BOOM! April 2016

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April 2016

The River Region’s 50+ Lifestage Magazine


April 2016

for Boomers and Beyond

Vascular Procedures Getting Fast and Pain-Free Treatment If you’ve ever dealt with a clogged drain, you know you can’t fix the problem from the outside. The same is true of your veins and arteries— you have to get inside them to correct a problem. Using tiny instruments to repair the insides of blood vessels is called endovascular surgery. The key goal of endovascular surgery is a recovery that’s as speedy and painfree as possible.

Varicose veins are another common type of vascular disease, and physicians use endovenous ablation for treatment. During this procedure, radiofrequency or laser energy is used to cauterize the lining within the vein, damaging it and causing it to collapse, shrink, and eventually disappear. This technique usually takes less than 30 minutes to perform on an outpatient basis.

Ready to live varicose-vein free? Pain-free? It’s easier than you think! To schedule a consultation call 334-293-8922. Visit to learn more.

There are many types of vascular disease that can be treated with endovascular surgery, including Peripheral Arterial Disease (PAD), aneurysms and varicose veins. “If you develop crampy pain in your calves when you walk or develop difficult to heal foot wounds, you may suffer from PAD or inadequate blood supply to your leg due to blockages in the arteries,” says Brian Sellers, DO, a vascular surgeon with The Jackson Clinic. “This can be treated with angioplasty, and stenting or arthrectomy which excise the plaque buildup. This is all done through a groin stick slightly bigger than an IV catheter.

The River Region’s 50+ Lifestage Magazine

R ive r Re gio n Bo o m . co m

April 2016




April 2016

The River Region’s 50+ Lifestage Magazine

It’s not just your joints that are suffering.

It’s your life.

Introducing the Joint Center of Alabama at Baptist South. Is joint pain making you miss out on life? It’s time to stop hurting and start living. The new Joint Center of Alabama at Baptist South offers joint replacement surgery, recovery and rehab all in one convenient

Joint Center of Alabama


location. And our specialized doctors and surgeons know how to get you back to living. So call us today to schedule a visit. (334) 273.4444

Bring the pain. 5

BOOM!, The River Region’s 50+ Lifestage Magazine


April 2016

“Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending.” Carl Bard

Volume 6 Issue 9

Thought Relationships Taste Inspiration

Humor Advice Health Community

You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.” C.S. Lewis

3 Jackson Hospital’s Health News 8 Publisher’s Letter 11 Healthy Hearing Casey Gonzalez 12 Stop That Sitting!!, Leigh Anne Richards 13 Side by Side Singers 14 Your Legacy, Brandt McDonald 16 Sunday Spring Concert Series in Cloverdale

page 17

Features 36 Predictors of Longevity

Ten of the most interesting

21 Montgomery Rotary ClubFunny Raiser

38 Exploring ‘world capitals’ in the US

22 BOOM! Cover Profile

47 Open Kitchen

To stir up patients’ food memories

Theme their adventures

31 Ask Nancy: Caring for Aging Relatives

Departments 16 This and That

Now You’re “In the Know”

28 Beauty Buzz From RRFP Blog

52 {12} Things

Solutions for Bored Boomers

42 Greg Budell

32 Eating Smart with Tracy Bhalla: To Juice or Not?


34 Tell The Kids About Their Inheritance? Ask an Elder Law Attorney



41 Art & Soul: Gallery One Presents Art and Fashion

page 22

45 Dating Coach: What are Your Deal Breakers? page 36

page 17

48 Water Polo, Gives Aging Joints a break 49 BOOM Advertising 50 Foods to Help ED 51 Taking on War and Racism at age 96

page 17

page 53

54 Your Grandchild’s Brain

BOOM! The River Regions 50+ Lifestage Magazine is published monthly by River Region Publications, 6398 Eastwood Glen Pl., Montgomery, AL 36117. The phone number is 334.324.3472. Copyright 2016 by River Region Publications. No part of this publication can be reproduced without written permission from the publisher. Opinions expressed in BOOM! The River Regions 50+ Lifestage Magazine are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the view of the owners, nor do they constitute an endorsement of products and services herein.

The River Region’s 50+ Lifestage Magazine

R ive r Re gio n Bo o m . co m

April 2016



Publisher’s Letter

Springtime Inspiration The mission of BOOM! is to serve the folks of the River Region age 50 plus with information and ideas to inspire new experiences, better quality of life and new beginnings.


Jim Watson, 334.324.3472

Associate Editor Kelly Watson

Contributing Writers Sandi Aplin Cheryl Ashurst

What’s the first sound you hear in the morning? My first sound is the birds singing or maybe it’s just birds talking, either way they are hanging outside my window reminding of what’s to come in my garden. They are preparing to build their nests and I’m preparing to trim, rake and nurture all of the trees and flower beds. The blooming has begun. The same thing happens in our lives as we prepare for a new season. Sometimes we must begin anew. When my wife, Jackie, passed away this past January, I knew I had to begin a new way of living. Springtime is a great season to start that new way of living. New routine. New friends. New ideas. New growth. Jackie and I loved our garden, it was our playground, especially when the birds were singing to us each morning. This Spring is different but it still offers an invitation to embrace what is new and to grow forward with a sense of purpose. Jackie always said working in the garden was good therapy :) This month’s issue of BOOM! has many interesting features and columns for your reading pleasure. The first is our Cover Profiles, Betty Cannon and Cheryl Ashurst. I’m always interested in how people do what they do and the attitude in which they do it. Betty and Cheryl operate a real estate business as a team, in a partnership where they complement each other to get better results. Not many folks in their business work it the way they do. And they seem to have accomplished a balance to their lives that many of us would like more of. They’re a couple of interesting and fun women I hope you’ll get to know this month.

Tracy Bhalla

If you’re a grandparent we have a feature on helping to develop your grandchild’s brain; If you’re dating we have some advice about your “deal breakers”; If you were wondering about longevity, we offer some predictors you may want to consider or share with your children; How about planning some trips to some ‘world capitals’ in the US with Kathy Witt, check it out.

Greg Budell Betty Cannon

Lisa Copeland Erica Curless Randy Furst Casey Gonzalez Brandt McDonald Leigh Anne Richards Mark Sisson Lois K. Solomon Nancy Stein Kristen Sturt Raley L. Wiggins Kathy Witt

There is much more to check out such as Greg Budell’s thoughts on how we survived what life through at us Boomers! Needless to say, we should also consider our legacy and Brandt McDonald helps begin the process. Brandt always makes us think about our financial world. Leigh Anne Richards wants you to get off your butt, what a great fitness coach she is! There’s plenty more to engage with in this month’s issue of BOOM! Please share your thoughts with me through email or text, you know I love to listen! Also give us a like on Facebook/Boom The River Region’s 50+ Lifestage Magazine. Finally, if you haven’t read the Digital & Interactive BOOM! online get a free subscription at and we’ll send you one to test run. Happy Spring!

Cover Photography Kim Bethea Total Image Portraits 334.261.2080

Jim 334.324.3472 cell/text


Jim Watson, 334.324.3472

Design & Layout Lake House Graphics


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April 2016

The River Region’s 50+ Lifestage Magazine

The River Region’s 50+ Lifestage Magazine

R ive r Re gio n Bo o m . co m

April 2016



10 BOOM!

April 2016

The River Region’s 50+ Lifestage Magazine

The Alarming Impact of Hearing Loss in the Workplace Since symptoms of age-related hearing loss may start occurring by age fifty-five, it is safe to assume that many individuals in the workforce are experiencing some degree of hearing loss. Recently, the non-profit Better Hearing Institute (BHI) took a close look at the impact untreated hearing loss has on the workplace — and its workforce. What they discovered was fascinating, showing that untreated hearing loss not only cost companies money (in terms of lost productivity, accidents and more), but also affected workers’ earnings, and even employment rates. Since the majority of people that have hearing loss are still in the workforce today, these issues are a relevant concern. Following are four significant impacts of hearing loss in the workplace: • People with untreated hearing loss can lose up to $30,000 of income annually, depending on their degree of loss • The aggregate yearly loss in income due to underemployment for people with untreated hearing loss is an estimated $176 billion • Impaired hearing leads to fatigue and

The River Region’s 50+ Lifestage Magazine

distress, restricted interpersonal interactions and difficulty interpreting auditory information from computers, machines, and individuals • Fiscal cost to society in unrealized federal taxes is an estimated $26 billion

don’t send the right messages to the brain.

Luckily, hearing loss is largely manageable if addressed properly. The BHI study found that the use of hearing aids reduced the risk of income loss dramatically—by 90 to 100 percent for those with milder hearing loss, and from 65 to 77 percent for those with severe to moderate loss. The study also found that people with severe hearing loss who use hearing aids are nearly twice as likely to be employed as their peers who don’t.

Healthy Hearing

Types of Hearing Loss The most common type of hearing loss is sensorineural hearing loss (SNHL). This type of hearing impairment is easily treated with hearing aids. Sensorineural hearing loss is when the inner ear nerves are damaged and

Conductive hearing loss, which may be treated surgically, is described as something blocking (like a bone or part of the Eustachian tube due to a malformation) the outer or

By Casey Gonzalez, Au.D., CCC-A, FAAA Montgomery Hearing Services

middle ear and may change how you hear quiet sounds. If you think hearing loss may be affecting your ability at work, get help today. Come in for a COMPLIMENTARY Hearing Screening, consultation and demo of today’s latest hearing. Call (334) 651-0500. Casey Gonzalez received a Bachelor of Arts degree in Communication Disorders from Louisiana State University, and earned her Doctorate of Audiology degree from Louisiana State University Health Science Center. Casey holds a Certificate of Clinical Competence from the American Speech and Hearing Association and is a Fellow of the American Academy of Audiology.

R ive r Re gio n Bo o m . co m

April 2016



Stop That Sitting!!

Did you know that sitting is dangerous to your health? Recent studies have called out sedentary lifestyle as a major risk factor for developing obesity, heart disease, diabetes, and even some cancers. Not surprisingly, based on those chronic conditions, sitting leads to premature death. Too much sitting is distinct from too little exercise. We are talking just about movement and that is independent from traditional exercise. Since the 2000’s, research findings on sedentary behavior and health have skyrocketed. Initial findings of the metabolic correlates of prolonged TV viewing time have been confirmed. Studies from Canada, Australia and the United States all concur sitting contributes to chronic diseases. Sitting has now been described as unhealthy as smoking.

Our physical, economic, and social environments in which modern humans sit or move during their lives have changed rapidly during just this century. Changes in our transportation, communication, workplace technology and entertainment technology have been associated with reduced demands of physical activity. So what is sedentary behavior exactly? Examples would be watching television, playing video games,

12 BOOM!

April 2016

using the computer, reading, riding, sitting around talking and even eating.

basic daily activities such as getting dressed, eating, walking, or bathing.

New research is now adding disability to the list for those that sit too much. Research has linked every additional hour a day adults spend sitting to

Dunlap and her team studied nearly 2,300 U.S. adults aged 60 and older who were enrolled in a nationallyrepresentative health and nutrition survey. Participants wore accelerometers between 20022005 to measure how often they sat or engaged in moderate physical activity (brisk walking is by Leigh Anne Richards defined as moderate). More than 60% of the participants engaged in sedentary behavior at least 9 hours a day. doubling the risk of becoming disabledregardless of exercise. These findings The researchers concluded if there were are reported in The Journal of Physical two 70 year old women and one was Activity and Health. Lead researcher, Dr. sedentary for 12 hours a day and the Dorothy Dunlap, a professor of medicine other sat for an average of 13 hours, at Northwestern University Feinberg the latter would be 50% more likely to School of Medicine in Chicago, says the be disabled. Women as they age tend following: “This is the first time we’ve to participate in social activities that are shown sedentary behavior was related more sedentary such as playing bridge, to increased disability regardless of the book clubs, quilting, etc. One suggestion amount of moderate exercise. Being Dr. Dunlap had was to offer physical sedentary is not just a synonym for activity during these social activities. She inadequate physical activity.” herself wears an activity tracker (like a Fitbit) that she wears on her wrists that Dunlap’s research is really amazing is synched to her smartphone and social especially to those of us that exercise network so friends can track each other’s on a regular basis. About 56 million exercise. Dunlap says, “It is a great Americans are disabled, which means reinforcement to keep moving.” they experience limitations in performing

Fitness over Fifty

The River Region’s 50+ Lifestage Magazine

I have always been a huge proponent of daily traditional exercise at least 5 days a week. The eye opening thing to me about this research is the sedentary behavior takes place after the traditional exercise. We as “active adults” still have large amounts of sitting time whether it is TV watching, or working on the computer. If we spend too much time sitting, WE (exercise addicts) are still at risk for illnesses associated with poor metabolic health. The most sedentary population group is older adolescents (16-19 years old) AND adults aged 60 and older. Both groups spend about 60% of their time during the day in sedentary behaviors. As I sit here and write this, I realize I have been sitting at this computer reading and writing for over an hour- sedentary behavior. So, I need to get up and move before finishing this article so I think I’ll move by vacuuming my house. YESvacuuming is movement- house work, yard work is movement. What else can we do to move during the day? He following list is just some ideas that come off the top of my head:

• Stand while you talk on the phone and walk around • Take the stairs • Park farther away from your destination instead of getting so close to the door • Take breaks every 30 minutes if you are working at a desk • During commercials, get up and move around the house or do jumping jacks or march in place. Even do house chores during a commercial • Walk to a co- workers desk instead of e-mailing • Take a walk break every time you take a “coffee break” • After you eat lunch, take a leisurely walk alone or with colleagues • How about walking meetings instead of seated ones??? • Turn you house cleaning into a heart pumping activity-put on music and as you clean do squats or dance around with the mop! • Walk to the mailbox and take a few laps around the driveway. I could go on and on with ideas but you get the picture, right? Now there are even desk that are standing desk that

some employers are buying to promote less sedentary behavior. The standing desk can be elevated to different heights so you can sit when you need but stand to burn extra calories and to limit some low back and postural problems. I think my new crusade as we age is MOVE!!! I have become so much more aware of my daily movement separate from my exercise. Everything I do now, I look at as movement and staying healthy and mobile. So… for all those health reasons, Get off your fatty acids!!!!! Sources: “Sedentary Behavior- Too Much Sitting Appears to be a Major Health Risk”, Stanford Wocket Project, Stanford School of Medicine. Leigh Anne Richards, MEd, Certified Personal Trainer, Group Exercise Instructor, General Manager- MetroFitness. For any questions or comments, contact Leigh Anne at

The Side by Side Singers are dedicated to sharing music to keep our minds strong. Music can improve our mood and boost cognitive skills. We invite those living with Alzheimer’s or dementia and their care-partners to join us for 8-week sessions each Tuesday, 1:00-2:00 pm at First United Methodist Church in Montgomery. The music we sing ranges from Sinatra to Elvis. photo by Mickey Welsh/Montgomery Advertiser

SIDEbySIDE singers singers

Please contact Jack Horner at or Laura Selby at 834-8990 for more information.

The River Region’s 50+ Lifestage Magazine



2416 W. Cloverdale Park Montgomery, AL 36106 334.834.8990

R ive r Re gio n Bo o m . co m

April 2016



Your Legacy Recently, I was in Phoenix, AZ attending a conference with financial advisors and portfolio managers from all over the United States. It’s always great to get away and hear varying opinions about the current state of global financial markets. I stayed at the historic Biltmore Resort where every U.S. President since Calvin Coolidge has visited to enjoy the beautiful grounds and pristine golf courses. In fact, there’s a wall in the lobby area of the resort that has separate 8X10 photos of all of the former Presidents during their stay at the Biltmore. During my visit, there was one particular night that I was invited to attend a dinner event at the Wrigley mansion. Yes, that would be William Wrigley, Jr., the founder of The Wrigley Chewing Gum factory. Originally built in 1932 for his wife, it sits atop a beautiful hillside overlooking downtown Phoenix. The sunset views are simply breathtaking. Ironically, this was the fourth and final home of Mr. Wrigley’s. Only a year or so after its completion he died, never really getting to enjoy his 16,000 square foot winter “cottage.” As I sat on the veranda watching the sun go down I contemplated the Arizona Biltmore resort just down the road and all of the Presidents who had visited in the past. I contemplated Mr. Wrigley’s accomplishments and the pride he took in his new mansion equipped with a state of the art, one of a kind, self-playing Steinway piano – it could play up ten songs – the forerunner to the modern day iPod I guess. I sat in awe of the beauty of a bright red sun fading into the hillside of Arizona and asked myself, I wonder if all of these famous men and women were happy, satisfied with what they left behind – their legacy!! Surely, they must have had times in their lives that they just simply wish they could take back. A sampling of some of our more recent President’s quotes highlights this consideration: “And I am sorry that they — you know, are finding themselves in this situation, based on assurances they got from me,” Obama said (Obamacare) “Katrina exposed serious problems in our response capability at all levels of government. And to the extent that the federal government didn’t fully do its job right, I take responsibility.” – George W. Bush (Katrina)

14 BOOM!

April 2016

“I know that my public comments and my silence about this matter gave a false impression. I misled people, including even my wife. I deeply regret that.” – Bill Clinton (Monica Lewinsky scandal)

line in the sand and changing the trajectory of the long-term health and well-being of an entire families’ financial plan. Creating a plan is easy! But, working the plan is tough. It requires change. And, change requires learning from the past. Conducting a selfanalysis of your family’s overall well-being is the beginning to the end. The end is YOUR LEGACY!! And, when our firm can be a part of that? Well….You are helping us create a legacy of helping others – which is our passion.

“Now, what should happen when you make a mistake is this: You take your knocks, you learn your lessons, and then you move on. That’s the healthiest way to deal with a problem. ... You know, by the time you reach my age, you’ve made plenty of mistakes. And As I watched if you’ve lived your the sun set that life properly — so, you with night at Wrigley learn. You put things mansion, I in perspective. You pull Brandt McDonald thanked God for your energies together. the opportunities You change. You go I have in life, for forward.” – Ronald my family, for my clients, for my employees, Reagan (Iran-Contra affair) for all of those people in my life who have touched me in profound ways with their love, “Well, when I said: ‘I just hope I haven’t let mercy, and grace. In the spirit of Easter and you down,’ that said it all. I had: I let down the new season of spring, my hope is that my friends, I let down the country, I let down you are all blessed immeasurably so that your our system of government and the dreams legacy will be lasting and positively impact of all those young people that ought to get others long after you’re gone. From William into government but will think it is all too Wrigley, Jr. – “A man’s doubts and fears are corrupt and the rest. Most of all I let down an his worst enemy. He can do anything as long opportunity I would have had for two and a as he believes in himself.” half more years to proceed on great projects and programs for building a lasting peace.” – From all of us here at McDonald & Hagen, Richard Nixon (Watergate) Wealth Management, we hope you had a blessed Easter and that the month of April All of us from time to time ushers in a new, exciting, and positive change endure self-inflicted wounds, no matter what season of life you are in right let people down, or use poor now. As I finish this article on “Good Friday”, judgement. But, in the end I am encouraged by someone close to me you learn from past mistakes to remind us all that we should never forget and press on. Every single “why that terrible Friday became our Good time I meet a new prospective Friday.” client of our firm, it’s rarely the numbers on the page As I always say, until next time, remember to that are the most prominent never run with the herd, always be thankful, topic of discussion. It’s almost always about and look to the future with anticipation of some form of regret. Because you see the what’s yet to come. numbers on the page are nothing more than a byproduct of an accumulation of Brandt McDonald, Managing Partner decisions that were made over a lifetime. McDonald, Barranco & Hagen Wealth Management I always consider it an honor to meet new LPL Branch Manager people with new challenges who seek our advice and counsel. The primary reason Direct comments and questions to why? Because most likely I’ve been there or 334.387.0094 in some form myself!! I can relate to the challenges of raising a family, and taking care Securities offered through LPL Financial. Member FINRA/ of those we love. And, I also know that no SIPC. The opinions voiced in this material are for general information only and are not intended to provide specific one is perfect. Mistakes are made. So much advice or recommendations for any individual. The opinions of what we do at our firm is about analyzing expressed in this material do not necessarily reflect the life issues. Assessing the client’s current views of LPL Financial. All performance referenced is historical and is no guarantee of future results. All indices situation, how they got where they are, what are unmanaged and may not be invested into directly. changes should be made now, drawing a

Financial Thoughts

The River Region’s 50+ Lifestage Magazine

The River Region’s 50+ Lifestage Magazine

R ive r Re gio n Bo o m . co m

April 2016




This & tHAT

Sunday Spring Concert Series in Cloverdale, Free Admission :) The 2016 Cloverdale-Idlewild Spring Concert Series starts Sunday, April 5rd. This is the neighborhood’s most anticipated event of the year! It is always fun and a great way to meet your neighbors and visit with friends! Everyone is welcome, so bring all your friends and family!! Leashed dogs are also welcome, so bring your furry babies as well!! Hope to see y’all there!!! Cloverdale Bottom Park, Intersection of Cloverdale Road and Ponce de Leon Avenue, Montgomery, AL 36106. Enjoy a few hours in the park, starting at 4 pm! Concert Dates: ● April 3 - Blackbird Pickers ● April 10 - Ed Pickett ● April 17 - Ziggy ● April 24 - Gypsy Cornbread ● May 1 - Federal Expression ● May 8 - Shouting Stones ● May 15 - Caribbean Chrome ● May 22 - The Back, Hines, Mason Dixon Trio, ADMISSION IS FREE! Bring your chairs or blankets (or both), coolers, snacks. Plan to sit under the beautiful oak trees in the park setting and enjoy the music. For more info visit the Facebook Page/ Cloverdale-Idlewild-Association

Sidney Lanier 50th HS Reunion Coming May 13-14

The committee welcomes any classmates to contact them at Facebook: 50th Reunion/Lanier Class of 66 or

Child Protect to hold 9th Annual Chairs for Children Child Protect, Children’s Advocacy Center will be holding their 9th Annual Chairs for Children fundraising event on April 28, 2016 from 5:30 to 7:30 pm at Union Station. One of Child Protect’s biggest events of the year, Chairs for Children features a live and silent auction of children’s chairs painted by local artists along with auction items from local businesses. Featured artists include Carol Barksdale, Kevin King, Barbara Davis, Ruthie Carlson, Shirley Esco, Julia Wallace, Jamie Mitchell, Natalie Stanley, Joan DiLaura, emerging artists Sara Pittman and Gina Budney, among others. Chairs for Children will be sponsored by ServisFirst and hosted by John & Tommy of WRBZ 95.5. Tickets are $40 per person/$70 per couple. Event and individual chair sponsorships are available. Please visit or call 334.262.1220 for more information.

New Senior Pastor Appointed at Frazer The Frazer family is preparing to welcome its new senior pastor, Dr. Larry Bryars. Bishop Paul Leeland of The Alabama West Florida Conference appointed Dr. Bryars or “Larry” as he prefers to be called, to Frazer to serve as senior pastor beginning July 1. Larry is currently serving as District Superintendent in the Marianna/Panama City District. He is originally from Stockton, Alabama and isn’t a stranger to Montgomery, having served as senior pastor at Aldersgate UMC. Larry and his wife Vicki have been married 38 years and have three grown sons. He says he feels tremendously blessed to be appointed to a church like Frazer. “I’ve known the pastors and people of Frazer for years and have long admired the church, so I feel very humbled to be chosen to lead and come only seeking God’s will for Frazer and will pray diligently to find that.” For more info visit Dr. Larry Bryars

16 BOOM!

April 2016

The River Region’s 50+ Lifestage Magazine

BOOMERS, share your stuff with BOOM! We Love to Bring BOOMERS Together, send info and pics to

Mint Juleps, Bourbon, Horses and Hats, Hats, Hats, Hats... Get ready for horses, hats, and bourbon! Join Hospice of Montgomery as they bring Millionaire’s Row with a casino twist to the River Region. The Kentucky Derby Annual Benefit will take place Saturday, May 7th from 3:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m., at Montgomery Country Club. Dress in your “Derby” best, and take part in the post-position horse draw, exclusive silent auction, “funny money” casino tables, “best dressed couple” and “best hat” contests, and much more, all culminating with the viewing of the 142nd Run for the Roses! Attendance at the annual benefit supports Hospice of Montgomery, which is the River Region’s ONLY independent, nonprofit hospice care provider. Funds raised through this event help provide medical care for the seriously ill, bereavement and grief counseling for families, as well as caregiver support. Be sure to reserve your tickets today for the most exciting two minutes in racing! $50 General Admission. Sponsorships are also available. Tickets can be purchased at Hospice of Montgomery, 1111 Holloway Park, Montgomery, and online at For more information contact Hospice of Montgomery at 334.279.6677

Bark For Life, Sunday, May 1st The American Cancer Society Bark For Life is a fundraising event honoring the life-long contributions of our Canine Caregivers. It’s an opportunity for people to come together with their canine companions and to contribute to cancer cures. Our Canine Companions, with their owners, are joining the American Cancer Society as Relay teams. They participate to celebrate cancer survivorship, to honor people lost to cancer, and to fundraise in support of the American Cancer Society mission of eliminating cancer though research, education, advocacy and service. Canine companions demonstrate unconditional love, joy, security, compassion, and no judgments of cancer survivors abilities or appearances. The American Cancer Society Bark For Life is an irresistible way to partner with your canine best friend, smile, and make new friends canine & human. The Bark For Life starts at 1 pm, Sunday May 1st in Wynton Blount Cultural Park. For more info contact Jeannie Smith, 334.612.8163 or

The River Region’s 50+ Lifestage Magazine

R ive r Re gio n Bo o m . co m

April 2016



This & tHAT



Steely Dan Performs at BJCC Concert Hall April 24th Rock ‘n’ Roll Hall of Famers Donald Fagen and Walter Becker have announced Steely Dan will be back to satisfy Dan fans nationwide with “The Dan Who Knew Too Much” tour. The band will be performing one of their spring tours at the BJCC Concert Hall in Birmingham, Sunday, April 24th at 7 pm. Steely Dan is an iconic rock band with blends of Jazz, funk, R&B and pop. For tickets visit or

Date Night Ideas from the DateBox Club Part of the fun & excitement is the anticipation, and not knowing what’s in the box. Couples that sign up for the DateBox Club subscription are setting aside intentional time to spend together. The Datebox Team takes its part very seriously, knowing they’re a big piece of that commitment. The DateBoxes are planned out months in advance, and tested over and over before they get to you. The “secret sauce” isn’t the individual items in the box, but the connection part of the date. This can range from a game to an activity or a DIY. The instruction card walks you through the entire date, and every element is tied in. They won’t send a bunch of random items, and expect you to pull them into a meaningful date. Plus, they change it up every month – just to keep you surprised! It’s all designed to maximize your time together, and bring you closer together. Check it out at

Get Your Affairs in Order, FREE Estate Planning and Asset Protection Workshop Wednesday, April 27: Hosted by Red Oak Legal, PC: 1:30 - 3:30 pm at the Archibald Senior Center (MACOA) in Montgomery. This educational workshop presented by local attorney Raley L. Wiggins covers wills, trusts, powers of attorney, advance directives, living wills, probate administration, protecting assets from creditors, bankruptcy, divorce and remarriage, nursing homes, long-term care and Medicaid qualification. Registration is required. Call 334.625.6774 today to reserve your seat or register online at

18 BOOM!

April 2016

The River Region’s 50+ Lifestage Magazine

Walk of Life 2016, Saturday, April 16th, Downtown Montgomery

MACOA’s 21st Annual Culinary Caper Benefitting Meals On Wheels

The Joy to Life Foundation provides free mammograms and other breast cancer screenings, when necessary, to medically underserved women and men in Alabama, provides limited grants when needed, builds and supports breast cancer awareness among all Alabamians, and promotes over-all health, well being, and education throughout the state. We’re excited to celebrate our 15th annual Walk of Life this year! Thank you for supporting our mission. Because of your generous support/donations, we can continue to provide breast cancer screenings for women and men in every county in Alabama. Register today, and join us in the fight! Get your friends togeher and register at

The River Region’s 50+ Lifestage Magazine

R ive r Re gio n Bo o m . co m

April 2016



This & tHAT



Capital City Master Gardener Annual Plant Sale Capital City Master Gardener Annual Plant Sale Saturday, April 23, 2015, 7:00 a.m. - noon Frazer United Methodist Church Corner of 6700 Atlanta Highway/Burbank Montgomery, Alabama. The Capital City Master Gardeners are having their annual spring plant sale with terrific plants at bargain prices. Plants for sale include: heirloom plants, vegetables, herbs, annuals, perennials, ground covers, trees, shrubs, succulents, shade plants and house plants. Garden items and potted container gardens also available for purchase. Bring the kids for fun children’s gardening activities. Free gardening demonstrations will also be held during the sale. Beat the crowd and come early because the plants go quickly! For more information, go to our website:

Male Logic :) She was outside pulling weeds on a hot summer day when her husband walked up and asked her what they were having for dinner. Irritated by the thought of him sitting in the air conditioned house while she labored away on the weeds, she snapped, “I can’t believe you’re asking me about supper right now! Pretend I’m out of town, go inside and make dinner yourself!” So he went back in the house and fixed himself a big steak, potatoes, garlic bread, and a tall beer. His wife walked in just about the time he was finishing up and asked, “Where’s my dinner?” “Huh? I thought you were out of town.”

11th Annual Alabama Book Festival The 11th Annual Alabama Book Festival will take place in the Old Alabama Town, Downtown Montgomery, Saturday, April 23rd, 9 am - 4 pm. Free Admission. Your favorite authors, food and fun for the entire family. More than 50 vendors and exhibitors add to the excitement of this 11th Annual Alabama Book Festival promoting reading and literacy to Alabamians of all ages and backgrounds. For more information visit

Heart of Dixie Bridge Tournament Do you play Bridge? Do you like competition? Well get ready for the Bridge event of the year in the River Region. The Montgomery Bridge Club is hosting the Heart of Dixie Bridge Tournament beginning April 28 through May 1st. The tournament will be held at the Montgomery Bridge Club Wynona Wilson Building at 1103 South Perry St, across from the Governor’s Mansion. Party Bridge players will have a separate game. Also, partners will be found if you need one. Session Fees: Charity Game $12, Open Pairs, KO and 299ers $11, and Swiss Team $100. $3 additional per session for non or unpaid ACBL members. Except Charity Game. Oodles of Southern Hospitality! For more info call 334.546.3064 or email

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April 2016




Betty Cannon/Cheryl Ashurst, “Real Estate Team” This month’s BOOM! from The Cover Profile is a Montgomery pair of dynamic Academy. Our women who operate lives have a unique real estate revolved partnership that primarily complements each around our other. Betty Cannon children and is the buyer’s their activities... representative and from early Cheryl Ashurst is the YMCA soccer seller’s. Together they and basketball make up the “Helping programs to You Move Team.” sports programs As professionals, at The they understand Montgomery the importance Academy, of serving their Church and customer’s needs, Young Life but also the balance activities - We their lives require laugh about Aunt Betty with Ezekiel Oppert born right before Cheryl with her new favorite pastime to maintain a fresh celebrating our Thanksgiving last year. Photo credit: Wilson Oppert Photography attitude in operating anniversaries their partnership. at the ball field! Our son, Jeffrey, will be the area. So far we have 3 grandchildren. They make it look easy and fun to have getting married in August so life remains Recently my brother and his wife had a a successful real estate business...but busy and full of excitement. precious baby boy. They and my parents all they still work hard and smart to market live in Dothan. So I am burning up 231 South themselves as the go to team in the River BOOM!: As real estate professionals you these days. Region! They recently shared some of their offer a unique team concept called the life stories with us, we hope you’ll enjoy “Helping You Move Team”, how did your Cheryl: I grew up in Butler, AL - A small West getting to know them as much as we did. team concept get started? What are some Alabama town where my parents owned of the qualities and advantages of using and operated a very successful Hardware BOOM!: Please give us a brief biography, i.e. your team? Store business for more than 30 years. where you’re from, education, what brought Their love of the people of Choctaw County you to the Montgomery area, did you raise Betty: When I first got into real estate, my and their pride of serving others in that area your family here, schools, married, family, main interest was working with buyers. still resonates with me today. Many lessons etc? Cheryl had been given my name as a buyer’s were instilled in me by observing their agent and she reached out to me leaving actions and the way they treated others. I Betty: I was born and raised in Dothan, AL. me a voice mail. When I listened to her graduated from the University of Alabama My college years were in North Carolina message I couldn’t believe my ears. She majoring in Therapeutic Recreation. There then back to Alabama where I earned sounded just like me! Seriously, our voices I met Montgomery native, Jeff Ashurst. Bachelor’s Degree from the University and word phrasing were so similar I had to We moved to Montgomery where I served of Montevallo. After graduation with a get my husband to listen and he agreed. as Director of the Therapeutic Recreation Master’s in Social Work from the University Cheryl and I met over lunch to discuss the Center for several years. We have been of Alabama, I moved to Montgomery for team concept and began working together married 33 yrs. and have 2 children -Allie a job. That was in 1981 and I’ve lived in right away. With her specialty in listing and age 27 attending graduate school in Montgomery since then with the exception marketing homes, and the compatibility of Nashville studying for her nurse anesthetist of a 5-year period when we lived in Troy our personalities, we soon found that we degree and Jeffrey, 24 in graduate school in in order to split the commute with my made a complete team. Within a year, we Birmingham studying for his doctorate of husband’s job in Ozark. Terry and I married formed a legal partnership and the Ashurst/ Physical Therapy. in 1987 and I was blessed with his two Cannon Team aka the Helping You Move children who were 12 and 13 at the time. Team was formed. That was almost 20 years We have enjoyed living and raising our They are both married and still live in ago! children here. They both graduated

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The River Region’s 50+ Lifestage Magazine

We are both very competitive and challenge each other to be our best. Early on we had a friendly competition to see who could earn their CRS (Certified Residential Specialist) Designation. CRS is an affiliate of the National Association of Realtors and the designation requires extensive experience and continuing education. It can take years to earn this designation and as it turned out we both took many of the same classes and ended up earning the CRS at the same time and in record time! Cheryl and husband Jeff hiking Cheryl and daughter Allie Cheryl and son Jeffrey The uncanny thing about our production is that when you look at and become better agents and brokers. our almost 20 years of working together, and entering it into MLS. Betty joined me By working together with the same goals Cheryl & I have closed almost the same in 1997 as a Buyer’s Specialist. We knew and vision for our business, allowed us to number of homes each year. Cheryl still pretty much right from the start we wanted define what we wanted OUR success to be specializes with the sellers and I specialize to form a partnership...Betty working with in the industry. Making a good income was with the buyers. buyers and me with sellers. It made sense definitely a high priority but we wanted to us because we could focus our attention our life to be balanced...God, Family and We meet weekly to “pay bills” and review on our specialty rather than trying to do it Business...We work hard trying to keep that our listings and clients for any action that all. It was a fairly new concept at that time in order and it is a constant balancing act. needs to be taken. Every year we write a but we embraced it 110%. It was truly a Having a business partner like Betty makes business plan and compile the budget for leap of faith! We talked with a lot of people me a better person...not just in business but the upcoming year. Not our favorite thing both locally like our CPA who encouraged in my life. She holds me accountable and to do, but it really pays off as we go through us to each write out our expectations and reminds me of what is truly important. the year. In our review, we have found that vision for our business. We sought out over 95% of our clients consistently come nationally formed real estate teams that BOOM!: The two of you have been partners from past clients and people that we know. were successful to figure out how our team in the real estate business many years, what would work. We have always valued the are some of the ingredients to a successful Cheryl: We were the Helping You Move wisdom, experience and advice from those business relationship? What advice would Team but have found that many of our past we respect. Betty and I traveled all over you give to other Boomers wanting to start clients recognized us more as The Ashurst/ the US to attend workshops and continuing their own businesses? Cannon Team so we are primarily using that education seminars to develop our specialty name now. Our Facebook page states Ashurst/Cannon Team Aka Helping You Move Team. We answer to both! haha! I have been an agent since 1994 and got my broker’s license shortly after. At that time working by myself getting it all done with little ones at home Terry & Betty celebrating at an old friend’s was tough. My kids joke about daughter’s wedding in Prattville. me passing my business cards out at birthday parties and car pool lines! Early on I realized my passion was working with sellers helping them prepare and sell their home. There is a lot more involved with listing Terry loves fishing & getting Betty to take Betty, who is a 9 year breast cancer Terry & Betty celebrating at an old and marketing a home than photos of his catch from the lake behind survivor, is shown here participating in friend’s daughter’s wedding in Prattville just putting a sign in the yard their home in Deer Creek. the Joy to Life Walk in 2014.

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April 2016



Betty: character traits Setting are vital. Like expectations I say over and is a key over, “We are element to on the same a successful page.” The partnership. chemistry just We both works for us. wrote Many times down our we finish expectations each other’s when we sentences or started our say in unison business. the same That opened remark! That Betty, Maggie & Foxy at the Botanical Gardens in Dothan. up the being said, Photo credit: Wilson Oppert Photography conversation real estate for us to make decisions on how we would transactions can be very stressful...we are run our business. We decided to split dealing with people and their emotions... everything 50/50 – all income & expenses. excitement, scared, sad, angry, anxious, We make all big decisions that will affect our etc...and that may be all in one day! We business together. It works for us. try to be respectful of a client’s feelings - it really helps having a business partner that Advice to other Boomers starting their own will listen and offer another perspective business would be to follow your passion or advice when dealing with a challenging and set realistic goals. If you are passionate situation. We rely on our team assistant, about what you are doing, you will be happy Heidi Cantrell. She has worked with us and more likely to succeed. for over 9 years. Heidi helps with the day to day tasks and mounds of paperwork Cheryl: Betty and I have been in business required in order to keep us in front of for 19 years now. Wow that is hard to both buyers and sellers. She is the glue believe! Time flies. Honesty and being that keeps our systems running smoothly. totally authentic with each other is the best Over 95% of our business comes from past advice I would give to someone starting out. clients and personal referrals. We value and Know what each other’s expectations are appreciate their trust and confidence in us for your business. Having similar values and and work hard to keep that percentage high.

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BOOM!: Many Boomers are experiencing a renewed sense of purpose, new goals, new careers, especially if they’ve experienced the empty nest syndrome of their kids moving on. How would you describe this sense of renewal in your life? Any advice for the rest of us seeking renewal? Betty: Staying grounded and renewed is so important. My goal is to start off each day with a devotional that I can focus on throughout the day. My prayer is to reach out and help somebody every day. I believe if we are grounded in knowing our purpose in life we will experience a deep sense of joy no matter what the circumstances. My deepest sense of renewal came after I was diagnosed with breast cancer. Countless people prayed for me, sent cards, provided meals and whatever Terry and I needed. In the midst of being afraid, we felt so loved and cared for. This was not only a time of physical healing but of spiritual awakening and growth for me. Consequently, I discovered my purpose is to reach out to others and offer hope to those in difficult situations. There is always HOPE! Cheryl: Jeff and I have been “Empty Nesters” now for almost 6 years! We have enjoyed the freedom and flexibility that our life now offers. We sold our home in midtown Montgomery where we enjoyed living for 19 years and moved to Hampstead. Smaller yard, less maintenance that allows us to “lock and leave”. We love it! We feel we are pretty active...hiking,

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riding bikes, exercising as much as possible. We love BOOM!: How do you like to relax and CrossFit and many of our wind down from a hard day’s work? friends think we are crazy. We don’t care :) I guess Betty: Our backyard is a that’s the cool thing about neighborhood pond in Deer Creek getting older...we aren’t that we call Lake Marston. We enjoy so worried about what watching the sun set, the moon rise, other people think. We the fish jump and the water fowl fly have been challenged by around. The puppies chase butterflies those younger and older and bark at the neighbors while we than us to become and sit in our swing. It’s really a peaceful stay fit in order to enjoy life life and we claim to have a little piece Cheryl and Jeff at Biscuits Game Cheryl’s dog buddies, Dixie (Allie’s dog) now and in later years. We of heaven in our own back yard. (Client Appreciation night) and McD (our rescue dog) hanging out don’t want to sit around and allow life to become routine...boring. Cheryl: I love, love to ride my bike! I got a our dog to kidney failure and were without Enjoying the little things and making the new one for Christmas...I’ll share a pic of a puppy in our home for the first time in most of each day is important to us. Carpe it. My wicker basket is pretty cool too. I over 20 years. We researched and found Diem! enjoy walking and spending time with Jeff... these tiny tenacious pups. Within 2 years catching up with the day’s events...I’ve got we had our second one. Foxy Lady & Maggie BOOM!: What are you most passionate some favorite shows like Nashville, Scandal, May make us laugh every single day and are about? Grey’s Anatomy that I’ve been known to the sweetest little puppies ever. binge watch online :) I loved Downton Betty: My family – my brother and his Abbey (along with so many others!). Love With our adult children living nearby, you wife just had their first child this past spending time with our Jack Russell, “McD” can often find us all cooking out, watching Thanksgiving. He is a happy little boy who (rescue dog from McDonalds...that’s why football games, warming by the outside is a bundle of joy for our entire family. I he was named McD) and from time to time fireplace, listening to music, laughing and absolutely adore holding him, feeding him, we will dog sit our daughter’s mini Golden having a good time. loving on him and watching him grow. I Doodle, “Dixie” from Nashville. travel to Dothan to see him and they come Cheryl: Enjoying each day...being positive up to Montgomery to see us as much as BOOM!: Favorite vacation spot? Any travel and having an encouraging outlook each possible. dreams planned for the future? day. Making a difference in someone else’s life...through my real estate career or just a A tremendous part of our family includes Betty: We have traveled throughout the smile. I miss the mark a lot but that is my our 2 puppies. 5 years ago we ventured out US to beaches, mountains and National goal...that is what I strive to do...that is my and got our first Toy Fox Terrier. We had lost Parks. My absolute favorite places in the passion.

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April 2016



U.S. are San Francisco, Napa Valley & the Hawaiian Islands. Going hot air ballooning in Napa was a highlight. We’ve also gone to Mexico, Fiji, Canada & New Zealand. Our (Back row) Allen (son) & Kassie Cannon, Terry & Betty Cannon, Anissa (daughter) & experience Ben Rudd; (Front row) Grandchildren: Stephanie Rudd, Forest Rudd, Ella Wooten in New through leadership of the monthly support Zealand was a once in a lifetime trip. We groups, fundraising, executive board watched whales, visited many vineyards, member and community outreach. Being sailed off of the Cook Strait, watched the diagnosed with breast cancer can be a very America’s Cup Sailing event in Auckland, scary thing. Talking with a survivor who has flew over the Alps in a tiny 6-seater plane to experienced similar feelings can be very Milford Sound on the South Island. Rudyard helpful. Kipling called Milford Sound the 8th Wonder of the World and we saw why. You Cheryl: Quite honestly my focus over the cannot put into words this overwhelming past several years has been my family. My experience while touring the sound. It is dad recently passed away and I am so actually a fiord carved out by a glacier. thankful I was able to see him as much as Future travel plans include going to more I did. Jeff and I do a lot with our family in National Parks and seeing more of the U.S. town and out. Over the past years I have worked with different organizations and Cheryl: I love going to the beach...anytime... Church events...Junior League, Christchurch, any place. Gulf Shores is my primary Frazer, Young Life, Special Olympics, School destination. Treasure Cay, Abaco, Bahamas Events. Betty and I participate in the is one of my favorite places...laid back... Children’s Miracle Home gorgeous...I’m headed there very soon for Program with Children’s my niece’s wedding. We enjoy Lake Martin Hospital. as well...just cruising around the lake and there is always a stop at Chuck’s Marina.

BOOM!: As busy entrepreneurs, do you have time to be involved in community, civic or other activities? Betty: I’ve been a member at Frazer UMC for about 20 years and have been involved with many areas of service there. In 2007, I was diagnosed with breast cancer. After extensive surgery over a 9-month period, I was given a clean bill of health. During this time, I heard of the local breast cancer foundation, Women of Hope. Founded by Maria Ashmore, who was previously featured in BOOM! Women of Hope reaches out to those who are going through treatment and surviving breast cancer. I’ve been very involved with this organization

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BOOM!: If you weren’t in the real estate business what kind of work would you be doing? Betty: I’ve always had a secret desire to be an undercover agent for the FBI or at least a private investigator. Cheryl: I would love to be a Travel Agent. BOOM!: What is it about living in the Montgomery/River Region area that you like? Betty: The proximity to family is number 1. Then there are so many things to do in the River Region; from the historical tours and buildings downtown to the events on the River and the musical acts at the performing arts center and theatre productions at the Shakespeare Festival. Cheryl: Recently moving to Hampstead. I have loved the community, the relaxed atmosphere, the architecture, unique setting and quality of life. It’s such a small world because my across the street neighbor growing up in Butler, AL and college roommate lives right around the corner from me here in Hampstead! That’s pretty cool! Hampstead has been selected as Alabama’s first “Southern Living Inspired Community.” There are so many choices of things to do in the River Region and the location of Montgomery allows for so many easy day trips as well. BOOM!: As you’ve aged, how have your ambitions changed?

Children’s Miracle Network is a nonprofit organization founded in 1983. Its mission Betty: I think I to generate funds and want to succeed awareness programs for in business and children and associated in life more than hospitals. CMN Miracle ever. However, Betty’s 83 year old dad, Carlos Oppert, when he Home Program is a the meaning turned 80, pictured in front of the Bondy’s Nissan way for RE/MAX Sales where he still goes in to work every day. of success has Associates and Brokers changed for me. to participate in this worthy cause. The Balance in my life is more important to me Helping You Move Team selects your home now. Being a cancer survivor, I realize how as a Miracle Home. We will then pledge a important it is not to be over stressed and portion of our proceeds from the sale of this to look for joy in the moment. property to be donated to the Children’s Miracle Network on your behalf. This truly Cheryl: My ambition has been tempered a makes your home a Miracle Home. bit to include more balance than rush and

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Betty: The internet has helped the home buying experience for us as Realtors and our customers. We can obtain a lot of critical information about the history and condition of specific property, determine market value from past sales, search school zones, flood zones, tax records, plat maps, etc. We can set up automatic email notifications as homes come on the market which allows our clients to stay on top of what is available on the market. The internet allows us to get this info to our clients quickly. Of course, we have some clients who do not email. We still snail mail or hand deliver information or call those clients.

fast paced...It continues to be a challenge for me because I love the gadgets and things that seem to make life easier and more productive but realize I can’t do it all and don’t need to do it all. I strive to move forward with change...staying on the “cutting edge” of real estate in order to compete. I have learned that I am not an expert in every neighborhood nor do I want to be. I know my strengths and weaknesses. I admit that I may not know the answer but I can find out. I know when I need to refer a seller to another agent who knows that area or type of real estate better than I. I do my best to give my honest opinion to others and earn their trust along the way. BOOM!: Give us three words that describe you? Betty: I’m Curious, Tenacious and an Encourager. Cheryl: Compassionate, Loyal and Energetic. That’s what my husband said...he also said bossy but I don’t agree :) I would add or replace one of those with Encourager... BOOM!: Many of us may think about retirement but we’re not sure how to define it…how do you think about retirement? Betty: So many factors can play into the definition of retirement. For me, I personally think that I will keep on working. My role model is my 83-year-old dad, Carlos Oppert, in Dothan. He still goes in to work every day at Bondy’s Nissan auto dealer and continues to be a top producer. My personality is similar to his and I hope that I can continue as he has. If I stopped working, I would miss the interaction with others. I would miss the challenges and rewards that work offers. I would miss meeting all of the interesting characters out there. Cheryl: Retirement? My parents retired around my age...I don’t see that happening for me...I can see myself scaling down in later years...but not totally retiring unless something else grabs my attention as much as real estate! BOOM!: Every job has its funny or unusual stories; do you have any to share? Betty: We have some funny stories but my favorite is ‘The Pig Story’. Upon previewing

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Jeff and Cheryl

a garden home for sale in an upscale home in East Montgomery, we discovered an adorable little potbellied piglet. He had a litter box and lived in a back bedroom with nice wood floors. Several months later I had a buyer call that wanted to see this house. I explained to them as we toured the home that I wanted them to see the bedroom with the door closed and happily explained there was a cute little pig living in there. As I opened the door, this gigantic HOG scampered out of the bedroom and started running all over the house. I threw my hands in the air and yelled, “Don’t let the pig out!” Luckily all of the doors were secure and the pig didn’t get out. I could envision myself running all over the neighborhood chasing down this HOG. He was HUGE! All of a sudden he did a 360 turn, took a stand, snorted and got into the charge position. My buyer’s grown son was with us and he took over the situation herding the animal back into his room. As I look back, I laugh out loud every time I think about my pig story! Cheryl: Funny story??? I have several but I cannot tell them :) Betty has the best one! BOOM!: People can buy most anything online today…how has technology made selling or buying real estate a better experience for your customers? What’s the importance of real estate agents in today’s market?

There are so many challenges that can come up in the home buying/selling process. After negotiating the sales contract, Cheryl and I often act as problem solvers for our clients. One of the toughest steps in the real estate transaction is the inspection process. We help to work through issues with roofs, HVAC systems, structural concerns, termite damage, testing of well water & septic systems, electrical and more. Then we coordinate between mortgage companies and closing attorneys to ensure a smooth closing. As a team, Cheryl and I share ideas and problem solve together. There have been so many times that I have asked Cheryl her advice and vice versa. When we put our heads together, we can better come up with solutions. We both feel strongly that the consumer needs a real estate agent to help them maneuver through this very complicated process. Cheryl: Real estate agents in today’s market. Computers, cell phones, thousands of apps and other tools do make home buying and selling more convenient, allowing more information to be accessed faster. Computers can’t replace a real estate agent’s customer care, kindness and experience. We want to thank Betty and Cheryl for sharing some of their story with us this month. They love their real estate business and their balanced lifestyles. If you ever need a team to help you move, give them a call or email, Betty, bettycannon@remax. net or 334.224.8311; Cheryl, or 334.224.8222. As always, thanks to Kim Bethea from Total Image Portraits for her professional cover photo of Betty and Cheryl, she makes taking pictures fun! If you have questions, comments or suggestions about our cover profiles, including nominating someone, please send them to

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April 2016



Beauty Buzz From our blog at

What to do about those dark circles… any hope of help? Dark circles under the eyes are a very common complaint and oftentimes there isn’t an easy solution; however, there are things we can do to improve this area. There are three main things which contribute to the lower eyelid not looking it’s best. First, there are skin changes that can create wrinkling and hyperpigmentation (darkening) of the skin under the eyes. Next, there can be true darkening of the deeper tissues around the tear trough due to allergies and/or heredity. Finally, puffiness of the lower eyelid and a “sinking in” of the cheek (which accentuates this area due to a shadow) can be causes of dark circles under the eyes.

(such as hair removal or waxing) and/or medical (such as chemical peels and laser treatments). Various laser treatments offer little to no downtime and can effectively target and treat brown pigmented spots, small veins, enlarged pores, and fine lines and wrinkles. The most popular facial treatment is the chemical peel. While this can sound intimidating, the medical grade chemical peels are safe and effective with varying strengths. A light chemical peel can provide benefit of lightening, brightening and tightening skin without visible shedding. Often referred to as a “bridal peel”, as it can give a refreshing glow for a big day. Other depths of peels are offered by a medical aesthetician that will result in visible shedding for about 4 days. Using retinoic acid in the chemical peel not only sheds dead skin, but also thickens the dermis.

What can we do to improve this area? We have to address each area that contributes to your eyes. First, good skin care is critical. The skin around the eyes is the thinnest in the body and so it responds very well to many treatments. Two great products are the TNS Eye Repair® and the TNS Illuminating Eye Cream®, both by SkinMedica®.

What to expect when you receive a chemical peel? During your facial, the aesthetician will do a deep cleansing of the skin in preparation for your treatment. Often a gentle manual exfoliation, referred to as dermaplaning, will be performed before the layering process of the peel begins. Light tingling is common while the peel is being applied; however, with the use of a small fan, the sensation is tolerated very well.

Next, if you are prone to allergies, treatment with over-thecounter (OTC) mediations such as nasal steroids (like Flonase®) and antihistamines (like Zyrtec® or Claritin®) can help.

For a few days after your peel, your aesthetician will instruct you on what products to use on your face until the peeling process is complete. It is imperative to follow after care instructions completely. The treatment process usually takes 30 – 45 minutes.

The last part is the most variable. Some people may have puffy bags under their eyes, where others have a prominently sunken in tear trough, while others have a combination of the two. Surgery is required to address the puffiness (which is caused by the fat underneath the eye; however, dermal fillers (like Restylane®) can be used to fill in the tear trough and make dramatic improvements for people who have hollowness in that area. Dr. Michael Bowman

Partner with a Skin Care Professional Teaming up with a medical aesthetician for skin care is the best way to get the most bang for your buck and best of all… RESULTS! Aestheticians are specifically trained to provide education and treatments designed to improve the texture, tone and appearance of your skin. Treatments offered can be cosmetic

The SkinMedica® peels are self neutralizing, which means we do not wash them off and you shouldn’t either for at least 6 hours post application. This is important to remember when planning a work out or making time in your schedule for your peel.

Use sunscreen! Your skin care treatments are an investment. Invest in a high quality sunscreen like SkinMedica® Total Defense and Repair SPF 50. It not only protects your skin from sun exposure, but also is packed with antioxidants to protect against environmental aggressors. Avoid exposing your skin directly to the sun for at least a week after the peel. Sun exposure and excessive body heat can irritate the skin. On the day of your treatment, it might be beneficial to wear a hat to keep the sun off your face. Wear a sunscreen daily and reapply every 2 hours for greatest benefit. Spring into a new skin care routine and treatment plan at River Region Facial Plastics, where we get RESULTS!

Please contact us via email at with your questions or comments!

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April 2016

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Ask Nancy: Caring for Aging Relatives

How do you know if your parents need help? Q: My parents are in their late 70s and live in Florida. Though I don’t live near them, I speak to them a few times a week and see them several times a year- and my children go down on their own for visits during their winter breaks. Other than a little arthritis and a few aches and pains, they are perfectly fine and are thoroughly enjoying their retirement and family. I secretly worry about them, many of my friends are actively involved in their parents day-to day lives and I want to make sure I’m not in “denial” and overdoing it by sending my kids to visit them. How do you know if things are “too much” or if they need a little help? _Carrie G., Long Island, NY A: You are fortunate to have parents who are both healthy and happy in their retirement. Perhaps you should take your cues from your parents and hold off worrying too much about their welfare before you have to. Your occasional visits and those of your children, offer numerous opportunities to observe first-hand any changes in their status, however slight, giving you ample time to ramp up your involvement. Your concern is certainly understandable. Typically, our parents don’t want us to know about health or aging problems for fear of us meddling in their lives and losing their independence. That’s understandable too. But there are some signs that we can pick up even over the phone. A casual remark about a fender-bender, a tripand-fall story, expressions of apathy, or increasing forgetfulness and confusion are examples of red flags that are signals to get involved. Given your concerns, the physical distance between your parents’ home and yours, and your close relationship with them (I’m assuming that you will become their primary family caregiver when required) I recommend having a casual but frank discussion with your parents about their attitudes and preferences for how they want their personal and health matters

The River Region’s 50+ Lifestage Magazine

handled as they age and in the event that one or both become incapacitated. It also gives you an opportunity to express your concerns and desire to help them in the future. The best time to have “the talk” is now, when there is no crisis that requires quick decisions and immediate action. Of course, everyone’s health is good until it isn’t and that could change with a single event such as a stroke or heart attack. If such a crisis were to occur, would you be prepared? Do you know their physicians? What medications they take? Where their most recent lab results are kept? The location of their health directives and other important documents? The answers to these questions will determine how difficult or easy it will be for you to be an effective caregiver and advocate for your parents. Take advantage of this good phase of your parents’ senior years and do what’s necessary, with the support and blessing of your parents, to plan a smooth transition into your potential future role as a caregiver. In the meantime, enjoy your vacations and good times with your parents. Q: My husband has dementia. He has some very good and lucid days. Yet there are times when he becomes confused. I have a signed a durable Power Of Attorney that we had done in 2009. One of my friends told me that my POA is “null and void” because the laws have changed. Is she right? And if so, what should I do? _ Lorraine G., Palm Beach, FLA A: Your friend is partially correct. Prior to 2011, the Durable Power Of Attorney (POA) document simply had to state that your husband grants you the authority to make financial and other decisions on his behalf if and when he becomes too incapacitated to handle his own affairs. In 2011 a new law went into effect requiring each category that you are given POA over, such as directing his medical care or making financial decisions, to be enumerated and signed by your husband.

Power of Attorney documents executed before 2011 are supposed to be grandfathered in. But, even so, it’s a good idea to redo the POA so it reflects current law, advises Ben Neiburger, an elder law attorney at Generation Law in Chicago, He told me in an email that “there’s always a chance that employees at banks or other financial institutions could claim that older POAs are not valid. While they are wrong, it’s sometimes hard to fight against what they say or what their legal departments incorrectly tell them.” I agree with his advice. Do what you can now to avoid a potentially contentious situation later. Here are the steps you’ll need to take: first, if your husband’s physician agrees that he is competent to make these changes to your POA now, ask him to write a letter to that effect and give it to your attorney who will draft a new version. Your husband will have to sign the new POA with two witnesses. There will be a fee, of course, to redo this important document. But Neiburger advises readers not to take a do-ityourself approach; “If a new POA form is completed incorrectly (and the form revokes the prior POA), neither version, old or new, will be valid and the disabled person will be unprotected.” While you’re focused on this and talking with your attorney, it’s probably a good time to examine your other estate documents such as medical proxies and other trusts if you have them. I also highly recommend sharing and reviewing these documents with your adult children. parents. Nancy Stein, Ph.D., is the founder of Seniority Matters (, a caregiver advisory and referral service in South Florida for seniors and their families. You can contact her at (c)2015, Seniority Matters, Distributed by Tribune Content Agency, LLC

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April 2016



Eating Smart with Tracy Bhalla

To Juice or Not to Juice…? The concept of juicing making a pure juice drink from single or mixed fruits and vegetables has plenty of similarities to smoothies, but there are also some notable differences. All fruits and vegetables are packed with nutrients – vitamins, minerals and anti-oxidants that are always best when taken in their raw, pure form. Our bodies can digest and utilize them better this way, rather than popping a synthetic pill. Just like smoothies, juicing is a way of getting closer to or surpassing the 5 a day goal.

replacement option, but great as a nutrient packed boost throughout the day.

When you “juice”, you get a concentrated amount of nutrients in the form of a pleasant tasting drink. In addition, they are low in fat, have zero added sugars and zero added salt. They do however, have both natural sugars and sodium, which are evident in all fruit and vegetables in varying quantities. (As a side point here, it should be noted that if you eat the required 5 a day of fruits and vegetables, you should naturally get what your body requires in sodium, without having to add salt to anything! Something we should all be aiming for.)

If you have not seen a juicer, they do tend to be quite large. They will have somewhere that you can put in the whole or pieces of fruit and vegetables, somewhere that the juice is collected and somewhere that the pulp, peel, seeds, etc. are collected. Due to the fact that the pulp is extracted, the juice contains very little remaining fiber. Some people have gone to re-adding the pulp after the juice is made, which begs the question then, why juice? Why not just make a fruit/veg smoothie? In my opinion, if that’s what you plan to do, then don’t waste your money on a juicer, just use the blender you probably already have.

The juice that you get from a juicer is also quite an easy drink to, well, drink! As opposed to smoothies, which can be quite thick in consistency and be very filling. I think you can see the pros and cons here – juicing is a good way to get your power pack of nutrients in an easy-to-consume way, but it doesn’t fill you up in the same way a smoothie would. They lack the additional fiber and optional protein of smoothies and therefore are less viable as a meal

For some people though, juicing is just a better option for them. If you don’t like the thickness/ pulpiness of a smoothie, or don’t need or want additional protein or fiber as you get it elsewhere in your diet. It is a high carb, low protein, low fiber drink, so as long as you are getting your protein and fiber from elsewhere then juicing is a good option for a vitamin and mineral boost.

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Of course, depending on what you choose to juice, you will get different benefits. Two of my favorites to add to any juice, as they are both quite sweet in their own right, are red and black berries and carrots. Berries are a great source of anti-oxidants – great for beautiful skin and boosting your immune system. Carrot is one of the most healing foods that provides the finest and highest quality in nutrients, especially from its juice. It is an excellent source of pro-vitamin A, vitamins C, D, E, K, B1 and B6. It is also rich with biotin, potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, organic sodium and some trace minerals. There are so many fruits and vegetables out there that have so many different vitamin and mineral contents, that I can really only advise you here to Google the goal you have, for instance “fruits and vegetables for immunity boost” or “vegetables for great skin” and then choose the ones that you actually like (though it wouldn’t hurt to try one or two that you’ve never had before!) and incorporate those into your next juice. Just like with smoothies, it’s actually very hard to make something that tastes bad. For some reason you can mix up crazy sounding combinations and because it’s fresh and natural, it just tastes great! So, let’s try it – get juicing!! Tracy Bhalla, Independent Consultant with NYR Organics, website: tracybhalla email: Continuing my obsession with all things organic, I have been working with NYR for two years now, using their skincare products myself for over 25 years! Your skin is the body’s largest organ, it deserves to be well looked after. I am here to answer any questions you may have. The River Region’s 50+ Lifestage Magazine

The River Region’s 50+ Lifestage Magazine

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April 2016



Ask an Elder Law Attorney By: Raley L. Wiggins | Attorney at Law | Red Oak Legal, PC

What Should You Tell The Kids About Their Inheritance? Money is still a taboo topic in polite society. We don’t engage in small talk with someone we’ve just met by asking them “So, how much did you pull down last year?” Instead, we stick towards mundane and unoffensive topics like the weather.

parents—as much as $12 trillion overall. That amount will be eclipsed when boomers leave it to their children. Now, I don’t recommend that you report every penny of your financial situation to your adult children on a regular basis. But, I do think it’s a good idea to inform them, at least generally, about the nature of your assets, your investment and savings goals, and your ultimate estate planning goals.

members can squander a $15,000 inheritance just as foolishly as they do a $1.5 Million.

So prepare your heirs by educating them about what they may or may not stand to receive at your death. Help them to understand that their But, this social taboo may extend to our inheritance is not a sure thing, nor is it a families as well. At one time or another, panacea for a lifetime of poor financial parents with inquisitive school-aged decisions. Help them understand that children will have to address a “fair” division of the inevitable questions your estate among from their young ones about your heirs doesn’t whether their family is “rich” Estate Planning and Asset Protection Workshop necessarily mean that or “poor.” Parents generally it is a mathematically Wednesday, April 27: Hosted by Red Oak Legal, PC: 1:30-3:30 pm find a way to dance around the “equal” division. at the Archibald Senior Center (MACOA) in Montgomery. This topic while landing somewhere educational workshop presented by local attorney Raley L. Wiggins in the “middle class” Talking about your covers wills, trusts, powers of attorney, advance directives, living neighborhood. financial situation with wills, probate administration, protecting assets from creditors, your adult children is bankruptcy, divorce and remarriage, nursing homes, long-term care Even after children are grown just as uncomfortable and have families of their as it was to answer and Medicaid qualification. Registration is required. own, many parents don’t want the questions of your Call 334-625-6774 today to reserve your seat or register online at to discuss their finances or young and curious property with the kids—even children all those years if those kids are now in their ago. I realize that. If you intend to leave your kids some, 50’s. I think this is unfortunate. The But, a lot of things that are good for us but not all, of your estate, then it’s a fact is that most people want to leave are uncomfortable (I’m looking at you, good idea to tell them why you reached their property to their children one dentists). that decision. Billionaire Warren Buffet, day. If the kids are going to own it, who has famously decided to give why shouldn’t they know more about it Take some time, update your estate away most of his fortune rather than now? planning and financial documents, and leaving it to his children, thinks that the then have one nice long uncomfortable “correct” amount of money to leave Communication can go a long way conversation with your kids about it. the kids is “enough money so that they to smooth a transition from one would feel they could do anything, generation to the next. Consider Once it’s done, you’ll be relieved to but not so much that they could do the adult child who has to take over know you’ve finally gotten everything nothing.” And Buffet, who updates his managing a parent’s finances when the in order. estate plan fairly regularly, allows his parent can no longer manage on their children to read the latest version each own due to dementia. Clients often Raley L. Wiggins time a change is made. tell me that they don’t know where to Attorney at Law, Red Oak Legal, PC begin to look for their elderly parent’s 334-239-3625 | Most of us don’t have the kind of key financial information. 445 Dexter Avenue, ste 9000, Mont, AL 36104 “billionaire problems” that Warren Buffet has. Most of us hope that we As has been widely reported, the baby are in a position to leave our kids boomer generation have begun to anything at all. But, it is not the size of inherit the greatest inter-generational the inheritance that matters. Family transfer of wealth in history from their

Attend Free Workshop

34 BOOM!

April 2016

The River Region’s 50+ Lifestage Magazine


10 Interesting

Predictors of Longevity By Mark Sisson

This isn’t a Homeric epic. There are no oracles laying out our destiny and predicting our inevitable demise. But even if we can’t know the precise date of our death, we can use certain biomarkers, measurements, and characteristics to make predictions—with a reasonable amount of accuracy—about a person’s propensity to kick the bucket. As is the case with any observational data, these predictors may not be malleable. And if they are malleable, actively changing them won’t necessarily confer the longevity they’re associated with. Getting plastic surgery to appear younger probably won’t make you live any longer. But they do tell a story. They suggest the qualities, activities, behaviors, and exercise patterns that may, if maintained, lead to a better, longer life. At the very worst, walking a bit more briskly and gaining some lean muscle won’t hurt you, and it will very likely help you. So let’s take a look at ten of the most interesting predictors of longevity: 1. Handgrip strength. You know your grandpa with the vice grip for a handshake? Or that old lady who simply would not give up her hold on those plush towels last Black Friday at the Walmart despite you yanking her around like a rag doll? They’ll probably live a long time.

Researchers in the study were looking at the natural walking speed of frequent walkers. What the study tracked and linked to lifespan was the natural walking speed of the participants. They had no idea they’d be graded.

A more recent study found that rapid declines in walking speed also predicted death. Some clinicians find so much value in walking speed that they even use it as a “sixth vital sign.” 3. Facial appearance. Several studies indicate that the perceived “age of the face” is a better predictor of mortality risk than objective health markers, actual age, or cognitive function. More objective measurements of aesthetic age, like wrinkling in areas unexposed to the sun, also predict longevity.

In middle-aged and elderly people, grip strength consistently predicts mortality risk from all causes. It’s even better than blood pressure. In older disabled women, grip strength predicts all-cause mortality, even when controlling for disease status, inflammatory load, depression, nutritional status, and inactivity. Poor grip strength is even an independent risk factor for type 2 diabetes across all ethnicities.

4. Subjective opinion of one’s quality of life. If you’re happy with your physical and psychological health, social relationships, and your immediate environment, you may live longer. Having a poor opinion of your current lot in life may have the opposite effect. Even when those subjective opinions are compared to objective measurements of your health, your relationships, and your environment, subjective outlook is a better predictor of lifespan.

2. Walking speed. A few years ago, a study of over 7000 male and 31,000 female recreational walkers found that walking intensity predicted mortality risk. Those who walked the fastest tended to die the least. Now, don’t think you can consciously speed walk your way past a hundred.

5. Muscle. I’ve always said that lean muscle mass is a metabolic reservoir for healthy aging. Skeletal muscle produces important proteins and metabolites that regulate recovery from trauma and injury. The more you have, the better you’ll

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recover from surgeries, burns, falls, breaks, punctures, and damage. The more muscle you start with, the more you can spare to wasting and the better you’ll bounce back from bed rest and other forms of forced inactivity. Expression of klotho, the “longevity protein,” is even strongly dependent on the strength of one’s skeletal muscle. 6. Life purpose. The popular notion that being driven to achieve your goals increases wear and tear on the body and destroys your health seems right. You’re sacrificing sleep for work, neglecting loved ones, choosing work over exercise, eating junk food instead of cooking. What does the evidence actually say? It turns out that having something to live for helps you live longer with a lower disease burden. Life purpose predicts allostatic load, another way of saying “age-related wear and tear.” This was a little surprising. We often think of the hard-working entrepreneur burning the candle at both ends, falling apart at the seams, health suffering just to pursue and achieve the goals. But the actual evidence refutes this. 7. Intelligence. Intelligent people live longer. Across any and all causes of mortality, having a higher IQ confers protection. Some point to the quicker reaction times that also accompany higher IQs. If you’re smarter, you’ll probably have an extra fraction of a second to swerve out of the big rig’s path and avoid a fatal collision. This is certainly part of it, but a faster The River Region’s 50+ Lifestage Magazine

reaction time can’t explain the protection intelligence confers against all-cause mortality. Others attribute the all-encompassing protection to the intelligent decisions, healthy behaviors, and prudent practices smart people make and follow (PDF). The smarter you are, the less likely you are to smoke, not exercise, or think fast food is okay to eat for dinner every day of the week. 8. White blood cell count. White blood cells, or leukocytes, are the primary agents of our immune system. They battle pathogens, infections, and foreign invaders. Many diseases are associated with white blood cell deficiencies, so it seems like healthier, longer-lived people would have high leukocyte counts. Right? No. Actually, leukocyte counts on the lower end of normal predict longevity. That only seems to be true in healthy men and women. It’s unlikely to persist in unhealthy or immunocompromised populations who actually need the white blood cells to stave off causes of. In the healthy folks, a lownormal WBC count indicates a low disease burden.

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9. Autophagy. Autophagy is cellular maintenance. It’s how our cells recycle waste material, eliminate inefficiencies, and repair themselves. It’s required to maintain muscle mass as we age, and inhibiting it induces age-related atrophy of adult skeletal muscle. It reduces the negative effects of aging and reduces the incidence and progression of agingrelated diseases. In fact, researchers have determined that autophagy is the essential aspect of the anti-aging mechanism of fasting. “Aging” only occurs when cellular autophagy fails, or reduces. People who live past 100 have higher levels of the primary autophagy biomarker, meaning their cells are maintaining themselves longer and retarding the aging process. This is something you can directly control. Fasting, ketosis, caloric restriction, exercise, and dietary polyphenols all trigger autophagy, and they’re all likely to improve longevity. 10. How much broccoli and Indian food you eat. I’m kind of kidding, but not really. Maybe the most important anti-aging pathway in the body is Nrf2. Activating Nrf2 unleashes many antioxidant pathways, increases glutathione, and has been shown to trigger the “anti-aging

phenotype” in animal studies. Foods in the brassica family, which includes broccoli, kale, cabbage, cauliflower, and Brussels sprouts, all contain sulforaphane, a potent Nrf2 activator. Another Nrf2 activator is curcumin, found in turmeric, the primary spice in Indian curries. If I’m being safe, these are merely descriptive. People who already have these attributes, biomarkers, and tendencies are more likely to live longer than those who do not. But if I’m engaging in educated speculation, many are also prescriptive. Lifting weights, going for walks, finding a life purpose, improving your day-to-day quality of life, eating more antioxidant-rich food (including broccoli and turmeric), triggering autophagy through fasting or occasional bouts of caloric restriction and ketosis—these are all good, healthy practices that should pay off. What do you think, folks? Can you think of any interesting longevity predictors not mentioned today? Which of these are you already implementing? Share your thoughts at jim@

For more information about Mark Sisson visit

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April 2016



Travel Trending with Kathy Witt

Exploring ‘world capitals’ in the US Lots of travelers theme their adventures, developing itineraries that will take them to movie film locations, wine trails and quirky attractions (Texas’ Cadillac Ranch, anyone?). Add this to your list: traveling the world capitals of the United States, where you’ll find yourself amidst or awash in bourbon, motorcycles, racecars, even Christmas trees.

limits for a VIP insider look at the world’s largest motorcycle company. These include the Behind-the-Scenes tour that peeks into the private areas of the Harley-Davidson Archives and the Steel Toe Tour (suspended through August 2016 due to plant enhancements), a two-part exploration that includes the museum and a shuttle trip to the Harley-Davidson Pilgrim Road Powertrain Operations facility.

Trace the history of bourbon at the Heaven Hill Bourbon Heritage Center in Bardstown, Ky. -- the Bourbon Capital of the World.

Bardstown, Ky. Bourbon Capital of the World

(Photo courtesy Bardstown-Nelson County Tourist & Convention Commission/TNS)

Six bourbon distilleries (and another one on tap), four of them on the famed Kentucky Bourbon Trail. A museum dedicated to the history of America’s only Native Spirit. A shop devoted exclusively to all things bourbon. The world’s first bourbon-themed bed and breakfast inn. Home to the annual Kentucky Bourbon Festival, a six-day extravaganza held in September. There is no more bourbon-centric place than Bardstown, which also won the title, “Most Beautiful Small Town in America,” for its movie set good looks. Get four stamps for your bourbon passport at these distilleries: Jim Beam, Maker’s Mark, Four Roses and Heaven Hill, where you can also explore the Bourbon Heritage Center. An official trailhead of the Kentucky Bourbon Trail, Bardstown is the place to pick up your official souvenir T-shirt. Whether you begin or end here, don’t miss the Oscar Getz Museum of Whiskey History to see authentic moonshine stills and a replica of Abraham Lincoln’s 1833 tavern. Pick up leather-wrapped bourbon “rocks” glasses, among other upscale souvenirs, at Kentucky Bourbon Marketplace.

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Bardstown takes its bourbon seriously; there are more than 450 bourbons on local menus, and that’s just among four restaurants: Kreso’s, Rickhouse, Bourbon City Bistro and Old Talbott Tavern. And the Bourbon Manor offers 10 unique, luxury guestrooms, a bourbon-inspired breakfast, and tapas and desserts at its Bunghole Bar & Lounge – which is named for the hole in a bourbon barrel. Milwaukee, Wisc. Motorcycle Capital of the World

Other motorcycle-related attractions in Milwaukee include The Iron Horse, a motorcycle-themed hotel with loftstyle guestrooms built in a century-old warehouse; the Milwaukee Rally, hosted by Harley-Davidson over Labor Day Weekend; and Mama Tried, a custom bike show held in winter.

The Harley-Davidson Museum celebrates the more than 100-year history of Harley-Davidson motorcycles in the Motorcycle Capital of the World. (Photo courtesy Harley-Davidson Museum/TNS)

Two words: Harley-Davidson. The country’s oldest continuous motorcycle manufacturer is headquartered in Milwaukee. Providing a glimpse of American history, art, design and pop culture through the lens of HarleyDavidson Motor Company is the HarleyDavidson Museum. Hundreds of thousands visit each year, but they’re not all motorcycle riders; in fact, the overwhelming majority are nonriders. One of the big draws? Hands-on tours that dip into areas typically off-

Indianapolis, Ind. Racing Capital of the World Overcome with the need for speed? Head to Indianapolis, which will mark the 100th Running of the Indy 500 this May with a massive month-long celebration culminating on race day, May 29 of Memorial Day Weekend. With over 300,000 people flocking to the Indy 500 each year, it is the world’s largest single-day sporting event, but

The River Region’s 50+ Lifestage Magazine

there is much to see and do year-round, including stepping onto this iconic track through track tours and Indy 500’s onsite Hall of Fame Museum. Tour Dallara IndyCar Factory and learn the intricacies of making a real Indy Car. Play golf at Brickyard Crossing, a Pete Dyedesigned golf course with four holes located inside the motor speedway oval. (Listen for the hum of an IndyCar on the track as you tee off.)

“For many years the parade gala has attracted Hollywood stars and other celebrities like Rich Little (his voice is recorded imitating Jimmy at our crosswalks), Judy and Kelly Stewart (Jimmy’s twin daughters) and Nick Clooney (yes, George’s dad!),” said Maria Jack, group tour/ conference associate with the Indiana County Tourist Bureau. “This is a one-of-a-kind event and slice of small-town America.”

The Indy 500 is synonymous with Indianapolis and the Racing Capital of the World. (Photo courtesy Visit Indy/TNS)

The big headline, however, belongs to Indy 500’s anniversary. And it’s ready. The Indianapolis Motor Speedway has received a $100 million facelift. The town of Speedway, minutes from downtown Indy, has also gotten a nip and a tuck as well as new businesses, including Indy 500 veteran Sarah Fisher’s new Speedway Indoor Karting (SIK), the Foyt Winery and a new brewery. Expect loads of events, concerts, celebrity sightings and race fan opportunities, so if the Indy 500 is on your bucket list, this is the year to go.

“Visitors to our museum are always surprised and thrilled by our attractive and in-depth look at an American film icon and military hero,” said executive director Tim Harley. Indiana doesn’t limit its celebration of the Christmas tree to the holidays. There’s Christmas in July, held in Idlewild Park and including visits with Santa, decorated trees and giveaways. In August, a Christmas tree display and decorating contest takes place during the county fair.

Indiana, Pa. Christmas Tree Capital of the World The first to sell Christmas trees wholesale in the U.S., this western Pennsylvania The Jimmy Stewart Museum is a huge draw in the Christmas Tree Capital of the World. town harvests (Photo courtesy Indiana County Tourist Bureau/TNS) 500,000-plus Christmas trees from over 80 farms each Of course, the big event happens year. Oh, Christmas Tree! much closer to the Big Day: The It’s a Wonderful Life Festival & Parade, held But this is not the borough’s only claim the week before Thanksgiving, includes to fame: Indiana is the birthplace and a parade, live music and entertainment, hometown of filmdom fave Jimmy local artisans, crafts, food, decorated Stewart; and a museum named for the shops and a tree lighting with Santa. “It’s A Wonderful Life” star recalls his You’ll feel like you’ve stumbled into extraordinary life and times. George Bailey’s “Bedford Falls.” The River Region’s 50+ Lifestage Magazine

Other world capitals located in the U.S.: Santa Fe, N.M., Green Chili Pepper Capital of the World; Bandera, Texas, Cowboy Capital of the World; Le Mars, Iowa, Ice Cream Capital of the World; Islamorada in the Florida Keys, Sportfishing Capital of the World; Albuquerque, N. M., Hot Air Balloon Capital of the World; and Dove Creek, Colo., Pinto Bean Capital of the World. TRENDING S Bardstown’s inaugural Cocktail Week takes place April 27-30 with clever cocktails and distillery/restaurant pairings. This event rolls into Kentucky Bourbon Festival’s Mixed Drink Challenge and Spring Sampler on April 30. Ticket information: 502-348-3623 No.5, S In May in Indianapolis, look for “Welcome Race Fans” signs. Thirty-three artists were commissioned to create the signs in honor of the 33 drivers who qualify for the Indy 500. INFORMATION Bardstown, Ky. Indiana, Pa. Indianapolis, Ind. Milwaukee, Wisc. Author, travel and lifestyle writer, and travel goods expert Kathy Witt feels you should never get to the end of your bucket list; there’s just too much to see and do in the world. She can be reached at or (c)2015 Kathy Witt Distributed by Tribune Content Agency, LLC

R ive r Re gio n Bo o m . co m

April 2016



April Featured Artists

Third Phase 40x30 mixed media, Cecily Hulett

Main Street 24x30 oil on canvas, Pamela Wesley Copeland

Whispering Leaves 20x16 acrylic on canvas, Shirley Esco

Favorable Omen 36x24 acrylic on canvas, Jane Segrest

Purples and Oranges 24x18 oil on canvas, Anne Hugghins They Called Her Bubbles 36x36 oil on canvas, John Wagnon

Moon Series: Copper Bowl Bradley Moon

Captured, Wood Sculpture, Ken Lever

Cooking Up A Storm 30x30 oil on canvas, Anita Westerberg

Breakaway 24x36 acrylic on canvas, Carol Barksdale

Visit Gallery One Fine Art 423 Cloverdale Road, Montgomery Gallery Director Sandi Aplin,

Hill Town 6x9 acrylic on paper, Jim Sabel

By Sandi Aplin

Art & Soul

Gallery One presents Art and Fashion CARLISLE-PER SE TRUNK SHOW

The Carlisle-Per Se Spring and Summer Collections will be shown by appointment beginning Wednesday, April 13th and continuing through Saturday, the 23rd. We have just returned from our advanced preview of this beautiful collection and are so excited to share this with our patrons. Many of our regular customers were wearing our Spring line for Easter. There are so many new pieces in the Summer Collection that work so well with the previous seasons. The Carlisle and Per Se designers are really in tune with the women of today. Today’s women are busy! Our casual to cocktail look fills the need of today’s women and is available in sizes 0 to 18. For our invitation, we selected three pieces which are dressy, casual from the PER SE Collection.

pant from the Spring Collection, LEDA. This pant is a must have, a boot-cut in a classic hue will be a wardrobe favorite. The contoured waistband, invisible side zipper with button tab sits one and a half inches below the natural waist. It has creased legs and is fully lined with matching stretch dyed fabric. There are 250 +/- pieces to see, so we try to schedule appointments giving each customer at least an hour to enjoy their shopping experience. Gift Certificates are always available for that special gift. Mother’s Day is just around the corner. The Carlisle Collection NY is shown by appointment Sandi Aplin, Director of Gallery One Fine Art A freelance writer living in Montgomery, AL or

Our model is wearing the Tori top, American Beauty, Black and White, is a semi-sheer100% silk georgette cover-up, color blocked in digital floral print. Under Tori, we are showing Wisp, one of our white essentials that is wonderful to have in your closet year round. They are shown together with our very attractive white The River Region’s 50+ Lifestage Magazine

R ive r Re gio n Bo o m . co m March




By Greg Budell

The Mayor of BOOMTOWN

HOW’D WE MAKE IT? While I would happily claim an age younger than the one on my driver’s license, the truth is I wouldn’t trade the life or time I’ve lived for another.

put an apple on the student’s food tray whether requested or not.

The question is, how in the name of all the new age wisdom - gub’ment mandated school lunch menus, the removal of sugared beverages and pretty much anything that looks tasty or edible - did we live past 21 when our schools did everything so horribly wrong by today’s standards?

Students are learning the black market, as youthful entrepreneurs are sneaking in and selling deadly unhealthy snacks among each other- stuff they actually want to eat-while the discarded junk food wrappers help conceal the mounds of allegedly healthy but unwanted apples and kale salads.

When you rode around the neighborhood on your Schwinn, did you wear a helmet? How far we could stray

I remember Bogan lunches as being quite edible. If you were sweet to the lunch lady she’d throw a few extra fries on your plate. Fries! Today, students are protesting lunchroom “entrees” on Twitter, using photos to expose platters containing what my Navy Dad would describe as “s**t on a shingle”.

from home was built on trust.

Our high school cafeteria sold burgers, pizzas, Sloppy Joe’s and French fries. Our canteen offered an array of iced down sugared sodas sold in GLASS bottles! Candy, too! Can you imagine such nutritional crimes today? Yet, somehow, there were very few fat kids in Chicago’s Bogan High School! Nor did a single student break a soda bottle on the canteen’s edge to wield the jagged remnant as a weapon in a lunchroom brawl! I don’t recall any lunchroom brawls, period. From the WACV-FM Newsroom, I’ve seen no evidence that the Federal Food Police have slowed obesity- but I do know for a FACT that in Los Angeles alone, 20 million dollars in mandated fresh fruit and vegetables ended up in garbage cans in 2014. The lunch lady is compelled to

Kumquats rot by the thousands.

Undistracted by smart phones, X-box and PlayStation, we pretty much burned all those bad calories by being- ACTIVE! 40 minutes of gym every day, and after school games (most of our own

invention) took care of that problem. BOOMers have survived more than years of reckless school lunches.

We didn’t have GPS to track kids. We had a GPS- Group Parenting Society. Everyone looked out for everyone else. If you screwed up at school, Mom and Dad took the Principal at their word. If you broke a window, or did something ugly to another kid, parents would work together to teach responsibility, and not deny it. We tried out for Little League (yeah, you

Greg Budell's column is proudly sponsored by McDonald, Barranco & Hagen Wealth Management

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April 2016

The River Region’s 50+ Lifestage Magazine

had to actually MAKE the team!) and if we failed, our parents would teach lessons that served us well later in life. You’re not going to get every job you apply for. You might lose a job because the boss was unhappy with your performance, or maybe you goofed around a little too much- or maybe he just didn’t like you! His business, his call. Not always fair but much of Today’s Insanity is based on the premise that life can be made fair. Today’s Insanity suggests we can sail through life without having their feelings hurt. Or everyone can expect an equal outcome.

The Business Mini Directory

A Business Mini is a little fatter than your old business card and for a limited time we’re offering a Business Mini to fit your budget. Fifty dollars will get your business message in front of thousands of people over 50 who have the money to buy stuff. Every business needs one more customer, where will yours come from? Call today and get your $50 Business Mini, 324.3472 or

Today’s Insanity is the gospel of the Government, the same Government that so far, is failing in its plan to shrink fat kids. The same schools that fed me Sloppy Joe’s and Coke for lunch are being used to protect students from hurtful words and wounds sustained in once-deadly (and now forbidden) games like Dodgeball. High school and college students today are referred to as Millennials. I am calling them the Bubble-Wrap Generation. Last month, students at Emory University were so horrified by random chalkings promoting Donald J. Trump for President, they demanded “safe spaces” and free speech zones for protection. That would be comical if it weren’t for the student’s monumental ignorance of America’s First Amendment. Hey dummies - America was founded as a free speech zone. Whatever happened to ignoring what you don’t like or agree with? Did any of the traumatized snowflakes offer to scrub the offending political message from the sidewalk? The very same day of the Emory Horror, the Bubble-Wrappery reared its head in the National Football League! Yes, the NFL announced it would place the ball on the 25-yard line if the receiving team on a kickoff would be so kind to accept a touchback, and not run the risk of injury by running the ball back after catching it! Isn’t that rewarding a lack of effort? “LOOK! We’ll give you an extra 5 yards if you promise to do nothing!” Good Lord. Smart kickers will chip the ball to the 5-yard line and force the action of a return. That’s known as a loophole and almost every rule or law has one. So yeah, it would be nice to be 44. But come September, the Beatles will be playing my song...“When I’m 64”! Congrats to all of us BOOMers who have made it this far and beyond while growing up in such dangerous times.

Greg Budell lives in Montgomery with his wife, children and dogs. He’s a 25 year veteran of radio who hosts the Greg & Susan morning show 6-9 am and Happy Hour 3-6 pm on NEWSTALK 93.1, Greg can be reached at The River Region’s 50+ Lifestage Magazine

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April 2016



Women of Hope Breast Cancer Support Group Tuesday, April 12th, 5:30 p.m. Frazer UMC, Room 8114 6000 Atlanta Highway

Enjoy fun and fellowship with your breast cancer “sisters” and friends!

The program will be:

Finding My Purpose

Presented by Julia Upton, Breast Cancer Survivor

Everyone is Welcome!

For information please call 334-220-4599 or email

44 BOOM!

April 2016

Our goal is to make sure that all women AND men are educated about breast cancer and the effects it has on family and friends. Hope is the assurance that one day we will be able to live cancer free! Your support is greatly appreciated and helps so many deserving breast cancer patients and survivors including their families. Women of Hope Breast Cancer Support Group meets the 2nd Tuesday of each month (Jan-Nov), 5:30 pm

The River Region’s 50+ Lifestage Magazine


What are your deal breakers?

What exactly is a dating deal breaker? These are the qualities a man either has or comes with that you can’t tolerate in your life. Or conversely, they are qualities a man MUST HAVE in order to date you, such as the same religion or culture. Men also have deal breakers when it comes to dating you. But the difference between the sexes is men honor their deal breakers. You’ll see this when a man is in a relationship with a woman for years and years, and yet he won’t marry her. In his mind, she has a deal breaker that isn’t suitable for marriage. We as women have a tendency not to honor our deal breakers when it comes to men. We think with a little work and a lot of love, we can change him and all will be well in our world. This just isn’t true. Men don’t change unless they want to change. You might say, “But I love him so much.” If this is the case, and he has one of your deal breakers, you aren’t honoring yourself and you will be settling. So many women choose to settle... They’re afraid no one out there is as good as this man, a man who has one of their deal breakers going on in his life. This is an illusion. Your mind is playing tricks on you. All it does is take you to a place of scarcity when it comes to men. And with our age group leading the pack with the highest divorce rate of any generation these days, there is actually an abundance of men out there for you to date. All you have to do is go to a mainstream dating website like and you’ll see thousands of men right in your area looking for a woman just like you, if you’re willing to give him a chance. Now, let’s take a moment and talk about some common deal breakers worth thinking about. The River Region’s 50+ Lifestage Magazine

Pets: If you have a beloved Levi in your life like I do, then you’ll want a man who’ll treasure your puppy or kitten as much as you do. Children: With adult children or minors, where will you fit in the family equation? And if they are minor children, are you willing to deal with the teenage years again, especially if your kids are now adults? Smokers: I once had a boyfriend who’d take himself outside in all kinds of weather for a smoke. He’d stand outside my garage door and puff away, and then he’d come in and wash his face before getting near me. That was love to him. For me, it became a major DEAL BREAKER for future relationships. Regardless of what he did, he still smelled like smoke and I can’t seem to tolerate that smell. Religion: Do you need a man in your life who can share your religious beliefs, going to church or temple with you on a regular basis? Alcohol use: Are members of Alcohol Anonymous okay for you to date? Or do you want someone you can share a glass of wine with at the end of the day? Differences in sexual behavior: Whether it’s a full-blown “Fifty Shades of Grey” relationship you desire, or sex once a year on your birthday. Money issues and differences: Do you want him to pay for everything? Or can

he be financially responsible for just his share? Take some time to clear your head and really think about the specifics of your deal breakers and what each one really means to you. I guarantee whatever deal breakers you skip over now ... will become major conflicts in your relationship at a later date. It’s better to know what your deal breakers are and whether a man has them before you get too far into a new relationship. While you’re thinking about it, why don’t you take a few moments and write your own deal breaker list. As you get to know a man, refer back to this list to see if he has the qualities it takes to be with you. Remember, if a healthy long-term relationship is what you really desire in your life, then you’ll want to choose a man who doesn’t have the deal breakers you’ve put on your list. Lisa Copeland, “The Dating Coach Who Makes Dating Fun and Easier after 50!” Find out more at (c)2014, Lisa Copeland, Distributed by MCT Information Services

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April 2016



46 BOOM!

April 2016

The River Region’s 50+ Lifestage Magazine

Open Kitchen

By Lois K. Solomon

to stir up patients’ food memories

Visitors arriving by elevator at a West Palm Beach, Fla., assisted-living facility encounter an unexpected scent as the doors separate: aromatic, steamy chicken soup. Just a few feet away, in a contemporary kitchen with Chef Richard Nowaczyk at the helm, two large soup pots, filled with chicken stock, onions, carrots and celery, are simmering and sending their soothing bouquet throughout the floor. Three residents, all in their 80s, sit at the kitchen island as Nowacyk finishes assembling chicken salad, fruit trays and orange blossom cakes. “The baked goods are always excellent,” said Irma Seifer, 82, a resident. “My mother was a phenomenal cook. There wasn’t anything she couldn’t make.” Developers of this unit at MorseLife, a non-profit senior-citizen housing and medical complex, hope the kitchen keeps eliciting memories similar to Seifer’s. These accessible, kosher kitchens, on two floors, are designed to comfort the 53 residents, who have illnesses such as dementia and Alzheimer’s disease but need minimal medical care. MorseLife’s open kitchen is an unusual amenity, said Kathryn Hyer, a University of South Florida professor of aging studies, but it likely will become increasingly popular as facilities for senior citizens move away from impersonal institutionalization into “person-centered care,” with an emphasis on each senior’s preferences and life goals. “The trend in long-term care in assisted living is making it a home,” she said. “You want to have someone enjoy the place they’re living in. The question is how do you do that at an institution.” Hyer said only a few other assistedliving facilities in Florida have similar open kitchens. These units also have other amenities, such as short hallways, comfortable furniture, activities to make residents feel productive and simple desks The River Region’s 50+ Lifestage Magazine

instead of hospitallike nursing stations. Stephanie Frazier, MorseLife Memory Care’s director, said the unit’s developers came up with the kitchen idea as they brainstormed the ideal setting for patients who have memory troubles. “We knew that many memoryMorseLife Memory Care, a West Palm Beach non-profit assisted living center care patients have for dementia and Alzheimer’s patients, has installed a working kitchen designed appetite problems,” to elicit food memories among the residents and provide them with a sense of Frazier said. “We normalcy. They can sit at the kitchen island, watch and smell the foods being thought if you could prepared and talk to the cooks about the food. The setting is one of several walk in and smell amenities designed to create a more home-like atmosphere. (Jim Rassol/Sun Sentinel/TNS) the food, and always have snacks out, and water and juice on from a low of $1,500 to a high closer to the counter, these things might help them MorseLife’s rate. eat more.” Frazier said the open kitchen is unlikely Residents also can walk around to reverse a memory-care patient’s unescorted in the unit’s two floors, condition, but might spur thought resembling the freedom of movement processes that slow further decline. they would feel at home, Frazier said. Comfort foods are intentionally chosen: They can stroll in a garden, admire the meat loaf, spaghetti, minestrone soup, 700-gallon fish tank, watch television brisket and beef stew are staples, as well on communal couches or visit the as made-from-scratch muffins, croissants resident beautician. There is even an old and danishes that bake each morning. Mercedes-Benz on site, where they can sit in the driver’s seat and play the radio. Trendy dishes, such as quinoa, have proven to be flops, as have too many Matt Kinney, of West Palm Beach, said choices at a meal, which confuses some his mom, Olive, 84, who has vascular impaired patients, culinary director dementia, has her own routine. She Jonathan Landau said. He said the arrives at lunch an hour early and sits in consistency of a soup and sandwich each the same seat each day. lunch has worked best. “I love the way every time I visit, I’m met with the smell of cooking food,” Matt Kinney said. “You have this sensory reaction of being in a house.” The cost is $7,000 or $7,500 a month, depending on the size of the resident’s room, Frazier said. According to Genworth, a long-term financial planning service, the average cost of memory-care assisted living in the United States was $5,000 a month in 2012, with ranges

“We’ve created a stage for the cooks to be on display at all times and have the interaction,” Landau said. “We have knowledge of each person and their likes and dislikes. We’re working in their home.” For more information visit (c)2016 Sun Sentinel (Fort Lauderdale, Fla.) Distributed by Tribune Content Agency, LLC.

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April 2016



Water Polo By Erica Curless

Gives aging joints a break Mark Boyles’ joints were done with soccer. With little cartilage left in his knees, the Post Falls man needed a new sport, something fun and fast-paced that wouldn’t stress his aging body. The Internet directed him to water polo and local coach Mark Collingham, who started a club nearly five years ago at the Salvation Army Kroc Center in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho. Three years later, Boyles is a regular at the Wednesday night practices and scrimmages. “It’s just great,” he said recently before jumping in the pool for warm up drills. “I encourage all the old, fat guys to come.” Boyles likes it so much he’s always challenging his friends to join. At 54, it’s ideal for his sore knees because there is no impact. He also likes the camaraderie and the mix of people, from high school students to “old guys” like him. If you can swim, you’re in. Collingham, 54, is always looking for more players and wants to expand the program. He reiterates that water polo is for anyone who can swim and wants to get a great workout while having fun. Beginners are welcome. The other coach, Peter Neirinckx, 48, agrees. “This is a whole lot easier on your body,” said Neirinckx, who coached at Massachusetts Institute of Technology and is a certified referee. Collingham, who played water polo for Washington State University, and Neirinckx also coach Coeur d’Alene High School water polo team that has won the state championship three years in a row, a coup for the only team in North Idaho. The high school team plays with the master’s group as well. Because there are so few teams in the area, their tournaments are usually with regional

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April 2016

college teams from Idaho, Washington, Montana and Utah. Yet don’t let that intimidate newcomers. Boyles said the coaches are great with beginners and that the fun part of playing on an allages, co-ed team is that you have people of all skill levels. “He never laughed at me,” Boyles said of coach Collingham. Growing up in the area, Boyles never had formal swimming lessons, he learned in the lake. The coaches helped him with his strokes and the strategy for the game. Today, he is a strong player, gliding through the water with an effortless look. Yet Boyle classifies it as an “extreme” workout, especially if you aren’t in water polo shape. The game is played in the deep end and players use the “eggbeater” kick, where each leg is moving in a different direction, to tread water and keep their body out of the water. You can only use one hand to grab and pass the ball. Players can also swim the ball up the pool toward the goal, not touching the ball but using the waves to push it. In water polo, players always swim with their heads out of the water so they can keep track of the ball and game. In midgame, Boyles smiled through his beard as he tried to take the ball from Neirinckx. There is noise and splashing. Soon Neirinckx is off like a water bug, fiercely pushing the ball toward the far goal. Boyles takes long side strokes to catch the coach, who soon passes the ball and is yelling instructions. “Get some distance,” he said as two high school players tried to figure out their positions. Collingham is on the deck, refereeing. He blows the whistle frequently and waves his arms in a set of signals.

Water polo is aggressive and unlike basketball, fouls are encouraged. That’s how the ball stays in play. There is a lot of wrestling and grabbing, a lot of which is unseen underwater. “If you’re not fouling, you aren’t doing your job,” Collingham said. Each team has six players and a goalie. A goal floats in the water on each end. The yellow ball resembles a volleyball but is easier to grasp with wet hands, and it floats. All team members wear swim caps with ear protectors but no goggles. Water polo originated in 19th century England and resembled rugby more than the modern version, which is like soccer and embraces skill, passing and speed, over force. By 1900, water polo became the first team sport added to the Olympic Games, according to a history by the Collegiate Water Polo Association. The word “polo” itself is the only connection between it and the horseback game. Water polo has little resemblance to lap swimming, other than they both take place in the water. Most of the high school players also are on local swim teams, yet that is a quiet, independent sport. Water polo is loud and depends on a team. “It’s just a fun game,” Collingham said. “You get exercise but you really don’t think about that. You are just out there having fun.” (c)2016 The Spokesman-Review, Distributed by Tribune Content Agency, LLC.

The River Region’s 50+ Lifestage Magazine

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April 2016



Foods to Help ED

What to Eat and Drink – and Why Can Food Affect Your Penis? We know pills, pumps, and surgeries work for erectile dysfunction, but what about food? Are there things you can eat that can help with ED? It seems there may be. Watermelon: This sweet, refreshing fruit has a compound that can have effects similar to ED meds on your blood vessels. It may even rev up your sex drive, studies say. Most of watermelon is water, but the rest is loaded with lycopene, an antioxidant that’s good for your heart, prostate, and skin. Oysters: These shellfish may boost your testosterone levels, and that can help with sex drive. They’re also chock-full of zinc, a nutrient your body needs. But you may save yourself problems by making sure they’re cooked. Make sure you know where they come from, and that they’re cooked properly. Coffee: Your morning cup of joe is more than a satisfying pick-me-up. It may give your love life a boost, too. Men who drank two or three cups’ worth of caffeine a day were less likely to have erectile dysfunction, one study found. That’s because caffeine helps boost blood flow. Not a java fan? Many teas, sodas, and sports drinks also have caffeine.

Dark Chocolate: This treat may have perks below the belt. An ounce a few times a week can help your ticker -- and what’s good for your heart could be good for other parts, too. Chocolate is rich in flavanols, plant nutrients that can increase blood flow and lower blood pressure. It also helps your body make more of nitric oxide, which can help with erections and is in many ED medications. Walnuts have lots of arginine, an amino acid your body uses to make nitric oxide. They’re also good sources of vitamin E, folic acid and fiber. Don’t add more than a few small handfuls to your daily diet, though. Nuts are high in calories. Juice: Maybe you enjoy an adult beverage made from grapes, but here’s a reason to drink the stuff kids like. Nutrients in Concord grape juice also increase the amount of nitric oxide in your body. If you’re not wild about drinking grape juice, try pomegranate juice. It appears to have the same effect. Garlic: The strong-smelling bulb may help between the sheets. If plaque forms on the walls of the arteries, blood flow could be cut off or reduced. That could cause a problem when it comes to romance. Garlic in your diet may help keep your arteries healthy and clear as you age.

Salmon and other fatty fish: are great sources of heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids, which may boost nitric oxide in your body. They’ll lower your blood pressure and your risks for heart attack and blood clots. Aim for 8 ounces of salmon a week. Sardines, fresh albacore tuna, and mackerel are other good sources of omega-3s. Greens: Kale is also a nitric-oxide booster. Aside from the possible benefits to your sex life, leafy greens are nutritional powerhouses. They’re packed with vitamins, minerals and omega-3s. Peppers: You might spice up your love life by adding some chili peppers to your diet. The stuff in cayennes, jalapenos, habaneros, and other peppers that give them their heat relaxes the arteries -- and that helps blood flow to the heart and other organs, including the penis. Chilies can also help lower blood pressure and cholesterol and prevent blood clots. Olive Oil: Olive oil may help your body make more testosterone. It’s also full of the good-for-you monounsaturated fat, which can help get rid of the bad cholesterol in your body. Opt for extravirgin olive oil -- that means the olives were pressed without chemicals or high heat, which preserves the healthy antioxidants. Source

Taking on war and racism at age 96

By Randy Furst

Appearances can be deceiving when you meet Polly Mann. “She dresses up like a Southern lady,” said Mary Beaudoin, the editor of the newsletter for Women Against Military Madness (WAMM). “She is very elegant.” But underneath, Mann, who grew up in Hot Spring, Ark., is a firebrand, and, at age 96, she may be the state’s oldest and most unrepentant antiwar rabble rouser. The military industrial complex invariably gets skewered in her WAMM newsletter columns, published seven times a year. “The proposed 2016 Pentagon budget is a whopping $585.3 billion,” she writes in her latest screed, which later goes on to say, “A 2012 report showed that of the 137 lobbyists hired by the top contractors, 57 are former members of Congress, 39 are former congressional staff. ...” She attends WAMM board meetings and occasionally can be spotted at demonstrations. “I wouldn’t say she is the matriarch, she’s more of the inspirational leader,” Beaudoin said. Mann, who cofounded WAMM, dismisses her role as antiwar icon: “I don’t have to be that. It’s embarrassing.” For someone whose columns sometimes tackle racism, you wouldn’t guess she grew up in a racist household in Arkansas. Her grandfather was a doctor, she said, and had two waiting rooms, one for white patients and one for black patients. At home, her grandmother required that The River Region’s 50+ Lifestage Magazine

WAMM co-founder Polly Mann: “I feel more like 40.” (Randy Furst/Minneapolis Star Tribune/TNS)

blacks enter only through the back door. Mann’s antiwar views developed as she worked in the office of an Army camp in Arkansas during World War II and watched families weeping as the men in their lives took troop trains to harbors where they shipped off to war. “I began to ask myself,” she says, “Why do we have to have war?”

Vietnam War protests, and was hired as a Twin Cities organizer for a campaign against the Nestle Corp. She met Marianne Hamilton and together with 10 other women, they founded WAMM in 1982. Today, the organization has an annual budget of $125,000 and three employees, one full time.

She said her views were cemented by a Quaker tract, “Speak Truth to Power,” that blamed war on greed, selfrighteousness and love of power.

Mann’s husband died in 2004, and these days, she lives in an apartment, her computer in a bedroom office and documents stacked beside it for her next column.

She married a lawyer in the military, Walter Mann, and after the war, they moved to Windom, Minn., her husband’s hometown, where he joined a small law practice. He was later named a state judge.

“I’m very proud of her,” said Constance Mann John, one of her daughters. John recalled driving with her mother to Washington, D.C., for an antiwar demonstration where together they were hit with tear gas.

Polly Mann worked on the failed presidential campaign of U.S. Sen. Eugene McCarthy, marched in anti-

That was 45 years ago. Polly Mann shrugged off her advancing age. “I feel more like 40,” she said. (c)2016 Star Tribune (Minneapolis) Distributed by Tribune Content Agency, LLC. R ive r Re gio n Bo o m . co m

April 2016



April 2016

{12 Things} for active boomers and beyond

PINE MOUNTAIN, GEORGIA Celebrate Spring! Callaway Gardens Now through April 24th

A series of themed weekends, known collectively as Celebrate Spring!, feature special activities and events for families and friends to share against the backdrop of Callaway Gardens’ dazzling display of native and cultivated azaleas – more than 20,000 of them – plus fresh blooms of dogwoods, crabapples, daffodils, tulips and more. This year’s themed weekends will pay tribute to: Flight in the Gardens, Colors of the Gardens, Renewal in the Gardens, Gardening in the Gardens and Flavors in the Gardens. For more info call 1.800.225.5292 or visit


Piney Woods Arts Festival A Juried Arts & Crafts Show Enterprise State Community College April 2nd & 3rd, 9-5 & 12-4 The 42nd Annual Piney Woods Arts Festival takes place April 2 & 3, 2016, on the grounds of Enterprise State Community College (on the running track) in Enterprise. One of the oldest juried arts and crafts show in the area, Piney Woods features original art and crafts by approximately 100 artists, a children’s fun center, food and entertainment. Special events include a Civil War Living Display and the Weevil City Cruisers Car and Truck Show. Free admission. Gold Corporate Sponsor: West Gate Center Enterprise. For information, call 334.406.2787 or visit


Alabama Auto Show The BJCC, Birmingham Thursday-Sunday, April 7-10th It will be a dazzling spectacular featuring the 2016 model year domestic and import cars, light trucks, SUVs, hybrid vehicles of all sizes, and vans. More than 400 vehicles from manufacturers all over the world covering two levels of the Birmingham Jefferson Convention Complex. Manufacturer’s reps, product specialists, and your local Birmingham Automobile Dealers Association will be on hand to assist in product education, feature comparisons, safety standards and other consumer points of interest on hundreds of makes and models . . . all under one roof. For more info visit

52 BOOM!

April 2016


A Midsummer Night’s Dream ASF April 8th-May 8th, various times The Magic Begins APRIL 8TH! Magic abounds in this fanciful romantic comedy - one of Shakespeare’s most popular works! This lavish production crowns our 30th anniversary season in Montgomery - and commemorates “Shakespeare 400” (April 23, 2016 marks 400 years since Shakespeare’s death.) Join us! To celebrate Shakespeare 400, Youth 18 & under enjoy a $10 ticket to any public Shakespeare performance in April with code: 400SHAKES For more information, call 334.271.5353 or visit


Annual Spring Concert Frazer United Methodist Church - Wesley Hall Thursday, April 14th, 7 pm The Capitol Sounds Concert Band will perform a wide variety of music, and feature Mr. Eduardo Hernandez, winner of the 2nd Annual Young Artist Solo Competition. In addition to the soloist, the Capitol Sounds will perform classical, traditional and popular music styles. The event is free and open to the public, but donations are gladly accepted and will go toward the Young Artist Solo Competition, which annually awards the top two local undergraduate college students that compete in instrumental music. For more information about the Capitol Sounds Concert Band, please visit


Sandestin Wine Festival Baytowne Wharf Thursday-Sunday, April 14-17th The 30th Annual Sandestin Wine Festival will take place April 14- 17. The Sandestin Wine Festival has been named the “Best Annual Event” by Destin Magazine, and is known as the Best event in the Visit South Walton Beaches Wine and Food Festival area. The Sandestin Wine Festival at Baytowne Wharf brings an opportunity for discovery. Four days of unique events open up a wide range of experiences from attending wine dinners with celebrity chefs, participating in preview events throughout the year, and taking part in wine tastings that The River Region’s 50+ Lifestage Magazine

showcase hundreds of wines. For more info visit

U.S. 80 HIGHWAY, ALABAMA Worlds Widest Yard Sale U.S. Highway 80 across Alabama April 16-17

to wander in any musical direction at the Boz Scaggs concert Thursday, May 3rd, at 7 pm. The concert will be at the Historical Alabama Theatre in Birmingham. For tickets and more info visit or


Organized by the Alabama Rural Development Office/Black Belt Commission’s Marketing and Tourism Committee two years ago, this sale becomes a part of the Historic U.S. 80 HiWay Sale that’s been in existence for the past twenty-five years. Alabama has joined the states of Mississippi, Georgia, Louisiana and Texas to provide visitors with two fun-filled days of adventure, which combines their love of treasure hunting with the many historical and cultural amenities found along the route. For more info visit

Taste of the Gardens 2016 Southern Homes & Gardens Thursday, May 5th, , 5-8 pm Southern Homes & Gardens (SH&G) and the American Red Cross present Taste of the Gardens, a benefit for the American Red Cross, held annually at SH&G on Vaughn Road, Montgomery, AL. Taste of the Gardens will be held Thursday, May 5th, from 5 pm to 8 pm The event includes a silent auction featuring works from local artists; tasting from the River Region’s finest restaurants & caterers; wine and music with Henry Pugh. Also, during the Taste of the Gardens event, items purchased at SH&G will be discounted 20%. Event tickets are $25, and may be purchased at SH&G, Caffco Outlet or at the American Red Cross, Central Alabama. For more information contact Kari Hennagin at 334.260.4016 or email



St. James United Methodist Church Youth Auction St. James United Methodist Church Saturday, April 16th, 4-6 pm Saint James United Methodist Church will hold an auction to benefit youth and children’s missions on Saturday, April 16. The auction will begin at 4 pm and last until 6 pm Visitors may preview items on Friday, April 15, from 5 – 7 pm There is no cost for admission. Items featured include antique furniture from Pickwick Antiques, original artwork, jewelry, salon and boutique certificates, gift cards from local businesses, and vacation home rentals. Visit for a preview of items. This marks the 7th year that the church has held a spring auction benefiting missions. Last year, the auction helped send youth on mission trips to Green Lake, Wisconsin and Chemax, Mexico. They were also able to work with other churches and ministries in the Montgomery area including Brantwood Children’s Home, Wesley Gardens Retirement Community, and Common Ground. Proceeds from this year’s auction will benefit mission projects in Tegucigalpa, Honduras, Alabama Rural Ministry in Tuskegee, AL, Georgia Washington Middle School in Montgomery, AL and many other local ministries.

BIRMINGHAM, ALABAMA Boz Scaggs Concert The Alabama Theatre, Birmingham Tuesday, May, 3rd, 7 pm

“I’m at a point where I’m having a lot of fun with music, more than ever,” Boz Scaggs says about his spellbinding new album, A Fool to Care. “It’s like I’m just going wherever I want to go with it.” You can hear that sense of fun, as well as that ability and willingness

Frazer Flea Market for Missions Frazer UMC Parking Lot

Saturday, May 7th from 7am1pm It’s that time again! Time to do your Spring cleaning and gather all those pre-loved items for our annual Frazer Flea Market for Missions, sponsored by Frazer Singles Ministry. You can help by renting a booth, donating pre-loved items, shopping the day of the sale, and of course, we covet your prayers. Our 19th Annual Flea Market for Missions will be held on Saturday, May 7 from 7AM-1PM. To make donations or rent a booth space, call 334.495.6368 or e-mail

LAGRANGE, GEORGIA The Hills and Dales Estate LaGrange, Georgia

Daily (except Mon.), 10-6 pm, Sunday 1-6 pm The centerpiece of the estate is a beautiful Georgian-Italian villa, designed by architects Hal Hentz & Neel Reid for textile magnate Fuller E. Callaway, Sr. Completed in 1916, the home complements the formal boxwood gardens planted earlier in the mid 19th century by Sarah Ferrell. The property has been lovingly preserved by two generations of the Callaway family and is now open for public visitation. Guests can explore educational exhibits and experience an engaging film that tells the story of the estate. Visitors are provided a guided tour of the home and given an opportunity to explore the historic Ferrell Gardens. Enjoy! For more info visit or call 706.882.3242

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The River Region’s 50+ Lifestage Magazine

R ive r Re gio n Bo o m . co m

April 2016



Your Grandchild’s

Brain By Kristen Sturt

What they say is true: A good education starts at home. And you, Grandma and Grandpa, can play vital roles in your grandchild’s brain development. Employ these smart strategies to put him or her on a path to success. 1. Use your words. Language skills are crucial to your grandbaby’s cognitive growth, and good predictors of her future success in school. One Stanford study found toddlers who quickly recognized familiar words at 18 months had comparatively large vocabularies at 24 months, and performed better on tests in kindergarten. Since most brain development occurs before age three, it pays to nurture communication as early as possible. Research shows the more words little kids hear, the better off they are. What grandparents can do: Talk. A lot. Start early with baby talk, which catches babies’ attention and stimulates babble. Narrate your actions, too; instead of simply changing an infant’s onesie, describe its color, texture, and designs. As kids grow older, ask questions and look for responses. READ. Reading increases the number and range of words children hear—especially terms outside of routine conversation. For the best results, don’t just recite a book; discuss the story as you’re reading and ask questions as you go along. Sing and dance. Music and movement stimulate baby brains. Lyrics widen their vocabularies and introduce rhyming. Plus, it’s fun! 2. Back off. Studies show coddled, overprotected boys and girls have more problems with bullying, problem-solving, depression, obesity, and anxiety, among other issues, simply because they’ve never been taught to handle certain situations by themselves. To help raise capable, resilient grandkids, you must give them the freedom to play, explore, and fail on their own. It’s hard, sure, especially when it’s a question of physical safety. But letting your grands

54 BOOM!

April 2016

take risks in school, on the playground, and with relationships—and deal with the consequences—is far better for them than any amount of well-meaning hovering. What grandparents can do: Avoid intervening. Whether it’s a toddler sandbox rumble or difficulty with junior high math homework, allow your grandchild to solve problems on his own; he learns nothing if you swoop in to handle them. Encourage risk-taking and self-reliance. Let her climb the tree. Champion his audition for the play. Urge them to explore the neighborhood. Resist the compulsion to supervise. (Note that risks are different than hazards, which present immediate physical danger. Discuss failures. Listen to kids talk about disappointments, without judgment. Support their honest efforts and prod them to try again. 3. Adjust your screens. It’s estimated that kids see 40,000 commercials per year, and sit in front of televisions, tablets, and smartphones about seven hours per day. For developing minds, this is a problem, since excessive screen time takes away from crucial face-to-face interaction. What’s more, too much media use can actually do harm. For example, kids with TVs in their bedrooms—who watch 90 minutes more television daily—have lower test scores, more behavioral problems, and are likelier to be overweight. What grandparents can do: Discuss media. Some screen use is inevitable, so make sure it’s not a passive experience. Ask questions about what kids see, and use answers as jump-off points for bigger discussions. Help choose good content. Avoid media that’s overtly violent, sexual, or selling something. Read reviews to find smart, engrossing, motivational games and shows. Model good non-screen behavior. Connect with grandkids in ways that don’t involve electronics; go for a walk, bake cookies, read together and let them see you reading alone. Don’t check your phone at meals. Turn off the TV, even in the background, since it inhibits conversation.

4. Keep playtime simple. It’s no secret to grandparents who grew up playing with blocks and dolls; the best toys, cognitively speaking, are the simplest ones—toys that spark creativity, build motor skills, and encourage experimentation. In fact, multiple studies have found that electronic toys and “smart baby technology” can actually hinder development, since they discourage interaction with real people. Good things can be said for free playtime, as well. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends 60 minutes of unstructured play daily; it stimulates every part of a kid’s brain and allows children free reign to discover, imagine, and connect. What grandparents can do: Give uncomplicated gifts. Resist splurging on lights and beeps. Instead, focus on books, art supplies, instruments, blocks, dolls—toys that inspire engagement and imagination. Get outdoors. Studies show that grandkids who spend more time outside play more creatively, concentrate better, and get more exercise than those who don’t. Don’t schedule anything during your time together. Let the day take you where it might. The thrill of discovery will do wonders for her brain, and for your relationship. 5. Address delays early. One of every six children will experience a developmental delay, from autism spectrum disorders to cerebral palsy and beyond. The sooner that delay is recognized and dealt with, the better off your grandbaby will be. Receiving services before age three is especially important, and intervention before 12 months is ideal; many children aren’t even diagnosed until they head to school. What grandparents can do: If you see something, say something. Don’t wait if you suspect an issue. Use milestone development checklists from places like Easter Seals to broach the subject as objectively as possible with parents. Support your grandchild and grandchild’s parents. Developmental delays can be tough to navigate, and your family will need emotional encouragement and practical help. Be there for them, and never stop cheering them on. This article first appeared at

The River Region’s 50+ Lifestage Magazine

The River Region’s 50+ Lifestage Magazine

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April 2016



You have the power to prevent some cancers in your children. Each year in the U.S. there are 26,000 cancer cases that could be prevented with human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine. HPV vaccine can prevent 9 strains of cancer. Three doses of HPV vaccine should be given to adolescents aged 11-12 years before exposure to the virus. HPV vaccine costs are covered under most insurance programs, Medicaid, and the Vaccines for Children Program (VFC). To prevent HPV cancers, contact your healthcare provider or the county health department. Don’t delay, call today.



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