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The coffee bean has been used as a concept of the Nesspresso Pod Coffeemaker. The orignal coffee beans was redrawn artistically as a representation of Yin Yang sign, the feng shui symbol representing the power of two opposing and complementing principle in the nature. The bean shape has been separated into two pieces and the two peices was randomly arranged into the form indicated above. Later the base is added to support the shape. The reason of choosing this design is because it orginally derives from coffee bean with a combination of yin yang with the belief that this design will bring good luck to the business since the feng shui of yin and yang will help the
First handsketching is made to create shape and form. The sketches has been inserted into photoshop for creating volumen and form, then we start adding details, later coloring and texture, last but not least reflection and shawdow. Once everthing is finalised we find as suitable context to put it in and then based on the photo context we need to add lighting and reflection based on the real actual lighting in that existing context.
Task 1: Joint De-
Task 3: Structure into DeArtistic Sculp-
Task 2: Solar Responsive Facade
1. Facade & Simulation Pro-
A. Solar Radiation Simulation
Wood Mate-
C. Climate Responsive Itera-
Structure Detail Special
Task 2: Two Material Joints
3D View
Four of the previous structures joined toghether created a beat-
B. Analysis Result
D. Simulation Verification
Task 2: Solar Responsive Facade
2. Automatic Solar Respon-
1. Follow the Same Process
Graphic Joint Detail
Wood Cyclinders ares specially designed with metal circles. The cyclinders are joined together with a customemize plastic knot and screw as indicated.
3D Detail
2. Grashopper as a Tool
Proposed Structure
3. Iteration Result
The facades are Joined together and will react to the sun by closing triange panels to create shading. When there is no sun the panels will open up to allow natural ventilation.