Rotorua Lakes High School “Mauria te pono - Keep steadfastly to the truth”
NEWSLETTER ISSUE No. 27 – 20 September 2019
CHALKBOARD From the Principal – P. 1 - 2 News – P. 3 - 7 Careers / Gateway P. 7 - 8 Notice Board – P. 8 - 9 Contact Us – P. 10 Our Sponsors – P. 10
Kia ora Koutou, Another busy week is ending at Lakes but I have some positive messages to share about student success and activities. In assembly this week it was my great pleasure to recognize a number of students for their recent strong performance in various sporting and academic arenas. Whilst we have previously mentioned these on Facebook it was very enjoyable to personally congratulate them to receive their accolades. We also enjoyed a fantastic performance of “You are the Reason” by Genesis Smith-Hurawai. Our Performing Arts students are continuing to excel. Another message that was discussed at assembly was ensuring students understood that they are what makes this school such a success. A school is more than just buildings and learning spaces. It is defined by the human interactions that happen between our staff, students and community. I have put out some challenges to our students: What can I do to enable positive change? If I don’t like something, what can I do to change my attitude? There is an old motivational saying ‘Be the Change’. I challenged the students not to sit around and moan, instead to take every opportunity that came their way; Care for others if they are hurting or need support and always do their best, no one can ask for more. Rotorua Lakes High School is a launch pad for each and every student to academic, sporting and life success. We focused on one of our core values ‘Care’ and discussed what it meant to be part of a caring environment. I have seen some fantastic qualities over the last term which have demonstrated what a positive environment RLHS is for our students. Next week is Climate Change Awareness Week. This fits very neatly with the theme of care. How do we care for our environment now and for the future? Students are taking an active role, wanted to be heard with their thoughts about how we should address this issue of our time. Several activities occurring next week will culminate on Friday with a protest march at 2 pm in the city centre. Although this is not a school event, the school supports student involvement and will release those participating at 1.30 pm (in my last newsletter I said 1.15 – this was a mistake). Parents must send notification, preferably in writing, prior to Friday stating that they are happy for their student to 1
be involved in this event. Only those with a written note will be given permission to leave and marked as an explained absence. Any student without written permission will be truant for that time. Thank you for supporting us in this approach. I wish to inform our community that currently due to very low numbers of students wishing to take Spanish in 2020 we are unable to offer this course. That said, we have the ability to support students on an individual basis to ensure that they receive appropriate tuition if they wish to continue with this option. We maintain our strong focus on academic performance and options and are always looking to develop courses that engage students and have strong support within our school community. A quick heads up regarding next Thursday. Many of you will be aware that we are celebrating our Sports Prizegiving on Thursday evening. This is a fantastic opportunity to recognize the strong sporting achievements throughout 2019. I am looking forward to welcoming our surprise guest speaker and also seeing many of you at the evening itself. My final point is one that I also raised in assembly and this is regarding our senior NCEA students. Some believe that there is a ‘holiday’ coming up. This is a lie! The actual name of this holiday is ‘Uninterrupted Revision Time’! I hope that all students use the time wisely and, all joking aside, understand that while they do need a break, they will do some work along the way to guarantee success. Also in this newsletter is a course focusing on exam success on 16 October 2019. Whilst there is a cost to this, I strongly recommend that students’ take advantage of listening to Patrick Sherrat as his practical experience and advice will support many of our students. If you do wish to take advantage of this seminar then please urgently contact Martin Godfrey, Year 12 Dean, Wishing you all a pleasant weekend. Nga mihi
Jon Ward Principal / Tumuaki
___________________________________________________________________________ ‘CAN DRIVE’ FOR THE SALVATION ARMY A GREAT SUCCESS The ‘can drive’ was a great success at Lakes High. Our Senior Prefects team were busy all week promoting & collecting, and it certainly paid off! The prefects’ team, led by Jacob Windell, delivered the sizeable collection on Friday 13 September to the Salvation Army offices. On receiving the collection, Lieutenant Kylie Overbye said she was thrilled that Jacob and the prefects selected the Salvation Army for their cause and was delighted with the display of community involvement. The Salvation Army were very grateful that a local high school has helped out in this way. Well done to Jacob – we are proud of you!
Lieutenant Kylie Overbye with Yr 13 student Jacob Windell
___________________________________________________________________________ NZ SECONDARY SCHOOL SWIMMING COMPETITION Three Rotorua Lakes High School students competed last week at NZ Secondary School Swimming Competition – a tough competition to even qualify for, with over 750 competitors, so we were thrilled with the results. Samuel Trass (pictured third from the left) (13 yrs) won a BRONZE medal in the 200 metres butterfly – a grueling race in which Samuel dropped more than 3 seconds from his all-time best. Samuel also placed 4th in 100 butterfly in a race which was so close it literally went down to a photo finish – less than a second between 3rd and 5th. Samuel also made the top ten in his 50m backstroke.
Stella Weston (14yrs) was racing for the first time at this top level competition in four events. Her top performance was 24th in 200 Breaststroke with a strong personal best performance.
Skye Cox (17yrs) was competing in the 17-18 year age group and raced a fantastic 100 backstroke dropping over a second to place 5th. Skye also paced 8th in 200 backstroke and 12th in 100 freestyle.
Congratulations to all these swimmers, and best of luck to Samuel and Skye who will be competing as part of Swim Rotorua Swimming Club’s national team to NZ Short Course Championships in October. ___________________________________________________________________________ SENIOR A NETBALL SELECTION After extensive scouting, the Netball WBOP Zone Performance team have selected 50 players from all the Waikato and Bay of Plenty secondary school netball teams to form an Under 18 Performance squad. Selected players will be involved in squad training days which will include specialist coaching, strength and conditioning data collection and resources, sports science education, and match play opportunities. We wish to congratulate one of our Senior A players, Puaawai Bennett, for gaining selection into this squad. Well done Puaawai!
___________________________________________________________________________ FROM THE BOT The following policies are currently up for review. If you would like to view any of these policies, we invite you to come into the school where they are available at the Principal’s PA office. Alternatively, if you would like a copy emailed, please send an email to Appointment of Staff Child Protection Policy 3
NEWS ___________________________________________________________________________ REPORTS Reports will be issued Pd. 5 today Friday 20 September. Students will take time in this period to reflect on how their goal for Term 3 went and set a goal for Term 4. This is done through school point.
___________________________________________________________________________ WHANAU MEETING The next Whanau Meeting will be held on Wednesday 25th September at 5.00pm in the Whare. You are all welcome to attend. A special kaupapa for the meeting will be the Rumaki / Immersion Unit, it’s purpose, benefits and future. Bring your ideas and suggestions and hear our students share their thoughts and ideas. Nau mai! Haere Mai!
___________________________________________________________________________ WHAKAPIKI AKE Kia ora koutou, The Rotorua Hui-ā-Rohe will be held Tuesday 24 September, 6pm at Rotorua Girls' High School. This is open to all students from Year 8/9 - 13 in the area. Whakapiki Ake is here to support rangatahi Māori and whānau to understand how we can help uncover their future potential. Our goal is to encourage rangatahi to find their purpose, to maximise their secondary school journey, to think about their contribution to future generations, to prepare for tertiary studies and, if interested, how to pathway into health related studies. Whānau are key to their journey and success. The following link provides a brief overview of the evening: To register, click here: If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact the team at Whakapiki Ake. Ngā mihi mahana, The WAP team
___________________________________________________________________________ PARENT REPORT INTERVIEW EVENING We have a parent report interview evening on Tuesday 24 September starting at 3.30 pm (NB: School closes early at 2.55 pm to allow teachers to prepare – buses run as normal) We welcome and encourage parents and caregivers to contact teachers with questions and concerns throughout the year as the situation arises. The best way to contact teachers is via their emails. You can expect a reply within 2 days under normal circumstances.
__________________________________________________________________________ SPORTS PRIZEGIVING Our Annual Sports Prizegiving to celebrate our successful sporting students and to thank and acknowledge coaches/managers, will be held on THURSDAY 26 SEPTEMBER 2019 at 6 pm in the D C Price Auditorium. Invitations to coaches and managers have been sent and we remind them to RSVP to tel 3456124 ext 223 as soon as possible to ensure a ticket is set aside for them. 4
Tickets are available for purchase at student reception or tel Ms McLeod 345 6124 ext 220 From MONDAY 16 SEPTEMBER 2019. We advise any families who wish to attend to please book tickets early as we have limited spaces for the evening.
We look forward to seeing you there. ___________________________________________________________________________ ASSESSMENTS The following assessments have been set down to take place within the next two weeks. There may be times where, due to unforeseen circumstances, changes will need to occur. This will be done in consultation with the class(es) concerned.
Level Subject
1 2 3 1
Drama Drama Drama Geography
90999 91220 91519 91013
1 2
Maths (10S3) Physics
91029 91169
Maths (12MSC)
2 3
Maths (12MAT) Maths (13MAS)
91268 91582
Date Due beginning Week 10 (currently working on class time) 21 Oct – 28 Oct 21 Oct – 28 Oct 21 Oct – 28 Oct Starts Mon 16 Sep Due Mon 23 Sep 26 Sep (lunchtime & Pd. 5) Due Fri 18th October 2019 (first week of Term 4) Due Fri 18th October 2019 (first week of Term 4) Mr Porima’s class = 24 September Mr English’s class = 25 September 23 – 25 September Mon 23 September
EXTERNAL ASSESSMENT DIGITAL TECHNOLOGY Digital Technology Common Assessment Task (DCAT), external assessment is Tuesday, 24 September 2019.
___________________________________________________________________________ GREAT DAY OUT FOR YR 12 TOURISM Last week the Yr12 Tourism class voted to go to Hobbiton for their last field trip of the year. It was an early start but well worth it for a fantastic guided tour through the Shire. Although many students have not seen the movies, they learned a lot about film production. They also learned how big an industry film production is in NZ and the detail that goes into making movies. Students were also able to chat to tourists from around the world who were part of our tour group. A great day out for all students.
JUNIOR WATERPOLO TRAINING Junior waterpolo training starts Thursdays 6.30 - 7.30 No training last week of term due to Sports Prizegiving No training in the holidays Games are Friday nights TERM 4
___________________________________________________________________________ VISUAL ART Tutorials are now running every THURSDAY after school 3.30 - 5pm in C3 __________________________________________________________________________________
VISUAL ARTS PORTFOLIO DUE DATES All Visual art students are busy working on portfolios at present. These projects are external assessments worth 12 credits (year 11 and 12) and 14 credits (year 13). As they are external assessments, failure to submit finished folios on time will result in a Not Achieved grade. Due dates are as follows: Year 11 (Paint and Print / Sculpture/Mixed Media and Photography) Due Date: September 26th (last Thursday term 3) Year 12 (Photography/ Painting/Sculpture) Due Date: September 27th (last Friday term 3 Formative assessment) Year 13: (Design /Sculpture/Painting) Due Date: 1st November
LAST CHANCE!! ORDERS NEED TO BE IN BY THURSDAY 26 SEP First aid kit for your car? Bach? Student attending uni? Please help raise money for our Hillary Outdoors Trip fundraiser for 2 different sized first aid kits A full kit is $39.90 and a compact is just $15 for any queries contact 6
PASSING EXAMS SEMINAR International author, speaker and trainer, Patrick Sherratt will be visiting Rotorua again to present his interactive and entertaining exam-preparation seminar to our senior students. In this two-hour public presentation, Patrick will offer a five-step approach to prepare for exams while building in solutions to many of the common challenges students face in the lead up to exams. If your son or daughter is having problems getting motivated to study, procrastinates, gets distracted easily, has a poor memory or suffers from exam nerves, this will be a "must-attend" seminar. Held in the school library at 11.30 – 1.30 on Wednesday 16th of October, this seminar will cost $20 per person. If you would like your child to attend, registrations and payments can be made at the student reception For more information about Patrick’s work, please visit:
WE ENCOURAGE ALL STUDENTS TO PARTICIPATE IN THIS PROGRAMME ___________________________________________________________________________________________
The flu season is upon us!
Here are a few helpful hints for you
and your whanau:
What you CAN do If you have an infection of the ear, nose, throat, sinuses and / or chest, it is most likely caused by a virus – Antibiotics aren’t effective. Antibiotics won’t make you feel better or recover faster, and may cause unwanted side effects (eg diarrhea, thrush, rash or allergic reactions). There are no instant cures for viral colds and flu but some of the following suggestions may help make you feel more comfortable: Rest – A warm comfortable environment will help your immune system fight off the viruses that cause colds and flu. Stay at home as this will avoid spreading the infection to others.
Drink plenty of fluids. Paracetamol or Ibuprofen pharmacy products – Use to relive aches and pains. Ask your doctor or pharmacist about the most appropriate medicine and dose. CHILDREN SHOULD NOT BE GIVEN ASPIRIN-BASED PRODUCTS. Steam inhalations or nasal rinse – Breathing in steam during a hot shower can help you clear mucus from blocked sinuses, relieve nasal congestion and chest tightness. Nasal saline irrigation may provide relief for some people. Again ask your pharmacist for advice on products. A decongestant – These may help ‘dry’ a runny nose or relive blocked sinuses. Ask your pharmacist about an appropriate medication but do not use for more than 5 days. Lozenges and gargles – Antiseptic throat lozenges or gargling either warm salted water or dispersible aspirin may help to relieve a sore throat.
Prevent spread of infection: cover your mouth when sneezing or coughing. Wash your hands after blowing your nose and avoid shaking hands.
If you or your child develop any RED FLAG SYMPTOMS you should contact a Doctor IMMEDIATELY
Severe headache or neck pain Non blanching skin rash Eyes intolerant to light Persistent vomiting cry Very high fever (>40˚C)
In Children Floppy or drowsy Unable to tolerate fluids Unusual or high pitched
KEY DATES TERM 3 2019 Parent Interview Evening Sports Awards Evening LAST DAY TERM 3
Tuesday 24 September begins 3.30 pm (school closes early at 2.55 pm – buses run as normal) Thurs 26 September 6 pm onwards Fri 27 September
The following UNIVERSITIES will be in to talk to interested students this term during lunchtime on these dates:
Victoria Uni Open Day Victoria Uni School Leavers Scholarships close Massey Uni Course Planning 1.30 pm in L1 Victoria Uni Online Enrolment Opens
Contact the Careers Department for further info: Barbara Walker 3456124 x 235
Spring into Summer with Swim Rotorua Swimming Club Come along and get fit whether for waterpolo, waka ama, triathlons or Athletics. I am Greg, the new coach of the Metro Squad at Swim Rotorua. I have recently moved here from South Africa where I have national colours for competing at the World Student Games for swimming. I am making the sessions in the Metro Squad as interesting, diverse and multi-purpose as possible. We have swimmers, water polo players and some students just swimming for fun. Bring a friend and try swimming. Sessions available most days. Email or phone: 022 332 6922.
CONTACT US we are here to help
Phone: 07-345 6124 Email: Web:
Thank you to all our Sponsors