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Parks & Sporting Grounds Asset Management Plan 2022-2032

maintainability standards shall apply to make them meet Council’s strategic outcomes.

o Maintenance – When will Council intervene with a maintenance repair and what will be Council’s responsiveness in terms of customer requests for maintenance faults.


The levels of service that have been adopted are considered reasonable as demonstrated by industry standards and benchmarks.

3.6.1 Customer Levels of Service

Council’s Customer Levels of Service that have been adopted for this PSGAMP are detailed as follows in Table 12 - Customer Levels of Service:


Availability and Accessibility Open Spaces and associated assets are available and easily accessible to users.

95% Compliance. In the instance where an Open Space (e.g., park or sporting ground) is closed to users for reasons such as maintenance, upgrading, renewal or a Council related public event or non-Council events, then appropriate notification shall be given to relevant users in accordance with Council’s public information policy.

>3.5 community survey satisfaction score

97% Customer Satisfaction Open Spaces and associated assets meet community needs

Maintenance of local parks, playgrounds, and sporting fields – 3.95

Tree Management – 3.16

Environment A commitment to continually improve environmental efficiencies, and promote sustainability

Reduction in water consumption by using grey water / harvested water where possible.

Baseline audit of water tanks being undertaken

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