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Lower Templestowe Childcare is a renovated project to improve the flow of the commercial kitchen in the childcare Facility. It is located in lower templestowe Vic.

The rennovation focus on the workflow in the kitchen and the commercial kitchenware since most of the appliances and equipment are mostly the domestic one and the flow of the cooking workflow is not efficient



SWIRL PAVILION is a researh project testing on Sound simulation. Central Garden is chosen to be site study for this research project since there are many people spending time at the garden but there is nothing much going on and there are vairous sound such as birds, wind, people chitchating, machinery from nearby construction site, train passing by, etc.

This swirl has created 2 almost identical spaces that we are testing Clarity and Reverberation time.

Scope of study: we will put source of sound with the same coordinate in the two circular space, however, we use different materails (Sound reflective and sound absorbent) therefore, human will perceive two different experiences of sound in those spaces.

Research tool:

We use Rhino and Grashopper (Pachyderm-grasshopper plugin) to test all the possible iteration leading from simple squre form to curve and organic one. We tested both Clarity and Reverberation time and it does provide a very satisfying result after many simulation.

We start testing the sound simulation from simple Square S till we find out the more round and cure will provide more reflective sound. Therefore, the siumulation has led us to the iteration of the final design. Beside, we also do sun and wind analysis and solve all the issue as much as we can.

Site Analysis


1.1 UTCI Analysis (1st Proposal)

During summer the diagram shows that it is comfortable through the whole hot week in average.

The red color (28 C) is the moderate heat stress. However, the diagram indicate Melbourne has cold stress (all blue). Therefore, we will scope down to work on solving problem of the design during winter.

1.2 Radiation & Shawdow Range Analysis (1st Proposal)

According to both Radiation analysis and Hours of receiving direct light & shawdow, our design has received enough sunlight on the north part but certain areas of the south part seem to be too dark because it has not enough sunlight coming through. Both of the diagrams show darker blue at the southern area than the northern area. Then we have to find solution to solve this issue in the next approach.

1.3 Wind-rose For Winter (1st Proposal)

Wind Rose Wind Speed

Winter months - June to August 7am - 9pm

Wind Rose Wind Temperature Winter months - June to August 7am - 9pm


Starting with the S shape as initial design and using grasshopper as simulation interface, we have developed the design from a retilinear “S” to a Percular “S” shape. We have tried to experiment puttig the sound source inside the tunnel.

Later, we have the idea of having two sound expriences within the “S” shape below by opening up some space as semi-enclosed and fully-open space. After running the simulation, it potential to create those two acoustic expriences.


Accoring to the simulation, the proposed design does create 2 different sound experiences based on reverberation and clarity parameters. The same sound music will be play in the 2 spaces but the visitor will experience two different perception feeling of music.

(C80) A-Weighted Sound Pressure Reverberation Time (dB) (dBA) Milliseconds

1st Iteration

2nd Iteration

Final Iteration

New design up-

Translucent roof added for a natural

Translucent roof added for natural lighting

Sun reflective board facing north to reflect light to the dark area

Sun Reflective Board Added

Translucent roof added for

1st Iteration updated transparent roof updated sunreflective

Sun reflective boards are added to catch the light and relect back to the lower parts for better lighting

Sun Reflective Board Added

Initial Proposal

Sun reflective borad facing down when having enough sunlight

Initail Proposal seating added for human engagement

2nd Iteration

Base floor added to access the

Birdeye view from the southern part


The texture and color of the tree themselves provide the yellow and orange gradient that exist in the nature. The green grass will be a very good background that the orange and yellow gradient will be placed. The different tones color of the yellow leaves, the texture of the tree roots and trunks, color of the surrounding objects allow the orange yellow gradient blends well into the environment.

Final rendering

Perforated Panels


Absorbing Panels

Oval sun-reflective curved

View under Sun reflectiveBird eye view of the Shelter

This project focus on removing rail on the ground since it breaks the connection and interaction between human and traffic from both side of the road along the railway. Simulataneously, new masterplan is proposed to make use of the space un-

Geelong Square Market has very long history till it has developed to the current design. However, the market is still in big Mass so it does not provide enough permeability for the people to attract more people. In this research, I focus on the elements of architecture that is involved with placemaking such as gallery structure and Interface. In the process, this research reflect how a physical object can make a different to human interaction such as awning structure that allows human to stay undershade, transparency of the facade and size of the balcony n which tend to

Through this section it relects that there is more privacy and lack of interaction when the building get higher since people cannot interact much. However, to engage the occupants to the outside transparency of facaee can help and also the balcony which is the space that the occupants can relax and spend time seeing outside the units. Therefore, the size of balcony does matter and if there are more features such as plants, reading bay, coffee table, etc. it encourage us to spend more time there.

Back to the gallery structure, people have more interaction since they can stay under roof when raining and they can stay under shade to avoid

Preservation of the Heritage


Adapting the existing slaps (Concrete)

New Secondary Elements (Timber & Glass)

Adapting the existing Primary Structures (Beams & Column)

Creating Void to the existing Awning Structures

New Contemporary Design (Steel & Glass)




Similarly to the relationship Matrix, this collage graphic reflects how elements can be Temporary or Perament, and those that can be utilised seems to move around more thant those that are for just decoration



Malop street is one of the main street around Square markets, even though this street has been designed with trees and furniture, people tend to saty there for very short time, since there are:

- busy traffice

- lack of privacy

- the environment is not inviting to be seated

- there is almost no activity there

- there is a disconnection of the landscape and walkway

- material used are not inviting for people

If we look at the elements around, there are things that tend to be permanent/persistent and there are things that are temporary/momentary. Those are categorized into 2 different levels; decorative and utility. We can see that there are many permanent elements according to relationship Matrix and those that are not utilised tend to be movable but those that are very utilised tends to be permanents.

Different scenarios has been shown in the drawing by considering differences between building with and without awning at different times of the day (Sun, Rain); comparing to differrent various activities within gallery structures.

It has shown that the gallery structure (with column) provide more variation to increase interaction & visual connection.

In the case, the facade is a solid wall, there is no connection to the public at all, especially the space that does not have balcony or outdoor garden. However, glass is an important material that can create a different feeling and environment because anything happening outside will triger our vision through the glass window or curtain wall.

The diagrams on the right indicate different scenarios of balcony ranking from size to its structure(with/without roof) and with extra features as well. It clearly reflects that the balcony with roof provide more shading and protect the occupants from the rain so they tend to stay longer. In addition, more features such as table & chairs, plants can create various activity that make the participants interact more with the space apart from just seeing the view& getting fresh air.

In the ground floorplan, different kind of retails are included to reactivate the space and there are local groccery that the venders have more engagement with the customers which reminds us back to when Square Market was first founded.

Those groccery area will be semi-open plan so there will be permeablity throughout the whole ground floor which encourage human interaction.

For the design to be activated, there should be various users and since in this project we are bring density more into the Central Geelong, the first floor has been designed with a variety of office space that are flexible for the tenants to limit their own space since we use movable wall partition so they can decide how big/ small they want their office to be. There are also meeting room and staff amenity such as kitchen, toilet and changingroom. Surprisingly there is an outdoor garden in which the office worker can access to get fresh air and relax their mind from the stress that they have from work.

Since the building is building vertically, the publicity is reduced and people living in the high rise has less interaction with each other, therefore, in this floor plan design, I propose the Barbeque area, in which the occupants can socialize and get to know each other. In addition, there is also gym facility as well as Yoga to both keep them socializing and doing exercise for their well-being. In addition, I design the Internal Courtyard to bring the natural light and ventilation system. Around the courtyard, also propose a few coffee tables so the occupants can come out of their private unit and drink coffee and talk to the neighbours about their day and start socializing.

Geelong night life is too silent and local people cannot really hangout much because there is no place to increase their interaction. Night Street food is very famous to bring back informal street life and we can see Melbourne and Sydney has embraced that so Geelong must include as well to create active night life.

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