DearParents, I cannot quite believe we are at the end of Term 1. It has been a wonderful term with one of the highlights being the removal of masks in school and welcoming back the Raha warm smiles and energy With all restrictions lifted this term, we have been able to go ahead with all planned school events and activities. The recent National Day celebrations, Holiday Bazaar and Winter Concert have brought a perfect end to theterm
plans at Gardens, we have continued with upgrading the facilities, inside and out With the introduction of Makerspace, the Imaginarium and Raha Desert School, students now have opportunities to extend their critical thinking within innovativeenvironments.
Our Performing Arts departments have re launched many opportunities including ‘Tuneful Tuesdays’ where our Secondary students show off their talent and inspire others The wonderful EY ‘Moosical’ was a very proud moment where our youngest students were on stage performing with such confidence and pride The Sports department have been back in action with the various Raha teams and squads One of our many successes was when our Raha Raptors won the Under 13’s at ‘The World School Games Basketball Champions’,andtheUnder19'swererunners upintheirtournament.
Our active and dedicated ‘Raha Parent Team’ have also been incredibly supportive from the generous teacher appreciation coffee morning, to the bakesales,holidaybazaarandtheplanningofmanyothereventscomingup nextterm
We have continued building networks with external partners to build partnershipsandenrichourcurriculumprovision.ThishasincludedtheGrade 5 ‘Formula One Classroom Racing’ programme for school and the re introduction of international trips for Secondary students with Thailand and Cambodia planned for Term 2. Raha Gardens was also represented at the annualglobalIBconferencethisyeartoshareourleadinginnovativepractice withotherIBschoolsfromaroundtheworld
On behalf of the Raha Gardens staff, I would like to thank the parent community for your ongoing support For those of you celebrating the festive season, we wish you a Merry Christmas and to those families that will be enjoyingawinterbreak,wewishyouasafeandhealthyoneandlookforward toseeingyouallin2023!
Mrs Pali
FromtheOfficeoftheVice Principal
As I begin to write this, I cannot help but be amazedandbewilderedthatwearealready at the end of Term 1! It feels like only yesterday we had our Orientation Day for new students and were welcoming everyone back on the campus the day after What a whirlwindtermthishasbeen
I would like to thank everyone staff, students, and parents for the warm welcome I received when I joined Raha in August I had been told beforehand that this was a place where my children and I would feel comfortable and accepted into the community,andthiswasmostcertainlythe
case We are so fortunate to have arrived at that point in the school’s story when Covid restrictions were lifting, families were welcomed back on campus, and activities and events could be reinstated We were able to witness the myriad ways that Raha expresses its identity as a place to celebrate community, diversity, and connection
My favourite aspects of Term 1 have undoubtedly been the events that bring everyone together These include cheering on our youngest students at Rocket Day and the Colour Run, watching the Early Years ‘Moo sical’, inviting parents to spend a dayintheInnovationHubandImaginarium,celebratingtheUAEduringFlagDayand NationalDay,watchingtheOsrahFlashMobs,andexperiencingtheDPToKandVisual Artsexhibitions IthasalsobeenarealtreattoworkcloselywiththeParentTeamand attendthe‘Meet&Greets’andthebakesale.However,it’struethatonanygivenday, onecanwalkaroundcorridorsduringlessontimeanditisequallyexcitingtowitness outstanding teaching and learning, which is at the heart of what Raha Gardens is about
I wish everyone a restful holiday, and I am very much looking forward to Te its promise of even more opportunities to live Raha’s story, as Happy, Uniqu andCuriouspeople
Warmregards, Carol Pratt GardensVice Principal