Rotorua Lakes High School “Mauria te pono - Keep steadfastly to the truth”
NEWSLETTER ISSUE No. 26 – 13 September 2019 CHALKBOARD
From the Principal – P. 1 - 2 News – P. 2 - 8 Careers / Gateway P. 8 - 9 Notice Board – P. 9 Contact Us – P. 10 Our Sponsors – P. 11
Dear Parents / Caregivers & Whanau Tena koutou raurangatira ma Kaumatua ma, mātua ma Ngā mihi ngā mate Tena tatou katoa Our te wiki o te reo celebration is coming to a close. It has been great to see all of us developing our reo and acknowledging the importance of language in understanding our culture. As a school we believe developing awareness of every aspect of New Zealand culture is a crucial part of our educational role and as such we will always look to develop understanding of our bicultural nation. As you will be aware information continues to be shared about the measles outbreak. I do not feel at this time I need to reiterate the basic message but want to comment on a specific concern that has been raised. A rumour went around the school that a student from Lakes had been identified as having the measles. This is not currently the case. If a case was identified, I as Principal, would notify all parents and caregivers to ensure that you were aware of the situation. We remain hopeful that this outbreak will not develop further within the Rotorua area. If you have any concerns please refer to the following links: Another area that is a concern for all of us is the ongoing debate around climate change. As a school we acknowledge and support our students’ rights to have their voices heard about this topic. Climate change week is the last week of Term 3 (23 – 29 September). As a school we will be having a series of events run by our student body to raise awareness of climate change. On Friday 27 there is a nationwide strike for Climate Change. In Rotorua this is happening from 2 pm – 4 pm in the city centre. While we support our student’s right to take part in this protest, we are also conscious of a number of conflicting factors.
The first is that this is a crucial time of year for those students studying NCEA. The second is that how will the school acknowledge students’ absence if they are taking part in this event. I have discussed with the Board of Trustees how we will manage these concerns. Firstly, the school’s advice is that any student ensures that they have no NCEA assessments or tutorials which need their presence that afternoon, before agreeing to take part in the strike. We wish to clearly state that at this stage NCEA, from our perspective, has to take precedence over that particular event. Secondly, those students that do wish to attend the strike, need to have written parental approval to the school prior to Friday 27 stating that they can take part in the Climate Change strike. If this is received they will simply marked as an explained absence. Any student who does not have this approval, will not be released from school and if they choose not to be in school will be marked truant. We strongly believe that our students have the right to attend this event but ask that you follow these guidelines to ensure that their learning is not compromised. At present we have no plans to provide any transport for those students wishing to attend the strike as this is not a school organised event. The intent is for those students who have permission to attend the Climate Change strike to leave at 1.15 at the start of lunch. As always, I hope you have all had a positive week and enjoy a great weekend. Nga mihi
Jon Ward Principal / Tumuaki
Art students gain direct entry to Massey University Creative College this week. On Thursday Lakes High was very lucky to be one of the few schools in Rotorua that was visited by Massey University Creative College from Wellington. This university is a leading provider in all aspects of creative tertiary education, teaching a huge range of art and design courses. Massey Creative offers degree programmes in digital media, film making, photography, textile and fashion design, spatial design, product design, commercial music production and more. Famous graduates include Kate Sylvester, fashion designer, and Richard Taylor who created Weta Workshop with Peter Jackson. Lakes High art department had a lecturer from the College come from the Wellington campus, who worked very hard, interviewing year 12 and 13 students and viewing artwork and portfolios. As a result of these interviews, 12 of our senior Art/ Design/Photography students were granted direct entry into the course of their choice, for either the 2020 or 2021 academic years. These talented students will be studying a range of creative subjects, depending on their interests. These include visual communication design, spatial design, fine arts, photography, creative media production, game and concept design and film production. Direct entry means these students will not need to go through many of the normal application processes, they have now proven that they have the talent and ability to attend these prestigious courses.
The Visual Art department is very proud of these very successful students, congratulations to you all! .
__________________________________________________________________________ FROM THE BOT The following policies are currently up for review. If you would like to view any of these policies, we invite you to come into the school where they are available at the Principal’s PA office. Alternatively, if you would like a copy emailed, please send an email to Appointment of Staff Child Protection Policy
___________________________________________________________________________ SPORTS PRIZEGIVING Our Annual Sports Prizegiving to celebrate our successful sporting students and to thank and acknowledge coaches/managers, will be held on THURSDAY 26 SEPTEMBER 2019 at 6 pm in the D C Price Auditorium. Invitations to coaches and managers have been sent and we remind them to RSVP to tel 3456124 ext 223 as soon as possible to ensure a ticket is set aside for them. Student Prizewinners will be announced shortly. Tickets are available for purchase at student reception or tel Ms McLeod 345 6124 ext 220 From MONDAY 16 SEPTEMBER 2019. We advise any families who wish to attend to please book tickets early as we have limited spaces for the evening.
We look forward to seeing you there. ___________________________________________________________________________ PARENT REPORT INTERVIEW EVENING We have a parent report interview evening on Tuesday 24 September starting at 3.30 pm (NB: School closes early at 2.55 pm to allow teachers to prepare – buses run as normal) We welcome and encourage parents and caregivers to contact teachers with questions and concerns throughout the year as the situation arises. The best way to contact teachers is via their emails. You can expect a reply within 2 days under normal circumstances. __________________________________________________________________________________
SCHOOL REPORTS School reports will be issued to all students on Friday 20 September 2019. You can view the reports by using your Kamar login to access schoolpoint. Schoolpoint can be accessed via our school website and click on the word SCHOOLPOINT under the photo banner. Your username and password are the same one that you use to access KAMAR. If you do not have internet access or need assistance, please phone Liandra on 345 6124 ext 221 or __________________________________________________________________________________
JUNIOR WATERPOLO TRAINING Junior waterpolo training starts Thursdays 6.30 - 7.30 No training last week of term due to Sports Prizegiving No training in the holidays Games are Friday nights TERM 4 __________________________________________________________________________________ 3
TOURNAMENT NEWS FOR NETBALL The Senior A Netball team attended the Upper North Island Netball tournament last week in Northcote, Takapuna. After a great build up to the tournament the team were eager to get started and play some good netball. On the first day we played Hoani Waititi to whom we had a big loss. I picked them to make the final and they did just that with convincing wins throughout the week. We went on to play Te Kopuku and this was a close game where the girls displayed some fantastic skills. Unfortunately, we had some injuries in this game which stopped the flow of the team and we went down by 4 goals 33-29. Day 2 started with a win against Wentworth 36-35. The afternoon game was against Glenfield. Another tightly contested game, in which some of the players stepped up defensively and got some great turnover ball. The pressure on court was high by the last quarter and this created some errors which led to a close loss 32-28. Day 3 saw us up against Ruawai. This was an exciting game which saw the lead change hands several times. At the final whistle the score was 35-34 to Ruawai. Although we lost, we were showing improvement in our game which good. This was the end of pool play where the grade split into top 16 and bottom 16. We were drawn on points with Ruawai, and on a count back of goals we were placed into the bottom 16. With a new goal in mind, the team set out to be the top of this section. First up was Hamilton Christian School. It was a tough game which we went down to 41-35. It was a game that we felt we could win, and although we lost, spirits were still high and the display of netball on court was really good. Day 4 began with a game against Waiheke. The girls came out really strong and had a good win 42-35. The afternoon game was against Marcellin College and the team went out strong once again to take a convincing win 35-25. We woke to Day 5 with the goal of taking 2 good wins. First up was Birkenhead, and the team played amazingly and won the game 35-18. This set us up for our final game which was against Hamilton Christian School, the team we had lost to on the Wednesday. The girls were determined to make amends and they started strong. The pressure was intense from the opposition, but the players stayed focused and played some fantastic netball to win the game convincingly, 44-35. It was a great end to the week with the girls placing 17th in their grade. Overall the players played some great netball and enjoyed their time together. Puaawai Bennett, the team’s goal shoot, shot 277 goals while at tournament with an accuracy rate of 90%. This was an amazing effort and earned her our team’s tournament MVP. Her skills did not go unnoticed and she was selected in the Tournament Team. A fantastic result, congratulations Puaawai. I would also like to say a big thank you to Leanne Hammond who travelled with us as our Manager, and all the parents who came along and supported throughout the week. We would also like to thank Terry Hammond and The Lakeland Queen for their sponsorship as well as ASB for the drink bottles. 4
___________________________________________________________________________ FROM THE MATHS DEPARTMENT All students in the 4 11MSC classes will be sitting an External Achievement Standard called the MCAT on Tuesday 17 September in Period 1 in the Auditorium. Students need to go straight to the Auditorium at the beginning of House Group and line up in their class. They need their blue/black pens, pencils, ruler and rubber in a clear bag. Watches, calculators and phones are NOT allowed in the Auditorium. If your child is absent on Tuesday 17 September please ring Mr Shaun English as soon as possible on 34562124 ext 241. The Maths Department are running tutorials for the MCAT every lunchtime in A2 until 17 September and also each Tuesday after school in A11. All 11MSC students are welcome to these highly recommended tutorials.
___________________________________________________________________________ MATHS HOMEWORK CENTRE Each TUESDAY from 3.30 – 4.15 in A11 - All Welcome - Please bring a snack and a smile ___________________________________________________________________________ VISUAL ART Tutorials are now running every THURSDAY after school 3.30 - 5pm in C3 __________________________________________________________________________________
VISUAL ARTS PORTFOLIO DUE DATES All Visual art students are busy working on portfolios at present. These projects are external assessments worth 12 credits (year 11 and 12) and 14 credits (year 13). As they are external assessments, failure to submit finished folios on time will result in a Not Achieved grade. Due dates are as follows: Year 11 (Paint and Print / Sculpture/Mixed Media and Photography) Due Date: September 26th (last Thursday term 3) Year 12 (Photography/ Painting/Sculpture) Due Date: September 27th (last Friday term 3 Formative assessment) Year 13: (Design /Sculpture/Painting) Due Date: 1st November
___________________________________________________________________________ ASSESSMENTS The following assessments have been set down to take place within the next two weeks. There may be times where, due to unforeseen circumstances, changes will need to occur. This will be done in consultation with the class(es) concerned.
Level Subject
2 3 3
Physics Physics English
91169 91522 91397
1 2 3
Drama Drama Drama
90999 91220 91519
Date 18 October 2019 18 October 2019 Due beginning Week 10 (currently working on class time) 21 Oct – 28 Oct 21 Oct – 28 Oct 21 Oct – 28 Oct 5
Maths (12MAT) Mrs Yukich & Mr Nair classes Geography
Thurs 19 & Fri 20 Sep
Starts Mon 16 Sep Due Mon 23 Sep
YEAR 13 ENGLISH Ms Walker's Year 13 English class are currently working on A/S 91478 4 credits "Making Connections". They are working on this in class and at home. This assessment is due in at the end of week 9 Friday 20th September. __________________________________________________________________________________
EXTERNAL ASSESSMENT DIGITAL TECHNOLOGY Digital Technology Common Assessment Task (DCAT), external assessment is Monday, 24 September 2019. __________________________________________________________________________________
Do you need a First aid kit for your car? Bach? Student attending uni? Please help raise money for our Hillary Outdoors Trip fundraiser for 2 different sized first aid kits A full kit is $39.90 and a compact is just $15 for any queries contact
MEASLES Measles is spread from person to person through the air by breathing, sneezing or coughing. Just being in the same room as someone with measles can lead to infection if you are not immune. The first early symptoms of measles are fever, runny nose, sore red eyes and cough, followed a few days later by a rash usually starting on the face before moving down the body.
If you or a family member suspect you have measles you should stay at home and call Healthline on 0800 611 116 or your doctor to alert them of your symptoms. For more information: Nurse Rach
___________________________________________________________________________ RECEIVE A $50 KMART OR PAKNSAV VOUCHER – HOW? Keep Reading….. TIPU ORA – SMOKEFREE SUPPORT SERVICE is for anyone living in the Rotorua and Taupo districts who wants to give up smoking for good. If you’re sick of spending your hard earned money and want to live a better, healthier life then we are here to help you! We offer One – to – One support, fun and interactive support groups, special support for pregnant Mums, and workplace support groups and staff! Our NRT (Nicotine Replacement Therapy) medicines are free and tailored to your Quit Smoking programme. We use a holistic Model of Health to meet the needs of each individual and we talk, walk and support you through every step and even those ‘stumbles’! We invite you to have a korero, chat and see what we can do for you to be healthier, wealthier and happier! Ma te wa Mere Marsh Smokefree Support Practitioner Tipu Ora/Manaaki Ora 0800 348 2400 Mere comes in once a week here to Lakes High School and runs this effective program for students who are willing to give it a go. Contact Nurse Rach for further details or to go on the list! or phone 07 3456124 (Ext 264) ___________________________________________________________________________________________
The flu season is upon us!
Here are a few helpful hints for you and your whanau:
What you CAN do If you have an infection of the ear, nose, throat, sinuses and / or chest, most likely caused by a virus – Antibiotics aren’t effective. Antibiotics won’t make you feel better or recover faster, and may cause unwanted side effects (eg diarrhea, thrush, rash or allergic reactions). There are no instant cures for viral colds and flu but some of the following suggestions may help make you feel more comfortable: Rest – A warm comfortable environment will help your immune system fight off the viruses that cause colds and flu. Stay at home as this will avoid spreading the infection to others.
Drink plenty of fluids. Paracetamol or Ibuprofen pharmacy products – Use to relive aches and pains. Ask your doctor or pharmacist about the most appropriate medicine and dose. CHILDREN SHOULD NOT BE GIVEN ASPIRIN-BASED PRODUCTS. Steam inhalations or nasal rinse – Breathing in steam during a hot shower can help you clear mucus from blocked sinuses, relieve nasal congestion and chest tightness. Nasal saline irrigation may provide relief for some people. Again ask your pharmacist for advice on products. A decongestant – These may help ‘dry’ a runny nose or relive blocked sinuses. Ask your pharmacist about an appropriate medication but do not use for more than 5 days. Lozenges and gargles – Antiseptic throat lozenges or gargling either warm salted water or dispersible aspirin may help to relieve a sore throat. Prevent spread of infection: cover your mouth when sneezing or coughing. Wash your hands after blowing your nose and avoid shaking hands.
If you or your child develop any RED FLAG SYMTOMS you should contact a Doctor IMMEDIATELY
Severe headache or neck pain Non blanching skin rash Eyes intolerant to light Persistent vomiting cry Very high fever (>40˚C)
In Children Floppy or drowsy Unable to tolerate fluids Unusual or high pitched
PASSING EXAMS SEMINAR International author, speaker and trainer, Patrick Sherratt will be visiting Rotorua again to present his interactive and entertaining exam-preparation seminar to our senior students. In this two-hour public presentation, Patrick will offer a five-step approach to prepare for exams while building in solutions to many of the common challenges students face in the lead up to exams. If your son or daughter is having problems getting motivated to study, procrastinates, gets distracted easily, has a poor memory or suffers from exam nerves, this will be a "must-attend" seminar. Held in the school library at 11.30 – 1.30 on Wednesday 16th of October, this seminar will cost $20 per person. If you would like your child to attend, registrations and payments can be made at the student reception For more information about Patrick’s work, please visit: __________________________________________________________________________________
KEY DATES TERM 3 2019 NZSS Swimming Champs Reports issued, Jnr & Snr Parent Interview Evening Sports Awards Evening LAST DAY TERM 3
ends Sun 15 September Friday 20 September Tuesday 24 September begins 3.30 pm (school closes early at 2.55 pm – buses run as normal) Thurs 26 September 6 pm onwards Fri 27 September
The following UNIVERSITIES will be in to talk to interested students this term during lunchtime on these dates:
Halls of Residence CCRF due date Victoria Uni Course Planning 1.30 pm in L1 Victoria Uni Open Day Victoria Uni School Leavers Scholarships close Massey Uni Course Planning 1.30 pm in L1 Victoria Uni Online Enrolment Opens
Contact the Careers Department for further info: Barbara Walker 3456124 x 235
___________________________________________________________________________ Spring into Summer with Swim Rotorua Swimming Club Come along and get fit whether for waterpolo, waka ama, triathlons or Athletics. I am Greg, the new coach of the Metro Squad at Swim Rotorua. I have recently moved here from South Africa where I have national colours for competing at the World Student Games for swimming. I am making the sessions in the Metro Squad as interesting, diverse and multi-purpose as possible. We have swimmers, water polo players and some students just swimming for fun. Bring a friend and try swimming. Sessions available most days. Email or phone: 022 332 6922.
CONTACT US we are here to help Phone: 07-345 6124 Email: Web: 11
Thank you to all our Sponsors