Upstate SC FAMU Alumni Association August Newsletter

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Volume 1, Issue 7

August 2019

Upstate SC Chapter M o n t h l y Special points of interest:


Next Meeting Saturday, August 13, 2019 at the Augusta Road Library (100 Lydia Street; Greenville, SC. starting at 1:00 PM. Look forward to seeing you there!!!

Football Schedule (up to Homecoming)

HBCU Times

2019 FAMU Clear Bag Policy

Newsletter Notes

Did you know???

Welcome to the August edition of the Upstate SC Chapter of FAMU AA Newsletter. The next meeting is scheduled for Saturday, August 13, 2019 @ 1:00 PM at the Augusta Road Library.

Florida A&M University enrolls nearly 11,000 students from the United States and more than 70 countries such as India, Egypt, Trinidad, Netherlands, China, Bahamas, Jamaica, and Brazil.

Come hear about all the wonderful things we are planning for this upcoming year. We will have our one year anniversary of becoming an official chapter and so much more. We are looking forward to a GREAT year. Please don’t forget to renew your annual membership dues. Also, in renewing your annual dues, be sure to include the National, Regional and Local dues (a total of $90.00). We highly recommend that you renew your membership online as it makes it easy for nationals, regional and local to track. Thanks!!!

Inside this issue:

National, Regional and Local Chapter Dues

N e w s l e t t e r






Do you have an idea or suggestion that you would like for the Chapter to adopt and start doing? We need and desire your ideas and suggestions for things that we as a chapter can and should be doing. Please send us your ideas and suggestions to the emails to the right of this section and let us know what you think we should be doing. The Chapter is new, still developing and we need your help to make this Chapter become great. Please email us your ideas and sug-

Emails for the Chapter FAMU Alumni Chapter

FAMU Alumni President

FAMU Alumni Secretary

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Upstate SC Chapter

U p c o m i n g

Its that time of year again when we have to pay our annual alumni association dues for the year. As a reminder, the Florida A&M University National Alumni Association has four main goals in its mission: raising and giving funds to the University that will support its programs; recruiting students who will attend the University; doing those things that perpetuate a positive image of the National Alumni Association and the University; and influencing community and governmental activities that will support the University's priorities. Accomplishing these goals requires that the FAMU NAA recruits alumni and others who will support the University and its goals through

L o c a l

membership in the FAMU NAA. In order to be a regular member of the Florida A&M University National Alumni Association, you must be a graduate or have at least completed one semester in good standing. If a person did not attend the university, but is interested in supporting the university, they may become an associate member. The fiscal/membership year for the association is July 1 to June 30. This is also the time frame for dues payment.

Costs to Join the FAMU NAA The cost of an annual membership with the FAMU NAA is $50 per year. The membership

A c t i v i t i e s

year runs from July 1 to June 30. In addition to this $50, there are regional and local chapter dues depending on which chapter and/or region a person chooses to become a member. Life membership costs $750. There are no Life Membership dues for regional and local chapter dues (at this time). Once a person is a life member, they no longer have to make annual payments to the NAA. The subscribing life membership allows people who wish to be come life members of the FAMU NAA to make the required $750 in increments over a three or five year period. Each year, those people making subscribing life payments pay the predetermined fraction of the life mem-

bership payment in addition to the annual membership payment. Dues Schedule is as follows for the FAMU Upstate Chapter of the FAMU NAA. National Dues $50.00 Regional Dues $10.00 Chapter Dues $30.00 National and Regional dues are due starting July 1 for the new year. They are to be paid online at the FAMU NAA website. The Chapter dues are to be paid at the chapter meeting. Please ask one of the officers for more information and details.

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Upstate SC Chapter

Fo o t b a l l


( t o

H o m e c o m i n g )

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Upstate SC Chapter

The HBCU Times

Have you heard about or seen the HBCU Times. It is an electronic magazine that online and features enlightening and inspiring articles about all the HBCU’s and those of us that have attended and graduated from an HBCU. They often have articles on FAMU, but all the other HBCU’s. This publication has a tremendous amount of information on various programs, various performers, etc. from HBCU’s. Check out the website, read some of the articles and see what is going on with the HBCU’s across the country.

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