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La Vedetta
Mensile licatese di libera critica, cultura • tport n. 135/82 del 1e-12-t9112 • Trib. di "9ngffl10
D'""lono: Via Bamle. 35 • Tel. 8&1586
-lon• • $19,.terlo: Vie Badia, 12 • Tot 881331
Alnm/ne : eono llfnberto. sa . Tel. 862120 - 92027 LICATA
C.C.P n. 10400927
February 20, 1988
Dear llr J. Hersey, ln 1946 Botnpiani publisher published the Italian edition of your preci o-as historical novel, ";.. bel for Adano", where ,ou recall the miserable conditions ~f Licata, a small town in tl:e district of Aariaento , with the naaed of Adano in t :-.e novel, In your novel you emphasize the hi&hly humanitarian behaviour of Major Frank Toscano of AV.GOT who was responsable for the local civic affa1rs and above all you 11ake a reference to a bell the inhabi tants of Adeno ( L1ca1:a) were g i ven by the AAericans, so that the Municipal Clock could strike the time again, The 1946 edit1on t.as become 1n ltaly a real bibliographical rarity. Yoc~ precious book is no-.-adays in great demand in Licata, expecially by the students of the local "Liceo Classico".
This paper of Lic a ta (Adano) therefore, would like to propose a ne~ ita:lan edition of your book to be given to the student s so that they could rediscover :he good will and thc generosi ty demonstrated by the Aolerican trcops after the lanò:ng in S1c1ly on 10th July, 1943,
As the books will be given to the students we would l!ke to propose th ~: you should &!ve this 111aaazine the copyright (or a new impression or about four tho~sand copies, only to be distributed freely, as your fellow eiti~ens did in 1943 &iv ~~i Adano (Licata) a ne-~ bell.
Above all we would like you to c011e back and visit t::e place which was :he setting or a "Bell for Adano" ( Licata) in the district of Agriaento, in Southe~:; Sic1ly.
In this occasion ;,ou "'1ght communica~ to the Wunicipal a nd school aut~.:>ri ties your conunt to our propo cal just in that ccuncil hall of" the municipal palace , hich you described so procisely in your novel, lt would be a great event for licat& to recall the friends h ip with the : ,ajor of 1.:,:GCIT, the 11ain c:haracter in your nove 1.
I had your address from the USA Eftb~ssy 1n ltaly tha ! sent me a report ~f your literary activity.
I a11 look!r .i forw,rd to hearin~ fro:11 you soon.
Yours Fai thfully,
719 Windsor Lane, Key West, Florida 33040. U. S.A., March 18, 1988.
Prof . Calogero Carita, La Vedetta, Via Dora, 9, 92027 Licata, Italy .
Dear Professor Carita:
Thank you for your kind letter. I have sent 1t forward to my publisher, with a note that what you propose would give me pleasure, prov1d1ng it would not conflict w1t h any licenses presently in force with publ1shers in Italy, and prov1d1ng , as you assure me, that there would be no charge ror the books you propose to pr1nt.
Alas, much as I would love to see Licata again, I'm afraid I arn obliged to decline your kind 1nv1tation to tender this permission in person in the mun1c1pal palazzo in Licata . Perhaps some day I will be able to make that trip, and 1f I do , I will seek you out.
Sincerely yours,
John Hersey )
18 marzo 1988: lette ra di John Hersey a La Vedetta