10 May

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Rotorua Lakes High School “Mauria te pono - Keep steadfastly to the truth”



From the Principal – P. 1 - 2 News – P. 2 - 5 Sports – P. 5 Careers / Gateway P. 6 Notice Board – P. 6 - 7 Contact Us – P. 7 Our Sponsors – P. 8

Dear Parents / Caregivers ___________________________________________________________________________ This week has been a very sad week for our school community, many of whom are grieving after the sudden death of one of our students. As referred to in a previous email, this may have on-going ramifications for our staff and students. As a school community we must continue to support each other. Our thought and condolences to the family and whanau.

___________________________________________________________________________ BOT ANNOUNCEMENT The Board of Trustees wish to inform you we have appointed a new Principal following Mr Walker’s retirement. Mr Jon Ward comes to us from Tararua College, Pahiatua where he was Principal. He will commence Mon 22 July. The board was pleased to receive such high calibre applications. Mr Walker has delayed his retirement until the end of Term 2.

___________________________________________________________________________ GOLD SUCCESS AT NZ WAKA AMA LONG DISTANCE NATIONALS Kyra Mita competed in the long distance nationals at the Landing, Okahu Bay, Auckland held on Good Friday. Kyra won the W1 J19 Girls race convincingly to take the gold. This win has made Kyra the W1 Representative in this age group to go on to the World Champs in the Sunshine Coast in August. Kyra also paddled the next day in a team from Gisbourne to also win the J19 Girls W6 title. Kyra’s next campaign is The World Rafting Champs held in Cairns, Australia next week. Fantastic

achievement Kyra and all the best for next week! __________________________________________________________________________

ASSESSMENTS The following assessments have been set down to take place within the next two weeks. There may be times where, due to unforeseen circumstances, changes will need to occur. This will be done in consultation with the class(es) concerned. Level 1 2 3 1 2 3

Standard 90997 91214 91513 91091 91272 91418

Subject Drama Drama Drama Music Music Music

1 1 3

91032 91001 & 91002 91398

Maths History English

Date Week beginning 13 May (1 week) Week beginning 13 May (1 week) Week beginning 13 May (1 week) Week 3 Week 3 Week 3 (one piece required this term – assessment completed next term) Weeks 3 & 4 (please see timetable in news section) Mon 20 May Tues 4 June

KEY DATES TERM 2 Mon 3 June Fri 21 June Tues 25 June Wed 26 June Wed 26 June Sat 29 June Fri 5 July Fri 5 July School Holidays First day Term 3

PUBLIC HOLIDAY Reports Issued Report Inverviews 4 – 6 pm Report Interviews 3.30 – 6 pm. NB: School closes early at 2.55 pm – buses run as normal School closes early for report interviews School Ball Kapa Haka Secondary Regionals END OF TERM 2 6 – 21 July 2019 Monday 22 July 2019

Yours sincerely


NEWS NEWS REMINDERS FOR THE YEAR ___________________________________________________________________________ PARENT ELECTION NOTICE ROTORUA LAKES HIGH SCHOOL BOARD OF TRUSTEES’ ELECTION Nominations are invited for the election of 6 parent representatives to the board of trustees. A nomination form and a notice calling for nominations will be posted to all eligible voters. You can nominate another person to stand as a candidate, or you can nominate yourself. Both parts of the form must be signed. Additional nomination forms can be obtained from the school office. Nominations close at

noon on Friday 24 May 2019 and may be accompanied by a signed candidate statement and photograph. The voting roll is open for inspection at the school and can be viewed during normal school hours. There will also be a list of candidates’ names, as they come to hand, for inspection at the school. Voting closes at noon on Friday 7 June. L Gilbert Returning Officer.

_______________________________________________________________________ 11MAT TIMETABLE Period 1 Period 2 Period 3 Period 4 Period 5

Monday Week 3 Mrs Richardson

Monday Week 4 Mrs Richardson

Mr Nair Mr Kairaoi

Mr Nair Mr Kairaoi

This assessment is in two parts and students need to attend on BOTH days in order to be assessed against this standard.

___________________________________________________________________________ ASTHMA NURSE EDUCATOR VISIT The Asthma New Zealand Nurse educator will be back in School this term to follow up on year nine asthmatics (second visit) and any other asthmatic students that would like assessments or education. Asthma NZ is a non-government, charity organization whose aim is to reduce inequities and poor outcomes in asthma control. They believe through education and assessment allows people to make informed health choices and thereby reduce asthma exacerbations, hospital visits and time away from school. For further details or any questions please feel free to contact Nurse Rach smithr@rotorualakes.school.nz or 3456124 ext 264. __________________________________________________________________________________

HILLARY OUTDOORS PROGRAMME Hillary Outdoors run a variety of programmes for youth, ranging from adventure to leadership. Students will learn outdoor skills while challenging themselves and working together in a team; exploring rivers, lakes, mountains, and bush. This year there is an opportunity for 20 year 10 students to attend this camp. There is a cost involved to attend this camp. Camp begins on Sunday 6th October (the middle weekend of the holidays) and the students will be travelling by school vans. They will be leaving school at 3pm. The return date is Friday 11th October. Students will return to school by 4pm. If your Year 10 son/daughter is interested in attending they will need to write a letter of interest in the camp as the first step in the application process and to register their interest. In this letter they will need to include the reasons why they want to attend, why they should be selected and how they will use the skills gained in their future life. The letter must be submitted as a hard copy to student reception. Grammar, spelling and punctuation are not a part of this application.

All applications to be in by Monday 13 May at 9 am.


MEASLES UPDATE FROM THE HEALTH & WELLNESS CENTER Just a quick update regarding measles as there have been 2 more cases reported in the Bay of Plenty. The first early symptoms of measles are fever, runny nose, sore red eyes and cough, followed a few days later by a rash usually starting on the face before moving down the body. If you think you or someone in your family may have measles, it is important to remember to stay at home and phone your doctor to alert them of your symptoms and allow them to make arrangements to assess you safely and without infecting other people. If you would like more detailed information you can access the Toi Te Ora Public Health website: https://www.toiteora.govt.nz/measles __________________________________________________________________________________

NZ MUSIC COMMISSION MENTORING DAY The New Zealand Music Commission has organised and funded a music performance mentoring day for the Year 12 and 13 Music students with King Kapisi and Rio Hemopo from Trinity Roots on Friday 24th of May at our music department. This will be a wonderful experience for our students to work with New Zealand musicians who will share their knowledge and expertise. ___________________________________________________________________________________________

MATHS HOMEWORK CENTRE Each TUESDAY from 3.30 – 4.15 in A11 All Welcome - Please bring a snack and a smile

___________________________________________________________________________ VISUAL ART Tutorials are now running every Thursday after school 3.30 - 5pm in C3 All senior Art, photography or sculpture students from any year 11/12/13 class can attend. These will continue as needed throughout the year. The purpose of these tutorials is to support senior students with assessment tasks. It is also a great time for students to complete any unfinished work they may have. Students bring a snack and your work!


SPORTS ___________________________________________________________________________ HOCKEY RLHS Girls 1st Xl - won 5-0. Great game to watch. Dust off the old cob webs! RLHS Girls 2nd Xl -Lost their game 3-0. Great game to watch as well. New team so it was great to see the dynamics starting to gel. RLHS Boys 1st XI – Loss 3 – 0 against Whakarewa Taupo. Despite a loss, the game showed showed great potential within the team. Player of the Day – Henry Schwitzer Mixed Team – draw 2 – 2 against JPC 2, both goals scored by Demetrius Bailey. Player of the Day – Jack Rolfe.

NEXT WEEKS GAMES: Tuesday 14/5/2019 – Girls RLHS 2nd vs RLHS 1st - @ 4.30 pm on Turf 1 Thursday 16/2/2019 – Boys RLHS v RBHS @ 4.30 pm on Turf 2 Mixed V WHS 2 @ 4.30 in Whakatane -This is an away game so please be ready to leave from school.

CAREERS & GATEWAY ___________________________________________________________________________ The following UNIVERSITIES will be in to talk to interested students this term during lunchtime on these dates:


Canterbury Uni Info Evening Waikato Uni Open Day Massey Uni Info Evening - JPC Victoria Uni Info evening – Novotel Rotorua 6 – 8 pm Maori Students & Whanau session 5.30 pm Toi –Ohomai Open day 9 am – 1.30 pm Canterbury Uni Open Day – Mt. Maunganui

Contact the Careers Department for further info: Barbara Walker 3 456124 x 235 walkerb2@rotorualakes.school.nz


CONTACT US we are here to help

Phone: 07-345 6124 Email: office@rotorualakes.school.nz Web: www.rotorualakes.school.nz

Thank you to all our Sponsors

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