BOOM! January 2015

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For more of Marion’s story, go to

The River Region’s 50+ Lifestage Magazine

R ive r Re gio n Bo o m . co m

January 2015



BOOM!, The River Region’s 50+ Lifestage Magazine


January 2015

“Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending.”

Volume 5 Issue 7

Carl Bard

Humor Advice Health Community

Thought Relationships Taste Inspiration

You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.” C.S. Lewis

3 Jackson Hospital’s Health News 6 Publisher’s Letter 8 Fitness Resolutions Leigh Anne Richards 10 Your Hopes and Dreams? with Brandt McDonald 16 BOOM! Cover Profile 20 Retirement Revised 22 Q and A Session with Dr. Michael Bowman page 38

29 STOP Forgetting Names!

Features 24 Love Story

A Rolling Rink Romance

Departments 12 This and That

Now You’re “In the Know”

26 Top 3 Estate Planning Documents...? Ask an Elder Law Attorney

34 Geezer Forum

Doctor Tells us How To Talk with a Doc

30 New Year, New Hearing, New You!

38 Bucket List

West Baden Springs Hotel

31 Animal Lover 32 Mental Acuity 37 In His Own Words, Jim Sabel

44 {12} Things

Solutions for Bored Boomers

46 Greg Budell


41 Understanding COPD 41 BOOM! Cover Nominations 42 Nutrition Labels Tips with Tracy Bhalla



43 Dating Advice: Is religion an issue for a 50-plus relationship?

page 16

page 12

page 14

page 13

BOOM! The River Regions 50+ Lifestage Magazine is published monthly by River Region Publications, 6398 Eastwood Glen Pl., Montgomery, AL 36117. The phone number for voice and fax is 334.523.9510. Copyright 2015 by River Region Publications. No part of this publication can be reproduced without written permission from the publisher. Opinions expressed in BOOM! The River Regions 50+ Lifestage Magazine are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the view of the owners, nor do they constitute an endorsement of products and services herein.

The River Region’s 50+ Lifestage Magazine

R ive r Re gio n Bo o m . co m

January 2015



Publisher’s Letter

Once in a Lifetime The mission of BOOM! is to serve the folks of the River Region age 50 plus with information and ideas to inspire new experiences, better quality of life and new beginnings.


Jim Watson, 334.523.9510

Associate Editor Kelly Watson

Contributing Writers Sandi Aplin Jenille Ball Tracy Bhalla Dr. Michael Bowman Greg Budell

Jackie and I recently returned from a trip to Israel and the Holy Land. It was as they say “A trip of a Lifetime” and what made it so was the fact that this trip had a deeper meaning because of our Christian faith. For those of you who share our faith, many of the places described in the Bible can seem quite distant and sometimes unrelatable. Now those places have a higher definition, almost an emotional quality that could not have been understood without experiencing these historic places first hand. The Sea of Galilee is a good example. Riding on a boat across the Sea of Galilee, which is really just a large fresh water lake, brought into focus the activities along it’s shores 2,000 thousand years ago. And experiencing the dungeons located in the house where Caiaphas’ lived and where Jim Watson, Publisher Jesus was taken the night he was arrested in the Garden of Gethsemane. Here in this dungeon we meditated on the darkness Jesus was experiencing days before His execution. The intimacy of this and other moments during this special trip will always be an inspiration in our faith journey. Our Cover Profile this month has also traveled in the Holy Land and many other places around the world but her real passion is serving and caring for patients and caregivers in need of hospice. Her name is Jenille Ball and she is the Executive Director of Hospice of Montgomery. We’re fortunate to have Jenille share some of her story with us because there are many misconceptions about hospice care and we have asked her to help us understand the role hospice can have for caregivers and patients. I have learned that hospice is a good thing and that many caregivers of patients with serious illnesses should embrace hospice care sooner rather than later to enhance the quality of life for their loved ones. I hope you’ll enjoy reading jenille’s story and sharing the value of hospice.

Lisa Copeland Erica Curless Nina Elias Cindy Hval Brandt McDonald Mark Miller Molly Raisch Leigh Anne Richards Katie Slade Brittany Spahr Richard Tribou Raley L. Wiggins Kathy Witt

Since it is a New Year, many of us are having that conversation with ourselves about how the year went and what we can do about it now that we have a fresh start! Both Leigh Anne Richards and Brandt McDonald provide some inspiration for your fitness, health, and money mindset. The best curse of action to make a change in your life is to make an appointment with these BOOM! experts, Leigh Anne and Brandt and commit to a plan of action to create a happier and healthier you, 12 months from now. Go ahead, just one step at a time...

Cover Photography Kim Bethea The Studio @ EastChase 334.239.3196

I hope you’ll find plenty more value as you read through this month’s issue, I’ve been told many times, it’s the best reading experience for the 50 + community in the River Region and we will strive to make it so. As always, thanks for being part of what we do. Please continue sharing, I love to listen. Remember, you can read and share the Digital & Interactive BOOM! online at Thanks again for being part of our BOOM! Community. Have a Prosperous and Healthy New Year!


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Jim Watson, 334.523.9510


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January 2015

The River Region’s 50+ Lifestage Magazine


Fitness Resolutions It is that time of year again- Time to make those dreaded New Year’s Resolutions. I know most of you make them and then break them. The most popular resolutions involve losing weight and “getting in shape.” I have encountered people for many years who say they want to “get in shape” to improve their health, energy, and outlook. Maybe a Dr has even told them they had to lost weight for health reasons. They have been hearing if for years and still they don’t do it. Why??? It has to be an internal change- it is essential that happens. No ranting or raving about improvements in metabolic rate or cardiovascular benefits are worth a hoot unless there is that internal change. Nobody can make you get healthy and fit. You can’t force the epiphany but you do have to sit yourself down and have a good, long think session about what really will FIRE you up to get it done. Only you know what that spark will be. It is a deep personal decision and commitment. Set SMART goals- SMART is an acronym that was originally coined in 1981. These goals are specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and timely. An example would be- “I want to walk/ run in a 5K in April”. This goal is much preferable than saying I am going to get in shape. The former is specific. You know when you have attained it; it’s realistic for you because you can break it into daily actions. You also give yourself a specific date. Saying the latter (I want to get in shape) is vague. Since you don’t really know what you’re chasing you can’t really act on it. Most goal setting stops right there but another element to the equation of fitness is passion.


January 2015

Without it, the fitness resolution is not worth the paper it is written on. Make this year the year to achieve your fitness or weight loss goal. Make 2015 the year that you break the cycle of resolving to make the change and then not following through. Here are ten tips

Fitness over Fifty by Leigh Anne Richards

taken from the FIRM website on how to Help Your New Years Resolutions stick for 2015 1. Be realistic- The surest way to fall short of your goal is to make it unattainable. For instance, resolving to never eat your favorite food again in setting yourself up for failure. Set a small goal such as not eating the food as much 2. Plan ahead- Don’t wait until New Year’s Eve to set the goal. Think about it and commit to it before the big day. 3. Make a plan of action- Decide how you will deal with the temptation to skip that workout or to have that glass of wine. Ask a friend to be your accountability partner so you can have them to talk with if you are about to succumb to the temptation. Give yourself the talk about how your giving up will affect your goal 4. Make a Pros and Cons List- Put this on paper and keep the list with you when you need some motivation to help you keep that commitment. 5. Talk about it- Talk about it to people. Tell your friends and family members who will be there to support your new improved you or your health. The best case scenario is to find a buddy who

shares your New Year’s Resolution so you can motivate each other. Don’t keep it a secret!! 6. Reward yourself- Celebrate your success by treating yourself to something that would not contradict your resolution. 7. Track your progress- Keep a journal. Log even your small successes in the journal. It could be keeping a food journal and recording those five pounds that you lost. Maybe it’s an exercise journal that you chart your different fitness activities every day. 8. Don’t beat yourself up- Don’t let an occasional slip up destroy your goal. Take one day at a time and keep on keeping on. Take one day at a time and focus on it 9. Stick to it- Experts say that it takes 21 days for a new activity to become a habit or to undo a habit. They also it takes 6 months for it to become a part of your personality. Be persistent and know it wont happen overnight 10. Keep on Keeping On- By mid February most people run out of steam and the resolution has gone by the way side. In the fitness business, we term it as “Jan Febs” Start over again. Recommit yourself for 24 hours. You can do anything for 24 hours. The 24 hour increment will soon build on each other and before you know it you are back on track. What are your Fit goals for 2015? Share them with me at Put them in writing and let me know. Turn your goals into ACTION!! Leigh Anne Richards, MEd, Certified Personal Trainer, Group Exercise Instructor, General Manager- MetroFitness. For any questions or comments, contact Leigh Anne at

The River Region’s 50+ Lifestage Magazine

The River Region’s 50+ Lifestage Magazine

R ive r Re gio n Bo o m . co m

January 2015



What are Your Hopes and Dreams? Happy New Year! Hopefully, you enjoyed a relaxing and engaging holiday with friends and family. Now that 2014 is in the books, a moment of reflection is appropriate in order to use the lessons of the past as a spring board to a new beginning that is full of critical life choices ahead. Financially speaking, last year was full of its usual surprises. Looking at 2015, I suspect that growth (global stocks) will be a bit harder to come by and the risk (volatility) to get it will be far greater than the past couple of years. The U.S. stock market over the past several years was supported by an accommodative federal reserve through its open market activities – more commonly referred to as quantitative easing. This key ingredient will be missing in 2015. Essentially, the fed is no longer “printing” money and is attempting to allow the U.S. economy to gallop on its own. It remains to be seen as to whether the fed will finally begin the process of rate normalization by raising the federal funds rate sometime in 2015. More importantly, fiscal policy in Washington should have the greatest impact on U.S. economic activity going forward. The political winds have shifted and a republican controlled congress is expected to challenge President Obama on a host of regulatory and tax policies. Any movement in Washington that shrinks the size of government, improves the tax code, or refines the regulatory environment in a way that would empower the private sector should improve growth projections over the next few years. Essentially, the Federal Reserve has done all of the heavy lifting through

10 BOOM!

January 2015

adjusted plan that will meet their longterm financial objectives. Interestingly, I have found that most people have a very difficult time specifically telling us what they want in life. If this resonates with you, I would encourage you to start the New Year by making the time to seriously contemplate your future. Otherwise, you risk waking up one day with a life that you The greatest never wanted. threat to a positive with New beginnings growth outlook Brandt McDonald beg for answers in the U.S. comes to important from increasing questions. For uncertainty and the our purpose, the question has to be potential for chaos in the international “what do I want my life to look like market. To be clear, there are real from this moment forward and how problems abroad. A recent 50% decline do I figure that out?” The answer to in oil is not the type of thing one this question is the impetuous to a would expect to see in a thriving global sensible, well-thought out retirement economy. Russia has been brought to plan. Only then can you decide the its knees and its economy is in total type of life you want. A seasoned collapse. Japan continues to print Yen wealth management team can help like mad to come out of recession. you with many of life’s critical decisions China is cutting interest rates in an so that you can have time to enjoy attempt to avoid a “crash landing.” And retirement with as little anxiety Europe is teetering on a thin margin possible. Cheers to you and the New that sees no immediate improvement Year. on the horizon. monetary policy to fuel the engine of growth in the U.S. The fed will take more of a backseat role going forward and hand the baton to legislators in the hopes that they will work together with the White House to promote legislation and new laws that encourage private sector freedom and free market capitalism.

Financial Thoughts

Our goal at McDonald, Barranco, and Hagen is to help our clients make sense of what is going on in the world, especially how it will impact their investment portfolio. The vast majority of our clients are between the ages of 55 and 85. The greatest fear our new clients have is that they will lose significant wealth. A close second is the anxiety that they don’t have enough money to make it through retirement. For these reasons our primary goal is to genuinely know our client. What are their hopes and dreams? We want to know what “living” really means to them. Only then, can we create a risk-

Until next month, remember to never run with the herd, always be thankful, and look to the future with anticipation of what’s yet to come. Brandt McDonald, Managing Partner McDonald, Barranco & Hagen Wealth Management LPL Branch Manager Direct comments and questions to Securities offered through LPL Financial. Member FINRA/SIPC. The opinions voiced in this material are for general information only and are not intended to provide specific advice or recommendations for any individual. The opinions expressed in this material do not necessarily reflect the views of LPL Financial. The River Region’s 50+ Lifestage Magazine

The River Region’s 50+ Lifestage Magazine

R ive r Re gio n Bo o m . co m

January 2015




This & tHAT

Commemorating The 1965 Selma to Montgomery March

photo from

Alabama is the birthplace of leaders with dreams. It’s the place where thousands of leaders came together to march for the paramount victory in the fight for equality–the right to vote. Today, those dreams march on. Walk in the footsteps of the brave men and women who fought for equal rights and experience the emotion and courage of the Civil Rights Movement. In 2015, we invite you to celebrate the many dreams that started here by visiting Selma, Lowndes County and Montgomery as we mark the 50th Anniversary of the Selma to Montgomery Voting Rights March. To learn more about the events planned for this historic celebration in March 2015 visit

First United Methodist’s 4th Annual Religious Arts Festival This is First United Methodist’s 4th Annual Religious Arts Festival. This year’s theme is The Creative Spirit. There will be a variety of things available, free of charge. This year’s festival includes the religious jazz group Presbybop. The schedule of events includes: Sunday, Feb. 1 -Animated movie at the Capri Theatre - Secret of Kells - 2:30 pm. Friday, Feb. 6 - Art show by members of FUMC opens - 6-7 pm, Readers Theatre “Christ in the Concrete City” - 7pm. Saturday, Feb. 7- Art show 10 - 2pm and 3 - 4pm, Tour of FUMC’s John August Swanson seriographs, Jazz talk by Bill Carter of Presbybop 10 - 11am, Jazz vespers worship service with scripture readings by Presbybop at 4pm. Sunday, Feb. 8 - Art show 9:30 - 11:00am, Jazz Ensemble - 4:00pm. All events are free of charge, no reservations needed. First United Methodist Church is located at 2416 W. Cloverdale Park Montgomery, AL 36106. for more info please call 334.834.8990 or visit

Scale Back Alabama 2015...New and Improved!

Scale Back Alabama (SBA) is a free statewide weight-loss program designed to encourage Alabamians to get healthy and to have fun while doing it. Since the first competition in 2007, Alabamians have lost more than one million pounds! After eight years we’ve learned a few things, and this year’s competition should be the best ever! Teams of 2, instead of teams of 4 – You only have to find one other person to be on your team. Having another person go through the contest with you makes it more fun and keeps you focused. Register yourself – You still have to weigh-in at an official site during the weigh-in week, but you can go ahead and register yourself at Online registration is set to open in January. More prizes – With smaller teams, we’re able to spread the prize money further, so join this year and gebin losing pounds with a chance to win $1,000!

12 BOOM!

January 2015

The River Region’s 50+ Lifestage Magazine

BOOMERS, share your stuff with BOOM! We Love to Bring BOOMERS Together, send info and pics to

Alabama World Travel Hosts “On Stage Alaska” Alabama World Travel is pleased to host the “On Stage Alaska” presentation in Montgomery, Tuesday, January 20th, at Arrowhead Country Club. The live event provides a glimpse into the state’s history, spectacular scenery, wildlife and local hospitality for travelers interested in planning an Alaskan vacation. The presentation also showcases destinations in the Yukon Territory that are available on some Holland America Line Land+Sea Journeys. The program, produced by Holland America Line, includes its Alaska Land+Sea Journey destination film and features an entertaining and informative presentation by people who have lived and worked in Alaska. The line’s popular Land+Sea Journeys combine a Holland America Line cruise with pre- or post-cruise overland explorations ranging from 1-13 days. “On Stage Alaska” will also highlight information about Holland America Line’s Alaska cruise itineraries. Reservations are required for this event and seating is limited. Please call today, Alabama World Travel at 334.279.8720.

The Book of Mormon The Book of Mormon is coming to Birmingham, February 17-22nd, as part of the Broadway in Birmingham Series. The performance will be held at BJCC Concert Hall. The New York Times calls it “the best musical of this century.” The Washington Post says, “It is the kind of evening that restores your faith in musicals.” And Entertainment Weekly says, “Grade A: the funniest musical of all time.” Jon Stewart of The Daily Show calls it “a crowning achievement. So good it makes me angry.” It’s THE BOOK OF MORMON, the nine-time Tony Award® winning Best Musical from the creators of South Park. Contains explicit language. For more information, visit or

FREE Estate Planning and Asset Protection Workshop Wednesday, January 21: Hosted by Red Oak Legal, PC: 1:30 - 3:30 pm at the Archibald Senior Center (MACOA) in Montgomery. This educational workshop presented by local attorney Raley L. Wiggins covers wills, trusts, powers of attorney, advance directives, living wills, probate administration, protecting assets from creditors, bankruptcy, divorce and remarriage, nursing homes, long-term care and Medicaid qualification. Registration is required. Call 334.625.6774 today to reserve your seat or register online at

The River Region’s 50+ Lifestage Magazine

R ive r Re gio n Bo o m . co m

January 2015



This & tHAT



Civil War Trails From the telegram ordering the first shot at Fort Sumter to the last major battle of the conflict, Alabamians played pivotal roles in America’s Civil War and the shaping of the country as we know it today. In Marbury, Confederate Memorial Park is the site of Alabama’s only state-operated Confederate veterans home, and the museum there showcases an extensive collection of uniforms, weapons and other memorabilia from Alabama’s Confederate past. Along the coast, the Battle of Mobile Bay Civil War Trail spotlights Fort Morgan and historic Fort Gaines. Many important Civil War battles were fought on Alabama soil, including the war’s final major battle at Fort Blakeley. Nearly two dozen of these battles are reenacted annually in Alabama, including the Siege of Bridgeport, Battle of Selma, Campaign at Fort Morgan, Tannehill Skirmish, Fort Morgan Siege & Encampment and the Battles for the Armory in Tallassee. In Montgomery, where the Confederate States of America was born in February 1861, you can stand on the spot where Jefferson Davis took the oath of office. You can also tour the restored State Capitol and visit the nearby First White House of the Confederacy and the Alabama Department of Archives & History. Depot museums in Huntsville, Selma and Stevenson offer glimpses into the lives of Confederate and Union soldiers, and excellent examples of Civil War weaponry and equipment are on display at Anniston’s Berman Museum, Decatur’s Blue and Gray Museum and the Bessemer Hall of History. Visit Birmingham’s Arlington, and see where Union commanders planned the 1865 march that led to the burning of the University of Alabama in Tuscaloosa. Find more Civil War landmarks and attractions in the Civil War Trail brochure.

Callaway Gardens’ Southern Gardening Symposium Friday, January 23 to Sunday, January 25, Callaway Gardens’ Southern Gardening Symposium has been the South’s premier gardening event for a quarter of a century. Whether you’re a professional gardener or just a beginner, there’s simply no better place to immerse yourself in the world of gardening in the South than among our woodland paradise! You’ll enjoy a weekend full of gardening lectures from renowned speakers, educational workshops (optional pre-conference) and an opportunity to take home outstanding garden plants from our Gardening Marketplace. You also will have the chance to win unique plants, garden items and private garden tours in our silent and live auctions. Visit

The Millbrook Revelers Hosting Annual Mardi Gras Parade The Millbrook Revelers will be hosting the annual Mardi Gras Parade and Festival Feb. 7th at the Village Green Park in Millbrook. There will be over 60 vendors from all over the South with lots of different food and fun for everyone. The festivities begin at 9 am with the parade starting at Noon sharp. This is a family fun event so bring all of the grandchildren and catch the trinkets! Also, anyone can enter to be in the parade. To learn more visit

14 BOOM!

January 2015

The River Region’s 50+ Lifestage Magazine

Marketing Expertise for Montgomery Non-Profits Stamp Idea Group, a Montgomery based full-service advertising, interactive and media firm, will donate over 500 hours of creative services to aid non-profit organizations in an intense 24-hour creative blitz known as CreateAthon®. During this annual event, Stamp provides services to selected non-profits that could include strategic marketing planning, brand development, copywriting and design on projects such as websites, print advertising and collaterals, broadcast advertising such as TV and radio as well as social media. Deadline to apply is January 16, 2015. Please visit to apply or nominate an organization in your market. The nominated organizations will be contacted and invited to apply for free marketing services. Stamp will then choose non-profit organizations from the River Region community to participate in this year’s CreateAthon®. Contact Leah Evans, with questions at 888.244.9933.

Lighting the Heart of Cloverdale The Capri Theatre in Montgomery will publicly kick-off a capital fundraising campaign on Thursday, January 8 at 5:30pm at the Capri Theatre. The campaign goal is to raise $750,000 to make upgrades to the electrical system and lobby. To date the Capri has raised over $540,000 in leadership pledges toward the three year campaign. “We are excited to be able to announce such an ambitious goal,” said theatre director Martin McCaffery. “And we are equally excited to have received such generous support in the leadership phase of the campaign.”The campaign is designated Lighting the Heart of Cloverdale to highlight the Capri Theatre’s position as the center of the business district in the Cloverdale community. Co-chaired by Jud Blount, Andy Weil, and Emily Lowder Wootten, the three year campaign will allow the 73 year-old theatre to modernize its infrastructure and secure the Capri’s continued operation as Montgomery’s only independent cinema. For more information please contact Martin McCaffery at 334.262.4958 or visit

Jackson Hospital Publication Receives Gold MarCom Award Jackson Hospital’s quarterly print magazine, Partners, was the recipient of a 2014 MarCom platinum award. This award recognizes design work in the Summer 2014 issue, which featured Jackson Hospital’s nurse residency program. MarCom Awards is a creative competition for any individual or company involved in the concept, writing and design of print, visual, audio and web materials and programs. Approximately 6,000 entries come in each year from corporate marketing and communications departments, advertising agencies, PR firms, design shops, production companies and freelancers. Partners magazine is published as a community service for the friends and patrons of Jackson Hospital.

The River Region’s 50+ Lifestage Magazine

Whether an individual, group or corporation - HandsOn River Region is here to help you realize the benefit each and every person can be to their community. We coordinate and manage volunteer projects throughout the River Region for over 200 non-profits. And we’ve been doing this for over 40 years! Search for volunteer opportunities on our website or call us for assistance in locating the perfect volunteer opportunity for you! Get involved and Serve Today, visit or call 334.264.3335

R ive r Re gio n Bo o m . co m

January 2015




Jenille Ball, Hospice Advocate

Top Left: Daxton Bailey and his daughter Addyson (age 6); Top Center: Desmond with his two sons, Cameron and Jackson; Top Right: L-R, Jessica Vann, Brenda Vann, Phillip Vann, Mary Vann, mama; Bottom Left: Alice Vaughn and Jenille at the Dead Sea Scrolls in Israel; Bottom Right: Daxton, Mama and Desmond

This month’s BOOM! profile is Jenille Ball. Jenille is the Executive Director of Hospice of Montgomery. Hospice of Montgomery is about one thing and that’s caring for patients with a life limiting illness. And probably more important, it’s caring for the caregivers of those patients. It’s a difficult task but Jenille and her team of professionals have been providing this kind of care to the River Region longer than anyone else. Many readers of BOOM! are caregivers for an aging mom and dad or perhaps even a spouse. You know the strains and challenges of always being there for them and it can be especially difficult when someone has a serious illness. Jenille is someone who understands what you go through because she lives it everyday through her staff at Hospice of Montgomery. She recently shared some of her life and work experiences with us and offered valuable insight into the benefits of hospice care to the thousands of caregivers in the River Region. We hope you enjoy this month’s cover profile as much as we have.

16 BOOM!

January 2015

BOOM!: Please give us a brief biography, i.e. where you’re from, education, what brought you to the Montgomery area, did you raise your family here, schools, married, family, etc? Jenille: I was born and raised in Montgomery. After graduating from Lee High School I attended Troy State University, studied music, was a majorette in the marching band and played flute in the concert band. After college I married and raised 2 sons, led children’s choirs in my church, worked in various church related community outreach activities where I first learned that not all people lived the life that I had. I returned to Troy State University and received my nursing degree in1984. Working part-time at Jackson Hospital and with Central Alabama Home Health I found the place of my life’s calling at Hospice of Montgomery in 1990 as the Clinical

Director and then Executive Director in 1997. My Daddy, his brother and an army friend operated an automotive repair business ‘Vann and Johnson’, for over 40 years – mama was the bookkeeper. Mama and Daddy came from very poor and fractured families but worked day and night to give their children a better life. They were always working. Daddy came home at 5:30 – we had ‘supper’ together – Daddy left/returned to the ‘shop’ – I do not know when he came home – but, he was there to have breakfast with us. Mama helped us with our homework, pin curled our hair – supervised our bath, put us to bed - returned upstairs to the ‘office’ to work. Because of their unselfish love and generosity, we all have lived and continue to live a blessed and privileged life. My sister Brenda Vann lives in Montgomery and is an attorney – practicing social security disability law. My brother, Buddy Vann died at age 33.

The River Region’s 50+ Lifestage Magazine

BOOM!: As the Executive Director of Hospice of Montgomery, could you please share with our readers what hospice care is? Who pays for hospice care and how long can a person have hospice care?

counseling for families, as well as caregiver of each patient and their family members relief. We were Alabama’s first hospice with compassion. Services provided by and remain the only Independent, nonHospice of Montgomery include: Medical profit hospice in the River Region. We are and Nursing the only hospice supported by the River Care, Region United Way, which helps us care Personal for non-insured and underinsured patients Care, Social as well as providing grief counseling. Work Community Based- because we were Services, Grief founded by people in this community and Counseling Jenille: Hospice our Board is made up of people with in Services, care is a special the communities we serve. We have a very Volunteer kind of care low nurse/patient ratio which means our Assistance, that enhances nurses have sufficient time to provide the Spiritual the quality of care our patients require. All of our nurses Care, Case Brothers, Percey Vann, Roy Vann and Frederick Vann (Daddy) life for both are registered nurses- trained in disease Management patients with life-limiting illnesses and process and symptom management. and Family Training in Patient Care. their families. Comfort and supportive care Patient/Family Education- we provide are provided by a team of highly trained, ongoing education to our patients and Hospice costs are covered by Medicare, specially qualified and experienced health families related to all aspects of caring Medicaid in most states, and by most care professionals and volunteers. This for a patient in the home. private insurance care and support allows patients to focus They know what to expect programs and HMOs. on living, as they spend the remaining throughout the illness and The expenses of all days in comfort and dignity. Hospice is a are not in a panic when medicines related to philosophy of care founded on the belief in death occurs. In Home the life-limiting illness the sacred dignity of human life. Hospice Respite- not only are our are covered under care affirms life and regards dying as a Home Health Aids available the Medicare Hospice natural process. Hospice neither hastens to assist with personal care Benefit. While nor postpones death. Hospice care adds but as their schedule allowsmany insurance life to one’s days, not days to one’s life. they are able to stay with companies, as well as the patient for 2-3 hours the Medicare Hospice Most hospice care is provided in the home. extra to allow the caregiver Benefit, require Some hospices also provide in-patient care a break. that a terminally in the form of a hospice home. Patients ill patient have a come to hospice facing serious illnesses of BOOM!: As a leader in prognosis of six many kinds. Some hospice patients have providing hospice services months or less, there cancer, while can you share what it’s like is not a six-month Jessica Vann, Jenille’s Niece others suffer to help families deal with limit to hospice from heart, the death of a loved one? care services. kidney or Hospice eligibility requirements should lung disease, Jenille: As one might imagine, watching not be confused with length of service. Alzheimer’s a loved one die is never easy, but there A patient in the final phase of life may disease, can be immense satisfaction to families receive hospice care for as long as strokes, Lou in knowing that they provided loving and necessary when a physician certifies that Gehrig’s caring support. The same holds true for he or she continues to meet eligibility disease hospice staff and volunteers. Most people requirements. Under the Medicare and other who work for hospice do not consider it Hospice Benefit, two 90-day periods of life limiting simply a job. Most feel called and consider care (a total of six months) are followed illnesses and it a ministry and are incredibly passionate by an unlimited number of 60-day diseases. about their labor. While often difficult, periods. hospice is one of the most rewarding Whatever occupations one can have. BOOM!: How is your business, Hospice a patient’s of Montgomery, different from the other Phillip Vann, Jenille’s Nephew condition, Because a family’s experience of terminal hospice providers in Central Alabama? the role of hospice remains the same: to illness and a loved one’s passing does not provide professional medical care, manage end at the moment of death, our hospice Jenille: For over 35 years, Hospice of pain and other symptoms, and respond to care extends support for the family in grief Montgomery has provided medical care the social, emotional and spiritual needs through the Bereavement Program up to for the seriously ill, bereavement and grief

The River Region’s 50+ Lifestage Magazine

R ive r Re gio n Bo o m . co m

January 2015



thirteen months after the patient’s death. Hospice of Montgomery’s licensed professionals provide direct patient and family assistance and support in coping with the difficult psychosocial issues that arise as a patient and family face a serious life-limiting illness. Grief counseling and support groups are also available for anyone living in our service area who are experiencing the loss of a loved one. BOOM!: With a busy life, how do you spend time with family? What’s your special experience of being a grandmother? What do your grandchildren call you? Jenille: I am NeNee to my 2 sons, their children and wives, my nephew and niece. My oldest son, Desmond Bailey is a LT. Col in the army, soon to be Col and commander of the troops who caught Saddam Hussein. He has been deployed to Iraq 3 times and most recently to Kuwaiti. Books have been written about him and he has been interviewed on CNN and local TV stations. For the past 16 years I have traveled to wherever Desmond is stationed every 3-4 months (when he is not deployed) to spend time with him, his wife Kelly and his children – Jackson/age 16 and Cameron/age 12 – who taught me to ‘bunny hop’ the curb on our bicycles. Daxton Bailey followed in my daddy’s steps, and is a mechanic for Alabama Power Company. I frequently visit Daxton and his wife Stacy at their home in Wetumpka for a ‘spend the night party’ with them and Addyson age 6 – we color,

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play games, read books, ride the property in a golf cart wearing our PJ’s and jump on the trampoline.

Jerusalem – I shall never read the Bible in the same manner. Next trip will be to Rome/Italy.

Phillip Vann, my nephew is a building project manager for a national construction company stationed in Atlanta and at a very young age Philip said he wanted to marry a girl ‘just like his NeNee’. When he was married in October 2014 I was seated in a place of honor along with his mother and mine. Jessica Vann, my niece is a marketing and public relations representative for the same national company as her brother Philip. Jessica spends the night with me occasionally and we eat Chinese food, watch movies and share ‘girl talk’. The children phone often, e-mail and regularly return to our family home on Biltmore Avenue where I lived from age 5, as well as our lake home.

BOOM!: What are you most passionate about?

BOOM!: You have traveled extensively, what are some of your favorite travel experiences? Favorite vacation spot? Any travel dreams planned for the future? Jenille: My beloved uncle Roy, the youngest brother of my Daddy who lived with my parents when I was born, chose me as his traveling companion. Beginning in the 1990’s we traveled the US and Europe enjoying symphonies, ballets, operas, museums and history. After Roy’s death in 2004 my dear friend, Alice Vaughn and I have traveled to Europe – first to England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales, then to Israel and most recently to Paris. The most memorable trip was to Israel and

Jenille: I am most passionate about Hospice care. I believe we should be morally troubled that patients who need hospice care do not receive it. BOOM!: How do you like to relax and wind down? Jenille: In my rare moments of spare time, I enjoy listening to classical music, reading poetry, browsing my library of museum books and watching the history channel on TV. My quiet time is listening to Richard Harrison’s McArthur’s Park and the operas - LaBoheam and Madam Butterfly. I constantly read and research issues related to end of life care. I do not enjoy but must exercise 4 times/week – dancing with Richard Simons and Tibo. BOOM!: As you’ve aged, how have your priorities changed? Jenille: They haven’t changed much. I enjoy my work and plan to continue working for a very long time. My mama is 86 and works part-time at Hospice of Montgomery as the bookkeeper and also is the bookkeeper for my sister’s law practice! I guess she’s my role model for the priorities I have… strong work ethic, Christian faith and moral compass.

The River Region’s 50+ Lifestage Magazine

BOOM!: Give us three words that describe you? Jenille: We do not usually see ourselves like others do – If I had to choose I think they would be: unique, intelligent, personable. BOOM!: Many Boomers are experiencing a renewed sense of purpose, new goals, even in retirement. How would you describe this sense of renewal in your life? Any advice for the rest of us seeking renewal? Jenille: I believe God has a plan and a purpose for our life. Those who find and follow that plan and purpose, seem to be generally more content and much happier. We should always demonstrate a kind spirit toward others. Most often less said is best said and some things are better left unsaid. Also, we should appreciate what we have and be thankful for what we do not have. BOOM!: Many communities are now embracing the concept of a “Hospice Home”; can you explain what these are? Why do you think Central Alabama needs a “Hospice Home?” Jenille: The loss of a loved one is a life changing event; one that each one of us will experience at some point in our lives. The passing of a loved one in a hospital provides some peace of mind, in telling ourselves the doctors did all they could with the hospital’s resources available. However, our loved one spent the final days or hours in a sterile and impersonal environment. There is an alternative to this picture. Providing a serene, compassionate and comfortable environment for our end–oflife care is central to our mission. When terminally ill persons are surrounded by family, friends, and the comfort of their own home, and things that are most familiar to them, a peace is about them. However, even this may be beyond our reach. Hospice of Montgomery has a plan to enable those who seek an alternative to the hospital for end-of-life care. To better serve the citizens of the River Region, Hospice of Montgomery proposes a home away from home to care for

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our terminally ill loved ones. Once completed, the Hospice Home will provide an alternative for those who for whatever reason are unable to remain in their own home for end-of-life care. The Hospice Home will supplement our existing inhome care program. More than 26 percent of hospice patients nationwide received care in an inpatient hospice facility, up from 21 percent in 2010 and there are only three hospice homes in Alabama and none in Central Alabama. The need is clear. The fastest growing age group in the River Region is 65 years and older; and recent national statistics indicate that nearly 85 percent of hospice patients are 65 and older. In addition, studies show that one in three of us will face the reality of either being diagnosed with a terminal illness or serving as the caregiver for a seriously ill loved one. The need for hospice care in our community will continue to increase and Hospice of Montgomery is not only committed to meeting the growing need in the River Region, but also to ensuring that the quality of hospice care improves along the way. In our fast-paced society, the most critical barrier to hospice care is the shortage of properly prepared family caregivers for patients. When a patient is not able to manage his or her own needs, a primary caregiver is required for safe, comfortable care. If the caregiver themselves is elderly and frail, the needs of the patient are often beyond their capabilities. In addition, for those age 65 and over who don’t live alone, the typical caregiver is a spouse, often with compromised health, as well. The intense physical and emotional drain that accompanies caregiving can quickly exacerbate existing health limitations, leaving both patient and spouse in need of help. America is facing a nationwide care-giving crisis that is only going to worsen in the next 20 years. Today 6.5 million elderly live alone; by 2020 that number will have risen to 13.3 million. Solutions to the caregiver crisis are limited, particularly for those patients needing specialized endof-life care. Hospice is uniquely qualified to provide this care and operates under a philosophy of care that can only be

effectively provided by those specifically trained in the field. Hospice of Montgomery has been working alongside caregivers in patients’ homes for nearly 40 years. Now, as the caregiver crisis worsens, Hospice of Montgomery is ready to provide the same uncompromising, compassionate care to those who simply don’t have the option to spend their final days at home. For the family, there is peace of mind in knowing trained professionals are available around the clock if necessary to attend to the needs of their loved one. A Hospice Home will help relieve the critical caregiver shortage that plagues our community. It will also help strengthen the quality of life in the River Region by completing a life-long continuum of care, ensuring that our neighbors whom are most in need of safe, compassionate medical care at the end-of-life are not forgotten. A well-designed Hospice Home will provide an environment of comfort, quality and peacefulness for patients and their loved ones, as well as a positive atmosphere of professionalism and productivity for those who volunteer and work in hospice care. In addition, the Hospice Home will offer workplace initiatives to local universities and hospitals, inspiring spaces for business, educational and spiritual retreats, ample space for support group meetings and healthcare training, and resources for healthcare information and support services. The River Region Hospice Home will be a lasting monument to the many individuals and families which Hospice of Montgomery has been privileged to care for and who continually remind us of the meaning of dignity, grace, courage and hope in the final phase of life. We want to thanks Jenille for sharing her story with us this month. We also want to thank Amy GodsoeCapps of Hospice of Montgomery for lending her busy hands to this project. If you have any questions for Jenille regarding hospice care, please call her at, 334.279.6677 or email jenille@hospiceofmontgomery. org. To learn more about Hospice of Montgomery visit As always, thanks to Kim Bethea from The Studio @ Eastchase for her professional cover photos. If you have questions, comments or suggestions, please send them to

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January 2015



Retirement Revised:


How are older workers faring the job market? Working longer is a mantra these days for many Americans hoping to build greater retirement security. Staying on the job even a few years beyond traditional retirement age makes it easier to delay filing for Social Security; it also can mean more years contributing to retirement accounts and fewer years of depending on nest eggs for living expenses. But since the Great Recession, staying employed has been easier said than done for all workers. The economy has continued to mend gradually, and the job market has improved. How are older workers faring? The picture is mixed. If you’re in the rampup years to retirement and aspire to stay employed past traditional retirement age, here are five key trends to watch. 1. Unemployment is down Joblessness for older workers is lower than the overall national unemployment rate. In November, the unemployment rate for the 55-plus workforce was 4.5 percent, considerably lower than the overall 5.8 percent rate, and below the 4.9 percent 55plus jobless rate a year ago, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). And fewer older workers are worried about layoffs than their younger counterparts: A recent Gallup survey found just 13 percent of workers over age 50 are worried about layoffs, compared with 29 percent of people under age 35, and 15 percent of 35- to 54-year-olds. “If you have a job, chances are pretty good you will be able to hang on to it,” says Sara Rix, senior strategic policy advisor for the AARP Public Policy Institute. “Many companies went through disruption during the recession, changing hands and letting go of people. But the labor force data tells us that the older population has been faring pretty well.” 2. Desire to work longer is rising Reasons for work in retirement, an AARP survey released earlier this year found that 70 percent of Americans plan to work in retirement. But that doesn’t necessarily mean sticking to the schedule, or work, that they’re doing now. Twenty-nine percent plan to work part time because they enjoy working; 23 percent said they’d work part time because they need the income.

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Thirteen percent intend to start a business or work for themselves; 5 percent expect to retire and work full time in a new career. Participation in the labor force–that is, the percent of people working or actively seeking work, has been rising slower among older workers. In November, 40.1 percent of 55-plus workers were in the market, up from 38.9 percent when the recession started. 3. Length of joblessness is longer Many older works without a job, however, have had a hard time finding one. Long-term unemployment remains a critical problem for the 55-plus crowd. Workers age 55 and older needed 51.1 weeks, on average, to find new work, according to the November BLS jobless report, much longer than the 30.6 weeks needed for younger people to find new work. And when older workers do secure new jobs, they’re likely to earn less. One study found that displaced workers will earn 14 percent to 19 percent less for the rest of this decade than workers who stay employed continuously, and that they are up to 8 percent more likely to experience another layoff. 4. Age discrimination remains a major worry The federal Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA) of 1967 makes it illegal for employers to discriminate based on age in hiring or firing practices. Cases of discrimination in hiring are nearly impossible to prove, and the number of complaints filed with the U.S. Equal Opportunity Employment Commission alleging age-related discharge has stayed fairly steady in recent years, 1,185 cases were filed in 2013.

But the AARP survey (which queried workers age 45-74) found that 64 percent have seen or experienced age-based discrimination in the workplace–and nearly everyone thinks it is commonplace. The key implication: If you’re hoping to work longer, hang on to your current job for dear life. “Anyone in the Boomer generation who anticipates working to an advanced age either by choice or out of necessity would be well advised to stay with the current job, whether on a full-time or part-time basis, unless he or she has the wherewithal to become an entrepreneur,” says Elizabeth Fideler, a research fellow at Boston College’s Sloan Center on Aging & Work. 5. Over-70 crowd is pushing the envelope Working longer isn’t just for people in their 60s. Increasing labor force participation rates actually are most dramatic among men and women in their 70s and 80s, according to Fideler, author of “Women Still at Work: Professionals Over Sixty” and “On the Job” and a companion volume about older male workers. “Seniors enjoying good health and the prospect of greater longevity stay on the job because they can,” she says. “When they love what they do, they don’t want to stop.” Mark Miller is a journalist and author who focuses on retirement and aging. He is the author of “The Hard Times Guide to Retirement Security: Practical Strategies for Money, Work and Living.” Mark also edits and publishes (c)2014, 50+ Digital LLC. Distributed by Tribune Content Agency, LLC

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A Question and Answer Session with Dr. Michael Bowman Presented by River Region Facial Plastics

This month we’ll answer a few questions that we hear frequently at River Region Facial Plastics (RRFP)

Q: I’ve been thinking about getting Botox, Dr. Michael Bowman but I’ve never had it before…what can I expect? A: Botox® Cosmetic is a neuromodulator, which is a class of medicines that includes Dysport® and Xeomin®. It is our most common injectable treatment, and usually has no downtime. These treatments are extremely safe, with over 3.7 million injections of neuromodulators (like Botox®) done in 2013. These medicines work by relaxing the muscles that cause wrinkles. The most common (and on-label) treatment sites are the crow’s feet and the glabella (in between the eyes). The medicines can be used safely elsewhere in the face by experienced injectors. The treatments are done with a tiny needle and take less than five minutes. Small red bumps are common for an hour or two, but other reactions like bruising or swelling, while possible, are uncommon. The medicine takes about five days to start working usually, but reaches its full effect by two weeks. The wrinkles in your treated areas will soften as it starts to work. Myself or Dr. Cawthon performs all injections, and we are Platinum Plus level injectors with Allergan, which means we are are in the top 2% of all of their accounts. Q: My face is asymmetric, what can I do about it? A: First of all, your concern about facial asymmetry is a common one. As a facial plastic surgeon, I have to analyze faces

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everyday. All of us have asymmetries in our appearance, ranging from small and subtle to more prominent. Most of the time, everyone else does not notice those asymmetries, which appear so prominent to you. We are certainly our own worst critics. Therefore, I usually stress to patients that perfect symmetry is NOT attainable. In addition, asymmetries, which are worse with smiling or facial motion, are the LEAST notable to other people because we only animate our face (smile, raise eyebrows, etc.) for a second or so at a time. That being said, there may be some ways to enhance your appearance and bring your face into better overall aesthetic balance. A face-to-face consultation is essential for determining what options may be best for you. Come by to discuss your facial concerns… all consultations are complimentary! Q: My lips are thin, what can I do about that? A: Lip enhancement is a common procedure. There are multiple options for enhancing the lips depending on your needs and desires. People often ask about collagen injections, like Zyplast®. Older collagen injectables like this have fallen out of favor because they require a skin test and don’t last long. Juvederm® is my favorite product for lip enhancement. A single treatment for injectable lip enhancement only takes around 20 minutes, and is usually painless because I use a modified dental block for anesthesia. Results generally last around a year or more. For patients that want a more permanent option, I prefer SurgiSil™ silicone lip implants to silicone injections. The silicone injections can’t be removed and other low quality silicone can cause acute or delayed problems. The SurgiSil™ silicone implants look and feel natural and give a very nice result for those patients wanting a permanent enhancement of their lips.

Q: What is the safest filler? A: We offer different options for volume replacement at RRFP including Juvederm®, Restylane®, Voluma®, Perlane®, Artefill® and Sculptra®. We only use FDA approved products purchased directly from the manufacturer. All of our fillers are safe and give us great results as qualified and trained injectors. Which product will be best for you depends on the needs of your face, and I can make recommendations during your consultation. We will review before and after pictures during your consultation to help you understand what results you can expect. Remember, a nice pair of scissors can give either a great or an awful haircut… depending on who is holding them! All of our fillers are safe and effective; so make sure you seek an injector with extensive experience. I am excited to become a physician trainer for Galderma in the near future (maker of Restylane®, Perlane® and Sculptra®). You can count on our expertise and quality results at RRFP. Thank you for your interest and support, I hope we will see you very soon! HAPPY NEW YEAR! Yours in good health, Dr. Michael Bowman Follow us on Twitter: @faceMDs

We want your input! Please call or email us with your questions or suggestions for future columns! Call 334.270.2003 or write to

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AGE 53

QuickLift Patient

Actual patient photos courtesy of Dominic A. Brandy, MD


Thomas H. Cawthon, MD

Michael K. Bowman, MD

Never a “one-size-fits-all” procedure, Thomas H. Cawthon, MD, and Michael K. Bowman, MD, will address your individual specific needs — for optimal results. Not only does the QuickLift ® tighten and reduce sagging jowels, our unique technique offers natural and lasting results. As an Exclusive QuickLift ® provider, we are the only practice performing the QuickLift ® in this area.

NATURAL APPEARANCE • MINIMAL RECOVERY • LASTING RESULTS* *Results, length of surgery and recovery times may vary based on additional procedures patients may choose to add to their QuickLift®

Thomas H. Cawthon, MD and Michael K. Bowman, MD Board certified Facial Plastic Surgeons

11253 Chantilly Parkway Court • Montgomery, AL 36117

CALL for your complimentary consultation today! (334) 270-2003


Love Story During the 1940s and ‘50s many lasting love stories began in a roller rink. That’s just what happened to Harold “Tom” Tucker and his bride, Shirley.

It was spring 1944 and he and other sailors on leave often took a bus to Cook’s Roller Rink (now Pattison’s). Shirley, 17, was a senior at North Central High School. When she skated past, Tom noticed.

Also serious was the trauma that Tom was about to endure. The 19-year-old hospital corpsman was stationed aboard the USS LaGrange and anchored at Buckner Bay near Okinawa.

“I saw her and I thought, WOW! I gotta meet that lady!” he said.

One night, 13 Japanese twin-engine bombers attacked.

They skated together, but Shirley wasn’t swept off her feet. She shrugged. “He was alright.” Tom laughed. “She just liked sailors,” he teased. “Oh stop that!” his wife retorted. A few weeks later he showed up at Cook’s again and quickly sought her out. This time he asked for her address and phone number. They skated every couples skate together and held hands. “Oh boy! That was fun!” Shirley said. Her parents weren’t thrilled about her dating a sailor, but they figured the youthful romance would quickly blow over. January 2015

Her father’s response? “Absolutely not! You are both too young.” Shirley was heartbroken, knowing Tom would soon be sent overseas. “I cried and cried,” she said. But when Tom shipped out for the South Pacific, she still didn’t have a ring on her finger. A flurry of letters ensued and when Tom got a 10day leave he bought her a ring and mailed it to her. “My folks didn’t say anything that time,” Shirley said. “They could see it was serious.”

“I was a sailor stationed at Farragut,” Tom said. “I got liberty and came into Spokane to roller skate.”

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By Cindy Hval

It didn’t. After skating, Tom would walk her home from the bus stop. They’d often pause and sit on a wooden fence that surrounded a sand pit. “That’s where I kissed her for the first time,” said Tom. “The wind came up and blew my hat off. Down it went, into the sand pit. She’s a powerful kisser to blow my hat right off!” In August, Tom asked her father for Shirley’s hand in marriage. “I was madly in love by then,” she said.

“They hit every ship around us, but didn’t hit us,” said Tom. “We were young. We stood on the fantail and cheered the anti-aircraft fire. We hollered every time they shot down a plane.” Then on Aug. 13, 1945, two days before the war ended, the LaGrange was attacked by two kamikaze pilots. One plane struck the ship and damaged it before crashing into the water. The other, carrying a bomb, plunged through the ship and the bomb detonated. “I was in the dental office trying to write a letter to Shirley,” Tom said. “I couldn’t

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think of anything to say, so I went to the mess hall to watch a movie. Five minutes later, the bomb went right through the dental office. The next morning I found my belongings floating in the water.” In the following hours, Tom did his best to care for the wounded and dying. “There was fire on the deck; so many men were badly burned. One guy asked for water. I gave him a sip and held his head while he drank. The back of his head came off in my hand. He died 30 minutes later,” said Tom.

three children; Douglas in 1947, Ronald in 1949 and Pattie in 1951. She worked for many years at a neighborhood pharmacy. After 25 years on the force, Tom retired and then took a job as an investigator for the state Department of Revenue. He was also very active in the Masonic Lodge, and in his 60s became an ordained minister, serving for a time as interim pastor of the United Church of Christ in north Spokane.

For 69 years, Tuckers have supported and encouraged each other. “We talk about everything and make all our decisions together,” said Shirley. “He has always been there for me, always.” Tom looked across the room at the girl he first saw at the roller rink so many years ago and said, “She’s the other half of me.” (c)2014, The Spokesman-Review Distributed by Tribune Content Agency, LLC

“People really don’t know what these guys went through at 18 and 19,” Shirley said. The LaGrange suffered the war’s last casualties aboard a U.S. ship. The event so shook Tom that he wrote Shirley a letter saying, “Forget about the wedding. We’re not getting married.” Stunned, Shirley wept bitterly. Her father cautioned her to wait before replying, and she did. Not long after, another letter arrived apologizing for the earlier missive and asking her to make wedding plans. On Nov. 11, 1945, while on a 30-day leave, Tom and Shirley were married at Pilgrim Lutheran in Spokane. When his leave was up, Tom returned to duty and the couple spent the first six months of married life apart. After his discharge in spring 1946, they lived for a time in Spokane before Tom said, “I want to go home.” Home was Illinois. Initially, Tom had a hard time adjusting to the Pacific Northwest. “I thought I was in prison,” he said. “I couldn’t see because of the big trees and mountains!” But after a few months in Illinois, he turned to Shirley and said, “Honey, I want to go home.” This time home meant Spokane. In 1950, Tom joined the Spokane Police Department and was assigned to the motorcycle unit. Shirley gave birth to

The River Region’s 50+ Lifestage Magazine

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January 2015



Ask an Elder Law Attorney By: Raley L. Wiggins | Attorney at Law | Red Oak Legal, PC

What Are the Top 3 Estate Planning Documents Everyone Needs?

You shouldn’t assume that your family will “take care” of everything after you’re gone. Estate planning isn’t just about divvying up your stuff after death—it’s also about managing your affairs while you’re alive, but unable to manage them yourself.

prolonging treatment, or to pursue every last treatment option—are what you chose for yourself. If you recall the famous case of permanently unconscious patient Terry Schiavo from the 1990’s, much of the dispute centered around what she “would have wanted” for herself under the circumstances. Because she never executed an advance directive or living will, family members disagreed over the best

powerful document that, in the wrong hands, can wreak havoc upon your affairs. You should also pick a trustworthy back-up agent to serve in the event your first choice is unavailable.

As with an advance directive, a power of Most people envision that they will die attorney may save your family the time and in the ordinary way, if there is such a expense of having a conservator appointed thing. They picture themselves living to if you become mentally incompetent. A a reasonably old age, perhaps into properly drafted their eighties, the husband dying power of attorney may first, and the wife dying some years also nominate the later. Of course, no one envisions person you wish to their children or grandchildren Estate Planning and Asset Protection Workshop serve as your guardian dying before they do. and conservator, in the Wednesday, January 21: Hosted by Red Oak Legal, PC: 1:30-3:30 unlikely event one is pm at the Archibald Senior Center (MACOA) in Montgomery. This But, what if you don’t die in the required. educational workshop presented by local attorney Raley L. Wiggins “ordinary” way? What if one of covers wills, trusts, powers of attorney, advance directives, living your children dies before you do, Finally, the third or what if you and your spouse piece of every basic wills, probate administration, protecting assets from creditors, die in a common accident? What estate plan should bankruptcy, divorce and remarriage, nursing homes, long-term care if you are still alive, but unable to include a Last Will and Medicaid qualification. Registration is required. manage your own affairs because of and Testament. Most Call 334-625-6774 today to reserve your seat or register online at a medical condition? people know that one of a will’s primary As an estate planning attorney, trust functions is to divide me when I say that the one thing our property at death. course of action, and the case wound up in that can wreak havoc upon your estate is court. when a family member has the nerve to die If you have minor children (in Alabama, in the “wrong” order. under age 19) then you should have last Most of the advance directives I draft also will and testament in order to name include the appointment of a health care With that in mind, here is a run-down of guardians for them in the event that both proxy. A proxy is a person you appoint the three estate planning documents every of their natural parents die before the to make healthcare decisions on your adult needs, and a little background on children reach adulthood. This can be a behalf if you are unable to do so yourself. why each is important. difficult conversation for many couples. Appointing a healthcare proxy is important, Many feel as though they’re having to “pick because it will likely save your family the First, you should have an Advance favorites” between one side of the family time and expense of having a guardian Directive and Living Will. This document and another. I often counsel these people appointed for you by the probate court. typically kicks in when you are unable to that whatever hurt feelings they are trying communicate with loved ones and medical to avoid pale in comparison to a court Second, you should have a durable providers regarding your wishes for certain battle to appoint guardians for their minor general power of attorney. This document types of medical care. For example, if children—after both of their parents have names another person (your “agent”) you are terminally ill or permanently already died or become incapacitated. to manage your financial and business unconscious, you can make choices about affairs on your behalf. It may become whether you would or would not want As a general rule, a simple estate plan can effective immediately, or it may only to receive life sustaining treatment. This help keep these kinds of tough decisions become effective when you say it does (for includes treatments that will prolong your out of the courtroom, and in the family example, after certification by your doctor life, but will not cure you. Many people room. Consider updating your estate plan that you are unable to manage your own choose to refuse life sustaining treatment as one of your resolutions in the New Year. financial affairs). under these circumstances.

Attend Free Workshop

Most importantly, it gives your family solace to know that the choices they are making—whether it is to cease life-

26 BOOM!

January 2015

The most important step in creating a power of attorney is choosing the right agent. A power of attorney is a very

Raley L. Wiggins Attorney at Law, Red Oak Legal, PC

334-239-3625 | 445 Dexter Avenue, ste 9000, Mont, AL 36104 The River Region’s 50+ Lifestage Magazine

The River Region’s 50+ Lifestage Magazine

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January 2015




Montessori@Mulberry The River Region’s Preferred Montessori Preschool M@M’s New Expanded Campus

Montessori @ Mulberry has added a new building to its Mulberry Campus. The building is a charming house, newly renovated, next to the current location and includes a classroom, a Montessori Resource Center and an additional playground. We have also expanded our classroom to the outdoors with “The Children’s Garden.” Our students now participate in all the phases of gardening: from germination, planting, caring for and harvesting an organic crop. According to Jackie Maloy, Executive Director, “The response to our unique educational approach has been very positive and we are excited to offer more opportunities for parents who appreciate the Montessori Education we specialize in.” Elena Olson-Shimp and Milan Crittenden

M@M Location

Montessori@Mulberry is centrally located in Midtown Montgomery a few blocks from Jackson Hospital and Huntingdon College. Conveniently located just blocks from Interstate I-85.

The M@M Classroom

In the Montessori classroom, each child is encouraged to reach his or her full potential in all areas of life. The specific needs of individual children are met at each developmental level. The classroom contains many multisensory, sequential and self-correcting materials that facilitate learning. Concepts are presented concretely and students work with materials until Neah James they are ready to move to more abstract materials. Children are free to work at their own pace with materials they have chosen. All classrooms have multi-age groupings, which encourages a family-like atmosphere where learning can take place naturally. Our curriculum, which is challenging, interdisciplinary and real world related, provides a strong academic bridge to elementary school. Annalise Applegate

Why Choose Montessori @ Mulberry

Is it a coincidence that many of the mavericks on the leading edge of innovation and creativity in our culture are Montessori graduates? The founders of Google and along with T. Berry Brazelton, noted pediatrician, to Peter Drucker, the well known management guru, were all educated in the Montessori Classroom. As you research and think about how you want your child to begin his or her education, Montessori @ Mulberry should be at the top of your list. We offer certified Montessori teachers in each classroom and a quality environment designed for fostering the love of learning. As a parent, you want the “peace of mind” knowing your child will have the opportunity to learn and grow according to his or her ability. We invite you to call Jackie MaloySriram Madadi Watson at 265.7733 to schedule a tour and discover why Montessori @ Mulberry is the River Region’s preferred Montessori Preschool. Begin your child’s education for life with the skilled staff at Montessori @ Mulberry.

Offering Exceptional Educational Experiences for children 12 months through Kindergarten. Limited space available beginning January 5th, 2015

Call Jackie Maloy-Watson Today to Schedule Your Tour @ 334-265-7733 or Cell 334-462-0548 _ _ 2034 Clubview St. in the Mulberry District January 2015 The River Region’s 50+ Lifestage Magazine 28 BOOM!

STOP Forgetting Names!

We’ve all done it. Someone calls out your name as you’re running errands and the moment you turn to reply, your mind goes completely blank. Nothing. Nada. Zilch. You couldn’t remember her name if your life depended on it, so you simply reply with a generic (and embarrassing), “Hey... you!” Here’s how to never let it happen again.

1. Don’t stress. When you’re introduced to someone new, avoid thinking, “I’m terrible with names, I’m never going to remember this,” says memory trainer Jon Keith. Stress interferes with memory, so if you’re anxious, you’re going to have trouble cementing someone’s name into your brain. 2. Observe your surroundings. When you meet someone new, take special note of your environment, from the wall color to the view outside the window. The reason: visual cues will help commit the people you meet to your long-term memory, says Keith. 3. Listen closely. “This sounds obvious, but I can’t tell you

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how many people don’t make sure they accurately hear someone’s entire name,” says Keith. Since you often meet new people in noisy environments, like at cocktail parties and in loud restaurants, it’s crucial to make sure you get it right. 4. Take a Z-scan. Keith recommends imagining drawing a “Z” over a new person’s face in your head. This will allow you to take note of her features, like bright blue eyes or a megawatt smile, helping you marry the association of her name to her face.

5. Spell it out. Don’t worry if you don’t actually know the spelling of the name; this exercise is just one more visual cue to help you associate the person with her name. And if the name is difficult to spell, don’t be afraid to ask, says Gary Small, MD, director of the UCLA Longevity Center. “Even type it on your smartphone _ anything that helps you see it in your mind’s eye.” 6. Put it on repeat. Once someone gives you her name, instantly repeat it in a, “Nice to meet you, Jason” context. Then, as you continue to

By Molly Raisch and Nina Elias exchange pleasantries, find ways to slip their name into conversation several more times before she walks away, suggests Small. 7. Have a partner in crime. Keep your significant other or friend nearby, and introduce him to the person you’ve just met. “Chances are, your new acquaintance will reintroduce herself, giving you an extra opportunity to hear her name and make the connection,” says Small. (This trick also works if you’ve already forgotten the name.) ...But, what if it’s too late? If you run into someone whose name you’ve forgotten, start with an enthusiastic, “Hi, how are you?” Distract the conversation away from your brain fart by asking questions: What was their week like? What’s new at work? “Once you start talking, you may remember details about that person’s life, even if you don’t remember her name,” explains Small. And isn’t having a meaningful conversation the most important part? (c)2014, Prevention magazine Distributed by Tribune Content Agency, LLC

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January 2015



New Year, New Hearing, New You! Around this time, everyone starts making promises and New Year’s resolutions for themselves. Some people might want to lose weight or maybe this is the year you decide to stop smoking. Or maybe your resolution is something smaller, like remembering to call your friends and family more often. All of those are great things to strive for this year; however, you may be overlooking another important change. This year why not make your New Year’s resolution to address your hearing loss and start improving your hearing? I know what you must be thinking: Your hearing is not that bad. You get by just fine with the volume on the television cranked all the way up. Your friends don’t mind that much when you ask them to repeat what they have said during the conversation. Or I don’t have hearing loss everyone is just mumbling. That’s fair enough and those are common hesitations. But do you really want to just “get by?” Life is too short to miss out on your family and friends’ conversations, and your hearing isn’t going to get any better. Any degree of hearing loss/ communication difficulty you have now is most likely going to get worse if left untreated. Hearing loss that goes untreated has been linked to various health concerns including depression and feelings of isolation in older adults. You may only be missing parts of the conversation now, but in a few years, you may be missing out on so much more and you won’t be “getting by” so easily. There’s no reason to miss out on communicating with loved ones and hearing the world around you. Unlike dieting or quitting smoking, better hearing is easily obtainable because it is just a phone call away. The first step to addressing your hearing loss is making an appointment with Doctors Hearing Clinic. Once we determine your type of hearing

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loss, we’ll help you select the best hearing devices and treatment options for you. It doesn’t take a lot of time or energy, it just takes a simple phone call. We’ll guide you through the rest.

confidence, and better communication, it was also decrease some health risks that are associated with untreated hearing loss. Lastly, with older individuals staying in the work force longer, research has stated that people who address their There are plenty of reasons to start hearing loss with hearing aids have the addressing your hearing loss this year. potential to earn more money than One reason for treating your hearing loss people who don’t address their hearing is to change how you feel and function loss. Individuals with hearing loss have with being able to hear your friends shown to be more stressed and tired at work from having to strain to listen and and family and the world around you. also have more difficulty communicating Individuals who have addressed their with employees and customers. Being hearing loss with hearing aids report stressed and tired that their along with difficulty relationships communicating are with friends and By Dr. Brittany Spahr and Dr. Katie Slade contributing factors family members to decreased earning have improved potential when in after wearing comparison with hearing aids someone who has because of better and easier addressed their communication. hearing loss with Another reason hearing aids. to address your hearing loss is that it can have a positive Addressing your hearing loss and getting effect on one’s self-confidence, mood, better hearing is a New Year’s resolution relationships, and can overall improve that’s easy to keep. All you have to do their quality of life. Research has shown after addressing your hearing loss is wear that hearing loss can lead to isolation and your hearing aids daily and practice good depression. However, after addressing communication skills to have optimal hearing loss many people feel a sense of results and you will begin to see what empowerment because they are missing you’ve been missing all these years. Make out on less and do not have to depend on your resolution to hear better this year other people as much to stay connected. and every year. Contact Doctors Hearing Clinic at (334) 396-1635 to schedule an appointment for a hearing evaluation Additionally, research from John to start the process of addressing your Hopkins reported that individuals with hearing loss and start hearing better for unaddressed hearing loss are at a higher risk for memory loss and dementia. A 2015 and all the years to come! We wish you a happy New Year! greater probability of developing memory loss and dementia corresponds with the Content adapted from The Better Hearing Institute: http:// severity of the hearing loss. Unaddressed hearing loss is also a safety concern in regards to hearing warning signals Dr. Katie Slade is a Board Certified Audiologist and and individuals with hearing loss are at a fellow of the American Academy of Audiology. Dr. an increased risk for falls. Addressing Brittany Spahr is a Doctor of Audiology and a fellow of the American Academy of Audiology. Amy Davis your hearing loss will not only improve is a Doctoral Extern from the University of South your quality of life by having more selfAlabama.

Healthy Hearing

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Animal Lover By Richard Tribou

It’s kind of like having a grandparent still. Bob Barker will always be my favorite game-show host, and December 12 was his 91st birthday.

He also has one of the best scenes in “Happy Gilmore,” punching Adam Sandler in the face repeatedly.

The group says the donation will fund the “lion’s share” of the mission, which has to date removed among other animals from traveling circuses 30 African lions, which will be moved to a sanctuary in Colorado. The money goes to fund quarantine facilities and veterinarian care before the trip to the U.S. as well as cover some of the transportation costs.

His true love though is animals. When host of the show he constantly reminded the viewers to be sure to keep the pet population down by spaying and neutering their dogs and cats, a message Carey still delivers at the end of each show.

“I am delighted and honored to be able to play a part in this important rescue mission. Circus animals suffer terribly and, thanks to ADI, Peru’s wild circus animals are being freed from their cages and chains and have a brighter future ahead of them,” Barker said.

Nowadays, he’s opened his checkbook up to animal groups including a $500,000 donation to Animal Defenders International to help the government in Peru enforce a ban on wild animals in circuses.

Peru is now one of 28 countries with restrictions on performing animals in traveling circuses.

The former host of “The Price Is Right,” which was well watched by me on summer breaks and in college dorm rooms, passed on the gig to Drew Carey in 2007. He made an appearance on the show when he was 90 one year ago, which was well received by his legion of fans.

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Barker had previously donated $2 million to the group in 2011 in an effort to rescue circus lions and other animals in Bolivia. He’s also donated $5 million to the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society for a ship (named the Bob Barker) used in intervention in whaling activities and also $2.5 million to PETA to help renovate the group’s Los Angeles headquarters, which is now known as the Bob Barker Building. “Bob Barker is truly a hero for the animals, all over the world,” said ADI President Jan Creamer. (c)2014 The Orlando Distributed by Tribune Content Agency, LLC

“It is the U.S.’ shame that such acts are still permitted here,” Barker added.

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January 2015



Simple Ways to Maintain Your

Mental Acuity

Many people know that a combination of a healthy diet and routine exercise is the best way to maintain their physical health. But what about mental well-being? Memory lapses are often assumed to be an accepted side effect of aging, but such an assumption is incorrect, as there are many steps men and women can take to maintain their mental acuity well into their golden years.

· Find time for cardiovascular exercise. Cardiovascular exercise can help men and women maintain healthy weights and reduce their risk for potentially deadly ailments like diabetes and heart disease. But cardiovascular exercise also can boost brain power. Cardiovascular exercise pumps oxygen-rich blood to the brain, and that blood contains glucose that can fuel brain cells. Cardiovascular exercise also strengthens blood vessels, which can help prevent potentially devastating diseases, such as stroke, that can have a lasting and negative impact on cognitive function. · Find time for friends and family. Many people need no reason to socialize, but those that do can now cite boosting

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brain function as a great reason to get together with family and friends. Routine socialization can keep a brain sharp by reducing its levels of cortisol, a potentially destructive hormone brought on by stress. Researchers also believe that routine interaction with other people stimulates structures in the brain’s frontal lobe that are likely responsible for planning, decision making and response control. · Squeeze in a nap every so often. Naps can have a reenergizing effect on men and women, but a study from German researchers also found that naps also can improve memory. In the study, researchers divided participants into three groups: people who would stay awake for 60 minutes; people who would sleep for six minutes; and people who would sleep for 30 to 45 minutes. After the hour was up, participants were given a word recall test, and those who slept performed better on the test than those who hadn’t. But the development that was perhaps most interesting was that those who slept for just six minutes performed just as well on the test as

those who slept for far longer, leading researchers to suggest that men and women need not take long naps to improve their memories. · Include fish in your diet. A study from researchers at Chicago’s Rush University Medical Center found that people who eat fish once per week have a 60 percent lower risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease than those who do not include fish in their weekly diets. Researchers credit this lower risk to DHA, an omega-3 fatty acid that is found in both the brain and in fish such as salmon and tuna. Content provided by Metro Creative Services

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Annual Benefits



May 2, 2015

March 12, 2015

3:30 to 6:00 pm

8:30am to 12:30pm

Alley Station Ballroom and Rooftop

Montgomery Country Club

To purchase tickets or register visit:

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January 2015



Geezer Forum By Erica Curless

Dr. Jim Arthurs, retired, talks about how doctors think and the best ways to communicate with them at the monthly Geezer Forum

When it comes to physicians, patients have to remember one thing: Doctors are human, too. That was the advice from retired physician Jim Arthurs during a gathering of the popular Geezer Forum recently in Sandpoint. Nearly 60 people, mostly in the 60-plus crowd, attended Arthurs’ talk on “How Doctors Think.” Like all people, physicians have biases and will decide whether they like your personality in about 18 seconds _ just like you judge them. They get distracted. They are sometimes burned out and stressed. And America’s health care system often puts them in the position where Arthurs said they book patients in 15-minute intervals and rarely have time to really listen or think comprehensively about their diagnosis or advice. So what does this mean for the patient? “If I have one message I want to share, it’s that we all are responsible for our own health,” Arthurs, 73, told the group. “Our doctor or doctors are just professional advisers.”

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So besides taking charge of your own health by being assertive, asking lots of questions and perhaps requesting longer appointments if you want to talk with your physician more thoroughly, Arthurs offered one more nugget of health: walk. “The very best thing anyone can do for their health and longevity is to walk for at least 30 or 40 minutes per day,” he said. “Just walking around the block is better than sitting in the house all day.”

issues, so he set up the first forum in January 2012 figuring the idea would last a few months.

Arthurs, a Sandpoint native, attracted one of the largest crowds to the bimonthly discussion session for seniors and anyone else interested in aging. Doctors, lawyers and financial planners are always popular guests at the Geezer Forum, perhaps because they give free professional advice, suggested one participant.

So what is a geezer? To Graves, “geezer” is a way to highlight the misconceptions we all have about aging and how we shouldn’t let ourselves “creep into decrepit perceptions.”

The Geezer Forum was birthed from organizer Paul Graves’ loneliness. Graves, a retired United Methodist pastor and former Sandpoint mayor, has written a column for The Spokesman-Review for years. He decided several years ago that he wanted more personal contact and conversation about “geezer”

“We’ve had a wide variety of folks and some attend on a very regular basis,” Graves said. “Others from the community come according to the topic.” The talks attract people of all ages, not just geezers.

“We can live differently when we change our thinking,” he said. Graves carefully defines each stage of geezerhood: People in their 50s are geezers in waiting while those in their 60s and 70s are geezers in training. “I don’t care what age a person starts referring to themselves as a geezer,” Graves, 72, said with a laugh. “It’s up to

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you. But once I turn 80, I may just silently extend the training period up another decade.”

Deer Park and finally Ontario where he worked as a public health officer in the northwestern region of the province.

The Geezer Forum is sponsored by Graves’ consulting ministry called Elder Advocates, which he started after he retired from the ministry and working at Life Care Center of Sandpoint doing social service work. He missed contact with residents and their families.

Arthurs believes much improvement is needed in the medical system and how doctors see patients, especially as baby boomers age and there are more elderly than ever before in the world. Yet how to make those changes is very complex and burdened by the influence of big pharmaceutical companies, insurance companies and other business interests.

“I offer whatever insight I might have and try to help them understand going through the maze of elder care doesn’t have to be as scary as we make it,” he said. “Usually the scariest is when we are unprepared. I’m helping people prepare at whatever stage (of aging) they are, including the dying.” Arthurs started attending the Geezer Forum in August when he retired and moved home to Sandpoint with his wife. A pharmacist before he decided to attend medical school, Arthurs began as a family physician in Sandpoint in 1969 then became an emergency room doctor, working for Kootenai Medical Center for 20 years and Bonner General Hospital for eight years. Then at age 55 he went back to school for a master’s degree in medical management and worked in Portland,

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In addition, it’s difficult to define or measure quality medical care because that is a very individual and personal experience, he said. One of Arthurs’ favorite examples is of a clinic in Minneapolis that measures successful outcomes for patients with breast cancer by trying to decrease the number of sleepless nights a patient experiences from discovery of a lump to comprehensive diagnosis through to treatment plan. The clinic tries to see the patient and get them a diagnosis and plan within 24 hours, he said. Arthurs believes this is successful because people fear the unknown more than anything and feel more confident when they know what’s wrong and have a treatment plan.

One man in the audience wanted to know how to ask doctor questions and even request a second opinion without “ticking off” the physician. “It’s like a blind date,” the man said, causing the audience to laugh and many people to nod in agreement. Arthurs said “breaking the spell” to feel comfortable with a doctor, especially to ask them for alternative opinions, is difficult. He reiterated that people have to take command of their own health and be assertive. “You have the right to say ‘Hold on. I have a few more questions before you leave,’ “ he said. If a doctor declines to hear you out, perhaps you need a different physician, Arthur said. Besides being assertive, Arthurs said it’s important for patients to know their own information such as height, weight, fasting blood sugar, resting blood pressure and heart rates and prescription drugs doses and potential side effects. He said that will go a long way when communicating with a doctor. “We’re just going to have to get a lot better,” Arthurs said about U.S.’s medical system. (c)2014, The Spokesman-Review Distributed by Tribune Content Agency, LLC

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January 2015



DECEMBER EXHIBITION: Gallery One Featured Artists

Sapphire Sea, 36x36 mixed media, Cecily Hulett

If Music is the Food of Love 20x16 oil on canvas Pam Wesley Copeland

The Cotton Sensation, 36x60 oil on canvas, John Mazaheri John-Mazaheri

Entertaining, 24x18 oil on canvas, Ginnylu Greene

Aegean, 30x40 oil on canvas, John Wagnon

Shredded Beauty, 5x17� wood sculpture, Ken Lever

Gallery One offers a wide selection of original art by gallery artist members. Style and price accommodate every taste and budget. As an Alabama notfor-profit cooperative gallery, Gallery One is actively engaged in the community.

Untitled, 9x7 Gouache Richard Mills

Quiet Reflection 40x30 mixed media, Carol Barksdale

Main Street, 20x24 oil on canvas, Anita Westerberg

The Closer I Get,24x24 oil on canvas Judith Ivy Hayden

Gallery Director Sandi Aplin 334.269.1114

Audacious, 24x30 acrylic on canvas, Jane Segrest

When Evening Falls, 16x20 acrylic on canvas, Shirley Esco

By Sandi Aplin

Art & Soul

Photographed by Gittings

In His Own Words, Jim Sabel Jim Sabel was President of Gallery One Fine Art for my first eight years as their Director. In 2006, Wiley White, back then, was the Editor of Jim Sabel and Bippy Sept. 14, 1922 to April 4, 2008 the Montgomery Art Guild Newsletter and she asked Jim to be the featured artist and to submit his article to be the No “Sunday Painter”. This column was a column in Magnews and the space was dedicated to showcasing MAG member artists. The artist was free to write about anything that applied to art-his/ her media, style, professional background, early inspiration or the arts in general. The following is Jim’s No “Sunday Painter” article. I am a native Montgomerian and only have been away my college and Army service years. I attended Lanier High School and attended the University of Alabama for three and one half years until I volunteered for service during World War II. I married in 1943 and after my discharge in 1946; I returned home and went in the family business with my brother Mark. The name of our firm was M. Sabel & Sons, established in 1856 by my great grandfather. It is now the oldest firm in the city. I worked in my family business for over forty years. I retired at that time, devoting my days to charity work, painting, golf and tennis.

do not stick to one painting style, using color and shape. I take liberties with my subject, often enlarge or change human forms, trees or other shapes to achieve an effect. I am always experimenting and trying different approaches. I am greatly influenced by other artists, using some of their techniques. My work usually ends without any trace of the subject that had interested me.

standards of artistic achievement and in doing so; enlarge cultural opportunities for all people.” Unfortunately for me, my beloved wife died in 1998 and my desire for traveling has lessened. My interest in my city has not and I try to do my part in attempting to improve our community. I feel that, except for losing Janis, I have been really lucky with a great family and many real good friends. I count my blessings often.

Getting away from my personal work and expressing my idea of what Wiley White’s Editor’s Note: great art should be, I feel Jim Sabel does indeed work to that an artist, however improve our community by serving faithful to his personal on several boards, such as the vision, becomes the last Montgomery Museum of Fine Arts, champion of the individual The Montgomery Symphony, Jackson Hospital Foundation, Group Homes, mind. It is the artist’s The Sunshine Center, Montgomery sensitivity and concern Therapeutic Board and Fame. In that make him aware when the past there were others: Temple nations and people fall Beth Or, South YMCA, RSVP, RIF, short of their potential. To Standard Club, Jewish Federation, quote John F. Kennedy, Montgomery Concert course, United Tree of Life by Jim Sabel 24x18 acrylic Appeal, Community Council, Chamber “When power leads men of Commerce, Partners in Education, Montgomery toward arrogance, art reminds him of Humane Shelter, Montgomery Zoo and the his limitations. When ambition narrows Montgomery Art Guild. Jim was also a member of the area of a man’s concern, art reminds the Montgomery Country Club. him of the richness and diversity of his own existence. When power corrupts, art cleanses. So it is important that we Sandi Aplin, encourage artists, not as propaganda, Director of Gallery One Fine Art but as an expression of truth. May we all A freelance writer living in Montgomery, AL look forward to a world which will not be afraid of beauty and will steadily raise the

My wife Janis and I were very lucky-we had three healthy children and five grandchildren. When I retired I had planned on traveling a lot, Janis and I traveled to several countries over the years, such as England, Ireland, Scotland, France, Russia, Poland, Romania, Hungary, Iran, Italy, Israel and Morocco. I took lots of photographs and have tried to paint those I remember best. I began art classes in my middle forties, first with Charles Shannon and later with Barbara Gallagher. I

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January 2015



Bucket List Adventure by Kathy Witt

West Baden Springs Hotel


hen you round the bend in the road and spy the massive, magnificent dome partially encircled by towers you’ll feel you must be in Europe, but you’re in Hoosier National Forest in West Baden, Ind. And you’re eyeing what was once called the “Eighth Wonder of the World.” West Baden Springs Hotel has pedigree reaching back 160 years when it was built as a respite for those wishing to take advantage of the alleged healing powers of the area’s mineral springs. Designed to evoke Germany’s world-famous thermal spa, Baden-Baden, this southern Indiana hotel in its early years had an opera house, two-deck pony and bicycle track, full-size baseball field and a reputation as a sophisticated resort where the hoi polloi would take to the so-called Sprudel Baths to restore and rejuvenate their health. When the 1855 structure burned in 1901, builder Lee Sinclair decided it was time to erect his dream resort, a circular building topped with the world’s largest free-spanning dome and decorated in the manner of the grand spas of Europe. Completed in 1902, the new hotel wowed with this engineering marvel, which topped an atrium stretching 200 feet in diameter. Today, this National Landmark Hotel and member of Preferred Hotels and Resorts is the recipient of countless accolades, including being named the “No. 1 hotel in Indiana” in 2013 and 2014 by U.S. News & World Report. It is known for its stunning elegance and architecture, Euro-glam rooms with no two exactly alike, fine and casual dining, spa services, which include the once-famous Sprudel Baths, and a range of other amenities. New to the resort is the return of trolley service between West Baden and French Lick. Back in 1903, when dirt roads and

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horse-drawn carriages were the norm, the arrival of an electric trolley was a marvel that both fascinated and delighted. Like the guests of more than a century ago, today’s visitors can catch the streetcar to make the mile-long jaunt between the two resorts. A new depot has been built at West Baden Springs Resort adjacent to the gardens near the original entrance and another near French Lick Casino. The trolley runs seven days a week. The resort remains a respite for those wishing to escape and rejuvenate. Loll about the spa. Do laps in the lap pool or slip into the hot tub. Visit “next-door neighbor” French Lick Springs Resort for Vegas-style casino gaming or bowling. Play a round or two of golf at the fully restored 1917-designed Donald Ross Course or the 18-hole Pete Dye Course, both at French Lick. Enjoy afternoon tea accompanied by music in the atrium. Take a horse-drawn carriage ride, stroll through the resort’s formal gardens or sign up for the historical tour. ADVENTURE GUIDE TO DON’T-MISS MOMENTS l Round the bend on State Road 56 in southern Indiana and to see West Baden Springs Hotel emerge amidst the foliage. With its massive dome, European architecture and fairytale towers, the hotel is simply breathtaking. l Pay a call on West Baden Spring’s sister hotel, the 443-room French Lick Springs Resort, a Grande Dame in soft butter yellow brick on the National Register of Historic Places. For the best perspective, take a horse-drawn carriage tour to take in the hotel and its casino, formal gardens and gently sloping grounds. l Intimate, exclusive and a gourmand’s culinary dream-come-true, dinner at Table One is the private chef’s table, placed right in the kitchen at West Baden Springs Hotel, yet separated with glass walls. With the flip of a switch, the walls will frost to provide complete seclusion as your party sups on custom menus served on chic Versace dinnerware. l Avail yourself of the Sprudel mineral bath in the West Baden Springs Spa, the only place in the world this can be experienced. This relaxing 25-minute soak, homage to the baths of the early 20th century, will draw out the toxins and leave you feeling relaxed, refreshed and energized. l Play a round of golf on the Pete Dye Golf Course, which will have the eyes of the golf world fixed firmly on it in May, 2015, when the Senior PGA Championship presented by Kitchen Aid takes place here. INFORMATION West Baden Springs Hotel and its 243 luxury guest rooms and suites are part of French Lick Resort, which also includes French Lick Springs Hotel and the French Lick Casino. Named America’s Best Historic Resort by Historic Hotels of America, the French Lick Resort provides Four-Diamond accommodations. 888.936.9360, hotels/WestBaden. The resort offers a number of special packages ( for details), including these: New Year’s Eve at West Baden packages start at $599/couple and include overnight accommodations, dinner for two, a gala celebration in the hotel’s atrium that begins with hors d’oeuvres and open bar followed by dinner service, a midnight champagne toast and music by Sarah Stivers and her orchestra. Formal attire required. Second Annual Taste of Scotland package, starting at $300, celebrating Scotch, whiskey, Scotland and all things Celtic, includes an overnight stay at French Lick Resort for two, dinner for two at the Robert Burns Tribute Dinner on Sat., Feb. 21, 2015, and access to special events, including breakout sessions and spirits parade. Stay day before or day after and receive 20 percent off additional night. Author, travel and lifestyle writer, and travel goods expert Kathy Witt feels you should never get to the end of your bucket list; there’s just too much to see and do in the world. She can be reached at or Distributed by MCT Information Services The River Region’s 50+ Lifestage Magazine

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January 2015



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The River Region’s 50+ Lifestage Magazine

Understanding COPD Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, commonly referred to as COPD, is an umbrella term for several lung diseases that make it difficult to breathe. The two main forms of COPD include chronic bronchitis and emphysema. Doctors now classify anyone who has emphysema or chronic bronchitis as having COPD. COPD can cause coughing with large amounts of mucus, wheezing, shortness of breath, chest tightness, and degradation of the lungs. People who have COPD may find it difficult to engage in daily activities without becoming breathless. Symptoms may be quite similar to asthma but with an entirely different cause. People who suffer from COPD are typically smokers or those who used to smoke. Long-term exposure to other lung irritants, such as dust or air pollution, also can contribute to COPD. COPD is a common illness among the elderly who experienced long-term exposure to either cigarette smoke or other noxious particles from fuels, chemicals and occupational dusts before more stringent environmental regulations were implemented.

The Mayo Clinic says about 1 percent of people with COPD have the disease due to a genetic disorder that causes low levels of a protein called alpha-1antitrypsin, or AAt. AAt is made in the liver and secreted into the bloodstream to help protect the lungs.

In healthy lungs, air travels through the trachea, or windpipe, into tubes known as bronchia that connect to the lungs. These bronchial tubes end in large bunches of air sacs, called alveoli. Small capillaries run through the walls of the alveoli to help with the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the body. When someone has COPD, the airways and alveoli lose their elastic quality and many air sacs may be destroyed. In addition, the walls of the bronchial tubes can become thick, inflamed and filled with mucus, prohibiting the flow of air. As a result, less oxygen is breathed into the body and passed into the bloodstream to fuel the body’s needs. Lack of oxygen can lead to blueness of the lips and fingernail beds, fatigue and reduced mental acuity. No treatment currently exists to reverse damage to the lungs or other

components of the respiratory system. The majority of COPD therapies are designed to mitigate symptoms and make breathing easier. These include inhaled medications or pills taken orally. Many people with COPD may need to take medicines known as controller medications every day. In the event of a breathing attack, rescue inhalers also may be prescribed. The COPD Foundation says other therapies also may help patients cope with COPD. Oxygen therapy can reduce strain on the heart and prevent the negative side effects of decreasing bloodoxygen levels. Learning certain breathing techniques, including abdominal and pursed-lips breathing, can reduce anxiety levels and prevent hyperventilation, which typically compounds breathing problems. People with COPD also should improve the air quality in their homes. Allergens and air irritants can make breathing more difficult or lead to acute attacks. Install an air filtration system to keep a home clean. Above all, quitting smoking is the most effective way to combat COPD, and smokers should speak with their physicians about smoking cessation programs and medications. Content provided by Metro Creative Services

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January 2015



Eating Smart with Tracy Bhalla

Nutrition Labels

First of all I hope you do look at the nutrition labels, even if it’s only to see if there’s any cholesterol or sodium (bad!) calcium or vitamins (good!) in the food you’re about to eat. The label can, however, be a much greater resource than just that. It is, of course, often hidden away on the back or the bottom of the package so you have to actually pick it up and turn it over to find it. This is because there are no rules regarding where it has to be placed or even what size it has to be, so the print can be quite small. (Have your specs ready!)

This point leads me into my foremost warning – because manufacturers do not have to put the label in an obvious place they can sometimes misguide the consumer by putting vague representations in large letters on the front of the box to entice you to buy the product, such as “Natural”. A term that has been grossly misused in the food industry and in fact, Consumer Reports are lobbying for it be banned. Consumers believe they are buying a product that is free from artificial ingredients, pesticides or genetically modified organisms (GMOs), but in reality the FDA has not developed a strict definition for the term and anything that does not have artificial or synthetic ingredients in it is allowed to be labelled “Natural”. Therefore, the use of pesticides, antibiotics and GMOs is allowed. Also, many of the foods bearing this label are processed foods containing high levels of sodium, trans or saturated fats and added sugars, so are not actually very good for you at all, nor very “Natural!” The term “Organic” is a better one to look for, but even then there are gray areas. You can only be truly sure that it’s organic if it bears the USDA Organic Seal. To become USDA approved the product must be: - Produced without excluded methods (e.g., genetic engineering), ionizing radiation, or sewage sludge. - Produced per the National List of Allowed and Prohibited Substances (National List). - Overseen by a USDA National Organic Program authorized certifying agent, following all USDA organic regulations. Even then it may not be 100% organic, you need to check the ingredients list. If only

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certain ingredients say organic next to them, then only those are organic.

Also, some manufacturers put the term “Organic” on their produce to entice customers to buy it, but if it’s not USDA certified then you do not really know if it is organic or not (likelihood being NOT as they would surely get it certified if it was.) Legally they are not meant to put the term Organic in a prominent place on the packaging if they are not certified, but, as you can imagine, the USDA and the FDA have too much on their plates to chase up small manufacturers regarding labelling, so the onus is back on you, the consumer, to become more educated. Back to the nutrition label itself. Once you’ve found it, it contains a wealth of information. The FDA example above shows it split into 5 key areas:

Figure out from the stated serving size how many servings you normally eat at a time. It may be that you eat the whole bag, in this case 8 servings, so you then have to multiply all the figures below by 8. As you can see, your daily allowance can be used up really fast once you realize that. 2) The scary part – once you’ve figured out how much you actually eat, now you can figure out how many calories that is and how much of it was from fat. So, in the case above, assuming you ate the whole bag (8x320=2560 calories!!!) and (8x72=576 of those were from fat). Wow! For a 2000 calorie a day diet (the norm) you’ve already gone into tomorrow. 3) These are the bad guys, the ones you want to limit as much as possible, no more than 16g of saturated fats a day, as little trans fats as possible and no more than 1500mg of sodium. Ideally each of these figures should be less than 5% and as close to 0% as possible. 4) These are the heroes! You want as much of these as possible (well, let’s aim for a total of 100 – 120% a day) Try and pick foods where these figures are in the teens at least. Or cumulatively as high as possible, for example, your milk may be high in calcium, but 0% fibre, but your cereal can make up for that and have added vitamins and iron too. 5) Your quick guide to the %DV. This is not always as in depth as shown here, but this a good reference. Your Doctor would be able to tell you if your calorie needs are lower or higher than this as it can depend on a variety of factors including health, fitness and age. 2000 is a useful average. So now you know how to read it, you can compare one make to another and be amazed at the differences. And remember, don’t be duped by the dubious claims on the front – as always, it pays to read the small print!

1) Most important, the serving size. Again there is no specific FDA size requirement therefore manufacturers can pick completely random units – you will see cups, grams, ounces, pieces, etc. This can make it difficult to compare one brand to another, but it’s important to get a realistic comparison so stick with it.

Tracy Bhalla, Owner/ Manager of Cool Beans Restaurant, 115 Montgomery Street, P: 334.416.8447, Trained as an architect! Worked as a teacher of product design and graphic design for 9 years in England and Bermuda. Always had a love of healthy, good-for-you food. Always cooking for friends and family. Married a cardiologist in 2007. We have a shared passion about eating healthily (and wine) and both love to cook, so when Cool Beans became available we jumped at it. The River Region’s 50+ Lifestage Magazine


Is religion an issue for a 50-plus relationship?

Dear Lisa, How much should a common religion factor into identifying and ensuring a long term relationship? (After all, one’s religion lasts a lifetime and can also be communityinvolvement that fosters an LTR (long term relationship), right?) _Fred Fred, I’m so happy to hear from a male member of our community. You ask a great question. When it comes to religious differences and how they will affect a relationship, a lot is dependent on the role your particular religion plays in each of your lives. If you are actively involved in your church or synagogue and this type of community is important to you, then you’ll probably want a committed partner who shares similar religious values. If you are spiritual but not religious, you’ll probably want someone in your life who will share this type of belief system. That being said, relationships involving two different religions can work as long as the two of you are accepting of your differences, supportive when your partner asks you to be and non-judgmental about any aspect of their religious or spiritual beliefs. Dear Lisa, I’ve been divorced for six months. And the only interest I have gotten from men is from creepy and/or much older men. And those have just been on dating sites. I go to church occasionally but other than that there is not much in the way of meeting someone nice to just go on a date with where I live. I’m attractive, smart, funny with a few extra pounds but I’ve “ still got it.” I just don’t get it and feel sad miserable and lonely most of the time. I really don’t have extra money for self help at the moment. I sometimes feel like trying to get back with my ex-husband just so I won’t be alone. I know there are good men out there, who aren’t just looking for sex, but I’m losing hope fast. I suffer from depression and I have MS. Needless to say I’m not enjoying my life. I’d rather be at

The River Region’s 50+ Lifestage Magazine

work than come home to spend yet another night alone. _Jennifer Jennifer, The first thing I would suggest is to stop dating for a bit and start creating a single life you love. Take classes, go to meet-ups in your area, and ask your friends if they know other single women and head to dinner or movies with them. You want to create a single life you love. The passion this creates makes you both attractive and interesting to a man. And when you’re living the fun life you’ve created, you are in the position of wanting a man ... not needing a man in your life. Your energy shows up totally differently in each of these situations. When you need a man, your energy comes across as desperation. Men sense this and back away. On the other hand, when you want a man, you come across as relaxed, which draws men towards you and allows you to have far more choices in your life. As for going back with your ex, ask yourself if whatever bothered you in the first place has changed between the two of you. If it has, it might be worth a try. If nothing has changed, you’ll want to decide what will make you happier ... going back to a relationship that wasn’t working for you or creating a single life that could be fun. Good luck with this! Dear Lisa, I’m a mid 40s, never married woman, no kids, in pretty good shape (not overweight) with nice hair and a good personality. I’d like to meet a great guy around age 50, (not concerned with appearances myself, but with character and personality), but am concerned as I have a chronic skin disorder. I’m afraid to date, as I’ve read and heard that men of all ages are visual first and foremost and I’m thinking with my skin disorder (I can’t wear makeup as my skin is super sensitive, so it’s right there on my face front and center) I’ll be rejected from the get-go. I have been reading

your blog and appreciate your intelligent and thoughtful responses to other reader questions, so would like to know what you think. Should I give dating a try or not? Thanks and best wishes, _Katie Katie, Dating this type of situation is more challenging and requires persistence on your part, plus a willingness to put yourself into the dating world. It can feel really scary and it does put you in the position of being rejected for something you have no control over. That being said, it is possible to find a man who will love you. Women around the world have been burned, disfigured and disabled, and yet they have still found men who wanted a life with them. The key is coming to a place of accepting yourself for who you are ... exactly how you are. What you may not realize is that everyone has qualities they want to hide ... theirs are just not as immediately visible like yours are. Start by getting in touch with your very best you. Like every woman, you’ll need to feel and know what a great catch you are. Then if your dream is a relationship, and you’re willing to step out of your comfort zone, then go for it. I’d stay off of the dating sites. They are way too one dimensional with everyone choosing people based on pictures. Instead, consider getting involved in activities where men are as well. Volunteer, check out spiritual centers, go to meet ups and let your personality shine bright. Get to know people and let them get to know you. And remember, you want a man who will love you for you but ... this starts from inside you first. I hope you’ll keep me posted on how you are doing. Lisa Copeland, “The Dating Coach Who Makes Dating Fun and Easier after 50!” Find out more at (c)2014, Lisa Copeland, Distributed by MCT Information Services

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January 2015



January 2015

{12 Things} for active boomers and beyond


Always...Patsy Cline Alabama Shakespeare Festival - ASF January 13 - February 8, various times

“Hoss, If you can’t do it with feeling, don’t.” This awardwinning musical is a heartwarming and funny footstomp through the music and memories of “country music’s greatest female singer” as told by the Texas housewife she befriended two years before her untimely death. For more information call 334.271.5353 or visit


The 30A Songwriters Festival Along Highway 30a, Florida Gulf Coast Friday-Sunday, January 16-18th, various times and venues The 6th annual festival will feature performances by esteemed artists Graham Nash, Indigo Girls, Leon Russell, Jason Isbell, Shawn Mullins, Sara Watkins (Nickel Creek), Glen Phillips (Toad the Wet Sprocket). Also confirmed are Jeffrey Steele, Chely Wright, Bobby Bare Jr., Steve Poltz, Angaleena Presley, Over the Rhine, Jesse Harris, Mary Gauthier, Hayes Carll, Bob Schneider, Ellis Paul, Allison Moorer, Deana Carter and Peter Karp & Sue Foley. The 30A Songwriters Festival takes place January 16-18 along scenic highway 30a in Northwest Florida. There will be 150 artists and 25 venues. for more info visit


Invitation to the Ball: Marjorie Merriweather Post’s Fancy Dress Costumes Montgomery Museum of Fine Art January 17 through March 08, 2015 This exhibition, from the collection of the Hillwood Museum, focuses on the splendid, fancy dress costumes that were designed specifically for Post when she attended the elaborate balls popular in the 1920s. Costume balls

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were often organized as benefits for charity and Post, along with E.F. Hutton, were regulars at these occasions. Post commissioned her costumes from theatrical costume designers and she was often considered among the most exquisitely dressed. Included in the exhibition are actual costumes worn by Post, as well as many of the accessories that completed the ensembles such as headdresses, shoes, and fans. The exhibition also includes archival materials such as invitations, correspondence, and the press notices that documented these social events. For more information visit


Joe Thomas, Jr. 3rd Tuesday Guitar PullSinger/Songwriters Night The Cloverdale Playhouse Tuesday, January 20th, 7-9 pm This Singer/Songwriter Series is a great night of original music and songwriters talking about how they craft their music and performing original works on the Playhouse’s intimate stage. $10 at the door- general admission seating. For more info call 262.1530 or visit


“On Stage Alaska” Arrowhead Country Club Tuesday, January 20th Alabama World Travel is pleased to host the “On Stage Alaska” presentation in Montgomery, Tuesday, January 20th, at Arrowhead Country Club. The live event provides a glimpse into the state’s history, spectacular scenery, wildlife and local hospitality for travelers interested in planning an Alaskan vacation. Reservations are required for this event and seating is limited. Please call today for your compimentary tickets, Alabama World Travel at 334.279.8720.


FREE Estate Planning and Asset Protection Workshop Archibald Senior Center (MACOA) Downtown Montgomery Wednesday, January 21, 1:30 -3:30 pm Wednesday, January 21: Hosted by Red Oak Legal, PC: 1:30 - 3:30 pm at the Archibald Senior Center (MACOA) in Montgomery. This educational workshop presented by local attorney Raley L. Wiggins covers wills, trusts, powers of attorney, advance directives, living wills, probate administration, protecting assets from creditors, bankruptcy, divorce and remarriage, nursing homes, long-term care and Medicaid qualification. Registration is required. Call 334.625.6774 today to reserve your seat or register online at The River Region’s 50+ Lifestage Magazine


Callaway Gardens’ Southern Gardening Symposium Callaway Gardens Friday, January 23 to Sunday, January 25 Callaway Gardens’ Southern Gardening Symposium has been the South’s premier gardening event for a quarter of a century. Whether you’re a professional gardener or just a beginner, there’s simply no better place to immerse yourself in the world of gardening in the South than among our woodland paradise! You’ll enjoy a weekend full of gardening lectures from renowned speakers, educational workshops (optional pre-conference) and an opportunity to take home outstanding garden plants from our Gardening Marketplace. You also will have the chance to win unique plants, garden items and private garden tours in our silent and live auctions. Visit


Alice in Wonderland Alabama Shakespeare Festival - ASF January 24 - February 15, various times Fall down the rabbit hole with Alice as she encounters beloved characters both zany and strange – from the White Rabbit to the Mad Hatter and dreaded Queen of Hearts. This whimsical classic is an enchanting story for all ages. For more information call 334.271.5353 or visit


MONTGOMERY, ALABAMA Merle Haggard Downtown Montgomery-MPAC Thursday, January 29, at 7:30 pm

Country music star Merle Haggard was born in Bakersfield, California, on April 6, 1937. Originally a troubled youngster who served time in San Quentin prison, Haggard grew to become a country music legend. With 38 No. 1 hits and 250 original songs, Haggard remains one of the best-known and most covered artists in country music. For more information visit

PRATTVILLE, ALABAMA Mardi Gras Parade Saturday, January 31, 11 am

The City of Prattville will kick off the Mardi Gras season on Saturday, January 31, with their Annual Mardi Gras Parade. There will be fun activities for the kids, lots of food, music and arts and crafts. The fun starts at 11 am with children’s activities and great food, then at 2 pm the parade will roll through Downtown Prattville. There will be beads and candy, floats, antique cars, horses and more. Bring out the family and laissez les bons temps rouler! For a parade application or more information, contact the Special Events Office at 334.595.0854 or visit

New York Woodwind Quintet Concert Montgomery Museum of Fine Arts-Wilson Auditorium Thursday, January 29, 7:30pm


Now entering its seventh decade, the New York Woodwind Quintet continues to maintain an active concert presence around the world while also teaching and mentoring the next generation of woodwind performers. One of the oldest continuously active chamber ensembles in the US, the Quintet has commissioned and premiered numerous compositions, some of which have become classics of the woodwind repertoire. Join the Montgomery Chamber Music Organization on January 29, for a special concert featuring the New York Woodwind Quintet. Single tickets at the door for just one concert are $30.00 To purchase tickets, or for more information, call 334.277.3505. More Information visit

Ready. Set. Geaux! Don’t miss the new Mardi Gras run from the Montgomery Junior League on February 7, 2015. This special event will feature a 10K course including a Wheelchair/Adaptive Division, as well as a 5K option. The Ready.Set. Geaux! 5K and 10K route is a fast and flat out and back course, starting from the Edward Thompson Ballfields on Ray Thorington Road, running up and down Park Crossing Road. Rain or Shine. The Big Green Bus will be there for the kids! Registration is $30-40. For more info visit

The Ready.Set.Geaux! 5K and 10k Saturday, February 7th, 8-11 am

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January 2015



By Greg Budell

The Mayor of BOOMTOWN


A lot of us go around believing absolute crap.

AOL (I am the only human still using them) recently offered subscribers 7 popular myths about life and everyday living, and exploded them with expert testimony. Since everyone reading this is not AOL subscribers, I am “Reader’s Digesting” these myths for you, accompanied by my personal research on the subjects at hand. Myth #1: Human shampoos can kill your dog! An expert NYC veterinarian stated flatly that 80% of human shampoos should have no adverse effect on our ‘babies’. If poochy-pie is allergic to a hair cleanser designed for humans, you may observe excessive scratching or labored breathing, but they are not deadly. MY TAKE- I have been using a shampoo designed for horses called Mane ’N Tail for 12 years. At 50+, my hair remains predominantly its original color, with no hairline recession whatsoever. You must try this remarkable product, because even today, I could grow hair right down to my feedbag. It’s available at Wal-Mart and other fine stores. Try it on your dog, too. Shampoo your cat at your own risk. Myth #2- Women need to wear shoes matching their handbag. A NYC fashion expert, Stacy Mayesh, said “No one will notice if your shoes aren’t the same shade of beige as your purse, but their colors and looks should be complementary.

MY TAKE- Women watch other women for these fashion offenses. I only care how the shoes look when they’re kicked off in a maelstrom of uncontrolled passion.

Myth #3- The lifespan of laundry you forgot to dry is 2 hours... This myth addressed something that, as a bachelor, I have wrestled with many times. Linda Ottusch, home economist at the Whirlpool Institute of Fabric Science, says you can leave a load of laundry in the machine overnight for up to 12 hours before freshly washed clothes begin to turn stale. Deadly mildew can develop, especially in a humid climate, and if left long enough, can “freckle” the clothing. If your Nehru jacket comes out with spots, re-soak it along with your parachute pants in warm water and a capful of detergent. MY TAKE- Many times I have gone to do laundry and opened the lid to find I’d done a load three days previous and forgot to put it in the dryer. After 72 hours, the freckles become birthmarks and are impossible to remove. Homicide detectives come across more pleasant aromas. Myth #4- One must drink red wine with fish and white wine with steak. Ray Isle, managing editor of Wine and Spirits, said careful selection is the key. Drink whatever you want but choose a vintage that will not overpower the entrée.

MY TAKE- The last wine I drank was a $6 gallon bottle of something from Winn-Dixie. I found it extremely compatible with a bag of Pepperidge Farm Goldfish. It not only made me nauseous, I had a grotesque orange stain on my lips and considerable “crumbage” in bed. Myth #5- Poor light will worsen vision. New York University ophthalmology professor Robert Cykiert put it this way- “It’s a total misconception. Reading in dim light is like sniffing a hard to smell faint odor.” He went on to say that you simply work harder to read and tire more quickly, but it will not damage your eyesight. MY TAKE- Several months ago I got out of bed clumsily and knocked over my glass-topped circular nightstand and shattered it, and my lamp. I replaced the glass top with a large Rubbermaid tub lid and plugged in a wad of white Italian holiday lights, placing them on my chest while reading the newspaper at 5AM. Until I get off my lazy behind and get a new top for the nightstand, it works just fine and I can see just as poorly as ever. MYTH #6- Going outside with wet hair will lead to a nasty cold, pneumonia and eventually death. Augusta, Georgia pediatrician Michelle Brenner says its total BS, claiming the only link to a cold is catching a virus from a carrier. Your only risk is freezing your hair. MY TAKE- If you make a wintertime trip up north, leaving moisture in your hair on a freezing day is an excellent way to preserve your hairstyle all day long. When it’s chilly here, an insulating mousse like “Mega Bedhead” works just fine.

Greg Budell's column is proudly sponsored by McDonald, Barranco & Hagen Wealth Management

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The River Region’s 50+ Lifestage Magazine

MYTH #7- Taking over-the-counter medication after the expiration date is a death risk. The Food and Drug administration admits that expiration dates on aspirin, Tylenol and similar meds are merely a suggestion. There is no danger in taking aspirin purchased in 1984. MY TAKE- As long as we’re talking expiration dates, my personal research has provided information worth sharing. For example, milk can be left out for 6 to 8 hours without going bad. If you keep a cold setting in your refrigerator it should last 3 to 4 days past said expiration day. I like soft butter so I keep a stick on the counter for days with no spoilage. I just hate ripping up my toast with stubborn, unyielding butter. On that note, margarine can be stored in the trunk of your car. Developed in WWII, margarine has properties similar to motor oil and cannot be spoiled. I rarely use margarine because butter is always better for cooking or baking. Besides, Mobil One and jelly tastes lousy on toast.

Greg Budell lives in Montgomery with his wife, children and dogs. He’s a 25 year veteran of radio who hosts the Greg & Susan morning show 6-9 am and Happy Hour 3-6 pm on NEWSTALK 93.1, Greg can be reached at

Women of Hope Breast Cancer Support Group Tuesday, January 13th, 5:30 p.m. Frazer UMC, Room 8114 6000 Atlanta Highway

Enjoy fun and fellowship with your breast cancer “sisters” and friends!

The program will be:

Breast Imaging After Breast Cancer Presented by Dr. Cynthia O. Lorino, Radiologist Montgomery Breast Center

Everyone is Welcome!

For information please call 334-220-4599 or email

Our goal is to make sure that all women AND men are educated about breast cancer and the effects it has on family and friends. Hope is the assurance that one day we will be able to live cancer free! Your support is greatly appreciated and helps so many deserving breast cancer patients and survivors including their families. Women of Hope Breast Cancer Support Group meets the 2nd Tuesday of each month (Jan-Nov). Meetings are held at 5:30 p.m.

The Business Mini Directory

A Business Mini is a little fatter than your old business card and for a limited time we are offering a Business Mini to fit your budget. Fifty dollars will get your business message in front of thousands of people over 50 who have the money to buy stuff. Every business needs one more customer, where will yours come from? Call today and get your $50 Business Mini, 324.3472 or

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January 2015



If you are 50 or older, get screened for colorectal cancer. Colorectal cancer is the 2nd leading cancer killer in Alabama. Ask your doctor about screening options for colorectal cancer, including the new, annual take-home test called FIT or iFOBT. If you are at high risk for colorectal cancer, you may need to be screened more frequently.

For more InFormAtIon talk to your doctor, call 334-206-3336, or visit /fitway

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