The latest RJO news and announcements
January DATES
January 2nd
RJO Office Closed
January 10th Payments due in the RJO Office
January 10th
Last day to submit any changes to show registrations
January 27th-30th RJO Winter Buying Show
Week of January 30th
First Dividend Check Sent
If your store is celebrating a milestone this year, please remember to send information (and a photo) to so we can share the news with the RJO Family!
By the time you are reading this newsletter, we will be just a few weeks away from the 2023 Winter Buying Show. We have some fun things in store for this show and we can't wait to see our RJO family in San Antonio
There is always a little bit of excitement as we flip the calendar from December to January. 2023 brings promise and joy and we are hopeful for all this year has in store for us We can't look ahead without taking a moment to recognize a few of our triumphs from 2022
Another record-breaking year of sales through the group Record-breaking show sales volume in Minneapolis
Highest ever RJO Dividend- Over $14 9 MILLION Welcoming 67 new retail members and 15 new vendor partners into our organization The release of RJOmeet me, our innovative new platform to help you easily search for vendors and product categories
Over $20,000 awarded in RJO Foundation Scholarships
We also have some great ideas and initiatives in the works for 2023
2022 Dividend Announcement (coming in San Antonio)
RJO Next Gen Experience
A *NEW* RJO & GIA Partnership
RJO's Summer Buying Show - July 29th-31st in Philadelphia, PA
So many of the RJO family donated to help former RJO staff, Connie and Steve Matsen this holiday season
Thank you for your kindness and generosity At the time of print, the gofundme was over $16,000 We can't want to surprise the Matsens at the end of this month with these donations!
The RJO Leadership Teams and office staff are eager to continue to bring new opportunities for RJO members to help you meet your goals for this year Speaking of goals, what goals are you setting for yourself and your store this year? How can RJO help you meet and exceed those goals? We are here to help, so let us know if there is anything we can do to make your goals a reality
SMART is an acronym to help you create defined and attainable goals.
SMART stands for:
Specific Your goal should include details of what you want to accomplish. Measurable You should be able to measure your progress & accurately determine if you ' ve accomplished your goal Attainable. Your goals should challenge you. They should not be too easy or too hard
Realistic. You should be able to reach your goal if you put in the time & effort & have the necessary resources.
Timely Your goal should be useful to you at this time in your life & can be met in the time allotted
What SMART goals are you setting for 2023?
As always, be sure you are following along with all of the latest RJO news and information throughout the month. You can find this important information in your email and on our RJO Exclusive Facebook page
Finally, we want to take a moment to thank each of you for your continued patronage. Our RJO family is top-notch and your loyalty, support, and general awesomeness are unmatched
Registration for the Winter Buying Show closed Wednesday, December 28th. This gives us time to get final attendance counts into the hotel so we can accurately secure food and beverages, and make sure all of you have a place to sit, and food to eat at all the RJO Show events and activities We understand changes are sometimes necessary, so if you happen to need to make a change, here is what to do:
If you need to make changes to your registration such as modifying the attendees from your store, adding a guest badge, or if are no longer able to attend the Winter Buying Show, please forward your original registration confirmation email to and identify the changes you have from the registration. If you can't find that confirmation email, then email Kristi your changes so she can update counts in our system When you let us know these changes ahead of time, it helps us to keep our expenses down by ensuring we only order what we need The added bonus is you can save yourself some time in the check-in line in San Antonio If you do have to cancel your registration, don't forget to cancel your hotel rooms as well