Ray Ray "I am principled at home by helping my mum in the garden and helping her get seeds." Nicholas looks like “listening and watching eyes and lips sealed”. Maia says being principled means is “to be helpful, kind and to protect our school”.
Dhriti: "Looks like: social distanced line, sounds like quiet when walking in our lines, feels happy and positive."
Qaiam: "Being principled makes your parents happy, your teachers happy and yourself."
Saeed: "You don't just think about yourself, you think about others and be aware of others." Sophie: "Being principled is important because it helps you to make the right choice."
Aran " Being principled means listening to others and following your classroom's Essential Agreement."
Salama: “Principled feels good because when you do something correct it feels good”
Amelie: Principled is being kind and then others will be kind to you. Maher: "Principled means that we are focused and on task independently".
Khalid: It sounds like people having kind words - saying please, thank you and excuse me.
Daisy: Everyone following essential agreements Taylor: “Principled looks like a person been responsible and kind”
Marc: “Its when a person does the right thing” Bobby: “Principled means doing the right thing. For example when the teacher gives a direction and you try to follow it, that means you are been principled” Valeria: It makes you feel proud and you feel like a good person.
Arabic Word of the Week Review
Ahlan wa Sahlan - أھًﻼ وﺳﮭًﻼ
Mas'oul - ﻣﺳؤول
Remember... Being
Principled, means doing the
right thing, EVEN when NO-ONE is looking!