Thursdsay, February 17, 2022 6:30 – 8:00 p.m. • BEYA World I
The Root of Innovation Innovation happens when we cultivate the expansive STEM research taking place on our college campuses that ultimately becomes part of our nation’s industrial fabric and our daily lives. We sow. We reap. We grow. Nowhere is this more evident than in the multicultural richness of Historically Black Colleges and Universities. HBCUs have a long legacy of research innovation that provides answers to pivotal questions and provides solutions to problems. An Evening with BEYA’s Leading Voices celebrates STEM Innovators, four experts in their fields who deliver thought-provoking TechTalks that enlighten and challenge conventional thinking.
Dr. Victor McCrary Vice President for Research and Graduate Programs University of the District of Columbia
Dr. Tyrone Taborn Publisher & CEO Career Communications Group, Inc. BEYA LEADING VOICES TECH TALK
Dr. Stefanie Tompkins Director Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency TOPIC: JAVELINS INTO THE FUTURE In our quest to develop breakthrough technologies for national security, DARPA is rare among government agencies for having a high comfort level with risk. Achieving goals well outside the bounds of incremental progress may well lead to failure —but when successful, may truly transform the world. DARPA’s mission and culture allow our program managers to explore extremely challenging but inordinately compelling science and engineering solutions, several of which will be highlighted through brief profiles of DARPA programs and program managers. BEYA LEADING VOICES TECH TALK
Alexandra “Sandy” Landsberg Naval STEM Coordination Executive Office of Naval Research, U.S. Navy TOPIC: REIMAGINING NAVAL STEM The Chief of Naval Research Rear Adm. Lorin Selby, Naval STEM Executive stated it best “Let us state it up front and in unmistakable words: Strong Naval STEM efforts are critical to America’s future and are a matter of national security.” We are reimagining Naval Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM). We are broadening STEM programs for students—kindergarten through PhD—to inspire them to pursue STEM and solve naval challenges. We are leveraging the diversity that makes America a dynamic, unique nation. Some of our greatest innovations have come from individuals who see things differently. Listen in and join me as we explore and reimagine STEM and the Navy and Marine Corps of today and the future. BEYA LEADING VOICES TECH TALK
Dr. Karen Marrongelle Chief Operating Officer National Science Foundation TOPIC: THE FUTURE OF DISCOVERY AND INNOVATION: THE VITAL ROLE HBCUS PLAY IN BUILDING A ROBUST S&E ENTERPRISE Across the United States, there are millions of people who are capable of succeeding in science and engineering but lack the
resources, support, or mentoring needed to enter and thrive in our nation’s STEM enterprise. Because of this, the full innovative capacity of our country is not being utilized, and new and creative ways of thinking are being lost. For years, our nation’s HBCUs have played a critical role in supporting and enabling these “missing millions.” To further unleash the nation’s full potential and increase the number of STEM-enabled discoverers, The National Science Foundation is partnering with HBCU’s to build upon longstanding programs to strengthen pathways into STEM and create opportunities for new ones. In this presentation, Dr. Marrongelle will outline the vital role HBCUs play in building a robust science and engineering enterprise, NSF’s current strategic actions to broaden STEM participation at HBCUs, and the agency’s plan for accelerating these efforts across the nation at speed and scale. BEYA LEADING VOICES TECH TALK
Philip June Vice President, Safety & Quality Boeing Global Services TOPIC: INVESTING IN OUR STEM COMMUNITIES FOR THE LONG RUN There is no doubt that companies in technical industries have increased focus on DEI initiatives. A recent Ernst & Young led study – in cooperation with the Aerospace Industries Association and AIAA – show a sharp increase in not only DEI being stated in company’s values but also a sharp increase in data driven strategies to advance these values. Obviously this is good not only for the sincere companies but also for the country and for the world. However, these efforts can have deleterious effects to the precise outcomes which the companies hope to achieve. The movement of knowledge from the Great Resignation/ Great Awakening, demographic headwinds, flexible work arrangements and other COVID-led impacts will make it difficult for minority and under-represented workers in STEM-fields to find their footing and excel in their positions. With a little help and a lot of foresight, STEM related industries can lead the world further into the 21st century in much the same way it led the 20th century. CLOSING REMARKS
Dr. Victor McCrary Vice President for Research and Graduate Programs University of the District of Columbia
Conference Co-Hosts
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The Council of Engineering Deans of the Historically Black Colleges and Universities
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