantoyourLTLpriortotheschoolday Itisyourresponsibilitytoarrangecover foranyECPsandbreakduties.


Secondary - Message the Secondary Sick Phone (+971 56 219 8033) & completetheAbsenceTypeForm LearningAssistants–TBC

If you are unwell for two consecutive days, or a Friday or a Monday, you must produce a Medical Certificate which is to be uploaded onto the Oracle HR system.IfyouareunwellandabsentfromschoolonaFridayandthefollowing Monday, then the two weekend days are considered part of your sick days Staff Absence – Planned Where permission has been granted for a planned absence such as medical procedures, time for Professional Development or Leave without Pay, all teaching responsibilities must be planned for. It is also yourresponsibilitytoarrangecoverforanyECPsandbreakduties.Allplanned absencesmustbeuploadedtoOracle

PYP–CoverplansmustbegiventotheLTLatleast1weekinadvance Secondary-CompletetheAbsenceTypeFormatleast1weekinadvance


MedicalAppointmentsshouldbemadeoutsideofworkinghoursunlessitisan emergency.EmergencyappointmentswillneedauthorisationfromtheHeadof School.


Staff leaving campus during the school day need to sign out/sign in at Reception.


Compassionate/Bereavement leave will be considered by the SMT on a caseby- case basis. Applications for leave are discussed with your line manager andshouldbeaddedtotheOracleHRsystem.


In exceptional circumstances, employees may ask for leave without pay. This willbegrantedatthediscretionoftheSMTandshouldbetakentotheHeadof School. These should be requsted 3 weeks in advance otherwise they will not beconsidered(unlessthesituationisanemergency) Onceapprovedmustbe submitted to Oracle. Requests. Leave without pay consecutive to school holidays will not be allowed. Please see the table below from the ‘Taaleem LeavePolicy’


Theprobationperiodlastsfor6months DuringthistimetheHeadofSchoolwill completelessonvisits.Therewillregularcheckinmeetingstodiscussprogress towards meeting the KCC teaching and Learning Standards. An end of probationmeetingwilltakeplacetodiscusswhethertheprobationperiodhas beenpassed.APerformancePlanmaybeputinplacetosupportstafftomeet the expected requirements to pass the probation period. Once probation is passedstaffwillmoveintotheschoolappraisalcycle.

During the probation period a sick note will be needed if you are absent. Sick leaveinprobationwillbeunpaid.


Any requests for stationery during the year must be submitted through the AssistantstotheHeads.


Please do not purchase items for reimbursement without gaining prior approvalfromtheHeadofSchool.

If travelling for a PD course to Dubai a maximum of 80AED per day may be claimedforpetroluponreceipt




At KCC we strongly believe that open communication is the key to building trusting relationships. At all times we role model respectful communication to ourstudentsandcommunity.


AtKCCweuserespectfulandinclusivelanguagethatpromotesapositiveand supportive learning environment Derogatory and defamatory language or words will not be tolerated when speaking with students. At all times, a professional adult/student relationship and respectful communication will be maintained. At KCC we will not tolerate adults using language with students whichcanbeconsidered:






AtKCCwordssuchas"idiot,""stupid,"and"shutup,"areconsideredderogatory oroffensivewhendirectedatstudentsandcolleaguesandarenottobeused.


Teamsisthemainformofcommunicationintheschool,followedbyemail.Itis expectedthatstaffchecktheirTeamsandemailfrequentlythroughouttheday whennotteaching.


Staff must respond to emails within 24 hours. Emails should be polite and respectful and should always start with a greeting This includes emails from parentsandcolleagues.


We use Toddle as our online platform. It is used for messages to parents and asaportfoliooflearning.Itisalsoourplatformforreports.

PleasealsorefertoStandard4oftheTaaleemProfessionalCodeofConductin additiontotheabove.


ConnectionisoneofKCC’svalues Weworkinpartnershipwithourparentsand value the community that we work with. Our preferred communication with parents is face to face, or on the phone. There are phones throughout the school that can be used to make calls Personal mobile phones should not be used.

All parent queries or concerns must be followed up within 24 hours, preferably face-to-faceorbyphone.



Be positive when addressing students’ needs and offer concrete suggestions

Maintain a trusting yet professional relationship; do not give out personal mobilenumberstoparents


Allconcernsshouldbeaddressedbytheteacher,nottheLearningAssistant Teachers should keep records of contact with parents and document any conversations

StaffshouldnotcontactparentsthroughWhatsapp,textorpersonalphone numbers



AsperStandard4oftheTaaleemProfessionalCodeofConduct,makingpublic comments to the media is prohibited. If media personnel arrive on site take them to the main reception, and request that they not take pictures, video or talktostudents,employeesorparents


No images of students should be used without parental permission Under no circumstances should images of students be posted to personal social media accounts.Donottakephotosofstudentsonyourpersonaldevices.

AllteachershaveaccesstoiSAMS,whichshowsthelevelofphotopermissions foreachchild Itistheteacher’sresponsibilitytoensurethatthesearefollowed


Both written reports and parent/teacher conferences are held throughout the year. The dates below may vary depending on the approved ADEK calendar. Butseebelowforanapproximatetimeline.








Weoperateasoftstartforourfamilies Gatesopenat730am Theschoolday for all students begins at 7:45 am. Purposeful activities should be available to studentsduringthistime.

The National Anthem is played at 7.50am each morning. Everyone must stop and face towards the flag and remain still until the conclusion of the anthem. StudentsshouldbeencouragedtosingtheNationalAnthem.Teachersshould have the UAE flag presented on their interactive whiteboard and all students shouldturnandfacetheflag

In EY the National Anthem in played over the PA system. In Primary and Secondary it is the class teacher’s responsibility to play the national anthem everymorningat7.50am.


Whenstudentsarriveafter7.50amtheymustsigninatFrontDeskandcollect a late slip to give to their teacher, before going to class Children entering the classafter7.50ammusthaveayellowlateslip.Iftheydonothaveoneplease ensuretheygoandcollectonefromreception.


The school gates open 10-15 minutes before the end of the school day for the PYP. All children who need to leave the school at any time before dismissal must report to the Front Desk to be signed out by their parent or guardian. Pleasedonotdismisschildrenearlyoutoftheclassroom


Attheirdismissaltime,parentsarerequiredtocollectEYstudentsdirectlyfrom their homeroom. Children should be collected from the outside classroom doors. Parents of EY students are asked to notify their Homeroom Teacher via email if another adult is picking up their child. NoEYstudentsarenotallowed to be dismissed without an adult and should not be collected by an older sibling.

Any children not collected after 15 minutes will be taken to the EY Front Desk. Teachers should ask the EY Assistant to make contact with the parents if they havenotbeennotifiedofalternativearrangements.


Parents are asked to wait outside the building until the end of the day All bus students must promptly go to their designated bus. Parents of Primary studentsareaskedtonotifytheirHomeroomTeacherviaemailifanotheradult ispickinguptheirchild Primarystudentscanbecollectedbyanoldersibling but cannot leave the gates without an adult. A face to face handover must takeplace.Anychildrennotcollectedafter15minuteswillbetakentotheFront Desk.


Secondary students are able to leave Campus on their own. Once they have left they will not be readmitted unless they are attending an external ECP. Students, waiting for siblings, may wait in the Canteen until 430pm and then willbeaskedtoleavetheCampus.


Attendance is taken through Toddle at 7.50am each morning. Teachers are responsible for recording student attendance at the start of each day and submitting attendance information promptly. If a teacher’s account is not workingthentheteachersshouldseekguidancefromtheAssistanttotheHead ofSchoolandapaperregistershouldbesubmitted


Parentsareaskedtoemailtheabsenceemailkccabsent@risaeandtoinclude thechild’shomeroom/mentorteachertoinformtheschooliftheirchildwillbe absentfromschool.

Eachmorningfamiliesthathavenotnotifiedtheschooloftheirchild’sabsence are contacted An Absence report is printed daily and is shared with teachers tocrossreferencebeforecommunicationismadewithparents.



KCC has contract with an outside company to provide a bus service for students. Parents organise and pay for the bus service for their child directly throughthebusservicecompany.Homeroom/mentorteacherswillbenotified which students will be using the bus and which bus number they will be on In EY and Primary Learning Assistants escort children to the bus. In Secondary students make their own way there. In EY and Primary teachers will make bus tagsforthechildren’sbags,detailingnameandbusnumbers.






All buses meet the safety requirements as dictated by UAE law. Students are expected to follow the bus rules and behave appropriately on the bus at all times. Parents are required to sign the bus rules and guidelines when registering.



All adults on campus are expected to wear ID badges. If you see someone in school without an ID badge, please escort them to the Security Team to get a VisitorBadge.





Parentandauthorisedguardian Visitor

Allstaffshouldalsofamiliarisethemselveswiththevarioussecurityandsafety procedures/policies including the Lockdown, Earthquake, Extreme Weather & Evacuationpolicies.


SecuritySecurityisonlocationattheschool24hoursaday,sevendaysaweek and will allow our staff access to the school at any time. If you come to the schooloutsideofregularhours,pleasesigninandoutwithsecurity.




Any health or safety concerns or risks need to be reported immediately to the Facilities Manager. Kettles and jugs, and other cooking equipment is not to be usedinareasasidefromthestaffrooms.


Risk assessments are carried out regularly on areas such as classrooms, playgroundsandhubspaces Itisyourresponsibilitytoreadandactionthese


Additional activities such as cooking, or some science experiments may need additional risk assessments These should be coordinated through the Health andSafetyOfficer.



The school Nurse is responsible for the assessment, treatment and referral of studentinjuriesandillnessesthatoccurduringtheschoolday.Teacherswillbe informed by the nurse of children with severe medical conditions. If a student develops an acute illness during school hours, send them to the Nurse (students in EY1 to Grade 1 should be escorted by an adult). The nurse will contacttheparentsifnecessary.


If a student is injured or unwell, the school nurse will be the person to administer first aid. If the student is unable to make it to the Clinic, the Nurse should be called to the incident. They can be contacted on Teams, or on the Nursemobilenumberifitisanemergency (EmergencyNumberfortheNurse–0565116281).TherearefirstaidkitsplacedaroundtheschoolfortheNursesto access.ThesealsohavedetailsoftheNursesmobilenumbers.

Any blow to the head or neck must be taken very seriously and the nurse shouldbeinformedimmediately

EYandGrade1studentsshouldbeaccompaniedbytheLAtotheClinic.Itisthe adult’sresponsibilitytoensurethatthecorrectclass,studentnameandreason forclinicvisithavebeengiventothenurses.

From Grade 2 upwards, students are allowed to visit the Clinic unattended. StudentsshouldgetaClinicPassfromtheirteacher.

IftheNurserecommendsforthechildtogohome,theywillcalltheparentsand arrangethis.StudentswillbekeptattheClinicuntiltheparentsarrivetocollect. The Nurses will send an email to the Front Desk, Security and the homeroom teachertonotifythemofthis.Theywillreceiveamedicalsliptoallowthemto leaveschoolearly.


Duetothehighnumberofstudentsandstaffwithseverelife-threateningfood allergies, Raha is a ‘Nut Aware’ School. This means staff and students should notcontainnuts.Pleasebediligentwhenbringinginfood,orwithfoodbrought in from outside All food with nuts must be disposed of and a polite reminder senttoparents.


If you, or one of your students, has a Life-Threatening Allergy, you will need to work with the school nurses, in conjunction with the student’s parent on an ActionPlan.


SharingoffoodisnotallowedatKCC.Ifparentsbringinfoodtosharewiththe class, teachers are asked to speak with the parent and send the food back home.PleasespeaktoyourHeadofSchoolforfurtherguidanceonthis.


At KCC we take our students safety seriously. If your concern is with a staff member, please go directly to the Principal If your concern relates to the Principal please

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