Just a reminder, our teacher accord day is next Thursday 18 August. This means the school will be closed to all students (further details on page 2 3). Also, we have our Open Evening for all Year 8 whanau on 24 August from 4 8 pm and our Open Day for students on 22 August (all day). There will be two welcomes, including mihi whakatau, student reflections and the Principal’s address, one at 4 pm and another at 6 pm. Tours will begin immediately after the welcomes. We hope to see you there. (further details on page 3). At present, our staff are developing evidence for derived grades should this be necessary. The Prelim Exams for our NCEA students will form a significant part of this evidence, so it is vital that students treat the revision for these assessments with respect. The exams are starting Monday 19 September 2022 and ending Friday 23 September 2022 (further details on page 2). I wish you all a great weekend. Ngā mihi, Jon Ward, Principal/Tumaki
CONTENTS NEWSLETTER ISSUE No. 13 - 12 AUGUST 2022 Rotorua Lakes High School “Mauria te pono Keep steadfastly to the truth” From the Principal P. 1 4 Sport P. 4 Student Successes P. 4 7 Careers P. 8 9 Notice Board P. 9
Kia ora Koutou, Our subject choice evening last week was very successful with great engagement from our community. A big thank you to everyone for coming out and encouraging your students to be involved with their choices Many thanks to all staff for your hard work in making this event so successful. A huge thank you to our Arts department for the brilliant Epic Night Out concert last night. In particular, for the commitment and hard work of our talented students involved and to our Music teacher Mrs M Stunell and our Drama & Dance teacher Ms A Burt. This took a massive amount of hard work and dedication from everyone involved and it certainly paid off. We look forward to tonight’s performance even more! To all of you for turning up and supporting the school, we thank you.
Our students who are entered into NZQA externals in November will be sitting Prelim exams. These exams are very important and students are expected to attend in full school uniform. The results from these exams are to help inform students/parents/teachers on the level the student is currently at and what needs to be worked on. They are also used for class placings and a derived grade for NZQA if needed. A derived grade is requested by NZQA in a situation where a student is unable, because of a medical or traumatic event, to sit their November exam(s). As we did last year, we will also be having timetabled slots for non exam subjects. The timetable will be out shortly.For any queries please email: sturmej@rotorualakes.school.nz.
A list of candidates’ names will be displayed, as they come to hand, at Reception. Election (if required) will be held on Wednesday 14 September. Officer ___________________________________________________________________________ PRELIM EXAMS / 19 23 SEPTEMBER 2022
Nomination forms can be obtained from Reception. Nominations close at noon on Monday 29 August. Please take completed forms to Reception. Nominations should be accompanied by a candidate’s statement.
Please note that our school is closed on Thursday 18 August 2022 for a Teacher only Day directed by the Ministry of Education. These days are important for the development of our school and we appreciate your
Nominations are invited for the election of one student representative to the Board of Trustees.
2 BOARD OF TRUSTEES ELECTION PARENT ELECTION RESULTS DECLARATION (no voting election required) At the close of nominations, as the number of valid nominations was fewer than the number of vacancies required to be filled, I hereby declare the following duly elected: TODD AARONBRUCEANGELACHEESMANCRONINDAVIDSONRANDELL Signed L Gilbert Returning Officer STUDENT REPRESENTATIVE ELECTION FOR THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES
An invitation is extended to parents and students interested in enrolling in 2023. Meet our teachers, enjoy a tour of our school and obtain info about the school and the programmes/courses we offer. We hope to see you there!
BRIEF LOOK – TERM 3 2022 15 19 August School Roadshows week promoting our school 16 August Interschool Sports Day Morrinsville 18 August Accord Day – school is closed 26 August NCEA Tracking Reports issued 22 26 August Hillary OutdoorsTrip 22 August Open Day Yr 9 students in school only 24 August Open Evening school closes at
A REMINDER - MASKS AT SCHOOL As you may be aware, there has been discussion at government level about Masks in schools. The direction that schools have received is for all students to wear masks over the next 4 to 6 weeks. This timing will coincide with the likely peak of the next COVID spike and also the continuing winter illnesses that are doing the rounds. We therefore require all students and staff to wear masks while indoors at school unless they have a valid medical exemption. Once again, I would like to reiterate that we understand masks are not comfortable and no one wants to wear them if given the choice. That said, they continue to be our best defence against the spread of COVID and other viruses. It is vital, especially during this critical academic term, that we do everything we can to stay healthy and open as a school. We ask that all students bring masks to school with them. We have a limited supply of masks to replace any that are lost or break. We appreciate your support to keep our community healthy. 1.30
pm 7 August Voting for the Board closes 29 2 September Winter Tournament week 19 23 September Senior Exam Week
3 understanding and cooperation in keeping your child at home. Please note our charter bus will run as normal for those students attending Mokoia Intermediate ___________________________________________________________________________ OPEN DAY – ROSTERING HOME OF YEARS 10, 11, 12 AND 13 MONDAY 22 AUGUST – ALL DAY All staff are involved in this important school event to demonstrate what our school offers. Only Year 9 students attend on this day, Years 10, 11, 12 and 13 students have a study day at home. All buses run as normal. OPEN EVENING FOR YEAR 8 WEDNESDAY 24 AUGUST 4 8 PM DC PRICE AUDITORIUM
4 ___________________________________________________________________________ RLHS VS MORRINSVILLE COLLEGE INTER-SCHOOL SPORTS EXCHANGE RLHS will be hosting this event. Week 4: Tuesday 16th August This is still a normal school day with sport played in the Ourbackground.topWinterSports Teams will be playing Morrinsville in a battle to become the 2022 Inter School Sports TeamsChampions.involved: • Hockey (School Turf) Boys 1st XI & Girls 1st XI • Netball (Covered Netball courts) Jnr A & Snr A • Football (Football Field 1) Girls 1st XI & Boys 1st XI • Basketball (School Gym) Boys Jnr A, Boys Snr A, Girls Mixed • Rugby 10 a side (Rugby Field 1) U15 Boys • Games begin from 9:50am and are scheduled throughout the school day until 12:50pm, before we farewell our visitors. NZ MĀORI RUGBY LEAGUE HONOUR
Huge congratulations to our Yr 9 student, Shari Hayward, who has been selected for the NZ Maori Rugby League 14s Kōtiro Team. Shari will participate in the Pacific Youth Cup Tournament held in Auckland on 12 16 October 2022. This is such a massive achievement and we are very proud of you. BOYS BASKETBALL SUCCESS
___________________________________________________________________________ JUNIOR
27 September Arts and Cultural Prizegiving 28 September Interhouse day 30 September LAST DAY OF TERM 3 STUDENTSPORTSUCCESSES
Our Junior boys basketball team were in Tauranga at the weekend playing in the Baywide Junior Champs. They won all their games playing in Div.2 AA! It was a great day for all the students who played phenomenal games and they were so proud to receive their certificates. Amazing job well done.
Maegan Fraser Junior International Freeskating 3rd Open Freedance 2nd Junior International Quartet National Champions
Liam Fraser Youth International Freeskating National Champion Open Free Pairs National Champions Junior International Quartet National Champions
The 2022 New Zealand Artistic Roller Skating Championships were held in Blenheim over the recent school holidays. Artistic skaters from around the country competed, including RLHS students Maegan Fraser, Liam Fraser and Harriette Davies, who were amongst 19 skaters from the Rotorua Roller Skating Club that made the trip across the Strait. Their dedication and hard work paid off with each of them achieving outstanding results in their individual and group performances.
Harriette Davies Preliminary Freeskating 2nd Junior International Quartet 3rd Together they all also earned the top podium spot as National Champions in the Large Show Group and Small Show Group categories. Maegan and Liam now continue their preparation for the World Roller Games in Argentina later this year. Outstanding results all the best for the World Games��������
Our Silver Duke of Ed Students made a mammoth effort over the weekend and completed their practice adventurous journey in the Kaweka Forest. The Weather put on its best show and the views were phenomenal!" It was fantastic to see such a great group of students work so well together
6 ___________________________________________________________________________
RLHS took a team of 7 top swimmers to race in Hamilton over 3 days at NZ Secondary School swimming Championships beginning of August. This is a huge competition, with nearly 500 swimmers competing in just 50 freestyle. Our team had been plagued by injury and illness and sadly Tamzin Joy was unable to compete which also resulted in us needing to withdraw from the girls relays. Despite this, the team raced very strongly and we were very proud of all of them:
• Samuel Trass (16 yrs)placed 11th in the gruelling 200 fly, 15th in 50 fly and 200 back, 16th in 100 back and beat his own personal best sc times in 50 breaststroke by 3 secs and 100IM;
• Hannah Kiernan (14), despite carrying an injury, raced in 50 and 100 free, 50 back and all 3 breaststroke events placing 20th in the 200m and 25th in 100m;
Huge thanks to Ms Chemis as teacher in charge, Aidan Withington, Head Coach Swim Rotorua for coaching for us, Lynne Skudder Kiernan for being Camp Mum with awesome food, Gillian Shapley and Claire Baylis for team managing.
RLHS SWIM TEAM KATE STAUNTON thanks to SNZ underwater camera LEONARD RANKIN orange cap
• Leonard Rankin (14yrs) had a great competition making 2 new qualifying times for the tough NZ short course open champs. He raced a packed programme with his best results in 100 and 200 back in which he placed 14th and dropped over 5 secs in the 200m. In the 50 back he was 25th and he also raced 100 IM, 50 fly, and 50 and 100 free;
• Kate Staunton (13yrs) at her 1st national level meet raced all the 50m events showing her versatility her best results were 20th in 50 breast in a personal best time (pb) and 22nd in 50 back in another pb;
• Anna Shapley (14) at her first National raced strongly in 50 free and 50 breaststroke placing 34th and dropping 2 seconds from her time;
• Stella and Samuel placed 11th in the open age 2x 50m free relay and Stella and Hannah placed 34th. Well done to all these athletes. Samuel, Leonard and Stella will go on to compete at NZ short course open age champs in August.
• Stella Weston placed 10th in 200 breaststroke, 11th in the 50m and 12th in the 100m breaststroke.
Digital Course Information Session Degrees Arts & Social Sciences Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Music, Bachelor of Social Sciences Psychology Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Social Sciences, Bachelor of Science
Wharekura Tips Whānau Webinar 25 August Second edition of our Whānau Webinar series this webinar having the particular kaupapa of giving helpful tips of preparation and inspiration to help keep your tamaiti/tamāhine from ahomatua/kura a iwi/wharekura readily prepared for the upcoming transition into University. This particular webinar is a short series that is organised by current tauira Māori for our whānau Māori please if you are interested in joining us for our upcoming Wharekura Tips Webinar please do get in touch with myself or one of my team at the maori.recruitment@waikato.ac.nz
7 ___________________________________________________________________________ GREAT GAME FOR OUR 2ND XI HOCKEY TEAM Hockey Girls 2nd XI had an awesome game last night against Tokoroa. great encouragement and sportsmanship from both teams. The lights went out in the 2nd 1/4 for a while which paused play but only added to the excitement. Great attacking from the RLHS team. Final score was 2 2 Goals to Sarah O'Driscoll and Ruby Hogg. Player of the day Lilli Warren, who even though she was out through injury came down to help Sadie Stewart and Stevie Lockwood with the ins and outs of being a goalie. Well done girls�������� Tēnā koutou katoa, Hope term 3 has started well and is treating you all very good so far? I just wanted to leave a few pānui/updates for your reference in the upcoming months.
Whānau Scholarships Webinar 22 August
A workshop based webinar series to help tauira and their respectvie whānau understand the application process for scholarships a lot better through engaging interviews, tips and a Q+A sessions with our very scholarships experts to increase the chnaces of a successful application at Te Whare Wānanga o Waikato. For advice, tips and the link to our upcoming webinar please register with us here at maori.recruitment@waikato.ac.nz
Virtual Course Planning: If your students are thinking of coming or have applied to come to the University of Waikato they are likely to have decided what degree programme they are interested in (or have short listed a couple of programmes). In which case they may be unsure or have questions about what programmes are available, the admission requirements, majors and minors, the degree structures, and how to apply.
To make it easy for your students to access information on these things we have organised a series of online sessions through August and September.
Applications are now open for 2023 Adastra Foundation Scholarships, for young athletes and performing artists, via the online form on the website The Adastra Foundation | Welcome to the Home Page
The sessions last one hour and are run after school, to ensure they are as accessible as possible for your students and their parents/whānau
Huata Senior Māori Liaison Adviser Tauranga Mōana Office of the Vice Chancellor Communications and Strategic Engagement Mobile: +6427 448 5792
Applications are now open for the 2023 Adastra scholarship programme. The Adastra Foundation scholarships are awarded to talented young Musicians, Dancers and Athletes from the Waikato and Bay of Plenty regions. Our Board of Trustees have recently completed a strategic review of its vision and purpose and agreed to refine its priorities. It wanted to ensure that it provided support where it was most needed and to those exceptional young people who might otherwise struggle to achieve their dreams. As such, priority will now be given to exceptional young people who face financial or personal hardship. This is a reasonably big change for Adastra with the intention also to support recipients for a longer period of time, if they remain engaged and are receiving value from Adastra.
Business Bachelor of Business, Bachelor of Management Studies (Hons) Communication & Design Bachelor of Communication, Bachelor of Design Science, Planning & Environment Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Science (Technology), Bachelor of Environmental Planning, Bachelor of Climate Change Computer Science & Engineering Bachelor of Computer Science, Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Engineering (Hons) Health, Nursing & Sport Bachelor of Health, Bachelor of Nursing, Bachelor of Health, Sport & Human Performance Law Bachelor of Laws Teaching Bachelor of Teaching (Primary), Bachelors degree + Graduate Diploma in Teaching or Postgraduate Diploma in Teaching (Secondary)
During each session some of the University of Waikato’s staff will talk about the degree programmes and answer students Tahangawariquestions.Tangitu
While this is a shift from how we have supported recipients in past years, we invite current recipients to re apply for 2023 if they still meet the criteria and have not already been supported by us for more than 2 years. In addition, the Adastra Foundation would like to specifically target, senior secondary school students who might otherwise not be able to continue with pursuing their endeavour in performance without the funding support.
9 Phone: 07- 345 6124 Email: office@rotorualakes.school.nzwww.rotorualakes.school.nz NOTICE BOARD