Rotorua Lakes High School “Mauria te pono - Keep steadfastly to the truth”
CHALKBOARD From the Principal – P. Information – P. 2 - 5 Student Successes – P. 5 - 7 Careers – P. 7 - 9 Notice Board – P. 10 Contacts – P. 10
Kia ora Koutou, A positive start to Term 4 with 24 teaching days for Senior students from start to finish! As said in my last newsletter, I hope that many of our senior students used the holidays productively to consolidate their understanding and guarantee success in the upcoming NCEA external exams. Our staff are doing everything they can to ensure students cover the ground they need to and support them through the stresses of last minute pushes and exams. Term 4 is always a whirlwind of activity with exams, prizegivings (please note dates on pages 5 - 6 for your diaries), portfolios being finalized and everyone working towards successful academic outcomes. It is great to see all our students back, refreshed and focused for the term ahead and we look forward to working with them in the fine summer months coming up. Ngā mihi
Jon Ward Principal / Tumuaki
INFORMATION __________________________________________________________________________________
___________________________________________________________________________ REPORTS We have issued reports today. These will also be emailed out to parents and caregivers. Unfortunately, due to Covid, we have made the call not to run with face to face Parent Interviews. We appreciate that you may still want to discuss your child's progress with staff. To facilitate this, we are asking you to indicate you would like your child's teacher to contact you. This contact will occur over the next couple of weeks. To indicate you would like a teacher to contact you please make a booking via Schoolpoint. You do not need to worry about the time slot, just select one to make a booking. Our teachers will get back to you over the next couple of weeks using your contact details in KAMAR. You can access Schoolpoint using your KAMAR login, go to our website and look for the Schoolpoint link below the photo banner. If you do not have internet access or have any issues, please phone the office on 345 6124.
___________________________________________________________________________ NZQA Students should be logging into their area on the NZQA site ( regularly to check their entries for externals, current results and how they link to Pathways and also, they can see their personalised exam timetable. All they need is their NSN (this is on all the tracking reports and can be accessed through the KAMAR and Schoolpoint portals).
We strongly encourage students to do this often! ___________________________________________________________________________ NCEA With the external examinations not far away the Ministry of Education has revamped its website “Study It” and have now opened up the online forums that offer help for English, Maths and Science. Students will need to sign up to engage in these forums, where teachers of these subject areas are able to reply. There is also other useful information that is broken down into the different standards both internal and external.
___________________________________________________________________________ A BRIEF REMINDER REGARDING UNIFORM CHANGES There are some significant changes to the way our parents/caregivers, students and whānau can purchase our school uniform. Please see the changes below and if you have any questions or queries, please contact the school. •
The Rugby Shop no longer holds our uniform. All school uniform purchases will now be through Argyle Schoolwear via their website
To purchase online, go to and select Rotorua Lakes High School under Shop ArgyleOnLine. Orders can be placed at any time online. Customer service is available 24/7 via phone 0800 110059 or the online Answer Bot (click the help button on the bottom right of the page). Argyle’s live chat team are also available to assist Monday to Friday 8.30am to 5pm.
To find the correct size, follow the size guide online measuring-tips. Rotorua Lakes High School holds stock for sizing purposes. Please contact 07 345 6124 to arrange a time for sizing. Jerseys, jackets and hats can only be purchased at school.
For more information about ordering online, WINZ quotes, sizing, delivery and returns, check out the FAQ page 0800 110059 (available 24/7)
SCHOOL UNIFORM PRICING When purchased these items will be sent to the student address
Year level
9, 10 & 11 12 & 13 All years All years All years
$40.00 $40.00 $40.00 $60.00 $55.00
Year level
9, 10 & 11 12 & 13 All years All years
$40.00 $40.00 $40.00 $55.00
UNISEX UNIFORM PRICING These items are available from Rotorua Lakes High School
Year Level
(pay at Reception)
9 - 13 9 - 13 9 – 13 9 - 13 9 - 13 9 & 10
$85.00 $75.00 $20.00 $20.00 $20.00 $40 for the set
Collect from Reception Reception Reception Reception Reception Gymnasium
___________________________________________________________________________ ASSESSMENTS The following assessments have been set down. There may be times where, due to unforeseen circumstances, changes will need to occur. This will be done in consultation with the class(es) concerned. Level 1 2 3
Subject ECO Feedback Milestone ECO Feedback Milestone ECO Feedback Milestone
Standard 90988 91227 91402
Date Sunday 24th October (3 tasks complete) Sunday 24th October (Task 2 complete) Sunday 24th October & Sunday 31st October
Classical Studies
This is due to be completed by the end of week 3, the fifth of November. Students can work on it in class and homework time.
1 2 3 3
Geography Geography Geography History
91012 91246 91431 91437
Thursday 27 October Tuesday 26 October Tuesday 26 October Wednesday 27 October
__________________________________________________________________________ VISUAL ART EXTERNAL PORTFOLIO DATES Portfolios for all Senior Visual Art subjects are due in term 4 Please see the following dates below. These dates are final, with no resubmissions available, as Portfolios are external assessments. All Portfolios are due by 8.45 am, or the afternoon before, and should be handed in to the subject teacher.
LEVEL SUBJECT DUE DATE Level 2 Photography, Painting, Sculpture & Design 3 November 8.45 am Level 3 Photography, Painting, Sculpture & Design 12 November 8.45 am ___________________________________________________________________________ STUDENT BOARD OF TRUSTEES REPRESENTATIVE There have been 2 nominees for the Student BOT Rep. Elections will be held on Wednesday 27 October 2021.
___________________________________________________________________________ BRIEF LOOK – TERM 4 2021 25 October LABOUR DAY PUBLIC HOLIDAY 27 October Student Rep to the BOT elections 27 October Year 8 testing (9.45 am) 3 November Level 2 Art Folio due 3 November Year 8 Testing (3.30 pm) 4 November Senior Tracking reports issued 4 November Sports Prizegiving 10 November Year 8 Testing (3.30 pm) 12 November Level 3 Art Folio due 18 November Senior Prizegiving 22 November – 14 December NCEA Exams 23 – 24 November Junior Exams 25 November Orientation for enrolled Year 8 students 5 – 10 December Hillary Outdoors Camp for Year 10 (TBC) 9 – 10 December Junior Electives 14 December Leavers Dinner 14 December Junior Prizegiving TUESDAY 14 DECEMBER END OF TERM 4 5
STUDENT SUCCESSES ___________________________________________________________________________ TE AWAMUTU COMPETITIONS RESULTS Te Awamutu Competitions Society of the Performing Arts held their annual singing competition in the holidays. Congratulations to Keita Te Moni and William Davies for their wonderful performances and successes at the event.
William Davies 3rd Place Sacred Solo Section 3rd Place Vocal Solo - Own Selection Very Highly Commended - Folk and Traditional Song Highly Commended - Song for Light Entertainment Section
Keita Te Moni 3rd Place Folk and Traditional Song 3rd Place Leider or Continental Art Song Very Highly Commended - Song for Light Entertainment Section Highly Commended Vocal Solo - Own Selection
Fantastic results, congratulations Keita and William! ___________________________________________________________________________ ROTORUA LAKES HIGH TREE PLANTING ESCAPADE FRIDAY 1 OCTOBER Bay of Plenty Regional Council organised a community planting afternoon for the last day of Term 3, Friday 1 October. The planting project covered the Ngongotahā Flood Protection Review area where a number of trees have been removed from the Ngongotahā stream bank area and stream flow path as well as bank reshaping to assist with water flow in flood events. Super students Jade Wilson, Yr13, and Holly Martin, Yr 11, joined over 17 volunteers and Regional Council staff to help plant the assigned area. Aside from planting it was a great opportunity for Jade & Holly to contribute to a community project, gain an understanding of the mahi the Regional Council is involved in, learn about the environment as well as make connections for future potential employment opportunities. Ka rawe wahine toa! Thanks to Sport Bay of Plenty and Bay of Plenty Regional Council for the opportunity.
___________________________________________________________________________ YEAR 11 ART PORTFOLIOS Congratulations to our talented year 11 Art students who have now completed their portfolios. Below are folios by:
Tia Christie ( photography) Lukas Joy ( paint and print) Eva Lescheid ( paint and print) Great work, we are very proud of you!
___________________________________________________________________________ VIRTUAL PINK WALK A HUGE SUCCESS Fantastic day for the Virtual Pink Walk today. Plenty of cake shared, Laps walked & $620 raised for Rotorua Breast Cancer Trust. Well done! Comments from the Rotorua Breast Cancer Trust I feel like a challenge has been set by Rotorua Lakes High School to all other local schools for next year's Pink Walk, right?! Congratulations to Year 13s and staff for running a very successful and generous day as part of the Virtual Pink Walk 2021 - Rotorua Breast Cancer Trust. Lakes High students had a designated walking area on the field, dressed in PINK, made donations, and ate cake (YUM!) today and we reckon you did a great job. Thank you so much #rbctpinkwalk #virtualpinkwalk
___________________________________________________________________________ OUR FANTASTIC YR 13 PREFECT COMMITTEE Congratulations to the Yr13 prefect committee who organised our school event for this year's Virtual Pink Walk run by the Rotorua Breast Cancer Trust. Judges came to see our students dressed up in pink, walking around a designated area on the field, eating free cake (thanks staff!) and raising awareness for breast cancer checks and treatment. RLHS was the only school to enter the business competition and we beat many other businesses and 7
organisations, to win the category "Best workplace organisers" so well done to Whaea Haana, Mrs Hodge and the Yr13 Prefect team, our prize will be delivered next week.
___________________________________________________________________________ SUCCESS AT THE NATIONAL SARGESSON SHORT STORY COMP Congratulations to our budding writer Stella Weston. Stella has won 3rd place in the National Sargesson Short Story Competition, Secondary Division. This is an absolutely outstanding achievement. Stella has also had her writing published in the Write the Worlds Civic in Action literacy journal. Well done Stella you are amazing!
CAREERS Te Uru Rākau – New Zealand Forest Service is offering scholarships for students wanting to study the Diploma in Forest Management at Toi Ohomai Institute of Technology (Rotorua).
Applications close on the 17 November 2021. What do recipients receive? The scholarships are valued at $6,500 per year for diploma study (2-year course) and also include a paid summer internship in Te Uru Rākau – New Zealand Forest Service and/or the forestry sector. Te Uru Rākau – New Zealand Forest Service is committed to creating greater diversity across forestry and wood processing and we especially want to hear from applicants who are Māori or identify as female looking to study next year. All applicants must be New Zealand citizens or permanent residents. • •
Video 1: shows the benefits that existing scholarship recipients are getting from the programme. Video 2: shows the diversity of career paths in the forestry sector and how forestry provides great long-term career opportunities for students interested in the outdoors, sustainability, the environment, science, technology, and engineering to name a few. • Diploma in Forest Management Toi Ohomai Institute of Technology: course details Further information about the scholarships and an application form can be found at: or by emailing
Please see Mrs Hingston at the Gateway office if you are interested
___________________________________________________________________________ Victoria University of Wellington is holding free Zoom workshops for students preparing for Scholarship Calculus and Scholarship Statistics exams.
Scholarship Calculus 9th November - 10am to 2pm Scholarship Statistics 11th November - 10am to 2pm
___________________________________________________________________________ Phone: 07- 345 6124 Email: