7 minute read
Joss Lf.llDIJIG Amci PU.11 ilDX o::J/LJ 'K :i'OJ!a le. lÌ6:l13 ~JIJ.UOJ!'-PLl.l! l nt I d.)
(b) 91\f!a .lttaek Grcr,;p (llll)
Eatablhh Taak Group IUlD aa:1ore on 1!21) 'bet.eh at li hDar of D day •n accordazice wi\h fask Gro <,,> R.1ID pl"" o! Mtaelt Support 111l1t&r7 oper,t.ion, b7 naval gunf1re in a.ocorda:>ce iire Support Pl&n, Annex r to J 8SS .Attacl(. :rorce Operation Plan One :ltmAr ed. !li.ne 4&eb rorty-'l'hree. su....,e battche and. d.eotro7 OO'\Z'cbl.ighh ..tuob tbr-t• land.1ng cr~n or l.&zid.1ilg b...,heo. Provide one l'C fo r apec1&l ""TipUomù and. ocout ]l<IZ1)00H. Gontrol Sh1pa coi,pl7 with proced.llre eet forth 111 CosPbiblli,.V l'orce Con!idential Iz>etruetione CJWU.IJi Six d.aab i'orty-'?bree. wi,.n unloaded &oc auault fiicht direct W'l'1 222, 224, 274, 276, 311, 332, upon retr actinc, clear beaob to weatward., w1 tbdr~.w d.ireotly to teA1'lll'd to rendeffoua ROG:m Eb.SY . Wb011 auembled theH L~'le irocee4 to rendesvo..,. BOGJa I!!ll4, Join w1 t b d.eot.c""ted LCTa froa n:LLO'I brflob tben proceed &.o4 report to Cc-,,c!Alr CJIII! hak !'aree otf SCOCJ.L1ò'l'?l tor d.u"7 1n Ullload.lJ>C tre.nfPCll'h, Vb- rolCll\eed by Coae.ndar CD': 'taalc l'aro• proceed. to .\4Tanced .ùlphibl.owo !rain1llC JMe !Il.sorte unleeo othonnu d.1rocted
(e) Molla AttMk Group (OllEEI!)
Eatabllab T&ù: Group C2DI "allora on mu1i11 baach At li ho\11' of D d>-7 ln accordii.ne• w1th T&ek Clroup Gllllll9 PlN> of At\Aek. SllPJ)Ort llilif.UJ' opeu.tiona b7 mvtù gunfir• in ,u:cord.Nlco l'ire SUpport PlN,, J.mlex I' to JOSS AttAck forca Oporat1Òn Pi,,.n Ona Ruodred Wine ~eh l'ort7-'1'hroe. S1lenca bAttor i ea &t>d. deotroy s..,..chliph t bP.t tbrO"ten Thnd.11>41 bcACb&a or 1'-.nilinc cr!\lt Prorld.e one PC fc;r epoc:W n,-...1pt1o""'1 P.nd ecout plll'poaea. Control Sbipo complJ, vit.h procedur e eet forth in ComPbibll.l.Y l'orca Contid enUa). Inatructiona Cll!AILill Sb: dnah rort7- 'l'hrco. .lftor illit1'ùl.7 lan4il,g LCTP ,t lle&Ch GRXllll Nld recOYaria« -ta, Lffa w1tbdn!.a' to renduvoua wi~ ll.eal)l"Ve Group.
(d.) S&l.10 J..ttr.olt Group (~ZLLO\i) llat&.blhb 'lo\ak Oroqp Y!!LLOV r.abore on nr.LOV b8"Ch l\t a hour of D in acco~e w1th 'r•.-.': Clroup ULLOV P'l.an of "'-· Su;,po,-t i:dl1w7 opcr"Uona b7 MVIÙ «1]nf1ro in MCord&aca l'ire Svpport PlN,, .Lm>"x I' to JOSS J..\tACk l'orca Oporl\t1on Pl"ll1 One H~ed 51..ne dMh l'ortT-Throe. llilan<>e battor1oa Md. d.aatro7 a011rcbl1«Jtt• tl>\t tbr,1,.ten landia« bel\Chea or 1".nd1ng cr..:t. Provide oi>e PC fc;r speci,..l Mv1';1\t1o""1 and eoout purpoaea, Oontrol Sb1po compl;y w1th ,pro c~ur e ,ot torth in Col!IPbib!/1.lf l'orco Conti den\1111 In.atruct1one ~:11 S1x Meh Jort7-!broe. LST Divhioo S1x l'fter ~nitbl.l.y v.lld.i1>41 LCTP ,._t lleac!> Yr~ 'LDd. rec<>Vari"41 'bo...ts, w1 tbdr,.w to rcn4eirroua rlth .Ro a crv a Clroup Yaen uc1.,,..4e4 troo J. ,.,.ù n1at,t 41rect LCT.,.125 , l.}6, 137, 147, 143, .149 upon rctrncUnc, cl....- b"""h to waotw.r4, rltbdril1rectl7 to ,.......,,4 to rende17oua .ROGJR ITIM, Join w1th LC'la n-011 :illm be&ch @4· procaecl and rcport to Go..,•.ad.or Dli.X .a. t "ck lorco off OBLA. llhon unlo"4ed. fro11 l\uault ntgb.t diròet LO'.'a 152, 153, 154, 202 ; 204 , 205, 210, 221 u;,on rotr11Ct1DC, ol.,.J bCII\Ch to vett""1'4, vi thdr"" directl y to ,.....,..a. to rondesYOuo IIOGJa IUM. Join with dos1glll\te4 LC'lo 0-oo llKD beN!h, thon prece ed e.n4 repor t to Co=d.er Ciil!! 'l'l\ek 7orce o!! SOOC1Lm'r1. Prona.. one 6C M. oa.cort T"Ck Un!t Co~er
Wll/A16-;3 Serial: 0011 Op
JOSS L.l.!IDlllG Af'llCJ( PI.A.li llo • iì&-43
ClPl:l!l.fIOll PLU 1()9-43 (Cont 1 d)
( e ) :t&lcol'.18ra U\eol< GrCvp {:i!LOll)
!at&blhh T&alt Group BLIJE -aahore on BLU'! beaeh at B ho\11' ot D in &eoorda.nte vith helc Oroup. BLUZ Plaon ot att&elc. Oapt1ll'e and aeoùl'e the pori. 11M'. airfhld ot !oIClf.U. S)Jpp0rt 11111 tllry operatlon1 'b7 naTa.l
· gunt1u 1n aceordanc• :tira St,PPOrt Plan, J.mtu: J to JOSS Oper&UOD .Pl&n
One lhmdred ?:i.ne cl.aù :tort7-!hr , Sil.coe baUari•• and. ùatro1' a-.rclùigbh \b&t t.broaten lan41DC ~bea or l.a:ad.1l1g cnn. Prortde 0139 PO tor ~ial naT1pt1oual M4 scout purpc>He. Conuol ahipe ccmpl7 vith procedure ·Ht torth 1n C<>ml'hi"oillY li'orce Contident1al InatrucUone
C!!AIU,IJ Six daeh :tort7-Three. \lhen unloaded trom aeeault flight, direot LCT1 155, 196, 197, 294. lc31, ,ipon i,etr&0tillC, clear beach to .._.tvard \o re)>dHYOWI IIOO.!R Imi, join vith .LC'l'o trom n:1.LOW Jle&eh, ani!. prooMd am repor t to Com:amer :>IMI Utaclc :torce ott GEI.L.
(t) :torc•
JlISCi.Yll:& operate ae direoted b7 po......,der JOSS At~lc J'orce.
'Blll S'l'OL ecreen f4cslrlp. C..rr7 out opeèial naYiptional An4 aeont vorlc aaal.çlllent. hecut o a:aaic,,14 tira flJPPOrt lliaaion •
(g) fr'&in s.ù.N•• ll'fD': ,aal""C• l!IDdi~ cr!>ft YJ:I.U)1( 1:,.....,h.
MOl!Jl!ro, a t tir et licht, etto pontoon, on Tm.LOV or beaoh 111 directod. NIii ;reper• tbca tor ...ao. Vben pontoone aro aacure4 a&lnge 1An4inc oratt m.1D bMCh.
USOLU'l'l!I aalvi,ge lMding or-.tt aJll 'beElch. Vhon Llc;.TA 1a Mpt-ared !lltht in open11>4 net boor,o ,.:id ole-.ring port.
(b) Beoorva Gro,:g, !et&l:>lish Re1arTo t:nit "ahoro , t the tl.Ao ....,4 "t the l>ol'ohe• d1reeto4 bf Oo-.Dder JOSS M~ci<: ?oroo.
(i) Mino!)(eeping Group Swocp tlhoad of !on,o-.tion d\1%'1114 approaeh whén inside on • bulldrod tatho:a eurYe Swc : ? 1:>otwo0-n JOSS an4 DIHlil tr0111 H ho"2' ,mW H pluo n ...o . Swep area, bot'<es n '!aalc Unit e coa,eDCi"C vi.ti>. H pluo s1x, l) 41.17 vill be aipallod.. B bo\11' la cer<> tvo tour tiv-o.
(:,:) 'l'bie i:.ending Attaclt Pls.n v1ll be cfteotin on D cla7 and B hour, 0%Capt aa H hour ,.,.., bo rel-l!l.rd-4 by e1gnal., but tbe Oomxnuniclltion Plan tor 1t ohall be mde etfocUTe l\t tourteen hundro4 on D mnua ono.
Att,,.cl< groupa ahl\ll preas borie the a1uul t vith rolen.Ueu Yicor rqa.rd,.. leH ot loaa or 41.tticulty. So in1truct aYtJZ:7 pvticipant in thh operr.Uou rog,,rclloao ot ranlt or rating
I>estro7 ..,._ toroH = 1'fUfì Ì j (1Slf r.
.LYC14 eongeaUon ot ~ I, ~ ,
-5- ...
Piano "Husky": Joss Landing Attack Pian
JOSS UBDING Ai'rACK PU.N lfo, 1ì.6-43 AIDl;l?lit. Gmn.GJI .fO·.JOSS Af~'.él!: FallOl!J ... OPmA'U Oli l!t/Ji ;i.~3 (Oont 1 d.)
Pollov-doctrine se t . fortb ill Annex lXlG to Operation Flan 'òne l!imdr..S. Bine da.ah :ror ty-Tbru. · · hcept ae ~cllf~ed by Atmex CllJ.l!'.LlE Ìlll1ntaili radi~-: etlé;,.;e_ aIJ!l rt8\'lal silllDCe urit1l BU1'])1:1ae haa been lolit, land.ing 'b&a been ·effeeted.; QZ' imtU otherwiae ~i:-~té! by Oo...,·dsr JOS3 .Utaeld'orce. lllrery Une office:.:· on ~ery ebip e.nd landlllg c r aft ah&ll·.be 1184.11 cognisant of tbe opera.t'ion ii.a a whole and t!le details of tbe primary taelc allotted. to hia imit Àt the eame time they 111118t be 1mpreaaea'. vith· the-· v1teJ. neceaeity of ' mintaÌ.nilll: the aecurH:, of thia · infoniat1on. UWn departure fro111 port · enliated men , p&ticuwl;r ~t ' c:rewe, ,ha.11 ))e g1ven full e.nd complete inforll(\tiOn to preparo· them 'for thefr tallca ~n the .landing operation; li-.
~a.c"Ue.tion of wounc.,,d ln a.ccordance with Mèdical Plan, Azlnex kllCS,
5, Uae Oommunication PlAn, A.nnex Cl!ABL!E tò JOss · At'tack Force Opere.Uon l'lan One R":'4l'ed l!ine _ daeh J'orty-Three, RenderÌoua ee in Operl\tion PlAn One Hm>b-ed· Nine de.ah l'or ty-'l'hree Make e.ction reporta Mcordance lli.Tlilaw Confident1,..l Letter ·òne CHAXLlll LOVE d.o,eh :rort;r-Tbree And ComFhl.b!IAlf !'oree Collfident~ In)lt»)lct-1.one C!WlLIE
J'our daah Forty-1'hreo Make reporta of èorioue d.Ame.ge to 1bipa in aecord,. &nee Ravllaw Co~ident~·"l Lette CHiJ\Llli: -:00'{]) 4!'ah J'ort;r-Tbree · Comme.ndor JOSS AttRCk ?oree . (Coma.nd.er 1'aak Foi:ee Eighty-Six) in BISC.\Yllli:,
I!icbRrd L Òonoll1, REN" Adm1rel , U S , BaV7, Col!ll!le.l)dl!J' , JOSS ..- t tnek F~reél,
Liat 2 cn 87 (10)
AU LS'l!s (5)(Incl\ldee 1. eopy . for oRCb. :S0&t //U. 1~7;" ooar~ t~ ~l
Acti~ J'lag Seoretàry. . ,
Piano "Husky" : Joss Landing Attack Pian
LCll/Alt>-3 Serial 0011 o, JO~~ l.AillJUiG A.'l'TACK Pl.&Ji No. 116-43 .
1/El>"Tlt..'m NAVAL TASK FORCE, JOS~ A';;'TACK 10RCE, U .S.S. 3HlCAYN3 , li'I.J.OoHI?, llIZEl'i'l'E, 'l'T.,'ll!Sli. June 20 , 1943; lSOO.
86.l Suyport Grou-o, Rear =i ral :),1bo1e, 1J, $, !lavy. :!IROOKLTil
:ilillHil/GHIJ i
(b) S6.2 tr..ffi ttack \lrou1l, Com=ndcr :labin , U.~. llav;y
S6 .21 :!'ire Su.,po rt
3 LCO(L}, llrit1sh
2 LCF(1), llritiah
86.22 Landine Craft, Control Craft, ,./s -,eroen and Swee1l0rn - Rl:D
L'>Ts 350 , 35S,35q,360 o! D1v ioion l?our.
U."Ts 3f,7 ,3Lg of Divieion 'l'hree and LST 3i:l} with pontoon, 1Cls 1,2,3,4,5, g of D1v1S1on '>even.
LCio 9,15,16 of ~ivision Eight.
LCis 10 , ll,209,211,217 ,218 of Divioion !Hne
LCie 212, 213 of Divieion 'i!en
LOTs 2o6, ?.OCl, 213 of Div ision Sixty - One
LC're 222, 223, 221', 271, 2711 'of' :> ivisìoo SiÌcty-Two.
LCTs 276, 311, 332 of Divis ion :iix ty - Five.
LCTa 198, 199, 200, 201, 203 , 212 of D1vieion Fi!t;y-'One, LCTs 340, 342, 43 0 of ;Jivision Sixt7, PC :;43 ").(., s:: ,:q7. 4qs, 503, 506 . t'f ,'( i.Cl 10 (.RCT ;iee.d quart er• '>bil>)
86. 23 Task CrO)l"O - REO
U S ,· ..rm/f Units embarke<i.
(e) 86.3 Molla. ..,,t te.ck ·'~· Collll!lander Hor-r18, U.S, 11/lVy •
!$6. 31 J'ire · Sum>ott
EDI:;()N (DD) l LOO(L), :Britioh l LCl(L), Brit1ah
S6 32 Landing Craft, Control Cre.ft, · h/S Scr•fXI, a.nd Sweeper• - GREE!I i."F.NTINEL llllll PRWCE LEOPOLD
!liiS rlUllC8'>:i ,.i;TJUi)
LS?'s· 6, 314, }57, 374, 375, 376 of !livis1on 'rwelve.
LCTs 33, 3~, 35 of D1v1 a1on :!'1:fty-Seven
U:l 32 (RCT iieadquartera Ship)
~e 545,546 "H~Ma1l M ~~~·,.....,~r~ se 526, 530, 532. 11'1~fflln VI,: ,
Piano " Husky ": Joss Landing Attack Plan
JOS~ l.,;,ll',ll:;G A'l'TJ<CK )'L,;.!1
!lo. 11Pì3. , ,-!!lm)( ".}l!X)J!Q3" ,:,o J08:l I.'l"l'ACK FORO'& OPE&.T: 0:8 F'Li,11 UO 109-43 (Cont 'd )
86.33 '?ask Group --~ u.:; . ,,ru,y Un 1t• eoibarke<I
(d) 86. 4 salso ;,tt&ck Oroun, Co.......wer )'loyd , u.s. llavy
86 , 41 l'lre ·,.llOrt
3 LCG(L), Br itiah
3 LCF(fi), llr1tiah
86.42 Landin; Cre.ft, Control Craft I A/ 5 Sereen e.nel Sveepor• - l'El,l,OY
LSl!!s 197, }26 , 327, 351 ,352 ,1,3,157,15s ,372,3 73 of Gro1l!) Three. tst, 309 of 1l1v1c1on Three "'1d L:Ws 3 33 and 3l!6 vith !)Ontoons
I.eh 'l5, 'l6 of 'liv1sion 'r,,lent;r-<rwo ,
LC'!'• 17 ,20 ,22, 24 , 25 of D1v1oion J'ifty-l'ive.
LC'r. 7,26 , 27 , 29 , 36 of Dhh ion i'ifty-Six.
LO'h 125 ,13 6, 137,147,14!!,149 of Oiviaion i'itty- JU.gbt.
LC'ra 152,153,154,2oe , 210,221 of Diviaion lifty-Nine ,
LC'h 204, 205 of Divial.on Suty.
PC 550, ~59
~o 533 , 534, 535 , 63s , 639 , 649 , 651
LCI 95 (RC1' iiM<lq)lArte r s Ship)
86 . 43 Taak Gro"" - Y'!LLOW
U, l; M'llt' ·;nits 8"'b&.rkc d,
(e) S6 5 Yalc o nAra ,',ttACk Orou'<>, Com ander lleloon, U,S , lle.v y.
86 , 51 .F i re Sul>'lOrt
\llLKE~ llI CHO;:..J!I
2 LOG(L), jj r ~t i ah
2 LOF(L ) , Bri tioh
86. 52 L"'1d1n,; Cra ft , Control Crllft, J./S tiereen and Sweeper& - 3LIJE
LS'l'a 310,315, 316 ,317 ,318 , 332 of :liv ie io n :lllwen.
LS'h 3S7 ,3u v i t b !)Ontoon ·
LC l s glj,66 , 88 of Divieion ?lincteen
LCis 89, 90 , 91,92 , 93 , 94 of Div1oion 'l'w"!'\y ,
J..C l o 319,320,321 , 322,34.<J,350 of Oiv~sio n !>oenty..One .
LC ia 324, 326 of Divi ol on 'l'went,--'l'lfo
LC'J.'s 15,16 , 19.~,14o of D1vis1on :torty-Nine,
LC'r• 431, 4:,L , 435,155 , 196 , 197 of Diviaion Fifty.
LCTo 242,21+1,244 , 220,291/ ,277 01' Division l'tn;y-'.l'hri,c
LC'h 2}7, 11!5 of Div1Bi o n Fi!ty-!'our ·
?C 562, 6'26-, se 655 , 666 , 695, 696 ,. 69:r !"·
LCI 8'6 (RC'l' ,: ,...:q,uax-tM8 ~"hip).
86.53 J.'a.a k Grou'<> - BLm u. ti , 1,,nrq vnH • e,,ilarkoc!_