Rotorua Lakes High School “Mauria te pono - Keep steadfastly to the truth”
NEWSLETTER ISSUE No. 29 –14 September 3, 2018
From the Principal – P. 1-2 News & Events – P. 3-4 Department News – P. 4-5 Sports – P. 5-6 Careers & Gateway – P. 7 Notice Board for Students & Whanau – P. 7-8 Contact Us – P. 8 Our Sponsors – P.9
Dear Parents/Caregivers
FROM THE PRINCIPAL ________________________________________________________________________________
NZ SOLO DRUMMING CHAMPION The Royal New Zealand Pipe band Association held an invitation only competition for the top 12 drummers in New Zealand in Wellington last week. Louise Bentley, Year 12, was one of the invited contestants out of 100's of drummers. Not only did she win the title of New Zealand Solo Drumming Champion, she was the only female invited and the youngest - a huge honour for a very talented young lady. She is heading to the World Solo Drumming Championship in Glasgow, Scotland in October. We wish Louise all the best.
ASSESSMENTS The following assessments have been set down to take place within the next two weeks. There may be times where, due to unforeseen circumstances, changes will need to occur. This will be done in consultation with the class(es) concerned. Level 1
Subject DRAMA
2 3
Standard Date 91000 Assessment week 9 91220 91519
Assessment week 9 Assessment week 9
Friday 21 September
Week 9 – Monday - Thursday
1 (YEAR 10)
Fri 21 September
Fri 21 September
Fri 21 September
3 1
91428 91095
Fri 21 September Thurs 27 September
2 2 (12MAT) 10S3
91278 91268 91029
Wed 26 September Last 2 periods Week 9 for each class 20 September
20 September
21 September
SCHOOL REPORTS – JUNIOR & SENIOR School reports are being sent home with your child this afternoon Friday 14 August 2018. If you have any queries please contact Ms J Sturme – __________________________________________________________________________________________
PARENT INTERVIEWS Parents of all students will have the opportunity to meet with teachers on
Wednesday 19 September 2018 from 3.30 pm until 6 pm. I invite parents to come and discuss their child’s progress. Appointments are 5 minutes long and we ask that everybody keep to the time allocated. On line bookings are open – go to and enter the code KE77V – If you need help please contact Liandra Allen 345 6124 ext 221 or email her We will be closing the school earlier on Wednesday 19 September i.e. 2.55 pm to allow staff sufficient time to prepare. Buses run as normal. Please note, we do not separate out Junior and Senior interviews therefore if you have children at multiple levels you can see your teachers in one visit. ________________________________________________________________________________
YEAR 11 MCAT MATHS EXAM All students in the four 11 MSC classes will be sitting their first external exam, commonly called the MCAT, on Tuesday 18 September. It is a one hour exam and will be held in the Auditorium during House Group and Period 1. All the students in the 11 MSC classes will need to be at school by 8.40am on the exam day with blue or black pens in a clear plastic bag. If a student cannot attend the assessment at this time for any reason, please contact Shaun English (HOD Maths) as soon as possible and particularly before 8.30am on the day of the assessment. A medical certificate will be needed for absences due to illness. No calculators are allowed for this assessment. PLEASE NOTE: Students in Mrs Richardson's and Mr Kairaoi's 11MAT classes will NOT be sitting this assessment at this time.
OUTGOING BOT REPRESENTATIVE Our thanks to the outgoing Board of Trustees Student Representative, Freddy Ray-Collier. Freddy-Ray has represented the students very well for the past year and never missed a meeting. On behalf of the BOT, I thank him for his work with the BOT. Yours sincerely
18 September Pd. 1 19 September 20 September 21 September 24 September – 12 October 25 September 28 September
VISUAL ARTS FOLIO DUE DATES 2018 The following art folio submissions listed are external assessments. For this reason any folios not received by the required due date and time will unfortunately get a Not Achieved grade. Please be aware that extensions can NOT be given for these standards. After school tutorials are now running in the art room each week for any students who may need extra help. (Thursdays 3.15 - 4.30). The art room, sculpture room and photographic darkroom are also open lunchtimes to give students the opportunity to get work completed.
Level 1 Mixed Media Photography external folio (12 credits) due date: NEXT THURSDAY 20 September Marked in auditorium 19th October from 9am Level 2 Sculpture due date: 24th October Marked 26th October in auditorium from 9 am Level 2 Design/Painting/Photography due date and marking in auditorium 26th October 9am
Our Annual Sports Prizegiving to celebrate our successful sporting students and to thank and acknowledge coaches/managers, will be held on THURSDAY 20 SEPTEMBER 2018 at 6 pm in the D C Price Auditorium. Invitations to coaches and managers have been sent and we remind them to RSVP to tel 3456124 ext 223 as soon as possible to ensure a ticket is set aside for them. Student Prizewinners will be announced shortly. Tickets are available for purchase at student reception or tel Ms McLeod 345 6124 ext 220 From MONDAY 10 SEPTEMBER 2018. We advise any families who wish to attend to please book tickets early as we have limited spaces for the evening.
DEPARTMENT NEWS ________________________________________________________________________________________
HEALTH & WELLNESS Strep throat is being detected at an alarming rate over the past few weeks. It is HIGHLY contagious!! It is spread through close contact with an infected person, often by inhaling airborne droplets from an infected person’s cough and sneezes. It can also be spread through shared drinks and food. Please encourage your child to come and see me if they have a sore throat. Over the last 2 terms I have diagnosed Strep A throat infections and subsequently have been successfully treating them. If you have any concerns or questions please don't hesitate to contact me, Nurse Rach 345 9502 or
Are you in the Agriculture/ Farming Industry? We have a number of students who are interested in agriculture /farming as a career. We are looking for work placement opportunities for students to experience the agriculture / farming pathway. Would you be prepared to offer our students a gateway placement on your farm 1 day a week for a period of 5 to 10 weeks for work experience? This is a valuable opportunity for our students and would be beneficial in their career choice for the future. If you are able to help please contact Mrs Eva Hingston Tel: 07- 345 6124 Ext 258 Email: _______________________________________________________________________________________
MATHS HOMEWORK CENTRE Each WEDNESDAY from 3.30 – 4.15 in A11 All Welcome - Please bring a snack and a smile
SPORTS ______________________________________________________________________________________
SUCCESS FOR SENIOR A NETBALL On Sunday the 2nd September the Senior A Netball team travelled to Papamoa in preparation for the Upper North Island Secondary School tournament. This was a week long tournament that hosted 124 Senior A teams from Taumarunui up to Kaitaia, and as far wide as Gisborne. Our games on the first day were with top seeded teams. We lost to Glenfield 41-29 and Fairfield 31-19. Despite the loss the team improved from the first game to the second, and were starting to demonstrate consistency in their game. On day two we won our first game against Hobsonville 42-22. Our 2nd game was a close won against Mt Maunganui, narrowly losing this one 29-24. Our first game on day 3 was a very physical one against Kings which we lost 36-24. This was the end of pool play where we were placed into the 2nd division. After revisiting our goals, we were happy with where we were in regards to our game plan, and roles on court. From here we decided that we would go out and win this division. Our afternoon game was against Ormniston which we won 38-31. On day 4 we played Edgecumbe in the morning and won 45-24 and in the afternoon we won against Southern Cross 47-23. On day 5 we played Te Wharekura o Rotorua. This was a close game till half time and then we pulled away to win 34-20. Our final game was against Selwyn College, another close game till half time, but once we again picked up the pace to win 41-25. This was a fantastic end to the week, especially winning 5 in a row. The girls improved in every game and by the end of the
week they were a tight unit, playing for themselves and each other. It was great to see. Also a big congratulations must go to Puaawai Bennett for making the tournament team for our grade. She was picked as one of the top 10 players out of approximately 280 players. ______________________________________________________________________________________
DUKE OF EDINBURGH Duke of Edinburgh's Hillary Award dates of Adventurous Journey opportunities being run by Gerry Purcell, our outside provider in the upcoming weeks. As usual, any groups of students that attend will need to be supported by a parent helper/supervisor in order to proceed. See Mrs. Allen or email for more information or permission forms. TRAINING COURSES SEPTEMBER THRU DECEMBER: BRONZE level AJ Training Course (2 days not overnight) - 2 & 3 October (Tues & Wed) SILVER level AJ Training Course (2 days overnight) - 29/30 September (Sat & Sun) SILVER level AJ Training Course (2 days overnight) - 4/5 October (Thurs/Fri) GOLD level AJ Training Course (not including Outdoor First Aid) (2 days not overnight) - 1 & 2 December Outdoor First Aid Course (managed by Red Cross, Tauranga) (One day) - 29 September NOTE: Bronze level participants who have done the online training module must attend Day two of one of the
above Bronze level Courses (to gain necessary practical skills) before undertaking an AJ. AJ OPPORTUNITIES: BRONZE AJ (2 days overnight) - 6/7 October (Sat/Sun) BRONZE AJ (2 days overnight) - 13/14 October (Sat/Sun) SILVER AJ (3 days ) - 9-11 October (Tues-Thurs) SILVER AJ (3 days) - 20-22 October (Sat-Mon) (Labour Weekend) GOLD Practice AJ - 20-22 October (Sat-Mon) (Labour Weekend)
Victoria University Course Planning visit (1.30pm) Wintec Student Info Visit (1.30 pm) Massey University Course Planning visit (1.30pm) PIHMS Career Week
Kia Ora Hauora is a national Māori workforce programme that aim’s to encourage and support more Māori into health careers. The programme offers scholarship information and workshops, support to conferences, online science support for years 12 and 13. Once completed the degree studies, support will be offered around CV writing and mock interviews in preparation for applying for full time employment within a hospital setting or in the community. Ensure you are registered on our website If you have any Māori students that are interested in pursuing a health career pathway for 2019, please ensure they register onto our website so we are able to support them.
COMMUNITY NOTICES for STUDENTS / WHANAU "A Gift of Music is a fundraising concert for the Michael Pilaar Memorial Music Fund and will be held at WHHS Hall, Old Quarry Rd, at 2pm on Sunday 23 September. This is a showcase of Rotorua talent across the arts with choirs, jazz band, vocalist, instrumentalists, chamber music, dancers and actors. Cost $20 adults and $5 school age. Tickets available at the door or in advance from Rotorua City Books and Lotto, Tutanekai St. Three raffles will be on offer too, a food hamper, a hamper from Polynesian Spa worth $200 and $100 voucher from the Rock Shop. All are welcome!"
CONTACT US we are here to help
Phone: Email: Website: Mail:
07-345 6124 Porikapa Rd, PO Box 7002 Te Ngae, Rotorua 3042
Thank you to all our Sponsors