Welcome from the Principal Dear Students, It is a pleasure to welcome you to our wonderful school and we look forward to you becoming a member of the Raha family. We are very proud of our achievements and our status as one of only a small number of schools to be rated Outstanding in Abu Dhabi. I am sure that having you join the school will only make us better! We work very hard to make our school safe, healthy and very happy. We will also try to make your start in school calm and enjoyable. We are very used to new students joining us and the students who are already here will help us to make your introduction to Raha as smooth as possible. We have a fantastic team of teachers who care very much about your happiness and learning. They always put your interests first and are committed to helping you enjoy your studies and to perform as well as you can in school. Raha is a very exciting place to be! We have many activities outside of our wonderful IB curriculum and our students get involved in various trips, sports, drama, music, and community events. I am sure you will find lots of activities to keep you happy and busy. I know that you may be a little nervous joining a new school, but once you put your new uniform on, you will immediately become part of our fantastic family and I am sure you will be very happy at Raha. See you soon,
Ms. Nicola
Welcome to Raha! Dear Parents, We are very excited to welcome you and your family to Raha International School. In the pages that follow are steps on the final registration process. We look forward to your child joining Raha! Next steps: •
Ensure all required registration documentation has been submitted to registrar@ris.ae (the Registrar will email you with the documents checklist)
If needed, make arrangements for Bus Service through our Transportation Department (more information is provided in the following pages).
Connect with us: •
For all the most up-to-date information about our activities, photos and videos, ‘like’ us on Facebook at ‘Raha International School’. You can also follow us on Twitter and Instagram.
To join the RIS Parent Team, please contact: parent.team@ris.ae
Our Communications Executive can be reached at communications@ris.ae
General Information Accounts Tuition fees, due dates and payment information can be found in the pages that follow this guide. Accounts is open over the summer and can be reached at 02 550 5271 or by emailing kccaccounts@ris.ae. School Office Hours Raha Offices – including Admissions & Accounts – are open Monday to Thursday, 8:00am to 4:00pm and Friday, 8:00am to 12:00pm. School Transport We have contracted Seven Stars Services, an RTA approved company, to offer school bus service. Please find more information on registering for bus service in the pages that follow. Uniform Expectations Zak’s are the provider of RIS uniforms. More information is provided in the pages that follow. PE Kits PE Kits are to be bought through an external supplier. as this may be changing, students may come to school with sports clothes from home. Appropriate sports clothes include a sports polo or t-shirt, sports shorts (should reach mid-thigh at least) or tracksuit pants. Primary will have PE twice weekly and will wear PE kits to school. Teachers will inform parents of PE days at orientation. When your child’s year group is doing swimming, your child will wear his or her PE kit to school and change into swim gear at school. Secondary students will wear their regular uniforms daily and bring their PE kits to school with them to change into. BYOD Policy Students in Primary (Grades 1-5) will be required to bring their own Apple iPad to school. iPads must be able to run the latest iOS (iOS 12) and have at least 15gb free storage space available to install the required apps and to use at school for recording and documenting work. Students in EY1 and EY2 will need access to an iPad at home if the school moves to distance learning. Students in Secondary (Grades 6-12) will be required to bring their own laptop to school. Laptops must be able to run the latest operating system. Students may choose to use Apple Mac or Windows laptops. More information on technology and devices at Raha can be found in the pages that follow.
The School Day School day timings School day timings EY1
7.45am to 1.00pm Monday to Thursday
7.45am to 2.00pm Monday to Thursday
7.45am to 3.00pm Monday to Thursday
7.45am to 3.00pm Monday to Thursday
On Fridays, school will finish at 12:00pm for all students Pick up and drop off At 7.30am gates and external classroom doors will open for parents to drop-off bags and students. At 7.40am the bell will ring. Parents should ensure students are dropped off in their classroom, say goodbye to their children and exit the play streets. At the end of the school day, EY and Primary students can be collected from their classrooms or play areas using the external doors. Secondary students can be collected from the gates. Late Arrivals and Early Dismissals Students arriving from 7:50am will be considered late and are required to sign in at Reception, before going to class, to collect a late slip or they will be marked absent. School gates close at 8:10 a.m. Should a parent/guardian wish collect their child early from school, the following procedures must be maintained: An email is to be sent 24 hours in advance (minimum 30 minutes prior to collection) to the child’s homeroom teacher and to KCCabsent@ris.ae. The parent/guardian is to check in with the Front Desk Administrator at Reception who will arrange for the child to be brought to the office. Please do not go to the child’s classroom as this can disrupt teaching. Students must be signed out by their parent/guardian in person. The student will be given an Early Dismissal Pass that must be given to Security (please note children may not be released 30 minutes prior to the end of the school day). Reporting Absence & Sickness Parents are required to report a student’s absence the night before if they know that their child will not be attending school or before 8:30am on the morning of their absence by sending an email, with the name of the student and class, to absent@ris.ae. Please do not leave recorded messages on the answer machine. When the Front Desk Administrator begins recording the attendance, if she has not heard from the parent/guardian, she will then send an SMS notification informing parents/guardians that their child is absent.
If a parent does not contact the school or Front Desk is unable to speak to parents by telephone the absence will be recorded as unexcused. Absence All days missed from school for any reason will be reported on the report card as an absence. When your child is absent from school for three (3) consecutive days or more, you need to provide a letter explaining their absence or provide a note from the doctor upon return to school. Absences of 3 consecutive days of more will be followed up by the school. Unauthorized absences cannot exceed 10% of the total academic year and cannot number more than 30 days total (authorized and unauthorized). Absences exceeding this number will be referred to the academic review committee and may result in a student either being retained in the current grade or withdrawn from the school. There are two types of recognised absences; Authorised and Unauthorised: Authorised Absence: The following types of absences may be regarded as authorised when confirmed by signed letter from Parents/Guardians: •
Religious Observance
Out of school suspension
Educational Visit or Trip
Approved Sporting Activity
Other Authorised Circumstances (i.e. bereavement, mandatory appearance before an official body). Must be approved by Head of School
Enforced Closure
Unauthorised Absence: •
Family Holiday
Shopping Trips
Other types of absences not included in the authorised absences list
Absenteeism disrupts learning and it is not possible to “make up” in full the learning lost during a period of absence. We understand that emergency situations happen, however, the nature of our programme is designed for students to learn within their community of peers. It is not possible to send class work home or for students to complete the equivalent work at home. If your child has an illness or is recovering from an illness and is unable to participate in physical education or swimming activities a medical certificate should be issued by the child’s physician. The certificate should indicate the period of time that the child should be excluded from certain activities.
Vacations During the School Year The school year includes a generous amount of vacation time and therefore an extension of this time is not encouraged. Should you choose for your children to be absent from school for a prolonged period outside regular vacation time, parents should send an email to the relevant Head of School (Head of Early Years, Head of Primary or Head of Secondary). The absence will be acknowledged; however, we do not give approval. All days missed will be counted as unexcused absences on the report card. Teachers are not expected to make exceptional lesson planning arrangements for students who miss school because of holidays taken during school days. Should you family decide to take an extended holiday during school time, parents must inform the appropriate Assistant to the Head of Early Years/Primary/Secondary and they will send you a form to be completed electronically. Crèche Facility / After School Care Raha does not offer a crèche facility, nor after school care. For health and safety reasons, all students must be collected promptly after school or after ECPs as there is no after-school supervision. Official Raha Family Handbook & Policies List Please find all relevatn Raha procedures and policies (behavioural, homework, mobile phones, etc.) on our website.
School Fees & Finance The Accounts office is available from Sunday to Thursday, 7:30am to 4:00pm. For inquiries about finance/accounts, please contact accountsadmin@ris.ae or kccaccounts@ris.ae Due dates for payment of term fees for 2021/2022 are as follows: Registration fee - due 10 days from date of invoice or 3 days prior to intended start date Term 1 fee - due 29 July 2021 Term 2 fee - due 2 December 2021* Term 3 fee - due 10 March 2022* *Dates to be confirmed at the start of school year
Other Charges Uniforms and PE kits are compulsory and have to be purchased from Zak’s and Kukri. Books & Stationery are supplied by the school. Charges may apply for lost textbooks/library books. Bus transportation is optional and outsourced to an external provider. The charges of this service may vary from year to year, but are currently priced at AED 5,000 per student per annum. Field trips and excursion activities are optional and may involve charges from external providers. Extracurricular activities (after school) are optional and offered directly by Raha (Internal ECPs). They are free of charge unless otherwise specified. External providers offer a range of sports and other activities at an additional cost in the late afternoon, in the evening and on weekends. Students who join Raha may be given an assessment to determine whether or not there is a need for Special Educational Needs Support. If additional support is required then parents will be contacted and the next steps will be outlined, discussed and additional charges may then apply in accordance with ADEK regulations. Tuition Refund The Raha refund policy is strictly in accordance with the refund policy as per ADEK and is applicable for both Tuition and Transportation fees. All requests for refund must be made in writing to accounts@ris.ae 1.1 Student withdrawal prior to the start of the academic year: If the student has NOT attended ANY classes or has attended only part of week one of the school year, the balance of the first term fee paid is refunded minus any registration fee made for placing the student on the school’s official class list. 1.2 Student withdrawal during the school year: If the student attends school from one week and up to three weeks in a term, Raha may retain the value of one full month of tuition fees. If the student attends school from three weeks and up to six weeks in a term, Raha may retain the value of two full months of tuition fees. If the student attends school over six weeks in a term, Raha may retain the full-term fee.
Helpful Contacts Reception - +971 (0)2 550 5271 KCCreception@ris.ae
ext. 200
Absence Reporting: Send an email, including the name of the student and the class, to kccabsent@ris.ae. Please do not leave recorded messages on the answer machine. Khalifa City Campus - +971 (0)2 550 5271 Jennifer Caster - Assistant to the Vice Principal jcaster@ris.ae
ext. 202
School Clinic / Nurses - +971 (0)2 550 5271 clinic@ris.ae
ext. 206 or 207
Accounts Department - +971 (0)2 550 5271 Ceejay Triunfo - Accounts Administrator accountsadmin@ris.ae Kutiwa Gurira - Assistant Accountant kccaccounts@ris.ae
ext. 216
Admissions & Marketing Department Estée Caplen - Head of Admissions & Enrolment admissions@ris.ae David Raagas - Admissions Administrator admissionsadmin@ris.ae
02 556 1567 ext. 169
Shawna Pope - Admissions Administrator admissionsadmin@ris.ae
02 556 1567 ext. 174
Johanna Latham - Admissions Administrator admissionsadmin@ris.ae
02 556 1567 ext. 125
Nicola Burton - Registrar registrar@ris.ae 02 550 5271 ext. 212 Sehrab Alkilani - Registrar registrar@ris.ae 02 550 5271 ext. 211 Diana Rayyan - Arabic Administrator arabicadmin@ris.ae
02 556 1567 ext. 110
Amii Popple - Marketing & Communications Executive marketing@ris.ae Abigail Alexander - Communications Officer communications@ris.ae
School Uniforms The school uniform is to be worn during each school day unless special activity days are announced. Children are expected to wear the uniform to and from school. We encourage our students to take pride in their uniforms as a reflection of their pride in the school. Clothes worn underneath the shirts must be plain white or natural-coloured. All school uniform clothing must be purchased from ZAKS clothing shop and Magrudy’s. There will be no exceptions to this rule. Students should be well groomed, with a neat appearance and a wellmaintained school uniform. From the 2021/2022 academic year, only the new uniform may be worn. Information on purchasing school uniform from Zaks can be found online at: https://www.ris.ae/our-community/parents/uniform From 11 April, PE kits will be available for purchase through Magrudy’s at Forsan Mall or through their online store. More information will be shared separately.
Tech @ Raha At Raha, we have decided to embrace the use and potential of technology in the classroom. Every classroom is equipped with a digital projector or interactive board and WiFi access. All teachers are provided with a laptop to store and create digital resources. Students and teachers are each given a license and account to Microsoft Office 365, which enables the school community to work digitally and collaborate on tasks and projects. As a result, we strongly encourage all students to bring their own device to take full advantage of the opportunities this can give to the teacher and students. The device is used to support independent inquiry, delve deeper into understanding concepts and skills and to show their knowledge and understanding. We also use online platforms to document the learning journey. In PYP, students use Seesaw or Toddle on their iPads to record and add annotations to their work throughout each unit of inquiry. In MYP and DP, students use their device to connect through Microsoft Teams and to upload work to ManageBac for teachers to grade and to provide feedback to support student development. In order to ensure that technology is assisting the teaching and learning in the classroom, we have decided to use a single platform and therefore recommend only Apple devices. In PYP (Grades 1-5) this means an iPad. Students in Grades 3-5 may also choose a keyboard case to assist with typing and a stylus to help with digital creativity. Students in EY1 and EY2 will need access to an iPad at home if the school moves to distance learning. Students in Grade 5 may choose to transition to a Macbook in preparation for MYP. In MYP and DP we recommend the Macbook Air or Pro, and in DP Art to create digital artwork, we recommend an iPad with pencil. We have partnered with our Apple supplier to provide discounted prices on Apple products that you can purchase for your family use. Please see the flyer to the right to create an account to check prices for comparison with other providers. We always recommend ensuring the device has a suitable case and that you have headphones for your child to use. For further information on the systems and devices used, please contact Richard Ballard (Head of Technology and Innovation) at rballard@ris.ae. How do I buy? •
Naviagte to www.jtrs.ae
Click on ‘Sign Up’
Choose ‘Raha International School’
Sign in & complete your purchase
https://drive.google.com/file/d/117fkImJp1zPysm7W2a8un5rfYAafdu-c/view?usp=sharing to
download the Purchase Guide
School Bus Transport Dear Parents, Greetings and Good Day!! Hoping that you all are doing well and keeping safe We are glad to inform you that Seven Stars School Buses Transportation will continue to provide the school transport services for the students of Raha International School in Garden Campus and Khalifa City Campus for the next academic year. It has been a pleasure to serve the Raha Community for over a decade, and we look forward to continue our dedicated services to you in the future. Parents wishing to enroll for school transport services can register through www.sevenstarsschoolbus.com. Parents who had been using our services during the last academic year are requested to complete the re-registration process through the website mentioned above in order to continue using the school transport services. On completion of online application an email acknowledgement along with the copy of the application form andSchool Bus Transport Policy and Agreement will be sent to registered email ID. Registrations received after 15th August cannot avail the service on the first week of school. Service will be provided based on route and seat availability. Due to the present pandemic situation and as we are awaiting instructions from the concerned regulatory authority and UAE Government, we are forced to close the Registrations early since we need time to prepare for any updates that we receive from the authorities. After the registration is confirmed and the procedures are completed, payments will be collected in advance for the entire academic year as per the installments mentioned below: S.No.
Term Period
Term 1
AED 2000/-
Term 2
AED 1500/-
Term 3
AED 1500/-
Note: Transport rate charges will be the same irrespective of the shift chosen as 1 or 2 ways.
Payments are accepted in Cash, Cheque favoring ‘Seven Stars School Buses Transportation’, or Bank Transfer. Bank Account details are as follows: Bank Name: National Bank of Fujairah - (NBF) Account Name: Seven Stars School Buses Transportation Account Number: 012001114512 IBAN Number: AE290380000012001114512 Branch: Corniche Branch Swift code: NBFUAEAF Kindly note, that we will not be providing the bus transport services, if the Registration Form and signed School Bus Transport Policy and Agreement are not submitted along with the advance payment on or before 25th August 2020. Ms. Donabel will be the School Transport Coordinator and can be contacted for any queries or concerns at transportation@ris.ae or at 055-4412710. You may also contact our Customer Service Representatives to assist you any time and they can be contacted on 02-6713131 / ext. 201 / 203 / 204 / 205 / 206 / 207. We appreciate your continuous support and feedback and assure you of our best services always. Wishing you all Good Health, Take Care and Stay Safe!! Thanks and Best Regards
Mohammed Abdulla Operations Manager
School Bus Transport Please read the instructions for registration below. You may register from 5th July 2021. Guidelines for School Bus Transportation Online Registration. •
Visit www.sevenstarsschoolbus.com using Google Chrome browser.
Select Register.
Select School Name and Campus.
For New Registration: 1.
Enter and complete all required information.
Follow the format as shown in the respective fields.
Emirates ID to be uploaded in .jpg or .pdf format.
Photo to be uploaded in .jpg format only.
Review the information provided and ensure all data are entered accurately.
After review, select the declaration below and proceed to submit.
For Re-Registration: 1.
Select Re-Registration.
Enter the Student Emirates ID No.
If the Student Emirates ID is not updated in the system and shows invalid please contact the School Transport Coordinator or our back-end team for assistance.
Verify the data provided earlier and update the fields and the required informations if necessary.
Follow the format as shown in the respective fields.
Review the information provided and ensure all data are entered accurately.
After review, select the declaration below and proceed to submit.
An automated email acknowledgement along with the copy of the application form and School Bus Transport Policy - Terms and Conditions Agreement will be sent to the registered email ID. For any queries and concerns please feel free to contact Ms. Donabel, School Transport Coordinator of Raha International School, at transportation@ris.ae or at 055-4412710. You may also contact our Customer Service Representatives to assist you any time and they can be contacted on 02-6713131 / ext. 201 / 203 / 204 / 205 / 206 / 207.
Raha International School Raha Gardens, Khalifa City ‘A’ P.O. Box 34150, Abu Dhabi United Arab Emirates