The Talmud of JMManuel Introduction

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Contents •1 Dedication • 2 Cult Religion • 3 Further Reading • 4 Source

Dedication Dedicated to the man known to many as Jesus, known herein as Jmmanuel, in the hope that the truths that he shared may be heard clearly today. - .H.Z. and B.L.G. In 1963 the text presented in this book was discovered by "Billy" Eduard Albert Meier in the form of scrolls encased in preservative resin, after a Greek Catholic priest by the name of Isa Rashid discovered the actual burial cave of Jmmanuel (who has been erroneously called Jesus Christ). Written in the literary language of Old Aramaic, the document was buried under a flat rock in the tomb. It was Rashid's wish that his name not be publicized. He feared, and rightfully so, that he would be persecuted by the Church and the Israelis and perhaps even be assassinated, a possibility that unfortunately became true later. The author of the scrolls was a contemporary and disciple of Jmmanuel who was known by the name of Judas Iscariot. For about 2000 years he has been wrongly denounced as the traitor of Jmmanuel, although he had nothing to do with the betrayal. This ugly deed was actually carried out by Juda Ihariot, the son of a Pharisee. In order to save their threatened heresy, today's still-dominant orthodox and conservative clergy and their naive followers will probably attempt to deny the scrolls, destroy this book and denounce it as lies, as they have done with many other ancient writings that bore witness to the truth. (See, for example, the books Henoch and Jezihra, among others, which were removed from the Bible because they had been too close to the truth when handed down). As before, it will happen again that this writing will be attacked and probably taken out of circulation. It will probably happen that pressure from many sides will be exercised on the editor of the writing, or he may be persecuted or assassinated in order to preserve the "true religion." (Three attempts on his life were made in 1976, once even in the presence of witnesses. By the end of 1990 the number of murder attempts had increased to 13.) Certainly efforts will be made to induce police, authorities, public prosecutors, judges and courts of all kinds to prohibit this book, to ridicule it, to repudiate it or to suppress it, actions which, however, will not detract one iota from its veracity. The obscurantists in charge certainly will proceed with all circumspection, skill and intrigues to have the document dismissed, denounced as a hoax and quashed, as has been the case upon publication of other writings whose original scripts, however, were then hidden in the Vatican Library in Rome. But there will also ensue an outcry against the text from the religious fanatics and other misled persons who will want to proceed with all means against its existence and the editor. It has always been like that, as everyone knows--there is no shying away from murder, assassination or anything similar. The editor is well acquainted with this fact and consequently has taken necessary precautions. But the "Holy Ministry:' the "Holy See in Rome" and the Pope have always taken steps to build up or to save the erroneous cult religion of Christianity. In this connection the readers need only to think of the Inquisition (ordered by the "Holy See"), through whose command millions of people in Europe alone were brutally slaughtered, tortured and murdered. The number of murders on record committed by the "Holy See" amounted to nine million during the Inquisition, while the number of undocumented murders adds at least another nine million.



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