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Parks & Sporting Grounds Asset Management Plan 2022-2032

A score of 1 represents not at all satisfied, while a score of 5 represents very satisfied

The survey results identify that when compared to 2018, community satisfaction has slightly increased regarding maintenance of local parks, playgrounds and sporting fields and safe public spaces. Tree management and protecting the natural environment have slightly dropped. Overall satisfaction is in the somewhat satisfied region for these services, whilst maintenance of local parks, playgrounds and sporting fields is nearing to satisfied.


The results also indicated that residents were convinced that the critical challenge for the local area over the next 10 years will be development and population growth and the effects these have on infrastructure, public transport, traffic and the local environment.

The survey identified that environmental protection, managing pollution, climate change or maintaining & provision of green open spaces was rated as the second highest in the top priority areas for Council to focus on.

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