14 minute read
Cumulative Giving Societies recognize RMA’s most dedicated supporters. These donors have given gifts during their lifetimes that reached $10,000 or more, cumulatively since 2002. We are deeply grateful for their long-term investment in the Academy’s mission to develop young men as leaders of character, prepared for success in life.
List reflects annual gifts made through May 31, 2021
H 5+ consecutive years Ι
HH 10+ consecutive years Ι HHH 15+ consecutive years 2021 Georgia GOAL † Deceased
$1,000,000 & above
Anonymous Lucile E. Beaver † Sandy Beaver † Ann L. & John F. Phelps, ’56
$500,000 - $999,999
Donna & Ernest T. Lopez III, ’84 HH Rachel & Kenneth
McKelvey HH Abraham A. Mitchell
Charitable Foundation Allyn Ayers, ’64 † Mrs. Jerry B. Blackstock, in memory of Jerry B.
Blackstock, ’62 HHH Sandy & Carlos Cervantes, ’59
$200,000 - $499,999
Christi & Gregory Fisher Marcia & Bernard Freeman, ’58 HHH Roslyn & Pat Higdon, Jr., ’57 HH Sue & W. L. “Mac” McLendon, ’58 H
Karl R. Katterjohn, ’64 Suzanne & Frank Maurno, ’60 The McKernan Family HH Gloria Misner & Don Misner, ’53 † Brenda & Domingo Moreira, ’63 in memory of
Domingo A. Moreira HH Ashley “Dick” Pace, Jr., ’37 Anne & Ward Phillips, ’73 H Walter E. Smith, Jr., ’58 H Raymond Y. Thomasson, ’69 Amanda & Bob Willis HH Chester A. Woodruff, ’78 H
$100,000 - $199,999
Anonymous (2) Foster W. Bachschmidt, ’06 H Magda & Ruben
Barahona, ’89 HH Bobby W. Bush, Sr., ’49 † Chris & Terry Clontz Kristin & Brian Daniel HH Robin & Britt Daniel HH Stephanie & Robert
Eidson HH James H. Harris III, ’71 Jane & Drew Horner, ’78 HH Charles A. James, ’64 Holly & Howard Kalmenson, ’49 Paul B. Krebs, Jr., ’55 H The Middelthon Family Jean & Staś Preczewski H Carl Stecker Sandy & Tim Stroyne H Nancy & Andrew
Talkington, ’71 HH Seth Wagner, ’56 HHH F. Chris Whitlock Rebecca & Andrew
Zager, ’88 HH
$75,000 - $99,999
Anonymous Shelia & Alec Fraser HHH Felix Gonzalez Canto, ’86 H Patty & Larry Graham Barbara Griffin &
Rutledge Griffin, ’62 † H Nancy & Fred
Kennedy, ’64 HHH Nwamaka & Anthony Madichie David R. Nimocks, Jr., ’45 Meg & J. Allen Nivens HH Anonymous (3) The Blake Family Charitable
Foundation HH J. Jette Campbell, ’65 Jackie Cooley † & Counte Cooley HH Ashley P. Curington Angela & Thomas Finn HHH Sharon & Jim C. France H Marie & Steve Garrett Jay A. Glazer, ’64 Paul A. Gross, ’56
$50,000 - $74,999

$10,000 - $49,999

Anonymous (7) Carolyn & Dennis Agnelly, ’66 H Darlene & Marc Albertson Gary M. Alembik, ’81 Richard L. Alfonso, ’81 S. David Alphin, ’65 HHH Terri & Mike Andrews Mark Anthony Aramark Arthur & Helen Baer
Charitable Foundation Pam Baker & Jon Baker † H Rosemary & David Balos Richard F. Bates Paige & Brad Bauer BB&T Robin Bennett Mary & James Benson Wuzhen Bi Steve Biggers Studios Barbara & Errol Bisso, ’61 HH Lawrence J. Blum, ’47 † Ashley & Arthur
Boisfontaine, ’87 Paul Bolin Beth & Robert Britton Cleve Brown Bruce H. Buchholzer, ’48 † John C. Bullard, ’43 Estate of Bobby W. Bush, Sr., ’49, in memory of Bobby W. Bush,
Sr., ’49 Dawn & David Canniff Carroll Daniel Construction
Company HH Lynn & Adam Carter HH Charles M. Cassidy, ’59 Jim Cavanaugh Sahinaz & Asim Cengiz Gail & David Chester H Ralph & Mary Cleveland
Foundation, in memory of
Ralph W. Cleveland and in honor of Mary R. Cleveland The Warm Jacket Fund at the
Community Foundation of
New Jersey Janice & Conrad
Conti, ’58 HHH Chassie & James Corbin H Rhonda & David Crook Ginny & Al Crumley Sayyu & Samira Dantata Ellen & Mark DeFoor Alexander C. Deitch, ’98 John B. Delcambre, ’66 HH Deborah & Victor
Disharoon, ’72 HH Scott A. Dwyer, ’92 Yvonne & Jeremiah F.
Eames, ’61 Alexandra & Christian Eiroa, ’89 Ben/Joyce Eisenberg
Foundation Joyce & Arnold Evans Fay Family Wealth Counseling
Concepts, Inc., Christopher D.
Fay, ’77 Anita & Antonio
Feliciano, ’81 HH Beth & Ron P. Fenner, ’66 H Mary & Richard Fisher Nila & Raymond Fordyce, ’61 Frame-Tastic, LLC G. Mitchell Freeman HH Holly & Justin Gallagher, ’90 Joseph G. Gamble, ’44 † Linda & Guy Gardner Zachary A. Garrett, ’11 H Mrs. Leon M. Gauvreau Sabin J. Gianelloni, ’55 † Celia & Donald Gilner, ’55 HHH William T. Glisson, ’78 Dr. Casey & Susan
Graybeal HH Kim & Brett Gunter Cyndi & Mufeed Haddad Zak Haque, ’01 Michelle & John Harllee IV George Hearn Lynne Henderson Sharon & Robert Hendricks Cathy & Anthony
Herdener HH Ira Hershkowitz Dennis Hite, ’55 HHH Linda & David Hock Florence & James Holson John Horne Michel & Brantt Hudson H Geoff Hurdle, ’87 H Linda K. Hurdle H Martha Jacobs & John W.
Jacobs, Jr., ’40 † Billy R. Jones Elizabeth & Kurt Jordan Charlene & Gerard Kaiser HH James D. Kalmenson, ’77 Kathryn & Dan Kaufman James R. Kaufman Dawn & Steven Keig William R. Key, ’97 Jason J. Klein, ’08 Janet & Alan Kloor Patricia & James Lane H Melanie & Campbell B. Lanier Ruth & William Lark, ’64 H Lyn & Jim LaVallee Afton & Theodore
LaVallee, Sr. HH Kelly & Adrian Legaspi Royal Little Family Foundation Katherine & Brian Logan, ’92 Nester S. Logan, ’57 Lord, Aeck & Sargent Architects Macy’s Foundation Diane & Doug Magnus Wendi & Robert Mahoney Schone Malliet Dena & Christopher
Manzo HH Patricia & Tony Manzo HH Gina & Fredy E. Marrufo, ’90 Laura & Edward Maxwell Patricia & Dennis
McCraven HH Karen & Jon McRae, Jr. H Leah & Jeff Merschman Ira J. Middleberg, ’66 Glenda & Herbert Miller, ’61 Christy & Alan Molasky Irena & Andrew Molasky Irwin A. Molasky, ’45 † Cathy & John Moore J. Stephen Morris Memorial Fund Glenda & Jim Myers Richard M. Nichols The Norton Agency Norton Family Foundation Daniel G. “Bud” Oakey, ’75 HH Margaret & Tucker Olander Susanna M. Oslin Trust Whitney H. Owens, ’79 HH Mary Paglia † & Marc Paglia HH Betsy & Russell Pearson PepsiCo Foundation Matching
Gifts Program Jacquelin & James Post ProTouch Landscapes, Inc.. Elizabeth M. Quanstrom QuikTrip Corporation Jean Raybuck Miguel Reyes, ’74 H Marie Trenga & Brian Ribeiro Jennie & Frank Rikard, ’56 HHH Candy & Larry Robinson Henry L. Roediger III, ’65 HHH Gretchen & Wyn
Ruppenthal HH E.J. Salcines, ’56 HH Drs. P. Ravi & Seshu Sarma Audreanna Schmidt Melanie & Clayton Sembler Jeff T. Seymour Kelly & Douglas Shaw Ping Li & Henry Shen The Shore Family Theresa & William Simpson H Debra & Michael Sims John C. Sipple, ’69 HH Julie Skaggs H Lola & Craig Smith COL & Mrs. Howard K. Smith, ’45 † Donna & Kirby Smith III Leslie Smith, ’63 HHH Emily Rees, Mike Bennink & Nicole Smith-Bennink Beth & Sam Smith Sidney O. Smith Insurance Kelly & Stanley Smith Jorge Sosa HH Pam & Kent Starke Robert H. Stoddard, ’64 H Mace & Mike Strickland H SunTrust Bank Foundation - Florence C. & Harry L. English Memorial Fund Wanda & Bob Swoszowski H Anthony Tippins Turner Broadcasting System, Inc.. Felipe A. Valls, ’50 Connie & James R. Van Arsdale, ’79 HH Robert Van Beever, ’56 † Lara & James Vaughan H Walmart Foundation H Rita & David Wardlaw John Watts Beth & Samuel D. Weil, ’66 HHH Bonnie & Jeff Weiner, ’66 William Welbon, ’42 † Carole & Gregory Werd, ’56 HHH Tammy & Kevin White Charity & Michael Whitney Philip A. Wilheit, Sr. Samuel A. Wilson, Jr., ’60 HH Jennifer Wood Keith Wood Shawn & Wayne Wunderlich Joanne & Frederick Young H

Annual Giving Societies This comprehensive list recognizes donors who have given a minimum of $100 during RMA’s fiscal year June 1, 2020 through May 31, 2021. We extend sincere appreciation to these donors whose contributions help to enrich the experience for our cadets and enhance the centers of excellence across our campus.
H 5+ consecutive years Ι
HH 10+ consecutive years Ι HHH 15+ consecutive years 2021 Georgia GOAL † Deceased
$5,000 - $9,999
Randel R. Baker Molly O’Toole & Kevin Bishop King Brainard Bobby W. Bush, Jr. James J. Bush William B. Carr Ronald Echols Tara Goodballet & Thomas Hornick John F. Mandt, Sr., ’56 Brenda Vega-Matos Todd C. Wilkes, ’89 Seanie & Ron Zappendorf H
$2,000 - $4,999
Atlanta Falcons Football Club Jennifer & Garett Bethenod Tina & John Burns Susan & Filemon Calderon H Dawn & Michael Cannova H CyberGrants LLC Shelly & Drew Echols Ann & Mark Fitzgerald Charles Haines Lisa & Monte Jackson Bobbie & Richard Jacobs Anna & John Jacobs III JW & Ethel I. Woodruff Foundation H Karen Kastritis H Christopher Looney McDonald’s H George Mealey, ’51 Gerald E. Misel, ’71 Charlotte & Henry Moore Patricia & Michael Mynatt, ’64 Peach State Federal Credit Union Primary Care Clinics of Georgia Dyan Spinnato & Joe Rectenwald Roberts Commercial Flooring, LLC Justin Toombs Thompson Van Hyning, ’61 Karen & Charles Williams Anonymous (2) Vanessa & Benjamin Allen H Atlas Supply USA Bryan Baldwin, ’96 H Batey & Sanders, Inc. Benevity Causes Beth & James Berutich The Blackbaud Giving Fund John R. Boyd, ’93 Rochelle & James Brinson Mark A. Brown Peggy & Donna Cannella Christopher Carter H David P. Chandler, ’66 Charlotte Cliche Realty Anne Chenault H Valerie L. Chinn Sarah & Peter Crafford Alberto Cudemus, ’62 H Pamela & Timothy Cummings H Juan Dominguez Debbie & Patrick Drummond Russell Dye, ’87 Brett H. Ferguson, ’75 H Jeannie & Stephen Fowle GoPro Emery Ayers-Greenidge & Doane Greenidge Robert P. Greenman, ’58 Julie & Troy Gueller Charles D. Heidgerd ’65 Enrique Herrero, Jr., ’82 H Myra & Edward C. Herty, ’66 Andrew T. Jones Nina Jordan Kim M. Kanakis, ’75 Kimberly & Howard Kapustein Anthony O. Kelley, ’87 Edward M. Kessler, ’46 H Susan & Louis Lataif Graham Law, ’06 Joslyn Lewis Frederick Littauer McKesson Technologies, Inc. Kristen Morris Terry Morris Network For Good Kelli Clay & Joseph Newsom Carey Norwood David Nourachi Thomas O’Connell, ’91 Ashley & Edward Pincott Tanner Riddle Shawn McDaniel & Michael Roach The Rotary Club of Gainesville Tamara & Keith Schneider Selling Georgia Homes, Inc. Amy Skiles Jerome Smith Specialty Orthopaedics H Brenda & Oscar Starnes III, ’73 Maria & Coy Stuart, ’75 Michelle Talbert Charlotte & Ken Tallmadge Kristen Turner UBS Matching Gift Program Coren & Robert Wagner Walmart Neighborhood Market Arnold L. Watkins Kay & Phil Westbrook E. David Williams, ’65 Ellen Williams
$1,000 - $1,999
Anonymous AmazonSmile H Nicole & Eric Baker Shelia & Ronnie Baldwin H James D. Black, ’67 Eleanor H. Burke Lucius M. Butts, Jr., ’44 † C. Neal Carter, ’57 H Gloria A. Carter Jefferey Chandler Classic City Solutions, Inc. H Joel W. Collins, Jr., ’62 Chassie & James Corbin H Covenant Risk Advisors Natalia & Frank D’Aries Duplicating Products, Inc. H Jay L. Elrod H Jeannette & Martin
Engelmann, ’59 Gerald L. Fishbein, ’48 Free Chapel Janice Frost & Jack E. Frost † Jennifer & John Galloway David Hocker Holiday Inn Express & Suites
Gainesville - Lake Lanier Eric Hopkins, ’85 House of Finery Elizabeth & Andrew Jobson H Elizabeth & Jon Johnson Maria & Chris Jones Renee & Mark Keiser Nancy & Jody Lail HH Carl K. Lambrecht, ’61 H Heather & Dwight Larson Craig A. Levine H Luna’s Restaurant Nan M. MacGruer H Marco’s Pizza Kathleen McDermott Fran Millar Nancy & Nils Okeson Peach State Bank & Trust H Peachtree Residential Properties Norma & Alfonso Pelayo Lisa & Lawrence Perkins Amy & Jonathan Pope Ramada Leigh C. Record Suzette & Matt Reeves Henry L. Roediger III, ’65 HHH Scott Roether Bill Russell Stephen Rutner, ’81 H John H. Shirley, ’65 Lorri & Michael Short Smith Bell Petroleum Lydia & Wendell M. Starke Sandy & Tim Stroyne Marc A. Tessler, ’64 Two Brown Dogs Realty Robert N. Vernay II, ’64 H Wilheit Family Properties Willis Investment Counsel Woody’s Pharmacy, Inc. James C. Young, ’78 HH
$400 - $999
$100 - $399

Eduardo E. Acosta, ’60 Uzo Akpele Brandi Anderson John Anderson Marilynn & Ronald Andrews Phillipa & Worth Andrews III Alene C. Arenas Stephen L. Armell, ’63 Bridget & Christopher Badeaux Brenda Bahel Nicole Baker Jennifer & Michael Baum Richard A. Baum, ’67 Jennifer & Andrew Baumann Bridget Bazemore Kay Bent Jeffrey W. Bergman Dana Berry Brenda & David Binder Kelley & Richard Bisso, ’85 H Marvin E. Black, ’43 Jeffrey D. Blakely, ’64 Estefania Bonilla Laurie P. Bouchard Andrew C. Bowling, ’91 Richard L. Brashear, ’56 HHH James R. Bright Stanley E. Brown, ’48 Timothy A. Browning, ’68 Sheila & Russell Buice Howell Buot W. B. Burns Bill Burt, ’60 Robert Cagle Jan & Sumner Cahoon, ’49 Carlisa & Christopher Campo Arthur D. Canales, ’81 H Chinn Law Firm, LLC Nevin G. Christensen, ’46 Christopher Columbus
High School Steve A. Clasby Toni & Don Coleman Nancy Colston Jane & James Congrove Anne & John Conley Christopher A. Cotter, ’88 Kelli & Darden Couch Justin B. Creech, ’88 H Ralph D’Silva Carlos de Castro, ’89 Sandra & Nathan Deal Clifford L. Deal Jr., ’60 Delta Air Lines Foundation
Matching Gift Mari E. DePorres, ’88 Tracy R. Doetsch, ’89 Jeffrey Dombroff, ’62 Katharine & Sean Drucker Annemarie Eades James V. Edwards, ’58 Manuela & Manuel Espinall Karen & Tim Faber Yemi & Ben Famori Xiao Jing Zhang & Hua Fang Shawn & Matthew Feeko Richard K. Feigenbaum Stephanie & John Fiedler Anna & Andy Ford Oscar Fortson Nicoleta C. Frank Ilene & Lionel Fraser Douglas Freedman Jessica & Joel Gandara Sheldon L. Gantz, ’53 H Lisa B. Garner Matthew C. Garrett, ’15 Perry Gentry H Gfesser Family Chan & Ken Goodgames Joe Gordon, ’96 Robert G. Gorrell Robert A. Green, ’73 Mark Greenberg H Stephanie & Donald
Griesheimer, ’88 Barbara & Jack Griffeth Lidia Griffin Carlos E. Gutierrez Ferrete William Haag, ’85 Kathy Halsell Jeff Harris, ’62 Shirley Harris Thomas G. Harris, ’93 Cheryl & Chase Hasbrouck Andrew C. Haskell, ’02 Kristen & Ray Hecksher Anne Hempe Palafox Louis & Beth Hill Susan & Philip Hoffstadter Kathryn & James Holland Calvin S. Hopkins III Beau Houck, ’89 Stan Howington, ’90 Sally & William Israel, ’52 H Mandy & Derek Jakes Felicia Jeffley Bradley & Marcela Johns Alene & Harry Joiner Ernesto L. Jusino, ’89 Daniel Kaufman Lidiya & Gennadii Khorunzhyi Susan & James King Robin & Shawn Knowles Bobbie Kolod Natalae & Dale La Douceur George J. Laganas, ’68 H Amy & Chris Lancaster, ’85 Karen & Chad Landen, ’89 Kelli & Keith Lawson Harry Lay, ’62 Hector Laya, ’88 Kiet Le, ’18 Anthony Legaspi, ’21 Betty Anne & George
Lennon, ’65 Robert Loew, ’92 Glenda & Patrick Lowenthal Deborah K. Mack Tom Maier Shirley Marin Bob Martin HH Andrea McCormick Paul B. McCorristin, ’64 H Dianne R. McKenzie David G. McManus, ’64 H Wendy & Manny Menendez, ’91 Megan & Ben Michael Holly & Justin Miller Norman E. Miller, Jr., ’51 Marquita & Tim Milligan Barbara & Roy Moore HH Alice Ann & Thomas Mundy Youlanda & John W. Munroe HH Martha & Pete Nesbitt Carole & John Noble, ’55 James Nofi Northeast Georgia Health
System Auxilary Jennifer Nunez-Banos William P. Obier III, ’70 H Tunde Onasanya Will W. Page, ’70 Joseph J. Pagliaro, Jr., ’60 Kelley & Robert Parker, ’95 W. Daniel Pate Richard J. Patey Deborah & Emory Peebles Kenneth A. Peeples, ’70 Mark Phillips Val & Charles Piper, Jr. Brett Player, ’87 William Pontius, ’88 Diana & Chad Porter Nancy & Paul Posner, ’56 Thomas Presten Lara & Travis Provencher Victor Prutu David H. Ramsey, ’84 Sam Rauch Gerald W. Ravenscroft, ’40 Guillermo A. Rodriguez, ’67 Therese Rojales Douglas B. Romine, ’64 Emily & Robert Ros, ’79 Shari & Barney Rothgery, ’55 Fordusa Yusuf & Aymen Salah Krista & Edward Sanders Raymond Santos, ’80 Susan & Derek Sauls Alan Savitz, ’55 H Lauren Schachter Amber Schaibly Ed Schwartz, ’85 Charlene & Gerald Seiff, ’50 John Shellenberger, ’62 Maggie Sicher Joe G. Smith, ’55 Genaro Solis Perez Walter Sommers Joanne Speake Patricia & Cecil Spears, ’62 JoAnna & Ricky Spencer Mike Staines Matthew W. Stanley, ’75 Charles K. Stoner, ’82 H Robin A. Stooksbury Robert D. Strong Pingping Sun William F. Sutphen Judith Taylor Andrew G. Temple, ’89 Tyler F. Toby, ’87 Lynn Townley Megan H. Tran James C. Trapnell, Jr., ’45 HH Tracy & Mark Truslow, ’93 H Ivel & Ambrose Turkson Cristina Tzilinis Steve Van De Kreke, ’86 H Anita & Jay Vannice Lonnie & Thien Vo Lynne & Eric Vogelbacher Robert B. Wallace, ’60 The Walt Disney Company
Foundation Julia & Tharpe Ward Mitchell Watts, ’71 Valerie & Stacy West John E. Wilbanks, ’61 Michele Wilson Ashlyn E. Winfree Ki W. Yoon Yi Zeng

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