1 October 2021 :-) have a great break

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Rotorua Lakes High School “Mauria te pono - Keep steadfastly to the truth”


CHALKBOARD From the Principal – P. 1 Information – P. 2 - 7 Student Successes – P. 8 From our Staff – P. 8 – 9 Careers – P. 9 - 10 Notice Board – P. 9 - 11 Contacts – P. 11

Kia ora Koutou, Here we are at the end of another busy and productive term three. Unfortunately, we had a lockdown in the middle. On return, however, I am so pleased to say our staff and students rose to the challenge and managed to stay on course. There has been a lot of hard work and learning and I am proud of our student achievements, as are the teaching staff. Term 4 is short in length and busy, so it is very important to maintain progress now, regardless of how far away the end of the year seems. Please let the school know if there is anything we can do to assist. It is my hope that our senior students understand that the next 2 weeks gives them a great opportunity to spend time preparing for the exams in term 4. They also need a chance to re-charge their batteries and reflect on what still needs to be done. Last Friday saw us finish our Prelim Exams for our NCEA students. These will have given both students and staff a clear picture of what they need to work on to ensure positive outcomes in the real NCEA exams to come. For some, it will have been an affirmation of the hard work being put in, for others it will affirm the need to up their game a little. The Prelim week also gave those of our students completing practical courses, the opportunity to develop work missed during the lock down and gain vital NCEA credits. With the time remaining and the support of our staff I am confident that, with renewed effort, all students can achieve their goals. Thank you all for your support of the school this term and the students in their learning journeys, and a huge thank you to our teaching staff and administration team for going above and beyond to provide quality education during these uncertain times. May I take this opportunity to wish each and every one of you an enjoyable break. For those travelling, keep safe. I look forward to seeing everyone back safe, well, energetic and focused at the start of Term 4.


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