Rotorua Lakes High School “Mauria te pono - Keep steadfastly to the truth”
CHALKBOARD From the Principal – P. 1 News – P. 2 - 3 Dept News – P. 3 - 4 Sports – P. 4 Careers/Gateway - P. 5 Contact Us – P. 6 Our Sponsors – P. 6
Kia ora Koutou, Kia ora tatou katoa. Ka timata te Wiki o te Reo a te Mane nei. Ka tautoko matou i tenei kaupapa rangatira i te kura whanui nei, kia marama pai tatou nga Kaiako me nga tauira ki etahi ahuatanga o te Ao Maori me ona Tikanga hoki. Ko te tino wawata ka whakamahia te reo i te tau katoa. He iwi kotahi tatou! As I have said above: As many of you may be aware, Maori Language Week starts on Monday. We are looking forward to supporting this initiative across the school and developing student awareness of Te Ao and Tikanga Maori. In some ways every week should be Maori Language week as it represents a part of who we are as a nation. Reports have been issued this week in preparation for our parent / teacher meeting next week. This year, more so than ever, these conversations are very important as we support students to achieve their NCEA goals. We hope that you can find the time to attend. Our Boys Hockey team had a draw with Western Heights High School which places them 3 rd in the Round having moved up a grade in the division. Well done! I also wish to refer to the fantastic efforts of our Basketball Girls (see later in the newsletter). Have an enjoyable weekend.
Nga mihi,
Jon Ward Principal / Tumuaki
NEWS __________________________________________________________________________________
SCHOOL REPORTS School reports have been issued to all students on Friday 11 September 2020. You can view the reports by using your Kamar login to access schoolpoint. Students have also set goals for themselves in schoolpoint after reflecting on these reports. Schoolpoint can be accessed via our school website and click on the word SCHOOLPOINT under the photo banner. Your username and password are the same one that you use to access KAMAR. If you do not have internet access or need assistance, please phone Liandra on 345 6124 ext 221 or
___________________________________________________________________________ PARENT REPORT INTERVIEW EVENING We have a parent report interview evening on Wednesday 16 September 2020 starting at 3.30 pm (NB: School closes early at 2.55 pm to allow teachers to prepare – buses run as normal) On line bookings are open –
How to book your time: 1. 2. 3. 4.
Log into SchoolPoint. Click on the "Book your Time" button. Click on the "Book Time" next to the interview that you would like to book for. Select your preferred time.
Note: You can edit your time by clicking on the "Cancel/Change Booking" button and reselecting your preferred time If you need help please contact Liandra Allen 345 6124 ext 221 or email her We welcome and encourage parents and caregivers to contact teachers with questions and concerns throughout the year as the situation arises. The best way to contact teachers is via their emails. You can expect a reply within 2 days under normal circumstances.
___________________________________________________________________________ NZQA Students should be logging into their area on the NZQA site ( regularly to check their entries for externals, current results and how they link to Pathways and also, they can see their personalised exam timetable. All they need is their NSN ( this is on all the tracking reports and can be accessed through the KAMAR and Schoolpoint portals).
We strongly encourage students to do this often! ___________________________________________________________________________ STUDENT BOARD OF TRUSTEES REPRESENTATIVE There have been 4 nominees for the Student BOT Rep. Elections will be held on Friday 18 September 2020.
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OUTGOING BOT REPRESENTATIVE Our thanks to the outgoing Board of Trustees Student Representative, Isidora GonzalezDiaz. Isidora has represented the students very well for the past year and never missed a meeting. From the BOT, staff and students a big thank you.
___________________________________________________________________________ MCAT Most students in the 3 11MSC classes will be sitting an External Achievement Standard called the MCAT on Thursday 17 September (Week 9) in Period 1 in the Auditorium. If your child is NOT sitting the MCAT then they go to their normal timetabled class for period 1. Students need to go straight to the Auditorium at the beginning of House Group and line up in their class. They need their blue/black pens, pencils, ruler and rubber in a clear bag. Watches, calculators and phones are NOT allowed in the Auditorium. If your child is absent on Thursday 17 September please ring Mr Shaun English as soon as possible on 345 6124 ext 241. The Maths Department are running tutorials for the MCAT every lunchtime in A2 until 17 September and also each Thursday after school in A11. All 11MSC students are welcome to these highly recommended tutorials.
BRIEF LOOK – TERM 3 2020 11 September 16 September 18 September 17 September 24 September 25 September HOLIDAYS Monday 12 Oct
Reports Issued Report Evening – 3.30 pm – 6pm Student Elections to the Board of Trustees MCAT Exam Pd. 1 Interhouse and HAKA Day LAST DAY OF TERM 3 Mon 28 September – Sun 11 October FIRST DAY OF TERM 4
___________________________________________________________________________ ASSESSMENTS The following assessments have been set down. There may be times where, due to unforeseen circumstances, changes will need to occur. This will be done in consultation with the class(es) concerned. Level 1 1 2 3 2 1 1 1
Subject Chemistry Science Economics Economics Sport Science 11MSC Maths 10S3 Music Works
Standard 90930 90930 91226 & 91227 91402 91329 91027 (MCAT) 91029 91095
Date Week 9 Week 9 Complete in class Week 9 & 10 Complete in class Week 9 & 10 Thurs 17 Sep Thurs 17 Sep HG + Period 1 (AUD) Fri 18 Sep Wed 23 September
FROM OUR DEPARTMENTS ___________________________________________________________________________ YOUTH AWARDS Come along and support Isidora Gonzales-Diaz at the Rotorua Youth awards On Sunday 23rd September 5pm. Isidora is one of three nominees for Most Promising Visual Artist category. Tickets are FREE and available from the Energy Event Centre (limit 4 per person).
All the very best to Isidorađ&#x;˜Š
___________________________________________________________________________ GATEWAY COURSE A GREAT SUCCESS Some students have just completed the Working at Heights Advanced 2 day course held here at school by Vertical Horizonz. This is a valuable course for anyone to have, especially when going into any trade after school, as it is now one of the requirements for any workplace. Students really enjoyed this and had fun along the way.
___________________________________________________________________________ MATHS HOMEWORK CENTRE Each Thursday from 3.30 – 4.15 pm in A11
All welcome ‌‌ Please bring some questions, a snack and a smile
SPORTS ___________________________________________________________________________ BASKETBALL Game: RLHS Senior Girls v Reporoa Senior Girls The first round of playoffs started with the game of the season so far for our Girls Team. As with previous games, this play off was no different with both teams battling hard the entire game. Great defense was shown by our team which showed in the final score. With only seconds left and the score 18-20 to Reporoa, Abby Donald, with a great pass from Jasmine Emile-Chhura, scored to level the game right on full time forcing overtime. Reporoa scored a 4
quick 2 points to put them ahead by 2, then Aria Galvin scored a fantastic shot to even up the game. Just before the buzzer Jasmine drew a foul, only needing to make 1 of 2 shorts to win the game‌..and she did!
Final Score Lakes 23 v 22 Player of the Day – The Whole Teamđ&#x;˜Š ___________________________________________________________________________ 1ST X1 BOYS HOCKEY Last game of the round last night vs WHHS and we wanted a win. By half time unfortunately they had scored twice against us and despite good attacking opportunities we had been unable to score. Half time talk from Owen renewed the boys attitude - they were not going to give up! Two goals from us by Liam Gatenby and Tama Te Whau put us back in the game. Another slipped past us but our pressure on them did not weaken. The last 5 mins were all played in their circle but we just couldn't get the break we needed. With seconds on the clock Jayden Fraser's skills provided a PC against WHHS. The final whistle blew but the pc had to be played out. The team remained calm and focused. Jamaal Abdul Rahman received the opportunity to drag flick into the goal to secure a draw 3-3. Way to go boys! Players of the Day Zack Kelly and Liam Gatenbyđ&#x;˜Š
Trainee Line Mechanic with Northpower, Rotorua For information on this role: Contact the Careers Department for further info: Mrs Walker 3456124 x 235
_____________________________________________________________________________ The following apprenticeship opportunities are currently available for interested students: Timber Machinist Saw Doctor Female Plumbing Apprenticeship Construction Cadetship There are also some labouring roles within the timber industry with the prospect of an apprenticeship being offered in the future. Auto Electrician Apprenticeship - available next year with a well-known Rotorua Company. If you are interested please come and see Mrs E Hingston in the Gateway office for more information. (students genuinely interested in this field only please). Mrs Hingston 3456124 x 258 For information on any of these roles: Contact the Careers Department for further info: Mrs Walker 3456124 x 235
KEY DATES FOR YOUR CAREER CALENDAR The following UNIVERSITIES will come in / virtually talk to interested students on these dates: th Sat 12 September – Uni Aviation Open Day Wed 16 September – Uni Course Planning – 1.30 pm in L1 Sat 19th September – Open Day Tues 22 September – Uni Open Evening Thurs – 1st October – University Applications to Study Open Contact the Careers Department for further info: Barbara Walker 3456124 x 235
CONTACT US we are here to Phone: 07- 345 6124 help Email: Web:
Thank you to our Sponsor 6