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Rotorua Lakes High School “Mauria te pono - Keep steadfastly to the truth”


CHALKBOARD From the Principal – P. News & Events – P. Department News – P. Sports - P. Careers & Gateway – P. Contact Us – P. Community Notices – P. Our Sponsors – P.

Dear Parents/Caregivers Kia ora tatou


_________________________________________________________________________ SUCCESS AT OCEANIA MOUNTAIN BIKE CHAMPIONSHIPS A demanding cross country course with tough uphill climbs and acute descents made it a challenging race for Ruby Ryan, Year 12. Ruby crossed the finish line in 3rd place in the Under 19 girls’ category at the 2018 XCO Oceania mountain bike championships in Dunedin on 10th February. The course was compared to “having more climbing than would normally be expected at World Cup level racing and some interesting features on the descents.” This was a fantastic achievement for Ruby as this is her first year in in the Under 19 category. Well done!

_________________________________________________________________________ ASSESSMENTS The following assessments have been set down to take place within the next two weeks. There may be times where, due to unforeseen circumstances, changes will need to occur. This will be done in consultation with the class(es) concerned. Level 1 1 2 1 12 SCI classes

Subject Legal Studies 11SCC classes 12MSC classes 11MSC classes Science

Standard US 542 90943 91256 91035 91154

Date Wed 28 February Between Week 5 & 6 Thurs 1 March Week 5 9 March - 9 am

________________________________________________________________ PARENTS INFORMATION EVENING We invite parents to an informal meeting on Wednesday 28th February. Please see below for timetabled sessions. Parents are welcome to attend any or all sessions. Session and Time Intro to our school 4.15 – 4.45

Welcome and introduction to the House system 4.45-5.15 Year 9 Core Class introductions 5.20-5.45

What A session aimed at parents of Year 9 and 10. Covering re-establishment of FOTS, basics of school day to day running (eg timetable, options) Peer Support, Sports Co-ordinator overview, Pastoral Support. This is open to any of our parents. An opportunity for parents to meet the house group tutor of their child and the HOH. For year 9 Parents: A brief introduction to the core teachers (Maths, English, Science, Social Studies and PE) of your child’s core class. Please find out prior to the evening which core class your child is in ( 9M1,9M2, 9M3, 9S2, 9S3 or 9 Rumaki)

Staff Mr Walker, Mrs Atkinson, Mrs Short, Ms MacFarlane

Venue Auditorium

Dean Year 9 Heads of Houses, House Group Tutors Core Teachers

Begins in Auditorium and then moves to venues in Houses 9M1 – Auditorium 9M2 – Music Room 9M3 – Special Needs Room 9S2 – C8 9S3 – Library 9RMK - Wharenui

The following Areas will be available for parents to pop in between 4.00-4.40: Area Languages, Drama, Music Technology/Art Teachers

Who Ms Draper, Mrs Harris, Mrs Stunell Mrs Webster (HOD Technology), Mrs Gainsford, Mr Whitby, Mr Morgan, Mr Flitton, Ms Carlan-Riddell, Ms Malcolm, Mrs Howard

Venue Music Room Technology Department Classrooms

Throughout the afternoon, school prefects will be in the auditorium available to take parents around to the correct areas. There will also be tea and coffee available. Yours sincerely,


NEWS & EVENTS _________________________________________________________________________________________

SCHOOL PHOTOS School photos were taken on Tuesday 20 February and a printed envelope for ordering individual / class photos was given to each student. All orders to the school by Friday 2 March 2018. Thank you. _________________________________________________________________________________________

STUDENT STATEMENTS Student statements will be posted out early week. Please keep a look out and let us know if your statement does not arrive.


FROM THE MATHS DEPARTMENT All students in 11MSC classes are due to sit their first internal assessment in Week 5 according to the following timetable. It is really important that students attend for each part of this assessment. Please contact Mr Shaun English HOD (englishs@rotorualakes.school.nz) if your child has any reason for being absent on these days. 11MSC Ms Sturme

Pose Question Tuesday P4

Mrs Richardson

Tuesday P2

Mrs Yukich

Tuesday P1

Mr English

Tuesday P3

Assessment Friday Period 1 PLUS House Group Thursday P4 PLUS Lunchtime Friday P4 PLUS Lunchtime Thursday P5 PLUS Lunchtime


NUMERACY TESTING Numeracy testing has been completed for Year Nine students. This information is used to further understand students' numeracy strengths and weaknesses so teachers can differentiate instruction in classes. Some students may be offered small group numeracy support to accelerate their progress. If this is planned for your student you will get a letter home. If any parent/caregiver would like results from this testing please email kellyk@rotorualakes.school.nz. With numeracy results for (student and class) in the subject line. A response will be sent back within a few days. _________________________________________________________________________________________

2018 EDUCATION GRANTS Applications are now available from Owners or their Descendants for the 2018 Education Grants listed below: GRANTS FOR SECONDARY LEVEL


Haumingi 1 A2 Incorporation (Yrs 9 – 13) Kapenga M Trust (Yrs. 9 – 13) Whangamoa Trust (Rotoiti 17) (Yrs. 12 & 13 only) Haumingi 1 A2 Incorporation Kapenga M Trust (including Scholarship) Kokako Trust Mangorewa Kaharoa Te Taumata Trust (full time study only) Paehinahina Mourea Trust (full time study only) Parekarangi Trust Pukaingataru B18 Trust Rangatira E Trust Taumanu Land Trust (full time study only) Tautara Matawhaura Trust (Matawhaura 3 Trust) Te Tahuna Trust (Rotoiti 13D2) Te Whaiti Nui A Toi Trust - (2nd & subsequent years of full time study only) Waerenga East & West Inc Whangamoa Trust (Rotoiti 17)

For application forms please go to http://rotorua.deloitte.conz Please note Tertiary grant forms are ONLINE only, unless otherwise stated. Secondary grant forms are HARD COPY – print from website or from the Deloitte offices: Pukeroa Oruawhata House, 2/1176 Amohau Street, POBox 12003, Rotorua Ph: 343 1050 – email nzrotoruaenquiries@deloitte.co.nz CLOSING DATE FOR APPLICATIONS – MONDAY 30 APRIL @ 4.3O PM


TERM 1 KEY DATES 2018 Wed 28 February Fri 2 March Tues 6 - Fri 9 March Thur 8 March Mon 19 – Fri 23 March Thurs 22 March Tues 27 March – Thurs 29 March Fri 6 April Mon 9 April Wed 11 – Fri 13 April Mon 16 April – Fri 27 April

Parents Info Evening 4pm – 6 pm Tracking reports issued Year 13 Camp Mid Island Athletics Summer Tournament Week Swimming Sports Day Yr 12 Sports Science Camp BOPSS Swimming Champs Tracking reports issued Year 10 Camp EASTER BREAK

DEPARTMENT NEWS _________________________________________________________________________________________


Each WEDNESDAY from 3.30 – 4.15 in A11

All Welcome - Please bring a snack and a smile


YEAR 13 CAMP The camp for year 13 students will be held at the Ohope Christian Camp, our favourite venue for 30+ years, mid-day on Tuesday 6 March –

Friday 9 March 2018

The aims of the camp are to: Develop unity in the Senior School Develop leadership and initiative skills Motivate students to set goals and work towards achieving them. Review their year 12 progress and set targets for Level 3 (or where appropriate Level 2) NCEA - future planning Start the House Spirit ethos for the year. Activities will include Motivation and Goal Setting, Future Planning, Leadership, Team Building and House Spirit activities, Time Management, Beach Education. A letter with further details will be sent to all Yr 13 parents shortly.

Tues 6 March – Friday 9 March Leaving school @ 12 noon Return to school @ 1.30 pm (approx.)

Cost = $185 approx Bus travel provided Open to all Year 13 Students



Opportunities for Adventurous Journeys with Gerry Purcell (Outside Provider):

      

2-3 March (overnight) - Silver level AJ training course, Tauranga/Kaimais (Applications close 18 February) 10 & 11 March (not overnight) - Bronze level AJ Training Course, Tauranga (Applications close 28 February) 17 & 18 March - part Gold level Training Course (Risk Management and River Safety), Tauranga/Karangahake (Applications close 28 February). 24-25 March (overnight) - Bronze level AJ (for those did their training earlier). 30 Mar - 2 Apr (Easter weekend) - I am shadowing a Gold practice Journey. Could have a separate party of Silver or Gold level doing the same Journey. (likely be in the Kaimais). April school holidays, 14-24 April - Lava Camp at Mt. Ruapehu, where participants can do Bronze or Silver level AJ Training and get one/two of their AJs completed. 12 & 13 May (not overnight) - part Gold level Training Course (Risk Management and River Safety), Tauranga/Karangahake (Applications close 28 February).

April school holidays - If there is enough interest Gerry can arrange a Lava Camp at Mt. Ruapehu, where participants can do Silver level AJ Training and get one/two of their AJs completed. NEW CANDIDATES: All new registrations will now be “on-line” and paper books will no longer be issued to candidates. (Payment for the award must be in full at the time of registration, as it is made online when registering, direct to Head Office.) There are opportunities to do “Direct Entry” to Silver or Gold level, if you are above 15 or 16 years old. You have until you are 25 years old to complete the award. Students can now register directly online to the award on their website, https://dofehillary.org.nz/. When you select our Award Unit, Rotorua Lakes High School, please use carlans@rotorualakes.school.nz as the reference email to get in. Head office has advised that their on line payment system will not be live until March, so please use the following banking details below for payment for the award, $86.25 for Bronze and Silver. There is also an on-line permission form you will need to complete at the time of registering please. When both payment and permission slips are complete, I can confirm their registration for our unit. Also students must meet the age requirements for each level to register; full details are on their website. Bank Account: The Duke of Edinburgh’s Hillary Award ANZ Bank: 06 0507 0091490 00 Please use your surname as the Main Reference

Students can sign up for the award in the academic year that they will turn 14 years old, allowing them to work in their peer groups as a cohort. This is a new rule as of 2018.

EXISTING CANDIDATES: All students currently working on your awards, please be sure to finish off all your bits and pieces, get it all signed off and bring your documents into Mrs. Carlan-Riddell. Let her know what trainings or journeys you need to do so we can get them organized for you early in the year while the weather is milder.

GOLD CANDIDATES: Look in the notices for a meeting this week! Remember all your trainings and journeys need to be approved well ahead of time by the National Office, so please get your groups organized (must be the same group for all stages), and work out your dates for the year, to be sure you complete your award. You also have to do a residential project, which must be approved. There are many available, and we have lots of advice to help you get started! It is YOUR AWARD, and you must plan and organize it all in your groups, without adult support. Supervision on the tramps will still be provided, but all other aspects must be done independently. See the Duke of Edinburgh website for full details on the award.

SPORTS ________________________________________________________________________________________

NETBALL 2018 IMPORTANT CHANGE OF DETAILS FOR NETBALL Due to a delay in the lights arriving in to the country (through no fault of Rotorua Netball Association), Wednesday night netball is not able to go ahead. Therefore Secondary School Netball has been moved back to Saturdays for this season.

Next week is our final week of trials, teams will be named by Friday 2nd March. ________________________________________________________________________________________

BOYS HOCKEY 2018 Boys Hockey trials begin next Tuesday 3.30 at the school turf. All boys who would like to play for the school (either in the 1st or 2nd XI) are expected to be at the trials. If there is an issue please contact Ms Sturme.

Games are played on Thursday evenings from the beginning of term 2. ________________________________________________________________________________________

MOUNTAIN BIKING RACE REPORT by Dylan Walton Saturday 3rd February was the first race of my 2018 race calendar. A wet day to be on my trusty Single Speed. The race start was down by the Dodzys Skills Park, which meant the first kilometre was uphill. My lungs didn’t appreciate this terribly much, and then the legs joined in the complaining. I knew it was going to be a long 25km! Thankfully the last trail was a downhill and I crossed the line in 2nd place for my open age category, extremely wet and muddy.

The following weekend, saw the 3rd round of the 2017-2018 Giant 2W Gravity Enduro. This round is traditionally the middle of summer “hot “race where riders are hanging out to ride straight into the Blue Lake upon completion to cool down. But, not this year thanks to possibly the worst weather in the entire 2W history. With 400+ riders ripping down the trails, it meant that a few of the stages were literally mud slides, which resulted in 2 of the 6 stages actually being closed and all results for these stages disregarded. For some, this improved their overall times, and for others, it pushed their overall placings down. This is the nature of racing though.

Lakes High had a number of students racing in the in the Senior Boys category, with Taylor Forrest taking out 4th place, myself in 5th and th Travis Roe in 8 . George Harvey, (Year 9) earned himself a spot on the podium in the Intermediate Boys, with a solid 3rd which is an impressive result.

The school also provided some pretty ‘hardy’ marshalls for the event, all sitting out in the cold and wet, for 7+ hours. Big kudos to them! I am really looking forward to the school rides starting next week. If you are interested, check the daily notices, or see Miss B-G in A18. The rides are a lot of fun and we hope to see more students come along!

We are now focusing on the next event in the racing calendar which is the National Secondary Schools Champs, in March!


We have 2 new exciting Gateway courses piloting at the moment: The Mad Butcher are supporting schools in a fantastic new Gateway Programme. Students will learn the roles and responsibilities of working in a modern butchery environment. It is for 1 day per week for 6 weeks within one of our Mad Butcher Stores. They will have the opportunity to gain 22 credits Level 3 and apply for an apprenticeship within the Mad Butcher Group, as well as being involved in the day to day duties and gaining first-hand knowledge and experience. ANZ program 2018 is being offered to year 12 and year 13 Students to be placed into a ANZ Branch for 1 day a week for a period of 5 weeks. During this time students will be placed in a variety of areas within the bank. A FANTASTIC new opportunity for the students

Please come and see Mrs Hingston in the Gateway Office to get a form to register your interest. Ph: 3456124 x 258 email: hingstonev@rotorualakes.school.nz


CATE Forestry Professional Development Day CATE AGM Careers Expo Rotorua Tertiary Update Day Waikato Uni Open Day Wintec Open Day To Ohomai Open Day (Tauranga Campus) Otago Uni Liaison visit (1.30 – 2 pm) Canterbury Uni Open Day Massey Uni Open Day (Manuwatu) Victoria Uni Open Day Wintec Health Taster Day CATE Meeting

The following UNIVERSITIES will be in to talk to interested students this term during lunchtime on these dates:

27th February

1.30 pm – 2.30 pm

Canterbury Uni Visit

28th February

1.30 pm - 2.00 pm Massey Uni Visit

4th April

1.30 pm – 2.00 pm

Wintec Liaison Visit

11th April

1.30 pm – 2.00 pm

Victoria Uni Visit

PaknSave are looking for part-time staff. If you are interested in working after school & weekends Please come and see Mrs Hingston in the Gateway Office to get an application form & discuss further details Ph: 3456124 x 258 email: hingstonev@rotorualakes.school.nz (must be 16 yrs or older and able to get to and from work) .


Phone: Email: Website: Mail:

07-345 6124 office@rotorualakes.school.nz www.rotorualakes.school.nz Porikapa Rd, PO Box 7002 Te Ngae, Rotorua 3042


Thank you to all our Sponsors

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