May1 2016 may15 river view observer

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May 1-May 15, 2016

Volume 20 No. 5

Hudson County’s Bi-Weekly-Cultural, Lifestyle and Entertainment Publication In This Issue Pg. 2

Hoboken Museum

Pg. 3

Portrait of An Artist

Pg 12


Pg. 17

Light Horse Tavern

Pgs. 23-28

The Mile Square Theatre Company has fun on the set of its first play in its new theater, “Goodnight Moon”. Company members include (l.-r.) Elizabeth Candilo, Annie McAdams, Stephanie Rostan, Zabrina Stoffel, Sarah Weber-Gallo, Mark Cirnigliaro, Chase Leyner, Jeanne Lubin, Rachel Eckerling, and Anne Teutschel. (Not pictured: Artistic Director Chris O’Connor) (Photo: Joe Epstein)

First Show: GOODNIGHT MOON Charms the Kids (and parents, too!)

By Sally Deering Hallelujah, Baby! The heavens parted and the Gods of Comedy and Tragedy have smiled down on Hoboken with a new theater. Twelve years in the making, Mile Square Theatre can now hang the lights and unpack the costumes in its beautiful, new 140-seat, black box on 14th & Clinton – and what a – little gem it is. Rita & Joe’s Mother’s Day See page 16

Eglentowicz see page 2 Exit On The Hudson Realty See page 23 &27

Mile Square Theatre in Hoboken (finally) gets new Theater

Chris Piechocki Weichert Realtors See pages 24 & 26

Liberty Prime Steak House See page 15

Page 14

A fundraising campaign that took 8 years has finally paid off. On Sat, April 9th, Mile Square Theatre opened the door to its first season in its new digs with GOODNIGHT MOON, a charming musical based on the beloved children’s book, performed on a set that looks like it jumped from the page to the stage. Cont’d on page 5

HOBOKEN MUSEUM TO CELEBRATE 30TH AT THE ELKS Director Bob Fosters shares Museum’s History & Future Plans

By Darren Paltrowitz As rich in history as many of its exhibits, the Hoboken Historical Museum has been telling the story of Hoboken for 30 years. Located in the Shipyard development on Hudson Street, the Museum received international acclaim for last year’s Frank Sinatra: The Man, The Voice, & The Fans exhibit. The Hoboken Historical Museum’s string of interesting offerings continues with the Elysian Fields Escapade at the Elks Lodge on Washington Street on Sat, May 14 at 7 PM. A benefit for the museum’s collections campaign, the event’s $150 ticket pays for a buffet dinner and open bar. Attendees can dance

to a DJ and take chances to win prizes, including a summer membership in the Shipyard pool, a year of indoor parking, vacations in Colorado and Florida, and whiskey and wine tastings. Museum Director Bob

The First Baseball Game Elysian Fields, Hoboken

Foster recently spoke to RIVER VIEW OBSERVER about the upcoming Elysian Fields Escapade gala and the museum’s 30 year

Page 2-May 1-May 15, 2016 River View Observer

history. RVO: How would you describe the upcoming Elysian Fields Escapade to someone who hasn’t yet heard about it? BF: The annual spring gala is one of the Hoboken Historical Museum’s most important -- and fun -- fundraising events. This year’s theme, Elysian Fields Escapade, is a nod to Hoboken’s early history in the

mid-1800s as a resort getaway, with a shady River Walk, the spring waters of Sybil’s Cave, and the expansive playing greens of Elysian Fields, where baseball, cricket and football matches were played, (before Central Park was developed). Hoboken’s founders, the Stevens family, developed these features with classical GrecoRoman names to appeal to New Yorkers seeking a rustic, but civilized day trip from Manhattan on the Stevens Ferry Service. RVO: This event will benefit the museum’s collections campaign. Is the museum entirely funded by donations? BF: The Hoboken Museum is funded through a balanced mix of fundraising events like this gala, plus our annual house and garden tours, along with

individual donations, competitive state and county grants, local business sponsorships, annual memberships, and admissions fees. We are undertaking the collections campaign to raise money to expand our collections and make them more accessible to visitors. RVO: The Hoboken Historical Museum has been here for 30 years. How does it compare these days to what it was originally? BF: The Hoboken Historical Museum has come a long way in our 30 years. We started off as a group that collected artifacts and created exhibits in display cases at City Hall and hosted speakers at various venues like the Shannon Lounge’s back room and Maxwell’s, later adding a Hoboken History Magazine and a newsletter. In the late Cont’d on page 7

PORTRAIT OF AN ARTIST At 88, Retired Hudson Teacher Bill Reilly Paints every Day Artist creates Assemblages, Watercolors, and Techno Art with iPad

Jersey City Museum. “I outlived all those galleries,” Reilly laughs. “I had a show before and during Hurricane Katrina. The works didn’t get destroyed,

By Sally Deering


very day retired Hudson art teacher Bill Reilly creates art with apps on his iPad, watercolor paintings, even sculptures with wire he has in his Fort Lee home. At 88, Reilly may be retired from the classroom, but not a day goes by that he doesn’t create something. Art has been a big part of his life, Reilly says, ever since he was a kid growing up in West New York where he once earned a teacher’s praise for his image of a duck. Painting that duck set Reilly on the road of the artist’s life, creating art throughout his teaching career. He never stopped taking art classes, even while teaching at Memorial and Weehawken High Schools, and later Teaneck High School. He studied art with legends like Norman Rockwell, Robert Hale and Dean Cornwell; and took

Artist Bill Reilly classes at the Hans Hoffman Art School, the School of Visual Arts in Tangier; School of Visual Arts in Dublin, and Parson’s School of Design in France. Reilly’s paintings and assemblages became part of the permanent collections of City Center Theatre in New York (a mural commissioned by the Joffrey Ballet), and legendary opera star Luciano Pavarotti. In Hudson, Reilly’s work had a permanent home in the Green Kitchen restaurant on Boulevard East in Guttenberg until new

“Marilyn” by Bill Reilly owners took over and now Reilly hopes to show in a local gallery. Meanwhile, he continues to create using Super Photo and Brushes apps on his iPad for works like “Boxers” featuring the image of Mohamed Ali; “Clown” an image of Jerry Seinfeld and “Marilyn” an image of Marilyn Monroe. He also works in watercolors, oils and creates assemblages, like the one he did of a New York street scene he calls “Mana Hatta”. “In our fast-paced, rapidly changing world, the timeless qualities of

“Boxers” by Bill Reilly

“Nudes”by Bill Reilly

theatrical performance remain constant, and so it is with art,” Reilly says. “Line, color, form, texture, point-counterpoint, all are the same essentials necessary in the creative act.” Over the course of his career Reilly has shown his work in exhibits and shows at Artefino Galleries in Charlotte, NC; the Waverly Gallery, Laurence Gallery, Dyansen Galleries, and Broom Street Gallery in New York; and the Biennial Di Sao Paulo, Brazil. His work is also part of the permanent collection of the

but it put the gallery out of business.” At 88, Reilly has lived through decades of change and was rewarded for his work as an art teacher. In 1973, he was given New Jersey’s Distinguished Educator Award in a ceremony held in Princeton. He holds a Bachelor of Arts and a Master’s Degree from New York University; and taught mural painting there. “In my mural painting class, I had my high school art teacher as a student,” Reilly says. Cont’d on page 4

(973) 669-7331 Page 3-April 15-April 30, 2016 River View Observer

PORTRAIT OF AN ARTIST Bill Reilly cont’d from pg 3 Reilly prefers working spontaneously, he says, and rarely knows what he’s going to create next. “I never have an intention,” Reilly says. “Ravel was listening to the music of his day and said, ‘I’m going to write the worst piece of music I can,’ which turned out to be Ravel’s ‘Bolero’. I studied with Norman

Pablo Picasso also made an impression on him. Reilly enjoys spontaneity when creating art. “Take something and ask yourself, what else can it be?” Reilly says. “That’s the creative process where you turn it into something

it isn’t.” Looking back, Reilly’s life as an artist has had its rewards. He says: “Art saved my life. I always had something to do. No matter what was going on in my life, I had my art.” The River View Observer Supporting the Arts in Hudson Since 1998

“Mana Hatta” by Bill Reilly

Now in Store

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“Quartet” by Bill Reilly

Rockwell at the Art Students League in New York. Rockwell had to take 48-60

pictures of his subjects and then would paint them. I’m into the Zen of it.”

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Page 4- May 1-May 15, 2016 River View Observer

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Cont’d from the cover Up next? A play by Annie Baker, who won the 2015 Pulitzer for Drama, called CIRCLE MIRROR TRANSFORMATION to be directed by the company’s artistic director Chris O’Connor and starring Obie Award winner Deborah Hedwall and MST company member Matthew Lawler, who also stars on ABC’s The Family. On a recent Thursday afternoon, Hoboken’s Superintendent of Schools Christine Johnson and several Hudson educators were on a visit to Mile Square Theatre for one of several Open Houses for

Mark Cirnigliaro Associate Artistic Director, Christine Johnson Hoboken Public Schools Superintendent, and Joseph Gallo, Playwright-in-Residence, Mile Square Theatre

community members to see the theater up close and meet the company and board of directors. Johnson supports Miles Square Theatre’s arts education programs and says that children who participate in art, theater and music programs “are four times more likely to be recognized for

academic achievement”. “Arts education improves students’ self-worth,” Johnson says. “When you see kids engaged in theater and dance education, you can see they’re more confident. Kids I’ve come in contact with are extremely empathetic and enthusiastic. And arts education embraces all children. There’s more we have to do to lobby for arts education.” Mustard Seed School Principal Tom Postema, also in attendance, agrees arts education is important to his students who regularly attend Mile Square Theatre’s children’s shows. “We’ve been bringing students from Mustard

Seed for many years,” Postema says, “because Mile Square Theatre presents high-quality productions.” Back in 2002, Mile Square Theatre’s Artistic Director Chris O’Connor founded Mile Square Theatre just before entering grad school at Rutgers University. The company bounced around Hoboken, performing wherever it could find a space until 2008 when it made a home at the Monroe Art Center in Hoboken. Still, O’Connor never lost sight of a permanent theater for the company. “Before I moved to the New York area, I did a lot of work in regional theaters around the country and was influenced by the missions

Chris O’Connor, Artistic Director, Mile Square Theatre

of those theaters,” O’Connor says, “which is to make a cultural impact through the production of challenging plays and to have meaningful educational outreach. Given Hoboken’s small geographical size and density, it seemed to me to be a place where one could really build that. Over the years, I’ve been able to convince others of the benefit of that vision, and it’s now really snowballing.” The new theater on Clinton Street came about after O’Connor and Cont’d on page 6

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194 Broadway - PO Box 456 - Bayonne, NJ 07002 Page 5-May 1-May 15, 2016 River View Observer

Cont’d from page 5 company members realized it would be too pricey to renovate the space they rented at Monroe Arts Center. “We then heard about the space at the Artisan and that its zoning agreement with the city was that they were mandated to give the space to an arts non-profit, which is what we are,” O’Connor says. “We studied the space very carefully before determining that it would suit our needs. The landlord at the time was looking for a non-profit, so it worked out for everybody.” O’Connor shares decision-making with the Board of Directors and Associate Artistic Director Mark


Cirnigliaro, who directed GOODNIGHT MOON; and became Associate Artistic Director in January after three years with the company. “We’re all here because of Chris,” Cirnigliaro says. “Our desire is to be a vital cultural institution in Hoboken, and everyone is driven by Chris. This theater and its mission are his heart, his soul and his passion, which attracted everyone here.” Mile Square Theatre is an Equity company and casts both Equity and non-Equity actors in its productions. The next show, CIRCLE, MOON, TRANSFORMATION, directed by O’Connor will be followed by the one-man show LONG GONE DADDY

written and performed by playwright-in-residence Joseph Gallo, who also teaches playwriting, acting and speech at Hudson County Community College. Gallo has performed his one man show as a fundraiser for the theater, doing the show in salons (people’s homes) for 12-15 people. “We bring the chairs,” Gallo says. In July, Gallo performs his one-man show in the new theater. “It’s a follow-up to my play, ‘My Italian Story’,” Gallo says. Gallo’s written a baseball play, too, that has been featured in the company’s annual 7TH INNING STRETCH, a string of oneacts in honor of Hoboken’s



Thinking of Relocating to Sunny Florida? Page 6 -May 1-May 15, 2016 River View Observer

$500,000 for the new theater largely from individual donors, families and a few key business people. “We did an Indiegogo campaign and raised $27,000,” Stoffel says. “We put up a video and prizes at every level. It was a month-long campaign. We also have a $375,000 loan claim to be the site of the we need to pay, so through first baseball game ever fundraising we are selling played. Since 2003, Mile naming rights. The lobby, Square Theatre has comand the stage are available, missioned playwrights to as is the building.” write one-acts about baseThe company plans to ball and 2016 marks the produce five profession 14th year the company will productions a year, and do the show. its still growing. The next The shows at Mile Square show for kids opens Sat, Theatre go on thanks to Apr. 30 for two perforthe company’s fundraising mances, CIRCUS MINIefforts led by the Board MUS, “a one man circus in of Directors and President a suitcase.” Zabrina Stoffel who has “What we want to do is been with Mile Square The- build community,” Stoffel atre for five years. She says says. “I believe in building the company raised close to a public institution that will survive. Chris, Joe, Sarah, Chase, Mark – they have dreams, passion, vision and creativity. You have to have art in your life. It’s the light. It’s the thing that makes you smile unequivocally. Rich, poor, fat, skinny, disabled and able, we’re all equal sitting here and we all get to build and share a common experience.” If you go Sat, Apr. 30, 2 and 5 pm shows CIRCUS MINIMUS, a One-Man Show in a Suitcase Mile Square Theatre 1408 Clinton St, HOB (201) 683-7014 Judith Levi Realtor®

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1990s, the Applied Companies offered us some space in the Shipyard development, which presented a wonderful opportunity, but an unprecedented fundraising challenge, which was the origin of some of our most popular events, such as the annual gala -- which started with a Masked Ball -- and a live auction, then the House Tour and Secret Gardens Tour. We opened our doors at 1301 Hudson Street in April 2001, with changing exhibits every 6-to-12 months on a variety of topics. Now we’re open six days a week, with a professional collections manager and education curator who plans a rich educational program, and a steady program of exhibit-related talks, films and performances. RVO: In all your time working with the museum, have you had a favorite exhibit? BF: It’s impossible to pick a favorite with diverse exhibits covering everything from A Sweet History Of Hoboken (Mom & Pop food shops. to major manufacturers like Tootsie Roll); Hoboken Tunes (singers, songwriters, musical instrument manufacturing, and the legendary music venue Maxwell’s); Hoboken Tubes (PATH trains); Heaven, Hell or Hoboken” (Hoboken in WWI); Immigrant History Of Hoboken, and a history of the Holland and Lincoln Tunnels. They’re all so different. We

have created exhibits for every interest. RVO: How did everything go with the recent Frank Sinatra exhibit? BF: The Sinatra exhibit has been our most popular in terms of visitor numbers, and distance traveled. We have had hundreds of visitors from beyond the U.S. Some people traveled to Hoboken on December 12, 2015, just to celebrate his birthday in his birthplace, capping the day off at a fun concert we cohosted that night with the City of Hoboken’s Cultural Affairs Department at Stevens Institute of Technology. These visitors have shared very moving stories about how they learned to speak English by listening to Sinatra’s records, or how they were inspired to come to the U.S. because of Sinatra, or how his songs reminded them of their parents and grandparents, or for our older guests, important points in their own lives. We even had television crews from all over the world come here to feature Hoboken in their tributes to “The Voice.” RVO: Once the Elysian Fields Escapade is over, what’s next for the museum? Cont’d on page 9

Page 7- May 1-May 15, 2016 River View Observer

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Page 8-May 1- May 15, 2016 River View Observer


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Cont’d from page 7 BF: So glad you asked. Our next fun event is June 5, the annual Secret Gardens Tour, which consists of guided tours of 7 - 8 private gardens on loan from local supporters of the museum; it’s the only way to peek into Hoboken’s hidden natural beauty. Also in June, we will host a vintage baseball game on June 18 to commemorate the 170th anniversary of the baseball game held here in 1846, and a Family Fun Day on June 19 with crafts and games for the whole family to enjoy together. The Sinatra exhibit is on view through July 3. The Museum will be closed for most of July, reopening July 31 with a new exhibit of photographs of Hoboken in the 1980s by Michael Flanagan, a talented photographer who worked with a large-format black 1005 and white camera…This fall, we’re hosting a series of World War I lectures to commemorate Hoboken’s role as a port of embarkation 100 years ago. If you go…Sat, May 14, 7 pm ELYSIAN FIELDS ESCAPADE The Elks Lodge Washington St, HOB THE HOBOKEN HISTORICAL MUSEUM 1301 Hudson St, HOB (201) 656-2240

The River View Observer

Bi-Weekly -Serving Hudson Since 1998 Print -Digital -Mobile -Direct Mail For Information & Advertising Rates 201-349-4336 Page 9- May 1-May 15, 2016 River View Observer


“Removing dangerous materials from our homes by participating in Hudson County‘s Household Hazardous Waste program is a smart way to protect our families and the environment.”












This program is sponsored, in part, by a grant from the NJDEP-Division of Solid and Hazardous Waste. Residents can drop off materials at any site. Proof of residency may be required. Thomas A. DeGise County Executive Norman M. Guerra Chief Executive Officer

COMMISSIONERS Frank Pestana, Chairman James P. Doran, Ed.D., Vice Chairman Stephen J. Gallo, Treasurer Frank Lorenzo, Secretary Fred M. Bado Jeffrey Dublin Nicholas Goldsack Martin T. Martinetti John A. Peneda BOARD OF CHOSEN FREEHOLDERS

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Computers/Printers/Monitors Consumer Electronics Cell Phones Alkaline batteries Latex paint Explosives Smoke detectors Compressed gas cylinders/tanks TCBs, TCCD (such as freon and helium) Woodlife Dioxin Asbestos Kepone Infectious waste Silvex 2,4,5-t Radioactive material Unknown/unidentified material Ballasts Washers/dryers/refrigerators/ air conditioners Any OTC or prescription 13-15 drugs PR I



Page 10-May1-May 15, 2016 River View Observer





Batteries Alkaline Batteries now fall below federal and state hazardous waste standards, and should be disposed of in your regular trash. Rechargeable batteries, found in cordless power tools, cellular and cordless phones, laptop computers, and remote control toys must still be recycled. Prior to bringing your batteries to HHWCollection, you will need to cap or tape each terminal end of every battery. Latex Paint Latex paint manufactured after 1991 now falls below federal and state hazardous waste standards. It will not be accepted at HHW Days. Instead, let paint air dry, or use cat litter, sand or another absorbent, then dispose of in your regular trash (remove all lids). Fluorescent Bulbs To be accepted at HHW Days, you must place bulbs back in original packaging, in an air tight container or wrap the bulb in cellophane, newspaper, or duct tape. Reminder: Please DO NOT bring helium, freon or oxygen tanks to HHW Days, only propane barbecue tanks are accepted.












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– Tom DeGise, County Executive










FREE TIRE AMNESTY EVENT @ HHW DAYS! Hudson County residents are asked to bring no more than 4 tires for proper disposal. If you cannot participate in this year’s Tire Amnesty Event, either store tires indoors (in a garage or shed) or cover them until they can be disposed of properly.* *Contact your municipal DPW for disposal locations and cost.








Page 11-May 1-May 15, 2016 River View Observer

ArtSCENE a Go-to Guide to Hudson Art May & Beyond THEATER

collection of short stories by Jonathan Corcoran.”


MILE SQUARE THEATRE, 1408 Clinton St, HOB. (201) 683-7014; Two shows only, Sat, Apr. 30, 2 pm & 5 pm: CIRCUS MINIMUS, the One-Man Circus-in-a-Suitcase.


WORD BOOKSTORE, 123 Newark Ave, JC. Thurs, May 19, 7:30 pm (Free) Join AUTHORS HIRSH SAWHNEY AND JONATHAN CORCORAN as they celebrate the releases of their new books, SOUTH HAVEN and THE ROPE SWING. Hirsh Sawhney and Jonathan Corcoran will read excerpts from their new novels; participate in a short discussion; answer questions and sign books. “Hirsh Sawhney’s writing has appeared in the New York Times Book Review, the Guardian, the Times Literary Supplement, the Financial Times, Outlook, and numerous other periodicals. South Haven is his debut novel. The Rope Swing is a

RAVEN GALLERY, 304 Newark Ave, JC. Through May 14: “2 YEAR SHOW” ; Group Show featuring artists who exhibited at Raven Gallery since it opened two years ago. (Pictured: “Untitled” by Andrea D’Alessandro)

MANA CONTEMPORARY, 818 Newark Ave, JC, (201) 604-2702, Opening May 1 and running through July 16: Ernst Hilger Galerie at Mana presents: ÁNGEL MARCOS: HASTA SIEMPRE. Double or Nothing (The Failure of Utopias). “During the thirties, forties and fifties of the last century, Havana was known for its casinos. Artists, mafiosos, politicians and smugglers would mingle with each other in an undercover prosperity of nightlife, salsa and fireworks. They would laugh and drink together. Attracted by this spiral of joy, affluent Americans would travel to Cuba. After the Revolution of 1959 and

Page 12-May 1-May 15, 2016 River View Observer

the rise of the Communist party to power, gambling establishments were shut down and their dazzling shine faded away. It was replaced by Las Vegas. Overnight, Americans managed to build a city in the middle of nowhere, which became the new center of entertainment. This exhibition tries to confront two opposing ways to understand the world. On the one hand, the concept that Las Vegas represents, a paradigm of an idle society. On the other hand, Havana, a faded paradise that has become a wasteland of expectations, a place out of its time that has been isolated due to the failure of Egalitarianism.”

ISSYRA GALLERY, Neuman Leather Building, 300 Observer Highway, HOB. (917) 922-690/, (201) 459 -0700; www.issyragallery. com. Now showing: AFTER CONSIDERATION by Issa Sow.

GUTTENBERG ARTS CENTER, 6903 Jackson St, GTTNBG. (201) 868-8585; Hours: noon to 5 pm, TuesSun; and by appointment. Coming Sun, June 12: The 2nd Annual BRADDOCK PARK ART FESTIVAL.


This free all day-festival will take place in beautiful James J. Braddock Park in North Bergen to celebrate “creativity, community, visual arts, music and food”. For more info – and applications to participate – go to

classical and medieval art, the areas of his expertise. Based in Teaneck, New Jersey, Dr. Norris delivers PowerPoint lectures to libraries, schools, retirement communities, and clubs, many geared especially for New Jersey audiences. Refreshments will be served. Members: $10-; non-members $15. “


VICTORY HALL DRAWING ROOMS, 180 Grand St, JC. (201) 208-8032. Opens Apr. 8 and runs through May 15: THE NATURE OF THINGS. Curated by Anne Trauben. Artists’ workshops and talks will be held Apr 30 and May 1, 2:30-5:30 pm.



CASA COLOMBO, 380 Monmouth St, JC. www. Sun, May 15, 4 pm: Armchair Art Tours with Dr. Michael Norris, former education director at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. GO, VAN GOGH, A slide presentation complete with informative, artistic and humorous commentary. “Michael Norris, Ph.D., has given lectures for more than twenty years, especially in

LIBERTY SCIENCE CENTER, Liberty State Park, 222 Jersey City Boulevard, JC. (201) 200-1000; Opens April 29 A BEAUTIFUL PLANET: “A Beautiful Planet is a breathtaking

See more ArtSCENE Cont’d on page13


Cont’d from page 14


Cont’d from page 12 Liberty Science Center portrait of Earth from space, providing a unique perspective and increased understanding of our planet and galaxy as never seen before. Narrated by Academy Award winner Jennifer Lawrence and directed by acclaimed filmmaker Toni Myers (Hubble, Blue Planet), the film features stunning footage of our magnificent blue planet and the effects humanity has had on it over time, captured by the astronauts aboard the International Space Station. From space, Earth blazes at night with the electric intensity of human expansion—a direct visualization of our changing world. But it is within our power to protect the planet. A Beautiful Planet presents an awe-inspiring glimpse of Earth and a hopeful look into the future of humanity.”

jewelry goldsmiths and silversmiths such as Tiffany & Co. and Krementz. The glamorous core of this exhibition consists of unique Tiffany & Co. pieces that can be found in no other museum in the nation. City of Silver and Gold showcases more than 100 objects drawn from the Museum’s holdings documenting the rise of the city’s gold and silver industry from modest beginnings in the early 1800s to national prominence by the turn of the 20th century. This exhibition is part of New Jersey’s 350th anniversary celebration.”

NEW VICTORY THEATER, 209 W. 42 St, NYC. (646) 2233010; Showing May 6-15: Carlo Colla & Sons Marionette Company of Milan, Italy presents THE PIED PIPER. “When the prosperous town of Hamelin is suddenly overrun with rodents, can a mysterious stranger lure the pests away with only a simple song? From the twitch of a rat’s tail to the grandiose proclamations of a greedy mayor, this retelling of the classic Brothers Grimm fairy tale features the intricate craftsmanship of over 120 exquisite marionettes (and 300 puppet rats!). 19th century artistry takes center stage in this visually-stunning production. SEND US YOUR ARTS LISTINGS. If you have an art opening or performances coming up including visual arts, performing arts and street arts, send an email to: and we’ll list it in ARTScene. All listings are FREE.

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NEWARK MUSEUM, 49 Washington St, Newark, NJ. (973) 596-6550; Now showing: CITY OF SILVER AND GOLD FROM TIFFANY TO CARTIER “For more than a century, the City of Newark was the thriving center of the precious metal industry in the United States and home to the design workshops of famed

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Page 13-May 1-May 15, 2016 River View Observer

This Mother’s Day Mayor James Davis Reminds you to shop Bayonne

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Page 15-May 1-May 15,2016 River View Observer

The Joe Bayer Band to Offer Concert at Bayonne Community Museum on Monday, May 2


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$13.95 Children

Under 10 years of age

Mayor Jimmy Davis announced that the Joe Bayer Band will present a free concert at the Bayonne Community Museum on Monday, May 2. The doors will open at 6:30 p.m. The concert will start at 7:00 p.m. The Joe Bayer Band concert will be the latest show in a series called “Musical Mondays at the Museum,” which has taken place on various Mondays during the winter and spring of 2016. Mayor Davis said, “The Bayonne Community Museum is a great place for a concert. We would like to encourage more of our residents to come and enjoy the arts at this beautiful

location for special events.” his free concert is sponsored by the Bayonne Urban Enterprise Zone (UEZ) and BCB Community Bank. Light refreshments will be served. The Joe Bayer Band plays country rock. The seven-member band has a musical sound that employs vocals, guitars, keyboards, drums, banjos, fiddles, mandolins, and a bass. If You Go Musical Mondays at the Museum Bayonne Community Museum 229 Broadway Bayonne Doors Open 6:30 Show 7:00 PM

This Mother’s Day Take Mom to Rita & Joe’s

Est. 1985

Rita & Joe’s 142 Broadway, Jersey City, NJ  or 

Page 16-May 1-May 15, 2016 River View Observer


Modern American Cuisine in Historic Paulus Hook By Sally Deering


obblestones and brownstones are synonymous with Paulus Hook, the section of downtown Jersey City where the Dutch first settled this side of the Hudson. A walk through the neighborhood can soon become a visit if you pass by the Light Horse Tavern on Washington Street. This corner eatery seems to invite passers-by into its spacious and warm dining room complete with a baby grand piano, 20-seat bar and cozy tables where guests can enjoy Modern American cuisine in an atmosphere of fine dining. Owner Bill Gray started out as an engineer purchasing the property for development, but when things slowed down after 9/11, he decided to roll up his sleeves and take over the renovation. He put his stamp on every detail and soon went from engineer to restaurateur. Gray says the transition has been a process that continues to this day. He’s proud that several chefs that ran his kitchen have now gone on to enjoy their own celebrity including David Drake; and after

close to 15 years in the restaurant business, Gray still adheres to the high standards he started with: that all dishes are made with fresh ingredients. For those who don’t know why the restaurant is called Light Horse, Tavern a visit to its website tells you. It’s named after Henry Lee, III, aka “Light Horse Harry” and the story goes: “Henry Lee, III was born near Dumfries, Virginia, bright-eyed, and full of spirit. His skill as a horseman, as well as his temperament, made him a natural cavalryman. Following his graduation from Princeton, Harry returned home to Virginia, and was soon commissioned as captain in the fifth group of the Virginia Light Dragoons. As part of the Continental Army, Harry led his men in a surprise attack in Paulus Hook, New Jersey, capturing 400 British soldiers. His leadership soon earned him the nickname Light Horse Harry.” “When we opened, we wanted to find a connection to the neighborhood,” Gray says of Light Horse Harry. “This is a designated historic neighborhood. We’re on a British cemetery.” Gray describes the

Light Horse cuisine as Modern American, which means classic dishes

like meatloaf come with their own spin. “For instance, our

Light Horse Tavern Dining Room

Modern American Cuisine (scallops & shrimp)

meatloaf has been on the menu for 14 years,” Gray says. “It’s bacon-wrapped and baked in a bread loaf pan. We add BBQ sauce on top. That’s our spin. And everything is home-made like our gelato, and our house bread, which is like an Italian loaf.” Light Horse also serves seafood that’s so fresh, it’s served practically the day it’s caught; and prime rib that’s been aged for 2-and4-weeks. Light Horse Tavern’s menu features appetizers like Spring Pea Soup with pancetta, creme fraiche, and brioche croutons; French Onion Soup made with three cheeses, and croutons; Caesar Salad with Little Gem Lettuce, croutons, classic Caesar dressing, and parmesan; Kale & Pear Salad with shaved acorn squash, Manchego, and candied pecans; Organic Greens with Quinoa, apples, grapes, nuts, and seeds; Octopus Salad with basil, frisee, almonds and pecorino; Garlic Shrimp cooked in white wine and garlic butter; Steamed Mussels with chorizo, tomatoes, Brooklyn lager, scallions, and cilantro; Crispy Fried Calamari with spicy yellow tomato ragout, and basil; Cont’d on page 18

Page 17-May 1-May 15, 2016 River View Observer


BILLY VERA TO APPEAR AT NYC IRIDUM Legendary singer-songwriter Billy Vera hit song”At this Moment”will appear on Sunday, May 15th at 8:30 tickets $25 Iridum 1650 Broadway NY 10019 Box Office 212-582-2121

Bar seats 20

Bill Gray, Owner, Light Horse Tavern Cont’d from page 17 stew, oven roasted cherry a Cured Meats Board with tomatoes, fennel, and prosciutto, fennel salami, parsley; Rotisserie Chicken bresaola, Sicilian cauliwith Farro, kale, asparagus, flower, Shishito peppers, rutabaga, fava beans, and and toasted bread; and an chicken jus; and Grilled Artisanal Cheese Plate with Aged Ribeye with black homemade red wine-walnut garlic potato puree, haricot bread, Marcona almonds, vert, pickled onions, and fig jam, and Membrillo. pea shoots. ($17-$33). ($9-$17). Also on the menu are Entrees include Parmesan the Light Horse Tavern Gnocchi with peas, Maitake Classics which include the mushrooms and herb butBaked Meatloaf wrapped ter; Orechiette, homemade in in bacon with whipped sweet Italian sausage, broc- potatoes and sauteed baby colini, garlic, white wine spinach; Crispy Cod & and parmesan; Roasted Chips with homemade tarDuck Breast with braised tar sauce and coleslaw; and endive, parsnips, port wine the LHT Burger with let& cherry reduction; Grilled tuce, tomato, chipotle mayo Skirt Steak with fried and fries. ($12-$17). Marscapone polenta, green Light Horse Tavern seats zucchini and chimichurri; 100 in the dining room and Arctic Char with Fingerling 50 outside for al fresco dinpotatoes, sauteed spinach ing, and it’s available for and mustard cream; Pan private parties. Roasted Cod -- pepper

“We are available for private parties but we don’t like to close the restaurant off from our regular customers,” Gray says, “so we do a few weddings and special occasions for friends.” Although it’s a neighborhood eatery, Light Horse Tavern is a place for business luncheons and intimate dinners for two. “We’re destination dining,” Gray says. “We received 3-Stars in New Jersey Monthly and 3-Stars in the New York Times. People know Light Horse is a place to go for fine dining, Two-three thousand people come through here every week.” If you go LIGHT HORSE TAVERN 199 Washington St, JC (201) 946-2028 Hours Mon-Fri: 11:30 am-3:30 pm; 5–10 pm Sat, Sun: 10:30 am–11 pm Lunch: Mon-Sat 11:30 am – 3:30 pm Dinner: 5-10 pm; Fri 5 – 11 pm Brunch: Sat & Sun 10:30 am – 3 pm Bar: Mon-Sat 11:30 am – Closing; Sun 12 pm – Closing

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Page 18-May1-May15,2016 River View Observer

Personalized Catering By

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F AC I L I T E S F RO M 1 0 T O 7 0 0 Another Fine Casino

Shore Casino Municipal Arena, Atlantic Highlands , NJ * 732-291-4300

McFadden’s Restaurant 17 East 21st Street 17 East 21st Street Bet. B’way & Ave. E (Bet. B’way & Ave. E) Near 22nd Street Light Rail Station Near 22nd Street Light Rail Station

201-823-8460 201-823-8460 Ample Parking Ample Parking

Open Tuesday thru Friday 4 PM– Saturday & Sunday 12 PM


Call John at 201-450-7405 2 Party Rooms Available 80-150 People

New Jersey Performing Arts Center Presents Richard Nader’s 27th Annual Summer Doo Wop Concert New Jersey Performing Arts Center (NJPAC) is proud to present for the first time Richard Nader’s 27th Annual Summer Doo Wop Concert. The Doo Wop stellar line up includes Charlie Thomas’ DRIFTERS “Save the Last Dance for Me” “Under the Boardwalk”, THE DUPREES “You Belong To Me” “Have You Heard”, LOU CHRISTIE “Lightnin’ Strikes” “Two Faces Have”, SHIRLEY ALSTON REEVES, The original lead of THE SHIRELLES “Soldier Boy” “Mama Said”, Jay Siegel’s TOKENS“The Lion Sleeps Tonight” “Portrait of My Love”, Tommy Mara and THE CRESTS “16 Candles” “The Angels Listened In” and special Guest LADD VANCE son of KENNY VANCE. This will be an afternoon of classic Doo Wop and 1950s rock ‘n’ roll at it’s very best.

The Duprees If You Go Prudential Hall One Center Street Newark, NJ Sunday, June 5, 2016 3pm Tickets Priced at $59.50 & $69.50 Event Link: http://www. richard-naders-27thannual-summer-doo-wopconcert

Get Social! Follow NJPAC Online: Website:http://www.njpac. org/ Twitter: @NJPAC Hashtag: #NJPACmusic Facebook: NJPAC Youtube: NJPACtv Location and Directions: NJPAC is located at 1 Center Street, Newark, New Jersey; a short walk from the Newark Penn Station stop by Newark-bound PATH Train or Amtrak.

Acapella Doo-Wop Group Available for Private Parties, Clubs, Festivals and Senior Activity Programs


For more information Call: 201-471-2871 Page 19-May 1-May 15, 2016 River View Observer

Shred YOUR IDENTITY... COMPOST BIN RAIN BARREL (Before someone else does!)

Identity theft continues to top the Federal Trade Commission’s national ranking of consumer complaints- approximately 15 million U.S. residents have their identities used fraudulently each year. Properly disposing of personal documents is a necessary step in safeguarding and protecting your personal information and credit and preventing identity theft.

Hudson County residents are invited to have personal confidential and/or sensitive documents shredded at free, on-site, mobile paper-shredding events:

Saturday, April 30 NEW LOCATION! Saturday, May 7 Saturday, May 21

- Braddock Park in North Bergen Parking Lot - Use 79th Street Entrance - West New York DPW 6200 Dewey Avenue - Secaucus Recreation Center



Parking Lot - 1200 Koelle Boulevard

Learn how to: • Make compost in your backyard • Use compost as mulch • Prepare and use compost teas • Identify the Asian Longhorned Beetle • Maintain your garden with the least toxic pesticides • “Grasscycle” to benefit your lawn • Have a healthy green lawn and protect water quality

9 AM to 1 PM (Rain or shine)

IMPORTANT: • Remove large binder clips (staples and paper clips are okay) • No plastic binders • Recycle magazines and non-confidential paper curbside • Residents only – no businesses In an effort to accommodate all those wishing to participate please limit your documents to no more than 40 lbs. Documents will be commercially shredded safely, privately and properly by trained, licensed and bonded document destruction specialists.Residents may bring documents in whatever type of container they wish. Participants may stay and watch the process if they wish. For further information, contact the HCIA’s Environmental Hotline 201-324-6222 ext. 3257 or visit

• Conserves municipal water supply • Cuts household water bills by up to 40% • Excellent water source for lawns, indoor/outdoor plants • Free from chlorine and other water treatment chemicals • Large 55 gallon capacity • Unique shape and neutral color blends into any landscape • Made of up to 100% recycled materials • Mosquito mesh keeps out bugs and leaves • Accessories included

This is a rain or shine event

– you must pick up your barrel(s) on the day of the sale only. To reserve a Compost Bin or Rain Barrel and for more information, call the Hudson County Improvement Authority Environmental Hotline at 1-201-324-6222 ext 3257 or EMail Thomas A. DeGise County Executive

Page 20-May 1-May 15, 2016 River View Observer

Norman M. Guerra Chief Executive Officer

Frank Pestana Chairman

Art House Productions’ STAGES! Youth Company presents THE ADDAMS FAMILY Art House is proud to announce its STAGES! youth company production of The Addams Family, May 67 (FriSat) at 7pm and Sunday, May 8 at 2pm. Performances will be held at The Landmark Loew’s Jersey Theater, 54 Journal Square Plaza, Jersey City, NJ. The Loew’s is located adjacent to the Journal Square PATH Station. Tickets are $15 for adults, $8 for youth and seniors ($18/$12 at the door) and may be purchased at www.arthouseproductions.or ABOUT THE SHOW Based on the bizarre and beloved characters created by Charles Addams, this original story finds the famously macabre Addams Family put to the test when outsiders come to dinner, hurling Gomez, Morticia, Wednesday, Pugsley, Fester, Grandmama, and Lurch headlong into a night that will change the family forever. Cast: Eden Ann Anderson, Oliver Clarke, Krystal Cohen, Isabel Culpepper, Waylon Faulkner, Arianna Fialon, Sophia Gliatto, Davin Greene, Frances Haim, Shalom Shai Haim, Darla Klammer, Jose Lupianez, Alyssa Massa, Noah Navarro, Aidan Osterling, Nahja Kali Quinones, Tucker Rodriguez, Qu’Raun ScottMcKoy, Katerina Vail, Kailyn Vazquez, Abby Wallace Burch, Molly Wallace Burch, and Gabby Welles. Music and lyrics by Andrew Lippa, book by

Marshall Brickman, music direction by Corey Wachala, lighting design by Lance A. Michel, prop design by Pat Christodulidis, costume design by Kima Baffour, scenic design by Andrea McKenna. Production Manager Summer Dawn Hortillosa and Stage Manager Siobhan Gordon. Directed by Mason Beggs. The Addams Family is sponsored by Sawyer

Smith Residential Brokerage, Morgan Stanley, and Friends of the Loew’s. Art House Productions is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization committed to the development and presentation of performing and visual arts programs in Jersey City, NJ. For more information about our programs, please visit our website at For accessibility requests and inquiries please contact info@arthouseproductions. org or call 201-915-9911.

Discover the NEW

Mediterraneo Restaurant

My name is Jose Perez, the new owner of Mediterraneo Restaurant. With over 30 years experience working in the restaurant business, food is my passion. At Mediterraneo, my first priority is to serve my customers food of the highest quality, with exceptional service and attention to details. You will enjoy authentic Spanish cuisine, more traditional that what you will find in other restaurants. I absolutely love what I do, and look forward to serving you! 932 Broadway • Bayonne (between 44th & 45th Sts.) 201-823-2717

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Authentic Sunday Sauce $8.95 ALL YOU CAN EAT! plus a glass of wine Open Monday to Saturday—Closed Sundays

324 3rd Street, Downtown Jersey City 201.420.3268 All Major Credit Cards Accepted

Page 21-May 1-May 15, 2016 River View Observer


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Page 22-May 1-May 15, 2016 River View Observer


Presented by – Annette Rubin, (201-424-1182)

Thomas “TJ” Senger (201-563-3591) EXIT ON THE HUDSON REALTY

Listing Agents Or call the Office – 201-437-0411

“When you love what you do...It shows”

This Month’s Featured Listings: AFFORDABLE ALTERNATIVE!

Easy to See – short Notice OK!!



This updated unit features a separate room (den or home office) with full size laundry area, open layout with modern kitchen, assigned parking space right at the door. (Note: Owner must occupyRentals are not permitted.)

This updated 2 BR unit has a modern kitchen, laundry hook-ups in the unit, sliding glass doors out to a waterview deck, a patio area & assigned parking space right at the door. (Note: Owner must occupy- Rentals are not permitted.)

Asking just $15,000

Asking just $39,900

At their Annual Awards Breakfast last week, the Liberty Board of Realtors honored the top producing Real Estate professionals for the 2015 production year. These individuals are selected to receive the award based on successful completion of a minimum number of transactions that generate qualifying dollar levels of sales. Pictured here are recipients from EXIT On the Hudson Realty of Bayonne: Annette Rubin, Broker Owner and Distinguished Sales Club award; Disheng Huang, Silver level award, Anita Jakubowski, Bronze Level award, and Wilson Cheng, Bronze level award. Not pictured are Maria Mascola and Kathlene Meadows, both were also Bronze level award recipients. For more information about the office, the staff, or for questions about your Real Estate needs and goals, please call EXIT On The Hudson Realty directly at 201-437-0411 or visit their office at 808 Broadway, between 36th and 37th Streets in Bayonne.


Joseph F. Damato Broker of Record

EXIT On The Hudson Realty serves all of New Jersey for Residential, and Commercial Real Estate, both sales and rentals.




Page 23-May 1-May 15, 2016 River View Observer

Live in Bayonne In One of these Unique and Elegant Properties NEW LISTING!


Spectacular & Charming One Family Colonial

Stunning One Family Colonial Near Park Stunning meticulously maintained colonial near park. Featuring a sunny open floor plan with hardwood floors, central air, high ceilings, a chefs kitchen with stainless steel and granite. Beautiful yard with pavers and pool, finished basement and much more.

Spectacular and charming fully renovated colonial located on

the desirable tree lined Willow Street just a short distance to light rail and very close to Rt 440 shopping and Cruise-port. Featuring stunning new baths and ultra modern kitchen complimented with plenty of old world charm. Four expansive levels of living space and a master suite complete with master bath, convenient kitchenette and walk in closet. Don't miss out! Phenomenal home!

Your home is waiting for you, call now!





Spectacular Solid Brick Oversized Ranch

Exquisite & Sophisticated One Family Colonial Landmark Home

Spectacular solid brick oversized ranch with fully finished renovated garden level. Featuring 2 expansive floors with over 3,000 sq. ft. of living space and a large attic with endless possibilities. This prestigious designer decorated home is situated in the prime park location on a unique exclusive dead end bay front street. Ideal layout for mother daughter with 2 separate living areas. Call now, must see! you don't want to miss out on this exceptional property!

Exquisite and sophisticated solid brick center hall colonial landmark

home with commercial office attached, live and work at home. Situated on an over-sized lot in prime midtown Doctors Row location. Featuring elegant and tasteful turn of the century woodwork and details, large chefs kitchen with veranda and sun room, a finished basement with wet bar, garage parking and much more. This high quality prestigious estate is for the discerning buyer and won't last! Just a few blocks from the light rail and Bus to NYC. Don't miss out!



These properties brought to you by:

CHRISTOPHER PIECHOCKI- Realtor Sales Associate

"Over 200,000,000 In Closed Sales Volume"

NJAR Circle Of Excellence, (Platinum, 2012) (Gold, 2013) Platinum (2014) Weichert Realtors (Chairman of the Board Club, (2012 –2014) Top 1% of All Associates Worldwide Email:

Page 24-May 1-May 15, 2016 River View Observer

Cell (201) 978-1110

Weichert Realtors Office (201)-339-8282 ext. 115 Weichert Realtors Fax: (201) 339-7745

VRI HOMES in Bayonne would like to Congratulate


Donna Kmec

Donna Kmec

Broker Associate/ Manager

Broker Associate/ Manager for being a recipient of the NJAR Circle of Excellence Sales Award!!

Reach out to our Award Winning agent at Office- 201-823-2800 Cell- 201-401-8462 Email- DONNAK@VRIHOMES.COM DONNAK@VRIHOMES.COM Website- DONNAK.VRIHOMES.COM

Office located at: 185 Broadway Bayonne, NJ 201-823-2800 VRIHOMES.COM HOMESINBAYONNE.COM

1325 Paterson Plank Road Secaucus, NJ 07094 201-348-0881

21 Arn Terr, Secaucus, NJ 07094



One of a kind young custom built 1 family home on a beautiful double corner lot-(10,830 Sq. Ft.) Located in the North End of Secaucus town. Nothing in Secaucus can compare to features of Brick & Stucco Fiberglass roof tiles lifetime guaranteed. Enclosed all year heated in ground pool, w/waterfalls & heated floors w/outdoor kitchen, oversize 2 car garage, lawn sprinkler system. All newer top line appliances for 3 kitchens, ceiling fans, window treatments, chandelier, 4 zone gas heating, security system, intercom & sound system, full finished basement w/full kitchen & full bath (In-Law Suite) 2 master bedrooms suites, master bath w/Jacuzzi. Want more? This Luxury home has it all! Truly one of a kind Will be shown by appointment to qualified buyers only Must have pre-qualified letter please

Call listing agent Barbara Carbonaro 201-240-4216

CITY VIEWS Is your family expanding and you need more space? Looking for Info. on Homes, Schools, and transportation options in Bergen County?

Want to talk with a LOCAL EXPERIENCED Agent Living in each community? Would you like to learn about the PORT IMPERIAL & EDGEWATER Riverfront Gold Coast Communities?

Call-Scott Selleck ,Broker/Sales Associate to be connected to with a KW local Bergen County experienced realtor or Port Imperial Specialist Direct at 201- 970-3960 Toll Free 844 –KW-Bergen Office 201-592-8900 Email Community Inquiries : Keller Williams Realty has offices throughout Bergen County (Each office independently owned and operated) Page 25-May 1- May 15, 2016 River View Observer



New Listing –Bayonne 1 Family Beautiful well updated colonial one family with spacious layout and plenty of old world charm. Featuring ornate details, hardwood floors, fireplace mantle, an updated kitchen, partially finished basement and much more. Sliders from kitchen lead to deck with pool in yard. Close to light rail and Bayonne Bridge. Must see, Call now! $289,000

Weichert Realtors

"Over $200,000,000 In Successfully Closed Sales Volume"

NJAR Circle of Excellence, (Platinum, 2012)(Gold, 2013) Platinum (2014) Weichert Realtors (Chairman of the Board Club, 2012-2014) Top 1% of All Associates Worldwide

Wichert Realtors Office –201-339-8282 x 115 Direct –201-978-1110 Fax: 201-339-7745 · Website:


Bayonne Office for Rent

Excellent opportunity in Historic Bergen Point Village for your business, corner commercial property currently under renovation with build to suit possible. Property features 2 entrances, high ceilings exposed brick and parking possible for extra fee. Storage also available. Rare Find!


Bayonne One Family

Spectacular triplex end unit townhouse in desirable Bergen Point area close to Bus to NYC, Route 440 and light rail. Well maintained corner property with garage parking, central air, deck off of large kitchen, hardwood floors and much more. Finished basement apartment with full bath and access to yard. Call now, rare opportunity!

New Listing Bayonne 1 Family Beautiful charming row house across the street from the light rail. Spaciously deceiving layout with hardwood floors, a new kitchen and a deck in the yard. Perfect sun porch and finished basement. New Carpeting and new modern bathroom. Call now, rare opportunity! Don't miss out !

Beautiful end unit townhouse located on desirable tree lined Street in Bergen Point neighborhood. Featuring and open floor plan with hardwood floors, central air, recessed lighting and three levels of finished living space.

Large updated kitchen with sliders to newer deck with sun setter awning. Many recent upgrades. Come see for yourself. Don't miss out!!


Bayonne One Family

Exceptional over-sized sun drenched fully renovated colonial one family directly across the street from the Hudson Bergen Light Rail. Featuring old world charm, a miad staircase, modern amenities and tasteful design. High ceilings, plenty of rooms, closet space, large basement for expansion and a generously sized yard! Don't miss out!


HOMES FOR SALE & RENT New Listing Bayonne 2 Family

Charming legal 2 family home on over-sized lot with partially finished basement on desirable tree lined street very close to 8th Street light rail. Featuring an over-sized garage with an office and restroom. Well maintained but needs some TLC. Call now, wont last!



New Listing Bayonne 2 Family Coming soon! Phenomenal and Exquisite high quality new construction 2 family with owner’s duplex and garage parking close to Light Rail, bus to NYC and shopping. Tastefully designed and well equipped with luxury baths and contemporary kitchens with granite and stainless. Featuring hardwood floors, central air, large yard and much more. Don’t miss out on this rate opportunity! Call city tax assessors office to find out about the year tax incentive available


Hurry! Won’t Last! $575,000

New Listing Bayonne 1 Family

New Listing Bayonne 1 Family

Well maintained Brick-front ranch with finished basement close to 8th street light rail station. Featuring spacious sunny rooms, hardwood floors, garage parking and a large yard. Call now! wont last!

Beautiful Semi attached 2 family home in excellent Bergen Point Location also close to Historic Bergen Point shopping center, 8th Street Light Rail Station, parks, restaurants and schools. This home features 4 bedrooms, 2 full baths,2 living rooms, 2 kitchen and much more.

Must see rare opportunity!!! $239,000

New Listing Bayonne One Family

Gorgeous well maintained over-sized 3 family home located in Bergen Point area just steps to historic shopping center. Featuring large sun drenched rooms, old world charm, a finished basement and a huge attic ready for expansion situated on an over sized lot with a garage, this historic charmer shows owners pride and wont last!

$239,900 New Listing Bayonne 2 Family


Bayonne 3 Family


Email: CPiechocki@Weichert.Com

Beautiful end unit townhouse located on desirable tree line street in Bergen Point neighorborhood. Featuring and open floor plan with hardwood floors, central air, recessed lighting and three levels of finished living space. Large updated kitchen with sliders to newer deck with sun setter awning. Many recent upgrades Come see for yourself, Don’t miss out!



New Listing Bayonne Condo

Phenomenal duplex penthouse in “The Covent”. Balcony with panoramic views of the Bayonne Bridge and NYC Skyline in distance. Beautiful over-sized sunny rooms with vaulted ceilings, hardwood floors and granite/stainless steel kitchen. Featuring gorgeous yard, laundry room and private storage. Close to Light, rail don’t miss out!


Bayonne Residential Rental Call 1-800 Showing to set up appointments. Landlord requests credit check, lease application and 1.5 months security. No pets or smoking in the apartment


New Listing Bayonne 2 Family Coming soon! Phenomenal and Exquisite high quality new construction 2 family with owner's duplex and garage parking close to Light Rail, bus to NYC and shopping. Tastefully designed and well equipped with luxury baths and contemporary kitchens with granite and stainless. Featuring hardwood floors, central air, balconies, large yard and much more. Don't miss out on this rare opportunity! Call city tax assessors office to find out about the year tax incentive available. Hurry! Won't last! $575,000

"Thinking of Selling? Please call me at 201-978-1110 now for a FREE Value Analysis" Page 26-May 1-May 15, 2016 River View Observer

You’re Invited!!

Join us on Sat. April 30th from 11 AM to 1 PM for our

Spring Home Buyer’s Seminar At Hendrickson’s Restaurant, corner of Broadway & 31 st St. Get helpful information about the process and additional services that can be an important part for a stress-free move!

Independently Owned & Operated by Annette Rubin


This roomy 2 BR, 2 Bath unit features an open layout, generous room sizes, plenty of closet space, and washer/dryer in the unit. Prime location just across from Hudson County Park! Asking $219,000

PRICE REDUCED! SPACIOUS END UNIT TOWNHOME BERGEN POINT – BAYONNE Three levels of living space in this move-in ready home offer you 3 BR, 2 ½ baths, great finished basement with wet bar, extra deep yard &offstreet parking. Asking $319,000


Admission is free, and light refreshments will be served.





Sophisticated, upscale home offers over 1700 Sq Et of living area; panoramic water views from 2 balconies, lavish Master Suite, state-of-the-art kitchen, garage parking for 2 cars, & numerous deluxe features. Fitness center on site. $399,000

PRICE REDUCED! END UNIT ROW HOUSE 2 FAMILY BAYONNE Very well kept and updated home offers newer roof, siding and entry way, & upgraded electric; 3 modern baths, full finished basement, & more. Asking $299,000


This roomy and charming home is sun-drenched and well maintained! Close to schools, transportation, and shopping, you’ll find this home offers an updated eat-in kitchen, formal dining room, 2 full baths, and an unfinished basement.

Huge Warehouse (over 18K Sq. Ft.) with extralarge parking area combines for 275’ frontage just off Kennedy Blvd; possible high density residential development site (with municipal approvals)

Asking just $249,000

Don’t miss this!!



This well maintained end unit features a modern eatin kitchen, 3 Bedrooms, 1 ½ baths, garage plus driveway, and is located in charming Bergen Point section of town. Asking just $284,900



This well maintained property features a street level storefront (formerly a Barber Shop) with beautifully preserved original tin ceiling. Second floor is a 2 BR rental unit; separate gas heating units. Asking just $245,000

We have listings for 1 and 2 Bedroom Mobile Homes at the Bayonne Grand – Sunset Bay Mobile Home Park. Call our office for more information about how you can explore this possibility! Prices start at just $15,000


Our Rental agents are ready to assist you in your search for a new apartment.

Many of our listings offer part or full FEE PAID BY THE LANDLORD!

We cover Bayonne, Jersey City, Hoboken, North Bergen, Union City and more. Call or stop in & register with our Rental staff.

The Virtual Realty Internet Company


Alice Rooth Realtor Associate

Bridget Koval Realtor Associate

Agents Not Pictured


Donna Kmec

Broker Associate/ Manager

Charlene Crawford Realtor Associate

Meet Our Team

Clarence Glover III Realtor Associate

Nieisha Law Realtor Associate

Richette Lione Realtor Associate

Michael Frusci

Broker Associate/Owner

Alexa DeBari Realtor Associate

Bridget Murphy- Realtor Associate -Nancy Flanagan- Realtor Associate-Joseph Gizzi- Realtor AssociateLouis Guerriero- Realtor Associate-Kartina Lovejoy- Realtor Associate-Anthony Campano- Realtor Associate

185 Broadway Bayonne, New Jersey



Page 27-May 1-May 15, 2016 River View Observer

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