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Parks & Sporting Grounds Asset Management Plan 2022-2032

These technological factors need to be assessed in determining the scoping requirements for maintenance works, renewal, upgrade and new parks and sporting grounds projects. There will be changes to asset management technology, in particular the monitoring and data collection roles. These upgrades in technology may require consideration of modifications to service levels as and when appropriate.

4.4 New Assets from Growth


Council envisages that over the following 10 years, it will acquire new open space assets and/or build new open space assets to meet demand needs, however, these have yet to be quantified and will be reflected in future PSGAMP revisions as details become available.

It is envisaged however, that the new Playground Strategy (currently in development) will recognise the need to build an accessible playground in each of the five Council wards, which will result in five new playgrounds

As additional information becomes available with regards to new growth and development areas, Council will continue to identify the community infrastructure needs via the RN Study 2021, strategies and masterplans and these will be included in future revisions of this PSGAMP

It is important to note that when new assets are acquired, or assets are expanded or upgraded, this results in an increase in commitment of annual operational and maintenance funding to ensure continued service delivery of the asset over its lifecycle.

4.5 Demand Management Plan

It has been identified that demand for open space assets at Council will increase proportionally with the predicted population growth and predicted demographic changes. This is also in line with the community surveys which identify that bush care, park maintenance and tree management are of importance to the community. The RN Study 2021 found that the most common types of facilities that people visited for recreation in the Inner West were parks at 80% at least weekly, footpaths at 75% at least weekly, sporting fields/courts at 38% at least weekly and children’s playgrounds at 36% at least weekly.

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