We are inviting you to RJO’s first ever Bench Jeweler Experience. This immersive seminar series is crafted exclusively for RJO Bench Jewelers and will provide the perfect opportunity for attendees to connect with peers, refine skills, exchange insights and advance craftsmanship. Registration fee is $100. Secure your spot and invest in your professional growth!
$100 per attendee FRIDAY, AUGUST 2ND
DiscoverhowtocaptivateyourcommunityandattractnewcustomersbyofferingessentialserviceslikeComplimentaryRingCleanings andInspectionsLearntheartofcultivatinglastingcustomerrelationshipsbyprovidingvaluableservicesthatsetyourbusinessapart fromthecompetition
Gaininvaluableinsightsintotherepairintakeprocess,frominitialassessmenttopricingandgeneratingaccuratequotesUncoverclosely guardedindustrysecretsaswedemystifytherepairprocessandshareexperttipsforpricingandquotingthatmaximizeprofitability
Delveintotheintricaciesofprongrebuildingtechniques,includingthegroundbreakingconceptofpulseshaping.Explorehowpulse shapingenablesyoutopreciselycraftprongsdirectlyovergemstonesanddiamonds,ensuringunmatchedprecisionandqualityinyour repairsseparatingyourbusinessfromthecompetitionwithinnovationandefficiency
Whetheryou'reaseasonedprofessionalinthejewelryrepairindustryorjuststartingout,thisseminarequipsyouwiththeknowledge andtechniquesneededtoelevateyourbusinesstonewheightsofprofitabilityDon'tmissthisopportunitytorevolutionizeyour approachtojewelryrepairandmaximizeyourprofitswithlaserweldingtechnologyJoinusandtransformyourbusinesstoday!
MichaelNashef,ORGOTools&A&AJewelrySupply | 3:00pm-3:30pm
UnlockthesecretstoaseamlesslyorganizedjewelrybenchwithourupcomingseminarledbyourseasonedjewelryexpertMichael NashefownerandinventorofORGOToolsDelveintotherealmofjewelrymakingwherecreativitymeetsefficiency,anddiscoverhow well-designedtoolscanrevolutionizeyourworkspace
Inthisengagingseminar,ourspeakerwillnavigatethroughtheintricaciesofjewelrybenchorganization,showcasingthetransformative powerofpurposefuldesignThroughinsightfuldemonstrationsandpracticaltips,participantswilllearnhowtooptimizetheirworkspace formaximumproductivityandcreativity.
Fromcleverstoragesolutionstoergonomictooldesigns,attendeeswillexplorearangeofstrategiestostreamlinetheirworkflowand enhancetheircraftWhetheryou'reanovicejeweleroraseasonedartisan,thisseminaroffersvaluableinsightstailoredtoelevateyour craftandelevateyourworkspace
A Clean Shop is a Profitable Shop: Optimizing Bench Jewelers' Workshops for Profitable Precious Metal Reclamation
Brian Shellenback, UPMR | 3:40pm - 4:10pm
This presentation is a comprehensive guide tailored for bench jewelers seeking to streamline their repair and custom shop operations while maximizing profitability through precious metal refining We will dive into practical strategies and techniques to maintain a clean and efficient workshop streamlined to minimize waste, while exploring equipment and procedures that effectively segregate Gold, Silver, Platinum, and other categories of high - low grade precious metal material, ensuring every ounce is utilized to its fullest potential Join us as we learn to manage our metals!
Jewel Repair 101: Best Practices for dealing with Repairs
Ross Wesdorp, Jewel Craft | 4:20pm - 4:50pm
Amidst soaring metal markets, prioritizing the repair facet of your business becomes imperative This seminar delves into optimal approaches for handling jewelry repairs, aiming for seamless processes within your shop and utmost satisfaction for your clientele We'll address common pitfalls and bottlenecks encountered by bench jewelers and trade shops, while also exploring avenues to boost revenue and foster trust with customers
Bench Jeweler Roundtable
Facilitated by Devon Bond, Garrick’s Jewelers | 5:00pm - 5:30pm
Join us for an engaging roundtable discussion led by Devon Bond from Garrick's Jewelers! This 30-minute session is tailor-made for you, offering a platform to ask questions, share insights, and enhance your craft Whether you're looking to refine your skills, share tips and tricks, troubleshoot problems, or simply connect with peers in the industry, this seminar is not to be missed
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RJO is incredibly excited to partner with GIA Alumni Collective™ to present two continuing education seminars led by experts from industry heavyweight and a leader in education, the Gemological Institute of America (GIA). Seminars will be held on-site in St. Louis at the RJO Summer Buying Show. Space is very limited as each seminar is limited to 24 participants and attendees must be pre-registered to attend There is a $195 fee per attendee for each seminar and includes all course materials and supplies including a Letter of Attendance.
TIME:FRIDAY,AUGUST2,2024,3:00 4:30PM
This seminar will introduce the core concepts that buyers and sellers of colored stones should know to have informed discussions with their customers, including how to identify and explain key attributes that determine a gem’s value, common treatments applied to gems and how to translate characteristics into compelling features and benefits.
Participants are encouraged to ask questions as they are guided by a GIA instructor who will share their expertise through illustrations, images and lecture. This course is ideal for sales associates, colored gemstone investors and enthusiasts
TIME:FRIDAY,AUGUST2,2024,5:00 6:30P.M.
This seminar will provide essential knowledge about laboratory-grown diamonds that will give gem and jewelry professionals the confidence to have responsible discussions with their customers. Key topics will include the main production methods (HPHT and CVD), a review of important U.S. Federal Trade Commission (FTC) regulations, and the services, methods and instruments that can help to distinguish laboratory-grown and natural diamonds, including GIA Laboratory Reports and the GIA iD100™ gem testing device.
Participants are encouraged to ask questions as they are guided by a GIA instructor who will share their expertise through illustrations, images and lecture This course is ideal for sales associates, colored gemstone investors and enthusiasts