Rotorua Lakes High School “Mauria te pono - Keep steadfastly to the truth”
CHALKBOARD From the Principal – P. 1 Information – P. 2 - 7 Student Successes – P. 8 From our Staff – P. 8 – 9 Careers – P. 9 - 10 Notice Board – P. 9 - 11 Contacts – P. 11
Kia ora Koutou, Here we are at the end of another busy and productive term three. Unfortunately, we had a lockdown in the middle. On return, however, I am so pleased to say our staff and students rose to the challenge and managed to stay on course. There has been a lot of hard work and learning and I am proud of our student achievements, as are the teaching staff. Term 4 is short in length and busy, so it is very important to maintain progress now, regardless of how far away the end of the year seems. Please let the school know if there is anything we can do to assist. It is my hope that our senior students understand that the next 2 weeks gives them a great opportunity to spend time preparing for the exams in term 4. They also need a chance to re-charge their batteries and reflect on what still needs to be done. Last Friday saw us finish our Prelim Exams for our NCEA students. These will have given both students and staff a clear picture of what they need to work on to ensure positive outcomes in the real NCEA exams to come. For some, it will have been an affirmation of the hard work being put in, for others it will affirm the need to up their game a little. The Prelim week also gave those of our students completing practical courses, the opportunity to develop work missed during the lock down and gain vital NCEA credits. With the time remaining and the support of our staff I am confident that, with renewed effort, all students can achieve their goals. Thank you all for your support of the school this term and the students in their learning journeys, and a huge thank you to our teaching staff and administration team for going above and beyond to provide quality education during these uncertain times. May I take this opportunity to wish each and every one of you an enjoyable break. For those travelling, keep safe. I look forward to seeing everyone back safe, well, energetic and focused at the start of Term 4.
Ngā mihi
Jon Ward, Principal , Tumuaki,
INFORMATION __________________________________________________________________________________
___________________________________________________________________________ NZQA Students should be logging into their area on the NZQA site ( regularly (and this break time would be a good time!) to check their entries for externals, current results and how they link to Pathways and also, they can see their personalised exam timetable. All they need is their NSN (this is on all the tracking reports and can be accessed through the KAMAR and Schoolpoint portals).
We strongly encourage students to do this often! ___________________________________________________________________________ NCEA With the external examinations not far away the Ministry of Education has revamped its website “Study It” and have now opened up the online forums that offer help for English, Maths and Science. Students will need to sign up to engage in these forums, where teachers of these subject areas are able to reply. There is also other useful information that is broken down into the different standards both internal and external.
___________________________________________________________________________ UNIFORM CHANGES There are some significant changes to the way our parents/caregivers, students and whānau can purchase our school uniform. Please see the changes below and if you have any questions or queries, please contact the school. •
The Rugby Shop no longer holds our uniform. All school uniform purchases will now be through Argyle Schoolwear via their website
To purchase online, go to and select Rotorua Lakes High School under Shop ArgyleOnLine. Orders can be placed at any time online. Customer service is available 24/7 via phone 0800 2
110059 or the online Answer Bot (click the help button on the bottom right of the page). Argyle’s live chat team are also available to assist Monday to Friday 8.30am to 5pm. •
To find the correct size, follow the size guide online measuring-tips. Rotorua Lakes High School holds stock for sizing purposes. Please contact 07 345 6124 to arrange a time for sizing. Jerseys, jackets and hats can only be purchased at school.
For more information about ordering online, WINZ quotes, sizing, delivery and returns, check out the FAQ page 0800 110059 (available 24/7)
SCHOOL UNIFORM PRICING When purchased these items will be sent to the student address
Year level
9, 10 & 11 12 & 13 All years All years All years
$40.00 $40.00 $40.00 $60.00 $55.00
Year level
9, 10 & 11 12 & 13 All years All years
$40.00 $40.00 $40.00 $55.00
UNISEX UNIFORM PRICING These items are available from Rotorua Lakes High School
Year Level
Collect from
(pay at Reception)
9 - 13 9 - 13 9 – 13 9 - 13 9 - 13 9 & 10
$85.00 $75.00 $20.00 $20.00 $20.00 $40 for the set
Reception Reception Reception Reception Reception Gymnasium
___________________________________________________________________________ ASSESSMENTS The following assessments have been set down. There may be times where, due to unforeseen circumstances, changes will need to occur. This will be done in consultation with the class(es) concerned. Level 1 2 2 3 3 3
Subject Music Solo Performance Music Solo Performance Music 2nd Solo Instrument Performance Music Solo Performance Music Group Performance Music 2nd Solo Instrument Performance
Standard 91090 91270 91274 91416 91418 91417
Date Monday 18 October Monday 18 October Monday 18 October Monday 18 October Monday 18 October Monday 18 October
___________________________________________________________________________ VISUAL ART EXTERNAL PORTFOLIO DATES Portfolios for all Senior Visual Art subjects are due in term 4 Please see the following dates below. These dates are final, with no resubmissions available, as Portfolios are external assessments. All Portfolios are due by 8.45 am, or the afternoon before, and should be handed in to the subject teacher.
LEVEL Level 1 Level 2 Level 3
SUBJECT Paint & Print, Mixed Media & Photography Photography, Painting, Sculpture & Design Photography, Painting, Sculpture & Design
DUE DATE 19 October 8.45 am 3 November 8.45 am 12 November 8.45 am
___________________________________________________________________________ OPEN EVENING THURSDAY 21st OCTOBER 2021 An invitation is extended to parents and students interested in enrolling in 2022. Meet our teachers, enjoy a tour of our school and obtain info about the school and the programmes / courses we offer. Our Open Night will be on Thursday 21st October 4.30 – 8pm. School will close on Thursday at 2.30 pm and start on Friday at 9.15 am. Buses will run as normal and students who arrive will be supervised.
___________________________________________________________________________ TERM 4 BUS PASSES Juniors $140 Seniors $80 Payable at student reception and online
___________________________________________________________________________ OUTGOING BOT REPRESENTATIVE Our thanks to the outgoing Board of Trustees Student Representative, Kenneth Yang. Kenneth has represented the students very well for the past year and never missed a meeting. From the BOT, staff and students a big thank you😊
___________________________________________________________________________ LOST PROPERTY We have a number of items in lost property. Please check at student reception. Items will be re-sold or given to charity if not collected by Week 1 Term 4.
___________________________________________________________________________ STUDENT BOARD OF TRUSTEES REPRESENTATIVE There have been 2 nominees for the Student BOT Rep. Elections will be held on Wednesday 27 October 2021.
___________________________________________________________________________ ROTORUA LAKES HIGH SCHOOL BOARD CASUAL VACANCY FOR A PARENT REPRESENTATIVE A casual vacancy has occurred on the school board for an elected parent representative. The Board has decided to fill the vacancy by selection. If 10% or more of eligible voters on the school roll ask the board, within 28 days of this notice being published, to hold a by-election to fill the vacancy, then a by-election will be held. Request for a by-election should be sent to: Todd Cheesman, Board Chair, or Lakes High School, Porikapa Road, Owhata, Rotorua 3010, by 15/10/21.
___________________________________________________________________________ 50TH ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATIONS Unfortunately, due to alert level uncertainty, we have had to make the difficult decision to postpone our 50th celebrations to early 2022. Date TBA.
___________________________________________________________________________ BRIEF LOOK – TERM 4 2021
18 October 19 October 21 October 22 October 25 October 27 October 27 October 27 October 28 October 3 November 3 November 4 November 10 November 12 November 18 November
START OF TERM 4 Level 1 Art Folio due Open Night Tough Guy n Gal challenge LABOUR DAY PUBLIC HOLIDAY Student Rep to the BOT elections Year 8 testing (9.45 am) Report evening for Seniors / Juniors Sports Prizegiving Level 2 Art Folio due Year 8 Testing (3.30 pm) Senior Tracking reports issued Year 8 Testing (3.30 pm) Level 3 Art Folio due Senior Prizegiving 6
22 November – 14 December NCEA Exams 25 November Orientation for enrolled Year 8 students 5 – 10 December Hillary Outdoors Camp for Year 10 (TBC) 9 – 10 December Junior Electives 14 December Leavers Dinner 14 December Junior Prizegiving FRIDAY 14 DECEMBER END OF TERM 4 ___________________________________________________________________________ NCEA EXAMS DATE RANGE 2022 The 2022 Examination Timetable for current NCEA standards and New Zealand Scholarship will run from Monday 22 November to Tuesday 14 December 2021.
STUDENT SUCCESSES ___________________________________________________________________________ VISUAL ART STUDENTS It has been a very busy time with our Visual Arts Students. They have been working so hard on their folios making sure all tasks are complete. Check out their fantastic work!!
__________________________________________________________________________ SINGING COMPETITION All the best to the following students who are performing at the 68th Te Awamutu Singing Competition and the Lockwood New Zealand Aria Competition over the school holidays:
Elrie Bosch, William Davies, Keita Te Moni, Riley Roebuck and Lauren Thompson😊
FROM OUR STAFF ___________________________________________________________________________ VIRTUAL PINK RIBBON WALK 2021 Due to alert level constraints, this year is slightly different for Pink Ribbon Day. We will be holding the Virtual Pink Ribbon walk at our playing field where students can wear pink on Wednesday 20 October. At lunchtime there will be a designated ‘walk’ for students to follow which incorporates social distancing. We will also have pink cakes, best dressed, games etc. We are looking forward to joining in with our students to support those in our community with breast cancer.
___________________________________________________________________________ HEALTH & WELLNESS CENTRE To all Parents / Caregivers, please note that the Physiotherapist service by Physio Direct has been removed from all schools and instead they are offering free appointments to all under 18 year old’s at any of their clinics.
__________________________________________________________________________ WELLNESS OVER THE HOLIDAYS Just a reminder that over the holidays youth are seen free by the Piripoho Nurse based at Te Ngae Medical and at Rotovegas Health. You do not need to be enrolled at either.
CAREERS Next weekend, the University of Waikato Tauranga Campus throws open the doors to Selwyn Street Studios, our brand new University-managed student accommodation that opens in 2022. The New Accommodation Open Day is on Saturday 9 October from 11am to 1pm at 38 Selwyn Street, off Cameron Road. Staff will be on hand to answer questions about the 93-bed complex that offers self-catered living for students enrolled in any study level at the Tauranga Campus next year. Staff can also help prospective students with their accommodation applications and give details about the Tauranga Campus Residential Scholarship that brings the 2022 cost per week down from $250 to just $150 for eligible applicants. For any of your year 12 or 13 students who have enrolled to study with us or are considering it, the New Accommodation Open day is an opportunity for them to bring their whānau along to check out the complex for themselves. Attendees are required to adhere to Covid-19 Level 2 protocols during their visit – scanning or signing in, maintaining social distancing protocols and wearing a mask while touring the indoor facilities. If are interested to look around and need more information, the best contacts are: phone 07 262 0500 Monday to Friday 8am - 4.30pm or email or by visiting
NOTICE BOARD ___________________________________________________________________________
Any questions or if you are interested in entering, please see Ms Kairaoi (Year 10 Dean) or email via
Please see Mrs Hodge if you are interested, or email
Phone: 07- 345 6124 Email: