23 Sep 2022:-)

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Rotorua Lakes High School

Kia ora Koutou,

Tena koutou raurangatira ma

Kaumatua ma, mātua ma

Ngā mihi ngā mate

Tena tatou katoa

Our te wiki o te reo celebration came to a close at the end of last week. It was great to see all of us developing our reo and acknowledging the importance of language in understanding our culture. As a school we believe developing awareness of every aspect of New Zealand culture is a crucial part of our educational role and as such we will always look to develop an understanding of our bicultural nation.

We have a new Student Board Representative and a new Staff Board Representative for Lakes High. I look forward to working with Waiata Taikato and Mrs Lucille Yates Wright and wish to thank them in advance for this important service to our school. Congratulations on your election. (further details on page 2).

We are very nearly at the end of another busy and productive term, therefore this is the last newsletter for Term 3 time certainly flies by! There has been a lot of hard work and learning during the last weeks, and I am proud of our student achievements, as are the teaching staff.

For our seniors, term 4 is short in length, so it is very important to maintain progress now regardless of how long the end of the year seems away. Please let the school know if there is anything we can do to assist. It is my hope that our senior students understand that the next 2 weeks give them a great opportunity to spend time preparing for the exams in term 4. They also need a chance to recharge their batteries and reflect on what still needs to be

Thankdone. you all for your support of the school this term and the students in their learning journeys, and thank you to our staff for going above and beyond to consistently provide quality education during difficult times.

“Mauria te pono Keep steadfastly to the truth” From the Principal P. 1 6 News from our Teachers P. 6 Sport9News P. 10 Student Successes P. 10 Careers P. 12 Public Notices P. 13

May I take this opportunity to wish everyone an enjoyable break. For those travelling, keep safe. I look forward to seeing everyone back, well, energetic and focused at the start of Term 4.

17 October



21 October Spirit Day

21 October Senior & Junior Reports issued

24 October


27 October Report Evening 3.30 pm 6 pm (school closes early at 2.55 pm)

28 October School Sports Prizegiving

1 November Teacher Only Day (school is closed)

3 November Senior Prizegiving (6.30 PM 8.30 PM)

7 November – 6 December NZQA Exams

22 23 November Junior Exams

13 December Junior Prizegiving (11.30 AM 12.30 PM)

13 December Junior Reports Out

13 December LAST DAY OF TERM


Congratulations to our Year 12 student, Waiata Taikato, who has been elected our new Student Representative to the Board of Trustees.

Our thanks to Bella Shaw, it was a very close election and Bella was a very worthy opponent.


Congratulations to Mrs Lucille Yates Wright, Head of our Māori Department, Te Puawaitanga and Te Reo Māori, who has been elected our new Staff Representative to the Board of Trustees.



‘Mauria te Pono Keep steadfastly to the truth’

The board invites applications from parents who wish to enrol their children at Rotorua Lakes High School for next Enrolmentyear.

at the school is governed by an enrolment scheme, details of which are available from the school office. Enrolment forms are available at the school office or online at www.rotorualakes.school.nz

Parents of students who live within the home zone should apply by Friday 18 November to assist the school to plan appropriately for next year.

The board has determined that 100 places are likely to be available for out of zone students next year. The exact number of places will depend on the number of applications received from students who live within the school’s home zone.

For the 2023 school year, there will be three enrolment periods. The first enrolment period runs from Monday 15 August to Friday 23 September 2022.

For students seeking enrolment within the first enrolment period, the deadline for receipt of applications for out of zone places is Friday 23 September 2022.

If the number of out of zone applications exceeds the number of places available, students will be selected by ballot. If a ballot for out of zone places is required, it will be held on Tuesday 18 October 2022. Parents will be informed of the outcome of the ballot within three school days of the ballot being held.

Details relating to the second enrolment period are as follows:

• Length of enrolment period: from Friday 21 October 2022 Friday 18 November 2022

• Deadline for receipt of applications: Friday 18 November 2022

• Date of ballot: Wednesday 23 November 2022

Details relating to the third enrolment period are as follows:

• Length of enrolment period: from Saturday 26 November 2022 Friday 20 January 2023

• Deadline for receipt of applications: Friday 20 January 2023

• Date of ballot: Wednesday 25 January 2023

Rotorua Lakes High School Board of Trustees


To avoid overcrowding or the likelihood of overcrowding, the board of Rotorua Lakes High School has implemented an enrolment scheme that has been developed by the Secretary for Education. Under this scheme, students will be enrolled if they live within the home zone described below.

Starting on the shore of Lake Rotorua opposite 1031 Hamurana Road (this address is excluded from the zone) the boundary travels east along the edge of Lake Rotorua to just south of the Polynesian Spa (Eruera Street). The boundary then travels to the intersection of Hatupatu Drive and Eruera Street, and on further west, along the centre of Eruera Street, capturing even numbered addresses only, to the intersection Fenton and Eruera Streets.

From this intersection the boundary travels south, down the centre of Fenton Street, capturing even numbered addresses only, to the intersection with Victoria Street.


From this intersection, the boundary travels west along the centre of Victoria Street, including even numbered addresses only, to the intersection with Ranolf Street.

From this intersection, the boundary travels north along the centre of Ranolf Street, capturing odd numbered addresses only, to the intersection with Pererika Street.

From this intersection, the boundary travels west along Pererika Street, capturing even numbered addresses only, to the intersection with Old Taupo Road.

From this intersection the boundary travels south along the centre of Old Taupo Road, capturing even numbered addresses only, to the intersection with Moncur Drive.

From this intersection the boundary travels along the centre of Moncur Drive, capturing even numbered addresses only, to 28 Moncur Drive (the Rotorua Commercial Travellers Club). From the rear of the Rotorua Travellers Club the boundary proceeds along the boundary of Tihiotonga

Centennial Park to the western boundary of 35 Exeter Place (this address is included in the zone).

From 35 Exeter Place, the boundary continues south, behind and including all other addresses on Exeter Place, Rostrevor Place, Sloane Ave, French Place, Balywyn Ave, and directly south over the hill to the rear of 56 State Highway 30 (this address is included in the zone).

The boundary then travels south west, behind (and including) addresses on Kearoa Road, Apirana Road, and Rongomai Road, to the Rahopakapaka Stream.

The boundary follows the Rahopakapaka Stream south, to the Taahunaatara Stream, then along Taahunaatara Stream to 1910 State Highway 30 (this address is included in the zone).

From 1910 State Highway 30 the boundary travels south west around (and includes) addresses on State Highway 30 to 2411 State Highway 30.

The boundary then travels south to the Taahunaatara Stream again, then further south to 744 Parsons Road (this address is included in the zone).

The boundary crosses Parson Road then travels south to include 190 Galatos Road, and addresses on Maleme Road, and continues southward to 149 Maleme Road (this address is included in the zone). The boundary then crosses Maleme Road to 122 Maleme Road (this address is included in the zone), and then south east across Lake Ohakuri and onwards around addresses on Dods Road to 368 Puaiti Road (this address is included in the zone).

From 368 Puaiti Road the boundary continues north behind (and including) addresses on Puaiti Road and Mangatatete Road, to the Whirinaki Stream running behind 322 Corbett Road (this address is included in the zone). The boundary follows the Whirinaki Stream to 460 Corbett Road (included in the zone). From here the boundary crosses Corbett Road and travels into River Plate Road, running along the centre of this road, to 146 River Plate Road (included in the zone).

From 146 River Plate Road the boundary travels north east behind (and excluding) addresses on Earthquake Flat Road, then pivots north east to 1650 State Highway 5 (this address is included in the zone).

From 1650 State Highway 5 the boundary travels south, along the centre of State Highway 5, to 1809 State Highway 5 (this address is included in the zone).

From 1809 State Highway 5 the boundary continues north to 379 Waimangu Road (this address is excluded from the zone), and then north east to Hot Water Beach at Lake Tarawera (Te Rātā Bay). The boundary then travels north east along the shore of Lake Tarawera, along the edge of Makatiti Dome Scenic Reserve, and follows the Tarawera River to the Kaipara Stream.

The boundary then follows the Kaipara Stream north to its end, then travels directly north east to 579 State


Highway 30 (the address is included in the zone) on the edge of Lake Rotoma.

From 579 State Highway 30, the boundary travels north east along the edge of the Lake Rotoma Scenic Reserve and Mangaone Scenic Reserve, to the rear of 437 Matahi Road (this address is included in the zone). From here the boundary leaves the reserve edge and proceeds north east, around (and including) addresses on Matahi Road and Manawahe Road, to 1847 Manawahe Road (this address is included in the zone).

From 1847 Manawahe Road the boundary crosses the road to capture 1830 Manawahe Road, then travels back toward Rotorua, around even numbered addresses, to 1908 Manawahe Road. From 1908 Manawahe Road, the boundary travels directly north west to 1341 Rotoehu Road (this address is included in the zone) and then west to 1315 Pongakawa Bush Road (this address is included in the zone).

From 1315 Pongakawa Bush Road, the boundary travels south, along the centre of Pongakawa Bush Road to the intersection with Pugh Road, then continues behind addresses on the northern side of Pugh Road, to the intersection with Mantiatutu Road.

From this intersection the boundary continues west to the rest area on State Highway 33, which is located north of 1465 State Highway 33 (this address is included in the zone), and then north west to the Kaituna River.

The boundary then travels south west, behind (and including addresses on Troutpool Road) to the shore of Lake Rotorua opposite 1031 Hamurana Road (this address is excluded from the zone)

Prospective students who have a sibling enrolled at the school on 1 January 2023 will be treated as in zone students for enrolment purposes.

The enrolment of out of zone students is governed by the provisions of the Education and Training Act 2020.

The enrolment scheme, which includes a precise description of the home zone, may be viewed at the school office, where copies of the scheme are also available.

Rotorua Lakes High School Board of Trustees Tēnā koutou katoa

As you are aware, The Board of Trustees has been working to conduct a full and comprehensive review of all current school policies. The board’s role is to be proactive in our decision making and responsive in times of change. The ability to ensure effective relationships, set long term vision, create and review enabling policy (in line with legislation as well as community aspirations), and monitor and review school performance, are key indicators of effective governance.

To address this and bring the policies we operate under more in line with today’s expectations we sought help from New Zealand School Trustee’s Association (NZSTA) for guidance and direction. After consulting with advisors at NZSTA and discussing at length as a Board, we have agreed to adopt the NZSTA Governance Framework as a guideline. This framework is offered by NZSTA as a tool to all school boards to help shape their own policy framework, we were impressed by how comprehensive the policies were and how accurately they reflect all 2020 legislative changes. The Board believes that in undertaking to adopt this we will be better placed to achieve an effective governance approach for Rotorua Lakes High School staff, students, community and whanau.

The Framework offers us access to essential policies that the school does not currently have, as well as opportunities to adapt many of our current policies and processes to fit with the recommended policies in the Framework. It also ensures that we are legislatively compliant. We are now in a position where these can be shared


with you, our school community. We will have a 2 week consultation. However, this will always be considered a ‘working document’ and will always be open to change and suggestions.

To view the proposed new policies, please click on this link: Ifhttps://www.rotorualakes.school.nz/policies/youhaveanyquestionsorconcerns,please

do not hesitate to get in touch with either myself, or our Principal Jon Ward at these email addresses: boardchair@rotorualakes.school.nz; wardj@rotorualakes.school.nz

We look forward to hearing from you.

Nāku, nā Todd PresidingCheesmanMember, Rotorua Lakes High School, Board of Trustees


We are currently taking enrolments for 2023. Enrolments forms are available from our school website https://www.rotorualakes.school.nz/ and from our office which re opens on Monday 17 October 2022 The deadline for enrolment at Rotorua Lakes High School is: 1 November 2022.

We have a number of items in lost property. Please check at student reception. Items will be re sold or given to charity if not collected by the end of term 4

The following assessments have been set down. There may be times when, due to unforeseen circumstances, changes will need to occur. This will be done in consultation with the class(es) concerned.

__________________________________________________________________________________ LOST PROPERTY
TERM 4 BUS PASSES Juniors $210 Seniors Payable$105atstudent reception and online by end of week one. ASSESSMENTS
Level Subject Standard Date 1 PE 90968 Tuesday 27 September 3 Tourism 18211 Tuesday 27 September 2 Maths 91268 Wednesday 28 September Thursday 29 September 3 Geography 91431 Thursday 29 September 2 Geography 91245 Thursday 29 September 1 Geography 91011 Friday 30 September 2 Legal Studies 27848 Friday 30 September 2 English 91105 Friday 30 September** 1 Maths (10S3) 91029 Tuesday 27 November NGA KORERO MAI I A TATOU KAIAKO NEWS FROM OUR TEACHERS

**The due date for Ms McKeagg's Year 12 English Research Internal Assessment (4 reading credits) is the last day of term. Students will be writing their reports in class time and homework time until the date. Research exercise books, with completed Research Reports, printed out and included in the books, must be handed in on or before the due date. Failure to submit the book and report on or before the due day will mean that the work is not marked.


Portfolios for all Senior Visual Art subjects are due early in Term 4

Please see the following dates below. These dates are final, with no resubmissions available, as Portfolios are external assessments. All Portfolios are due by 8.45 am, or the afternoon before, and should be handed to the subject teacher:

Level 1 AS Paint90916and Print, Mixed Media and Photography

Due date: 19th October 8.30 am ( week 1 term 4)

Level 2

Photography AS 91322, Painting AS 91321, Design AS 91320

Due date: 26th October 8.30 am ( week 2 term 4)

Level 3

Photography AS 91457 , Painting AS 91456, Design AS 91455

Due date: approximately end of week 2 term 4. (class teachers will advise closer to the time via email as exact due dates depend on printing accessibility.)


Interhouse is Wednesday 28 September 2022. This is a fun day for students to compete in two activities each, against students from other houses. There are a range of activities to choose from on the day (sporty and not!). Students need to come to school in House coloured mufti. The afternoon session will be organised by House Captains. Come and celebrate the end of term with some fun activities, this is worth House points so get involved!

If the weather is forecast to be wet, a decision will be made on Monday to cancel and this message will be communicated on our school Facebook page.


A massive thankyou to all the parents and caregivers who have made a huge effort to get our students to our practical exam classes this week.

On Wednesday a number of Visual Art students spent the day gaining heaps of credits toward NCEA level 1.

A huge thankyou to Mrs

Anaru year 11 Dean and Miss Chow and her students in Paint and Print . So many students came to school and have gained lots of credits … we very are proud of you!!



Students should be logging into their area on the NZQA site ( www.nzqa.govt.nz) regularly to check their entries for externals, current results and how they link to Pathways and also, they can see their personalised exam timetable. All they need is their NSN ( this is on all the tracking reports and can be accessed through the KAMAR and Schoolpoint portals). We strongly encourage students to do this often!


The 2022 Examination Timetable for current NCEA standards and New Zealand Scholarship will run from: Monday 14 November to Tuesday 6 December 2022.


A great day of science learning out in the real world! Thanks so much to the team at Scion for the tours through the science and nursery areas, and to Redwoods Treewalk also. Observational drawing, oral recounts of local history and a scavenger hunt as well as some skipping team building challenges. Great day with a great bunch of kids from 9 Kowhai. Thanks to Mrs Hodge and Miss Smets


Eastside Community Clean up days is an initiative that has been championed by Tatau Pounamu.

As part of this strategy, the marketing material of the Reduce Reuse Recycle programme was taken on by our Environment Prefects. The Prefects, steered by Alana Wilkinson, are proactive and committed to taiao


been produced by the Environment group and the RLC has committed to printing 4400 copies of the kerbside flyer to be distributed with the Inside Eastside newsletter. Tatua Pounamu will also promote the alternative recycling poster.

Well done to all our Environment Prefects



Huge congratulations to our Year 12 student, Marco Smit for getting into the Bay of Plenty 2022 under 16 Boys Squad for rugby. Fantastic achievement!


Last weekend we had 3 students competing at the BOP Regional Swimming Champs at Baywave; Samuel Trass, Leonard Rankin and Kate Staunton who came away with some outstanding results.

Kate swam some fantastic races in the 13 14 yr age group gaining a number of personal bests against some really tough competition. She was an outstanding 5th in the 200m backstroke.

Leonard also in the 13 14 yr age group has gone from strength to strength this year and was top 10 in all his events, looking particularly good with 4th placings in 200 and 100 Individual Medley and 50 backstroke and bronze medals in the 200 back and 50 Fly. ANGITU A NGA AKONGA/STUDENT SUCCESSES


Samuel rounded out the group swimming in the 15 16 yr age group. Samuel medalled in all his events, coming away with Gold in the 50 and 100 Back, silver in the 50 Free and bronze in the 50 Fly.

Fantastic results for all

Thanks to Swim Rotorua for the excellent support and coaching these swimmers are getting


Paradox Blue had a wonderful opportunity to record their original compositions from Smokefree Rockquest at Panui Studio in Rotorua on Sunday. They have come away with a studio produced track of their song “Virus” which got them to the Bay of Plenty regional finals this year. ����

Huge THANK YOU to Marcus Kaisserian owner of Panui Studio for this amazing opportunity and supporting our tamariki.

Marcus Kaisserian - owner of Panui Studio

From the left: Dane Napier drums, Kobe Smith guitar, Lauren Thompson vocals, Dylan Fouracre bass


13 Phone: 07- 345 6124 Email: office@rotorualakes.school.nzwww.rotorualakes.school.nz PANUI/PUBLIC NOTICES

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