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Parks & Sporting Grounds Asset Management Plan 2022-2032

Strategic Direction (SD) Outcome

4.3 – The community is healthy, and people have a sense of wellbeing


Provide the facilities, spaces and programs that support wellbeing and active and healthy communities.

Provide opportunities for people to participate in recreational activities they enjoy.

How Goals and Objectives are addressed in PSGAMP

Provision of parks and sporting grounds that are fit for use and purpose, accessible, safe and well maintained

Provision of 10-year capital improvement programs to reduce asset renewal gap and to ensure that assets are fir for the purpose they were intended for.

4.4 – People have access to the services and facilities they need at all stages of life.

Plan and provide services and infrastructure for a changing and ageing population.

Ensure the community has access to a wide range of learning spaces, resources, and activities.

Support children’s education and care services to ensure a strong foundation for lifelong learning

3.4 Key Stakeholders

Ensure parks and sporting grounds are designed and built to accommodate growth, diverse needs and future flexibility.

Provision of 10-year capital improvement programs to reduce asset renewal gap and to ensure that assets are fir for the purpose they were intended for.

Assets controlled by Council are utilised by a broad cross-section of the community. It is critical that assets are maintained and renewed based on need and fit for purpose. Asset users are key stakeholders of this PSGAMP.

Table 8 identifies stakeholders where consultation is necessary when Council seeks input in relation to the determination of Levels of Service and intervention levels.

Stakeholder Group Role or Involvement

Internal Stakeholders

Elected Council Custodian of the asset, with Councillors representing the residents and setting strategic direction as per the Corporate & Operational Plans.

Executive Team To ensure that the Asset Management Policy and Strategy are being implemented as adopted, and to ensure that long-term financial needs to sustain

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