Learn and Grow
Live to make a difference
Foundations is Riverview’s Discipleship Pathway. This Pathway is designed to help you, no matter where you are on the journey with God, to better understand a life lived in relationship with God and others.
Foundations: Learn and Grow
Who is Foundations for?
Which Foundations course is best for me?
No matter what stage you may be at in your spiritual journey, Foundations is for you! The program accommodates those who are exploring Christian faith as well as those who have been following Christ for years. Anyone who desires to grow in their understanding of what it means to be a follower of Jesus and better apply the truth of scripture to their lives is welcome to attend.
Foundations consists of 3 streams: Foundations 1, Foundations 2 and Foundations 3.
When can I attend Foundations?
Foundations 3 takes an in-depth look at a variety of topics as well as specific books of the Bible.
All Foundations Courses run for 6 consecutive weeks, 4 times a year, roughly beginning in week 2 of the school term and finishing week 7. They run on a Monday evening between 7 and 9 pm in various presentation rooms at the Riverview Church. Foundations 1 is also run on Sunday mornings during the 11am service.
How much does Foundations cost? Foundations is free of charge but registration is essential.
Foundations: Learn and Grow
Foundations 1 is designed for someone with little knowledge of the Christian faith or someone wishing to renew their connection with Christianity and also anyone new to Riverview. Foundations 2 takes the topics covered in Foundations 1 and expands on those topics.
Please discuss with one of our people at the Lounge as to which Course may suit you best. You may also call and speak with our Care and Grow Ministry staff on 9416 0000.
How do I RSVP for Foundations? To RSVP click here or to speak to one of our Care and Grow staff pastors call 9416 0000.
Foundations 1 Foundations 1 is designed for anyone who has recently become a Christian or is still exploring the essentials of the Christian Faith. The course consists of 12 teaching sessions offered in a small group environment where discussion and interaction are welcomed and encouraged. This is the place to ask all those questions about Christianity that you may have wished to ask. Topics covered include:
• Who is Jesus? • What is the Bible? • What is the Real Story? • What is the New Kingdom? • Who am I in the Kingdom? • Other Questions Click here to RSVP or call 9416 0000 to speak to one of our Discipleship pastors.
Foundations: Learn and Grow
Foundations 2 Foundations 2 is designed for those wanting to increase their understanding of scripture and how to apply it to everyday living. It will encourage you in your faith and put you in touch with mature Christians who can help you in life. The Course consists of 8 units taking the topics covered in Foundations 1 and spending significantly more time with them. Each unit offers a time of teaching and a time for small group reflection and discussion. Click here to RSVP or call 9416 0000 to speak to one of our Discipleship pastors. The full course for 2016 includes:
F201 - Our Great God Our understanding of God drives our expectations of God, so this unit looks at who God is and what is the gospel.
F202 - Jesus: Liberator and King Who is Jesus and what did he really come to do? These questions lie at the heart of the Christian faith. Perhaps Jesus is much more than you ever thought?
Foundations: Learn and Grow
F203 - Holy Spirit and You How do we relate to this third person of the Godhead? If his role is to empower us how do we connect with him so that empowering can happen?
F204 - Christian Living If Jesus is my Lord, how do I live under his authority. This unit will help to integrate your beliefs with your lifestyle.
F205 - Faith What is faith? Can I obtain faith? Can I grow my faith? In what am I meant to have faith?
F206 - Growing Spiritually Over the centuries of the Christian faith many great Christians have explored how they might mature their relationship with God. These lifestyles and the disciplines practices are discussed.
F207 - How to Read the Bible Reading Scripture is not like reading ‘See Spot run’. What questions and rules do I need to bring to my study of Scripture in order to be guided appropriately by it?
F208 - Good News for God’s World Jesus’ emphasis was on the establishment of the Kingdom of God. We are to play a role in bringing the Kingdom to earth. What does this mean and how do we go about it?
Foundations 3 Foundations 3 is for those who are looking for a deeper, fuller and more academic exploration of scripture and theology. It consists of 16 units that are rotated through 4 years. The units include topics relating to church history, systematic theology as well as detailed explanations of various Biblical books. Click here to RSVP or call 9416 0000 to speak to one of our Discipleship pastors. The website will list the current Foundations 3 topics as these change from year to year.
Foundations: Learn and Grow
Water Baptism
Hot Topic Nights
“…go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” (Matthew 28:19-20)
Matters of faith and spirituality often raise difficult and complex questions. 4 times a year we try to tackle some of these questions in a relaxed and interactive environment at our Hot Topic Nights. On these evenings a panel of people present short talks on a particular subject (such as Science and Religion, Heaven and Hell, The problem of evil and suffering, etc.) and then field questions from the audience. Hot Topic Nights are free and no registration is required.
Water baptism by full immersion is an outward demonstration of an individual believer’s commitment to personally accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour. It powerfully symbolises the death and the resurrection of the Lord Jesus and was instigated by Him to be undertaken by all those who would choose to accept His finished work and follow Him. If you have made a decision to follow Christ and would like to sign up for the Water Baptism prep class and be baptised in water click here.
Foundations: Learn and Grow
For Hot Topic Night dates contact the Discipleship office on 9416 0000 or email discipleship@riverviewchurch.com.au
Podcasts Find all of our Foundations units as podcasts online at riverviewchurch.com or download the free Riverview App from the app store.
2016 Reading Plan Bibleview is Riverview’s daily Bible reading plan. Download the free app from the App store or Google Play.
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BIBLEVIEW Download the Bibleview app. Riverview’s daily Bible reading plan. Download the free app from the App store or Google Play.
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