Agrimech June 2015

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ISSUE 2 | JUNE 2015

Alekiba Ayirebide Douglas

Todd McMyn

Production Supervisor MIM Cashew and Agricultural Products Limited Ghana

Director of International Sales (Versatile/Farm King) Buhler Industries Inc. Canada


Mechaniza on is the need of the day in developing na ons

AGRI MECH is the unique monthly magazine targeting Agricultural Machinery and Farm Equipment news and updates and dedicated to provides comprehensive coverage on the biggest machinery topics in farming while offering informative and in-depth features that engage and educate operators and owners. It includes articles by international authors on agricultural machinery manufacturers covering the technologies, personal experiences, business forecast and new ideas for agricultural machinery and farm equipment including tractors, tires and its allied industry. Apart from the big international companies, there is N-number of small to medium farm equipment manufacturers who produce fine quality equipment and these are also included. AGRI MECH is your best advertising solution in targeting all aspects and markets of agriculture when looking for any type of services or farm equipment for sale. As an advertiser, you have the opportunity to showcase your company to thousands of potential buyers who are looking to buy your products & services. This magazine will be serving among the top manufacturers, dealers, distributors and farmers all around the globe. AGRI MECH is one of the best advertising solutions in targeting all aspects and markets of agriculture when looking for any type of services or farm equipment for sale. As an advertiser, you have the opportunity to showcase your company to thousands of potential buyers who are looking to buy your products & services. We believe that there is no top; there are always further heights to reach. Team AGRI MECH is committed to deliver the most relevant and improved information of your interest in every issue, which will lead to achieve this magazine new heights. We hope that this magazine will contribute to make your business more stable and profitable.

Our Team S K Ali Managing Editor Raji Naqvi Adver sement Manager Dhruv Vishvas Subscrip on Manager Naveen Rana Graphic Designer Raza Jarrar Webmaster

Editorial policy is independent, Views expressed by authors are not necessarily those held by the editors. Registered as Monthly Magazine by Registrar of Newspapers for India. Licensed to post at Karnal HPO under postal regn. No. PKL‐ 91/2007‐2009 Editorial and adver sements may not be reproduced without the wri en consent of the publishers. Whilst every care is taken to ensure the accuracy of the contents of AGRI MECH. The publishers do not accept any responsibility or liability for the material herein. Publica on of news, views and informa on is in the interest of posi ve development of Global Farm Mechaniza on. It does not imply publisher’s endorsement. Unpublished material of industrial interest, not submi ed elsewhere is invited. The submi ed material will be published a er going through the relevancy of the magazine subject and may be returned in case of not found appropriate. Publisher, Printer: S K Ali on behalf of RK Media and Communica ons, Delhi Printed at: Jaiswal Prin ng Press, Chaura Bazar, Karnal Published at: 821, Sector – 13, Urban Estate, Karnal – 132 001 (Haryana) Editor in Chief: S K Ali All legal matters are subject to Karnal jurisdiction.

Contents 05

Value Investor: Why Deere & Co is one to watch

Pa erns of growth and structure of agro‐industrial sector



Indian govt unveils its first trade policy, targets doubling of exports at $900 bn

Cost‐effective Cashew Shelling Machine



Agriculture industry now Globalized via Online B2B

Mechaniza on of seedling young plant nurseries


The Impact of Mechanization on Agriculture



Mechaniza on is the need of the day in developing na ons:


Adop on Of Farm Mechaniza on In Developing Countries

Value Investor: Why Deere & Co is one to watch In 1900 there were over 166 tractor manufacturers in opera on in the US, however due to Darwinian business forces, this number has concentrated down to the point where three players control around 70 per cent of the global market. Deere & Co is the market leader with 39 per cent of the global market, more than 1.8 mes its nearest compe tors Agco and CNH Industrial. Industry concentra on is important, especially in businesses with a high fixed‐cost structure, as it increases the likelihood of ra onal compe on based on quality and service, rather than purely price. The benefit of the concentrated agricultural equipment industry becomes clear when we compare it to auto manufacturing, two broadly similar ac vi es which both contend with a cyclical demand profile and high levels of opera ng leverage. Deere generates gross margins averaging 30 per cent, more than 50 per cent greater than the auto industry which averages less than 20 per cent. When one seeks to answer the ques on as to why Deere became the dominant agricultural equipment player, a few interes ng points stand out. In its 175 year history, Deere & Co

has had just 10 CEOs, an average tenure which is 3.8 mes the average among the Fortune 500. This consistency and dura on of leadership allows the business to focus on building sustaining long term value without succumbing to the distrac on of short‐term earnings results or the pump and dump style o en associated with short tenures. Industry cha er suggests many of the customer, dealer and employee rela onships are also intergenera onal. Deere & Co consistently outspends its peers in research and development, with absolute spend typically about 100 per cent greater than its closest peers. Size alone is not enough, it is the

effec veness of the research spend which is important. On this basis, Deere’s focus is likely to help, as it concentrates its $US1.5 billion annual investment into its flagship John Deere brand, while Agco spreads half as much across five brands and CNH across three brands. The benefits of DE’s single brand focus are also beneficial across marke ng and throughout the sales channel, as Agco and CNH have a number of brands which compete with each other on the dealer’s lot. Despite its higher R&D investment, Deere & Co s ll generates opera ng margins twice that of its peers.



Indian govt unveils its first trade policy, targets doubling of exports at $900 bn Aiming to nearly double India's exports of goods and services to US dollar 900 billion by 2020, the government announced several incentives...

Aiming to nearly double India's exports of goods and services to $900 billion by 2020, Indian government announced several incen ves in the five‐year Foreign Trade Policy (FTP) for exporters and units in the Special Economic Zones. Unveiling the first trade policy of the Na onal Democra c Alliance (NDA) government, Commerce Minister Nirmala Sitharaman said the FTP (2015‐20) will introduce Merchandise Exports from India Scheme (MEIS) and Services Exports from India Scheme (SEIS) to boost outward shipments. Besides, higher level of incen ves will be provided for export of agriculture products under the Foreign Trade Policy (FTP), which seeks to integrate with Make In India and Digital India ini a ves of the government. “FTP lays down a roadmap for India's global trade engagement in the coming years…India (will become) a significant par cipant in world trade by 2020. Export obliga on would be reduced by

25 per cent and incen ves available under the MEIS and SEIS would be extend to the units in the SEZs to make them more a rac ve for investors.” Sitharaman says. “The government aims to increase India's exports of merchandise and services from USD 465.9 billion in 2013‐14 to approximately USD 900 billion by 2019‐20 and to raise India's share in world exports from 2 percent to 3.5 per cent,” Commerce Secretary Rajeev Kher says. The nomenclature for export houses is being changed to 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 star export house. “Indian industry needs to gear up to meet these challenges for which the government will have to create an enabling environment,” Kher said. He says India's future bilateral and regional trade engagements will be with regions and countries that are not only promising markets, but also major suppliers of cri cal inputs and have complementari es with the

Indian economy. “The focus of India's future trade rela onship with its tradi onal markets in the developed world would be on expor ng products with a higher value addi on, supplying high quality inputs for the manufacturing sector in these markets and op mizing applied customs du es on inputs for India's manufacturing sector,” he con nues. The TPP is a proposed trade agreement under nego a on among 12 countries — Australia, Brunei, Chile, Canada, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Peru, Singapore, the US and Vietnam. TTIP is between the European Union and the US. The 16‐member RCEP comprises 10 ASEAN members and its six FTA partners namely India, China, Japan, Korea, Australia and New Zealand. The Secretary says signing an FTA is just a beginning and not the end of the process as it would give benefit to traders. There is a need to simplify and ease rules of origin criteria to posi on India effec vely in global and regional value chains. “Recognizing that it is important to review whether the concessions under these agreements are being gainfully u lized and have resulted in meaningful market access gains, an 'Impact Analysis' of FTAs has been ins tuted The likelihood of duty inversions will con nue to be closely monitored to ensure that industry is not put to any disadvantage. A system for capturing preferen al data will be put in place at the earliest.” he says. Indian industry has raised concerns over these FTAs saying that it is benefi ng more to the partner countries with which India has implemented such pacts.


Agriculture industry now Globalized via Online B2B Agriculture industry which has the honor of providing essen al nutrients to the human body since this world came Umair Iqbal Manager - South Asia i nto b e i n g , t h i s (Karachi-Pakistan) industry started with the produc on of essen al crops now include in its self the dairy, forestry, bee keeping, Agricultural machinery and fruit cul va on among other agricultural products, All leading to the development of human body and mind, allevia ng world hunger and poverty.

The Top 10 Agriculture expor ng countries being:  United States  France  Netherlands  Germany  United Kingdom  Canada  Australia  Italy  Belgium  Spain Countries that import from the rest of the world are Germany , USA, China, Japan, UK, France Netherlands, Italy Belgium and Spain, some countries import agriculture as a part of input for

This industry has the honor of employing most of the world popula on directly or indirectly leading to being the core of life financially and nutri onally, since the world has become connected to each other with the help of Online B2B portals, we see agricultural products in regions that cannot even grow the crops that are being consumed in that region. Technology has shaped the agriculture trade like all other industries, and has caused the reduc on in costs and improvement in yield over the decades, leading to increased trade and specializa on in different regions as per the climate and resources. Due to that we see a huge shi from agriculture output being used from food source to input as raw material for produc on for finished goods, We also see a shi in the raw materials consump on from agriculture products to chemical based products, example plas cs being used to make pencils that were previously made of wood, ar ficial sweeteners used in place of sugarcane juice and sugars.

world. The future of Agriculture can be predicted to be distributed unevenly where some parts of the world will have abundance of output with the help of gene cally modified seeds, machinery and technology; where as the rest of the world will import most of the basic foods from rest of the world. The world's 2nd largest B2B portal alone accommodates the buyers from around the world in leading industries where USA leads the buyer's category with 19% of the buyers, followed by India with 11% and then UK 5%, Pakistan 4% and South Africa 3%. Globaliza on of agriculture has made the countries specialize in the products that they have a benefit in and then take part in Global trade, leading to increased world output and increased trade through the online markets.

produc on others import to fulfill the produc on deficit of products that cannot be grown in sufficient quan ty in their country. The world has seen the role of science being played in the harves ng of plants and gene cally modified seeds are being introduced to the farmers for the sole purpose of an increased output and a healthier product. The gene cally modified plant can not accomplish the task of feeding the world and thus agriculture suppor ng machinery such as harvesters and other machines are helping humans in accomplishing the task of giving a healthier and improved output to the

A B2B portal has claimed to have over two hundred thousands of products to be traded on among which the leading ones are wheat, rice, and spices. Wheat has the highest number of suppliers from China 38%, followed by Ukraine 19% India 17% and Pakistan 10%. Rice suppliers are in the order from China, India and Pakistan. China and India are leading players in the world agriculture. Globally agriculture Trade in 2013 around $181 billion has been achieved with the help of technology in trade and the web portals that give access to producers to the world market. This number is expected to grow with exponen al level due to increasing internet penetra on and g row i n g o n l i n e B 2 B awa re n e s s i n Agricultural expor ng na ons.


Mechaniza on is the need of the day in developing na ons:

I believe the world agriculture farmers are looking for simple mechaniza on op ons and are demanding best service, simple service regimes and computer based developments that lead to simpler tractor opera on and easy service at the farms because some farms remain remote and far within range of major city centers and easy access.

The most parts of the developing countries one of the most pressing needs is to feed a growing human popula on for which they require sustainable food produc on. This can be realized by increasing land and labor efficiency in

agriculture through farm mechaniza on and As global commodity markets remain unstable other modern inputs. Moderniza on and with falling prices we con nue to see farmers mechaniza on have two separate asking for new products to increase harves ng and plan ng returns and increasing opera ng “Farmers should be commended as efficiencies. Farmers are no longer looking at big heroes of each nation feeding the brand marke ng but a personal touch which people but also supporting innovation allows their voices to be heard in the supply with the labor of their hands”. chain and product development, listening to needs and working with farmers as partners is “Farmers are no longer looking at big the key to success with crea ve finance brand marketing but a personal programs in hand with big purchases. Farmers should be commended as heroes of each na on feeding the people but also suppor ng innova on with the labor of their hands.

touch which allows their voices to be heard in the supply chain and product development, listening to needs and working with farmers as partners is the key to success, with creative finance programs in hand with big purchases.”

Todd McMyn Director of International Sales (Versatile/Farm King) Buhler Industries Inc. Canada

and advanced high‐quality rice mill machines are likely to be adopted by Asian farmers in the near future. They offer the global community a unique perspec ve on government efficiencies and inefficiencies where‐ever they may be as they are the first to feel global price fluctua ons and logis c interrup ons and/or reckless ineffec ve meanings; so while moderniza on is spending and policies. beneficial for the industrialized countries, developing countries need mechaniza on for which they have to rely mostly in imported We also must take special care and support with farm machines, which are o en suitable for farmers moving into developing na ons as emerging markets offer needed local food the small farms of the developing countries. security and new supply chains worldwide and Asian agriculture is rapidly increasing with the development away from poverty with thorough rise on farm mechaniza on support. Most product knowledge and in country training and developing countries in the region are now in long term educa onal local support on best transi on from labor‐intensive to controlled‐ prac ces. Local trade offices and governments intensive agriculture. Irriga on system must work together to assist and direct machines such as diesel engines, electric meaningful programs and follow results with motors and pumps, plan ng machines, suppliers and Agriculture experts on soil and powered sprayers, combine harvesters, dryers best seed returns.

The popula on of the world is expected to reach eight billion by the year 2025. It also a fact that more than 90% of the world popula on increase is occurring and will con nue to occur at higher rates in developing countries. Some research says that of the world’s land mass, less than half is being used produc vely. The challenge faced by these developing countries is to feed their increasing popula ons where there is li le to no addi onal cul vable land available. This means that in order to meet the future food demands, these countries have to adopt more intensive c ro p p i n g p ra c c e s u s i n g a l l p o s s i b l e mechaniza on and management techniques. For intensive cropping, meliness of opera ons is one of the most important factors which can only be achieved only with appropriate use of agricultural machines. using biomass fuel, silo and storage handling



All the modern agricultural technologies introduced in developing countries, mechaniza on has probably proved the most controversial. Mechaniza on has been blamed for exacerba ng rural unemployment and contribu ng to other social ills. In many parts of Asia, small farms remain at the center of agriculture and rural development. However, one of the main causes for the low agricultural produc vity in most developing countries in the region is the lack of appropriate machineries that cater to and suit the requirements of small‐ scale farms. For this reason, many small farms are deemed as unproduc ve and inefficient. In the past agricultural mechaniza on in developing countries has been much cri cized because it o en failed to be effec ve, and was blamed for exacerba ng rural unemployment and causing other adverse social effects. This was largely the result from experiences during the 1960s un l the early 1980s when large quan es of tractors were supplied to developing countries either as a gi from donors, or on ver y advantageous loan terms. In par cular projects which were designed to p r o v i d e t ra c t o r s e r v i c e s t h ro u g h government agencies have a miserable record. These projects proved not sustainable because of the intrinsic

i n e ffi c i e n c i e s o f g o v e r n m e n t‐ r u n businesses. An overvalued foreign exchange rate and low real interest rates made agricultural machinery ar ficially cheap as compared with labor and dra animals. These experiences o en combined with a very narrow percep on and lack of knowledge about mechaniza on, namely the one sided promo on of tractors and other capital‐ intensive mechanical power technology, has caused the aid community to largely turn its back on mechaniza on. At the same me there are many examples were mechaniza on has been very successful, contribu ng to increased food produc on, produc vity and advancement of rural economies. The most pressing need is to feed a growing human popula on. This requires sustaining food produc on, which can be realized by increasing land and labor efficiency in agriculture through farm mechaniza on. The world agricultural scenario indicates that food security is the paramount concern of every na on. All technological a d va n c e s i n b o t h d e ve l o p e d a n d developing countries must gear towards increasing food produc on. Both the large‐scale, specialized commercial agriculture and small‐scale mixed semi‐ subsistence types of agriculture play vital

roles to a ain this objec ve. The average opera onal farm size in Asia ranges from 1.0 to 3.7 hectares, with Thailand topping the list. Research expenditures for agriculture are 0.4 percent for low income countries; 2 percent for middle‐income countries; and almost 2.5 percent for high income countries. The share of the Asian and Pacific region in the global agriculture machinery consump on is only 10 percent compared with Europe, which has the highest share of 80 percent. As of 2002, Japan had the highest number (1,042,000 units) of harvesters‐threshers in use, followed by China (197,000 units), while Sri Lanka had the lowest number of only 10 units of harvester‐threshers. Asian agriculture is rapidly increasing with the rise in farm mechaniza on support. Most developing countries in the region are now in transi on from labor intensive to control intensive agriculture. Precision agriculture and automa on is the current trend in agricultural mechaniza on. Irriga on system machines, plan ng machines, powered sprayers, combine harvesters, dryers using biomass fuel, silo and storage handling, and advanced and high quality rice mill machines are likely to be adopted by Asian farmers in the near future.


Japan, Taiwan, and Korea are among the countries with highly mechanized farming opera ons. Common among these countries is the prevalence of strong poli cal support and farmers' coopera on, paving the way for advancements in agricultural mechaniza on technologies and systems. Japan developed mechanized produc on systems for le uce and citrus. The semi‐automa c transplanter for le uce, which was tested in a small prefecture in Japan with an average area of arable land per farm household of only 0.62 ha, saved on me and labor for transplan ng. The si ng cart, on the other hand, helped improve the work posture and is suitable for farmers cul va ng less than 0.5 ha of farm area. The construc on of monorail system and contour narrow path made possible citrus produc on in the sloping lands of south‐west Japan. These structures reduced the number of working hours and work load for fer lizer and chemical herbicide applica on, harves ng, and transpor ng. Taiwan's agriculture is 98 percent mechanized. Manufacturers of dryers in this country are able to produce compe ve products. Products using biomass as fuel are also becoming popular. Mini‐power llers have the highest market share in both domes c

and interna onal market. Protected crop culture or greenhouse cul va on is expected to a ract youths to engage in farm produc on because of its profitability as an enterprise. Another recent development in Taiwan is the automa on and computeriza on in agriculture, fisheries, and animal husbandry. Precision farming system for rice crop has been the focus of major projects in agriculture. This technology uses satellite posi on system and geographic informa on system on farming management as bases of decisions in the farm. Government support significantly contributed to the advancement of farm mechaniza on in Korea. This involves ins tu on of policies on financing for farm machinery and projects as well as subsidies by supplying farmers with machines at half the price. Trends in mechanizing upland crops in Korea involve integrated systems for mechanizing produc on of Chinese cabbage, garlic, Chinese leek, carrot, ginseng, etc. Machines and equipment have been developed for specific farm opera ons from land prepara on to plan ng, to harves ng, to post harvest and transport. Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, Vietnam, and the Philippines have been receiving similar support from

the government for its special projects and programs on farm mechaniza on. However, level of mechaniza on is medium to low due to such factors as: lack o f re s o u rc e s , i n f ra s t r u c t u re , a n d ins tu onal arrangements; prevalence of manual labor/ opera ons; and lack of policies that support the general economic welfare of the different stakeholders in the agricultural machinery industry. The level and appropriate choice of agricultural mechaniza on has direct effects on land and labor produc vity, farm income, environment, and the quality of life of small‐scale farmers in Asia. Hence, basic farm mechaniza on requirements to cater to small‐farm needs must be met, such as: suitability to small farms; simple design and technology; versa lity for use in different farm opera ons; affordability in terms of cost to farmers; and most importantly, the provision of support services from the government and the private sectors/ manufacturers. Cases of highly mechanized countries point to a common factor leading to successful farm mechaniza on programs, that is, strong poli cal will. Hence, each country's effort on small‐farm mechaniza on must be anchored on a coherent strategy based on the actual needs and priori es of the small‐scale farmers.


Pa erns of growth and structure of agro‐industrial sector Agro‐industrial sectors in today's world carry a different meaning than they did in the tradi onal percep on where a gradual shi took place from agriculture to industry in the course of economic development. Modern technology, available resources for agricultural produc on and access to the global market have increasingly facilitated the ver cal integra on of agriculture with industry. In industrialized countries, where agro‐ industrial sectors emerged as a result of the industrializa on of agriculture, the dis nc on between these two sectors is disappearing. In industrialized countries, the impact of R&D and innova ons in produc on machinery is also visible in agricultural ac vi es, while consumer demand has changed with regard to health and nutri on. However, the scenario is quite different in developing countries, especially in Africa where the agro‐ industrial sector is s ll in the early stages of mechaniza on in which intermediate inputs are transformed into manufactured products. Agro‐industrial sectors generally account for a substan al part of industrial output in developing countries compared to industrialized ones. This is par cularly true in the case of Africa, where the share of the agro‐industrial sector can be as high as 80 percent. Developing countries in Asia and La n America are less dependent on agro‐ industrial sectors than in Africa. The share of agro‐industrial sectors in leading developing economies such as China and Mexico is less than 30 percent, while it has even fallen below 20 percent in India due to the increasing share of machinery, equipment and other manufacturing sectors.

Another important observa on one could draw is the low level of labor produc vity in agro‐industrial sectors compared to other sectors. The value added per employee in agro‐industrial sectors in Kenya is three mes lower than in other sectors and seven mes lower in Madagascar. The rela vely advanced north and south of Africa have achieved higher levels of labor produc vity across the sectors, which significantly reduced t h e i r re l a ve d i ffe re n c e to o t h e r manufacturing sectors. Agricultural ac vi es in Africa are largely dominated by subsistence farming which yields just enough produce to feed the families and workers involved. A shi to more produc ve commercial farming would require mechaniza on. The number of tractors per hundred square kilometres of arable land, which is a widely recognized indicator of agricultural mechaniza on, is only 13 for Africa compared to 129 for South Asia, which is the least developed region in Asia. The world average is 200. Sub‐Saharan Africa also lags behind other developing regions of Asia and La n America with regard to other indicators. Some progress has, however, been made in recent years. There is a clear understanding that the con nent's poten al for commercial farming must be tapped to raise the level of living of millions of rural popula on. There is also some evidence that Africa is inves ng a significant amount for imported agriculture machinery. As a large number of African countries are s ll highly dependent on agriculture, those countries with rela vely larger agricultural sectors focus more on agriculture and subsequently import more agricultural machinery than others.

Morocco, Nigeria, Zimbabwe, Tunisia, Ethiopia, Algeria, Kenya, Sudan and Malawi were the major importers of agricultural machinery in 2012, accoun ng for 75.22 percent of the region's total agricultural machinery imports. Morocco and Malawi are the major importers of agricultural machinery, accoun ng for more than 10 percent of total agricultural machinery imports. With Ethiopia in the lead with its rela vely large economy, these countries have an agricultural value added of between 30 to 48 percent of their GDP. The countries with the lowest level of agricultural machinery imports are Uganda, Senegal and Mauritania, all of which accounted for less than 1 percent of total regional imports of agricultural machinery. The most important expor ng countries in the region were Tunisia, Nigeria, Morocco and Sudan, accoun ng for 11.59%, 8.91%, 7.89% and 4%, respec vely, of total agricultural machinery export. The majority of industrialized countries are agricultural machinery exporters, as are South Africa, Egypt, Nigeria and, most recently, China. Botswana, Mozambique and Namibia's major impor ng partner was South Africa. we can conclude that in spite of the s i g n i fi c a n t e ffo r t s u n d e r t a ke n b y developing countries thus far to a ain agricultural mechaniza on, they s ll have a long way to go un l they reach a level at which this technology is being used as efficiently as possible. To some extent, all African countries have undergone agricultural moderniza on, which involves a very important component of industrialized inputs to introduce technical changes.


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COST-EFFECTIVE CASHEW SHELLING MACHINE The quality of cashew nut shelling depends on the high percentage of whole kernels produced. The method of shelling has a significant effect on the percentage whole kernel produced. However, 100% whole kernel is barely achievable but the main focus is ge ng a very high percentage whole kernel. The method of shelling cashew nut is either by a manual, semi‐mechanized or fully mechanized system of which the earlier two were studied. The cost of investment and opera on in any of the three systems is important in deciding which to employ. Tradi onally, extrac on of the kernel from the shell of the cashew nut has been a manual opera on. The nuts are kidney shaped and bri le which makes it difficult to remove the shell without breakage. The most significant difficulty in processing cashew nuts is that the shell, which contains caus c oil, CNSL, which can burn the skin and produce noxious fumes when heated. During the tradi onal method, sun‐dried nuts are first dunked briefly in water, and then roasted over fire in pans with holes in them while being s rred constantly to prevent the nuts from burning. This method is called open pan roas ng. The shells break open during the process, whereby some of the cashew nut shell oil drips out through the holes and in to the fire. The split‐open shells are collected in ash or saw dust to soak up the rest of the oil. Another method of pre‐trea ng cashew

nuts for shelling is steam‐boiling. With this method, a steam pressure of 0.6 to 0.8 MPa is used to boil the cashew in a cooking pot for 18 to 24 minutes cooking me depending on the moisture content and size grade of the nuts. The nuts are dried either by sun or mechanically in an oven to 8% average moisture. Another method of pre‐trea ng cashew nuts for shelling is steam‐boiling. With this method, a steam pressure of 0.6 to 0.8 MPa is used to boil the cashew in a cooking pot for 18 to 24 minutes cooking me depending on the moisture content and size grade of the nuts.

Shelling is the removal of dry shell and has an objec ve of producing clean, whole kernels free of cracks, as whole kernels have a be er market value than broken kernels. The tradi onal shelling process involves placing the roasted nuts on a flat stone and cracking with a wooden mallet or ba en. A manual shelling is done with a machine which employs the manual feeding and force to shell the nut. With this an average sheller can open ten nuts per minute which amounts to 4,800 nuts or about 5kg of kernels. Experienced sheller can produce only half as much, with a quality of 90% whole kernels. The tradi onal and manual method of shelling cashew nut is a labor intensive, slow and tedious process. It also has some health implica ons due to the corrosive ac on of CNSL on human skin. Recently, pre‐treated nuts have been cut by semi‐mechanized shelling machines.

Alekiba Ayirebide Douglas Production Supervisor MIM Cashew and Agricultural Products Limited Ghana

The study revealed that the percentage whole kernel achieved by shelling with the manual shelling machine is 95% at a rate of 15 kg/ hr and operates at a cost of $ 6 per 8 hour working day. On the other hand, the semi‐mechanized shelling machine achieved 84% whole kernel at a rate of 21 kg/hr and operates at a cost of $ 7.5 per 8 hour working day. Also, the manual shelling machine produced 0.9% of unshelled nuts whilst the semi‐ mechanized machine produced 12.5%. This study suggest small and emerging cashew processing industries should employ the use of the manual shelling machine to have a minimal investment, opera ng and maintenance cost as compare to the semi‐mechanized machine and also, because broken kernels do not fetch much income. However, to use the semi‐mechanized machines, there is the need to frequently assess the performance and adjust where necessary and also check correct posi oning of cashew nut in the feeding point to achieve high quality produc on.


Mechanization of seedling young plant nurseries Introduc on : The ever increasing cost of labor, coupled with non availability of quality labor at the right me has made the general farm opera ons very expensive. The non availability at the me when it is needed has worsened the situa on. Therefore the obvious answer is to mechanize. However the equipment and machinery available for this are either very old or very expensive. Keeping the above in mind we at Varsha E n t e r p r i s e s h av e e m b a r ke d u p o n mechaniza on of the seedling and young plant nurseries. The process of seedling nurseries essen ally has the following opera ons. I ) Se ng up of the nursery : There are two types of Nurseries i) for self use ii) For Commercial purposes. i) Self Use :‐ These are small nurseries which produce about 10,000 to 20,000 seedlings every batch i.e once in three m o nt h s . T h e s e n u rs e r i e s p ro d u c e seedlings in seeds beds near the farms. We provide the nurseries with modern methods wherein the seedlings are produced under net houses. To produce 10,000 seedlings the net house and other material like the protrays coco‐peat etc would cost about Rs.15,000 for the setup and running cost of about 30 paise per seedlings. A detailed project is available on request. All the material including the net houses are ready made. ii) Commercial Nursery :‐ These are nurseries which produce seedling of all

types of vegetable, flowers, fruits etc. in excess of one millions seedlings per month. Mechaniza on of these nurseries is must, otherwise theses are very labor oriented. The mechaniza on starts with a) Produc on of growing media. b) Mixing of different ingredients c) Filling of the pro‐trays d) Dibbling of the media in the trays e) Seeding f) Top covering or coa ng g) Watering the trays h) Placing the trays in the nursery i) Watering fer ga on and plant care j) Transplan ng of seedling in the field a) Produc on of Grow media :‐ The most important aspect of producing quality seedling is consistent quality of growing media. World over peatmoss, perlite vermiculite and now Co‐copeat mixes are used, for this purpose because all of them are available in large quan es. Out of this peatmoss was used in very large quali es. However peat moss is a fossil material and is mined from earth. Peat moss has disadvantages like it is very acidic (Ph of less than 4). Peat if it becomes dry it is very difficult to wet. Therefore we ng agents are used for this purpose. However the cheaper and be er replacement is coconut fibre pith also generally known as Cocopeat. Cocopeat is produced by washing, sieving, drying and blocking all these are done in Co‐copeat factories. Expanded perlite, exfoliated vermiculite, Polysteynere beads are mixed with Cocopeat as amendments. Along with starter fer lizers and fungicides are mixed to get the correct growing media.

Venkatesh Rao Managing Partner Varsha Enterprises, Bangalore

Mechaniza on: Coco‐peat comes in brick form. These bricks are broken into powder form in an equipment known as shredder. The shredder has a provision of online and has a provision for storing shredded Co‐ copeat expanded perlite & vermiculite are supplied in bags. b) Mixing of ingredients: The different ingredients are metered using belt conveyors & feeder. All the material are fed to a common belt conveyor. All these material are fed into an intermediate hopper. Underneath the hopper the media is mixed in a paddle mixer. The Mixed material is carried out by a screw conveyer either to the tray filter or into bags. c) The mixed material is fed to the pro‐trays by vibro feeder. The tray filled with the media is compacted by a roller and a brush. Pro‐trays can be filled normally with the media. d) The media is compressed and dibbled to the tray by a Dibbler (The Dibbler can be on line or independent). The dibbler will facilitate the seed to drop in the centre of the tray also will ensure proper compac on of media. e) Seeder : There are several types of seeder like the Turbo seeder, cylindrical seeder etc. The seeder is selected on the basis of need.


Turbo seeders are used. For seeding above this drum seeders or cylindrical seeders are used. These seeders pickup one seed and deposit them in the trays at the me. The accuracy is more than 90% . Theses seeder work relentlessly trouble free for 15 to 20 years. This single equipment can do the job of about 20 skilled labor. f) Seed coa ng: This is a very important step in the produc on of seedling. The thickness of media to be covered depends on type of seed. Generally 1.5 mes the seed dia is required to be covered with the media. This is very cri cal. If seed cover is more the seedling may not emerge out. If the seed cover is less the seed may not germinate due to non availability of

moisture. Therefore the seed coater ensures perfect spread of media on the seeds. g) Watering sta on : Watering is very important for seed germina on. Normally watering is done manually using watering cans or sprinkler systems. Both these are not eďŹƒcient and may overwater or underwater the seedlings. Therefore a mechanical watering systems which comprises of frac on house power motor and sprinkler system ensures perfect watering i.e complete draining of the media. In fact fungicides can be mixed and sprayed to prevent any rolling. By mechanizing all the above steps we can ensure 100% healthy and economical

seedlings. The en re system star ng from shredding of Coco�peat to watering of the seeds it would cost about Rs.40 Lakh. However this amount will be recovered within two years me and the quality of seedling would be very high. This also eliminates the dependence an labor. Therefore it is impera ve that the seedlings produc on should be mechanized. The money saved can help in increasing the salaries of the people opera ng the system. We have seen, with this several small nurseries have joined together to have one centralized seeding sta on and grow the seedlings in their own nurseries. In the above process of mechaniza on. The implementa on can be done par ally step by step or can be done together.

The Impact of Mechanization on Agriculture In the future, agricultural machines will become data‐rich sensing and monitoring systems. Significant challenges will have to be overcome to achieve the level of agricultural produc vity necessary to meet the predicted world demand for food, fi b e r, a n d f u e l i n 2 0 5 0 . A l t h o u g h agriculture has met significant challenges in the past, targeted increases in produc vity by 2050 will have to be made in the face of stringent constraints—including limited resources, less skilled labor, and a limited amount of arable land, among others. The metric used to measure such progress is Total Factor Produc vity (TFP): The output per unit of total resources used in produc on. According to some predic ons, agricultural output will have to double by 2050 (GHI, 2011), with simultaneous management of sustainability. This will require increasing TFP from the current level of 1.4 for agricultural produc on systems to a consistent level of 1.75 or higher. To reach that goal, we will need significant achievements in all of the factors that impact TFP. Mechaniza on is one factor that has had a significant effect on T F P since the b e g i n n i n g o f m o d e r n a g r i c u l t u re . Mechanized harves ng, for example, was a

key factor in increasing co on produc on in the last century. In the future, mechaniza on will also have to contribute to be er management of inputs, which will be cri cal to increasing TFP in global produc on systems that vary widely among crop types and regional economic status. Today, approximately 70 percent of withdrawals of fresh water are used for agriculture. By 2025, 1.8 billion people are expected to be living in areas with absolute water scarcity (UN FAO, 2007), and two‐thirds of the world popula on will live in water‐stressed areas. Improving water management will have to be achieved by more efficient irriga on technology and higher efficiencies in whatever technologies farmers are currently using. The Impact of Mechaniza on on Produc vity Agricultural mechaniza on, one of the great achievements of the 20th century (NAE, 2000), was enabled by technologies that created value in agricultural produc on prac ces through the more efficient use of labor, the meliness of opera ons, and more efficient input management with a focus on sustainable, high‐produc vity systems. Historically, affordable machinery, which increased capability and standardiza on and measurably improved produc vity, was a

J F Reid, Director Product Technology and Innovation John Deere Moline Technology Innovation Center

key enabler of agricultural mechaniza on. In the 19th century, as our society matured, a great many innova ons transformed the face of agriculture. Taking advantage of a large labor base and dra animals, farmers had been able to manage reasonable areas of land. This form of agriculture was s ll prac ced in some places un l the middle of the 20th century. A major turning point occurred when tractors began to replace dra animals in the early decades of the 20th century. Tractors leveraged a growing oil economy to significantly accelerate agricultural produc vity and output. Early harves ng methods had required separate process opera ons for different implements. With tractors, the number of necessary passes in a field for specific implements was reduced, and eventually,


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Qk;ns % Gobind Rotavator is better than other agricultural equipments to prepare the soil in just one or  twoxksfcUn jksVksosVj vU; ;a=ksa times of cultivation, and also it save the 40%d`f"k diesel and 60% time. dh rqyuk esa  Traditional method takes minimum esa 10-15 t+ehu days to prepare bed where Gobind ,d ;k nks gh tqrkbZ dksseed cksus dsasfy,by rS;kj Rotavator soil is immediately available for sowing. dj nsrk gSA ftlls yxHkx 40ø Mhty dh cpr vkSj 60ø  Gobind Rotavator can immediately prepare the soil moisture of previous crop does not go waste, management. le;thus dhhelps cprwater gksrh gSA  Cultivation of soil can be done immediately after the rain because it is the ideal use for  Rotavator, ikjEifjd rjhdksa ls [ksr dks cqvkbZ ds fy, rS;kj djus it also push the tractor forward in soil. esaRotavator yxHkx 10 ls 15 le; yxrk gSbananas, ijUrqjute, xksfcUn  Gobind is beneficial for thefnu land dk of reaped sugarcane, dried grass and other corps. jksVksosVj ls [ksr cqvkbZ ds fy, rqjUr rS;kj gks tkrk SALIENT FEATURES: gSA  Gear Box: Heavy duty export quality gear box, and it have longer service life.  Box Frame: It have heavy duty square pipe feV~Vh and made up from heavycqvkbZ plates. xksfcUn jksVksosVj dks ds fy,  Trailing Board: It havedj automatic spring which helps in to have a quality cultivation of soil,dh and rqjUr rS;kj nsrk gS] ftlls fiNyh Qly dh feV~Vh its pressure balance the wet soil . ueh csdkj ugha tkrh] bl guard. izdkj ty izcU/ku esa enn  P.T.O. Shaft:Water proof cross with protection  It have double spring multi lip oil seal. Hkh djrk gSA  Tiller Blades : Blades made up from advanced imported parts which easily cultivate the soil  without vU;heavy d`f"k ;a=ksa rqyuk esa cjlkr gksus ds ckn load and also helpsdh in smooth running.  Side Transmission: gears made out oftk best qualitygSA steel & properly treated technology rqjUr bllsSide tqrkbZ fd;k ldrk xhyhheat feV~Vh esa which gives the regular functioning with longer life. tqrkbZ bldk vkn'kZ mi;ksx gS] lkFk gh ,lh voLFkk 

rduhdh fo'ks"krk,a % TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION GI -- 120 120 GI

Tractor Tractor Power Power Overall Overall Width Width

Tillage Tillage Width Width Gear Box Box Speed Speed Gear

Side Transmission Transmission Side P.T.O. Speed Speed (RPM) (RPM) P.T.O. Rotor Rotor Speed Speed (RPM) (RPM) No. No. of of Blades Blades

Gear Gear Box Box Overload Protection Overload Protection

GI -- 150 150 GI

GI -- 175 175 GI

GI -- 200 200 GI

GI -- 225 225 GI

30 30 to to 35 35 H.P. H.P. 35 35 to to 45 45 H.P. H.P. 45 45 to to 55 55 H.P. H.P. 55 55 to to 70 70 H.P. H.P. 70 70 to to 75 75 H.P. H.P. 150 180 205 230 255 150 cm cm 180 cm cm 205 cm cm 230 cm cm 255 cm cm 120 cm 150 cm 175 cm 200 cm 225 cm 120 cm 150 cm 175 cm 200 cm 225 cm Single/Multi Single/Multi Single/Multi Single/Multi Single/Multi Single/Multi Multi Single/Multi Single/Multi Multi Gear Gear Gear Gear Gear Gear Gear Gear Gear Gear 540/1000 540/1000 540/1000 540/1000 540/1000 540/1000 540/1000 540/1000 540/1000 540/1000 220 220 36 36

220 220 42 42

Shear Shear Bolt Bolt

Shear Shear Bolt Bolt

220 220 48 48

Shear Shear Bolt Bolt

220 220 54 54

Shear Shear Bolt Bolt

220 220 60 60

Shear Shear Bolt Bolt

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Rotor Speed (RPM) for Multi Speed Gearbox Rotor Speed (RPM) for Multi Speed Gearbox 1000 (RPM) Tractor PTO 540 (RPM) 1000 (RPM)

Tractor PTO 540 (RPM)

15 20 1516020

16 19 16 18019

17 18 17 20018

18 17 18 22517

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20 15 20 28215







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those implements were combined through innova on into the “combina on” or combine harvester. By the late 20th century, electronically controlled hydraulics and power systems were the enabling technologies for improving machine performance and p r o d u c v i t y. W i t h e l e c t r o n i c a l l y addressable machine architecture, coupled with public access to Global Naviga on Satellite System (G N S S) technology in the mid‐1990s, mechaniza on in the last 20 years has been focused on leveraging informa on, automa on, and communica on to advance ongoing trends in the precisionin the precision control of agricultural produc on systems. In general, advances in machine system automa on have increased produc vity, increased convenience, and reduced skilled labor requirements for complex tasks. Moreover, benefits have been achieved in an economical way and increased overall TFP. On the next level of evolu on, automa c guidance systems appeared that managed steering for an operator through automa c control. Automa c guidance systems enabled precision opera ons depending on the type of GNSS signal and how it was integrated into the requirements of the agricultural opera ons. Un l recently, automa on has been focused on func ons that depend on GNSS or direct sensing. However, processes that lend themselves to control based on the a ributes of soil and crop proper es are also being inves gated. Some ini al applica ons of these, which were coupled with GPS, mapped the yield and moisture of harvested crop opera ons.

Machine Communica ons The automa on methods described above generate massive amounts of data. However, the data are not limited to on‐ vehicle storage or even to on‐the‐go decision making. Inter‐machine communica on greatly increases the poten al of these systems. In the last few years, the commercial applica on of telema cs devices on m a c h i n e s h a s b e e n i n c re a s i n g i n agriculture, thus empowering a closer connec on between farmers and dealers in managing machine up me and maintenance services. Other applica ons for machine communica on systems include fleet and asset management. As we strive for higher TFP levels, these high‐end applica ons are moving toward systems with increasingly advanced informa on and communica on technologies (ICT) capabili es, including data communica on management from machine to off‐machine data stores. Other ICT capabili es under development include vehicle‐to‐vehicle opera ons management in the field. As ICT con nues to penetrate produc on systems, a massive network is being developed of machine systems that are pla orms for value crea on—well beyond produc vity from agricultural mechaniza on intended for the farmer or the farm site. These systems are collec ng and managing informa on with poten al value in downstream value‐chain opera ons that use crop or drive systems to achieve environmental sustainability. As intelligent mobile equipment for worksite solu ons has evolved over the last 20 years, agricultural mechaniza on has also evolved from a bo om‐up integra on of the founda ons of ICT applied to basic mechaniza on systems required for crop produc on. The primary machine capabili es of precision sensing, advanced control systems, and communica ons have created the poten al for the emergence of Cyber‐ Physical System (CPS) from produc on agricultural systems. Although these advanced technologies are not uniformly distributed among pla orms and produc on systems, where

they exist, there are opportuni es to leverage ICT to increase produc on systems capabili es. Looking ahead, it is expected that the business value of ICT will expand to addi onal pla orms. Technologies integrated on vehicles must work seamlessly with other systems. Drawbacks of some ini al a empts for ICT capabili es have been the significant me required for setup or management, the lack of a common architecture, the lack of standardiza on among industries, and the lack of standardiza on with the farmer in mind as a user of ICT. Recently, several organiza ons have been working to develop standards, and some i m p ro ve m e nt s h ave a l re a d y b e e n developed or are in process. Centers with machine knowledge can help increase equipment up me and an cipate machine system failures based on vehicle state variables in opera on. Machine data that provide a be er understanding of machine use can also lead to more efficient system designs that meet the needs of farmers. Agronomic data will create new opportuni es for intensive modeling and simula on that can improve produc on efficiency by an cipa ng the impact of weather and various produc on methods. In the future, I C T will enable the development of new pla orms that can provide more support to produc on agriculture by taking advantage of opportuni es to connect farmers, the value chain, and society in ways that are beyond present capabili es. Today, we are extremely close to having true CPS and control systems for measuring the “pulse” of agricultural produc vity on planet Earth. Conclusion Agricultural mechaniza on will be a key factor to achieving our TFP goals and feeding a growing planet. Looking ahead, agricultural machines will become data‐ rich sensing and monitoring systems that can map the performance of both machines and the environment they work on with precision resolu on and accuracy, and this capability will unlock levels of informa on about produc on agriculture that were heretofore unavailable.


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