Rotorua Lakes High School “Mauria te pono - Keep steadfastly to the truth”
NEWSLETTER ISSUE No. 03 - 19 February 2021
CHALKBOARD From the Principal – P. General Info – P. News from Teachers – P. Term Info – P. Sport – P. Careers / Gateway – P. Our Sponsor – P.
Kia ora Koutou, Well, it certainly was not the way we wanted to start the week! As you know, due to covid restrictions, we have had to postpone our Investiture Assembly, Whanau Hui and New Parents BBQ Evening. We will let you know when we have re-scheduled these events. We hope to see you soon! On a more positive note, our students and staff alike are looking forward to our Year 13 camp from next Tuesday 23 to Friday 26. This is always a very special time for our Seniors who have certainly earned this “rite of passage” and we wish them all the very best for a great time and making many great memories. We are getting our sports teams up and running for 2021 with musters for Volleyball, Rugby, Futsal, Hockey and Football coming up. We will try to keep parents informed of these dates but it is vital that students listen to the notices in House Group each morning. These are also visible for parents to see on the “Kamar” app which can be downloaded from the app store. You will need a password and username to access the app. This has been emailed home today. If you don’t have this please contact Liandra at our school reception.
Have a great weekend. Ngā mihi,
Jon Ward Principal / Tumuaki
GENERAL INFO ___________________________________________________________________________ KAHAROA TRANSPORT If you live in Hamurama or Kaharoa we now have transport available to and from school. Cost $200 per term. If you are interested please contact
___________________________________________________________________________ STUDENTS FALLING ILL DURING THE DAY Just a few pointers if your child falls ill at school: If this occurs during class time, the student should approach the teacher to get a pass to go to the nurse. The hours of the nurse are Monday to Friday 9.45 am to 2.30 pm. The nurse is unavailable between 12.00 pm and 12.30 pm. If students have a medical problem outside of the nurse’s times, they are to go to student reception. The nurse will contact parent/caregivers if the student needs to go home. The student will then be sent to the Duty Dean’s office next to the Canteen to sign out and wait to be picked up by the parent/caregiver. At times, the nurse may request parent/caregivers to pick the student up directly from the Health and Wellness Centre. Students should be encouraged not to contact parents/caregivers directly to pick them up if they are unwell but to come to the office and staff will phone parents. Thank you for your cooperation, if you have any queries, please give us a call.
NEWS FROM OUR TEACHERS ___________________________________________________________________________ FROM NZQA – REVIEW & RECONSIDERATION APPLICATIONS FOR 2020 EXTERNAL EXAM RESULTS It is advisable for students to talk to their teachers prior to applying for a review or reconsideration. The original answer booklet must accompany any application for a review or reconsideration except for digital exams and digitally submitted Technology standards. Details were in the package of returned booklets each student received over the last few weeks. Closing dates for NCEA external exam Review and Reconsideration applications is Friday 26 February. Ordering results documents. Students can order through their Learner Login any documents for which they are eligible and want a copy. One free copy of each certificate is available so we recommend only ordering when the certificate is needed. Students should wait for the results of a Review or Reconsideration before ordering a certificate.
___________________________________________________________________________ 2021 STUDY PROGRAMME FOR STUDENTS CONSIDERING TERTIARY STUDY OVERSEAS Please read the following information if your child is considering attending an overseas University in the future. Advice for senior students considering study at an overseas tertiary organisation Although most jurisdictions recognise NCEA Level 3 with University Entrance, the country or educational institution may set additional entry requirements. Check with teachers that your 2021 study programme gives you an opportunity to meet the overseas entry requirements that are relevant to your planned tertiary study. 2
Research the country’s minimum university entry requirements for NCEA See NZQA’s information on: • university entrance overseas for university entrance around the world • specific country requirements for the recognition of NCEA. Read country information carefully, including links to relevant related information. Check entry requirements for your university of choice Know the number of credits you’ll need: For example, you need: • at least 90 Level 3 credits for Australia’s ATAR and Germany’s Abitur • at least 90 Level 3 credits in the year for an NZQA calculated Grade Point Average (GPA). Other counties and agencies may use other data to calculate a GPA • minimum 20 credits in prerequisite subjects for University Queensland undergraduate programmes, e.g. 20 Level 3 credits in English required for Bachelor of Arts Check subject requirements. For example • United States National College Athletics Association (NCAA) approved subjects does not include “Sport” or ‘Physical Education” • You need to do a full year’s study in a single subject to meet subject requirements. Note that assessment standards (AS) making up school courses are reported on the New Zealand Record of Achievement (NZRoA) under subject domain. A school course such as “Global Studies” might be reported under History, Geography and Statistics, but they don’t have enough credits to represent a year’s study in any one of these three subjects.
___________________________________________________________________________ YEAR 10 CAMP – LAKE OKATAINA 2021 The camp for year 10 students will be at Okataina Outdoor Education Centre for three days and two nights from from 17 – 19 March 2021. The aims of the camp are to: provide an opportunity for students to practice safety procedures/strategies for risk situations develop/understand environmental, traditional and cultural values develop a sense of respect for the environment encourage students to build positive and constructive relationships which should lead to students feeling happier and settled in school increase knowledge and skills of recreational/leisure activities in a practical setting. Activities will include cross-curricular challenges, team building and recreational paddling in the form of Kayaking and Raft Building. Places for this camp are limited and will be allocated on a first come first serve basis. The cost of the camp is yet to be confirmed but should stay similar to last years, which was $100. A deposit of $50 is required to confirm your child’s place at camp. You are able to set up an automatic payment to pay off the camp fee but you will need to do this as soon as possible. Unfortunately, there is no refund should the camp have to return early because of unforeseen circumstances i.e. weather.
Forms and deposit are due by Monday 1st March. Students have now received forms at assembly today (19 Feb) A selection of pics from last year’s camp. Sign up and join the fun! 3
___________________________________________________________________________ YEAR 13 CAMP – OHOPE CHRISTIAN CAMP 2021 The camp for year 13 students will be at Ohope Christian Camp from Tuesday 23 – 26 February 2021 Students going to camp do not need to wear uniform to school on Tuesday and are permitted to wear appropriate tidy mufti. Students will be taking part in a range of leadership activities.
ALL THE BEST TO OUR STUDENTS LETS HOPE FOR GOOD WEATHER AND MANY EXCITING POSITIVE EXPERIENCES. NB: All year 13 students who are not going to camp are required to stay home those 3 days as all year 13 classes are ‘collapsed’ to cover staff supervision at the camp.
TERM INFO ___________________________________________________________________________ 2021 Please note the following term dates for 2021: BRIEF LOOK – TERM 1 2021 23-26 February 3 March 4 March 5 March 9 March 17-19 March 25 March 22-26 March 30 March 2 - 5 April 6 April 9 April FRIDAY 16 APRIL
Year 13 Camp Swimming Sports School Photos Tracking Sheets Jnr & Snr issued Yr 11 Road Safety Youth Expo at the Events Centre Year 10 Camp Athletics Day Summer Tournament Week BOP Swimming Championships EASTER HOLIDAYS SCHOOL HOLIDAY Tracking Sheets Jnr / Snr Issued END OF TERM 1 4
CAREERS / GATEWAY ___________________________________________________________________________
KEY DATES FOR YOUR CAREER The following UNIVERSITIES will come in and talk to interested students on these dates: Canterbury Uni Liaison Visit - Tuesday 2 March in L1 Otago Uni Liaison Visit - Wednesday 17 March in L1 Wintec Liaison Visit - Friday 19 March in L1 Victoria Wellington Uni Liaison Visit - Monday 29 March in L1 Massey Uni Liaison Visit – Monday 10 May – 1.30 pm in L1 Careers Expo – Monday 10 & Tuesday 11 May – Rotorua Events Centre Contact the Careers Department for further info: Barbara Walker 3456124 x 235
To all our wonderful Year 12 & 13 students.
Unfortunately, this course is full. We will let you know if other slots open up. Unfortunately, this course is full. We will let you know if other slots open up. For those interested in Engineering , fabrication, heavy machinery, also receptionist and accounts. Generally, how a business operates and various opportunities. There will be a site visit to VMA Active Engineering. A well known Rotorua company specialising in Machinery. This will give you a good insight into the industry and could open pathways. If you are interested please put your name down on the notice board in the Gateway office (opposite the Library) Female Apprenticeships available too!!!!!!! Plasterer - which could lead to an apprenticeship !!
Our motto: Nothing is Impossible!😊 Mrs Eva Hingston Tel: 07- 345 6124 Ext 258
SPORT Junior Rugby There will be a meeting for all interested junior rugby players (both male & female) on Monday at interval in G1
Hockey Students have been asked to indicate their interest to play for a team. The sign-up form is in Student Reception. 5
Thank you to our Sponsor ___________________________________________________________________________ Phone: 07- 345 6124 Email: