17 May 2019

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Rotorua Lakes High School “Mauria te pono - Keep steadfastly to the truth”



From the Principal – P. 1 - 3 News – P. 3 - 5 Sports – P. 5 - 6 Careers / Gateway P. 6 - 7 Notice Board – P. 7 - 9 Contact Us – P. 10 Our Sponsors – P. 10

Dear Parents / Caregivers The past seven weeks have been traumatic for all our community. I do want to acknowledge and thank our staff for carrying on in a professional manner during these difficult times. I have been so thankful and impressed with the offers of support and kindness shown to our staff and students by members of our community. In particular, a morning tea and flowers from RGHS, flowers from Westbrook Primary and Western Heights High School. Messages of support from JPC and RBHS. We have had a large number of outside agencies giving us their time and expertise. A big thank you to families who phoned, or wrote with their good wishes and acknowledgement of what we are going through. If you would like further support the following agencies are available:

__________________________________________________________________________ PINK SHIRT DAY Pink is the new blue at Rotorua Lakes High School today. Members of the Year 12 Health class have jumped on board with the worldwide phenomenon of Pink Shirt Day and have organised for the school a mufti day, sausage sizzle and entertainment. The day is in support of stopping bullying and began in Canada in 2007 when two students, David Shepherd and Travis Price, took a stand against homophobic bullying after a new Year 10 student was harassed and threatened for wearing pink. The boys went out and brought dozens of pink shirts to be worn by their classmates. The idea took off and today at Rotorua Lakes High the emphasis on fun and supportive relationships has been shown by staff and students alike. Pink fairies, suits and a multitude of pink wigs have adorned all members of the Rotorua Lakes High school community today. All the funds raised from today will go to the Pink Shirt Foundation to help them with their mission. Trolley toting Year 9 Samuel Trass thought the day was " a good day to go crazy and not care what people say " While co organiser Regan Thompson (Year 13) had this to say " I fully support the Pink Shirt day that represents anti-bullying, worldwide, nation-wide and within communities. It also supports students in all schools who have been bullied in the past and present. It lets people know they are not alone." Bailey Pekin (year 11) used makeup today "to express herself and show people they are not alone". Overall a great day had by all.

___________________________________________________________________________ ASSESSMENTS The following assessments have been set down to take place within the next two weeks. There may be times where, due to unforeseen circumstances, changes will need to occur. This will be done in consultation with the class(es) concerned. Level Standard Subject Due Date 1 91032 Maths Week 4 (please see timetable in news section) 1 91001 & History Mon 20 May 91002 3 91398 English Tues 4 June 2 425 Fitness Studies Day tramp Tues 28 May Friday 28 June 2


Fitness Studies

Day tramp Tues 11 June

Friday 28 June



Fitness Studies

Day tramp Tues 25 June

Friday 28 June

KEY DATES TERM 2 Mon 3 June Fri 21 June Tues 25 June Wed 26 June Wed 26 June Sat 29 June Fri 5 July Fri 5 July

PUBLIC HOLIDAY Reports Issued Report Inverviews 4 – 6 pm Report Interviews 3.30 – 6 pm. NB: School closes early at 2.55 pm – buses run as normal School closes early for report interviews School Ball Kapa Haka Secondary Regionals END OF TERM 2

School Holidays First day Term 3

6 – 21 July 2019 Monday 22 July 2019

Yours sincerely


NEWS NEWS REMINDERS FOR THE YEAR ___________________________________________________________________________ NZQA FEES ANNOUNCEMENT NZQA have advised that there will now be no fees associated with NCEA exams. If you have already paid the 2019 fee we will use this to pay any other outstanding fees you have or if you have nothing outstanding your account will be put in credit. If you would like us to refund the money to you please email: accounts@rotorualakes.school.nz with your bank account details and student’s name by Friday 24 May 2019. __________________________________________________________________________________

“LOVES ME NOT” PROGRAMME This year we will again be running the "Loves Me Not" programme with our year 12 students in conjunction with the New Zealand Police. Held on

Wed 22nd May all day - Yr 12 in mufti. What is Loves-Me-Not? Loves-Me-Not is a ‘whole-school approach’ to prevent abusive behaviour in relationships. It is based on a student inquiry learning process, where students take action (personal action, effective bystander action and community action) to prevent harm from relationship abuse. Loves-Me-Not is designed for Year 12 students as the appropriate age to discuss relationship abuse and to start to take action for change. What are the aims of Loves-Me-Not? Loves-Me-Not aims to: assist schools that are seeking to support student well-being through a whole-school approach encourage and empower young people to absolutely reject abuse in relationships encourage young people to be safe and active bystanders who take action against unhealthy relationships encourage young people to take a stand against myths in society that perpetuate relationship violence help young people know who they can go to in their community to seek advice and support if they need it as either victims or perpetrators encourage young people to contribute to, or create a wider community response so as to encourage others to accept only healthy relationships. Below is a video for parents to introduce this to you. When we ran it last year the feedback from all students involved was really positive. We believe, in light of the issues currently being raised around the country on teenagers and relationships, that this is an important conversation to have with teenagers. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c-gt7QG7GEc&feature=youtu.be

___________________________________________________________________________ READERS / WRITERS WE NEED VOLUNTEERS FOR STUDENTS WITH SPECIAL ASSESSMENT CONDITIONS We are dependent on volunteers who support students by reading and/or writing for them in assessment tasks, either in class or at examinations. A Reader/Writer must be proficient at reading and writing at the required level; undergo a Police Vet, which the school does on your behalf; and the key requirement: be available during the day. For further information, please contact: Anne Perrott: perrotta@rotorualakes.school.nz __________________________________________________________________________________


thank you

A big to the 14 Yr 13 students who helped marshal at the Lynmore Primary School cross country event today. Feedback was very positive for all of our students!

___________________________________________________________________________ GEO TRIP REMINDER Just a reminder that the Year 12 Geography Field Trip is Tuesday 28 May to Waihi Mine.

___________________________________________________________________________ PARENT ELECTION NOTICE ROTORUA LAKES HIGH SCHOOL BOARD OF TRUSTEES’ ELECTION Nominations are invited for the election of 6 parent representatives to the board of trustees. A nomination form and a notice calling for nominations will be posted to all eligible voters. You can nominate another person to stand as a candidate, or you can nominate yourself. Both parts of the form must be signed. Additional nomination forms can be obtained from the school office. Nominations close at

noon on Friday 24 May 2019 and may be accompanied by a signed candidate statement and photograph. The voting roll is open for inspection at the school and can be viewed during normal school hours. There will also be a list of candidates’ names, as they come to hand, for inspection at the school. Voting closes at noon on Friday 7 June. L Gilbert Returning Officer. __________________________________________________________________________________

11MAT TIMETABLE Monday Week 4 Period 1 Period 2 Period 3 Period 4 Period 5

Mrs Richardson

Mr Nair Mr Kairaoi

___________________________________________________________________________ ALEX PERRY GLASSES If you have lost a pair of prescription Alex Perry glasses please contact Ms Debbie McLeod either 3456124 ext 220 or mcleodd@rotorualakes.school.nz

___________________________________________________________________________ ASTHMA NURSE EDUCATOR VISIT The Asthma New Zealand Nurse educator will be back in School this term to follow up on year nine asthmatics (second visit) and any other asthmatic students that would like assessments or education. Asthma NZ is a non-government, charity organization whose aim is to reduce inequities and poor outcomes in asthma control. They believe through education and assessment allows people to make informed health choices and thereby reduce asthma exacerbations, hospital visits and time away from school. For further details or any questions please feel free to contact Nurse Rach smithr@rotorualakes.school.nz or 3456124 ext 264. _________________________________________________________________________________

MEASLES UPDATE FROM THE HEALTH & WELLNESS CENTER Just a quick update regarding measles as there have been 2 more cases reported in the Bay of Plenty. The first early symptoms of measles are fever, runny nose, sore red eyes and cough, followed a few days later by a rash usually starting on the face before moving down the body. If you think you or someone in your family may have measles, it is important to remember to stay at home and phone your doctor to alert them of your symptoms and allow them to make arrangements to assess you safely and without infecting other people. If you would like more detailed information you can access the Toi Te Ora Public Health website: https://www.toiteora.govt.nz/measles __________________________________________________________________________________

NZ MUSIC COMMISSION MENTORING DAY The New Zealand Music Commission has organised and funded a music performance mentoring day for the Year 12 and 13 Music students with King Kapisi and Rio Hemopo from Trinity Roots on Friday 24th of May at our music department. This will be a wonderful experience for our students to work with New Zealand musicians who will share their knowledge and expertise. ___________________________________________________________________________________________

MATHS HOMEWORK CENTRE Each TUESDAY from 3.30 – 4.15 in A11 All Welcome - Please bring a snack and a smile

___________________________________________________________________________ VISUAL ART Tutorials are now running every Thursday after school 3.30 - 5pm in C3 All senior Art, photography or sculpture students from any year 11/12/13 class can attend. These will continue as needed throughout the year. The purpose of these tutorials is to support senior students with assessment tasks. It is also a great time for students to complete any unfinished work they may have. Students bring a snack and your work!

SPORTS __________________________________________________________________________________

SWIMMING Recently Skye Cox and Samuel Trass competed at the top level swimming National Age Group Swimming Competition in Wellington as part of the Swim Rotorua Team. This is a high level competition, and even to qualify is a major achievement and one which takes a serious dedication to training of 14-20 hours a week. Skye (16yrs) competed in 6 events, placing 10th in NZ in the 16yrs Girls 800m freestyle, and 14th in the 200 backstroke. Skye’s 50 and 100 backstroke times have qualified her for NZ Open Age Swimming Championships. Samuel (13yrs) was racing at this level for the first time. Samuel qualified for two events, and succeeded in making the finals for the 200 butterfly, where he improved his ranking finishing 8th in NZ. Well done to you both!

___________________________________________________________________________ SOCCER The wind whipped around the sideline full of Lakes supporters at Western Heights Wednesday afternoon for the first game of the Boys Football season. We have a mixture of old boys and newbies this year and the anticipation for how they would perform against one of the top teams was high. The first ten minutes were nail biting enough with possession going back and forth but the excitement reached fever pitch when Robbie Meredith scored the first goal for Lakes and of the match. Captain Josh Morley quickly kept that momentum going and at half time the score was only 2 - 1. A good chat from the coach at half time and some important nutrition of starburst lollies and the boys took to the field in the 2nd half with gusto. Josh Morley decided to take the game into his hands and scored a brilliant goal. This was followed by another one from Heights but Josh wasn't going to take that lying down. In the final 5 minutes he scored again and left the final score 3 -3. A great draw and a well played game. Man of the match went to Herewini Insley, for his commitment to playing hard throughout the game. Thanks to the coaches, Jonathon and Brad and all our supporters. This team is looking to attend a tournament in September. We are selling Entertainment Books to help fundraise. If you would like to purchase one please see the back of the newsletter or email goodrickk@rotorualakes.school.nz.

___________________________________________________________________________ EQUESTRIAN NEWS - By Jessica Moore On Saturday 11th and Sunday 12th May, three students from the equestrian team went to the secondary school Show Jumping Competition at St Peter's College, Cambridge. Jessica Moore riding Delta Farnese, Briley Jones riding Hermy and Rebekah Edhouse riding Gold Filly made up the team for the event. The 60-70cm pony class on the 11th had Rebekah competing who had great success in her second class and retired in her first. On Sunday Briley competed in the 60-70cm with great confidence dropping one rail in each round. Jessica rode in the 80-90cm class also on the 12th and came 2nd in her first round by a three tenths of a second. Jessica also dropped one rail in her second round but came 6th being the second fastest person with a rail down. Great work – well done to all!

___________________________________________________________________________ HOCKEY RLHS Girls teams faced off against each other on Tuesday night. Although the 1st Xl team won, the second team learned a lot and had a blast playing each other. Riley and Rebecca named as POD for 1st Team and all players of the second team were POD. Shyan the goalie of the 2nd team got a hammering but did a fantastic job of being the goalie.

Boys 1st X1 - win vs RBHS2 3-0. Great game last night with a good group of supporters. Goals scored by Tama Te Whau, Jayden Fraser and Jamaalullah Abdul Rahman. POD Zack Kelly Mixed Team – travelled to Whakatane – good strong game - lost admirably! Next Weeks’ Games: GIRLS: 1st Xl vs JPC @ 4.30 on Turf 2 2nd Xl vs RGHS @ 7pm Turf 1 Extra Game Thursday: 1st X1 vs Tauhara @ 7pm on Turf 2 Please make sure all girls are at the turf 1/2 hour before the games to warm up. REMINDER: All hockey training is compulsory for all girls unless they notify Mrs Gainsford first. Our coaches are volunteers who give up their own time to coach the girls for success. BOYS 1st x1 Whakatane in Whakatane @ 4.30 pm MIXED Mixed team v WHHS 4.30 pm Turf 2

CAREERS & GATEWAY ROTORUA LAKES HIGH SCHOOL GATEWAY PROGRAMME – YEAR 12 AND 13 Gateway is designed to support school students’ transition into the workforce by offering them workplace learning while at secondary school. Each Gateway placement is a formal arrangement between a school, a student and an employer for a student to spend time learning in an employer’s workplace. The opportunities on offer are enormous; coming onto the Gateway Programme allows each student to be mentored by an employer in their chosen work placement, whilst gaining both valuable experience and credits along the way. There are no costs involved for our Gateway employers – always a bonus! Our placements are usually one day a week for a period of between 6-10 weeks – however, we are able to arrange any schedule that suits you. Hopefully the below table will give you a little insight into Gateway and how it helps all our students. I can honestly say that it really does work. Benefits for Employers Benefits for Students Enhance recruitment and selection pool Reality check – invaluable!! Strengthening of links with local school Apply and gain skills Opportunity to contribute to the future base Gain insights into working life of their industry Building up skill base in industry Help to set clear career and life goals Opportunity to be involved in making Try out potential careers education more relevant to industry needs Allows you to see if the student has the right Provides structured workplace learning that can attitude and skills to be employed lead to nationally recognised qualifications Strengthening links with industry training Helps prepare for future employment and being more independent Makes school meaningful Builds links with workplaces and gives you the opportunity to prove yourself, and gain experience Develop soft skills, which are related to personal attributes, behaviours and attitude. We value all our Gateway employers and would be delighted for you to join our team. If you think this is something you would like to be involved in and could offer our students a placement, don’t hesitate to contact us.

Mrs Eva Hingston Tel: 07- 345 6124 Ext 258 Email: hingstonev@rotorualakes.school.nz

___________________________________________________________________________ The following UNIVERSITIES will be in to talk to interested students this term during lunchtime on these dates:


Massey Uni Info Evening - JPC Victoria Uni Info evening – Novotel Rotorua 6 – 8 pm Maori Students & Whanau session 5.30 pm Toi –Ohomai Open day 9 am – 1.30 pm Canterbury Uni Open Day – Mt. Maunganui

Contact the Careers Department for further info: Barbara Walker 3456124 x 235 walkerb2@rotorualakes.school.nz


Support Rotorua Lakes High School Boys Soccer Team! Get your new Entertainment Membership today Want to know how to tackle the school holidays and help us raise much needed funds? The new Entertainment Membership is here, packed with amazing offers, including family activities, casual dining and tasty treats. So who wants an ice cream? Purchase your 2019 | 2020 Entertainment Membership today!

CLICK HERE TO SUPPORT US NOW! THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT! Rotorua Lakes High School Boys Soccer Team Katherine Goodrick 073456124 goodrickk@rotorualakes.school.nz

INVITATION FOR GIRLS TO ATTEND “GIRLS WITH HI VIS®” EVENT – Hosted by Mercury Mercury are hosting a Girls with Hi Vis® event on the 12th June The Girls with Hi-Vis® initiative objective is to raise awareness and increase the number of women working in trade and technical roles in the Infrastructure Industries – specifically our Energy Sector. At the event, you will be able to experience firsthand what a career in the energy sector look like, complete a tour of the Kawerau Power Station! Meet the team and listen to inspirational stories to give you an insight of what it is like to be involved in the Energy industry! Check out this quick video explaining Girls with Hi-Vis® and also some footage of previous events: https://player.vimeo.com/video/234787978 When: 12th June 2019 Where: Kawerau Power Station, 362B Onepu Springs Road, Kawerau Time: 10am – 3pm

Please visit https://www.connexis.org.nz/careers/girlshigh-vis/ to register for this event TODAY! Limited places get in quick!!

CONTACT US we are here to help

Phone: 07-345 6124 Email: office@rotorualakes.school.nz Web: www.rotorualakes.school.nz

Thank you to all our Sponsors

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