For new students there will be an orientation session with their homeroom teacher in their classroom. This is a great chance for the children to get to know their new teacher. Children should be dropped off and collected from the external doortotheirclassroom.
For new and returning families our service providers and key staff including nurses, finance and admissions are available in the canteen and administrationblocktoansweranyparentqueries andtosignupstudentsforservices.
Parents and children are invited to an Open House where they can drop in to meet their new teacher and see their new classrooms. Parents should stay with their children and explore the environments together. Studentsshouldwearschooluniform.
The canteen will not be open on Monday for students. We will begin our canteen service on Tuesday 29th August. Our community café, the Cobra Caféwillbeopenforparents.

Meetthemost mportantgroup inschool!
Completeany requiredoutstanding requirements Admissions

Settleanyaccounts, orrequestdocuments orinvoices