BOOM! April 2014

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The River Region’s 50+ Lifestage Magazine

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April 2014



Retirement. Too much emphasis is put on the hike up.

Too much emphasis is put on the hike up. The climb down the mountain is where it can get interesting.

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BOOM!, The River Region’s 50+ Lifestage Magazine


April 2014

“Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending.”

Volume 4 Issue 9

Carl Bard

Thought Relationships Taste Inspiration

Humor Advice Health Community

“You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.” C.S. Lewis

3 Jackson Hospital’s Health News 6 Publisher’s Letter 10 DATING Q & A 16 BOOM! Cover Profile 19 Understanding Guardianships & Conservatorships 20 What is G.R.A.S.S.? Dr. Thomas Cawthon 23 Margaret Barber... Filling Empty Bowls 28 Exercise and Breast Cancer Leigh Anne Richards

page 26


Features 36 Common Bonds

26 Paula’s Beach House

Men’s group shares confidential moments

And yes, you can rent it!

Departments 12 This and That

Will help you be “In the Know”

“Why do you need so many shoes?”

31 Lifelong Learning Spring Classes

40 Greg’s Wedding!

He and Roz tied the knot... let the sharing begin!

32 Ignoring your hearing loss? It’s a bad idea! 33 Created Equal: America’s Civil Rights Struggle

44 {12} Things

Solutions for Bored Boomers

24 Lee Lawrence

34 When is the right time to leave ‘home’?

Things That Matter: The Cost of Procrastination

35 Dogs for Boomers 38 BOOM! Advertising


43 Art & Soul


page 13

page 40

46 Retirement Thoughts... from those living it

page 13

page 46

BOOM! The River Regions 50+ Lifestage Magazine is published monthly by River Region Publications, 6398 Eastwood Glen Pl., Montgomery, AL 36117. The phone number for voice and fax is 334.523.9510. Copyright 2014 by River Region Publications. No part of this publication can be reproduced without written permission from the publisher. Opinions expressed in BOOM! The River Regions 50+ Lifestage Magazine are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the view of the owners, nor do they constitute an endorsement of products and services herein.

The River Region’s 50+ Lifestage Magazine

r i ve r reg i o n b o o m . co m

April 2014



publisher’s letter

Growing The mission of BOOM! is to serve the folks of the River Region age 50 plus with information and ideas to inspire new experiences, better quality of life and new beginnings.

Are you growing? One of the many joys of this time of year is the utter beauty of the changing landscapes we experience daily. Our daily commutes are a little slower when we see something blooming with colors we haven’t seen for many months; and who doesn’t pause to check out a new bird’s nest in a recently barren tree? Springtime is renewal.

Publisher/Editor Jim Watson, 334.523.9510

Associate Editor

Jim Watson, Publisher

Kelly Watson

Contributing Writers Sandi Aplin Dr. Bettie Borton Greg Budell Dr. Thomas Cawthon Martha Ann Cole

Jackie and I are not only trying to grow in our gardening experiences this spring but we have also grown in our social lives as well. We have met and hung out with new friends. We have shared our faith as well as our dreams and even our favorite sports teams! And just like the renewing energy we see all around us, new friends can offer the same. They help us grow. Don’t get me wrong, long time friends are as comfortable as that old pair of jeans, always there when you need them, but new friends make us think new again. If you need some new thoughts, find a few new friends. Speaking of friends, I appreciate each of you who take the time and read BOOM! each month, whether online or holding it in your hands, thanks for being part of what we do.

Lisa Copeland Erica Curless Lee Lawrence

Leigh Anne Richards Raley L. Wiggins Vicki Williams Kathy Witt

Cover Photography Kim Bethea The Studio @ EastChase 334.239.3196

Advertising Jim Watson, 334.523.9510

This month we start off with a Cover Profile of a woman who is the community’s leading expert on mortgages, Vicki Williams, President of Anchor Mortgage Services. We asked Vicki to share some of her life’s journey with us because she stands alone and is one of the hardest working women I’ve ever known…and she loves it! It’s great to know someone who understands the value of hard work. Hopefully, that quality won’t be lost on future generations.

There’s plenty more to take a look at this month, like renting Paula Deen’s Beach House… could be on somebody’s bucket list. As a man I found the feature article, Common Bonds, interesting because it’s about men getting together and sharing their thoughts and emotions. Our women readers may better understand this feature…emotions? We men should share more, Jackie thinks I share too much, she likes her quiet time! What an honor it was to attend Greg Budell’s wedding, His new wife, Roz, is a very special woman… well wouldn’t she have to be to marry Greg? We have pictures and commentary by Greg, please check it out and tell him he never looked so happy!

I hope you’ll discover many more good reads as you spend a little time inside this month’s issue. You’ll also see new advertisers and many familiar businesses that want you to be their customers. Please consider their offers if they can fill a need. They’ll earn your business.

Design & Layout Lake House Graphics

Recently, I was told that BOOM! was the best reading experience for the 50+ community in the River Region. We’ll continue to work hard to make that true for your reading experience as well. Finally, please share BOOM! with a friend, even a younger one, they’ll be with us before long.

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Printing Publications Press, Montgomery, AL 334.244.0436

Hope You Have a Growth Spurt This Spring!

Please Recycle This Magazine, Share with a Friend!


April 2014

I’m renewing my commitments to the garden and those unfinished yard projects from last summer, especially before the brutal heat sets in. With winter now behind us, we can all find reasons to be outdoors, to grow our experiences with nature, fishing, and hiking and for some even camping. It is a good time to ask ourselves if we are growing.

Jim 334.324.3472 cell/text 334.523.9510 office

The River Region’s 50+ Lifestage Magazine

The River Region’s 50+ Lifestage Magazine

r i ve r reg i o n b o o m . co m

April 2014




April 2014

The River Region’s 50+ Lifestage Magazine


DATING Q & A With Lisa Copeland

SHARE A REALISTIC PHOTO? Dear Lisa: My 24-year marriage ended about a year ago. I’m getting ready to get out and date for the first time in a long time. My problem is I’m about 30 pounds overweight, so I am very anxious about dating. I ate my way through my divorce, so my hips are kind of large yet my upper body is quite petite. Will men like me this way? My friend says I should post a picture that shows me only to my waist, which will be the most flattering. What do you think? I could use your help. Melanie Dear Melanie: It’s important to post a picture of your whole body. There will be men who like the way you look and there will be men who prefer a different type of woman. Some men will reject even women who we think of as being perfect. We do the same thing with men. Beauty is truly in the eye of the beholder and you can’t change this. I have spoken with men who have walked out of restaurants when they spotted a woman who has deceived them about how they look. So do be honest in portraying who you are by showing the whole you in your picture. After all, you want a man who likes you just the way you are.

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April 2014

A NEVER-MARRIED MAN Dear Lisa: I met a 57-year-old man who seems really nice. The only problem I see is he’s never been married. My friends tell me I’m wasting my time with someone like this. There has to be something wrong with him. What do you think? Thanks. Dori Dear Dori: There are plenty of men and women over 50 who have gotten married a bit later in life. The key is determining whether a man who has never been married can fit into your life. As you get to know each other, you’ll want to explore how he feels about getting to know your adult children and possibly grandchildren, if any are in the picture. I’ve spoken to many men who haven’t been married but have been in long committed relationships with women over the years. This is a preferable situation versus someone who hasn’t. My philosophy: If a man’s nice and seems honest, give him a chance and date him. You don’t have to marry him but you can have an interesting man in your life to share activities with. SPLIT THE CHECK? Dear Lisa: When I go on a first date, I

always split the check with a man. Men seem to get upset with me for doing this and I rarely get a second date. Why? I don’t understand. Doing it this way, I’m not obligated to a man in any way. What do you think? Marilyn Dear Marilyn: When it comes to men over 50, most want to pick up the check at least for the first couple of dates. It’s nice that you offer but if a man says he’ll take care of it, let him. You are actually offending his masculinity and sense of pride when you don’t. I know this sounds crazy but it has to do with his DNA. Men are wired to want to provide for you. As time goes on, it’s fine if you offer to pick up a check. You can also make him dinner or buy popcorn at the movies. If the relationship continues, you’ll want to work together to figure out how money works best for both of you. Lisa Copeland, “The Dating Coach Who Makes Dating Fun and Easier after 50!” (c)2014, Lisa Copeland, Distributed by MCT Information Services

The River Region’s 50+ Lifestage Magazine

The River Region’s 50+ Lifestage Magazine

r i ve r reg i o n b o o m . co m

April 2014





The Cloverdale Playhouse presents A RAISIN IN THE SUN and CLYBOURNE PARK back to back. These two plays are often considered “companion pieces” and the Playhouse is thrilled to offer audiences the rare chance to see them together in its 2014 Season. A RAISIN IN THE SUN by Lorraine Hansberry runs April 24-27 and May 1-4. CLYBOURNE PARK by Bruce Harris runs June 19-22 and 26-29. Tickets for both shows may be purchased together for a limited time: Buy a ticket for A RAISIN IN THE SUN and a CLYBOURNE PARK ticket for $30. This offer extends only through May 4. Regular price tickets for each show are $18/general admission. Box Office: (334) 262-1530 or visit

Capital City Master Gardener Association Annual Plant Sale Saturday, April 26, 8 - 12 Noon. For the eighth year in a row, members of the CCMGA will be offering plants from their gardens for sale. The free event brings together local master gardeners with the public to promote the fundraiser and to answer any questions or concerns you might have about your yard or garden. The sale will take place at Frazer United Methodist Church, 6000 Atlanta Highway, just follow the signs. Free demonstrations as well as herbs, heirloom plant, perennials, shrubs and garden items for purchase will be available. For information contact Karin Carmichael at 334-217-3084 or go to

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April 2014


Walk of Life 2014 will be held Saturday, April 26th at 8:30 am in downtown Montgomery! 5K (ages 6 & older): $35 Kids Dash (ages 3-8 only): $10 A great way for you to take steps along with the Joy to Life Foundation to help fight breast cancer. While this is a 5K run/walk, there are a variety of ways to participate - either as a walker, runner, volunteer, survivor, sponsor or even virtually! How you participate isn’t nearly as important as the reason you participate. Help raise as much money as possible so Joy to Life can continue to create breast cancer awareness and provide free mammograms to those who need them throughout Alabama.This is the primary fundraising event for the Joy to Life Foundation. To register and learn more go to

FREE Estate Planning Workshop April 23rd April 23rd, FREE estate planning workshop hosted by Red Oak Legal, PC: 2-4 pm at Archibald Senior Center. Presented by local attorneys Steve and Raley Wiggins. Covers wills, trusts, powers of attorney, advance directives, living wills, probate administration, long-term care and Medicaid qualification. Registration is required. Call 334-625-6774 today to reserve your seat or register online at The River Region’s 50+ Lifestage Magazine

BOOMERS, share your stuff with BOOM! We Love to Bring BOOMERS Together, send info and pics to

Great Strides for Cystic Fibrosis at Hampstead Tipping Point Great Strides is the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation’s largest national fundraising event. Each year, more than 125,000 Someone’s people participate in hundreds of walks across the Grandchild Needs country to raise funds for cystic fibrosis research and drug Your Support development. Great Strides continues to gain momentum, as do our research efforts and the progress we’ve made in the search for a cure. The CF Foundation has raised and invested hundreds of millions of dollars to support the development of new CF drugs and therapies. But the lives of people with this disease are still cut far too short. We need the public’s continued support to fulfill our mission of finding a cure and improving the quality of life of those with the disease. This year’s Great Strides Event will be held at Hampstead Tipping Point on Saturday, April 26th beginning at 9am. Form a team, join a team, and serve those in the fight for the cure of Cystic Fibrosis. Get involved at

Annual Benefit for Hospice of Montgomery is Changing Kentucky Derby Party!

Saturday May 3rd, 3:30 p.m. until 6:30 p.m. at the Alley Station Ballroom & Rooftop, downtown Montgomery located at 130 Commerce Street. We thank all of our past supporters and participants of Hospice of Montgomery’s Monte Carlo-Annual Benefit. As we embark on this new event, we hope you will join us at our inaugural Kentucky Derby Party and celebrate The Running of the Horses. Great fun in Benefitting Hospice of Montgomery, Join Us! $50 General Admission Ticket. $130 VIP Ticket. Sponsorship opportunities are available. To purchase tickets go to or call Contact Amy at 334-279-6677 or agodsoe@

TICKETS NOW AVAILABLE FOR 2ND ANNUAL SOUTHERN MAKERS After a wildly successful inaugural event in 2013, the oneday celebration of regional artists, farmers, chefs, purveyors and designers returns to present the “Best of Alabama” under one roof in downtown Montgomery. The second annual Southern Makers will be held on Saturday, May 3, 2014, from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the historic Union Station Train Shed. Bursting at the seams with more than 100 highly-talented makers, the event is co-curated and created by Goodwyn, Mills and Cawood, Matter, E.A.T. South and Southern Accents Architectural Antiques. All proceeds from the event benefit E.A.T. South, a non-profit organization that encourages healthy lifestyles through education and sustainable food production in urban areas throughout the Southeast. Tickets are expected to sell out in advance and are available for purchase online. Tickets are $20 for General Admission and $10 for ages 10-15 (no charge for children under 10.) Guests are encouraged to bring cash for artist purchases at the Southern Makers Market and Silent Auction. For tickets, event details and a full list of makers, visit

Dr. Borton meets with the Future of Audiology...and they’re ALL EARS! Dr. Bettie B. Borton, President of the American Academy of Audiology and Director of Doctors Hearing Clinic, a HearingLife company visited Salus University, George Osborne School of Audiology in February. While in Pennsylvania, Dr. Borton gave a lecture to the Professional Issues class and participated in a Town Hall Meeting with area audiologists, students, and faculty. Topics of discussion included current challenges facing audiology and all stakeholders of healthcare. The River Region’s 50+ Lifestage Magazine

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April 2014



This & tHAT



Exert Smart Body Coolant Appeals to Women of the Baby Boomer Generation The Baby Boomers continue to be an influential and outspoken population in today’s society. Women born between 1946 and 1964 are currently experiencing menopause in some way. Whether they are reaching it, in it, or past it, menopause is everywhere. This means that millions of women are currently suffering from hot flashes and night sweats. Exert Co. had these women in mind specifically with the release of Exert Smart Body Coolant. Exert gets sprayed once on the body and activates only when there is a skin temperature spike. Exert doesn’t feel cold when applied but instead works by drawing heat away from the body only when the body needs it. When skin temperature rises, Exert activates and cools the skin by 2 to 6 degrees. When body temperature drops to normal, Exert recharges and is ready to cool again without the need to reapply. Exert is hypoallergenic, aluminum and alcohol-free, and Exert offers a safe, easy, proactive method unlike anything seen before. A 4 to 6 week supply of Exert Smart Body Coolant retails for $30. To learn more about Exert Smart Body Coolant visit or call (877) 929-9922.

29th Annual Interstate Mullet Toss & Gulf Coast’s Greatest Beach Party WHAT IS A MULLET TOSS? It’s like a big flash mob on the beach where a fish throwing event breaks out. Word. A Mullet Toss consists of individuals on the beach throwing a mullet, from a 10-foot circle in Alabama across the state line into Florida. Not to mention a great excuse to throw a weekend long party, with lots of fun activities, great music and food! WHY TOSS A MULLET? Because anyone with a haircut like that deserves to be tossed. Just kidding, we heart mullets of all kinds.Let’s get serious, a contribution for each fish flung will go to Local Youth Charities, including local school education and prevention program from the Community Drug & Alcohol Council, Inc. (CDAC) which offers programs, community support and collaboration to address drug and alcohol abuse, tobacco, mental health issues and violence both in the home and on our streets. Join the Fun! at the 29th Annual Interstate Mullet Toss & Gulf Coast’s Greatest Beach Party, April 25 - 27th. Gates open at 9 a.m. Children’s mullet toss starts at 10 a.m., and adult mullet toss begins at noon. Location Flora Bama, Orange Beach. For more information

Sunday Spring Concert Series in Cloverdale, Free Admission :) The 2014 Cloverdale-Idlewild Spring Concert Series starts Sunday, April 6th. This is the neighborhood’s most anticipated event of the year! It is always fun and a great way to meet your neighbors and visit with friends! Everyone is welcome, so bring all your friends and family!! Leashed dogs are also welcome, so bring your furry babies as well!! Hope to see y’all there!!! Cloverdale Bottom Park, Intersection of Cloverdale Road and Ponce de Leon Avenue, Montgomery, AL 36106. Enjoy a few hours in the park, 4 - 7 pm! Concert Dates: ● April 6 - Federal Expression ● April 13 - Zig and Ben ● April 20 - Stephen McCullough ● April 27 - John Bull and Sheffield Walker ● May 4 - Ed Pickett ● May 11 Blackbird Pickers ● May 18 - Caribbean Chrome ● May 25 - Fibergrass, ADMISSION IS FREE! Bring your chairs or blankets (or both), coolers, snacks. Plan to sit under the beautiful oak trees in the park setting and enjoy the music. For more info visit the Facebook Page/ Cloverdale-Idlewild-Association

14 BOOM!

April 2014

The River Region’s 50+ Lifestage Magazine

Empty Bowls 2014 will take place

on Thursday, April 3rd from 11:00 to 1:00 at the Church of the Holy Spirit on Vaughn Road. Tickets are $25 and can be reserved by contacting emptybowls1@gmail. com or Margaret Barber at Margaret@ Tickets can also be purchased at the door.

Alabama Book Festival They’ll be lots of old friends and many new ones at the ninth annual Alabama Book Festival in Old Alabama Town, downtown Montgomery, on Saturday, April 19th. The festival gates will open at 9 am, and author presentations will be 10 am to 3:45 pm. At 4 pm there will be a lively program of readings and music from The Shoe Burnin’: Stories of Southern Soul. Exhibitors and vendors, including food and drink, will be on hand all day. If you’d like to volunteer and be part of the Festival, go to to sign up. Announcing a New Feature of the Alabama Book Festival! Free Writing Workshops on Saturday, April 19th Nationally known authors Donald Anderson and Charles Salzberg will lead workshops on writing fiction (9-10 am) and on getting your work published (1-2 pm). Both workshops are free and will be in the auditorium at Old Alabama Town’s Loeb Center. Registration is limited to 35 participants in each workshop, and the deadline to register is April 17. Go to to register.

Just for Granddaughters The Shoppes at EastChase will host Fashion Camp this summer, opening up the fashion fun to younger girls this year, ages 5 – 12 years old. At the one-day camps, little fashionistas will learn how to accessorize, model and entertain, as well as learn how to live healthy and how to develop their own personal style. Participating retailers include: Claire’s, Gap Kids, Justice for Girls, Earth Fare Organic Grocer, Dillard’s, Anthony Vince Nail Spa, Versona Accessories, Bath and Body Works and PeachMac. Registration will be $75 and includes lunch, $25 gift card to The Shoppes at EastChase, a special gift and an official graduation certificate. Fashion Camp dates include: Age 5 -8: June 16, 17, 23 & 24 and July 14, 15, 21 & 22 Age 9-12: June 18, 19, 25 & 26 and July 16, 17, 23 & 24 Online registration will be available April 1, 2014. Parents will receive $10 off registration if a child is registered by April 30th. Parents can also stop by Guest Services to register their child. For more information, contact Vickie Lawrence at 279-6046 or visit The River Region’s 50+ Lifestage Magazine

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April 2014




Vicki Williams, Problem Solver! This month’s BOOM! profile is Vicki Williams. In the past 25 years you may have asked Vicki to help you solve one of life’s stressful experiences...getting a mortgage for your new home! Vicki is the President of Anchor Mortgage Services and helping people solve their mortgage problem is what she says is her most important role in leading her company. She also understands it takes a good team to operate a successful business... and a husband who serves lunch for them daily! Now that sounds like a winning formula. If one of the secrets to a successful life is loving the work you do then Vicki has found it. We visited with Vicki recently and she shared some of her life’s journey with us. Hope you enjoy getting to know her as much as we have. BOOM!: Please give us a brief biography, i.e. where you’re form, education, what brought you to the Montgomery area, did you raise your family here, schools, married, family, etc.? Vicki: I was born in Raleigh North Carolina. My father was transferred to Montgomery to be the Merchandise Manager at Belk’s downtown when I was 4 years old. I attend Floyd Elementary and Junior High and then graduated from Lanier High School. I went to Auburn and graduated with a degree in Education. I did my practice teaching at Lanier High School. At that time I came to the sad conclusion; that teaching was not the gift that God had given me, so I had to search for a new career. I was fortunate to get a job with Colonial Mortgage as a loan processor. I had no idea what a mortgage was nor did I type well. But

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chance to run a mortgage company that was employee and client focused. We are also very proud of our daughter who attended culinary school as a bread chef. She is currently working with a catering company using her culinary skills, as well as her creativity.

Vicki with her team

from the first day I loved the opportunity to help others and solve problems. I worked there for 8 years and left as the Branch Manager; Unusual at that time, since women did not typically hold management positions. I worked for 1 year for FHA and VA as a contract underwriter. Later I would learn how valuable that year would be in my running my own company and training others. In the late 70’s I was very lucky to get a job with Johnson and Associates, a mortgage company based out of Birmingham. During this time I met my husband, Reggie. He had been a pilot in the Navy and was back in Montgomery due to his father’s health issues. My brother, Aubrey, set me up on a blind date with Reggie. We realized very quickly that we were meant to be together forever. We married and within the first 2 years of marriage we decided we wanted to share our love with a child. We were blessed with a daughter. When I returned to work it was with Aronov Realty as a financial consultant and had an opportunity to open my own mortgage company in 1988. I was very blessed to have this opportunity and I loved helping others and I wanted a

BOOM!: As President of Anchor Mortgage Services, Inc., tell us about your business, what motivated you to launch your business? There are many competitors out there, what gives you an advantage? Vicki: I opened Anchor Mortgage because I wanted to have a one on one relationship with all employees and our clients. I felt that if the employees were happy and passionate about our mission that we could provide a good and knowledgeable mortgage source locally. I feel our advantage is that even with all the government regulations and compliance issues; we still keep our focus on knowing as much as possible about all mortgage guidelines. We try to keep as much of our services local; so that we can react quickly to a client’s needs and time frame. BOOM!: There are so many women in the mortgage business, why is that? As a veteran in the industry do you try to mentor younger women interested in mortgage lending? What style leadership best defines you? Vicki: There are many women in Montgomery in the mortgage business; but this has not been typical for the United States in the past. I feel Montgomery had

The River Region’s 50+ Lifestage Magazine

many loan processors, which was the only job position that was available early in the mortgage industry that worked their way up the corporate ladder. I believe the Borrowers, Realtors, and Builders chose to do business with people that had a great deal of knowledge about guidelines. rather than people with sales skills. As detailed as our business has become; everyone in the mortgage business needs to be an expert on all regulations, guidelines, and compliance issues.

our mission statement and have stayed true to our purpose. “Our Goal to succeed is Anchored by our desire to serve.”

States; but I do not like to be away from the office for too many days. BOOM!: Do you have time to be involved in the community, civic or other activities?

BOOM!: What are you most passionate about?

Vicki: Vicki: I am Finding involved solutions in many or fixing Over 42 years I have hired many women; activities problems pleased to say many are still in the business. in the is probably My loan officer, Reba Curtis I hired over 27 community; my greatest years ago and she is still with me today. She as I feel we passion. I was a real estate agent and loved learning all need to know that all the mortgage guidelines and I finally Reggie and Vicki celebrating their 25th Wedding Anniversary in Italy give back I do this convinced her to get into the business. She to our city. I am currently on the Board of even when I am not asked for my advice or is very dynamic and is still learning with all Montgomery Area Chamber of Commerce. guidance. You could ask my husband and my of us. Most of the people that I hire have no I have been involved in a CEO Roundtable daughter. They have had to put up with my mortgage experience and have just learned for 15 years. It is made up of the same 11 passion forever. by listening and doing. I think this is a great business owners that meet once a month. business for women because I feel we are We act as an Advisory for each member and BOOM!: How do you like to relax and wind emphatic by nature. Getting approved for their business. We have developed strong down from a hard day’s work? a mortgage can be a stressful time so I feel friendships with each member and their women have a special families. They have been a great source of Vicki: Reggie and I love to skill maybe from guidance, and friendship for many years. I cook. So we will cook and being mothers to fix have been a member of the Committee share our day; good or bad. problems. of 100 for the past 20 years. I am also a We are really good friends; I really do not member of the Wright Flyers as a part of the and I appreciate his advice consider myself a Chamber in maintaining a good relationship and input. We also like to leader as much as a with our military. eat out just the two of us teacher. Guess I got or with friends. to put my education I am involved in business related activities degree to work for also: Women’s Council of Realtors, Greater me. I think people Another delicious lunch prepared by Reggie BOOM!: Favorite vacation Montgomery Home Builders, Montgomery spot? Any travel dreams learn best by positive Area Board of Realtors, and Woman’s planned for the future? reinforcement not negative. So I always Business Owners. I also serve on two encourage those in the business to focus on committees at Frazer where I have been a Vicki: We love Destin Florida. We try to go the positive and just learn from mistakes. member since 1971. every weekend possible. Of course, Reggie has me set up with a “mini” office there; BOOM!: Many Boomers are experiencing a BOOM!: Many so I can renewed sense of purpose, new goals, new spouses play still work careers, especially if they’ve experienced the an important as needed. empty nest syndrome of their kids moving role in We love on. How would you describe this sense of developing the people, renewal in your life? Any advice for the rest and growing relaxed of us seeking renewal? a business; atmosphere, would you and GREAT Vicki: Since my work is different every day; I please restaurants. almost feel that every day is a renewal. We describe your have the benefit of meeting new clients that husband’s role We do become long time friends. We are doing Reggie and Vicki having dinner with friends Reba and Joe Curtis in yours? have a trip their children’s loans now. It is sort of a planned to Cabo San Lucas in May. It is renewed since of purpose daily. There are Vicki: My husband is essential to Anchor. attached to the state of California; so we so many ways for us to make a difference Not only does he support me and the other feel that we are still very close to the United in the lives of others; which is part of our employees daily with his technology skills; States. Our trips usually are in the United mission. When we started Anchor we made

The River Region’s 50+ Lifestage Magazine

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April 2014



he takes time to cook lunch every day for all of us at work. His is a great chef and everyone looks forward to lunch to see what he has prepared. This time together at lunch gives all of us time to share good news, sad news, funny stories etc. It has been a real bonding time for many years. BOOM!: What is it about living in the Montgomery/River Region area that you like? Vicki: I have always loved Montgomery; but as many young people think when growing up “I cannot wait to move from here”. Well you quickly find out that the Montgomery Area is special because of the people that live and work here. It is a very friendly area. Montgomery has enjoyed a great relationship with the Military in Montgomery and I have been fortunate due to my business and church to have made many lasting friendships. BOOM!: As you’ve aged, how have your ambitions changed? Vicki: I feel that my family and friends are even more important to me now. I want to spend time with them. You realize that work is not your whole life. I realize how important my health is now. In the past, we just assumed we would always be healthy and could do anything. We are making an effort to eat very healthy and exercise. Both Reggie and I try to exercise every week day. He works out and I attend an aerobic swimming class. We have even started

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April 2014

drinking our protein smoothies for breakfast. We have gotten serious about our health. BOOM!: Give us three words that describe you? Vicki: I wanted the input of my family and my office; so I have used the four words that were most often used to describe me: Enthusiastic, passionate, generous, and compassionate. Hard to think of words, so I thought best to get an outside opinion. BOOM!: Do you have any hobbies or other activities that grab your attention? Vicki: This is the hardest question. My husband and I do not play golf or tennis. We do like to travel (short trips), cook, find new restaurants, and spend time with our daughter and friends. We also like going to Destin for the weekends. BOOM!: What do your future challenges look like, retirement, business growth, community service? Vicki: At this time; I am still enjoying my ability to solve problems and help people. Not sure where God wants me to take that after Anchor. My clients and team keep me energized; so boredom is not a problem. BOOM!: Technology is rooted in almost every aspect of our lives. How do you use technology to better perform your role as President of Anchor Mortgage?

Vicki: This would be better to ask Reggie. He is the technology wizard in our house. He works daily to keep us up to date and in compliance with all the many issues facing our industry today. Anchor could not have existed all these years without his knowledge and untiring efforts to keep us on the cutting edge. BOOM!: How will Boomers affect your industry over the next 10 years? Vicki: I feel that Boomer’s are excellent role models. The work ethic in most cases is very strong in the Boomers. I do think the younger generation does not want to spend all their time at work; they want a life outside of work. The wisdom lies somewhere in between. BOOM!: Vicki, if you weren’t in the mortgage business what kind of work would you be doing? Vicki: I have always felt that God blessed me greatly when he led me to the mortgage industry. I loved it from the very beginning and still do. I guess as long as I can solve problems and give people good advice; I will be happy. If you have any questions for Vicki Williams or you need a mortgage, you can reach her at 334.277.0900 or We want to thank Vicki for participating in this month’s BOOM! Cover Profile. Thanks also, to Kim Bethea from The Studio @ Eastchase for her professional photos. If you have questions, comments or suggestions, please send them to

The River Region’s 50+ Lifestage Magazine

Understanding Guardianships A slight decline in memory is a normal part of the aging process. But what happens when the problem goes beyond simply losing one’s car keys, and develops into something more serious? When an adult loses the ability to manage their own affairs, who is in charge? I tell every client that they should have two documents in addition to a last will and testament: an advance directive and a power of attorney. These two documents can provide instruction on who should handle one’s business and medical affairs in the event they later become incapacitated. Of course, not everyone plans ahead. It may be necessary to file a guardianship and/or a conservatorship petition in order to have someone appointed to handle that a person’s affairs if an adult becomes mentally incompetent. These petitions are filed in the Probate Court. A doctor must submit an evaluation of the individual’s mental

The River Region’s 50+ Lifestage Magazine

& Conservatorships

function, and a guardian ad litem (an attorney) is appointed to make sure the individual’s constitutional rights are not being violated. A court- appointed guardian of an adult has many of the same powers and responsibilities of a court-appointed legal guardian for a minor child. Generally speaking, a guardian’s job is to take care of the physical person he or she has been appointed to look after (called the “ward”). The guardian must ensure that the ward has a suitable place to live and that his or her basic needs are met. The guardian may even make choices for the ward regarding where to live, or whether it’s time to move the ward into a longterm care facility. A conservator, by comparison is appointed to handle an incapacitated adult’s financial affairs. They may watch over the ward’s investments, pay their bills, and otherwise manage their money and property.

A properly drafted estate plan can avoid the need to file a guardianship or conservatorship by naming the person you would want to look after you and your property in the event you ever become incapacitated. But note that not all documents are created equal. Even if you have a power of attorney, it is still possible that a guardianship or conservatorship may one day have to be filed if your document doesn’t grant broad enough authority for your agent to act. If you are unsure about whether a guardianship or conservatorship may be required, talk with a lawyer who practices in this area. Raley L. Wiggins Attorney at Law, Red Oak Legal, PC 334-239-3625 | 401 Madison Avenue, Montgomery AL 36104

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April 2014



What Does G.R.A.S.S.

Have to do With Your Facial Appearance? Presented by River Region Facial Plastics

No one would argue that this winter has been one for the ages in America. We have experienced bitter cold weather for days on end, along with the closings of many streets and even some major highways. We are all ready for the first signs of spring – robins chirping, daffodils blooming, trees budding, and green grass sprouting. I love spring and all that comes with it. Old is replaced by new via Mother Nature. I know the title of this article leaves you asking, “What does G.R.A.S.S. have to do with one’s appearance? Has Dr. Cawthon gone wacko?” Well, the question deserves an answer… the use of “G.R.A.S.S.” in relation to facial appearance and skin aging was born from the SkinMedica® Summit, which I attended recently along with Mrs. Arla Chandler, RN, who is also on our staff. The Summit was held in Chicago, where we left snow banks and coverage of lawns, to come home to much warmer weather and signs of spring. G.R.A.S.S. is the SkinMedica® acronym for how to combat facial aging. Without going into much of the research and biochemistry of aging skin (and avoiding possible confusion), we were given the research and science behind SkinMedica®’s product line. SkinMedica® is the only skin care line that River Region Facial Plastics carries for our patients. The company’s products are dispensed only through physician’s offices, and they have raised the bar in terms of backing their products with solid research and development. SkinMedica® products have been designed to meet the requirements for treatment of aging skin via their clinical trials and scientific studies. While many skin care and treatment product lines

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are available through drug stores, TV commercials, and department stores, SkinMedica® remains dedicated to an exclusive physician distribution with science backing up their claims. “G” in G.R.A.S.S., along with “A”, represents growth factors and antioxidants. They both are found in SkinMedica®’s flagship product, TNS Essential Serum®. This wonderful, soft, and creamy product has over 110 growth factors alone, plus many antioxidants. These ingredients have been produced from human skin cells grown in a laboratory. Both the “G” and the “A” when applied to human skin enhance skin texture, reduce wrinkles, and combat aging skin. TNS Essential Serum® is indicated for both morning and evening application for at least ninety days to maximize results, even though visible improvement is noticeable almost immediately. “R” represents retinols. Retinols are extracts born from plants, and SkinMedica®’s Retinol Complex comes from these plants. This may cause a little redness, peeling, and/or itching; however, it is available in three different strengths and competes favorably with other retinols for tightening skin and providing a healthy skin look without causing any other unpleasant side effects. “S” is first represented in specialty products, such as Lytera® Skin Brightening Complex. Lytera® is formulated as a skin-lightening product. With daily applications, sunspots or skin that has been photo damaged by UV exposure begins to lighten and brighten. Pigmentations such as freckles are shed away, replaced by smoother,

lighter skin. Twice daily applications are recommended for most patients. The other “S” represents sunscreen. With spring comes longer days, more outdoor activities, and the potential for photo damage. SkinMedica®’s Daily Physical Defense® SPF 30 should be applied when in the sun. Surveys have shown that the average expenditure for skin care products per year by the female population is over $2000 per person. Why not make your expenditure go toward products that have a proven track record backed by scientific research rather than others which have little to no scientific basis? Our Medical Aesthetician and Director of our newest division, Radiant Skin Spa, is Amy Bierly. Amy can individualize your skin care product needs, and the price of your purchases will likely be less than that of a competitor’s similar products! G = Growth factors R = Retinol A = Antioxidants S = Specialty ingredients S = Sunscreen Have a great and enjoyable spring and begin a G.R.A.S.S. program for your face! Yours In Good Health, Dr. Thomas H. Cawthon 334-270-2003.

The River Region’s 50+ Lifestage Magazine


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The River Region’s 50+ Lifestage Magazine

Margaret Barber...Filling Empty Bowls

By Martha Ann Cole

Margaret Barber is a wife, mother, grandmother and artist. She is a very petite woman with a huge smile, boundless passion and energy for life in general. This passion is especially evident when it comes to creating her pottery.

Margaret Barber, Photo by Summer Barrett Patterson

Ms. Barber was raised in Mississippi, but has lived in Montgomery with her husband, Terry, and their three sons since 2000. Clay has been in her blood ever since she was a child playing on the clay banks near her grandparents’ home in Mississippi. After earning an art degree in college and starting her family, she decided to pursue her passion full time. Margaret has been creating and selling her unique handmade pottery since 1997.

This creative woman also has always had a desire to help others. It was this desire for service and giving back that birthed Empty Bowls in the Montgomery area in 2007. After becoming aware of several other locations around the country that hosted empty bowl type events, she decided that Montgomery needed a similar opportunity. “It stuck with me that Montgomery could benefit from something like this. We had a food bank, why not an Empty Bowls event? I wanted to do something to unite folks, to give them the chance to come together for a common goal - to feed the hungry in OUR community!” says Margaret.

Photographs of Margaret Barber’s pottery taken by Steve Loucks

For many years Margaret has been meeting regularly with a special group of friends for prayer and Bible study. These women also run together and are very close. Late in 2006 she shared her vision with them and received their total support. Joined with a common purpose, the group enlisted the help of other friends and fellow artists, as well as area art teachers, local potters, and home cooks. The first Montgomery Area Empty Bowls fundraiser became a reality in March of 2007. Since its modest beginning 7 years ago, one hundred percent of the proceeds from the sale of tickets has been donated to the Montgomery Area Food Bank. What happens when you attend Empty Bowls? Empty Bowls is a simple concept. For the tax deductible cost of a $25 ticket, attendees are able to choose a handmade bowl from among the hundreds of bowls made by local artists and students to take home as a reminder of the hungry living in our communities. Participants also enjoy a delicious bowl of soup and homemade bread. They have the opportunity to bid in a silent auction while visiting with friends and experiencing the creativity and uniqueness of Montgomery area artisans. All event venues, decorations, soup and bread, etc., continue to be donated by local businesses and individuals. Back in 2007, Empty Bowls was proud to donate $1500 to the MAFB. In 2013, the total donation was over $8000! In 2014, for the first time, The Hussman Foundation will match the donation of all 1st time Empty Bowlers and any increased participation of experienced Empty Bowlers to the tune of $10,000! Empty Bowls 2014 will take place on Thursday, April 3rd from 11:00 to 1:00 at the Church of the Holy Spirit on Vaughn Road. Tickets are $25 and can be reserved by contacting emptybowls1@gmail. com or Margaret Barber at Tickets can also be purchased at the door. “Empty Bowls has grown by leaps and bounds, comments Margaret. It’s fun! Empty Bowls is an event where we can put aside all our differences and share a meal with a common purpose…to feed our neighbors through the Montgomery Area Food Bank. It is in a very real way an artful way to feed the hungry!”

Event pictures compliments of Cherelle Blanchard

The River Region’s 50+ Lifestage Magazine

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April 2014



Things that Matter

With Lee Lawrence

Things That Matter: The Cost of Procrastination When I do a workshop, one of the most valuable tools for me is the Q & A session. I always take note of questions because they help me address attendee concerns in subsequent workshops. During the past several months, I have noticed a growing and centralized theme to the questions. Coincidently, I am getting similar dialogue from my existing clients as we do annual reviews. The primary concern for investors today seems to be where to invest their money. Slow economic recovery, continued unemployment, potentially rising taxes, low interest rates, and concerns over health care are all factors that are creating indecision in the market place. This uncertainty frequently translates into an investor doing nothing for lack of a comfortable solution. To keep myself informed, I read mounds of publications and watch several business channels. It fascinates me to see a panel of five so-called professional economists or market gurus that cannot agree among themselves as to the cause or resolution of current economic conditions. If the panel of professionals can’t agree, what chance do the everyday investors have and who do they turn to for advice? Once again, the decision frequently is to do nothing. We have all heard the phrase “Doing something wrong is better than doing nothing at all!” General Patton went so far as to say, “A violently executed plan today is better than a perfect plan latter”. While I do not endorse the concept of doing something wrong, in many cases doing nothing is wrong. To make my point let’s review a few “Things That

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Matter” when making the decision to doing nothing. Consider an investment that yields a percentage of return less than that of inflation. The owner is losing buying power on a sustained basis. To not reposition those assets in an investment that offers potentially higher return may be a costly mistake. An individual with substantial annual taxable income from a pension or qualified plan such as a 401(k) may need to consider reallocating any other tax producing asset such as CD’s to the most taxfriendly option available. Failure to do so could result in a considerable loss to taxes. When an investor nears retirement age and identifies a disproportional allocation of retirement funds exposed to market volatility, failure to rebalance properly may cost thousands in retirement dollars. Assets dedicated to legacy planning in the form of charitable trusts or family inheritance should be positioned as soon as possible. Failure to have those assets identified in the appropriate legal document or vehicle coupled with an early and unexpected demise could result in unnecessary taxation and the potential for probate issues. These are just a few of the costly mistakes that result from portfolio procrastination. Now that we know the “WHAT” of procrastination lets investigate the “WHY”. Have you ever heard the phrase “Analysis Paralysis”? I have, and I repeat it almost weekly. Our wonderful world of technology, providing easy access to the internet, cable, blogs etc. has placed almost unlimited financial, investment, and economic data at our finger tips. There is not an hour of the day that you cannot access a business channel and get opinions from the “Guest Panel”. The number of available opinions is often directly proportional to the number of panel members. A number of financial planners offer to give you

a free copy of their newest book. The theme of the book is usually an indicator of their product line and investment strategy. Don’t get me wrong. I listen to these same business channels and read some of the same books. My point is, there is so much contradictory information available that it can become over whelming. Couple this massive data bank with the winds of economic change, revision of tax laws, and market volatility and you have the nucleus of analysis paralysis. The individual who is overwhelmed with information, confused by conflicting opinions, and unsure of the changing economic landscape is consequently insecure in making changes to the portfolio. Now that we have identified there may be a significant cost to doing nothing and some of the obstacles we must negotiate, let’s consider “HOW” we might overcome indecision and the resulting portfolio procrastination. The most credible approach is to create a written plan of action that identifies specific goals, time lines, risk tolerance and portfolio expectations. If you have read much of what I write, you will have already heard my recommended first step. The first step of the plan should be to identify in writing your specific objectives for each of your income and investment assets. Every dollar should be assigned a job. Assets like Social Security Benefits should not be taken for granted and should be assigned a specific role within the plan. Identify how each asset is affected or is affecting the overall tax consequences of the plan. Establish a time line for critical events. When do you want to retire? How long before you reach 59 ½ and can access qualified plans? At what age can you maximize Social Security Benefits? Knowing the time line, assigned goals, and tax consequences we can begin the The River Region’s 50+ Lifestage Magazine

process of selecting a product category, length of investment period, tax qualification, risk ratio, and rate of return needed to obtain portfolio expectations. With written realistic guide lines, the process of identifying the appropriate investment to fulfill a specific job becomes much easier. The financial industry has accepted guidelines for the type of investment alternatives that are designed for retirement objectives opposed to wealth building or legacy planning. With the appropriate investment category identified for each goal, it is time to select the company with whom you place the asset. The market place is very competitive and due diligence is recommended to insure you select the best alternative. The best Company may not always be the one that records the highest return or has the flashiest marketing materials. Look at management style, investment objectives, industry rating and how it performs in both Bear and Bull markets before you sign on the dotted line.

Last, but from my perspective certainly not the least, do not be afraid to enlist a cadre of professionals to assist in the design and ultimate success of your plan. A successful portfolio is not the same as a financial plan. A trusted financial advisor can assist in the development and execution of each step of your plan to include the investment selection and enrollment. Seek the advice of a tax professional when coordinating your investment choices to insure a portfolio designed to maximum tax efficiency during the three phases of investing; accumulation, distribution, and legacy. All good things at some point must come to an end. The success of the final step of your plan may well be realized through the efficient passing of assets to the next generation. While your financial advisor and tax professional should be involved in this process, an Estate Attorney is the most qualified to place generational assets in the appropriate legal vehicle, be it a Trust or a Will. The retention of an attorney and use of legal vehicles such as trusts can provide tax efficiencies, and

can protect the Estate from the costs, delays, and complications associated with probate. Now for the most important and final question! Five frogs were sitting on a log. Three of the frogs where thinking about jumping, How many frogs are still sitting on the log? We have addressed the “Things That Matter� when dealing with portfolio procrastination. Like the frogs though, thinking about jumping does not get you off the log. It is time to jump! Lee Lawrence Signature Financial Solutions LLC 8128 Old Federal Road Montgomery, AL. 36117 334-546-7597 Lee Lawrence is an investment advisor representative of and securities are offered through, USA Financial Securities Corporation. Member FINRA/SIPC A Registered Investment Advisor. 6020 E. Fulton St., Ada, MI. 49301. Signature Financial Solutions LLC is not affiliated with USA Financial Securities. The River Region’s 50+ Lifestage Magazine

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April 2014



Bucket List Adventure:

By Kathy Witt

Visit Paula Deen’s Tybee Island beach house Did you know you can spend the night at Paula Deen’s personal beach retreat? Yep. You can pull up to her beach house on Tybee Island, a beautiful barrier island in southeastern Georgia, pull into her garage, ride up the elevator with your luggage, kick off your shoes and call the place your own – at least for the duration of your stay. Deen’s three-bedroom “Ya’ll Come Inn” cottage, located a hop, skip and a languid stroll away from Tybee Island’s five miles of sandy beaches and a world removed from the mania of everyday life, is as comfy and colorful as you’d expect of the doyenne of southern cookery. There’s an orange sherbet-colored sofa, yellow wicker chair and plump cushions and pillows piled high everywhere, especially in the bedrooms, each a breezy oasis of pastels and well-swaddled beds. Sink in. A family-size dining room table gives plenty of elbow room for digging into a low country boil of sausage, shrimp, crab, corn and potatoes. The kitchen is gorgeous, with granite countertops and cabinetry finished with crown molding. It’s also stocked with all the (stainless steel) appliances and variety of spices you’ll need to cook up the dishes found in one of Deen’s many cookbooks. Deen’s beach digs are so peaceful, pleasant and inviting, your impulse may be to hole up there in, stretched out on the chaise lounge in front of the giant-screen TV and amid piles of books, but don’t. Several of the celebrity chef’s favorite restaurants and shops are right down the road. You’ll want to visit these as you explore the island. And you won’t want to miss an evening out

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in Savannah, just a 20-minute drive away. Lots of Tybee Island shops have the traditional T-shirts, trinkets and tchotchkes that make for fun and affordable souvenirs. Shopping at the funky Seaside Sisters is like stepping into a treasure chest. One-ofa-kind artwork might feature hand-painted glass mermaids or sea turtles. Statement-making fashions and frivolities, shell art, shoes, seahorse pillows, books, botanicals, beads, everywhere you look, beach-inspired baubles there, bits of whimsy here. And if you run out of any of the mixes, sauces and condiments Deen left for you at the cottage, this is the place to restock. For springtime visits to Tybee Island, a couple events will get you up and off the sofa. The Sixth Annual Tybee Wine Festival takes place April 9 to 13, bringing a selection of international wines, cooking and table decorating demos, lots of live entertainment, a champagne brunch at The Crab Shack, and a five-course meal featuring coastal cuisine paired perfectly with fine wines, yes, wines plural. The piece de resistance: the Grand Wine Tasting held on the grounds of the historic Tybee Light Station. Built

originally in 1732 at the behest of Gen. James Oglethorpe, governor of the 13th colony, the lighthouse was rebuilt several times and is today one of America’s most intact. Against this dramatic backdrop, 75 international wines will be poured, accompanied by local noshes and nibbles and live music. If you prefer water guns to wine, Tybee Island’s Beach Bum Parade take places on the evening of May 16. Don’t show up without arming yourself with squirt guns or a bucket of water. This event is billed as the “South’s largest water fight” and as the parade floats roll down the street, a full-on water fight gets underway. Not quite as peaceful as lounging at Deen’s cottage, but your respite will be there waiting for you. More info online, ADVENTURE GUIDE TO DON’T-MISS MOMENTS W Arriving at Paula Deen’s beach house and finding a whole pile of goodies waiting for you: autographed cookbook, assorted seasonings and spices developed by Deen, including her Vidalia Onion Steak Sauce, house and steak seasonings and Uncle Bubba’s hot sauce, guaranteed to “add a lil kick to your favorite seafood.” For a sweet tooth: a bag of Deen’s rich coconut pecan bars. W Embracing your inner islander with a

The River Region’s 50+ Lifestage Magazine

lazy sunrise or sunset stroll along the beach, stopping to smell the salt-tinged breezes, pick up shells or sea-glass and enjoy the kind of all-encompassing quiet that comes with standing next to an ocean. W Popping into Seaside Sisters in window-shop mode and leaving with a can’t-livewithout-it dragonfly necklace with beautiful opalescent beadwork. W Driving to Savannah to The Lady & Sons Restaurant to experience where it all began. Order the chicken pot pie and get blown away by a buttery, flaky topping that cossets creamy chicken beneath its crisscrossing crust and melts on the tongue. There is cheese and butter aplenty(this is not the place to count calories) and a casual shorts-and-Tshirts ambience. W Doing absolutely nothing, and doing it from a rocking chair on the front balcony of the “Ya’ll Come Inn” cottage while cooled by ocean breezes (and a suitably frothy something in a tall glass)

The River Region’s 50+ Lifestage Magazine

ADVENTURE GEAR TO TAKE ALONG Routinely ranked as one of America’s favorite beaches, Tybee Island is a little pocket of paradise with beaches on its eastern shore and salt marshes on its western. Gurus ($29.99, www. is a new brand of sustainable sandal whose bohemian streak matches the island’s unfussy vibe. Sourced from biodegradable natural rubber, Gurus are eco-friendly flipflops with a single strap over the arch of the foot and a detached thong that fits between the toes. The sandals are functional and comfortable, with an original design inspired by the wooden sandals favored by Mahatma Gandhi.

palette that includes mint green, mango orange, monsoon (light blue) and coconut white. They’re perfect for strolling Tybee Island’s beaches and shops. And the thick but soft soles will even stand up to the uneven pavement of Savannah’s River Street for an afternoon of sightseeing. Gurus are the brainchild of Prem Thomas and Joe Choorapuzha, who funded their company through a Kickstarter campaign. For every pair of Gurus sold, the company plants a tree. Author, travel and lifestyle writer, and travel goods expert Kathy Witt feels you should never get to the end of your bucket list; there’s just too much to see and do in the world. Reach her at or (c)2014, Kathy Witt. Distributed by MCT Information Services

The sandals come in a beachy color

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April 2014



Fitness over Fifty

By Leigh Anne Richards

Exercise and Breast Cancer I realize April is not Breast Cancer Awareness month – that’s in October. However, April is the month for one of the largest Leigh Anne Richards Breast Cancer Awareness events in Montgomery – The Walk of Life. Joy and Dickie Blondheim, the founders of the Walk of Life and the Joy to Life Foundation, have spent 13 years helping the Tricounty area become more and more aware of the need for early detection of breast cancer. I spent many years volunteering for the Walk of Life, and it is something very close to my heart. Therefore, I decided my article for this month’s (April) edition of Boom would be based on a medical perspective from local oncologist, Stephen Davidson. Cancer is the second leading cause of death in the United States. The American Cancer Society states that breast cancer is the most common cancer for women; and a woman’s chance of developing is one in eight. According to information Dr. Davidson has gathered, exercise is proven to decrease the incidence of the disease in pre and postmenopausal women. A research study that was published in 2009 found that the most active women experienced a 13% lower breast cancer risk versus inactive women. The relation with physical activity was more pronounced among women who had never used hormone therapy and those with a positive family history of breast cancer. The Journal of National Cancer Institute May 2008 reported that out of their study of premenopausal women, active women engaging in 39 or more metabolic equivalent hours per week of total activity during their lifetime

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had a 23% lower risk of premenopausal breast cancer. What about exercise and patients that are going through chemotherapy or cancer treatment? The American Cancer Society lists several benefits of regular exercise during cancer treatments: ● Maintain or improve physical

abilities Improve balance ● Decrease muscle wasting from inactivity ● Decrease risk of heart disease ● Decrease risk of osteoporosis ● Increases blood flow to extremities and decrease risk of blood clots ● Increase independence to perform daily living ● Increase self esteem ● Decrease risk of anxiety and depression ● Decrease nausea ● Decrease symptoms of fatigue ● Better weight control ● Improved quality of life Dr. Davidson cited a study from the Journal of Clinical Oncology that had a group of breast cancer patients that did no exercise, those that did aerobic exercise and those that did supervised strength training. Those receiving the aerobic and resistance training had a higher completion of the chemotherapy. Another study used women that had been treated for breast cancer 12-36 months previously. One group was assigned supervised aerobic activity, one

group an exercise placebo, and the other group was assigned usual care. The exercise took place three times a week for eight weeks. In as few as eight weeks, the aerobic group showed significant improvements in quality of life. Exercise is also proven to increase the overall quality of life and overall survival. A study done entitled “Physical Activity and Survival After Breast Cancer Diagnosis” found that women that engaged in 3 to 8.9 MET hours per week decreased their risk of occurrence by 50%. (Three MET hours is equivalent to walking at an average pace of 2 to 2.9 mph for one hour.) Physical activity after breast cancer diagnosis may reduce the risk of death from this disease. The greatest benefit occurred in women who performed the equivalent of walking 3-5 hours a week at an average pace. Breast cancer has touched most of our lives in some way. There are many organizations in Montgomery that offer support groups for people going through cancer and/or those that are survivors. I encourage anybody involved with these groups to focus on the benefits of exercise and seek out qualified trainers that can assist and guide patients/ survivors through the appropriate exercises. Leigh Anne Richards, MEd, Certified Personal Trainer, Group Exercise Instructor, General ManagerMetroFitness. For any questions or comments, contact Leigh Anne at

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“Why do you need so many shoes?” “Why do you need so many shoes?” If you’ve ever been asked this question by a guy, you’re probably going to love a great new Web service called JustFabulous. Born from a deep appreciation of a woman’s relationship with shoes, the website is dedicated to the needs of the average shoe addict. Why are so many women addicted to shoes? The explanations range from the practical to the therapeutic. On the practical side, we know no outfit is complete without the perfect pair of shoes. So, for every look we go out in, of course we need a unique pair of shoes to top it off! Shoes also last longer than clothes-because unlike our dress size, our shoe size doesn’t change—so, we can always wear our favorites, regardless of whether or not our favorite pair of jeans fit that day. But, there’s also something more about shoes—when you’re feeling down and need a pick-me-up, a great new pair of shoes often works wonders. JustFabulous seeks to provide shoe addicts exactly what they want when it comes to shoes--namely, their own personal stylist. But, shoe nirvana doesn’t just mean your own personal stylist suggesting new shoes that fit your look and style perfectly—it also

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means being able to actually afford these styles, and that’s what JustFabulous does. The JustFabulous experience starts with you taking a shoe personality quiz. It’s a fun, quick, online survey where you’re presented with a slew of different shoe options, as well as various celebrity and designer looks that you rate based on your personal taste. Based on your choices, JustFabulous then creates your unique shoe style profile.

They’re able to get this kind of pricing for their clients because they work with a selection of high-end shoe manufacturers on a direct basis. These are high fashion styles like those sold by top designers for hundreds of dollars at retail--so, the quality is first rate.

Then comes the really fun part.

Shipping is always free, and any of the shoes you select can be returned for a full credit if you don’t absolutely love them when they arrive.

JustFabulous employs a team of celebrity stylists with extensive experience dressing some of the biggest names in the entertainment industry. Each month, the team selects and presents you with a personalized collection of five shoes that they think you will love based on your style profile. You can then choose to buy one or more of these shoes for just $39.95 each. That’s right—only $39.95 for high quality, high fashion shoes.

If you don’t like any of the selections they come up with for you that month, you can request more, or just wait until the next month to see new selections.

There is no cost to join, and you don’t need to enter your credit card unless you start buying shoes. To get your own style profile, and see what selections the JustFabulous stylists select for you, check out Content from

The River Region’s 50+ Lifestage Magazine

OUR MISSION Our mission is to provide a relaxing environment in which those who are 50 and over or retirees can learn and meet new friends. Courses have no entrance exams, prerequisites, grades, or homework. LLI classes are designed for lifelong learners who love the sheer joy of learning. Help the LLI grow and continue to positively impact the River Region. Invite family, friends, and neighbors who qualify to take classes with you. Most courses meet for 90 minutes weekly over an eight-week period. Courses meet during the day. There are three terms offered per year ( fall, winter and spring ). Members pay a $42 membership fee per term and may take as many courses as their schedule will permit. Curriculum LLI members and the LLI Curriculum Committee determine the course offerings each term. Course styles vary from guest lecture series to class discussion to instructor lead. We offer subjects that reflect the diverse interests of our membership, including: • Art • Financial Planning • Computer Skills • History • Religion • Outdoor Adventures • Cooking • Politics • Nature • Health and Wellness ADDITIONAL MEMBER BENEFITS • Seasonal Socials • Lunch with Guest Speakers • Access to AUM • Access to AUM Hiking Library Trails The knowledge gained and friendships forged truly make LLI membership an incredible experience. The River Region’s 50+ Lifestage Magazine

CENTER FOR LIFELONG LEARNING Courses are held in AUM’s newly renovated Center for Lifelong Learning. This is a spacious building with easy access, excellent parking, classrooms, break rooms and comfortable seating areas. The 2014 Spring Schedule:

● Navigating the Risks of Retirement Today ● Reading the Heart of Dixie ● Fitness for Seniors ● Introduction to Birding ● Stretching Your Dollars: Financial Planning ● Beginner Hiking ● Better Communication through Action: Communication Strategies ● Ballroom Dancing ● Brown Bag Luncheon: “Life Reimagined” with Ron Romasco of AARP. Click here to register for the Lunch on Wednesday, April 23, 12:15 to 1:15 PM! Please RSVP by April 18th.

A Sample of Spring Classes

Fitness for Seniors “An object in motion stays in motion.” It’s time to get moving and get fit!! This course will cover all the aspects of fitness including cardiovascular training, muscular strength and endurance as well as flexibility, nutrition and balance training. Each component of fitness will be discussed with handouts made available. We will go through actual 30-45 minute workouts. A variety of workout “props” will be used. The workouts will be tailored to your fitness level so everybody can benefit. Come see how fun fitness can be. The class will be part lecture/discussion with workouts at MetroFitness. Course instructor, Leigh Anne Richards, has been in the fitness business for 20 years. She is general manager and co-owner of MetroFitness. She teaches all kinds of group exercise classes. Teaching exercise

is her passion. After Leigh Anne turned 50, she has become an advocate for helping people over fifty get fit. Navigating the Risks of Retirement Today Navigating the Risks of Retirement Today This class is part of a three part series that goes throughout the year. Retirees today face a much more treacherous and difficult environment than in years past. In addition, to the traditionally discussed risks like health care costs, inflation and longevity, the retiree today must contend with low interest rates, excess market volatility, underfunded pensions, etc. In the fall, the first part of the series focuses on the risks involving health care costs, long term care, longevity and government programs like Social Security and Medicare. We learn how to estimate and plan to cover those expenses, maximize benefits, and limit costs. This is a very hands-on course containing worksheets, customized analysis and projections. Beginner Hiking Spring is the perfect time to get outside and experience nature. If you are new to hiking, this course will teach you what to wear, what to bring, and how to be safe in the great outdoors. Hikes will be 1 to 3 miles in length on easy to moderate trails within 30 minutes of Montgomery. Some facilities may require modest entrance fees. This class will not interfere with afternoon LLI classes.

Register Today! call Brittany 334-244-3804

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April 2014



Healthy Hearing

By Dr. Bettie Borton Au.D.

Ignoring your hearing loss? It’s a bad idea! If you’re reading this article, it is likely you’ve been wondering about the possibility of having hearing loss, or you know someone who is. As one of the most common chronic Dr. Bettie Borton Au. D. health conditions in the United States, approximately 37 million people in the United States alone reportedly have significant hearing impairment. Hearing loss affects baby boomers, Gen Xers and every other age group. And, when left unaddressed, hearing loss impacts just about every aspect of our lives. Links have been established between hearing impairment and heart disease, diabetes, chronic kidney disease, depression, cognitive decline, dementia or Alzheimer’s disease, increased risk of falling, and increased hospitalizations. Interestingly, studies show that people with hearing loss wait an average of 5-15 years before seeking treatment. No big deal, right? WRONG! With many things in life that seem easy to procrastinate about, there are often unintended consequences. An average of 7 years passes between the time an individual discovers they have hearing loss and when they actually purchase and wear hearing devices. Over those years some undesirable things happen.

Have you ever heard the adage “use it or lose it”? It is becoming increasingly evident that this saying may have applicability for those with unaddressed hearing loss. There is a growing collection of research which demonstrates, clinically, that people with hearing impairment have more success with hearing loss treatments, such as hearing aids, when they act quickly. The “waiting game” many adults play with regard to seeking help for hearing loss frequently results in a more challenging than necessary rehabilitation process. The degenerative process from lack of auditory stimulation is referred to as auditory deprivation, and it can have long reaching implications for hearing

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device use and auditory performance. Our auditory pathways are designed to stay viable only with appropriate levels of input. Hearing loss “turns down the volume.” Failure to provide adequate stimulation to the auditory pathway from the inner ear to the brain takes a toll on our ability to understand speech. Much like a muscle that becomes weak over time, prolonged auditory deprivation may cause your auditory pathway to perform less efficiently. Even if these areas are stimulated again through amplification, the brain may no longer be able to appropriately comprehend the signals. Numerous studies have demonstrated that with acceptance of hearing loss and implementation of properly fitted hearing devices, the ear may be able to recover from the effects of auditory atrophy (deprivation); however, the sooner action is taken the better.

Hearing loss is not just a physical problem. From a lifestyle point of view, hearing loss can create many negative effects, both for the individual with loss and his or her family, friends, or coworkers. Individuals with hearing loss are more likely to experience: • Tension, irritation, or frustration at communication difficulties • Feelings of inadequacy in everyday interactions • Fear of appearing less intelligent or prematurely old • Misunderstanding because of communication difficulties at work, leading to employment risk • Tendency to avoid social gatherings, outdoor activities, and personal interactions • Embarrassment at having to ask for repetitions • Physical fatigue from straining to hear and personal safety risks The effects of hearing loss on the friends, family, and associates of an individual with loss often include: • Relationship problems from misunderstandings. Someone with hearing loss may answer a question inappropriately or not at all, or may incorrectly hear requests, comments, or instructions leading to undesired action or inaction.

• Significant others may be required to interpret for the individual with hearing impairment causing stressful conversations • Feelings of guilt arising from not including an individual with hearing loss in conversation • Feelings of resentment at not being able to enjoy certain activities because of reclusive behavior of an individual with hearing impairment • Constant anxiety about the safety of an individual with hearing loss

The good news is that many of these negative physical and lifestyle effects can be greatly reduced or even eliminated through proper treatment. Digital hearing devices can compensate for loss in targeted frequency ranges, so your brain maintains its ability to comprehend speech. Hearing aids also provide auditory stimulation, which not only allows you to interact with loved ones again, but it may contribute to delaying or even preventing cognitive decline. The comfort, cosmetic appeal, and sophistication of today’s hearing devices provide individuals with no excuse to continue putting off proper treatment of their hearing impairment. There are certainly many ways in which treating your hearing loss is physically beneficial. But the lifestyle benefits may make the largest difference. Those benefits continuously grow every time you don’t have to ask, “What?” and can instead enjoy a worry-free conversation. For more information please contact Doctors Hearing Clinic at (334) 396-1635.

Content adapted from Effectiveness of Informal Counseling on Acceptance of Hearing Loss Among Older Adults, The Hearing Review, 2009; Effects of Monaural Vs. Binaural aids, JASA, 1984. Dr. Bettie B. Borton is a licensed audiologist in Alabama, was the first board certified audiologist in Montgomery, served as National Chair of the American Board of Audiology, and is currently serving as President of the American Academy of Audiology. Co-authored by Dr. Brittany Spahr and Casey Gonzalez, Doctoral Extern, LSU Health.

The River Region’s 50+ Lifestage Magazine

Created Equal: America’s Civil Rights Struggle

Auburn University at Montgomery has partnered with the National Endowment for the Humanities to present the film series “Created Equal: America’s Civil Rights Struggle” throughout the month of April. Using the power of documentary film to encourage community discussion of Civil Rights history, the series tells remarkable stories of individuals who challenged the social and legal status quo of deeply rooted institutions – from slavery to segregation. The documentaries feature riveting new footage that shed new light on the history of Civil Rights in the U.S. “These films help us deconstruct whiteness and provide a novel look at important milestones in African Americans’ struggle for equality in this country,” said Silvia Giagnoni, AUM associate professor of communication and event coordinator. “I’m thrilled to show and discuss these innovative documentaries in a city like Montgomery which is both ‘the cradle of the Confederacy’ and ‘the birthplace of the Civil Rights movement’.” Each of the following films will be presented free of charge. Refreshments will be served.

“Slavery by Another Name”

April 2, 5 p.m. AUM, Goodwyn Hall 111 Based on a Pulitzer Prize winning book, this documentary sheds light on convict labor in the U.S. – a common practice until World War II in which primarily Southern black men were charged with crimes like vagrancy and subjected to deadly working conditions as unpaid prison workers. The film will be introduced by Ben Severance, AUM associate professor of history.

“Freedom Riders”

April 9, 5 p.m. AUM, Goodwyn Hall 111 This 2012 Emmy Award winning documentary centers on the Freedom Rides of 1961 and includes never before seen footage of a bus burning held in evidence by the FBI until now. The film will be introduced by Georgette Norman, director of the Rosa Parks Library and Museum.

“The Loving Story”

April 16, 5 p.m. AUM, Goodwyn Hall 111 Mildred and Richard Loving knew it was technically illegal for them to live as a married couple in Virginia because she was of African American and Native American descent and he was white. They never expected, however, to be woken up and arrested one night in 1958. This documentary brings to life the Lovings’ marriage and the legal battle that followed through little known filmed interviews and photographsshot for “Life” magazine. The film will be introduced by Pia Knigge, AUM assistant professor of political science. AUM was one of 473 institutions across the U.S. awarded a set of films and given permission to screen them publically. The series is made possible through a major grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities, as part of its Bridging Cultures initiative, in partnership with the Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History. Co-sponsors include the AUM Department of Communication and Dramatic Arts, the Department of History and World Languages and Cultures, and the Department of Political Science and Public Administration. For more information, visit

The River Region’s 50+ Lifestage Magazine

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April 2014



When is the right time to leave ‘home’? Few people like to admit their age is affecting them. However, as we age, certain abilities become compromised, and it may no longer be practical for aging men and women to remain in their homes, or at least live there alone.

▪ Make sure to develop a strong relationship with your loved one. This relationship should be consistent and keep you in frequent contact so you can best assess his or her living situation. ▪ Talk things over with other siblings or relatives to see if others feel the same way

benefits of moving to a senior community. Point out other benefits, such as companionship with similarly aged people, activities, transportation, and the presence of a maintenance staff to ensure nothing falls into disrepair. ▪ Do your research and have the names Comfortable living alone may be and amenities of different a signal to an older adult that he residences available to or she still has independence. discuss. Request brochures Taking away a license or from senior communities suggesting a move may cause and offer to make trips to feelings of animosity. But at view the homes together some point in time, friends or with your senior relative. family members of an aging ▪ If the idea of a “home” is man or woman might need to not what your loved one broach the topic of moving to has in mind, discuss the an assisted living facility. Such a options of moving in with discussion can be difficult, but a relative and if this would having some evidence that a be a more comfortable change is necessary may make situation. the news easier to process. ▪ You may need a mediator Although some seniors dread the conversation about leaving home and Sometimes the older adult may or help with finding the moving to a retirement community, there are many advantages, including have already made the decision right fit for a loved one. improved safety, transportation and the chance to make new friends. that a move is necessary, which Consider hiring a geriatric will make the process even care manager to help you easier. you do. Perhaps they have a different point organize your thoughts and priorities of view. regarding a senior living transition. These Moving should never be a knee-jerk individuals provide services that include reaction unless there is a sudden medical ▪ If there are problems at home, make your helping families locate appropriate housing emergency that necessitates fast action. case by pointing them out. Show the elder and care services for their loved ones. Under normal circumstances, moving adult how day-to-day life has grown more should be a gradual process that begins difficult and how certain burdens may be Not every senior needs to leave home, but even before a parent, grandparent or other lifted by changing living situations. the topic should be broached if assistance relative really needs to change residences. ▪ Indicate that access to health care and with day-to-day activities is needed. Here are some steps to keep in mind. a safe environment are some of the key

34 BOOM!

April 2014

The River Region’s 50+ Lifestage Magazine

Dogs for Boomers These dog breeds are especially compatible for us seasoned citizens

Pets often make ideal companions. They are around when a person needs support, they can provide protection for those living alone, they’re always willing to lend an ear to problems, and many tend to offer unconditional love. Boomers facing an empty nest or the loss of a spouse may find pets can buoy their spirits. Studies have shown that Boomers can benefit both mentally and physically from having a pet around. Pets can alleviate anxiety, depression and boredom! While pets can provide comfort and companionship, they’re still a major responsibility. That’s why you should find an animal that will fit in with your lifestyles. This is especially important for those who travel frequently or have mobility issues. Those of you who have decided that a dog will be the best pet can choose among several breeds. When selecting a dog, consider both size and temperament. Smaller dogs tend to be easier to handle and will need less maintenance. They’re easily carried and won’t take as long to bathe and groom. Obviously, smaller dogs eat less than the bigger breeds, reducing the expenses and the hassle of toting large, heavy bags of chow. A dog’s temperament is also, some breeds tend to be more

The River Region’s 50+ Lifestage Magazine

easygoing than others. Larger breeds may be preferable to a smaller breeds, which tend to be hyperactive. Naturally, there are pros and cons to each breed, and each dog will demonstrate his own personality traits. Here are a few dog breeds that show good compatibilty with Boomers.

● Pug: Equally playful and willing to be a lap dog, the pug requires little exercise and grooming. The breed is typically nonaggressive and submissive. Pugs are good-natured and playful; they don’t often bark and are easy to train. ● Shih Tzu: The Shih Tzu lives for attention, but this breed can be dominant and difficult to train. The Shih Tzu will be alert to its surroundings and, despite its small stature, can be a good watchdog. ● Pomeranian: Pomeranians look like big balls of fur and can bring a smile to an owner’s face. The breed tends to be perky, can display dominance and can be difficult to train. Because Pomeranians can be dogaggressive, they may be best as the only pet in the house. ● Yorkshire Terrier: The Yorkie is a diminutive breed in size only, as they tend

to have exuberant personalities that dwarf their stature. The ideal lap dog, Yorkies want to lie around and lounge, though some do like to bark. If the fur is kept short in a “puppy cut,” the dog can be easy to maintain. ● Pembroke Welsh Corgi: This mediumsized dog hails from Wales and typically requires only moderate exercise and little grooming. They are easy to train and moderately dominant. They don’t bark excessively, and they often get along with other dogs. ● Schnauzer: Available in three sizes, Schnauzers are good companions and protectors. This is an intelligent and loyal breed and will need to be kept amused to stave off boredom. ● Brussels Griffon: These dogs do not shed, but they will require professional grooming at least once every 3 months. If socialized early, the Griffon can be a good companion but will likely remain wary of strangers. They are good watchdogs and devoted to their owners.

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April 2014



Common Bonds...

Men’s group shares confidential moments with documentary maker Marcus is interested in finding sponsors to host the films in other places. “I hope the audience will be inspired to take a critical look at themselves and approach to change limiting situations in their daily lives,” Bugge said in an email. “At the same time, I hope for men and women that their perception of manhood and masculinity will be challenged.”

By Erica Curless

As many men age, they realize something is missing in life. Often this epiphany is sparked by a collapsing marriage, unfulfilling career or shortage of friends. Perhaps the children are gone and there is nothing to fill the time once consumed raising kids. So what’s a guy to do? Silently suffer. Divorce. Quit. Join a poker group. Buy a sports car.

Bugge, who spent three weeks in Sandpoint in July 2012 filming the group, has a passion for gender and masculinity studies. As a graduate student in New York City, Bugge learned about men’s groups and contacted Sandpoint’s Marcus after hearing his radio interview about how men need emotional support from men, yet most guys have few close friends to rely on. No New York group was willing to open its doors to a woman filmmaker, so Bugge got permission from the Sandpoint men’s group. Soon she was driving across the country into unknown territory.

Not if Owen Marcus has anything to say about it. He wants men to learn how to connect with their emotions and build a support group with other men, a bond that’s more real than drinking beer and watching the game. Yet not so extreme as a boot camp weekend in the woods with a loincloth and instructions on hunting and gathering your own food. In other words, join a men’s group. “They just need a little work on learning some skills never taught to them,” said Marcus, of Sandpoint, Idaho, who sets up men’s groups across the country to give men a safe place to practice opening up and being emotional in a masculine way. Nine years ago, he started a group in Sandpoint with 11 other guys. Today, 150 have attended the various groups. Sandpoint currently has four active men’s groups and plans a fifth. A men’s group is just that: a gathering of men in a safe environment where they feel free to express their emotions, whether it’s frustration with a partner, anger about a dying parent or fear of not being good enough. “You feel and express things you’ve never had a chance to do,” said Marcus, 60, who also works as a rolfer. “You

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relax. You feel younger, look younger. Sometimes you cry for the first time in decades. For most guys, it’s being with men in a real way. Men are starved for that.” A new documentary film, “About Men,” focuses on a Sandpoint group and is opening the domain of men’s groups to the world. It reveals this usually private, intimate and confidential forum in hopes of helping other men get real with their emotions. The film, by Danish filmmaker Maja Bugge, made its U.S. premiere in Sandpoint earlier this year. Its Danish premiere is planned for this month.

“We are willing to risk being vulnerable,” group member Robert Myers said in the film’s trailer. “With every meeting, there is a risk in showing up. We have fear and we lay it on the table. You know hiding fear is really the old style of man.” Another scene shows Myers struggling to find courage to embrace his relationship with his girlfriend. As tears flow, he admits, “One of my great fears is, you know, can I, can I do it?” Yep. Men crying. Bare-chested men hugging. There’s even a very emotional dog pile, in which member Chris Blair is held down while raging about his estranged father. He screams, “I can’t breathe, get off me.” The men hold tighter. One says, “Your whole life you’ve been holding your breath.” In the next

The River Region’s 50+ Lifestage Magazine

scene, Blair is standing and exuberant, thankful he can finally breathe. Marcus said men’s groups, and the documentary, offer a chance to break the “bro-code” or the “emotional glass ceiling” where male friends aren’t supposed to share too. He expands on that in his self-published book, “Grow Up: A Man’s Guide to Masculine Emotional Intelligence.” Men’s groups are found around the country. Marcus traveled to Chicago in January to start another group and give its members the tools to create their own safe space to practice emotions and then translate those into their daily lives. The idea has taken off in the last 20 years. Men’s groups have different styles of bonding. The Mankind Project, an international nonprofit, organizes intense weekend “initiation” workshops known as New Warrior Training Adventures. Greg Anderson, a mental health counselor, started The Mankind Project’s group in Spokane years ago. “We’re just a group of men who get together and are honest with each other,” said Greg Anderson, 54, a mental health counselor. “We can be real. You don’t have to wear the mask you wear every day.” Anderson discovered The ManKind Project in 1989 and soon after attended a warrior weekend in Minnesota. He started a group in Yakima, Wash., and then another group when he moved to Spokane. He said no matter the method, men’s groups are powerful. The groups give Anderson clarity, allow him to speak honestly about what he wants in life and learn how not to blame others for his choices. There are critics, especially of the nearly 30-year-old ManKind Project. Detractors call it a New Age cult, heavy on intimidation that often involves nudity, The River Region’s 50+ Lifestage Magazine

blindfolds, exhaustion and belittling. Participants must sign a confidentiality agreement. There have been several lawsuits. Anderson dismissed the criticism and said the intense weekends aren’t for everyone. Marcus attended a warrior weekend in Arizona in the mid-1990s and said most of the criticism misrepresents the experience. But he agrees the weekends are not for all. They’re better suited to men who need a “kick in the ---.” He is more concerned about the motives and techniques of for-profit companies. Every Wednesday, David Calechman drives 70 miles from his home in Spokane to a men’s group meeting in Sandpoint. The self-described loner, age 54, said he loves the idea of the groups but the travel is becoming too much, and he dislikes the Sandpoint group’s strict structure. He says he might start his own group in Spokane. What he really wants from the experience is “a real group of friends in a real community.” Calechman had that once when, at 31, he took a radio job in an Eskimo community in the Arctic Circle. “Even as a tall, white Jewish outsider, I still belonged in a way I never have anywhere else,” he said, adding that men are able to talk and show more emotion in traditional, tribal communities. “It was such a relief to feel like you don’t have to do everything yourself.” Calechman said the key to men’s groups is to take the lessons and apply them in daily life. “Our trainings are just men’s group, men sitting around talking,” he said. “There is no confrontation, no lecturing of how you should be and no extreme exercises.” For information, see or (c)2014, The Spokesman-Review Distributed by MCT Information Services r i ve r reg i o n b o o m . co m

April 2014



The River Region’s 50+ Lifestage Magazine

We Love Women Over 50! If your Target Audience are Women with Money and Desire, BOOM! readers are your customers...70% of our readers are Mature Women, 75% of US wealth is owned by Mature Women age 50+, and Mature Women spend 2.5 times what the average person spends and they spend it on things like Beauty, Grand Kids, Pets, Fitness, Gifts, Restaurants, Healthcare, Financial Services, Caregiving, Classes, Fashion, Home & Garden, Concerts, Entertaining, Travel, and much more!

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38 BOOM!

April 2014

The River Region’s 50+ Lifestage Magazine

The River Region’s 50+ Lifestage Magazine

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April 2014



By Greg Budell

The Mayor of BOOMTOWN

A “BOOM” WEDDING! It was the best wedding I ever attended. I’m glad it was mine! Blessed with perfect weather, I stood in the magnificent courtyard outside the downtown Baumhower’s restaurant at 5PM on March 1 as a beautiful woman, escorted by her two handsome sons, made her way to me.

introductions and reunions! The puzzle was assembling itself. Roz and I talked about things and agreed we’d be starting married life with a lot going our way - with a lot of incredible people making that good start possible. We wanted to thank them.

It was number 4 for both of us. More often than not, Boomers who are running up a count just go to City It didn’t Hall and get married by the take security guard. At first, Roz and I agreed to keep it simple Roz escorted by her sons, Patrick (left) and Shandor long for the list of friends, family and cobut extraordinary forces were at workers to grow past 100. work. My daughter Janelle was making her first trip to Montgomery. She was thrilled at the engagement news last Christmastime and said she wanted to be here for the ceremony. Still in college year round, I never pushed a Montgomery visit because I enjoyed visiting South Florida a few times yearly- always just long enough to remember all the reasons I never wanted to live there again (that’s another column altogether). Happily, Roz’ son Patrick would be coming in from Oklahoma City, so the wedding was perfect for

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Baumhower’s restaurant had catered our Bluewater Broadcasting Christmas party so I placed a call to my favorite middle linebacker/ restaurateur to get a price.

Bob quickly became my favorite wedding The Kiss planner with a suggestion - “have it at my place downtown”, he said. “It’s closed on weekends but available for parties… I‘ll have the corporate chef arrange your menu.” Offered and accepted! It came together perfectly. The

downtown Baumhower’s (201 Union) is perfectly laid out for the reception we planned - and the aforementioned courtyard was a stunning location for a late afternoon ceremony. Had the weather not cooperated, we could have used the magnificent inside lobby of the RSA building where the restaurant is located. Tim Holp, GM of the restaurant, put together an outstanding layout of everybody’s Baumhower favorites from wings and wraps to burger bites. Pig-out paradise! At a wedding? Yes! Baumhower’s has

Jay Scott performing wedding ceremony

also been known for great food AND service and Tim had his “A” team ready to handle the crowd, and they were phenomenal. I know, because every guest told me so as they were departing. In the hour prior to the ceremony, I was pacing around but not sure why. Everything had been handled. My friend, legendary Montgomery DJ “Dr. Sam” had the sound system up and running. Chairs had been placed in the courtyard to create an aisle. Flowers were in place. There was nothing to worry about! Still, my emotions were running in the red zone and I finally figured out why.

The River Region’s 50+ Lifestage Magazine

Every time another guest arrived, I’d get a little choked up, with gratitude. Whether it was family (Mommy the Swami!), friend or someone from radio land, I’d feel a quick sting in my eyes. As the group grew larger, I realized the miracle unfolding right before my eyes.

couldn’t afford to date! Nine years later, I found myself waiting for Roz surrounded by the most wonderful group imaginable. If April 28, 2005 was Point “A” on my Montgomery journey, then March 1, 2014 was somewhere a lot deeper into the alphabet because it has truly been an amazing ride in every respect. Minimal turbulence. The guests who shared the day with us represented an

don’t call me Shirley!”… Airplane humor!

The party included a bright forecast for our future from CBS 8 (and Roz and Greg enjoy a moment morning team mate) Weather Goddess Marcy Novak. Rick Peters, who brought Mr. and Mrs Greg Budell me to Montgomery and gave me abundance that Point “A” of human had to depart riches, early but saw I thought back to April 28, 2005. and every enough to be My car pulled into Montgomery smile I amazed at that night and the total number saw got how well this of people I knew here was…ONE. me “right has worked That was Rick Peters, Bluewater here”. out for both owner and a man I’d worked for All those of us. When 3 times previously. I had no idea terrific my daughter what to expect of the city or the folks were caught the opportunity. My first day at the there for bouquet, radio station, a young man named Maid of honor, “Fun Size Jane” , Roz , Greg and best man us! I suffered Jay Scott explained the studio Al-Alan Alan Alan Harbin *(as they are known in radioland) a brief but equipment to me. How would I Jay provided a ceremony befitting temporary seizure but carried on. It know that almost 9 years later he’d the assembled group. Just before was a great party! not only be a critical part of my the vows, morning talk he said I now wish only for good health show (Susan “surely for us all, so there are many years and Greg and there is no before Point “Z” comes into view. Jay, Newstalk one here 93.1 FM) who could but as an Greg Budell lives in Montgomery. seriously ordained He’s a 26 year veteran of radio who say there is minister, hosts the Greg & Susan morning no reason he’d be show 6-9 am and Happy Hour 3-6 for Greg DOING THE pm on NEWand Roz VOWS at my STALK 93.1, not to be wedding! Greg can be Ryan Martinez, Patrick McInerney, Roz, Greg, Shandor Rosenberg married”. and Janelle Budell reached at What wedding? When I first came gregbudell@ Right on cue, my other morning to town, I was living on fumes, partner, Susan Woody raised her waiting on a contract settlement Susan and Greg hand and said “I am serious. And from my last Florida employer. I The River Region’s 50+ Lifestage Magazine

r i ve r reg i o n b o o m . co m

April 2014



Featured Artists This Month, Carol J. Barksdale and Pamela Wesley Copeland NEW DAY On April 10th from 5:30 to 7:30pm, Gallery One Fine Art will host “NEW DAY”, a spirited exhibition of works by member artists Carol J. Barksdale and Pamela Wesley Copeland.

My paintings in this show are influenced by my love of such artists as Cy Twombly, Mark Rothko and Willem de Kooning, the Dutch abstract expressionist painter.” This is a lovely show Barksdale’s with Barksdale’s mixed media amazing abstract abstract paintings and paintings have Copeland’s wonderful taken a new street scenes, still direction and Carol and Pamela life and figurative it has been paintings.There are 30+ paintings exciting to watch her journey over in this show and they work so well these past eleven years. together and truly complement one another. It is my pleasure and Pamela Wesley privilege to hang this exhibition. Copeland joined our group in September Carol J. Barksdale joined our group 2013. in July of 2003. Pamela’s Artist Carol’s Artist Statement: “My Statement: “My artwork is largely influenced by recent work reflects travel. I lived four years in Rome, my observations in Italy and traveled while there to the course of my France, Amsterdam and Ireland. It travels to Turkey, was a recent trip to San Cristobal France, Costa Rica de Las Casas, Mexico, that brought and California, all that I loved of those countries along with scenes back to me-the well-worn patina of life in Central Alabama. I love of doorways and walkways, the capturing brief moments of people old world feeling of cathedrals and going about their everyday lives cobblestones. The aged textures and also the fleeting beauty of intrigued me and found their way nature. I express what appeals into my work, alongside a soft, to me and my reaction to it in muted palette. I use both brush oil through representational art. and palette knife to achieve those With loose bold strokes of color, I affects. attempt to share my memories and

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experiences with you. I hope you enjoy viewing it as much as I’ve enjoyed creating it.” Copeland is also a seasoned painter working in oil, her choice of subject, palette and prospective are superb. When I look at her work, I am reminded of the paintings I saw as a Wetumpka High School student in the library that were painted by Kelly Fitzpatrick, ordinary people doing ordinary things, beautifully. Gallery One Fine Art has sold both of these artists to individuals and corporate collections. Both artists have work accepted into the Energen Corporation Art Competition in Birmingham this month.

Visit Gallery One Fine Art 423 Cloverdale Road, Montgomery, AL Gallery Director Sandi Aplin 334.269.1114

The River Region’s 50+ Lifestage Magazine

By Sandi Aplin

Art & Soul

Gordon’s Shoe Shine Parlor, Luncheonette and Patio For those of us that are 50 plus, we remember the art of shoe shining. In Montgomery, Urelee Earl Gordon, Sr. spent his life perfecting shoe shining as his chosen profession. He was a graduate of Booker T. Washington High School and continued his studies at Alabama State University, he never met a stranger.

bright eyed man and he gave me a warm, King Cole danced here, welcoming smile. His wrinkled eyes lifted up and so did I. As a very slightly and chuckled as he recalled Mose T small child Charlie would coming there with me or the time I brought take me to Gordon’s on my white German shepherd to visit.” Says Friday nights. We were Anton. regulars. I was picked up and put on top of the There were two movies with scenes filmed terrazzo bar in the back. at Gordon’s. The Vernon John’s Story was Enjoying lemonade and one with James Earl Jones playing the role cookies, I watched as of the minister of the Dexter Avenue Baptist Charlie and his friends Church before Dr. Martin Luther King. We danced under the trees lost a treasure in Montgomery when we lost decorated with neon Gordon’s Shoe Shine Parlor, Luncheonette birds. I loved it.” Anton Urelee and his wife, and Patio. In a Sermon given by Dr. Martin Haardt, Clark Walker and Ardelia Williams Gordon, Luther King I also enjoyed had three children. Mrs. on July 14th, the Patio Betty Gordon Seymour 1957 he said, together. We lives here in Montgomery, “I have a friend would listen Urelee Gordon Mr. Urelee Earl Gordon, around on Hall to Bobby Jr. lives in Pasadena, California and Theodore Street, Urelee Moore and the Rhythm Aces. R. (Teddy) Gordon lives in Stone Mountain, Gordon who Clark Walker said, “I remember Georgia. I spoke with Mrs. Betty and Teddy shines shoes the random tiles, the painted at length. The three children sent me occasionally. And chairs and the tiled top tables. the following about their beloved father. I just love to go It was a magical place.” I finally “Reflections of our dad always brought a there to get a found Anton in the Yelapa, Mexico smile and a sigh to our face. He was such a shoeshine. He jungle and asked her to send me unique character with values that included can do more a couple of sentences, she sent love of God and family, respect for learning, with just shining three pages. “Gordon’s Patio was pride in his craft and the belief that small shoes than most a Montgomery Landmark! Urelee Cumulus Broadcasting, Large Business in the businesses are important to the community. Gordon was a shoe shine man and Arts Award L-R: John Rodriguez, Bill Hardin people can do His hobby was hunting and he loved his with their PhD’s. a really nice guy. I would take my bird dogs. He had a million dollar smile and He can get more music out of a rag shining friends there from all over the world. There a personality that beamed. He also had shoes than Louis Armstrong can get out of a were always a diverse cast of characters. a keen sense of humor and believed that trumpet. “ When they were closing the Patio, I bought laughter contributed to being a well- rounded five of his tiled tables and Mr. Gordon gave Sandi Aplin, Director of Gallery One Fine Art person. He had a competitive spirit, but also me his sign as a gift. He was a very friendly, A free lance writer living in Montgomery, Alabama believed in networking. Dad was gifted in restoring leather goods to their original look. He also had an aesthetic gift which he expressed by tiling his patio booths, benches, bar, barbecue pit, tables etc. Neon lights flashed on the house wall of his parent’s home. His favorite motto was: If you can’t be the winner, make the winner break the record.” Artists loved Gordon’s Shoe Shine Parlor, Luncheonette and Patio. When Nan Cunningham was asked to create the awards for the 25th Annual Montgomery Area Business Community for the Arts, she chose as one of her subjects Gordon’s Luncheonette Patio. In a Montgomery Advertiser article which ran November 6, 2011 she said, “Nat

The River Region’s 50+ Lifestage Magazine

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April 2014



April 2014

{12 Things} for active boomers and beyond



The Montgomery Chorale will make history this spring in celebration of a major milestone. To mark its 40th anniversary, the chorale will join forces with members of the Atlanta Baroque Orchestra to present a musical work rarely, if ever, performed in its entirety in Montgomery. Johann Sebastian Bach’s Mass in B Minor represents the chorale’s most ambitious project to date. The composition is considered Bach’s most noteworthy achievement. Its size and scope are unmatched in classical choral literature. Even The Washington Post wrote, “The mass requires a superhuman effort to perform.” Tickets can be purchased online at or you can call 334.265.3737.

Frazer’s Easter Eggstravaganza will take place Saturday, April 12 at 9-11 a.m. Eggstravaganza is a family fun gathering featuring inflatables, games, crafts, and egg hunts the Saturday before Holy Week to prepare our hearts for Easter. Age appropriate egg hunts have been designed for toddlers through 5th grade children. The event is free and open to the public. For more info visit

The Montgomery Chorale 40th Anniversary Concert St. John’s Episcopal Church, Downtown Montgomery Saturday, April 5th, 7 pm


Zoo Weekend Montgomery Zoo Saturday & Sunday, April 5-6th, 9am - 6pm

Festive environment with live entertainment, games, rides, concessions and animals from around the world. Enjoy the many activities, fantastic food and have fun together at an affordable price. It is also an excellent opportunity to take advantage of discounted memberships. Montgomery Zoo, 2301 Coliseum Parkway, Montgomery, AL. For more info call 334.240.4900 or visit


Second Saturdays-Downton montgomery Riverfront Park Saturday, April 12th, Noon-10pm

Antique and Classic Car Show - Noon and then Second Saturday begins at 5pm - Until. Interactive Activities for Kids, Various Food Vendors, Face Painting, Magician and Balloon Twisting, John Lee Paint “Paint the Sky Fireworks Show” $1 Admission, 12 and Under Free. Proceeds will benefit the Montgomery Humane Society. No Outside Food, Beverage or Coolers. For more info visit

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April 2014

Easter Eggstravaganza Frazer Church, 6000 Atlanta Hwy. Saturday, April 12th, 9-11am

PINE MOUNTAIN, GEORGIA Celebrate Spring! Callaway Gardens Now through April 20th

A series of themed weekends, known collectively as Celebrate Spring!, feature special activities and events for families and friends to share against the backdrop of Callaway Gardens’ dazzling display of native and cultivated azaleas – more than 20,000 of them – plus fresh blooms of dogwoods, crabapples, daffodils, tulips and more. This year’s themed weekends will pay tribute to: Flavors of the Gardens (April 5-6), Colors of the Gardens (April 12-13), Renewal in the Gardens (April 19-20). For more info call 1.800.225.5292 or visit


Tyler Perry’s -”Hell Hath No Fury Like A Woman Scorned” MPAC-Montgomery Performing Arts Center Tuesday & Wednesday, April 22-23, 7:30pm Tyler Perry presents his new stage play, “Hell Hath No Fury Like A Woman Scorned.”This is a bizarre story of Anita (Cheryl “Pepsii” Riley), a lonely woman who reluctantly meets a man through an The River Region’s 50+ Lifestage Magazine

online dating service. He treats her like a Nubian Queen when they first meet but Grandma Hattie (Patrice Lovely) and Anita’s best friend, Jasmine (Monica Blaire), have their reservations about him...and so things change, they REALLY change. Well, the rest of the events are unpredictable and entertaining! For more information visit


Cotton Patch Gospel Red Door Theatre April 24-27, 7:30pm The Cotton Patch Version of Matthew and John by Clarence Jordan. This “Greatest Story Ever Retold” is based on the book The Cotton Patch Version of Matthew and John by Clarence Jordan in which the Gospel is presented in a setting of rural Georgia with country music songs, the final and perhaps best work of Harry Chapin. Four performances are offered: Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, dinner-6 p.m. (reservations required), play7:30 p.m; and Sunday, April 27, play only (no dinner)-2:30 p.m. Contact 334.738.8687 or visit


installations, and eating all day. Linn Park | Free admission (Chefs & Corks: $30 in advance; $35 at the door) | MagicCityArt. com


“An Evening With Nick Saban” benefiting the Cancer Wellness Foundation of Central Alabama MPAC-Montgomery Performing Arts Center Friday, April 25th, 7pm The Cancer Wellness Foundation is pleased to announce plans for “An Evening with Nick Saban” to be held April 25, 2014. Guests will enjoy a special evening of engagement at the Montgomery Performing Arts Center with Nick Saban, current head football coach of the University of Alabama’s Crimson Tide and first coach to win four BCS Championship titles. There will be a silent auction before this event in the Atrium.

Toadlick Music Festival National Peanut Festival Fairgrounds Thursday-Saturday, April 24-26th This is a 3-day outdoor music festival held at the National Peanut Festival Fairgrounds in Dothan, Alabama on April 24-26, 2014. Last year’s festival was a TOADAL success! Despite some inclement weather, over 40,000 hopped in to see performances by some of the biggest names in Country Music. This year’s TOADLICK MUSIC FESTIVAL promises to be even better with events, camping, attractions, and some of the biggest names in Country Music, Rock, & Southern Rock performing throughout three fun-filled days and nights. General admission tickets are available for purchase online and from local ticket vendors. For more info visit




Magic City Art Connection Birmingham’s Linn Park , Downtown Friday through Sunday, April 25-27, 10-6pm The 31st Magic City Art Connection contemporary art festival transforms downtown Birmingham’s Linn Park with its infusion of artistic talent, sights, sounds and aromas. More than 25,000 visitors and their families head to the city center annually the last full weekend in April for arts and culture, creativity, entertainment, community and fun. Choose art from among 215 juried artists from around the country. Then add in the experience of Corks and Chefs: Food and Wine Tasting Event, 30 interactive art workshops for kids, live music and cultural/dance performances on 2 stages, large scale art

The River Region’s 50+ Lifestage Magazine

Honda Indy Grand Prix of Alabama Barber Motorsports Park Friday- Sunday, April 25-27,

Pack your picnic, bring a cooler, and head on out to Barber Motorsports Park for a weekend full of activities and racing. Names such as Helio Castroneves, Marco Andretti, Graham Rahal, Will Power and many more will be competing for the title. This family-friendly event is right in your own backyard, so don’t miss out. Barber Motorsports Park, 6040 Barber Motorsports Parkway, Birmingham, AL. For more info visit Taste of the Gardens-American Red Cross Benefit Southern Homes & Gardens, Vaughn Rd. Thursday, May 8th, 5-8 pm Southern Homes & Gardens and the American Red Cross present Taste of the Gardens, a benefit for the American Red Cross, held annually at SH&G on Vaughn Road, Montgomery. Taste of the Gardens will be held Thursday, May 8th, from 5 to 8 pm. The event includes a silent auction featuring works from local artists; tasting from the River Region’s finest restaurants & caterers; wine and music with Henry Pugh. Items purchased at SH&G will be discounted 20%. Event tickets are $20 online at For more info call 334.260.3981 or email It ’s a Great Time to Be Booming! Please submit any events/pictures to

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April 2014



Retirement Thoughts...from those living it

Make sure that people are well aware of your post-retirement plans. At my retirement party, we had big signs that listed all the places I wanted to go to in retirement. It gave us all something to talk about. It felt like people weren’t saying goodbye but were saying, “Bon voyage, we’ll see you when you get back!” _ Aaron, St. Petersburg, Fla.

I was in the car about seven years ago with my younger sister. She and her husband had just retired, and I’m thinking, “Why am I still working my buns off?” I said, “How can I retire?” I pulled the car over and made her get out a pencil and some paper, and we began to write down all my assets and what they were worth. I’ve always been good with budgets, so we began to form one: She wrote down food, insurance, doctor bills, mortgages, and what they cost monthly, then subtracted the mortgages (since I planned to sell my real estate company to pay off my house). And at that moment, I finally realized, “Hey, I can do this.” From that day, I really planned. It took about

Leigh Anne Richards

Tammy Griffin

a year to make it happen, to sell the business and pay off our home mortgage. Once the pressure of mortgage payments was gone, it was so easy. _ Barbara Stevens Gatlinburg, Tenn. I told two personal stories at my retirement party. One was very funny, and the other one was extremely meaningful to the people who worked at the hospital I was retiring from. Try to tell a meaningful personal story about what happened to you at the institution. It will resonate with people you are saying goodbye to. We’re all trying to find meaning in life. It’s good to tell a funny story, too. _ Roy Clary, Brooklyn, N.Y.

Lucile Waller

Lynn Mathison

I wanted to totally change my life around. They say you have a new life waiting, and I wanted to be young enough to enjoy it. _ J.L. Jackson, N.J. On my first day of retirement, I slept late, ate brunch out, and then just slouched around the house all day with my guys (dog and husband). This was after joyriding during the hot summer day at noontime with the sunroof open, the windows down, and the radio blaring, just because we could. _ C.R., San Antonio, Texas (c)2014, Hundreds of Heads Books, Inc. Distributed by MCT Information Services

Susan Alred

Dr. Thomas Cawthon

Read About Them @ Allison Posell

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April 2014

Leah Leal

Sharon Wilson

Betty Roberts and Dale Gulledge

Rhea Kirk

Susan Fisher

The River Region’s 50+ Lifestage Magazine

The River Region’s 50+ Lifestage Magazine

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April 2014



48 BOOM!

April 2014

The River Region’s 50+ Lifestage Magazine

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