Issued in the public interest after the Chennai oods 2015.
How to clean up after the rain? Safety Checks before you enter your home Check for structural damage.
If you suspect your drinking water source has been contaminated with flood or sewage water, DO NOT use the water for anything.
Water and electricity are a dangerous combination.
Do the toilets and sewer pipes drain well? If not, do not use until a plumber has repaired the damage.
Turn off the electricity at the breaker if you are unsure of the wiring.
Always wash your hands and face with hot water, soap and disinfectant (like Dettol) before eating or drinkingto reduce the chance of disease. It takes at least 15 seconds to wash properly, so count to 15. Wet hands with water, apply enough soap to cover all hand surfaces. Rub hands palm to palm and also interlace your fingers to get soap in between. Rub the top of your hand. Rinse thoroughly and dry.
Safety Gear
Broken glass, exposed nails and other sharp objects may be in the water/ mud.
Watch for snakes and other animals.
Step carefully. Water and mud make a floor very slippery.
Floodwaters contain disease causing germs and can also leave a layer of sediment: a mix of soil, sewage, and toxic chemicals.
Tools to Clean
Wear rubber gloves if available.
Wear the hard industrial boots. Or at the very least, wear knee-high gumboots.
Keep Dettol and bandages available. Wash any cut with clean water and Dettol immediately.
Tie a cloth around your nose and mouth.
Translations: GK Manickavel Graphics: Gnaneshwar
Brooms, buckets, bleach, Crowbar, hammer, saws, shovels, dustpans and pliers, screwdrivers. mops.
A wooden stick for scaring away snakes and small animals.
Trash bags and proper means to dispose of waste
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