What a wonderful and busy Term 1! We havewelcomedsomanynewfamiliesto our KCC community and it has been great to see how quickly these students have settled into our school New friendships have been made and the school is buzzing with the lovely energy brought out by happy students and inspiringlearningopportunities.
Over the term we have opened our school up to our community and we have enjoyed numerous opportunities to gettogether Somehighlightshavebeen
the Prophet's (PBUH) birthday Mawlid al Nabī, the KCC Community Bazaar and our National Day celebrations. We have also enjoyed many celebrations of learning, swim galas, and classroom concerts where families have come into our spaces and our students have been able to showcase their learning Our Winter festival concert with our choirs and soloists performing was a lovelywaytowrapupthetermonMondayevening Thankstoourmusicteam Ms.Anna,Mr.Rony,Ms.LizandMs.Carolineforputtingthisshowtogether.
On the sports front, the KCC Cobras have grown from strength to strength Under the dedicated direction of Mr Ben, Ms Kelly Anne and our coaches, we havehadastrongpresenceinmanytournamentsbothafterschoolandover the weekend We have competed strongly, and I am confident that we will be amongstthetopsportingteamswithinAbuDhabiinthenearfuture Thanksto allthestaffwhogiveuptheirtimeafterhourstosupporttoourKCCCobras!
Wewillwelcome20newlearnerstoourKCCMinis(Pre K)inJanuary Forthis year, we have limited our admissions to 1 class, however we look forward to opening this up further in 2023. We can’t wait for our littlest learners to join us tostarttheireducationaljourneyinourincredibleEarlyYearswithMs Anna
Our first term reporting cycle has also come to an end. Partnering with parents is an important part of our students’ learning journey, so we thank those parents who were able to make our settling in meetings and 3 way conferences If you didn’t manage to connect with a teacher, please make sure you email them to make an appointment. As MYP summative grades comeoutthroughouttheyear,weencourageyoutogotoToddlesoyoucan seethefeedbackandgradesforTerm1
I personally would like to take this opportunity to thank all our parents. Your support towards our teachers helps them to continue to deliver the best learning and teaching for our students I know many of you reach out over email or at the door to pass on your thoughts and support, and it is greatly received by these staff that pour so much passion and energy into our KCC students.Wearebuildingourcommunitybasedonrespectandkindnessand I am proud of what we are collectively creating at KCC Without your support wecouldn’tdowhatwedo!
As we move into our Winter break, I wish you all a relaxing and fun filled time connectingwithfamilyandfriends
Warmestregards, Nicola Neethling
FromtheOfficeoftheVice Principal
It has been an incredible start to the school year, one where we have been able to fully immerse ourselves in teaching and learning It’s amazingtothinkthatthistimelastyearwewere busy dealing with the opening of our Phase 2 buildingandthechallengesthatCOVIDthrewat us Howthetimehasflown!Ithasbeenlovelyto see how our founding families have welcomed new families to the school, and our school and communityhavegonefromstrengthtostrength because of the courage and connection of our familiesandstaff
This term has been all about ‘Thinking boldly, inquiring bravely and acting together’ Many familiesandstaffmemberswillhaveheardme
use this before, but I really do feel this describes the essence of an IB education. We have seen action in many forms this term, from students to teachers to parents We lovethatourschoolispositivelyimpactingboththelocalandglobalcommunity
OurPYPlearnershaveenjoyedwelcomingparentsintosharetheirlearningthisterm We have seen celebration of projects and exhibitions on topics such as role models, migration and professions There have been learner led tours of classrooms and immersive days looking at migration and culture as well as the sharing of self authoredbooks
OurMYPlearnershavebeenexploringtheupperlevelsoftheschoolandcreating an exciting learning base on the first and second floor for themselves They have also exploredfurther,takingpartineducationaltripsacrossAbuDhabisuchastheLouvre Theyarebecomingrealexpertsonourlocalarea!
TheRahaTeamislookingforwardtoopeningourdoorsevenwiderinTerm2andare excited to welcome some new additions to the EY building We have been busy preparingforthearrivaloftheMinis,whowillbejoiningusinJanuary Wecan’twaitto extendourincrediblelearningexperiencestoourlittlestlearners
IwishyouallarelaxingandfunfilledWinterBreak, Anna Lacey KCCVice Principal,HeadofEarlyYears