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The Strike Zone
On a crisp fall evening, just prior to the March-On at Maginnis Field before the football game against Banks County, the Corps stood fast while President Staś Preczewski educated them about philanthropy, and explained how the indoor batting facility became a reality through the generosity of donors. “RMA is very fortunate to have alumni, parents, and friends in the community who give donations to the school to help make your experience here, the best that it can be,” said Preczewski. “You, the cadets, are the ultimate benefactor of their generous support. I trust that you will learn by their example, and remember to pay it forward for others in the future.”
Ruben Barahona, Sr. ’89 and Ernest T. Lopez III ’84, along with Timothy Stroyne, father of Greg Stroyne ’19, were recognized for their significant contributions as new signage was unveiled. Head baseball coach Chad Sage thanked ALL donors to this project, and said, “The hitting facility has not only given more opportunity to develop skill sets but also has provided a tool for life lessons. Players learn quickly how the facility should be taken care of at all times even as it gives more opportunity for teammates to hold each other accountable. We are very fortunate to have donors who have created a baseball facility in which the players can take such pride.”
Barahona, Lopez & Stroyne “led off” with generous gifts that also inspired other donors to help fund RMA’s new indoor batting facility, a $140,000 installation.
Project completed spring 2019. Its dedication was delayed due to the global pandemic. Timothy Stroyne not pictured.