Rotorua Lakes High School “Mauria te pono - Keep steadfastly to the truth”
CHALKBOARD From the Principal – P. 1 News – P. 2 - 5 Dept News – P. 5 - 6 Sports – P. 7 Careers/Gateway - P. 7 - 8 Notice Board – P. 9 Contact Us – P. 9 Our Sponsors – P. 9
Kia ora Koutou, The first week back at school after the break has been incredibly busy but the highlight of the week is still to come! The school ball (the event of the season) is being held on Saturday evening at the Blue Baths. I know that this has been looked forward to with anticipation for a long period of time and I am looking forward to seeing all our students in their finery and enjoying the night. Term 3 is a busy term for our school, a key building block for academic success, as well as an opportunity for us to shout about the great environment that our school offers for students and community. Coming up soon we have our road shows going out to our feeder schools to give them a taste of what our school is about; we have the Open Day were students interested in enrolling come in and participate in various activities across our entire curriculum. We also have our Subject Choice evening for students and whanau where our Teachers in Charge will be available to talk about what their department offers. This is a really important event to ensure that students have all the information needed to make the best choice for their future pathways. Following on from that, one of the key dates for parents to note is our Open Night on 6 August from 4 – 6 pm. We cordially invite all members of our community to this event to have a look around, engage with some of our students and staff and enjoy our hospitality for this period of time. Please put this date in your diary, and pass on to anyone you think may be interested in enrolling, we would love to see you here. Hope to see you all soon, have a great weekend. Nga mihi,
Jon Ward Principal / Tumuaki
NEWS ___________________________________________________________________________ OPEN DAY – ROSTERING HOME OF YEARS 10, 11, 12 AND 13 TUESDAY 4 AUGUST – ALL DAY All staff are involved in this important school event to demonstrate what our school offers. Only Year 9 students attend on this day, Years 10, 11, 12 and 13 students have a study day at home. All buses run as normal. ___________________________________________________________________________ OPEN EVENING THURSDAY 6 AUGUST 4 – 6 PM DC PRICE AUDITORIUM An invitation is extended to parents and students interested in enrolling in 2021. Meet our teachers, enjoy a tour of our school and obtain info about the school and the programmes / courses we offer.
___________________________________________________________________________ SUBJECT CHOICE FOR 2021 During the first two weeks of Term 3 senior students will be making choices about subjects next year. There is a subject evening for students and whanau on Wednesday 29 July 4 - 6pm. Head of Departments and Teachers in Charge will be available to talk about what their department offers. Students have been issued with a guide to help in this process. The school’s curriculum guide is also on schoolpoint, with details on what subjects offer. To access our Subject Choice Advice booklet please click on this link
content/uploads/2020/06/Subject-Choice-Advice-2020.pdf We will be using schoolpoint (the same one we used for parent interviews) for students to select their subjects. This will not be turned on until the day of the open evening Wednesday 29 July to encourage the students to have conversations about their choice. Students will be able to make their selections after planning their course and talking with their teachers and whanau. We ask that parents "OK" their child's choices through their login to school point (instructions below). HOD's will then confirm the student has made the prerequisites or is likely to make the prerequisites of the course they have chosen. At the option evening we will have some devices available for families to use. If you need any help logging into or using schoolpoint please contact Mrs Allen or 345 6124 ext 221.
How to approve your child’s courses: 1. 2. 3. 4.
Log into SchoolPoint Navigate to "My Courses" in the left hand navigation You will see the subjects your child has chosen. The information button gives you more details about the subject This is where you approve each subject choice your child has made
___________________________________________________________________________ CHARTER BUS All Charter Bus students must have purchased their bus passes by Friday 31 JULY 2020. A term pass costs A 10 ride pass costs
$30.00 Payable at student reception ___________________________________________________________________________ 2
NATIONAL FOUNDATION FOR DEAF & HARD OF HEARING The National Foundation for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing is conducting a study of all year 9 students. "Risk of non-occupational Noise Induced Hearing Loss (NIHL) in New Zealand adolescents". The team will be here during the first week of August (Monday 3rd - Friday 7th), conducting the hearing screening for year 9 students. Consent forms are being sent out this week including further information about the study. We would appreciate it if you could sign the consent form and send back to us if you feel comfortable with the screening process. If you have any further questions / queries, please contact Nurse Rach:, Text 021 089 94100, Call: 345 6124 Ext 264 or direct dial 3459502
BRIEF LOOK – TERM 3 2020 29 July 4 August 4 August 6 August 10 August 27 August – 1 Sep 11 September 16 September 18 September 25 September HOLIDAYS Monday 12 Oct
Subject Info Evening 4 pm – 6 pm Open Day (yr 9 attend. Yr 10, 11, 12 & 13 - study day) Closing Subject Choice Open Night (for students and parents interested in 2021 enrolment / information) Teacher Only Day Senior Prelim Exams Reports Issued Report Evening – 3.30 pm – 6pm Student Elections to the Board of Trustees LAST DAY OF TERM 3 Mon 28 September – Sun 11 October FIRST DAY OF TERM 4 3
___________________________________________________________________________ ASSESSMENTS The following assessments have been set down. There may be times where, due to unforeseen circumstances, changes will need to occur. This will be done in consultation with the class(es) concerned. Level 1 2 3
Subject Drama Drama Drama
3 2 1 3 1 2 1 1 2 3
Music Painting PE Science Painting Physics Biology Chemistry Digital Technology Digital Technology Research a Music topic
Standard 90997, 90999 91214, 91216 91512, 91513, 91515 91425 91311, 91316 90968, US470 91446, 91451 90935 91153 90930 91880 91883 91425
Date Week 1 & 2 Week 1 & 2 Week 1 & 2 Week 1 Term 3 31 July 31 July (trip to adrenalin forest 9am – 3 pm) 3 August Week 3 Week 4 Week 8 4 August 21 August 31 July
FROM OUR DEPARTMENTS ___________________________________________________________________________ SOCIAL SCIENCES NAME CHANGE We would like to advise that the ‘Social Sciences’ will now be called the Humanities Department. This reflects the diverse nature of the department with a wide range of subject specialist teachers. Over the years there has been a misconception that Social Science is just Social Studies when we offer so much more! Another reason for the change is to align with University Prospectus/Brochures where our subjects are listed under the ‘Humanities’. Below is an overview of our diverse department; History* History is the study of people and events over time. We study History in order to understand our past, our present and to make good choices for our future. Classical studies* Classical studies is the study of the people, places, and events of the classical world and how they influence the modern world. Classical studies is an interdisciplinary subject: students engage with literature, languages, art, history, science, technology, religion, and philosophy. Legal Studies In this subject we study how laws are made, why they are made and who makes them. We also study the law itself by looking at case studies and applying the law to them. Economics* Economics is the study of choice and the allocation of resources. All industries must make choices; therefore, Economics complements a wide range of subjects. Economics also looks at the impact of government choices.
Geography* 4
Geography explore how humans have understood, used, and changed the surface of Earth. It looks at the differences in cultures, political systems, economies, landscapes and environments across the world, and the links between them. Geography is unique because it links the humanities with the three sciences. Tourism Tourism is one of the largest export earners in New Zealand This course is especially important for students studying and planning to work in this exciting industry in Rotorua. You learn how important tourism is, nationally and internationally! * University Entrance Subjects
___________________________________________________________________________ ISIDORA GONZALEZ DIAZ NOMINATED FOR ROTORUA YOUTH AWARD
Year 12 student Isidora is a very talented artist who has been rewarded with a nomination in the Rotorua Youth Awards in the most amazing artist category. Isidora is passionate about the environment, and this can be seen in her paintings this year. Congratulations Isidora.
___________________________________________________________________________ LYNMORE PRIMARY SCHOOL Lynmore Primary School requires Yr13 student helpers to marshal at their Cross Country event on Thursday 13th August 10.25am-12.25pm. To be involved in this, students must have their period 2 and 3 teachers sign that they are allowed to be out of class, and have parent permission to be out of school. Year 13 students, please collect a permission slip letter from Mrs Hodge and have it handed back in by Thursday 30th July. This looks good as your community service on university applications. But if you have assessments or need to be in class that must take priority.
___________________________________________________________________________ LAKES HIGH FITNESS SESSIONS Join us for our new Lakes High Fitness Sessions: When: Every Monday & Wednesday Time: 5.30 pm to 6.30 pm Where: RLHS Gymnasium Trainer: Senila Savage Details: These sessions use your own body weight with a focus on functional strength and endurance. All money raised from community participation goes towards our students to support them with sports gear, sports uniform, fitness equipment for the school and support for team fundraising. What to bring: Comfortable active wear, non-marking shoes, water bottle, towel, and an open and positive attitude to push yourself! ALL WELCOME – WE LOOK FORWARD TO SEEING YOU đ&#x;˜Š
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GIRLS GET GOING! by Isidora Gonzalez Diaz During the holidays we had a test run for a cycling activity run by Happy Ewe Cycle Tours for our 3G’s group. 3G’s (Girls Get Going group) is about encouraging junior girls to participate in more physical activity, make friends and get involved within the school. We meet during school hours and have also started to test outside-of-school activities, such as this one. Our senior leaders of the group had the opportunity to cycle around Rotorua and were given the tour by a super friendly tour guide, Rodger. As we cycled, we made stops to learn about the history of our town. This opportunity was organised with the help of Lizzy Gaston, who is a Sport Bay of Plenty Community Sport Advisor and Recreation Connector. It was a super fun activity and we would definitely do it again.
___________________________________________________________________________ LUNCH ORDERS IS COMING TO OUR SCHOOL THIS MONDAY! Rest easy knowing that your child’s nutritious lunch is sorted with Lunch Orders. đ&#x;˜Š
___________________________________________________________________________ KICKSTART BREAKFAST KickStart Breakfast, is a community partnership initiative with Fonterra, the Government and Sanitarium where they provide free kai for schools across Aotearoa. Lakes have been accepted as a participating school starting in Term 3. We were recently offered the opportunity to receive free bread with support from the Whakaora Trust, and because of this we have started up a daily. Breakfast Club offering toast and a hot drink each morning in the Auditorium. Now that we have the availability of the KickStart Breakfast for Term 3 we will be able to offer a more substantial breakfast. Lakes provides the hot drink and the spreads but the other products are all kindly donated. The Auditorium is a great place to run this from as it has a kitchen, with a dishwasher and there are tables and plenty of chairs available as well as storage space.
We are looking for volunteers who could help with serving a breakfast of weetbix, toast and a hot drink to students. Please contact Liandra Allen 3456124 ext 221
SPORTS ___________________________________________________________________________ GIRLS HOCKEY The Girls’ 1st X1 played Tauhara on Tuesday. Unfortunately, we lost 2-0. We had some good play by our new players who shone through in this game. There were lots of gains and the team is improving. Player of the day was Yesza Pagtolon-An. Keep going girls! Next week’s game is in Taupo - bus will leave at 3.30 with the game at 5.30pm.
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BOYS 1ST X1 HOCKEY On a cold and very windy night the Boys faced RBHS 2nds. Again, the game started strong with 2 goals in short succession by Jamaal Abdul Rahman and Cody Managh. This dominance was showed throughout the game with many periods of solid team work and structure to end out the game with a 6-0 win. Further goals by Tama Te Whau and Cody Managh (another 3). Great thanks to our whanau supporters who rugged up and joined us on the sideline. Player of the Day Jamaal Abdul Rahman.
Games next week: 28/7 Girls 1stX1 travel to Taupo for a 5.45pm game 30/7 Boys 1st X1 travel to Taupo for a 5.45pm game, leaving school at 4pm 30/7 Lakes 2nd X1 play in Rotorua at 4.30, be at the turf ready to play by 4.
We will be running a Scaffolding Course this term (dates to be advised) If you are interested in the building construction pathway, this would be great NZQA unit standards to have on your CV. This course is 2 days here at school - 14 Level 3 credits. This course covers knowledge of erection and dismantling of scaffolding up to five metres in height. Very limited numbers available for this course. Be Quick!
Come and see me in the Gateway office if you are interested. Mrs Eva Hingston Tel: 07- 345 6124 Ext 258
Lakes DHB Health Career Seminars 2020 Thursday 30 July (Boardroom) 10:30am-12:00pm - Nursing 1:00pm-2:30pm – Physiotherapy/Occupational Therapy Tuesday 4 August (Boardroom) 10:30am-12:00pm – Mental Health Nursing 1:00pm-2:30pm - Radiology Thursday 6 August (Boardroom) 10:30am-12:00pm - Psychology 1:00pm-2:30pm - Dental Tuesday 11 August (Boardroom) 10:30am-12:00pm – Medicine – yet to be confirmed 1:00pm-2:30pm – Midwifery Please see Mrs Walker in the library for a permission slip and to register. Sessions are being held at Rotorua Hospital
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Ngā Karahipi Uru Rākau – Forestry Scholarships Te Uru Rākau Forestry Scholarships aim to increase the number of highly-trained Māori and women entering the forestry sector About the forestry scholarships - Te Uru Rākau is offering 8 forestry scholarships for students who: • • • •
begin study in the 2021 academic year enrol in a Bachelor of Forestry Science or Bachelor of Engineering (Hons) with a major in forest engineering. The scholarships aim to increase the number and diversity of people studying forestry, particularly Māori and women. This is to ensure we have highly-trained people entering the forestry sector. The scholarship scheme has been running since 2018 and has awarded 14 scholarships to date.
What you receive If you are granted a scholarship you will receive: • • •
$8,000 a year for 4 years (the length of your chosen degree) to help with your tuition fees and living costs a 4 to 10 week paid internship each year with Te Uru Rākau or an appropriate forestry sector employer. Continuation of your scholarship and internship depends on your successful completion each year.
Check if you are eligible to apply To apply for a scholarship you must be: • • •
enrolling in a Bachelor of Forestry Science or Bachelor of Engineering (Hons) with a major in forest engineering of Māori descent or identify as female a New Zealand citizen or permanent resident
Applications close on 15 August 2020 Click here for all the details - Scholarship ___________________________________________________________________________
KEY DATES FOR YOUR CAREER The following UNIVERSITIES will come in / virtually talk to interested students on these dates: Uni Halls of Residence Applications open
Sat 1st August
Dunedin On-Campus Open Day
Monday 10th August 9 – 3.30 pm
Victoria Uni Course Planning Visit
Tues 11th August – 1.30 pm in L1
Otago Uni Course Planning Visit
Thurs 13th August in L1
Waikato Uni Course Planning Visit
Wed 19th August in L1
Victoria Uni Open Day
Fri 21st August
Canterbury Uni Course Planning
Mon 7th September – 1.30 pm in L1
Halls of Residence CCRF forms due
Mon 15th September
Contact the Careers Department for further info: Barbara Walker 3456124 x 235
The 2020 PwC Scholarship Programme is now open for applications! Students can apply using the following link: You can find more information regarding the PwC Scholarship programme - Here
___________________________________________________________________________ University Scholarships for Year 13 Students MoneyHub, a consumer finance website, has updated its directory of hundreds of scholarships for any student planning to start university in 2021. The comprehensive list includes scholarships offered by every university as well as those specifically available to local students. A list of privately-funded, Maori, Pacific and International university scholarships completes the list. Applications close throughout the year, with tens of millions of dollars available. MoneyHub has also published a list of tips for scholarship success. For more details and to find suitable scholarships, visit
CONTACT US we are here to Phone: 07-345 6124 Email: help Web: ___________________________________________________________________________
Thank you to our Sponsor 9